Uninstall MS office

I would like to install Neo Office to a Leopard OS. There is a demo of MS Office preinstalled and I was wondering if I uninstall it, is it going to remove the fonts of MS office. I would like to do this while I think there is a problem with the fonts.
Does MS Office install some fonts and in which directory ?
If I remove it, will it remove its fonts ?
Thank you in advance.

If it is Office 2004, on your hard disk, open Microsoft Office 2004 folder that contains the Test Drive. Any documents you saved in the Microsoft Office 2004 Test Drive should be moved somewhere in your documents folder. 
In the Microsoft Office 2004 folder, double-click "Remove Office". In the Results window, choose Microsoft Office 2004 (including Test Drive) and then click "continue" and follow the prompts. 
[email protected]
Message was edited by: macjack

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    called O15CTRRemove.
    When running it manually, it removes everything that is related to Microsoft Office 2013 and I am able to install a new Office 2013 without any problems (changing from Office 365 to VL).
    The problem is as follows:
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    Import-Module TroubleshootingPack
    $DIAGOFFRemoveOff2013 = Get-TroubleshootingPack -Path "C:\Deployment\Office2013Uninstall\O15CTRRemove"
    Invoke-TroubleshootingPack -Pack $DIAGOFFRemoveOff2013 -AnswerFile "C:\Deployment\Office2013Uninstall\DIAG_Off_RemoveOff2013.xml" -unattended
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    Get-TroubleshootingPack "C:\Deployment\Office2013Uninstall\O15CTRRemove" -answerfile "C:\Deployment\Office2013Uninstall\DIAG_Off_RemoveOff2013.xml"
    It looks like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Answers Version="1.0" />
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    cmd /C powershell -executionpolicy unrestricted -file "C:\Deployment\Office2013Uninstall\Uninstall_Office2013.ps1"
    It just hangs and I can see in eventviewer that it has run a few troubleshooting packs, that the uninstall of Office is complete but it doesn't continue until I force kill sdiagnhost.exe.
    If I run the script after killing sdiagnhost.exe, it finishes without a problem.
    I have temporarily solved it like this (I run the same job twice, to be sure everything is removed and the second one finishes quickly while the first hangs until the timeout):
    Start-Job -ArgumentList -ScriptBlock {
     $DIR = "C:\Deployment\Office2013Uninstall"
     Import-Module TroubleshootingPack
     $DIAGOFFRemoveOff2013 = Get-TroubleshootingPack -Path "${DIR}\O15CTRRemove"
     Invoke-TroubleshootingPack -Pack $DIAGOFFRemoveOff2013 -AnswerFile "${DIR}\DIAG_Off_RemoveOff2013.xml" -unattended
    Get-Job | Wait-Job -Timeout 1200
    Get-Job | Receive-Job
    Get-Job | Remove-Job -Force
    Start-Job -ArgumentList -ScriptBlock {
     $DIR = "C:\Deployment\Office2013Uninstall"
     Import-Module TroubleshootingPack
     $DIAGOFFRemoveOff2013 = Get-TroubleshootingPack -Path "${DIR}\O15CTRRemove"
     Invoke-TroubleshootingPack -Pack $DIAGOFFRemoveOff2013 -AnswerFile "${DIR}\DIAG_Off_RemoveOff2013.xml" -unattended
    Get-Job | Wait-Job -Timeout 1200
    Get-Job | Receive-Job
    Get-Job | Remove-Job -Force
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    Any help is appreciated!
    Best regards,

    Credit goes to MS for core script (its to long to post here).
    Credit goes to the guy who wrote the cleaner script.  Whoever packaged it and didn't build in silent switches gets zero points.
    Please note that this will only work for C2R installs of Office 2013.
    This is not true.  There are scrub scripts specific to C2R as well as MSI.
    I extracted the scrub vbs from O15CTRRemove.diagcab
    This is what worked for me.  Use 7-zip to extract the entire package to a directory.  Then run "OffScrub_015msi.vbs all".

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    When it won't allow me. I get the same popup window message. "You can't open the app...beacause PowerPC apps are no longer supported."
    Can anyone help or offer advice please.
    kind regards

    vickynsimon wrote:
    When it won't allow me. I get the same popup window message. "You can't open the app...beacause PowerPC apps are no longer supported."
    Can anyone help or offer advice please.
    kind regards
    Vicky:  The initial question is why do you want to uninstall Microsoft Office 2004?
    If your answer is that you are upgrading to Office 2011, my recollection is that the installation process of Office 2011 will do all of the proper "uninstalling" that is necessary as it installs all of the necessary new files.
    If your answer is that you do not intend to ever use Office again, including any of the data files that were created from it: then at this point, I would suggest that you just leave it alone.  Manually uninstalling raises more risks than it cures.
    Even if you do upgrade to Office 2011, if you have continuous need to have access to your Office 2004 data files, you may find that Office 2011 does not properly translate some of your old files correctly.  I have this problem with an Excel 2004 chart that I access on a weekly basis and it gets trashed by Office 2011. 
    I have solved this problem by installing Snow Leopard (with Rosetta) into Parallels 7 in Lion (and reinstalling Office 2004 inside the Snow Leopard environment):
                             [click on image to enlarge]
    In this way I can access my Excel 2004 chart, modify it as needed and save the changes.
    Full Snow Leopard installation instructions:

