Undo a redirected folder true GPO WS2K8

Hi all, 
About a year ago, we applied a GPO for redirecting userfolders like; AppData, Desktop, Pictures, Downloads, etc. We experienced a lot of data in the Downloads folder so we want to undo our redirect but we only want to undo our redirect for the Download folder
and not the other folders. 
So we only want to undo our Downloads folder redirect and it needs to be redirected again to the local machine, can anybody help me with this? 
I would like to thank you in advance. Please, feel free to contact me for further details. 
Kind regards, 
Jordi Martin Lago 

Hi Jordi,
In addition, to redirect special folders to the local profile location, the following steps can be referred to as reference:
1. Open a GPO that is linked to the site, domain, or OU that contains the users whose special folders you want to redirect.
2. In the console tree, double-click Folder Redirection to display the special folder that you want to redirect.
3. Right-click the special folder that you want to redirect (such as Desktop or My Documents), and then click Properties.
4. In the Setting box on the Target tab, select Basic - Redirect everyone’s folder to the same location.
Under Target folder location, select Redirect to the local user profile location, and then click OK.
Regarding how to configure folder redirection, the following article can be referred to for more information.
Configuring Folder Redirection
Best regards,
Frank Shen

Similar Messages

  • Windows 7 pro problem with redirected folder for 1 computer in the domain only.

    We have a computer in the domain we have that started to behave strangely.
    We have redirected folder on the GPO for the Desktop, favorites, and my documents folder.
    The server is 2012 essentials
    Sometimes the customer want to save it's document and the computer refuse to save the file saying that the folder doesn't exist (path unknow). Mostly restarting the machine solve the problem.I verified the synchro between the server and the computer and
    everything seem fine. What I have seen is that went I unplug the system from local network this specific folder disapear. So what I fear is that somethimes the machine can't connect to the server and then the problem start to appear.
    I have tested other account on the domain and they run fine.
    Any idea where I might look?
    Thanks you.

    Hi  MD Info,
    Do you mean that only one account have this issue?
    What policy do you set?
    Please take the following steps for troubleshooting:
    1. Use this account to log in other computers and check if this issue still exists
    2. When this issue occurs, ping the IP address and server name of the server 2012, and share us the result
    3. As you mentioned in the post ‘Mostly restarting the machine solve the problem’, please run the command
    gpupdate /force in powershell and check if this issue still exists.
    Best regards,
    Fangzhou CHEN
    Fangzhou CHEN
    TechNet Community Support

  • I am unable to create pdf using adobe printer to a redirected folder on a server running windows server 2003

    I am unable to create pdf using adobe printer to a redirected folder on a server running windows server 2003

    In the app-server-ant.xml file, as indiacted in the error message i am getting, at line 145 it is suppose to get the path to \bin\asadmin.bat from the value of a paramater called 'asadmin'. This value is being set in the beginning of the file.
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    I have checked the values of both these parameters and they are set correctly, so since it is still giving me problems, at line 145 i hard coded the path instead of the parameter name:
    I replaced line
    <exec executable="${asadmin}" failonerror="${failonerror}" dir="${javaee.home}">
    <exec executable="c:/sun/appserver/bin/asadmin.bat" failonerror="${failonerror}" dir="${javaee.home}">
    This works.

  • Best solution for data availability for end users --- reverse redirected folder and roaming profile

    Roaming profiles and redirected folders do not seem to work for our environment. They often become troublesome and cause much help desk time and resources.
    Is there a way to have a roaming profile and redirected folder configuration however have the local workstation have the primary copy and have the "server side" version be a backup?
    This would seem to allow the user to have a constantly updated local copy and also have a backed up version on the enterprise server side available.

