Unicode checking smartforms

We are starting the process of converting to unicode.  I ran transaction UCCHECK for all of our custom programs, but it did not check our smartforms.  Does anyone know how to unicode check smartforms?
Thank you


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    How can we do unicode check for SmartForm / SAPScript? TX UCCHECK does not help me out.
    thanks !

    Hi Chika,
    first try to find out ABAP function module name which is representing your smartforms (via TA smartforms->put your form name -> Display -> menu: Environment->Function module name). Then find corresponding function group where this function module belongs. Afterward put this ABAP function group name into TA UCCHECK.
    I believe this would work.

  • Unicode check

    I have used this stmt (DESCRIBE FIELD GT_TLINE    LENGTH fle1 )
    to get the length of fields but i am getting errors based on unicode check like
    describe length can only be in byte mode or character mode.
    My program is about converting the output of smartform to pdf and send as an attachment to email.
    Can any one answer me on this issue.

    For this u shud use DESCRIBE FIELD GT_LINE LENGTH fle1 in BYTE/CHARACTER MODE as per the new guidelines for Unicode check
    The description of BYTE/CHARACTER MODE says like this :
    The length directly used by the data object dobj in the memory is determined in bytes or characters depending on the addition MODE and is assigned to the data object ilen. The data type i is expected for ilen.
    You must specify the addition MODE in Unicode programs. The variant with the addition IN BYTE MODE determines the length of the data object dobj in bytes. The variant with the addition IN CHARACTER MODE determines the length of the data object dobj in characters. When using IN CHARACTER MODE, the data type of dobj must be flat and character-type. You can only specify IN BYTE MODE for deep data types and in this case, the length of the reference (8 bytes) is determined.
    In non-Unicode programs and in releases prior to 6.10, LENGTH can be used without the addition MODE. In this case, the addition IN BYTE MODE is used implicitly
    For data objects with a fixed length, the length is determined that is specified during the creation of the data object. To determine the the used length of character-type data objects without counting the trailing spaces, you can use the built-in function strlen.

  • Unicode Check Active For SAP Script

    How to set Unicode Check Active attribute for SAP Script and Smartform

    the Unicode Check Active flag is a program attribute. You can set this flag to check the syntax of an ABAP program. It is not available for SAPScript forms or SAP Smartforms. The attached screenshot shows how the flag is set in the attributes of an example program.
    Best Regards

  • How to do the Unicode Check for Business Objects ?

    Hi all,
    How to do the Unicode Check for Business Objects ?
    Note: All business Objects are stored in BOR (Business Objects Repositary)
    Thanks in advance

    i have used the  UCCHECK  transaction for some business Objects
    For some business objects it is showing that No Unicode Errors found Ex: Z00MARA
    and for Business Objects it showing the message like : There is no program corresponding to this selection.
    Why system is showing like this ?
    Thanks in advance

  • Isn't unicode check defaulted in ECC 6.0 ?

    I see a checkbox called unicode check box in the attributes when I create the ABAP program. This check is to make sure that during sytanx check the system will perform unicode check.
    Now, I had an assumption that this check box is used only when you are executing programs on lower level of SAP like SAP 4.6C or 4.7 to ensure that programs are checked for unicode check.
    But, I see that in ECC 6.0 also if you don't use this check box the system will bypass the unicode check. I thought that in ECC 6.0 , unicode check is done by default, but it does not sound like that .
    Can someone throw some light on this ?

    Hello Rajesh
    I do not think so. You could do the following test on your system (Unicode or non-Unicode?):
    Write a simple ABAP report and try move data between a structured and an unstructured variable, e.g.:
    DATA: gd_string    TYPE string.  " unstructured, C-container
    DATA: gs_kna1     TYPE kna1.
    SELECT SINGLE * FROM kna1 INTO gs_kna1.
    gd_string = gs_kna1.  " should give Unicode error -> use instead cl_abap_container_utilities class

  • What is unicode check in sap?

    what is unicode check in sap?

    Check for the following errors
    object must be a character type data object
    In Unicode, the addition IN BYTE/CHARACTER MODE must be specified
    The access and storage modes ACCESS and MODE must be specified
    var1 and var2 are not mutually convertible. In Unicode programs must have the same type/structure
    The data type/structure objetcs in 'ADD' statement should have same type
    The data type/structure "&1" and "&2" are should have same type
    IN TEXT MODE the addition ENCODING must be specified
    Structures "&1" and "&2" are not mutually convertible.
    The ENCODING addition is not valid in BINARY mode
    The IGNORING CONVERSION ERRORS addition is not valid in BINARY mode
    The REPLACEMENT CHARACTER addition is not valid in BINARY mode
    Check for the Customer code pages and use the tcodes SCOV and SPUMG .
    Please Go through these Documents,
    Very good document:

  • Unicode check in 4.6C

    Hi All ,
    Is there any way to have the unicode check feature i.e.UCCHECK in R/3 4.6C environment ? please let me know if anyone has any clue.

