'Unallowed tags or dynamic code' error on a page without these...

I've been using InContext Editing for a few sites now and my clients have been very happy with it, but I have a new site that's having problems on just one page.
I've enabled ICE on the text areas below the main photo and nav bar, as I have on other pages. There are a few scripts running on this page, but the only difference on this page from the rest of the site is the rotating image at the top of the page.
Ironically, I've used this same script on previous sites where I've used ICE and they've worked without any problems. Am I missing something?
Really and truly appreciate  your help!
- MaryAnn

I can login, and try to edit, but the system won't save my changes and gives me the 'unallowed tags or dynamic code' error as the reason why it can't save the changes.
I tried removing the jquery in the header, but that didn't seem to work:
I still can't get the edits to save and it's still giving me the same message.
The only other non-static elements on the page are the newsletter subscription script and the Facebook link, but I have these on other pages and we can edit those pages without issue.
Any other ideas?
Thanks for your help!

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  • Added editable regions in order to insert meta tags, but get code error. What did I do wrong?

    Made a website based on a template, and as so many people, was afterwards struggling with optimizing my titles, descriptions and keywords for SEO. These were/are locked in the head section of the template. I found lots of useful information on the forum to unlock this section, but apparently I am doing something wrong and I can't figure out what. The code error I get is that there is a syntaxis error in the template comment. Also I do see that the color of the code is maybe not the way it should be.
    This is the code I pasted in:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" >
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name=”basisontwerp” -->
    <title>untitled document</title>
    <!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="head" -->
    <meta name=”keywords” content=”keywords go here” >
    <meta name=”description” content=”description goes here” >
    <!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
    <link rel="icon" type="rel/icon" href="images/neroli_logo_mini.png" />
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/neroli_logo_mini.png" />
    <style type="text/css">
    After that there is a whole bunch of stuff regarding two.Col.Elst.Lt.Hdr and style sheets etc. but there is a closing </head> tag just before my header and side bar section.
    Does anybody know what is wrong with my code? I just don't see it ...
    Thanks so much!!!

