Unable to save the ALV layout variant and display of selection screen on F4

Hi All,
The end user wants to directly select the layout variant (SLIS_VARI). I have used the following code to display the layout variant on selection screen. But, I am unable to save the variant on ALV. Whenever I am trying to select the layout variants (by doing F4 on selection screen) its displaying "No Layout found".
Following is the code for displaying layout variant:
PARAMETERS: p_var TYPE slis_vari.
  PERFORM f4_variant CHANGING p_var.
FORM f4_variant  CHANGING c_variant TYPE slis_vari.
  DATA: ls_variant TYPE disvariant,
            l_exit     TYPE char1.
  ls_variant-report = sy-repid.
      is_variant = ls_variant
      i_save     = 'A'
      e_exit     = l_exit
      es_variant = ls_variant
      not_found  = 2.
  IF sy-subrc = 2.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'S' NUMBER sy-msgno
            WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    IF l_exit EQ space.
      c_variant = ls_variant-variant.
ENDFORM.                    " f4_variant
and following is the code for displaying the ALV:
FORM edition_alv.
  ws_variant2 = ls_variant.
* Call ALV editor in list mode
  IF p_list = 'X'.
        i_callback_program      = ws_extract1-report
        i_callback_user_command = ws_user_command
        is_layout               = ws_layout
        it_fieldcat             = wt_fieldcat
        it_sort                 = wt_sort
        i_save                  = 'A'
        is_variant              = ws_variant2
        it_events               = wt_events[]
        t_outtab                = wt_edition.
* Call ALV editor in grid mode
        i_callback_program      = ws_extract1-report
        i_callback_user_command = ws_user_command
        it_fieldcat             = wt_fieldcat
        it_sort                 = wt_sort
        i_save                  = 'A'
        is_variant              = ws_variant2
        it_events               = wt_events[]
        t_outtab                = wt_edition.
I am not sure whats going wrong, but I am unable to save variants.
Please help.

The F4 will display you the existing layouts only. So you need to save the layout first & then execute the report again & check if you are getting F4 values for that field.
The Layout needs to get stored with variant.

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    suppose i have 10 columns in an ALV Report and i want to freeze from my 3rd column onwards so that if I scroll to right my these 3three columns can still be seen.How to do this.
    also how to display icon on selection screen.I remeber doing some copy pasting from icon table to my selection texts.
    How to acheive these two.
    Rahul Bhat.

    I hope the following links will help you,
    how to freeze columns in table
    how to freeze the selection column in the table control of the module pool.
    Freeze Column

  • Changing layout of ALV to excel and displaying the data there

    Dear All,
    My requirement is that I have to develop an ALV report, and also plot the graphs for the same.
    I need different types of graphs, so I have searched on SDN, and I found out a blg:-
    "Report with a Graph.. An Approach!"
    Here is what the person has done:-
    I developed a simple ABAP report using ALV and just dumped all my data on it.
    After this I downloaded the Standard Excel template available in the ALV.
    Defined my own worksheets in this template, wrote some macros to pick up the data from the “RawHeader” sheet, which is available by default and will contain the ALV data.
    I inserted 1 chart in this Excel template. In this chart I used the same chart type as was being used by the user for his graph. Just right clicked on the Graph area and made the changes in the source data and made it point to the sheet containing the final data.
    That’s it my job is almost done.
    After this uploaded this template back into the report output through
    the layout settings->Change Layout Tab.
    Save it as a variant and made it a default. (Do not default it if you have more than 1 user and more than 1 template…. Select the appropriate variant for the appropriate user and then display)
    Well, this also was not that easy as I had thought. I landed up into 1 trouble.
    In my report the number of columns displayed was not constant and kept changing based on the input. This fact was taken care by designing a variable field catalogue. But now I had gone past the simple ALV display and was giving the output in an Excel sheet using a pre-defined template. Well, I immediately found a solution to this with the set_frontend_fieldcatalogue method of CL_GUI_ALV_GRID class and fixed the field catalogue every time after calling the set_table_for_first_display method. This solved most of my problems, which were not many though.
    Now here are my issues:-
    I have developed the ALV report, and I have also changed the layout to excel.
    But, I am unable to get the ALV Report data in the RawHeader Sheet, which is available by default.
    Could anyone please guide me through this method??
    It is urgent.
    Points are assured for helpful answers.
    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Satya Priya,
    Do I have to create my own template, or the Standard ones available will do?
    HEre is what I do:-
    Once I get my ALV output, I goto Change LAyout->View tab.->Prefered view->Microsoft Excel.
    Here I get a list of available excel templates There are 2:-
    sap_mm.xls, and sap_om.xls
    I select one of these, and the excel spreadsheet is displayed on the ALV screen.
    But the re is another button, "Upload Document to BDS".
    Do I have to upload one of the above templated to BDS?
    And please tell me in detail, what is BDS???
    Thanks for your help, and waiting for reply,

