Uncompileable Programs in Pacman Packages

There are some programs that won't compile, no matter how many patches or tweaks you do.  The code is too old and unmaintained.  It's very frustrating when you can't get a package to compile.  But alas, the developers offer a 386 binary!  You don't want you filesystem cluttered with unpacmaned files.  Hmm.. what to do?
You can make a pacman PKGBUILD to download the binaries, and place them in correct spots according to AL guidelines, and get them to work.  EX: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?t=5210 - the lad at that link made a cube package with the developer supplied binaries.
Now I know that these packages should not be included in the official respitories... What a waste!  That's pretty much just a couple more mirrors for that program...
But would be nice, is an archieve of these uncompilable programs' PKGBUILDs.  Maybe a WiKi or CVS?  What are your thoughts of this matter?

It's possible that there will be a place for "unmaintained" PKGBUILDs in the new packaging system. It keeps getting argued.

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    pacman -checkout /etc/mpd.conf mpd.pkg.tar.xz

    karol wrote:Arch packages are just compressed archives, so you can use standard tools like tar / bsdtar for this.
    Do you mean something like this?
    tar -Jxvf /var/cache/pacman/pkg/mpd.pkg.tar.xz etc/mpd.conf -O > /etc/mpd.conf
    It works but I need to manually find the package in cache and specify the filename. If pacman has an internal *checkout* feature things would be much easier.

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    mathben wrote:
    I has pacman 4.0.3-7 and for some dependancy (like yaourt), i need pacman 4.1
    He wasn't in system update, so i download it from git : git clone git://projects.archlinux.org/pacman.git pacman
    sh ./autogen.sh
    ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --enable-doc
    make -j8
    sudo make install
    Why would you do that? Why would you not use pacman to upgrade/install pacman, or any other package for that matter?
    Honestly, this was such a bad idea that I'm finding it difficult to keep myself from berating you with inappropriate language (some of which I instinctively blurted out when I read your post).
    mathben wrote:
    I try to upgrade my DB
    sudo /usr/local/bin/pacman-db-upgrade
    ==> ERROR: /usr/local/var/lib/pacman/ is not a pacman database directory.
    pacman-db-upgrade is a transition tool to convert pacman 3.x databases to pacman 4.x databases. Is there some guide that told you to use that to update the database?
    I pride myself on trying to be helpful on the forum, but you do not seem to have any idea of how package management works on Arch Linux. This is all covered in the wiki and on the forum. I really do not mean to be rude, but I believe that you would be better off with something else as you seem to just be naively trying random shit.
    If you really want to clean up the mess that you've made, uninstall the manually installed pacman, remove whatever AUR apps you have installed that prevent you from upgrading via pacman, then rebuild and re-install those apps after the upgrade.
    I also suspect that you are using Archbang or some other distro given that you seem to be new to the distro yet already have yaourt installed. If this is the case then you should direct yourself to their forum. This forum is for Arch Linux.

  • What is you favourite program to update packages installed by aur?