    He gek; probeer het opnieuw, nu rechtstreeks vanaf de site ipv als reply via de mail:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http_equiv="Content_Type" content="text/html" charset=utf-8" />
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name=”basisontwerp” -->
    <title>untitled document</title>
    <!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="head" -->
    <meta name=”keywords” content=”keywords go here” >
    <meta name=”description” content=”description goes here” >
    <!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
    <link rel="icon" type="rel/icon" href="images/neroli_logo_mini.png" />
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/neroli_logo_mini.png" />
    <style type="text/css">
    body  {
    font: 100% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    background: #666666;
    margin: 0; /* het is een goede gewoonte om de instellingen voor margin (marge) en padding (opvulling) van het element body op nul in te stellen en daarmee op de standaardinstellingen van de verschillende browsers */
    padding: 0;
    text-align: center; /* hiermee centreert u de container (het hoofdobject) in IE 5*-browsers Vervolgens wordt de tekst ingesteld op de standaardinstelling van links uitlijnen in de kiezer #container */
    color: #000000;
    /* Tips voor Elastic-lay-outs
    1. Aangezien de algehele grootte van de elastic-lay-outs is gebaseerd op de standaard lettertypegrootte van de gebruiker, hebben deze lay-outs een grotere mate van onvoorspelbaarheid. Bij een juist gebruik zijn ze echter wel toegankelijker voor diegenen die een groter lettertype behoeven omdat de lengte van de regel proportioneel blijft.
    2. De grootte van de div-elementen in deze lay-out is gebaseerd op een lettertypegrootte van 100% in het element body. Als u de tekstgrootte algeheel reduceert door middel van font-size: 80% voor het element body of voor #container, dient u niet te vergeten dat de complete lay-out proportioneel kleiner zal worden. Wellicht wilt u de breedtes van de verschillende div-elementen vergroten om dit te compenseren.
    3. Als de lettertypegrootte wordt gewijzigd d.m.v. verschillende waarden voor elk element div in plaats van voor het algehele ontwerp (bijv. #sidebar1 krijgt een lettertypegrootte van 70% en #mainContent krijgt een lettertypegrootte van 85%), leidt dit tot proportionele wijziging van de algehele grootte van elk van de div-elementen. Mogelijk wilt u dit aanpassen op basis van uw uiteindelijke lettertypegrootte.
    .twoColElsLtHdr #container {
    width: 46em;  /* deze breedte maakt een container (hoofdobject) die past een browservenster van 800 pixels, als de tekst wordt gehandhaafd in de standaard lettertypegroottes van de browser */
    background: #FFFFFF;
    margin: 0 auto; /* de automatische marges (d.m.v. auto), in combinatie met een breedte, centreren de pagina */
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    text-align: left; /* hiermee wordt de instelling text-align: center voor het element body genegeerd. */
    .twoColElsLtHdr #header {
    padding: 0 10px;  /* deze instelling voor padding (opvulling) komt overeen met de uitlijning links van de elementen binnen de div-elementen, die volgen op deze padding. Als een afbeelding wordt gebruikt in de #header in plaats van tekst, wilt u wellicht de padding (opvulling) verwijderen. */
    background-color: #DDDDDD;
    background-image: url(../images/achtergrond_kleur_buttons_mouse_over.png);
    border-top-color: #693;
    border-right-color: #693;
    border-bottom-color: #693;
    border-left-color: #693;
    border-top-width: thin;
    border-right-width: thin;
    border-bottom-width: thin;
    border-left-width: thin;
    .twoColElsLtHdr #header h1 {
    margin: 0; /* door de marge van het laatste element in het element div voor #header op 0 in te stellen voorkomt u het wegvallen van marges – een onverklaarbare ruimte tussen div-elementen. Als om het element div een rand loopt, is dit niet nodig aangezien dit tevens het wegvallen van de marge voorkomt */
    padding: 10px 0; /* door het gebruik van padding (opvulling) in plaats van een marge (via het element margin) kunt u het element van de randen van het element div vandaan houden */
    /* Tips voor sidebar1:
    1. Vergeet niet dat als u een waarde voor lettertypegrootte voor dit element div instelt, de algehele breedte van het element div dienovereenkomstig wordt aangepast.
    2. Aangezien we hier werken met em-waarden, verdient het de voorkeur om voor de zijbalk zelf geen padding (opvulling) te gebruiken. Deze wordt dan voor op standaards gebaseerde browsers toegevoegd aan de breedte, waardoor een nog onbekende daadwerkelijke breedte wordt gemaakt.
    3. De ruimte tussen de zijkant van het element div en de elementen erbinnen kan worden gemaakt door het aanbrengen van een linker- en rechtermarge voor dergelijke elementen, zoals wordt aangetoond door de regel ".thrColHybHdr #sidebar1 p".
    .twoColElsLtHdr #sidebar1 {
    float: left;
    width: 12em; /* de achtergrondkleur wordt weergegeven over de lengte van de inhoud in de kolom, maar niet verder */
    padding: 15px 0; /* binnen dit element div maakt de padding (opvulling) aan de onder- en bovenkant de visuele ruimte */
    background-image: none;
    background-color: #FFF;
    .twoColElsLtHdr #sidebar1 h3, .twoColElsLtHdr #sidebar1 p {
    margin-left: 10px; /* de linker- en rechtermarge moeten aan elk element worden gegeven dat in de kolommen aan de zijkant wordt geplaatst */
    margin-right: 10px;
    /* Tips voor mainContent:
    1. Als u dit element div voor #mainContent een andere waarde voor lettergrootte geeft dan het element div voor #sidebar1, worden de marges van het element div voor #mainContent gebaseerd op de lettergrootte ervan, terwijl de breedte van het element div voor #sidebar1 zal zijn gebaseerd op de lettergrootte daarvan. Mogelijk wilt u de waarden van deze div-elementen aanpassen.
    2. De ruimte tussen mainContent en sidebar1 wordt gemaakt met de linkermarge van het element div voor mainContent. De kolomruimte blijft gehandhaafd, ongeacht de hoeveelheid inhoud die het element div voor sidebar1 bevat. U kunt deze linkermarge verwijderen als u de tekst van het element div voor #mainContent de ruimte van #sidebar1 wilt laten opvullen wanneer de inhoud van #sidebar1 eindigt.
    3. Om het wegvallen van het zwevende element te voorkomen, zult u wellicht via uitproberen een schatting van de maximale grootte van de afbeelding of het element moeten bepalen, aangezien deze lay-out is gebaseerd op de lettertypegrootte van de gebruiker in combinatie met de door u ingestelde waarden. Maar als de gebruiker de lettertypegrootte van diens browser echter op kleiner dan normaal heeft ingesteld, is er in het element div voor #mainContent minder ruimte beschikbaar dan u tijdens het uitproberen ziet.
    4. In de onderstaande voorwaardelijke opmerking van Internet Explorer wordt de eigenschap zoom gebruikt om "hasLayout" mee te geven aan mainContent. Hierdoor wordt voorkomen dat zich diverse IE-specifieke bugs voordoen.
    .twoColElsLtHdr #mainContent {
    margin: 0 1.5em 0 13em; /* de rechtermarge kan worden opgegeven in em- of pixelwaarden. Deze marge maakt de ruimte langs de rechterzijde van de pagina. */
    .twoColElsLtHdr #footer {
    padding: 0 10px;
    background-color: #FFF;
    .twoColElsLtHdr #footer p {
    margin: 0; /* door de marges van het eerste element in de footer (voettekst) in te stellen op 0 vermijdt u het risico dat de marge wegvalt – een ruimte tussen div-elementen */
    padding: 10px 0; /* door het gebruik van padding (opvulling) voor dit element maakt u ruimte (op dezelfde manier als door middel van een marge), zonder het probleem van wegvallende marges */
    /* Miscellaneous classes for reuse */
    .fltrt { /* dit exemplaar van class kan worden gebruikt om een element aan de rechterzijde van uw pagina te laten zweven. Het zwevende element moet voorafgaan aan het element dat, op de pagina, naast het zwevende element moet staan. */
    float: right;
    margin-left: 8px;
    .fltlft { /* dit exemplaar van class kan worden gebruikt om een element aan de linkerzijde van uw pagina te laten zweven. */
    float: left;
    margin-right: 8px;
    .clearfloat { /* dit exemplaar van class moet op een element div of break zijn geplaatst en dient het laatste element te zijn vóór de afsluiting van een container (hoofdobject) die op zijn beurt een zwevend object volledig dient te bevatten */
        font-size: 1px;
        line-height: 0px;
    .navigatie {
    color: #9F3;
    .twoColElsLtHdr #container #footer table tr td {
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    </style><!--[if IE]>
    <style type="text/css">
    /* plaats in deze voorwaardelijke opmerking css-correcties voor alle versies van IE */
    .twoColElsLtHdr #sidebar1 { padding-top: 30px; }
    .twoColElsLtHdr #mainContent { zoom: 1; padding-top: 15px; }
    /* de bovenstaande softwaregebonden eigenschap zoom geeft IE de hasLayout die IE nodig heeft om verschillende bugs te vermijden */
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
      var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
        var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++)
        if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}}
    <link href="../personoil.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarVertical.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <body class="twoColElsLtHdr">
    <div id="container">
      <div id="header">
        <table width="100%" border="0">
            <td width="25%" height="130"><img src="../images/neroli logo kleiner.gif" alt="" width="97" height="130" align="left" /></td>
            <td width="49%"><img src="../images/copy heading.png" width="344" height="35" vspace="0" align="middle" /></td>
            <td width="26%"><img src="../images/neroli logo kleiner.gif" alt="" width="97" height="130" align="right" /></td>
      <!-- end #header --></div>
      <div id="sidebar1">
        <ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarVertical">
          <li><a href="../index.html">Personoil</a></li>
          <li><a href="../waaromolie2.html">Waarom olie van Personoil?</a></li>
          <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="../ingredienten.html">De natuurlijke ingrediënten</a>
              <li><a href="../basisolien.html">De basisoliën</a></li>
              <li><a href="../essentieleolien.html">De essentiële oliën</a></li>
          <li><a href="../huidtypes.html">Jouw huidtype</a></li>
          <li><a href="../gezichtsmassage.html">Gezichtsmassage en andere tips</a></li>
          <li><a href="../bestellen.php">Advies en bestellen</a></li>
    <h3> </h3>
      <!-- end #sidebar1 --></div>
      <div id="mainContent">
        <ul id="MenuBar2" class="MenuBarHorizontal">
          <li><a href="../contact.html">Contact</a>      </li>
          <li><a href="../betalen.html">Veilig betalen</a></li>
          <li><a href="../verzenden.html">Verzending</a>      </li>
          <li><a href="../voorwaarden.html">Algemene voorwaarden</a></li>
        <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="editregion" -->
        <h1> Hoofdinhoud </h1>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent aliquam,  justo convallis luctus rutrum, erat nulla fermentum diam, at nonummy quam  ante ac quam. Maecenas urna purus, fermentum id, molestie in, commodo  porttitor, felis. Nam blandit quam ut lacus. </p>
        <p>Quisque ornare risus quis  ligula. Phasellus tristique purus a augue condimentum adipiscing. Aenean  sagittis. Etiam leo pede, rhoncus venenatis, tristique in, vulputate at,  odio. Donec et ipsum et sapien vehicula nonummy. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce  varius urna id quam. Sed neque mi, varius eget, tincidunt nec, suscipit id,  libero. In eget purus. Vestibulum ut nisl. Donec eu mi sed turpis feugiat  feugiat. Integer turpis arcu, pellentesque eget, cursus et, fermentum ut,  sapien. Fusce metus mi, eleifend sollicitudin, molestie id, varius et, nibh.  Donec nec libero.</p>
        <h2>Kop niveau H2 </h2>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent aliquam,  justo convallis luctus rutrum, erat nulla fermentum diam, at nonummy quam  ante ac quam. Maecenas urna purus, fermentum id, molestie in, commodo  porttitor, felis. Nam blandit quam ut lacus. Quisque ornare risus quis  ligula. Phasellus tristique purus a augue condimentum adipiscing. Aenean  sagittis. Etiam leo pede, rhoncus venenatis, tristique in, vulputate at, odio.</p>
      <!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
      <!-- end #mainContent --></div>
    <!-- Dit wiselement dient onmiddellijk te volgen op het element div voor #mainContent om het element div voor #container te dwingen om alle zwevende elementen van een lager niveau te bevatten --><br class="clearfloat" />
       <div id="footer">
         <p> </p>
      <!-- end #footer --></div>
    <!-- end #container --></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});
    var MenuBar2 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar2", {imgDown:"../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
    document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
    <script type="text/javascript">
    try {
    var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-6508405-2");
    } catch(err) {}</script>