  • Doubt in alv layout variant.

    hi experts,
    I have a requirement that my selection screen should have 'ALV LAYOUT' as one of my parameter. I am using PNPCE LDB , now my issue is I can get the layout option when f4 is press on the alv layout parameter but the respective layout is not displaying in my output.
    ex: I have  layout A and  B .
    A have only pernr and name
    b have only pernr and address
    my normal alv layout is  pernr name and address. if i choose A in my ALV LAYOUT parameter also its displaying in default layout alv same is happening for while am choosing B. I  not getting the alv output for respective layout I chosen.
    DATA: lw_variant TYPE disvariant,
       l_exit     TYPE char1.
       lw_variant-report = sy-repid.
           is_variant = lw_variant
           i_save     = 'A'
           e_exit     = l_exit
           es_variant = lw_variant
           not_found  = 2.
       IF sy-subrc = 2.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'S' NUMBER sy-msgno
         WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
         IF l_exit EQ space.
           p_layout = lw_variant-variant.
           IF NOT p_layout IS INITIAL.
             PERFORM get_w_variant.
    ENDFORM.                    " GET_VARIANT
    *&      Form  GET_W_VARIANT
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
       DATA: lw_variant TYPE disvariant.
       lw_variant-report      = sy-repid.
       lw_variant-handle      = space.
       lw_variant-log_group   = space.
       lw_variant-username    = space.
       lw_variant-variant     = p_layout.
       lw_variant-text        = space.
       lw_variant-dependvars  = space.
    ENDFORM.                    " GET_W_VARIANT
    *&      Form  ALV_DISPLAY
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    *  DATA: l_table      TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table.
    *  TRY.
    **    EXPORTING
    **      R_CONTAINER    =
    **      CONTAINER_NAME =
    *    IMPORTING
    *      R_SALV_TABLE   =  L_TABLE
    *    CHANGING
    *      T_TABLE        = GT_ALV
    *  ENDTRY.
    *   l_table->display( ).
       DATA: lw_variant TYPE disvariant.
       IWA-SELTEXT_L = 'NAME'.
       IWA-SELTEXT_L = 'DEPT'.
         i_callback_program      = 'ZTESTPRGFOR20' "Program name
         i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND'
         it_fieldcat             = i_field
    *    it_sort                 = i_sort
         i_save                  = 'X'
         is_variant              = Lw_variant
         t_outtab                 = GT_ALV                       
         program_error           = 1
         OTHERS                  = 2.
    *IF sy-subrc  0.
    *  MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    *  WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                    " ALV_DISPLAY

    hi Mohammed Quddus,
    thanks for your reply . but if you look at my code the concept are same as same as that link code.
    am getting all the things right.
    i Can able to change the layout by the button on alv and
    able to save that new layout
    the saved layout are displaying in the my parameter if I press f4. the problem is if I choose the saved layout that layout is not coming in my alv output always its showing default layout.
    if anything you find wrong in my code please let me know.

