Unable to View the Images in OBIEE Title view

Hi All,
I am trying to add a image in the title view of Answers interface.
I placed my image in jpeg format in the following 2 paths.
I restarted oc4j , biserver & presentation server..
But I am not able to view the image. It shows a Red X botton.
I checked my Internet explorer settingg. Everything is fine.
Please guide me.
Mehaboob Jaan

Ok here is my instanceconfig.xml file and i dont see anything called style.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<JavaHome>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_16</JavaHome>
<CredentialStorage type="file" path="C:\OracleBIData\web\config\credentialstore.xml" passphrase="secret"/>
<!-- other settings ... -->
<!-- To configure a limited set of languages to be available to users uncomment the <AllowedLanguages> tag below and choose a subset set of language tags from the list. Values must be comma separated. -->
<!-- <AllowedLanguages>cs,da,de,en,es,fi,it,ja,ko,nl,no,pt,pt-br,sv,zh,zh-tw</AllowedLanguages> -->
<!-- To configure a limited set of locales to be available to users uncomment the <AllowedLocales> tag below and choose a subset set of locale tags from the list. Values must be comma separated. -->
<!-- <AllowedLocales>cs-cz,da-dk,de-at,de-ch,de-de,de-li,de-lu,en-au,en-ca,en-cb,en-gb,en-hk,en-ie,en-jm,en-nz,en-ph,en-us,en-za,en-zw,es-ar,es-bo,es-cl,es-co,es-cr,es-do,es-ec,es-es,es-gt,es-hn,es-mx,es-ni,es-pa,es-pe,es-pr,es-py,es-sv,es-uy,es-ve,fi-fi,fr-be,fr-ca,fr-ch,fr-fr,fr-lu,fr-mc,it-ch,it-it,ja-jp,ko-kr,nl-be,nl-nl,no-no,pt-br,pt-pt,sv-fi,sv-se,zh-cn,zh-mo,zh-sg,zh-tw</AllowedLocales> -->
<!-- <Disconnected><ArchiveIbots>true</ArchiveIbots><DisconnectedDir>disconnected</DisconnectedDir></Disconnected> -->
Please let me know how to add this and where to add.

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  • Unable to view the image in Oracle Mapbuilder