  • What code to navigate from page without opening a new page?

    Hello, I have a flash button embedded into a css/HTML page that I want to use to navigate into a new page without opening a new window. Here's the code I'm using in the SWF which I got from the adobe tv tutorial:
    Here is the test page that I have embedded the flash button in: http://ianmartinphotography.com/testers/index-flash.html
    The flash button is the "about Ian" button on the upper left. I want the navigation to be like the traditional rollovers on the page. (I'm working my way up to having the embedded flash button fade into place, that's why I'm using flash.)
    // 1. Event handler function
    function clickHandler (Event:MouseEvent): void
       navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://ianmartinphotography.com/about.html"));
    // 2. Assign listener 
    about_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
    I just want to go to a different page, not open a new window. How should I change this code to do that? Thanks!

    If you look up the navigate ToURL function in the help documents it lists all of the window options available.  For your case you can use:
    navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://ianmartinphotography.com/about.html"), "_self");

  • Unallowed tags - cannot save message

    On my clients landing page: http://www.saveenergyexpo.ca I'm getting an error on save that says:
    "You cannot save this page
    Reason: The content you are trying to save unallowed tags or dynamic code."
    I don't think I have anything out of the ordinary, but I've been wrong every other time.
    Your help is appreciated.
    Kagan Mustafa
    xod Media.com

    Well, I figured it out.  I had an html comment in the editable region.  I guess the program doesn't like comments.

  • The FP custom create tag VI. shows an error code 32830 when i am runniing my aplication.

    what does it mean and how to solve? I seem to be having problems talking to the FP-1000. I generated a .iak file using FeildPoint Explorer V3.01 with no problems I can talked and get readings from my FP-AI-100 using the Explorer software but not any of the LabVIEW VI's, also i have generated the FP custom create tag without problems, but it shows code error 32830 when i am running the aplication.

    There is a limitation of how many programs can access a serial port at the same time. When FieldPoint Explorer is open, LabVIEW will not be allowed to use the serial port. Thus, if you close FieldPoint Explorer, you should be able to run your LabVIEW program and not get the 32830 error.

  • Struts - HTML:link tag with dynamic page attribute?

    I am trying to use the html:link but the page value is dynamic (resulting from the bean within the iterate tag). The code below doesn't work - error. Is there a way to use all Struts tags and make this happen. Any ideas?
            <logic:iterate id="myMenuForm" property="menuItem" scope="session" name="menuForm" >          <html:link page="<bean:write name="myMenuForm" property="menuDisplayName"/>">                  <bean:write name="myMenuForm" property="menuDisplayName"/>          </html:link>        </logic:iterate> Thanks,

    Thanks for all your help. Based on all you your comments, it is now working
    and I thought I would provide some details about how I got it working.
    There are not that many examples within the Struts documentation.
    id = unique name for the object that can be referenced within the iterate
    name = is the Bean, in this case it's the ActionForm, that contains the List
    object that will be iterated. In my case, I have a ActionForm that contains
    a List property that contains all the menu item rows from the databse.
    property = is the property name within the ActionForm that is the List
    object. Links to the getter method
    Within the <bean:write> tag you use the id name to get a handle on the final
    object from the iterate tag and the property is one of the property values
    within the bean that is contained within the List.
    So in this case I have a ActionForm bean that contains a List property that
    contains a collection of beans.
    FormAction - bean
    property menuItems of type List contains:
    - row 1 = bean (with a property of menuDisplayName)
    - row 2 = bean (with a property of menuDisplayName)
    - row 3 = bean (with a property of menuDisplayName)
    Here's the JSP code for the tag.
            <logic:iterate id="myMenuForm" name="menuForm" property="menuItem" >
              <html:link page="www.yahoo.com"/>
                      <bean:write name="myMenuForm" property="menuDisplayName"/>
            </logic:iterate>Now I would like to make the <html:link> page attribute value dynamic from
    the iterate bean. Therefore, you can make the url for the link dynamic If
    you know how to do that, please feel free to provide some help.