  • ALV layout variant missing in background job.

    hi guys,
    Having problem on getting the default ALV layout variant when run the job in backgorund. Please advise any correction needed in the following code.
    *&  Include           Z_MM_KBR_AGSUBCONINV_MOD2                        *
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
      SET PF-STATUS '100'.
      SET TITLEBAR '100'.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  display_data  OUTPUT
    MODULE display_data OUTPUT.
    IF sy-batch IS INITIAL. "Foreground
      IF w_container IS INITIAL.
        IF cl_gui_alv_grid=>offline( ) IS INITIAL.
    *Creating the container
          CREATE OBJECT w_container
              container_name              = c_container
              cntl_error                  = 1
              cntl_system_error           = 2
              create_error                = 3
              lifetime_error              = 4
              lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5
              OTHERS                      = 6.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    *Creating the ALV GRID
        CREATE OBJECT w_grid
            i_parent          = w_container
            i_appl_events     = c_check
            error_cntl_create = 1
            error_cntl_init   = 2
            error_cntl_link   = 3
            error_dp_create   = 4
            OTHERS            = 5.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    *Creating the ALV GRID
        CREATE OBJECT w_grid
            i_parent          = go_dock_container
            i_appl_events     = c_check
            error_cntl_create = 1
            error_cntl_init   = 2
            error_cntl_link   = 3
            error_dp_create   = 4
            OTHERS            = 5.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          WRITE:/ 'Error in grid'.
         CREATE OBJECT w_grid
          EXPORTING  i_parent = go_dock_container.
    *getting the variant option
        wa_variant-report     = sy-repid.
        wa_variant-username   = sy-uname.
        wa_layout-grid_title  = sy-title.
        wa_layout-cwidth_opt  = c_check.
        wa_layout-zebra       = c_check.
        wa_layout-no_f4       = c_check.
        wa_layout-sel_mode    = 'D'.
    *Excluding the unwanted buttons
         PERFORM exclude_toolbar_buttons.
    build field catalog.
            i_buffer_active        = c_check
            i_structure_name       = c_fcat_str
            i_bypassing_buffer     = c_check
            ct_fieldcat            = t_fieldcat
            inconsistent_interface = 1
            program_error          = 2
            OTHERS                 = 3.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                 WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
        loop at t_fieldcat into w_fieldcat.
         if w_fieldcat-FIELDNAME = 'AGING1'.
          W_FIELDCAT-NO_ZERO = 'X'.
    Generate sort critria
        PERFORM generate_sort.
    Create object of class lcl_event_receiver.
        CREATE OBJECT w_event.
    Handler for events.
       SET HANDLER w_event->handle_top_of_page       FOR w_grid.
       SET HANDLER w_event->handle_print_top_of_page FOR w_grid.
       SET HANDLER w_event->handle_print_end_of_list FOR w_grid.
        SET HANDLER w_event->handle_hotspot_click     FOR w_grid.
    *Displaying the alv
       IF NOT sy-batch IS INITIAL.
         PERFORM create_snp.
    t_data = i_final.
        CALL METHOD w_grid->set_table_for_first_display
            i_save                        = 'A'
            is_layout                     = wa_layout
            is_variant                    = wa_variant
            it_outtab                     = t_data
            it_fieldcatalog               = t_fieldcat
            invalid_parameter_combination = 1
            program_error                 = 2
            too_many_lines                = 3
            OTHERS                        = 4.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    ENDMODULE.                 " display_data  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  user_command_0100  INPUT
    MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