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    i just scripted the wget / tar / makepkg / pacman -U process with prompts between each step.  it also starts with a lynx aur google search to get the package name. 
    # Aurget V 0.1
    # pbrisbin 2009
    # This script searches google for Arch Linux AUR packages
    # The user selects from the results and the packages is
    # optionally extracted, built, and installed
    # Packages can be saved or discarded
    # Usage: aurget [packagename]
    # ToDo: track version info to see if your due for an update
    # (basically, become yaourt!)
    ## User Config
    # just some directories
    WD="/tmp/aurget" # place to do some work
    PD="$HOME/Packages" # place to store built packages
    SAFE="$PD/aurget_dump" # place to dump data if something happens
    ## Program below
    # set up the environment
    [ -d $WD ] || (mkdir $WD && chmod 700 $WD)
    [ -d $SAFE ] || mkdir -p $SAFE
    LNG=$(echo $LANG | cut -d '_' -f 1)
    CHARSET=$(echo $LANG | cut -d '.' -f 2)
    # minimal error checking
    if [ -z $1 ]; then
    echo "Please specify a search term. Ex. ./aurget cairo"
    exit 0
    # search google for the AUR package
    lynx -accept_all_cookies -dump -hiddenlinks=ignore -nonumbers -assume_charset="$CHARSET" -display_charset="$CHARSET" "http://www.google.com/search?hl=${LNG}&q=${1}+site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Faur.archlinux.org%2F&btnG=Search" | grep AUR\ \(en\) > $WD/results
    if [ ! -s $WD/results ]; then
    echo "Sorry, no appropriate results."
    exit 0
    # display the results
    echo ""
    echo "Results found:"
    echo ""
    cat -b $WD/results | awk '{ print " ", $1, "-", $6 }'
    echo ""
    echo "Please enter the number to download: (or q to quit)"
    echo ""
    # read which packages to DL
    read NUM
    if [ "$NUM" = "q" ]; then
    echo " Quitting..."
    exit 0
    PACK=$(cat -b $WD/results | grep -P "$NUM\t" | awk '{ print $6 }')
    # download the tarball
    echo ""
    echo "Downloading $PACK to $WD..."
    echo ""
    wget -q -O $WD/$PACK.tar.gz http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/$PACK/$PACK.tar.gz || exit 1
    # extract the tarball
    echo ""
    echo " Tarball downloaded."
    echo ""
    echo " Extract the files? (y/n)"
    echo ""
    read E
    case $E in
    cd $WD && tar xvzf $PACK.tar.gz || exit 2
    echo " Quitting..."
    cp $WD/$PACK.tar.gz $SAFE/
    rm -r $WD
    exit 0
    echo " Invalid, quitting."
    rm -r $WD
    exit 5
    # use makepkg to build the package
    echo ""
    echo " Files extracted."
    echo ""
    echo " Build the package? (y/n)"
    echo ""
    read B
    case $B in
    cd $WD/$PACK && makepkg -s || exit 3
    PACK=$(find $WD/$PACK -name '*pkg.tar.gz')
    echo " Quitting..."
    cp $WD/$PACK $SAFE/
    rm -r $WD
    exit 0
    echo " Invalid, quitting."
    rm -r $WD
    exit 5
    # use pacman -U to install the package
    echo ""
    echo " Package built."
    echo ""
    echo " Install the package? (y/n)"
    echo ""
    read I
    case $I in
    sudo pacman -U $PACK || exit 4
    echo " Quitting..."
    cp $PACK $PD/
    rm -r $WD
    exit 0
    echo " Invalid, quitting..."
    rm -r $WD
    exit 5
    # clean up the working directory, save the package if you want
    echo ""
    echo " Package was installed."
    echo ""
    echo " Keep the Package? (y/n)"
    echo ""
    read K
    case $K in
    cp $PACK $PD/
    rm -r $WD
    exit 0
    echo " Quitting..."
    rm -r $WD
    exit 0
    echo " Invalid, quitting..."
    rm -r $WD
    exit 5
    # always clean up after yourself
    [ -d $WD ] && rm -r $WD
    exit 0
    i know i could probably search AUR directly but i took the lynx line from another script and just kept it (added the site= term to keep it AUR specific)
    Last edited by brisbin33 (2009-04-02 17:19:44)

  • Pacman Package Removing

    Hi guys,
    I have recently installed ArchLinux and was wondering how do you keep your system clean while installing and removing packages, because today I removed my Ruby package and saw that I still had my Ruby folder in /usr/lib with the gems, which logically is not installed by Pacman. Instead of, they are installed by a program that comes with Ruby.
    Do you guys have any command which 'recursively' deletes all the folders and files installed by a package? I know there's a command which deletes recursively all the dependencies, but thats not what im looking for.
    I dont know if I explained my problem properly. Apologizes for my english.

    farresito wrote:
    Thanks to both, guys. Really appreciate your answers.
    @tomk: Its not that I install outside of pacman. I never install outside of pacman, but in that case I thought, as gem its part of ruby, that pacman would delete gem and, consequently, gem would delete what he aparently installed, being recursively, if that can be said so. Anyway, I will try to avoid this type of situations.
    To explain a bit, pacman simply deletes the files that exist in the installed package. If the package (when run) creates a file, pacman does not know about it (pacman does not monitor what the binaries actually do). This is also the reason why (for example) firefox can create a profile which doesn't get deleted when you uninstall firefox.

  • Archiving files generated by PL/SQL program using UTL_FILE package

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    We have on PL/SQL package that is generating some data files using UTL_FILE package in one specific directory.
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    Because applmgr is not having write permission on the files, hence mv command is failing.
    Please suggest me how to resolve this issue.
    Devender Yadav

    I just think that, you can create one sh which is chancing permission of related path owner for applmgr user and put it on crontab and it can run every 1 min.