  • Update: Photoshop CC Install failed. Code: "error U44M1P7"

    Photoshop CC Install failed. Code: "error U44M1P7"
    Another problem here. Everything was working until I started updating. Plus now certain features are not available in PSCC. For instance the "save image for web" is disabled. Additionally, PS will not open an .png file. Here we go again. I am still trying to solve an open issue with DW crashing. What is going on back a Adobe. Come on Adobe people, please quit guessing and wasting our time with answers that take hours to complete and don't work. Please reply with a real answer.
    I just can't believe you suggest uninstalling, run cleaner tool and reinstall everything. That's a day or two of work lost. Besides, many people did just that with no resolution. It makes me thing that the people a Adobe don't know the answer - so just through out a generic answer.
    Please forward me an email to forwarg error logs.... Time is a wasting....
    A list of what did'nt work:
    Tried everything. Renaming, reinstalling....
    WIndows 8 version 6.2 (build 9200)
    64-bit Operating System x64-based processor.
    4th generation Intel® Core™ i7-4700MQ Processor
    16GB DDR3 System Memory (2 Dimm)
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M Graphics with 2048MB of dedicated video
    1TB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
    Adobe Photoshop Version: 14.1.1 (14.1.1 20130910.r.414 2013/09/10:23:00:00) x64
    Operating System: Windows 8 64-bit
    Version: 6.2
    System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:12, Stepping:3 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading
    Physical processor count: 4
    Logical processor count: 8
    Processor speed: 2394 MHz
    Built-in memory: 16159 MB
    Free memory: 11222 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 14472 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 60 %
    Image tile size: 1024K
    Image cache levels: 4
    Display: 1
    Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=768, right=1366
    OpenGL Drawing: Enabled.
    OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected.
    No GPU information available
    Serial number: 90970010899826454365
    Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit)\
    Temporary file path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\
    Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
    Scratch volume(s):
      C:\, 904.8G, 489.6G free
    Required Plug-ins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit)\Required\Plug-Ins\
    Primary Plug-ins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit)\Plug-ins\
    Installed components:
       ACE.dll   ACE 2013/07/14-12:09:50   79.543790   79.543790
       adbeape.dll   Adobe APE 2013/02/04-09:52:32   0.1160850   0.1160850
       AdobeLinguistic.dll   Adobe Linguisitc Library   7.0.0  
       AdobeOwl.dll   Adobe Owl 2013/03/03-12:10:08   5.0.13   79.533484
       AdobePDFL.dll   PDFL 2013/03/13-12:09:15   79.499517   79.499517
       AdobePIP.dll   Adobe Product Improvement Program  
       AdobeXMP.dll   Adobe XMP Core 2013/03/13-12:09:15   79.151481   79.151481
       AdobeXMPFiles.dll   Adobe XMP Files 2013/03/13-12:09:15   79.151481   79.151481
       AdobeXMPScript.dll   Adobe XMP Script 2013/03/13-12:09:15   79.151481   79.151481
       adobe_caps.dll   Adobe CAPS   7,0,0,21  
       AGM.dll   AGM 2013/07/14-12:09:50   79.543790   79.543790
       ahclient.dll    AdobeHelp Dynamic Link Library   1,8,0,31  
       aif_core.dll   AIF   5.0   79.534508
       aif_ocl.dll   AIF   5.0   79.534508
       aif_ogl.dll   AIF   5.0   79.534508
       amtlib.dll   AMTLib (64 Bit) BuildVersion: 7.0; BuildDate: Mon Apr 8 2013 2:31:50)   1.000000
       ARE.dll   ARE 2013/07/14-12:09:50   79.543790   79.543790
       AXE8SharedExpat.dll   AXE8SharedExpat 2011/12/16-15:10:49   66.26830   66.26830
       AXEDOMCore.dll   AXEDOMCore 2011/12/16-15:10:49   66.26830   66.26830
       Bib.dll   BIB 2013/07/14-12:09:50   79.543790   79.543790
       BIBUtils.dll   BIBUtils 2013/07/14-12:09:50   79.543790   79.543790
       boost_date_time.dll   DVA Product   7.0.0  
       boost_signals.dll   DVA Product   7.0.0  
       boost_system.dll   DVA Product   7.0.0  
       boost_threads.dll   DVA Product   7.0.0  
       cg.dll   NVIDIA Cg Runtime   3.0.00007  
       cgGL.dll   NVIDIA Cg Runtime   3.0.00007  
       CIT.dll   Adobe CIT
       CITThreading.dll   Adobe CITThreading
       CoolType.dll   CoolType 2013/07/14-12:09:50   79.543790   79.543790
       dvaaudiodevice.dll   DVA Product   7.0.0  
       dvacore.dll   DVA Product   7.0.0  
       dvamarshal.dll   DVA Product   7.0.0  
       dvamediatypes.dll   DVA Product   7.0.0  
       dvaplayer.dll   DVA Product   7.0.0  
       dvatransport.dll   DVA Product   7.0.0  
       dvaunittesting.dll   DVA Product   7.0.0  
       dynamiclink.dll   DVA Product   7.0.0  
       ExtendScript.dll   ExtendScript 2013/03/21-12:10:31   79.535742   79.535742
       FileInfo.dll   Adobe XMP FileInfo 2013/03/19-12:09:02   79.151561   79.151561
       filter_graph.dll   AIF   5.0   79.534508
       icucnv40.dll   International Components for Unicode 2011/11/15-16:30:22    Build gtlib_3.0.16615  
       icudt40.dll   International Components for Unicode 2011/11/15-16:30:22    Build gtlib_3.0.16615  
       imslib.dll   IMSLib DLL  
       JP2KLib.dll   JP2KLib 2013/02/19-12:28:44   79.248139   79.248139
       libifcoremd.dll   Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler   10.0 (Update A)  
       libmmd.dll   Intel(r) C Compiler, Intel(r) C++ Compiler, Intel(r) Fortran Compiler   12.0  
       LogSession.dll   LogSession  
       mediacoreif.dll   DVA Product   7.0.0  
       MPS.dll   MPS 2013/03/15-13:25:52   79.535029   79.535029
       msvcm80.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005   8.00.50727.6910  
       msvcm90.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008   9.00.30729.1  
       msvcp100.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010   10.00.40219.1  
       msvcp80.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005   8.00.50727.6910  
       msvcp90.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008   9.00.30729.1  
       msvcr100.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010   10.00.40219.1  
       msvcr80.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005   8.00.50727.6910  
       msvcr90.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008   9.00.30729.1  
       PatchMatch.dll   PatchMatch 2013/06/11-12:08:08   79.542390   79.542390
       pdfsettings.dll   Adobe PDFSettings   1.04  
       Photoshop.dll   Adobe Photoshop CC   CC  
       Plugin.dll   Adobe Photoshop CC   CC  
       PlugPlugOwl.dll   Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlugOwl Standard Dll (64 bit)  
       PSArt.dll   Adobe Photoshop CC   CC  
       PSViews.dll   Adobe Photoshop CC   CC  
       SCCore.dll   ScCore 2013/03/21-12:10:31   79.535742   79.535742
       ScriptUIFlex.dll   ScriptUIFlex 2013/03/21-12:10:31   79.535742   79.535742
       svml_dispmd.dll   Intel(r) C Compiler, Intel(r) C++ Compiler, Intel(r) Fortran Compiler   12.0  
       tbb.dll   Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows   4, 1, 2012, 1003  
       tbbmalloc.dll   Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows   4, 1, 2012, 1003  
       updaternotifications.dll   Adobe Updater Notifications Library (BuildVersion: 1.0; BuildDate: BUILDDATETIME)
       WRServices.dll   WRServices Mon Feb 25 2013 16:09:10   Build 0.19078   0.19078
    Required plug-ins:
       Camera Raw 8.3
       Camera Raw Filter 8.3
    Optional and third party plug-ins:
       CUR (Windows Cursor) NO VERSION
       CUR (Windows Cursor) NO VERSION
       ICO (Windows Icon) NO VERSION
       ICO (Windows Icon) NO VERSION
    Plug-ins that failed to load: NONE
    Flash: NONE
    Installed TWAIN devices: NONE
    ERRORS in log file.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | START - Installer Session
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | RIBS version:
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Win OS version: 64 bit Type: 1
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | ::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | CHECK: Single instance running
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | CHECK : Credentials
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Load Deployment File
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | deploymentFile option not given
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | CHECK : Another Native OS installer already running
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Create Required Folders
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Assuming install mode
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Looking up install source path
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Sync Media DB ...
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | ::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Pre check media db sync
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | :: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 44871.6 milliseconds (44.8716 seconds) DTR = 11.4103 KBPS (0.0111429 MBPS)
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ready to initialize session to start with ...
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | ::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | -------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updated source path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {03FEDC54-2B83-4273-8E61-F015AED1FF8A}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:086 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-zh_TW-111213042019\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {06385F1A-686B-4F9A-A288-B14DA88CD362}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-es_ES_x64-111213044929\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {0A140625-D36E-44F9-BB74-81F77F2330B4}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-pl_PL_x64-111213050320\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {0DF6A9DB-3952-4043-A568-BEB8945E4BBF}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-en_IL-111213051823\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {0E9F14B7-4D10-4032-BA87-C40ACD392D44}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-en_GB-111213041200\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {141333F9-FC47-4A39-B8FE-D275392F6789}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-fr_CA_x64-111213044353\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {17B0D899-8128-4B48-AF89-7225FC4190EF}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-da_DK-111213043119\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {1B1D7D01-D57A-4178-94E2-85C72F9F62A4}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-tr_TR-111213050441\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:087 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {1EA79689-EF55-4C4D-8D1F-277BE6FAF7D5}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-ru_RU_x64-111213050849\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {2769566D-3013-4A92-B734-41CEAC204D3D}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-pt_BR-111213042833\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {2938A8F6-FEFF-4FC0-BDB1-BAFC93206A13}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-nb_NO-111213045627\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {2B8BEA0E-6822-478A-B6FB-B7728728B63B}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-ja_JP_x64-111213041618\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {3639A0A1-715C-41C9-8C08-3A2F273C1BDB}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-hu_HU-111213051254\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {39B0B410-3751-47CA-8A38-FF9C063AC592}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-de_DE_x64-111213042709\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {3BB385AE-949B-41C2-AC74-0E8C4BAF6C3D}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-uk_UA-111213051011\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {3E6FC41B-21B9-43B0-9A06-1566FBCAB39C}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-fr_MA_x64-111213052231\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {41C7F331-50D0-4F5A-BCEF-C9598DE72962}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:088 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-Core-111213052454\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {457FFF62-2725-47EB-941E-8F1648B89E5F}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-hu_HU_x64-111213051417\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {495275FD-CD40-49CD-95DC-17584DCB2951}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-fr_FR_x64-111213044106\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {4956BE59-3D19-42DF-BEA9-3D7C9AE30770}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-sv_SE_x64-111213045215\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {5CFC342C-63E5-490E-8624-434F996022DF}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-de_DE-111213042545\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {60A50B47-39EC-4EAF-9B5A-EDC61C04171B}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-nb_NO_x64-111213045750\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {6717CE34-EE50-4BCA-A333-76F86716B337}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-fr_FR-111213043940\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {7267D396-7C67-42E7-A111-5A5D93733BEA}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-fi_FI_x64-111213045502\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {7871F75D-70BC-436E-91FE-F7AA962C6099}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-it_IT-111213043406\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {78D1FDA4-5455-4328-A63E-7E124FBC999A}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-uk_UA_x64-111213051133\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {7CB740EA-D43D-4A85-AFCB-68C5044077C8}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-en_AE_x64-111213051701\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {7F00EFCF-A196-46CE-9D57-46BD22ED5372}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-en_AE-111213051538\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {868DDE13-8E83-48BF-8D47-8CB67DFD1563}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-da_DK_x64-111213043244\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {8850A634-F3F5-466A-B40F-3725EAED3B2D}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-nl_NL-111213043654\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {94641229-A06A-4D09-AFAB-8EA00426EC9D}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-ru_RU-111213050726\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {95A91199-F7A7-4F6F-A32A-E5F18C6C8C29}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-fi_FI-111213045338\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {978BA6B7-8D8E-48B1-95CD-1539D596019F}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-en_GB_x64-111213041331\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:090 