      DATA: lt_rows TYPE lvc_t_row,
             w_rows TYPE lvc_s_row.
      CASE sy-ucomm.
        WHEN c_back.
          LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.
        WHEN c_exit.
          LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.
        WHEN c_cancel.
          LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.
       WHEN 'BILDET'.
         CALL METHOD w_grid->get_selected_rows
             et_index_rows = lt_rows.
         CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>flush.
         IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
           READ TABLE lt_rows INTO w_rows INDEX 1.
           READ TABLE i_vbfa INTO w_vbfa INDEX w_rows-index.
           IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
             CLEAR i_zbw_br_nf4.
             LOOP AT i_zbw_br_nf3 INTO w_zbw_br_nf3 WHERE
                         refkey = w_vbfa-v_vbeln.
               APPEND w_zbw_br_nf3 TO i_zbw_br_nf4.
    call dialog screen and display new alv control
             CALL SCREEN 101 STARTING AT 10 5.
         WHEN 'NOTAF'.
         CALL METHOD w_grid->get_selected_rows
             et_index_rows = lt_rows.
         CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>flush.
         IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
           READ TABLE lt_rows INTO w_rows INDEX 1.
           READ TABLE i_zbw_br_nf3 INTO w_zbw_br_nf3 INDEX w_rows-index.
           DATA docnum LIKE j_1bdydoc-docnum.
           docnum = w_zbw_br_nf3-docnum.
           SET PARAMETER ID 'JEF' FIELD docnum.
      ENDMODULE.                 " user_command_0100  INPUT
    *&      Form  modify_col_name
         -->P_<FCAT>  text
         -->P_TEXT_H01  text
    FORM modify_col_name  USING  pwa_fcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat
                                 value(pw_text) TYPE any.
      pwa_fcat-coltext   = pw_text.
      pwa_fcat-scrtext_l = pw_text.
      pwa_fcat-scrtext_m = pw_text.
      pwa_fcat-scrtext_s = pw_text.
    ENDFORM.                    " modify_col_name
          FORM display_hotspot                                          *
    FORM display_hotspot USING pw_row_id    TYPE lvc_s_row
                               pw_column_id TYPE lvc_s_col.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS <l_data> TYPE zbrforecast.
    READ TABLE t_br_nf_acum ASSIGNING <l_data> INDEX pw_row_id-index.
    CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
    IF pw_column_id = ' '.
    ENDFORM.                    "display_hotspot
    *&      Form  generate_sort
          Genereate Sort criteria
    FORM generate_sort.
    Local variables
    DATA: wal_sort TYPE lvc_s_sort,
           wl_pos   TYPE numc2.
    wl_pos = 01.
    sort ORDER
    wal_sort-spos      = wl_pos.
    wal_sort-fieldname = c_aufnr.
    wal_sort-up        = c_check.
    APPEND wal_sort TO t_sort.
    ENDFORM.                    "generate_sort
    *&      Form  f4_variant
         <--PW_VARI  text
    FORM f4_variant CHANGING pw_vari TYPE disvariant-variant.
    wa_variant-report = sy-cprog.
          is_variant    = wa_variant
          i_save        = c_u
          es_variant    = wa_variant
          not_found     = 1
          program_error = 2
          OTHERS        = 3.
      IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
        pw_vari = wa_variant-variant.
        MESSAGE s208(00) WITH text-t04.
    ENDFORM.                    " f4_variant
    *&      Form  validate_layout
    *This subroutine is to validate the layout
    No parameters are passed to this subroutine
    FORM validate_layout.
    IF NOT p_layout IS INITIAL.
      Check Layout
       wa_variant-report   = sy-repid.
       wa_variant-username = sy-uname.
       wa_variant-variant  = p_layout.
           i_save     = c_u
           cs_variant = wa_variant
           OTHERS     = 01.
       IF NOT sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
         MESSAGE s001(00) WITH text-t06 p_layout.
      clear wa_variant.
    ENDFORM.                    " validate_layout
    *&      Form  validate_data
    FORM validate_data .
    PERFORM validate_layout.
    ENDFORM.                    " validate_data

