Unable to run youtube videos

i upgraded my safari recently and i am unable to view all youtube videos. it says an error has occurred, please try again later..

If you are running 10.5.3 as your forum profile indicates, you need to update your system software to 10.5.8. Go here and install the v10.5.8 Combo Update
YouTube streams video content with Flash. Try uninstalling then reinstalling your Flash Player plugin.
Uninstall Flash
Install Flash
Then Repair Disk Permissions
Quit any open applications/programs. Launch Disk Utility. (Applications/Utilities) Select MacintoshHD in the panel on the left, select the FirstAid tab. Click: Repair Disk Permissions. When it's finished from the Menu Bar, Quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac. If you see a long list of "messages" in the permissions window, it's ok. That can be ignored. As long as you see, "Permissions Repair Complete" when it's finished... you're done. Quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac.

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    Alternatively, you can use an autoloader to reload the software.
    You can download it here for the same os:
    Note that using this will also wipe all data from the phone.
    How to use?
    1) download it and extract it
    2) connect the device to a pc
    3) run the Exe file, it will automatically wipe and load the os in

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    Hi, first of all Thank you for your instant response.
    Yes, I have updated to version 33, Now the problem is not as random as it was before. I found that I have absolutely no issues when I use FF for the first time after starting my computer. At this point there is no issue at all I can watch videos when both logged-in/logged-out and also they work perectly if I switch between flash and HTML5.
    But as soon as I restart Firefox I cannot watch the videos at all. No matter if I am logged in/logged out, I did try HTML5 but still it didn't work. The error message was same in all the cases "An error occurred, please try again later".
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    Try this first.
    Reboot the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.
    And then try this.
    Go to Settings>Safari>Clear History, Cookies and Data. Restart the iPad. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    And ... Are you using the mobile YouTube website?

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    Can you please tell us which notebook model do you have and which operating system do you use?
    Do you use original OS version that you got with your machine or some own OS installation?

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    Have you tried reinstalling the update? 
    Please connect your device to Nokia Suite and reinstall the current firmware from the updates tab. If that does not do the trick, please fully back up your data (Tools > Back up). And hard reset device: type *#7370# on the keypad. Default lock code is 12345. 
    Feel free to let us know how you get on and post other questions in the relevant boards. 
    Press the 'Accept Solution' icon if I have solved your problem, Kudos my post if my advice has helped you!

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    I hv just discovered my G5 OSX 10.4.11 with updated Safari4.0.5 will not work with Flash Player.
    Of course it will or these forums would be full of users screaming that Flash no longer works with Tiger!
    The latest version of Adobe FlashPlayer can be obtained from here:
    (You can check here: http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/about/ to see which version you should install for your Mac and OS.
    You should first uninstall any previous version of Flash Player, using the uninstaller from here (make sure you use the correct one!):
    and also that you follow the instructions closely, such as closing ALL applications first before installing. You must also carry out a permission repair after installing anything from Adobe.

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    Hi, first of all Thank you for your instant response.
    Yes, I have updated to version 33, Now the problem is not as random as it was before. I found that I have absolutely no issues when I use FF for the first time after starting my computer. At this point there is no issue at all I can watch videos when both logged-in/logged-out and also they work perectly if I switch between flash and HTML5.
    But as soon as I restart Firefox I cannot watch the videos at all. No matter if I am logged in/logged out, I did try HTML5 but still it didn't work. The error message was same in all the cases "An error occurred, please try again later".
    We are secured by "Cyberoam" so I don't have access to proxy sites.
    By the way these observations are for Windows 7.

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    Try updating Firefox if this fails check flash then try uninstalling and reinstaling both Firefox first using Firefox sync to backup favorites etc first then if this fails try display apt-get update Firefox if this doesn't work then the month upgrade is conflicting with firefox

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    Also, although the 'iPOD Features Guide' (page 33)states that opening iTUNES and selecting iPOD in the source list, you can then update videos, I do not have 'iPOD' in the source list - So am unable to click 'options button' or 'Videos'.
    Can anyone help?

