Unable to read information of application in app store. Still can download but unable to read the application infor before downloading

Please help, unable to read information of application in app store. Still can download but unable to read the application infor before downloading.
I'm using iphone4, ios 6

Yes it sounds like your application could be corrupt.
First I would make sure you don't have a program like backup software or virus protection trying to read the files when you try to start the application. If not,
Do you have any backups or data exports? If so, I would try to restore them for the application
If you do what EsbHelper suggests, you will have to recreate the database. I think he is missing a few steps.
If you are going to try to recreate the application, you need to copy your outline rules files calc scripts and report scritps (.otl, CSC, REP and rul files) to s saved directory.
If you delete the directory using the file system, you orphan things in the security file. It's better to try to do it from EAS.
Once it has been deleted, and recreated from EAS, then copy back in the objects. You will have everything but data and security. those will have to be recreated.
As aI said first, the best way to do this is from some sort of backup. othersiwe it can get a bit messy

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