    Before the call to method set_table_for_first_display, populate
    wa_variant-report = sy-repid.
    Best regards,

  • My computer hardware crashed, therefore, I unable to save the music that I had imported from a CD but it is on my IPOD.  How do I transfer the music to my new computer?

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    Try the shareware Phone to PC.

  • Error while creating task: The server was unable to save the form at this time. Please try again. (SharePoint 2013)

    I get the following error while saving a task inside task list:
    "The server was unable to save the form at this time. Please try again."
    I tried restarting "search service host controller".
    The server has 8 GB RAM and according to task manager, 6.67 GB is being used.
    I logged into the site with user which is the owner of the site. I tried creating tasks from client as well as the SharePoint server itself. Same error is shown in both the cases.
    How do I find information on the exact problem that is causing the error? What are possible solutions?

    Hi robikshrestha,
    This error message often shows when there is low memory that can be used, the workaround restart the “SharePoint Search Hosting Controller” service is to release some memory, and make it work. Whether restart the service release memory
    in your situation?
    Would you please check whether this issue happens all the time in task list, or happens sometimes when the memory is lower to use. If it doesn’t have a large impact, you can restart the server, check the result. have a look at the event
    log and ULS log, see whether there is related information.
    If it happens all the time, would you please use other browsers, whether the results are same? This may be caused by some add-ons in IE, like Free Download Manager I have seen.
    Qiao Wei
    TechNet Community Support

  • "Unable to save the raw conversion settings. There was a write permission error."

    I just built a new workstation for processing photos using PS CS5. I use external drives to store my images as I find it easier for backing up as well as for when I want use my laptop for sorting, etc.. I copied over all my old "Collection" files, and of course, had to "fix" them once on the new machine. Once pointed in the right direction, the collections all fill out correctly.
    When I go to process a collection though, I encounter an odd problem I can't seem to sort out. I can delete files, rename files, copy/paste to the external drives, etc.. What I can't seem to do is add Labels, Ratings, or modify RAW settings. I mean, I can use ACR to make adjustments, I just can't seem to save them.
    The system just ignores label, rating commands completely. When I try to save an ACR adjustment I get this error. "Unable to save the raw conversion settings. There was a write permission error."
    The files are NOT write protected. I'm set up as the owner of my workstation, with complete control of the system. I can't seem to find any useful information about this error because the "write permission error" seems to only be happening on installs, so that's all I can find help for.
    My system:
    Intel Core i7 970@ 3.20GHZ
    24.0 GB RAM
    64-bit OS - Windows 7 Pro
    DX58S02 Motherboard
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580

    Thanks for replying. I've been going crazy trying to fix this.
    To answer your first question; I use sidecar XMP files. If everything from my archive was shot in RAW I'd try converting to DNG and see if embedding the changes directly in a file worked. Unfortunately, a lot of my old stuff was shot in JPG, so sidecars seems to be the best choice.
    When I add labels, ratings, as well as change RAW settings on files I place on my workstations HD everything works. It's only when I try to do these things with the same files on removable drives that I run into trouble. The drives I use are Transcend 640GB StoreJet 25ms connected via USB.
    I don't think it's a UAC problem. At least, to my understanding, doesn't that control how your machine alerts you to program changes? I looked into how to change ownership, and did so, but that didn't work. Here's a link to what I mean: http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/windows-7-access-denied-permission-ownership/
    I'm stumped. I also hate the idea that I'll have to go through various folders to find images from already created collections, copy them to a new folder on my HD and then work on them. Then I'll have to put them all back... ugghhhh

  • Preflight keeps saying  "Unable to save the PDF File after post processing"