  • Java Program in a package

    Hi Friends,
    I am trying to compile a program CPTest1.java and CPTest2.java which are in the package G:\com\bofa\pbes\cedrelay i.e(com.bofa.pbes.cedrelay).But these 2 classes are making reference to one more class by name CPTest3.java which is in H:\Ced_Siebel\temp\cmwCall\com\bofa\crme\ccs. As you can see it is in different package,ofcourse different drive(H).So when I try to compile these programs using command
    javac -classpath \com\bofa\crme\ccs CPTest1.java CPTest2.java
    I get following error..
    CPTest2.java:3: package com.bofa.crme does not exist
    import com.bofa.crme.ccs;
    CPTest2.java:13: cannot find symbol
    symbol : class CPTest3
    location: class com.bofa.pbes.cedrelay.CPTest2
    CPTest3 cpt2 = new CPTest3();
    CPTest2.java:13: cannot find symbol
    symbol : class CPTest3
    location: class com.bofa.pbes.cedrelay.CPTest2
    CPTest3 cpt2 = new CPTest3();
    3 errors
    Please guide me friends.Though these are very basic things .Please help me Friends....

    You don't really understand the classpath concept, do you?
    Include the directories that hold the packages (G:\;H:\Ced_Siebel\temp\cmwCall\), not the ones that contain the classes.

  • Java Program in a Package....very urgent

    Hi Friends,
    I am trying to compile a program CPTest1.java and CPTest2.java which are in the package G:\com\bofa\pbes\cedrelay i.e(com.bofa.pbes.cedrelay).But these 2 classes are making reference to one more class by name CPTest3.java which is in H:\Ced_Siebel\temp\cmwCall\com\bofa\crme\ccs. As you can see it is in different package,ofcourse different drive(H).So when I try to compile these programs using command
    javac -classpath \com\bofa\crme\ccs CPTest1.java CPTest2.java
    I get following error..
    CPTest2.java:3: package com.bofa.crme does not exist
    import com.bofa.crme.ccs;
    CPTest2.java:13: cannot find symbol
    symbol : class CPTest3
    location: class com.bofa.pbes.cedrelay.CPTest2
    CPTest3 cpt2 = new CPTest3();
    CPTest2.java:13: cannot find symbol
    symbol : class CPTest3
    location: class com.bofa.pbes.cedrelay.CPTest2
    CPTest3 cpt2 = new CPTest3();
    3 errors
    Please guide me friends.Though these are very basic things .Please help me Friends....

    By flagging your question as urgent, you're implying that your time is more valuable than those who answer questions here. Also, it might lead one to think that you're under the impression that your question is more important than other people's questions.
    IMHO, both are not true. Perhaps you'll consider this when posting (here) again.
    Good luck.

  • Program without a Package

    Hi Folks,
                  I have a very weird issue....
    Thing is I have a requirement where I have to make some code changes in a program and transport it...Thats very common ..but the twist is ...when I make change in the program in Dev client ..Its asking me for a package...
    When I check the attributes of the program I notice that it is
    TYPE  - Executable program
    So how do I determine the package in which this Z program is stored...I have already checked the where used list but nothing has come out of it...Even checked the Object directory but no use..
    This program actually is triggered by external system called datastage to which this program sends data..

    hi ragav,
    This happens when u want to make changes to an object whose task number and request number has been transported already but u want to make changes to that object.
    This usually happens in the real time when u forward the certain object to testing client and due to some limitations  it needs to add some more code to that object then it has to be changed in the development client at that time u need to assign again that object to any package.
    reward is helpful.
    shashikanth naram

  • [SOLVED] pacman - package does not have a valid architecture

    When I was trying to update my system recently, I ran into this problem:
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date 0.0 B 0.00B/s 00:00 [----------------------] 0%
    multilib is up to date
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    error: failed to prepare transaction (package architecture is not valid)
    :: package wine-1.7.17-1-i686 does not have a valid architecture
    I tried clearing pacman's cache to see if that was the problem, but it didn't do anything. I haven't upgraded the system in over a week before this, and I've installed packages in the mean time without issues. I know that it's not just a wine issue - I tried installing some random packages but ran into the same issue.
    The only thing I can think of that might have caused this would be archiso - I was trying to build a custom ISO but build.sh went wacky for some reason, and it seemed to be trying to install packages onto my system, not into the ISO.
    EDIT: This problem seems to only affect packages in community and extra. Packages from core and multilib don't run into this problem.
    SOLUTION: I think pacman's database files for community and extra got corrupted somehow. I just went into /var/lib/pacman, moved the sync folder to sync_old, then ran pacman -Sy, Everything seems to be good now.
    Last edited by DoctorSelar (2014-04-18 23:04:45)

    DoctorSelar wrote:... then ran pacman -Sy, Everything seems to be good now.
    Unless that's a typo or you immediately followed it by `pacman -Su` then everything is not good now.  Never run `pacman -Sy`.