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {9D0915F3-B498-4E0E-8E34-0B478C28CEE2}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-Support-111213054118\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {9E78FE46-A73E-4319-9326-4C0AD08FF1C0}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-ko_KR-111213041738\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {A8E776FA-7678-4C30-9911-81BD86E84EA9}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-it_IT_x64-111213043532\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {B04260F0-494D-4A51-95B9-688297494D69}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-zh_TW_x64-111213042141\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {C82D0FE1-B79B-44DD-8D32-8BCD93199A9B}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-zh_CN_x64-111213042424\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {CC1CA059-56F9-4929-A3D5-9515CBDE3677}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-tr_TR_x64-111213050605\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {CD386FA9-9BEC-4274-B148-BBD97B2DD2AA}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-es_MX-111213044518\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {DF338053-7DF2-478A-B21A-FE7A38A54471}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-Core_x64-111213053247\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {DF761250-54A2-4AC8-A61C-7879E320BC60}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:091 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-zh_CN-111213042303\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {E01E47B3-E99D-479A-A8C3-F2FBC939E7B5}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-ja_JP-111213041456\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {E4338613-16EB-4A96-ACA5-8D8B3A39B03A}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-fr_MA-111213052108\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {EAF2814F-68AF-4493-9DE7-9441C90CF4EC}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-pt_BR_x64-111213042957\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {EBE64FE5-E3F1-4C52-9117-8D4534C8F511}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-fr_CA-111213044230\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {EC10B2E6-EA07-4C4A-B3A9-2F3E5B12A398}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-cs_CZ_x64-111213050035\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {F0A1C79F-5E84-4622-A1B4-E9D30CDF68E8}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-pl_PL-111213050157\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {F0FCB457-85AB-42A5-A9D0-36E16DE670C3}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-cs_CZ-111213045913\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {F3FC1C53-227E-4C58-A2D2-01B7F1EB9244}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-nl_NL_x64-111213043818\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {F70E7F96-7605-40A5-B211-DC3B159D68BB}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:093 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:093 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-ko_KR_x64-111213041859\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:093 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {F808F849-4140-4EBC-B8D3-0CE0585F3962}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:093 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:093 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-en_IL_x64-111213051946\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:093 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {F88A6F4C-1282-4BD0-B52F-FB564AA05D6A}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:093 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:093 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-es_MX_x64-111213044641\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:093 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {F91A91DB-DB5E-4353-9E15-0435E38C045C}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:093 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:093 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-sv_SE-111213045051\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:093 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Updating media info for: {F9AA6442-69D9-4879-B0BC-A25A26CC8CD9}
    02/12/14 10:08:13:093 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    02/12/14 10:08:13:093 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Photoshop CC
      Path: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0\14.2\setu p\payloads\AdobePhotoshop14-es_ES-111213044804\Install.db
    02/12/14 10:08:13:093 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | --------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------
    02/12/14 10:08:13:125 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | Supported RIBS version range: [,]
    02/12/14 10:08:13:125 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | ----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x64 ---------------
    02/12/14 10:08:13:632 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | ______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______
    02/12/14 10:08:13:632 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Chinese (traditional) Language Pack_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-zh_TW {03FEDC54-2B83-4273-8E61-F015AED1FF8A} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Chinese (traditional) Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-zh_TW
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:632 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Spanish Language Pack_x64_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-es_ES_x64 {06385F1A-686B-4F9A-A288-B14DA88CD362} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Spanish Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop14-es_ES_x64
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:632 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Polish Language Pack_x64_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-pl_PL_x64 {0A140625-D36E-44F9-BB74-81F77F2330B4} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Polish Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop14-pl_PL_x64
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:632 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC IL English Language Pack_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-en_IL {0DF6A9DB-3952-4043-A568-BEB8945E4BBF} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC IL English Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-en_IL
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:632 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC International English Language Pack_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-en_GB {0E9F14B7-4D10-4032-BA87-C40ACD392D44} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC International English Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-en_GB
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Canadian French Language Pack_x64_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-fr_CA_x64 {141333F9-FC47-4A39-B8FE-D275392F6789} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Canadian French Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop14-fr_CA_x64
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Danish Language Pack_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-da_DK {17B0D899-8128-4B48-AF89-7225FC4190EF} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Danish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-da_DK
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Turkish Language Pack_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-tr_TR {1B1D7D01-D57A-4178-94E2-85C72F9F62A4} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Turkish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-tr_TR
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Russian Language Pack_x64_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-ru_RU_x64 {1EA79689-EF55-4C4D-8D1F-277BE6FAF7D5} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Russian Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop14-ru_RU_x64
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Brazilian Portugese Language Pack_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-pt_BR {2769566D-3013-4A92-B734-41CEAC204D3D} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Brazilian Portugese Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-pt_BR
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Norwegian Language Pack_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-nb_NO {2938A8F6-FEFF-4FC0-BDB1-BAFC93206A13} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Norwegian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-nb_NO
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Japanese Language Pack_x64_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-ja_JP_x64 {2B8BEA0E-6822-478A-B6FB-B7728728B63B} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Japanese Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop14-ja_JP_x64
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Hungarian Language Pack_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-hu_HU {3639A0A1-715C-41C9-8C08-3A2F273C1BDB} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Hungarian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-hu_HU
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC German Language Pack_x64_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-de_DE_x64 {39B0B410-3751-47CA-8A38-FF9C063AC592} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC German Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop14-de_DE_x64
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Ukrainian Language Pack_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-uk_UA {3BB385AE-949B-41C2-AC74-0E8C4BAF6C3D} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Ukrainian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-uk_UA
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC MA French Language Pack_x64_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-fr_MA_x64 {3E6FC41B-21B9-43B0-9A06-1566FBCAB39C} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC MA French Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop14-fr_MA_x64
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Hungarian Language Pack_x64_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-hu_HU_x64 {457FFF62-2725-47EB-941E-8F1648B89E5F} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Hungarian Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop14-hu_HU_x64
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC French Language Pack_x64_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-fr_FR_x64 {495275FD-CD40-49CD-95DC-17584DCB2951} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC French Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop14-fr_FR_x64
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Swedish Language Pack_x64_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-sv_SE_x64 {4956BE59-3D19-42DF-BEA9-3D7C9AE30770} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Swedish Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop14-sv_SE_x64
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC German Language Pack_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-de_DE {5CFC342C-63E5-490E-8624-434F996022DF} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC German Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-de_DE
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Norwegian Language Pack_x64_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-nb_NO_x64 {60A50B47-39EC-4EAF-9B5A-EDC61C04171B} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Norwegian Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop14-nb_NO_x64
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC French Language Pack_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-fr_FR {6717CE34-EE50-4BCA-A333-76F86716B337} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC French Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-fr_FR
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Finnish Language Pack_x64_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-fi_FI_x64 {7267D396-7C67-42E7-A111-5A5D93733BEA} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Finnish Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop14-fi_FI_x64
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Italian Language Pack_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-it_IT {7871F75D-70BC-436E-91FE-F7AA962C6099} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Italian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-it_IT
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Ukrainian Language Pack_x64_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-uk_UA_x64 {78D1FDA4-5455-4328-A63E-7E124FBC999A} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Ukrainian Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop14-uk_UA_x64
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC AE English Language Pack_x64_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-en_AE_x64 {7CB740EA-D43D-4A85-AFCB-68C5044077C8} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC AE English Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop14-en_AE_x64
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC AE English Language Pack_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-en_AE {7F00EFCF-A196-46CE-9D57-46BD22ED5372} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC AE English Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-en_AE
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Danish Language Pack_x64_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-da_DK_x64 {868DDE13-8E83-48BF-8D47-8CB67DFD1563} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Danish Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop14-da_DK_x64
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:633 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Dutch Language Pack_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-nl_NL {8850A634-F3F5-466A-B40F-3725EAED3B2D} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Dutch Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-nl_NL
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:634 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Russian Language Pack_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-ru_RU {94641229-A06A-4D09-AFAB-8EA00426EC9D} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Russian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-ru_RU
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:634 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Finnish Language Pack_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-fi_FI {95A91199-F7A7-4F6F-A32A-E5F18C6C8C29} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Finnish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-fi_FI
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    02/12/14 10:08:13:634 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe

    Batteryboy1 the first errors I came across in your log file is as follows:
    02/12/14 10:09:54:697 | [ERROR] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 9756 | DF045: File corruption detected. Re-install the product & then apply the patch again. (Can not repair file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC\32 bit Photoshop dlls\AlignmentLib.dll")(Seq 3)
    02/12/14 10:09:54:697 | [WARN] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 9756 | DW063: Command ARKPatchCommand failed.(Seq 3)
    For this error I would recommend removing and reinstalling Photoshop CC.  It appears your current installation have become compromised.  There are several additional instances of this error within the log file you have posted.
    If you find that after reinstalling you experience similar errors in the future then please review any system optimizer/utility software which may be affecting the installations of your Adobe software.
    I also see additional information that the language files have been removed from your installation.  This is based off information in the log such as the following:
    02/12/14 10:08:13:634 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10132 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Chinese (traditional) Language Pack_x64_14.2_AdobePhotoshop14-zh_TW_x64 {B04260F0-494D-4A51-95B9-688297494D69} requires a parent with following specification:
         Family: Photoshop
         ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Chinese (traditional) Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop14-zh_TW_x64
         This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
         This payload will be ignored in this session.
    This would also seem to support that a system optimization utility may have been utilized to remove the additional language files.  Previously the removal of these language files alone would prevent updates from being applied.