    I'm afraid there is no such function for saving the main copy on local side.
    However if the sync of your roaming profile or folder redirection is not working well, it will still affect the result even if the function is available.
    Also roaming profile is for "using same profile on different client computers", if the primary copy is on client it will not affect the purpose.
    And for folder redirection it supports Offline Files so client should have a local copy when sync is not work.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please send to [email protected]

  • Folder redirection configured in GPO does not create Documents folder and does not redirect

    Another Folder Redirect-post - sorry for that, but I could not find an answer for my problem so far: even with consulting many threads here...
    We have an existing environment under Windows XP and want to move away from that. Now I ran into troubles with folder redirection...
    The following folder- and permission structure exists so far:
    \\<server>\<Users$-share>: This is the base folder for all users-directories
    -> Permissions: SYSTEM: Full / Administrators: Full / Users: Read&Execute, only this folder
    -> Share-permissions: Authenticated users: Full control
    \\<server>\<Users$-share>\<username>: base folder for the specific user
    -> Permissions: SYSTEM: Full / Administrators: Full / User: Change, all permissions inherited onwards
    -> Giving only change permission prevent further problems with self-called "advanced users"... ;-)
    \\<server>\<Users$-share>\<username>\profil.V2: Profile directory of the user
    -> Of course here the permissions are set by the system: override the predefined permission
    \\<server>\<Users$-share>\<username>\daten: Atcual Home directory of the user
    \\<server>\<Users$-share>\<username>\daten\Documents: Suposed Documents directory of the user
    Now I am going to Server 2012 and Windows 8.1, configured the GPO to redirect Documents folder into the above mentioned:
    GPO - User configuration - Policies - Windows settings - Folder Redirection - Documents:
    Setting: Standart - redirects all folders to the same path
    Destination folder: Copy to base directory of the user
    I apply policy to the user, log out and in - it doesn't work, no folder Documents created in my home-folder, Folder Documents still configured at C:\Users\<user>\Documents
    A very special point:
    I also do Redirection of the My Pictures-folder: Define it to follow the Documents folder. Funnily that one works and creates and configures \\<server>\<Users$-share>\<username>\daten\Pictures
    -> So in my eyes, it should work!
    Then: I want to do the folder redirection without Offline Files, due to the fact, that our users work with dynamically assigned virtual desktops, which are been cleaned everytime a user logs off a machine. Therefore synchronizing doesn't make sense...
    I just cannot see, why this redirection does not work :-(
    Thank you very much for any help!
    Kind regards

    Hi David,
    Before going further, would you please let me confirm the OS version of the Windows Server which you used to
    configure folder redirection? Based on your description, did you mean that those users (who will be applied folder redirection settings) logged on Windows XP client computer?
    When you configure the folder redirection setting in Document Properties (path:
    User Configuration-> Policies-> Windows Settings-> Folder Redirection-> Documents), please check if you checked “Also apply redirection policy to Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating system” in Settings
    tab. As below picture shows.
    GPO - User configuration - Policies - Windows settings - Folder Redirection - Documents:
    à•Setting: Standart
    - redirects all folders to the same path
    folder: Copy to base directory of the user
    Would you please provide a screenshot of those settings you describe? Meanwhile, please summarily describe
    that how you configure. For example, where this GPO link to? Or any other. It will help me to understand clearly. Thanks for your understanding.
    In addition, please use
    gpresult command to check if the folder redirection group policy was really applied.
    If any update, please feel free to let me know.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu

  • Windows 7 desktop (redirected folder) icons layout

    Please help me to solve this issue.
    Our computers louse desktop icon layout after returning from sleep.
    Important facts about our setup:
    Windows 7 professional SP1 64 bit
    Redirected folders
    We louse desktop icon layout every time after computer louses it's connection to server where our desktop folder is redirected.
    Steps to reproduce the problem:
    1. Configure folder redirection (Desktop) to some server.
    2. Move user icons (icons that are not form local computer installation) somewhere on desktop.
    3. Put computer to sleep.
    4. Leave computer in sleep for 10 minutes (so that he louses connection to server where folder is redirected).
    5. Wake up computer.
    Every time we do this icons are moved to the left.
    It doesn't help if we turn of auto arrange icons and align icons to grid.
    Thank you in advance on your reply.
    Best regards.