    I'm at a loss how to overcome this. Spent almost a whole day, together with another person, trying to fix it with no success!
    I use Adobe pro CC on a PC
    I usually receive pdf files from this one client who edits and formats a book in Mac Pages. Up until a few days ago I had no problems converting the client's pdfs into pdf/x3, but the last three versions of the latest file have stumped me.
    Just to test, I first just tried to convert the file (33MB), unchanged, to pdf/x3 using the save as other option - message reads  "the document has been saved, however, it could not be converted according to the selected standard profile: convert to PDF/X. Please use preflight with the profile "Convert to PDF/X" in order to identify those properties of the document which prevent it from being compliant to this profile"
    if I then choose under Profiles - convert to PDF/X3 - it says no problems found, and appears to have saved the file. If I try to save again as a pdf/x3, just to make sure, it then tells me it's not pdf/x3 compliant
    OK - so then I go back to preflight - and choose the standards function - then pdf/x3, then continue with the default colour profile. About halfway through the conversion, at the point of saving the file,  I get the message "unable to save the pdf file after post processing"
    So far I've had no luck figuring out what this is.
    I then choose the option of "verify compliance of ppdf/x3" - message reads "pdf/x3 version key (GTS_PDFXVersion) missing", and "Trapped key not true or false"
    Help!! How can I be sure the file converted / or not?

    Yes I was/am aware of Preflight's inability to play nicely over cloud technologies in certain cases, especially wrt Standards technologies, this will be partially addressed in an upcoming version of Preflight without saying too much.  But the same thing could theoretically have happened if the file was also located on another local network client or server.  Leaving aside the argument that this may violate the Acrobat User Agreement - since purchasing the software, the user agrees to employ its functionality on a single host system and precludes host-client-based scenarios - this simply is not a supported use, meaning the user may not have expectations that it will work at all, if the applications requirements are not observed.  There do exist server-solutions for Preflight files within networks, but Acrobat and by extension Acrobat Preflight is not one of those solutions, and (still) belongs in the single host-based desktop environment.
    However most (99.9%) functions within Acrobat <-> acrobat.com file exchange are supported, file syncing across multiple devices will soon be supported, but Standards compliance is still admittedly a problem at this point.  Some testing has been done using 3rd party cloud technologies starting with enterprise-based solutions, such as Office 365, and this will continue to ramp up to include other 3rd party products.
    As for the second point, Preflight will usually change the PDF version to be complaint, are you saying that it was unable to do so in this case?  It seems that this error should have popped up during the normal Preflight conversion attempt.  Personally I think solving a workflow problem using the print path is a little bit of a heavy-handed approach, but if helped and the results are acceptable, then that is good.  Since that path is non-existent on a Mac, as one needs to Save as Adobe PDF from the Print dialog's PDF drop-down menu, I am assuming your workflow involved file creation on a Mac, then further processing on Windows using the PDF printer.  I am wondering if a simple resave/Save As... to PDF with overwrite on a Mac, or Preflighting the file using a PDF version compatibility profile before the PDF/X conversion would have helped.  Since there are such a multitude of methods that a PDF can be created, there are also many ways within Acrobat that a user can shape the file to be compatible with the expected workflow, ie, 'many ways to skin a cat', without being morbid.

  • Want to save the alv output in local file

    i want to save the alv output to local file throuh menu.
    in out put
    using oops alv