  • Servlet with no dynamic code inside jsp pages

              I saw that a servlet is created even if there is no dynamic code inside jsp pages (scriplets & tags). Is it possible to avoid it on bea side ? (I am using portal 8).
              By the way, do you know if is it possible to define apache in order to avoid to send to bea the jsp which have no dynamic code inside ?
              thank you !

    JSP's always generate a servlet on all web containers. Apache/Tomcat is no
              different. If you have static content, make it an HTML page.
              "hournon jc" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              > Hello,
              > I saw that a servlet is created even if there is no dynamic code inside
              jsp pages (scriplets & tags). Is it possible to avoid it on bea side ? (I am
              using portal 8).
              > By the way, do you know if is it possible to define apache in order to
              avoid to send to bea the jsp which have no dynamic code inside ?
              > thank you !

  • Dreamweaver template giving up "instancebegineditable tag inside editable region" error

    I have been searching the internet and any forum I can find relating to Dreamweaver and find it has been a comman problem for a lot of people but the solutions they got have not helped me. I created a template by following steps via a helpvid.net tutorial and the site looked very good for being basic enough but since last night when I try save the template it gives up the error "there is an error at line 8, column 47 (absolute position 789) of "file address": InstanceBeginEditable tag inside editable region." Now from what I have read on the forums it usually means there is a mispelling or something placed inside the region when it shouldn't be but there is only 50 odd lines on it and can't see any problem. When I view the files it gives the error about, there are duplications of the "begin editable region" a number of times but they shouldn't be there because they aren't on the template. Im also finding that before this error came up the pages looked fine when uploaded but now the footer height which was set to 20px is 200px when uploaded and I have checked all coding for it and checked the Divs but still see no error. I have uploaded my tempalete and some of the pages that its giving errors about to see if that helps, not sure if its best to just paste wall of coding so ill post links to the files and if code needs to be pasted here ill do so. http://dublinmoulding.com/ <- site im working on, it can be seen the footer is very big. Should be 20px height but inspect element shows its 200px - #wrapper #footer {     color: #FFF;     height: 200px; On the template it is #wrapper #footer {     color: #FFF;     text-align: center;     margin: 0px;     font-size: 18px;     font-style: normal;     font-weight: lighter;     font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;     padding-top: 5px;     padding-right: 0px;     padding-bottom: 5px;     padding-left: 0px;     height: 20px; http://dublinmoulding.com/dreamweaver/temp1.dwt <- my tempalate The error is given up on every page created using the template
    **Update**  I edited the file names of some of the pages that I used the template on so now it shows the coding.
    http://dublinmoulding.com/dreamweaver/index.html6  <- my index page
    http://dublinmoulding.com/dreamweaver/about.html6 <-about page

    No need for tricks.  We can view source code directly from our browsers or with Inspect Element.
    Like I said, I don't see any code errors in your Template or child pages. 
    If DW continues to display errors,  the first thing to try is Deleting Corrupted Cache in DW
    If that doesn't help, try Restore Preferences
    Nancy O.

  • Dynamic link error while executing XQUERY in SQL*Plus

    When I'm doing the following  XQUERY in SQL*Plus (version instant client for mac64bit) :
    XQUERY declare default element namespace "http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb/xdbconfig.xsd"; (:
           (: This path is split over two lines for documentation purposes only.
              The path should actually be a single long line.
           for $doc in fn:doc("/xdbconfig.xml")/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/
           return $doc
    I'm getting the following error:
    Dynamic link error: dlopen(/Users/markbeelen/Oracle/instantclient_11_2/lib/lib/libxdb.dylib, 9): image not found
    OCI-21500: internal error code, arguments: [unable to load XDB library], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
    Errors in file :
    OCI-21500: internal error code, arguments: [unable to load XDB library], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
    OCI-21500: internal error code, arguments: [unable to load XDB library], [],
    Any ideas how to solve this?