    I made a test, no matter whether the PC has connection to the server or not, the layout of the desktop icons should remains as it should be. it will not automatically arrange the icons. Sounds weird in your situation. According to your description, if this
    issue only happens when the computer loses connection during sleep, then to avoid this, as a workaround, we can check the power management option of the network adapter, untick "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power".
    If the network connection remains during sleep, and the issue remains after PC wakes up, then we can eliminate the server connection issue, in that case, please post back, and we can take a further analysis of the issue.  
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Ower right services file in driver\etc folder using gpo

    Dear All,
    we require to over write services file in all pc using gpo
    pls help

    please see about using GPP
    https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc772536.aspx or check with GPO
    Best regards
    Meinolf Weber
    Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
    My Blog: http://blogs.msmvps.com/MWeber
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.

  • Microsoft-Windows-Folder Redirection Error 502. CSC database locked by another user

    Dear all,
    We are finalizing our Windows 7 migration where we migrated 500+ clients. In our enterprise concept we implemented RUP (Roaming User Profiles) and Redirected Folders for all
    users. The Redirected Folders have been by enabled by a single GPO which redirects all folders from
    AppData to
    Searches \\servername.domain.name\documents$\%username%.
    The RUP and Redirected folders solution works fine until a new user wants to logon. This new user has been migrated to RUP and Redirected on another system and
    he just wants to work on another workplace or gets a temporary pc. What happens is that redirected folders do not work. The user gets a message that the folder is not reachable and desktop is empty.
    Soon I found out that something was being locked. If we used a user account which had working Redirect Folders than this
    worked for that user. An event of 10 was logged in OfflineFiles area of EventViewer to reconnect the path which was configured in the GPO.
    This is example screenshot. It says "Error on Open Folder. \\server.domain.name\documents$\%username%\Desktop refers to a location that is unavailable. It could be on a hard disk
    on this computer, or a on a network. Check to make sure that the disk is properly inserted, or that you are connected to the Internet or your network, and then try again. If it still cannot be located, the information might have been moved to a different location."
    These symptoms happen randomly and not on all workstations. The pain here is when it happens on a portable computer. For desktop we disabled the "Disable Offline Files' in "Manage
    Offline Files" control panel and then reboot. After the reboot the folders are directed
    and it works without these errors... On portable computer we can't use this work around as they need to work offline.
    If I connect to the share without the FQDN like \\servername\documents$\%username%\Desktop than this works fine and user can access all folders. When I try the FQDN path which is
    configured in the GPO to redirect user to like \\servername.domain.name\documents$\%username%\Desktop than it fails with this message. I personally think because the C:\Windows\CSC database is locked by the previous user who has been logged on this system.
    An example of the event generated in the Applications Event viewer part (I removed some username and server path):
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Folder Redirection
    Date:          1-2-2011 17:40:11
    Event ID:      502
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    User:          domain\ivan
    Computer:      computer.domain.name
    Failed to apply policy and redirect folder "Videos" to "\\servername.domain.name\documents$\ivan\Documents\My Videos".
     Redirection options=0x1001.
     The following error occurred: "Can not create folder "\\\servername.domain.name\documents$\ivan\Documents\My Videos"".
     Error details: "Access is denied.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
        <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Folder Redirection" Guid="{7D7B0C39-93F6-4100-BD96-4DDA859652C5}" />
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2011-02-01T16:40:11.486983400Z" />
        <Correlation ActivityID="{3211E6FB-2801-456D-BE6E-66AAE150A4DC}" />
        <Execution ProcessID="968" ThreadID="5856" />
        <Security UserID="S-1-5-21-3705223304-2632712944-1292073641-26755" />
      <EventData Name="EVENT_FDEPLOY_FailedToApplyPolicy">
        <Data Name="FromFolder">Videos</Data>
        <Data Name="ToFolder">\\servername.domain.name\documents$\ivan\Documents\My Videos</Data>
        <Data Name="Options">0x1001</Data>
        <Data Name="Error">Can not create folder "\\servername.domain.name\documents$\ivan\Documents\My Videos"</Data>
        <Data Name="ErrorDetails">Access is denied.
    Something like this I see in the Application Eventviewer:
    Windows 7 Enterprise client with patches until 1-Nov-2010
    Windows Server 2008 R2 for the Documents$ share
    Windows Server 2003 R2 as the domain controller
    I have tried all different option even to rebuild the CSC database but this also was not helping. I hope we are not dealing with a bug.
    Any help is much appreciated.
    Best regards, Ivan Versluis http://www.networknet.nl