    Hello Yogesh
    The report Peter mentioned is <b>RSUNISCAN</b>. The output of the report looks like this:
    ABAP Unicode Scan                                                                               
    This program finds coding that does not yet correspond to the restrictive Unicode syntax                                  
    (Based on the ABAP Unicode design of June 1999) It finds most of the affected coding, but not all of it.                  
    The main aim of the program is to give you an idea of the kinds of coding that need to be changed for Unicode.            
    It generates error messages for code that will have to be changed later, and for which there are means in 4.6B for doing so
    It generates warnings for cases that will have to be changed later, but where the required statements will                
    not be avilable until Release 5.0.                                                     ...

  • Getting errors while conversion of  ABAP program into Unicode check

    I changed the one ABAP program for some requirement and try to save it, it is giving error that the program is not unicode compatible.I set the unicode checks active box  under Attributes and again activate it .It is not allowing to concatenate the two variables which is declared as follows :
    constants: c_tab    type x value '09',      "tab character
                      c_cr     type x value '0D'.       "carriage return character
    I tried to use field symbols but still giving error (code after change)
    constants: c_tab    type x value '09',      "tab character
                      c_cr     type x value '0D'.       "carriage return character
    field-symbols : <f_c_tab> type any,
                            <f_c_cr> type  any.
    Assign c_tab to <f_c_tab> CASTING type c.
    Assign c_cr  to  <f_c_cr>  CASTING type c.
    error :The length of "C_TAB" in bytes must be a multiple of the size of a Unicode character (regardless of the size of the Unicode character).
    pls guide me so that I can cancatenate the c_tab and c_cr variables

    Tab Character ----->Data: tab type c value cl_abap_char_utilities=>HORIZONTAL_TAB.
    Carraige Return---->Data : cr(2)  type c value cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf..
    You will not be able to use the concatenate statement for hexadecimal variables in unciode system.
    Try using the above equivalent character variables. In unicode system avoid using hexadecimal variables wherever possible

  • Attribute 'Unicode checks active'

    we just made an upgrade from 4.6 to ECC 6.0.
    The unicode conversion check and the unicode conversion itself is done.
    Each Abap program that has the attribute 'Unicode checks active' not checked ( off ), is causing a syntax error in the new system. Up till now we manually adjusted each attribute of each program, just to get the basic business transactions running.
    My question is: what went wrong, and what is the best way of solving all this errors at once ?
    Thanks in advance,

    I'm using ECC 6.0. I tried to do what you suggested for setting unicode flag active for a bunch of programs. Unfortunatelly, I'm bumping in the following problem:
    I run UCCHECK and I get "green light" for some objects that don't have unicode flag active yet. So I click on the correspondent line and after on "Set Unicode Attribute" button. I get a pop-up saying that unicode is set active and program is written into a transport request... i click on OK. Another pop-up comes up. "Set Unicode Flag?", I click on Yes. Then, another pop-up comes up saying "Set Flag for Error-Free Programs Only?". I tried Yes, and I get this information message "The current system is not the original system". I tried also NO, but same message is shown.
    Any idea on how to get it right?

  • Unicode check for hr related prog, infotypes

            Is there any function module to check the unicode for programs, infotypes, function modules, ldb, and user exits. If yes what is the function module. If it is no tell me how to solve this issue.
    thanks & regards,

               I want to get the errors when i am passing the program name or function group or user exit by passing these into UCCHECK tcode by writing a program if it is not unicode checked.
            thanks & regards,

  • Unicode check in BW

    Hello All,
    Is it possible to have a unicode check in BW?

    Hi Priyanka,
    The Unicode version of mySAP BW 3.5 is fully available with SAP Netweaver within "unrestricted shipment", for the conversion of existing BW installations please have a look at note 543715.
    SAP note 643813 has a collection of all relevant SAP notes concerning Unicode-based SAP BW installations.
    Check this SAP note 588480 as well...

  • Doubt in unicode check?

    hi friends..
    can u tell me..
    what is unicode check ? in which cases we use this?
    what is enhancement category ? in which cases we use this?

    Reward if useful!

  • How to activate unicode check flag

    How do we activate the "unicode check" flag for programs generated by workflow objects.

    Hi ,
    My problem is solved  ....
    i found that  after executing  UCCHECK transaction code  ,in display  you will find one button on rigth side
    "set unicode attribute"   .  after selecting no of programs at once we can  press that butoon .
    The Unicode flag is set for the selected programs. The programs are
    written into interactively selectable transport requests and generated.
    You must later release the transport requests.
    I hope this will be helpfull to all.

  • What is unicode Checks in Upgradation Project

    Hi Folks,
    Can any one tell me ..
    What is Unicode Checks in Uopgradation Project..
    What it is Uded for?
    Y it is need in Upgradation Project?

    Hi Surendra,
    Refer to the below related threads:
    what is unicode
    Hope this will help.

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