    I get the following dump when i try to download alv output to local file.Please suggest what is to be done:-
    Runtime Errors         PERFORM_NOT_FOUND            
    Except.                CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_FORM  
    Date and Time          09/23/2008 22:09:28          
    Error analysis                                                                     
        An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.                       
        The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_FORM', was   
         not caught in                                                                 
        procedure "METHOD_PRINT_TOP_OF_PAGE" "(FORM)", nor was it propagated by a      
         RAISING clause.                                                               
        Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the          
        exception would occur, the current program is terminated.                      
        The reason for the exception is:                                               
        The program "SAPLSLVC_FULLSCREEN" is meant to execute an external PERFORM,     
        namely the routine "TOP_OF_PAGE_BATCH " of the program "ZRTCLT06_ALV ", but    
        this routine does not exist.                                                   
    Line  SourceCde                                                                               
    133   endif.                                                                               
    135   export alv_form_html from abap_false                                                       
      136          to memory id 'ALV_FORM_HTML'.                                                       
    138 endform.                               " METHOD_END_OF_LIST                                  
      139 &----                     
      140 *&      Form  METHOD_PRINT_TOP_OF_PAGE                                                       
      141 &----                     
      142 *       text                                                                               
    143 ----                     
      144 *  -->  p1        text                                                                       
      145 *  <--  p2        text                                                                       
      146 ----                     
      147 form method_print_top_of_page using value(i_table_index) type syindex.                       
    149   if gt_grid-r_salv_fullscreen_adapter is bound.                                             
      150     if not gt_grid-i_callback_top_of_page is initial and                                     
      151        not i_callback_program is initial.                                                    
      152       perform (gt_grid-i_callback_top_of_page)                                               
      153         in program (i_callback_program) using i_table_index.                                 
      154     endif.                                                                               
    155   else.                                                                               
    156     if not gt_grid-i_callback_top_of_page is initial and                                     
      157        not i_callback_program is initial.                                                    
      158       perform (gt_grid-i_callback_top_of_page)                                               
      159         in program (i_callback_program).                                                     
      160     endif.                                                                               
    161   endif.                                                                               
    >>>> endform.                               " METHOD_PRINT_TOP_OF_PAGE         
    164 ----   
    165 *       FORM METHOD_PRINT_END_OF_LIST                                 *   
    166 ----   
    167 *       ........                                                      *   
    168 ----   
    169 form method_print_end_of_list.                                            
    170   if not gt_grid-i_callback_end_of_list is initial and                    
    171      not i_callback_program is initial.                                   
    172     perform (gt_grid-i_callback_end_of_list)                              
    173       in program (i_callback_program).                                    
    174   endif.                                                                  
    176 endform.                               " METHOD_PRINT_END_OF_LIST         
    177 &----  
    178 *&      Form  METHOD_DOUBLE_CLICK                                         
    179 &----  
    180 *       text                                                              
    181 ----  
    182 *  -->  p1        text

  • The server was unable to save the form at this time. Please try again - tried the trust standards...

    2013 standard sharepoint server.  Content DBs were on a Trial enterprise server and copied over to standard server. All was good on trial server.
    there are 8 sites on server, 2 of the sites cannot create or edit items, they get "The server was unable to save the form at this time. Please try again"
    googling around i tried everything. restarted search host controller, checked ram usage (8gb free), manage content types, iisresets, edit the web.config file ( add things for ram, search host, etc), no alternate access mappings, .net HTTP activation, rebooted
    server... I'm sure i missed some.
    The server is new install, all but the August HF CUs. Trial server the content DBs came from is at same level.
    It is not a server level issue as the other 6 sites are fine. its something with just 2 sites.
    kinda stuck here...

    With the USL Logs were hard to track down what was happening, though I think it was too do with /_vti_bin/client.svc/ProcessQuery.
    I did the Enable/Disable Anonymous Access on the Directory with no luck.
    Brought up Fiddler and Saw that I was getting 401 and 500 Errors on
    GET http://team.intranet.eandm.com/it/_vti_bin/client.svc/ProcessQuery HTTP/1.1
    So it had something to do with Permissions. I checked the Authentication and the sites that worked had Forms Auth Enabled, and the ones that didn't, didn't have forms Auth enabled.  Enabling it manually was no go.
    I then went though the web.config on the working and non-working sites and there were some differences.   The Authentication was Forms on the working site, Windows on the nonworking. There was many things not present. httpModules section was missing,
    Many of the Microsoft Identity /Authentication lines etc. 
    So I Basically took the web.config from the working site and copied it to the non-working site preserving the following line from the original web.config:
    <machineKey validationKey="{key}" decryptionKey="{key}" validation="{hash}" />
    After that I had Security Issues, Though I think this was Caused by the July 2014 CU making everything use the Microsoft Identity parts, where as the server I was porting form had the sites created before the July 2014 CU. (though both were at the same level)
    Even though all of the users were present in the site security, I had to Drop and re-add them to every site/and list with special Perms. 
    With the Security Fixed, I no longer received the Error "The server was unable to save the form at this time. Please try again"
    Knock on wood its all functioning fine. 