    I am unable to view the image using oracle mapviewer.
    It stated that:
    No spatial data to render...
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2] Spatial Data Cache opened. Region=SDOVIS_DATA.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2]      max_cache_size=32 MB.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2] sub region sdovis_subreg_ias_spatial_jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbdev:1521:orcl created in cache.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBSRSCache] Loading SRS information from MDSYS.cs_srs (srid=8307).
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.DBSRSCache] Registering srs 8307, isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-8
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Theme definition SRID: 8307
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Bands: Red - 1 Green - 1 Blue - 1
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] [Query] select grt.IMAGE from NYP_IMAGES grt where grt.IMAGE.rasterid = ? and grt.IMAGE.rasterdatatable = ?
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] java.lang.NullPointerException
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:589)
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
         at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.ltd] Message:GeoRaster load Exception: null
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:855)
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
         at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-10
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Theme definition SRID: 8307
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] [Query] select grt.IMAGE from NYP_IMAGES grt where grt.IMAGE.rasterid = ? and grt.IMAGE.rasterdatatable = ?
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] java.lang.NullPointerException
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:589)
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
         at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.ltd] Message:GeoRaster load Exception: null
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:855)
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
         at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-12
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] GeoRaster SRID can not be 0.
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-14
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: -Infinity,-Infinity,NaN,NaN
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: SELECT rowid, tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, 'dbdev_NYP_IMAGES_render', null, 'null', -1 FROM NYP_IMAGES tb_prv
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2] Creating/replacing a geometry cache group: sdovis_subreg_ias_spatial_jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbdev:1521:orcl : NYP_IMAGES_IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT_PDT_GEOM.
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ] sql exec time: 16ms, total time loading 1 features: 78ms.
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] mbr of all themes: java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D$Double[x=-330.05,y=-206.35000000000002,w=3308.6025,h=2565.5175]
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on loading features: 78ms.
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.RE] xfm: 0.15474460805665913 0.0 0.0 -0.15474460805665913 185.0792593502091 365.0684501275084
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to render theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 16ms
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to label theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 0ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on rendering: 31ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-16
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] GeoRaster SRID can not be 0.
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] *** isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] before adjusting: minX = -1196.0304250629722, maxX=3844.532925062972 minY=-206.3499999999999, maxY=2359.1675 w=5040.563350125944, h=2565.5175
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] After adjusting: minX = 0.0, maxX=360.0 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=5040.563350125944, h=2565.5175
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.SRS] Resizing query window to be within valid bounds.
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-18
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: 0.0,-90.0,360.0,90.0
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: SELECT rowid, tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, 'dbdev_NYP_IMAGES_render', null, 'null', -1 FROM NYP_IMAGES tb_prv WHERE MDSYS.SDO_FILTER(tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 8307, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 3), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(?, ?, ?, ?)), 'querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE'
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ] sql exec time: 859ms, total time loading 1 features: 859ms.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on loading features: 859ms.
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.RE] xfm: 2.1666666666666665 0.0 0.0 -2.1666666666666665 0.0 198.5
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to render theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 16ms
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to label theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 0ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on rendering: 16ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] *** isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] before adjusting: minX = 3.173803526448353, maxX=356.82619647355165 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=353.6523929471033, h=180.0
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] After adjusting: minX = 3.173803526448353, maxX=356.82619647355165 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=353.6523929471033, h=180.0
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-20
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: 3.173803526448353,-90.0,356.82619647355165,90.0
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: SELECT rowid, tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, 'dbdev_NYP_IMAGES_render', null, 'null', -1 FROM NYP_IMAGES tb_prv WHERE MDSYS.SDO_FILTER(tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 8307, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 3), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(?, ?, ?, ?)), 'querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE'
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ] sql exec time: 0ms, total time loading 1 features: 0ms.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on loading features: 16ms.
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.RE] xfm: 2.2055555555555553 0.0 0.0 -2.2055555555555553 -6.99999999999992 198.50000000000003
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to render theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 15ms
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to label theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 0ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on rendering: 31ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] adding predefined theme [name=GEORTHEME]
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.ThemeTable] key_column using default: ROWID
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-22
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Theme definition SRID: 8307
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Bands: Red - 1 Green - 1 Blue - 1
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] [Query] select grt.IMAGE from NYP_IMAGES grt where grt.IMAGE.rasterid = ? and grt.IMAGE.rasterdatatable = ?
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] java.lang.NullPointerException
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:589)
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
         at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.ltd] Message:GeoRaster load Exception: null
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:855)
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
         at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-24
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] GeoRaster SRID can not be 0.
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] *** isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] before adjusting: minX = 3.173803526448353, maxX=356.82619647355165 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=353.6523929471033, h=180.0
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] After adjusting: minX = 3.173803526448353, maxX=356.82619647355165 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=353.6523929471033, h=180.0
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-26
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: 3.173803526448353,-90.0,356.82619647355165,90.0
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: SELECT rowid, tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, 'dbdev_NYP_IMAGES_render', null, 'null', -1 FROM NYP_IMAGES tb_prv WHERE MDSYS.SDO_FILTER(tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 8307, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 3), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(?, ?, ?, ?)), 'querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE'
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ] sql exec time: 765ms, total time loading 1 features: 765ms.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on loading features: 765ms.
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.RE] xfm: 2.2055555555555553 0.0 0.0 -2.2055555555555553 -6.99999999999992 198.50000000000003
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to render theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 31ms
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to label theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 0ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on rendering: 125ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] adding predefined theme [name=GEORTHEME]
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ThemeTable] Got SRID for base table NYP_IMAGES from data source cache
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.ThemeTable] key_column using default: ROWID
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-28
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Theme definition SRID: 8307
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] [Query] select grt.IMAGE from NYP_IMAGES grt where grt.IMAGE.rasterid = ? and grt.IMAGE.rasterdatatable = ?
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] java.lang.NullPointerException
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:589)
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
         at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.ltd] Message:GeoRaster load Exception: null
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:855)
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
         at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    For the image i want to view, the data i got for the image that is being stored in the georaster object are:
    1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(-180, -90, -180, 1073, -180, 2237, 1320, 2237, 2821, 223
    7, 2821, 1073, 2821, -90, 1320, -90, -180, -90)), 'NYP_IMAGES_RDT', 131, XMLTYPE
    (<georasterMetadata xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/spatial/georaster">
    May i know whether the image is georeferenced?
    If it is successfully georeference, why does it stated that no spatial data to render?