  • Saving the programs in a package to presentation server.

    Hi folks,
           I have done some programs in SAP IDES. Now that IDES is going to be refreshed and the programs which I did in it will no longer exist. I have tried of
    going to SE80 transaction and saving all the package...I  was able to click on individual program and save it....But for some programs like Module pool , it will be linked to some other transaction names, some programs etc......
    So pls suggest me the way for saving all the package with programs,data dictionary fields etc in the IDES.

    look here:
    http://www.abaps.de/ for ZREPTRAN_620

  • How can I compile program which uses packages?

    I'm building a program using JBuilder9. I can successfully run using that IDE, but after I try to run it manually (run class file which compiled from JBuilder) by typing "javac myMainClass" it cannot find serveral packages which I put those packages' folder on the same root directory of myMainClass. Thank you.

    Man, you should probably read the following:
    Anyways, the first thing to do is to determine the current value of CLASSPATH (that is a system variable and it depends on your OS how you change/get its value).
    Next thing is to determine WHAT you need to add:
    For each used package check if its (root directory/jar) is in your CLASSPATH. If not add it, e.g.
    - you have a package my.test.package in C:\temp\myJar.jar then add C:\temp\myJar.jar
    - you have a package my.test.package in C:\temp, i.e. your fs structure is C:\temp\my\test\package, then add C:\temp
    For beginners, it's usually a good idea to have your CLASSPATH contain a dot (".") ...

  • Install pacman packages from Firefox

    I like to browse for Arch packages in http://www.archlinux.org/packages, so I created a Greasemonkey script to allow me to install packages right from Firefox.
    The script is available in http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/67944. It uses an external url handler for pacman, so after installing the script, make sure to follow the instructions in the script page to create this handler.
    Last edited by danielrmt (2010-02-03 12:38:40)

    sHyLoCk wrote:http://www.archlinux.org/packages/commu … ox-search/
    Yeah, I use that to browse for the packages, but it does not allow me to install them.
    EDIT: you edited your post just when I replied it... :)
    Last edited by danielrmt (2010-02-03 12:27:07)

  • Pacman packages list export without version number

    Hi all!
    I'd like to know if there is a way to export a package-list without the version of every package to be able to export the installed packages, edit the exported file and after that have a list which I can use to setup another computer with the same packages.
    pacman -Q
    just gives me the packages with version info and I need the package names separated by only one space.
    Or is there another solution to export and then install the packages in a text-file?
    For example:
    Computer A: -> generate package-list
    Computer B: -> import/read package-list from Computer A and tell pacman to install all those packages as well.
    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Ahhh, thanks again!
    I should get into the shell a bit deeper soon
    And to give something as well, here's the detailed reason I was asking. I put a little script into the ~/.kde/Autostart folder that creates that list of packages after each boot so when something "happenes" to the system (I know, it's not likely , I have a fairly recent package-list.
    The script now looks like this:
    sudo pacman -Q|cut -f 1 -d " " > packages.`date +%y%m%d%H%M`
    and that list I will gladly "import" with your last command!
    I don't know if this is useful for anyone else but me, but... anyhow
    Thanks again!
    Last edited by Micha (2007-12-05 17:43:06)

  • Pacman package name inconsistent problem

    i recently installed archlinux with a core distro, however when i try to install some packages using pacman , it always meet some problems in downloading package files. for example,  when i issued the following command
    # pacman -Sy
    # pacman -S packagename
    the pacman will show me a error message like this:
    Failed downloading /linux/........./packagename-1.1.1.pkg.tar.gz
    from mirror.some.host: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    i compared the package file name listed in the package.txt of the source folder, and find that the packagename is actually different from the filename that pacmand requested.
    say, the package file name in the server is package-1.1.1.i686.pkg.tar.gz, but what pacman trying to get is package-1.1.1.pkg.tar.gz
    could you please tell me how can i sync up the package file list with the server?????
    Thanks a lot in advance..

    thank you toofishes
    I have manually downloaded the package files that required by pacman , and renamed them by removing "i686" between filename and ".pkg.tar.gz", and it worked nicely, after upgraded pacman, everything become just fine. 
    but after doing that,  i met an unexpected kernel panic after reboot. please refer to the following thread.

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