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    Try this app to clean up unwanted programs it finds the files that can be removed http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/32740 but always check they dont have an uninstaller program first, MSOffice does but doesnt seem to remove the associated files. Mitch

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    No problems anymore, Walt. I broke down and called the non-toll-free MS help line. They said that as long as I've uninstalled the Test Drive, trashed it and successfully emptied the trash, then all should be well--I don't need to uninstall Office 2004 and install again.
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    Object reference not set to an instance of the object.
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    - Xcelsius 2008 installed
    - Live Office Productivity Pack XIR2 installed
    1.  Installed Live Office 3.0
    2.  Uninstalled Live Office 3.0
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    - Restarted computer
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    - Reintalled .NET Framework

    Hi Steve,
    Live Office is only supported when it is connected to the same version of BusinessObjects Enterprise, eg XI R2 with XI R2, 3.0 with 3.0. Unfortunately, you are attempting to connect Live Office 3.0 with BOE XI R2. This is not supported and you may run into problems.
    Beyond that, I would highly recommend reading the Release Notes for both Live Office and Xcelsius, paying particular attention to the sections in each dedicated to the other program. Live Office within Xcelsius does not have the full functionality or feature set of Live Office in MS Office applications.

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    Note: in the future, questions about Microsoft Office is probably best asked in the Microsoft Office for Mac forums.

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    Look in the MS Office 2008 folder, I believe you will find a uninstall  utility.

  • Uninstalling Microsoft Office 2004 -

    Hi, i was wondering what happens to the Microsoft Word files that i have saved on my hard drive once i uninstall the suite. Of course i can back up the files etc, but i thought that it would be easier if perhaps the files stayed where they were, maybe in a different format, and when i installed a newer version they would revert back in the newer Word format...? Thank you all.

    It has been my experience that the files YOU created with Word SHOULD remain after you've used the uninstaller to remove Office. The uninstaller should seek out and remove only those files created by the installer and, perhaps, things like caches, etc. But, continue to get feedback from others. We are talking Microsoft, here. And, it never hurts to back-up those files that you created.

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    Mr.Lobotomy wrote:
    Yep. Drag it to the Trash. That's how most Mac OS apps are uninstalled.
    Correct. If you never installed it there is no uninstall, so just drag what's there to the trashbin.
    Had you installed it, then the uninstall would have done something.

  • How to uninstall MS Office X

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    Hi GRS,
    If you manually put the trial version of Office in the trash, then that would explain the issues with the full version. The trial version must be removed with the uninstaller it puts on the drive. Download the trial version again if you need to. Install it and then use its uninstall app to remove it.
    To then remove all traces of Office X, use the Remove Office program on the CD. It's location is noted in this info from Microsoft's web site:
    The Remove Office tool is available on the Microsoft Office v. X Installation CD-ROM, in the Remove Office folder, which is located in the Value Pack folder. You can run the Remove Office tool directly from the Office v. X CD-ROM, or you can copy the tool to your computer's hard disk and then run it.
    Then reinstall Office X from the CD.

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    Please note that if Office is being removed to fix a problem prior to re-installing a new copy AppCleaner will not do what is needed, it is important to follow Microsoft's directions exactly, AppCleaner does not.
    Carolyn Samit's link is the correct method.

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    Don't know if it's got anything to do with fact that setup has not completed properly.
    Any ideas anyone on how to get rid of it?

    Usually you should be able to remove all applications in the Windows Vista -> Software settings.
    What you could do is to remove the whole Office 2007 folder. Usually the Office lives the files here:
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office
    Then you could use an 3rd party freeware application called CCleaner to clean the registry!
    *Visit also these sites:*
    [How to uninstall the 2007 Office system if you cannot uninstall it by using the Add or Remove Programs feature|http://support.microsoft.com/kb/928218]
    [Cannot Uninstall Office 2007 Beta from XP or Vista|http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/1838/cannot_uninstall_office_2007_beta_xp_vista]
    Bye and good luck

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    Check out this script it should do the trick for you:
    -- My System Center blog ccmexec.com -- Twitter

  • How  do you uninstall Microsoft office?

    I installed Microsoft office for a trial version.  I would like to uninstall it.  How do I do that?  I tried holding down the app until it wiggled; however, it doesn't give an x to delete.  So how do you uninstall a program?  Thanks!

    How to completely remove Office for Mac 2011
    Note: in the future, questions about Microsoft Office is probably best asked in the Microsoft Office for Mac forums.

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