    161 TIFF
    1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(-180, -90, -180, 1073, -180, 2237, 1320, 2237, 2821, 223
    7, 2821, 1073, 2821, -90, 1320, -90, -180, -90)), 'NYP_IMAGES_RDT', 131, XMLTYPE
    (<georasterMetadata xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/spatial/georaster">
    <dimensionSize type="ROW">
    <dimensionSize type="COLUMN">
    <spatialResolution dimensionType="X">
    <spatialResolution dimensionType="Y">
    <polynomialModel rowOff="0" columnOff="0" xOff="0" yOff="0" zOff="0" rowScal
    e="1" columnScale="1" xScale="1" yScale="1" zScale="1">
    <pPolynomial pType="1" nVars="2" order="1" nCoefficients="3">
    <polynomialCoefficients>-479.9329824561403 0 0.03508771929824561</polyno
    <qPolynomial pType="1" nVars="0" order="0" nCoefficients="1">
    <rPolynomial pType="1" nVars="2" order="1" nCoefficients="3">
    <polynomialCoefficients>43256.28210526316 -0.03508771929824561 0</polyno
    <sPolynomial pType="1" nVars="0" order="0" nCoefficients="1">
    <cell value="0" blue="0" red="0" green="0" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="1" blue="20" red="20" green="20" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="2" blue="36" red="36" green="36" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="3" blue="48" red="48" green="48" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="4" blue="52" red="52" green="52" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="5" blue="72" red="72" green="72" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="6" blue="121" red="121" green="121" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="7" blue="133" red="133" green="133" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="8" blue="153" red="153" green="153" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="9" blue="178" red="178" green="178" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="10" blue="178" red="178" green="186" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="11" blue="186" red="186" green="186" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="12" blue="198" red="198" green="214" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="13" blue="230" red="230" green="234" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="14" blue="242" red="242" green="242" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="15" blue="255" red="255" green="255" alpha="255"/>
    Is this being georeferenced?

  • Camera - Torch 9800 - Unable to capture the image

    Hey everyone!
    Had a torch 9800 for 18 months now and always been working fine... until today.
    I went to use the camera and it all seemed to open up fine but instead of seeing what the lens sees the screen was black. The centre focus [ ] was there and I could zoom back and forth just a black screen. 
    When I click for a photo I get a message " Unable to capture the image "
    I have searched the web and found nothing conclusive. Battery pulls, a full wipe and installation of the o/s have made no difference to it's lack of function.
    Does anyone out there have a suggestion? 

    I am having the exact same issue.  I also tried rebooting, taking out the battery and sim card and cleaning out the back, alas no difference.

  • One more reason to put my iMAC at the curb. I can open and view Picasa photo links when I sign in via Google, but if I'm in Mail and click on the Picasa image link (my own or one someone esle sends me I can't view the images. Thye are all blank white squa

    One more reason to put my iMAC at the curb. I can open and view Picasa photo links when I sign in via Google, but if I'm in Mail and click on the Picasa image link (my own or one someone else sends me) I can't view the images. They are all blank white squares. This started a few weeks ago. Why can't I view Picasa link images through Mail?