    Got same issue with :
    Java(TM) Platform
    Oracle IDE
    Versioning Support
    Alternate path for SqlHistory directory :
    C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer
    Best Regards,

  • Create dynamic code on a JSF with ADF Faces

    the next is just sample, nothing to production system, but if I can do the sample I can do something to production system.
    let's suppose that I want to create a html link
    in run-time over a JSF page with ADF Faces component.
    I can do that, I did using javascript and Custom tag,
    but the html link is placed out of the body of the page instead of put it over the place that I put it in development-time
    so, now my question is:
    how I can generate dynamic code using ADF FACES component commandButton or any others.
    any suggestion??
    P.D. if you need more info ask me.

    Hello Jeanne.
    You are right, I used <f:verbatim> element to wrap all my non-JSF elements and it work. :)
    so good so far.
    but, dynamic code mean generate code in this case HTML in run-time.
    That is to say: write code HTML just in time I invoke a page.
    That is posible through Custom Tags.
    You create a Custom Tags this tag generate HTML code after to process any Business Logic. then you put the tag in the page that you want to use it
    someting like this:
    <afh:rowLayout halign="center">
    <afh:cellFormat halign="center">
    the just above bold line is my Custom Tag that generate HTML code
    and not work.
    but, if I replace the tag directly using HTML code in the page, for example:
    <afh:rowLayout halign="center">
    <afh:cellFormat halign="center">
    it work
    so, now my new question is:
    ¿How can I use a Custom Tagthat generate HTML code, and that code have been written inside of my body page?
    Thanks in advantage for your reply.

  • The code error which is difficult to understand?

    I am getting the following code error which is in red color. How to solve the problem? The errors are in Line 1, 2, 5 & 6. This code is used for auto typing style.
    if (Number(TextLen)<=Number(length(TextBuffer)) and Number(TextLen)<>0) {
       TextLen = Number(eval("TextLen"))+1;
        TypeField = substring(TextBuffer, 1, TextLen);
    } else {
       TextLen = 0;
    1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before and.
    1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before semicolon.
    1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before semicolon.
    1100: Syntax error: XML does not have matching begin and end tags.

    kglad wrote:
    if (Number(TextLen)<=Number(TextBuffer.length) && Number(TextLen)<>0) {
       TextLen = Number(eval("TextLen"))+1;
        TypeField = substring(TextBuffer, 1, TextLen);
    } else {
       TextLen = 0;
    Thanks for the quick reply. Now getting two errors and both are in line one which is in RED color:
    1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before greaterthan.
    1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before leftbrace.
    if (Number(TextLen)<=Number(TextBuffer.length) && Number(TextLen)<>0) {

  • SAPScript code error

    Hi All!
    I want to write the next code in a SAPScript form and I receive the marked error.
    /: IF ((&MSEG-XAUTO& NE 'X' AND &MSEG-BWART NE '309') OR              
       <b>AND, OR or end of condition expected                       </b>        
    =  (&MSEG-XAUTO& EQ 'X' AND &MSEG-BWART EQ '309')) .  
    The tag column is the error?
    Thank you for your answer.
    Best regards,

    Thanks Santosh.
    I have the ENDIF. I copy all the code:
    /:   IF ((&MSEG-XAUTO& NE 'X' AND &MSEG-BWART NE '309') OR            
    =    (&MSEG-XAUTO& EQ 'X' AND &MSEG-BWART EQ '309')) .                
    L    &MSEG-MATNR&                                                     
    L    &MSEG-CHARG&                                                     
    /:   IF &MSEG-MATNR+4(7)& EQ '0000-00'.                               
    M     &EKPO-TXZ01& &MABDR-MAKTX(30)&                                  
    /:   ELSE.                                                            
    M     &MABDR-MAKTX(30)&                                               
    /:   ENDIF.                                                           
    /*   Boxã: &BOXA& /  &GEST&                                           
    L    &MSEG-LGORT&/&MABDR-LGPBE&                                       
    /*   &MABDR-LGPBE&                                                    
    /:   IF &MSEG-KDPOS& NE '000000'.                                     
    M    &MSEG-KDAUF&/ &MSEG-KDPOS&                                       
    /:   ENDIF.                                                           
    /:      IF &MSEG-LIFNR& EQ SPACE.                                     
    L    &FURNIZOR&                                                       
    /:      ELSE.                                                         
    M    &mseg-lifnr&                                                     
    /:      ENDIF.                                                        
    /*   ECHIV.LA:                                                        
    M    &ECHIV&                                                          
    /*   &EINA-IDNLF&                                                     
    /*   &CODFRZ&                                                         
    /:   ENDIF.                                                           

  • {@code } tags work but code /code dont?

    I'm commenting a regular expression class:
    /** Matches tags like this:
    <code><html></html> </code>
    The created HTML javadoc code is not changed:
    Matches tags like this:
    <code><html></html> </code>
    And thus the "<html></html>" is not visible.
    But if I do
    /** Matches tags like this:
    {@code <html></html>}
    it works.
    I use Javadoc 1.6 and I dont know where the error lies... I would be thankful if someone could explain to me why it does not work in the first way...

    JavaDoc comments are basically HTML (plus JavaDoc tags). It will work, if you replace "<code><html></html></code>" with "<code>&lt;html&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</code>".
    {@code ...} is a special (convenience) JavaDoc tag, that does the neccessary text to HTML conversion for its parameter text, i.e. {@code} translates "<html></htm>" into "&lt;html&gt;&lt;/html&gt;".
    See http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/tooldocs/windows/javadoc.html#{@code} for additional information.

  • Cisco iron port feature activation code error how to resolve that?

    cisco iron port feature activation code error  how to resolve that?

    I have fixed this problem successfully.
    The problem was with the referral attribute of the cfldap tag.
    After adding this (referral="yes") attribute to my code I am able to login into my website.
    <cfldap action="QUERY" server="#application.LDAPServer#" port="#application.LDAPPort#" start="#application.LDAPBase#" name="search" attributes="alias, dn, uid, technicalCareerLevel, locationorgunit, givenName, sn" filter="#filter#" scope="SUBTREE" maxRows="2" referral="yes">
    Any way thanks for your assistance!!!!!

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