    Ivan and SteveDIG - Thanks for taking the time to post detailed information about what you have found.  I have found the same things over the past few months and have been working with Microsoft to resolve this.  Like Ivan, I have been told by
    MS that this is a design problem in Windows 7, but they did admit it is a bug and did not charge me for the case.  That was the good news.  The bad news was that the problem is so 'deep' in Windows 7 that it will not be fixed until Windows 8 and
    the CSC engineering team in Redmond has rejected several requests to fix this issue in Windows 7 from several customers.  I personally feel we should have hauled our TAM in over this, but that wasn't my call so we haven't attempted to get an attitude
    change from MS.
    <RANT> I find this completely outrageous.  Windows is supposed to be a multi-user operating system suitable for deployment to mobile workforces spread around the world and often using slow VPN links.  Offline folders, folder redirection,
    slow link detection, etc. are all great on paper and as I did the design work for the W7 solution I've just built I sold these advantages heavily.  I now have serious egg on my face and am not happy.  Like others here I missed this in testing as
    multiple users are a fringe for us, but still important, I unfortunately didn't think to specifically test for multiple users, though I tested the features thoroughly and was happy with the results when used on single user machines.</RANT>
    As identified above, this issue manifests when more than one user uses a machine and their Offline folders (all redirected folders are configured this way by default) are in an offline state when the first user logs off.  The second user cannot access
    this 'offline' share so folder redirection fails.  We get burnt as we have latency=0 configured for slow link detection with Offline folders so users always work offline.  This is partly because of WAN optimisers in the network that lie to Windows
    so the online/offline transition doesn't work on slow links (not MS's fault), and partly because it made sense for other reasons.
    The workaround Microsoft and I came up with for our environment was to use individual file shares for each user.  We had been using a common file share with each user folder under that file share.  Changing to an individual share for each users
    means the share is not locked by the previous user.
    This would cause a problem if John then Emma logged on to the same machine. Folder redirection would fail for Emma:
    So would this if DFS was used
    \\my.domain\users\john            (points to \\FileServer1\Users$\John)
    \\my.domain\users\emma          (points to \\FileServer1\Users$\Emma)
    This would fix the problem:
    Unfortunately we then figured we could move these shares behind DFS like so:
    \\my.domain\homes\john             (points to \\FileServer1\John$)
    \\my.domain\homes\emma          (points to \\FileServer1\emma$)
    This was wrong.  The problem returned.  I assume the share that is being locked is now the DFS root and not the user share.
    The operations team here is very reluctant to go with direct access to the file servers and not use DFS as that will create issues for them in the future when they need to make file server changes.  I sympathise with them but can't see an alternative
    at the moment as we are deploying W7 and can't stop.  If I'd picked this up earlier a third party product might have been the solution (MS actually suggested this when I opened my case).
    I hope the information about individual shares above is helpful to someone.  Otherwise I don't really have more to add but I needed the rant :-)
    <RANT>BTW.  Has anyone tested changing a user’s home directory path once it is cached?  Try it. Test a scenario where you move the user from one file server to another.  You will not enjoy the results.  I'll say no more
    than this as it is off topic, but it shows the lack of investment in the CSC feature in Windows.  Very disappointing</RANT>