    If your iPod doesn't show up in Windows Explorer either, have a look at: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=61711
    If it does appear in Windows Explorer, see: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=93716

  • Unable to play youtube videos - using proxy (squid)

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    My basic network configuration is:
    *I am analyzing logfiles from the proxy and the pix, and I have network traces from the proxy.
    There are 2 issues so far with proxy access from the youtube application on the fw v2.2 ipod touch. After hitting the first issue, I made a call to tech support who pointed me to an older apple discussion thread about a similar issue which indicated the problem could be fixed by "reconfiguring the proxy server", but no details were given in that discussion thread about exactly what needed to be 'reconfigured'. I believe have figured out what was going wrong, and I document it as issue 1 below in case anyone else runs into it.
    Issue 1 (which I managed to get solved) is that the youtube application sends a 'Host:' header pointing to gdata.youtube.com, but the requested url is actually iphone-wu.apple.com. Squid rewrites the 'host' header to iphone-wu.apple.com, and the target server fails the request with a 404. A solution (for squid) is to use a redirector to rewrite these url's to actually go to gdata.youtube.com and to set the 'urlrewrite_hostheader off' value.
    Unfortunately, resolving issue #1 was not sufficient to get youtube off the launch pad:
    Issue 2 (which seems unsolveable at the moment) is that the youtube application is ignoring proxy settings for some of its content requests. In addition to the proxy requirement, I have egress firewalling and logging set up. I observe the youtube application asking for many url's via the proxy and then I observe the egress firewall deny an attempt at a direct access to port 80 on an external server BYPASSING the proxy settings. Without opening up the egress firewall rules (and thereby disable requirement for a proxy), this makes the youtube application inoperative.
    If anyone has some insight on how I can get this working, I'd appreciate it. I will attempt another support call tomorrow with my logfiles in hand...

    Thanks for posting! -- I'm glad the info is helpful to you. There is more that I have been deliberately keeping quiet about while trying to work through a support call that was logged 27-dec-08. Without going into a lot of detail, the support call is still open, and I'm still working on getting a resolution from apple engineering. I hope that by providing this information, my support call doesn't get terminated as having been "solved" - which it most definitely has not been. It is my belief that only a firmware update will fix this.
    (And as an aside ... I've spoken with three or four support reps at apple, and all have been very nice and have tried to help out! I've been quite pleased with the front end to their support org. I just really want to hear that someone has LOOKED at the code and found the error and it will be fixed in a future update!)
    A work-around for the youtube and itunes applet failures is to set your squid up as a transparent proxy. That way, the network accesses that these applets make that attempt to bypass the proxy are hidden and the applets "work".
    I would most certainly appreciate any further corroboration of this misbehavior -- more than one site being able to demonstrate these applets bypassing the proxy would be quite helpful.
    (Note also that the lastest firmware 2.2.1 also exhibits this issue)

  • Unable to view youtube videos

    Unable to view streaming videos..will not load at all

    download adops flash player
    then you can view youtube videos

  • Unable to see Youtube videos after upgrade to SL

    Hi All,
    After upgrading my MacBook Pro to SL from a recently installed and very clean (and updated just 2 days ago) Leopard system, I suddenly cannot watch any youtube videos at youtube.com
    Where the video should be it is all pitch black.
    Right clicking says "Movie not loaded..." followed by "About Adobe Flash Player 10" in the next line.
    However I can watch youtube videos embedded at other sites (reddit.com) as well as when I press the top right button (windows mode) at youtube.com.
    I do not use anything weird and have not seen any errors in console related to Safari.
    I do not get this problem on my iMac which has been upgraded to SL as well without any issues!
    Any ideas?
    Message was edited by: Vano21

    If the issue is limited to your user account try starting up Safe Mode (It will take more time to startup in Safe Mode because it runs a directory check.)
    If your apps functions correctly that way, go to System Preferences >> Accounts >> Login Items, and remove them. Boot normally and test. If not go to ~(yourHome)/Library/Contextual Menu Items and move whatever is there to the desktop. Then do the same with /Library/Contextual Menu Items. Lastly, try moving ~(yourHome)/Library/Fonts to your desktop and restarting.
    Log out/in or restart, if that sorts it start putting items back one at a time until you find the culprit.

  • Unable to watch YouTube video

    I am noble to watch YouTube videos.  This is just a recent problem.  Any fixes please?

    OS X 10.8.4 Mountain Lion / Safari 6.0.5
    1. System Preferences > Other/ Flash Player > Advanced >  Delete  All
         Press the "Delete All" button
         Install Adobe Flash Player.
        Quit Safari.
        Restart computer. Relaunch Safari.
    2.  Enable Plug-ins
        Safari > Preferences > Security
        Web Content:  > "Enable Plug-ins".
        Internet Plug-ins >  "Allow all other plug-ins
    3. Check  whether you are currently  in  YouTube HTML 5 trial.
        At the bottom  left of the page  uncheck the box beside
       "You are currently in the HTML5 trial".
    4. Reset Safari.
        Click Safari in the menu bar.
        From the drop down select "Reset Safari".
        Uncheck the boxes next to all items.
        Check the box next to "Remove all website data".
        Click "Reset".
    5. Turn off Extensions, if any.
        Safari > Preferences > Extensions
         Now try YouTube.

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