  • The server was unable to save the form at this time. Please try again

    Having created a new custom list (even with only a text field) I am unable add new items to the list - the error message is Unexpected
    response from server. The status code of response is '0'. The status text of response is ''. when in 'quick edit'.
    If I try to add or modify an item in the list by clicking 'add new item' I get "The
    server was unable to save the form at this time. Please try again."
    I have restarted the Sharepoint Search Host Controller server but to no avail. I have 24Gb RAM for this server so it's not a
    memory issue (8Gb available). I have also tried from various browsers including Chrome and Safari - still the same error message.
    This error only occurs on lists. I can edit document properties in a library and have no problems with calendar entries.
    There are no entries in the event viewer, so where do I need to begin looking to find out what is (or rather is not) happening?

    One thing I noticed in SP 2013 is that if your list has unique permissions and a user/group has permissions only on that list and has limited or no access at the site level, then you run into this error: "The server was unable to save the form at this time.
    Please try again."
    This can be resolved by either giving that user/group atleast read access at the site level or in my case I had to create a new permission set (since we cant update limited access permission set) which is same as limited access but with the additional permission
    of "Use Remote Interfaces  -  Use SOAP, Web DAV, the Client Object Model or SharePoint Designer interfaces to access the Web site."
    I am not sure if this is a bug or as per design, but not allowing a user who has needed permissions at the list level but limited access at site level doesnt seem right. Never ran into this issue in prior version of SharePoint. I tested and this additional
    permission doesnt seem to violate any security at site level. But implement this at your risk. No guarantees provided and not responsible for any issues with this implementation if any.

  • Help!! - "The HP Scan Application was unable to save the file to the specified location."

    New OJ6830, latest HP software installed on Win7 64 bit.
    HP Scan scans and displays the scanned pages.  But, when I try to save the file as a pdf or tiff, I get the following error message:
    "The HP Scan Application was unable to save the file to the specified location."
    BTW, I have tried running the app as Administrator and have disabled my antivirus software.
    Why won't the HP scan app save the file?  Has anyone else seen this error message?
    Is there anything else I can do, or this this just a major bug in HP scan software?

    One Idea:
    Make sure you have "San Preview" checked else the software will not accept "specified location".
    Save Scan to Specified Location
    Click the Kudos Thumbs-Up to say Thank You!
    And...Click Accept as Solution when my Answer provides a Fix or Workaround!
    I am pleased to provide assistance on behalf of HP. I do not work for HP. 
    Kind Regards,

  • Error:- The server was unable to save the form at this time. Please try again.

    I have SP 2013 intranet sites. 
    I am trying to edit the list item in site and getting the error "The server was unable to save the form at this time. Please try again."
    I read many article on this forum. to chck web.config file, to restart
    “SharePoint Search Hosting Controller” But no help.
    Still i am getting this. what could be the reason now.
    Please provide the resolution. I am trying to resolve this from last two days. 

    Normally, there's something wrong with the form responsible for editing list items. Is it customized? If not, you could use the free SharePoint Designer tool to delete the current form, create a new one (wait some time before caching issues are solved)
    and you should be good to go. If it is customized, contact the team responsible for managing it.
    Kind regards,
    Margriet Bruggeman
    Lois & Clark IT Services
    web site: http://www.loisandclark.eu
    blog: http://www.sharepointdragons.com

  • Adobe flash error: unable to save the document please try to save it to a different file name

    I am editing few fla files with my Adobe Flash Professional. Suddenly it stopped saving them and is giving me an error; unable to save the document as... please try to save it to a different file name or to a different location.
    i changed the location to save the files, but I still receive the same error.
    Is there any one who knows how to deal with this error?

    close flash.  right click its icon or start program and click "run as administrator".  save your fla. 
    if that fails: restart your computer, create a new directory on your desktop and save a test fla (eg, named test) to that new directory.  any problem?

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