    What you are experiencing is 100% related to Malware.
    Sometimes a problem with Firefox may be a result of malware installed on your computer, that you may not be aware of.
    You can try these free programs to scan for malware, which work with your existing antivirus software:
    * [http://www.microsoft.com/security/scanner/default.aspx Microsoft Safety Scanner]
    * [http://www.malwarebytes.org/products/malwarebytes_free/ MalwareBytes' Anti-Malware]
    * [http://support.kaspersky.com/faq/?qid=208283363 TDSSKiller - AntiRootkit Utility]
    * [http://www.surfright.nl/en/hitmanpro/ Hitman Pro]
    * [http://www.eset.com/us/online-scanner/ ESET Online Scanner]
    [http://windows.microsoft.com/MSE Microsoft Security Essentials] is a good permanent antivirus for Windows 7/Vista/XP if you don't already have one.
    Further information can be found in the [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!

  • How to view the image as cylindrical view in panorama image viewer?

    i am facing the problem to view the image as cylindrical view.
    i.e, the image moved at the end position ,the image seems to jump to the start.
    instead of this the image should view as cylindrical view. i.e, that the end of the image sticks to the beginning of the image.
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.MediaTracker;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.Timer;
    public class PanoramaImageDemo
         private BufferedImage biBackground = null;
         private JFrame f;
              f = new JFrame("AniDemo 1.0");
              loadBackground("C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents/My Pictures/Sample Pictures/sunset.jpg");
              myPanel p = new myPanel(biBackground);
         private void loadBackground(String fn)
              File file = new File(fn);
              BufferedImage image = null;
                   image = ImageIO.read(file);
              catch (IOException e1)
                   System.out.println("File Not Found");
              MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker(f);
              mt.addImage(image, 0);
                   biBackground = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(), image
                             .getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
                   Graphics2D g2 = biBackground.createGraphics();
                   g2.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
              catch (InterruptedException e)
         public static void main(String[] args)
              new PanoramaImageDemo();
         class myPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
              private BufferedImage background;
              private BufferedImage bi = null;
              private int upperLeft = 0;
              int width;
              int height;
              myPanel(BufferedImage bg)
                   background = bg;
                   width = background.getWidth() / 2;
                   height = background.getHeight();
                   bi = background.getSubimage(upperLeft, 0, width, height);
                   setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height));
                   Timer t = new Timer(5, this);
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                   upperLeft += 1;
                   if (upperLeft >= width)
                        upperLeft = 38; // adjust to make rollover seemless
                   bi = background.getSubimage(upperLeft, 0, width, height);
              public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
                   g.drawImage(bi, 0, 0, this);
    }plz help me regarding this concept

    I have learnt a technique when I am programming in flash.
    Assume you have a photo cat.jpg with 10 units in width and 10 units in height. You can have a view(viewport) 10 units in width and 10 units in height.
    The following shows the width of the photo:
    To show an effect of panorama, you can draw 2 photo at any time. I assume the eyesight of a person move from left to right with 1 unit at a time.
    The original image is 0123456789.
    If the person move eyesight to right by one unit, the image become
    If the person move eyesight to right by one more unit, the image become
    You can program the by drawing 2 images at any time.
    0123456789(zero width for second image)
    123456789(0, 1 unit in width in second image)
    23456789(01, 2 unit in width in second image)
    To display part of image, try this link to a program to crop image

  • I am unable to see the images in Aperture trash, though there are a number indicated in the trash.  I have "show all" selected.  What settings am I missing?

    I am unable to see the images in Aperture trash, though there are a number indicated in the trash.  I have "show all" selected.  What settings am I missing?

    You may have an invisible filter on your trash.
    Try the "Double Caggiano", as described in Frank Caggiano's User tip:
    Images not appearing in browser, search filter is cleared

  • I cant view the image or take a snap shot in my i phone 5s

    I cant view the image when  camera is on

    Use the "Camera" app to make images.
    Use "Photos" to view or organize them.
    For more info or help with other apps, see your iPhone iOS 8.1 User Guide or see it here on the internet.
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    Mac OSX 10.10.2

  • Unable to set the image size interms of percentage

    Hi Friends,
               In my webdynpro application I am using IWDImage, I need to set the height and width of that image interms of percentage ratherthan pixels. I gave 50% for both height and width but I was not unable to get the image. While setting size of the image by number of pixels I am able to get the image.
               Could you people please tell me why I am unable to get the image while setting the image size interms of percentage.
    Thanks in advance,
      Sandeep Kumar Bonam.