  • Folder Redirection 502 Access Denied but redirecting to wrong place

    I have come across a very unusual problem.  Folder redirection was implemented a few months ago where a number of folders were redirected with the following settings:
    Redirect everyones folder to the same location
    Create a folder for each user under the root path
    It has worked flawlessly but in recent weeks when we create new users, some of them experience this problem.  Folder redirection fails consistently for that user with 502 Access denied.  That isn't the unusual bit.  This is the unusual bit
    - The message is:
    Failed to apply policy and redirect folder "Documents" to "\\fileserver\homefolders\joe.bloggs\Documents".
    Redirection options=0x1001.
    The following error occurred: "Failed to build the list of regular subdirectories under "\\fileserver\homefolders\Jane.Doe\Documents".".
    Error details: "Access is denied.
    Yes for some reason it knows where it should be redirecting to, but then attempts to redirect to someone elses home folder location.  I've substituted the server name and user names for security but the name equivalent to Jane.Doe is consistent in every
    This only occurs on our RDS 2012 R2 farm, which has 3 session hosts and doesn't happen on any other system.  We use roaming profiles.  I have logged the user off and deleted the local and network profiles but get the same result.  I've
    rebuilt the GPO that handles folder redirection, but again, same result.  I've checked and double checked Folder Redirection settings and nothing points to a this specific Jane.Doe user.
    Anyone come across this before?

    I have come across a very unusual problem.  Folder redirection was implemented a few months ago where a number of folders were redirected with the following settings:
    Redirect everyones folder to the same location
    Create a folder for each user under the root path
    It has worked flawlessly but in recent weeks when we create new users, some of them experience this problem.  Folder redirection fails consistently for that user with 502 Access denied.  That isn't the unusual bit.  This is the unusual bit
    - The message is:
    Failed to apply policy and redirect folder "Documents" to "\\fileserver\homefolders\joe.bloggs\Documents".
    Redirection options=0x1001.
    The following error occurred: "Failed to build the list of regular subdirectories under "\\fileserver\homefolders\Jane.Doe\Documents".".
    Error details: "Access is denied.
    Yes for some reason it knows where it should be redirecting to, but then attempts to redirect to someone elses home folder location.  I've substituted the server name and user names for security but the name equivalent to Jane.Doe is consistent in every
    This only occurs on our RDS 2012 R2 farm, which has 3 session hosts and doesn't happen on any other system.  We use roaming profiles.  I have logged the user off and deleted the local and network profiles but get the same result.  I've
    rebuilt the GPO that handles folder redirection, but again, same result.  I've checked and double checked Folder Redirection settings and nothing points to a this specific Jane.Doe user.
    Anyone come across this before?

  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows 7 folder redirection not working

    I've got a Windows Server 2008 R2 environment and I'm trying to get folder redirection working on Windows 7 clients. I've configured the group policy on the DC and it's suppose to redirect the user desktop to a folder sitting on another server. 
    What I've discovered is that any files in that folder aren't being copied down and they aren't visible to the user. I can connect to the folder via its UNC path and when I run a gpresult the GPO is showing that it's applying. 
    Am I missing something? Shouldn't the files be copied down since I've redirected the desktop? Here are the settings I've used: 
    Share Permissions
    Local Administrators: Owner
    Domain Admins: Read/write
    Everyone: Read
    Local Administrators: Full Control on This Folder, subfolders and files. 
    SYSTEM: Same as above. 
    Domain admin: Same as above. 
    Everyone: Traverse folder, execute file, list folder, read data, read attributes and read extended attributes to This Folder only. 
    GPO Settings: 
    Under User Configuration -> Policies -> Windows Settings -> Folder Redirection -> Desktop
    Setting is Basic - Redirect everyone's folder to the same location. 
    Target folder location - Redirect to the following location
    Root path: FQDN\Shared folder name
    GPO is linked to the OU I want to test with and there is a user account in it. 
    Any tips would be appreciated. 

    Share Permissions
    Local Administrators: Owner
    Domain Admins: Read/write
    Everyone: Read
    Perhaps here is too strong limit.
    B. Try to use audit.