    Hi sandeep,
    I tried that by giving %, its working fine.
    try once again...
    how are u doing that....
    otherwise u try with different heights and widths...

  • What do i do when iPhoto Deletes my recent pic's all the way to 2010????? i opened the program and it said i needed to update my library otherwise i wouldn't be able to view the images that were not updated-- and now they are gone!!!!!! WHat do i do!!!!!!

    what do i do when iPhoto Deletes my recent pic's all the way to 2010????? i opened the program and it said i needed to update my library otherwise i wouldn't be able to view the images that were not updated…… and now they are gone!!!!!! WHat do i do!!!!!!  Is this some type a virus???? my mac is protected!!!!! tried to chat with an IT person but they keep asking if its like a tech problem and it is just iphoto

    You should get your keyboard checked as it's repeating  on a lot of keys and makes you look silly.
    There are 9 different versions of iPhoto and they run on 9 different versions of the Operating System. The tricks and tips for dealing with issues vary depending on the version of iPhoto and the version of the OS. So to get help you need to give as much information as you can. Include things like:
    - What version of iPhoto.
    - What version of the Operating System.
    - Details. As full a description of the problem as you can. For example, if you have a problem with exporting, then explain by describing how you are trying to export, and so on.
    - History: Is this going on long? Has anything been installed or deleted? - Are there error messages?
    - What steps have you tried already to solve the issue.
    - Anything unusual about your set up? Or how you use iPhoto?
    Anything else you can think of that might help someone understand the problem you have.

  • Hi  I am a keen photographer and I have just bought you SD card reader for ipad. This works well but was winding if there is an app that I can view the images on the SD card full screen without having to import them to the iPad or is there a way to do thi

    I am a keen photographer and I have just bought you SD card reader for ipad. This works well but was winding if there is an app that I can view the images on the SD card full screen without having to import them to the iPad or is there a way to do this on the iPad
    The reason for buy this was for when I was out and about to get a better view off my images.
    I have a iPad 2 16gb
    Hope you can help!

    A couple of weeks ago, (after reading a review in TUAW) I bought a wireless hub/ SD card reader called RAVPower.  its app comes with a built in viewer, so you can load it up, and see the pics full screen. 

  • Not able to view the content in Microsoft help viewer (MS VS 2012)

    Hello Team,
    I'm Rahul from Daimler-Chrysler, Bangalore location. I’m the IT Engineer for Daimler-Chrysler.
    We tried many settings in IE but still not able to resolved. So i need more expert help. 
    My customer having one issue- 
    # User is not able to view the content in Microsoft help viewer (MS VS 2012), below is the error: Its opening in HTML Format.
    So please help me. Contact no- +91-9972004298. and personal id:- [email protected]/[email protected]
    I call you to Microsoft customer care they advice me to ASK Question. Please help me, I'm waiting for your reply.
    Rahul B. Patil.

    Hi Sri,
    it looks that your HANA instance has been created before we enabled the web-based development workbench. Some privileges are missing, we can't migration those existing instances.
    Nevertheless you can ignore the error above. You can see all the content inside your instance "smstest1".
    If you want to get rid of the cosmetic issue. You might delete this instance and create a new one.
    Best regards

  • How to pass the repository variables in title view in obiee 11g

    all I am trying to create a reprot and the format of that report is
    month range : 04/01/2012-04/30/2012.
    how can we get that date range in the title view.
    Any suggestions??

    For session variables:
    @{biServer.variables['NQ_SESSION.variablename' ]}
    For repository variables:
    Try this syntax in the title view it should work.

  • Generally I shoot photos in RAW, however I shot some images using my D100 in Large fine format.  I am able to view the images on my camera but I am unable to see the images in Lightroom.  How do I resolve this problem?