  • Best folder redirection options for a large environment

    I am just curious to hear what the community recomends for large environments for user's files. Meaning, is desktop sync better than creating home directories and using offline sync? I am just trying to find the best way to have users able to access their
    files on or off the network. As well as the best way of managing users files. Making it easy for them to save files and be able to access them at home. Maybe linking their desktop and My Documents folder to a share? I am open for all suggestions. Now to give
    you an idea, this is a county public school enviroment. So you have to have something that will work with Staff, Teachers, Administration, and students. Also realize this is a huge environment with multiple schools. I look forward to your suggestions.
    Also, all clients are Windows 7 and servers would be 2008 R2 for this scenario.

    What I would do is use Folder Redirection in a GPO, using the advanced properties. Assign Teachers, Students and Staff different security groups in AD, and then in your GPO, assign the group members of "Teacher Security Group" a folder redirection of 'Create
    a new folder for each user' at \\SVR-DATA\Users\Teachers. Then use a cache to keep the files offline. You will know if this works as you will see 'CSC-CACHE' under the Home drive when offline. Look below...

  • Takeown recursive not working on redirected My Documents folder

    So I'm trying to set owner Local\Administrators group on users folder(s) recursively, all works good until it hits a redirected folder, like My Documents. 
    We had the GPO setting 'Grant user exclusive rights' but it's now disabled. 
    So what happens is it will take ownership over My Documents(works), but when it tries to take ownership in the subfolders(notworking)
    The command i run is 'takeown.exe /F <path> /A /R /D Y
    If I run it again it can take ownership of the subfolders, but not the folders within the subfolders.
    1st run
    My Documents(works) > Subfolders (not working )
    2nd run
    My Documents(works) > Subfolders (works) > Subfolders(not working).. etc
    Just got a thought; is it possible it's due we're running different languages on the computers?
    We got My Documents and swedish Mina Dokument that's causing it possibly?

    The command i run is 'takeown.exe /F <path> /A /R /D Y
    If I run it again it can take ownership of the subfolders, but not the folders within the subfolders.
    1st run
    My Documents(works) > Subfolders (not working )
    Not a scripting (=programming) question. You need to post it in a forum that deals with your operating system, e.g.
    here. Remember to report what happens when you run the command. "Not working" does not really tell the reader anything.

  • User cannot access redirected Documents folder, but can connect to share in Windows Explorer and access folder on server

    I am in the final stages of a cross-forest migration.  Users have Windows 7 workstations with redirected folders on a Windows Server 2012 box running in the old forest.  User accounts were not migrated.  The accounts in use have always
    been in the "new" forest.  One of our challenges was the large volume of data in redirected folders.  I made sure users in the target forest had continued to have access to their redirected folders in the old forest and robocopied
    the entire users share, copying the permissions with the files.  By doing incremental robocopies, we can get a final copy done now in about six hours.  The plan was simple: copy the files, do an incremental copy every night, on the night of the cutover
    change the folder redirection policy Documents path from
    \\oldserver\users\%USERNAME% to
    \\newserver\users\%USERNAME%. The policy is configured to NOT copy user files from the existing folder to the new redirected folder.  Everything was going well until I tested the policy change.  After the folder redirection policy is updated
    and applied, the user cannot access the private Documents folder.  For example, user Chester Tester logs on as ctester.  I open Windows Explorer and click the Documents shortcut.  I see one subfolder, which is subfolder of Public Documents. 
    So I can look at Public Documents but when I click on the Documents folder (Under the Documents library link) I get an access denied error.  Now for the kicker, if I open another Windows Explorer window and edit the address bar to
    \\newserver\users\ctester, I can navigate the Documents folder tree and see my thousands of documents. What the ....?
    I'm hoping this is something really simple to fix!