    I am having difficulty viewing large fine J-peg files (Nikon D100) in Lightroom.  I can see the images on my camera but I do not see the images after I have imported the images from my card reader.  What is the best way to trouble shoot this?  I shot RAW images a few days earlier I didn't have any problems.

    1. You did not get an error message telling you that your iPhoto library was getting full. You got a message telling you that your HD was getting full, right?
    OS X needs about 10 gigs of hard drive space for normal OS operations - things like virtual memory, temporary files and so on.
    Without this space your Mac will slow down as the OS hunts for space on the disk, files will be fragmented, also slowing things down, apps will crash and the risk of data corruption - that is damage to your files, photos, music - increases exponentially.
    Your first priority is to make more space on that HD. Nothing else can be done until you do.
    Purchase an external HD and move your Photos and Music to it. Both iPhoto and iTunes can run perfectly well with the Library on an external disk.
    Your Library has been damaged from being run on an overfull disk.
    How much free space on it now?

  • IPhoto shows an exclamation mark inside a triangle when trying to view the image

    When trying to access the photos, a triangle with an exclamation mark pops up and I am unable to drag or view the photo.
    The triangle looks like this

    That means, that iPhoto is unable to access the original image files. Either the original files are missing, or your iPhoto library is corrupted.
    What happened, before this problem first occurred?  Did you update or upgrade software? Run any cleaning application? Move your iPhoto library to a different location?  has the size of your iPhoto Library changed? Is your iPhoto Library still large enough to hold all the photos?  Which version of iPhoto and MacOS X do you have?
    Before you try anything else, make a backup copy of your iPhoto library, but don't overwrite any recent backup you currently have.
    After you made the backup copy, try if the iPhoto Library First Aid Tools can reestablish the connection between the thumbnails. To run the First Aid Tools, hold down the key combination alt/options and command while launching iPhoto. Keep holding down the keys, until you are seeing the First Aid panel. Then select "Rebuild Database" from the panel.
    If that does not help, try "Repair permissions" as well. Then post back with more details.

  • Unable to Load the images Required by Classroom in a Book

    Just purchased Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.  I am trying the follow the lessons in the above book.  When I create the files and download the images, I am unable the import the files and images into the Photoshop Organizer.  Some images will import but most just display a weird icon.  I have reloaded, updated Windows, Photoshop, display drivers, you name it.  Nothing works.
    Using Windows 7 with 8 GBs of 64 bit memory.
    I like the book, and feel it will be a great introduction to Photoshop.  But if I can't load the images into the Photoshop 12 Organizer. I can't follow or use the book
    Lou (tobytussah)

    Lou again.
    As a follow up.  I am also unable to reliability load any Images into the Organizer either by using the Organizer File find functions or totally unable to move images into the Organizer using the Windows Explorer.
    Should the ask for help better belong in some other forum?

Maybe you are looking for

  • Where is the iak file defined in the project?

    I made changes to the *.iak file in MAX including the file name and now there are yellow bangs on the RT target and its subfolders in Project Explorer.  (The RT taget is a cFP-2110)  What is the best way to resolve this? Dave J.

  • Reg- How to Check pending dispatch quantity for an order?

    HI,    Pls guide me how to check the pending quantity to be dispatched for an order. I Have explained herewith my requirement. A sales order is created for 10 quantities, out of which 6 are delivered. What is the path to check the balance 4 quantitie

  • Can't see msgs in UWC / reconstruct fails with cannot retrieve message uid

    I have restored several email accounts into a test email account. I'm trying to move some of the .msg files around so that they are easier to find. I have created some new folders and when I move the messages into the folder, I cannot see them in the

  • Interaction Between Initial View Magnification & Bookmark Destination

    I'm using Adobe Acrobat X. I understand that setting the destination of a bookmark also establishes the view magnification. Apparently, this is always the case, and that doesn't seem right to me. Suppose all I want is for each bookmark to take the re

  • Not printing - HP Photosmart 5510

    I just put in all new ink cartridges today. The first page printed odd color with extremely ight black. Then a word document did not get printed at all...its just blank! I have cleaned the print head mutliple times as well as the ink smear. And I've