    HI Vivian,
    Thank you for your reply.  Yes, the path in Group Policy Folder Redirection Root Path was updated to
    \\NEWSERVER\users.  I had planned to point this to the distributed file system, so the first used was actually
    \\domain\dfs\users.  To simplify things I have backed off to copying to just a normal share
    We are using BASIC folder redirection and we create a folder for each user under the root path. 
    We did not want the policy to move content, as we were seeing users requiring 15-20 minute logon times  (or higher) after the policy is changed.
    Grant the User exclusive right to Documents - Disabled
    Move the contents of Documents to the new location - Disabled
    Related folder settings
    Video - Follow Documents
    Music - Follow Documents
    Pictures - Follow Documents
    Now when I change the folder redirection from old server to new server I now have TWO My Documents folders in the user's redirection folder on the server.  The redirected Documents points to an empty folder set.  The copied folders with all user
    data are there, but folder redirection refuses to recognize the original folder.
    I am looking at the full view of the folder, nothing hidden, so I'm wondering how a folder can have two subfolders with the exact same name.  For now, I just want the redirection to move from the old server to the new server properly.  I deleted
    the new My Documents folder, rebooted the user's workstation and tried again.  The behavior repeats itself, i.e., a new My Documents folder is always created when the redirection policy is changed from the old server to the new server.  The environment
    has about 1500 users with approximately 1.3TB of data in the redirected Documents folders.  OUCH!

  • Where does Folder Redirect show up on VM?

    I don't see where the redirected folders are supposed to show up on my VM? Please help. Screenshot below shows no redirected folders:

    Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum.
    Which device RDP client you are using?
    To check redirected folder we need to enter the share path of the folder such as \\Server\abc, after this it will display the shared folder. But to access this redirected folder the user must have enough permission.
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki
    TechNet Community Support

  • Issue with Folder Redirection in W2008R2

    Good Day, System description: 1. W2k3 Domain Controller 2. 2 servers W2k8 R2 fully patched as domain members servicing RDS. Let's call them Server1 and Server2 3. Users have roaming profiles AND folder redirection because we use HP thin clients and i don't
    want their profiles to be permanent lay on the Server system drives. Both profiles and redirected folders exist in a drive on Server1. 4. Different OU's in Active Directory for Servers and Users. My problem is the following: When a new user does the initial
    login, in order to create his profile, on Server1, the profile is created "correctly" but he can't login to Server2 afterward. When he does, redirected folders doesn't apply correctly and the error: "Failed to apply policy and redirect folder
    "Start Menu" to "\\Server1\userdata$\fotios\Start Menu". Redirection options=0x9231. The following error occurred: "Failed to build the list of regular subfolders under "\\Server2\userdata$\fotios\Start Menu"". Error
    details: "The network name cannot be found." with Event ID 502 appears. Of course this error appear for all redirected folders. If however, they do the initial login on Server2, then everything is correct. Profile is created correctly and the user
    can login to both servers without redirection problems. By digging deeper i discovered that for the users with problem (initial at Server1) in the HKUsers\....\User Shell Folders key, the values referring to redirected folders appear as \\%Computername%\...
    instead of the configured redirection path. Users without problem (initial at Server2) have the correct pathname value. Both servers have identical setup and policies. Any help would be appreciated. Regards Kostas

    This is what I found to resolve the problem and I believe the solution to the problem is fairly simple.
    Do these steps from the server:
    1.) make sure you have a folder named with the user account name in redirected folder location.
    2.) make sure the user has full control of the folder.
    3.) make sure that the user, not the administrator, is the owner of the folder.
    From the workstation, logged in as the user:
    4.) create the sub-folders for redirection such as "Desktop", Favorites, etc. under the user's redirected folder. 
    5.) Log off/on as the user. 
    6.) check to see that the files have been moved to the redirected folder and have been removed from user profile. 
    You should experience a long logon period during this initial sync if there is significant user data.  This is a good sign that the data is being moved and redirected folders are working.  Don't interrupt the process!
    You can of course do some limited automation or copy/paste operations to resolve the problem for multiple users.
    I hope this helps.
    JR SBS Specialist

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