Uninstalling/removing apps????

hey, i know its a stupid question to ask...but what is the proper way to uninstall or remove apps on the mac? i have always just moved it to the trash but for some reason it doesnt seem right...is that the way to do it or is there some other way. thanks

For most Mac apps, it really is that simple. Unlike in Windows, where various little files are put all over the place and it's impossible to do anything without the help of an uninstaller, on a Mac, the entire app really is contained in that one little icon in your Applications folder (or wherever you put it).
There are certain exceptions: some complicated apps (I'm thinking things like Norton Antivirus) may come with uninstallers because they do put a few files in other places. If the app came with its own uninstaller, use it. But otherwise, go ahead and just toss the app in the trash. The only thing some/most apps leave behind is a preferences file, which is in /Users/[your username]/Library/Preferences. Also, certain apps (such as Mozilla and Adium) have a folder in /Users/[your username]/Library/Application Support. You can get rid of these if you'd like, or if you feel like doing spring cleaning, but it's not a big deal.

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    Hello Naimx,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    How to delete content you've downloaded from the iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store, or Mac App Store
    Mac or PC
    Before you delete, find out if you'll be able to download the app you deleted again (it depends on where you live).
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    Best of luck,

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    >>> Manish-Sharma  06/26/12 10:25 PM >>>
        Re: uninstall cs6 apps    created by Manish-Sharma in Adobe Creative Cloud - View the full discussionNot able to understand your issue , please elaborate and explain in detail.
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    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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    Barney and Tony,
    Not sure if this reply will appear in the correct sequence in the discussion thread but I've had a look at those folders and files you mentioned, Barney. There was nothing in most of them. Library/Extensions exists as System/Library on my setup but I saw nothing in it pertaining to any of the three apps concerned.
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    _Code Signature
    _MAS Receipt
    MAC OS
    Pkg info
    but, again, looking in these folders yielded nothing that appeared remotely associated with any of the three apps. In searches like this you can get right down to the very coding level if you wish, it seems. However, unless you're familiar with the coding you've no idea as to what these functions are, or how they interact with other apps and processes. And I'm certainly not.
    One thing I did come across, however, happened when I was looking at one of the more hidden-away user functions of the Apple Mail client and I noticed that apps such as iPhoto and PhotoBooth are involved in importing images into the client. That being so, it might be better for me not to remove iPhoto, since I use and rely on Apple Mail quite a lot.
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    Possibly, the only way of ridding my machine of them is for me to perform at a later date a major cleanup, completely wiping the HD, and reinstalling Mavericks from scratch.
    If only Apple had never installed those apps in the first place! Why on earth did they have to be compulsory?! So much for Apple and their products being user-friendly! I'm disappointed in Apple over this.

  • Cannot uninstall Kobo App

    Cannot uninstall Kobo App
    Product MacBook Pro10,2
    Processor IntelCore i5
    Processor Speed 2.6 GHz
    Number of processors 1
    Total number of cores 2
    L2 Cache per core 256 KB
    L3 Cache 3MB
    Memore 8 GB
    Boot ROM version MPB102.0106.B03
    I boot up KOBO
    KOBO wants to update
    I update
    It want me to up date again ... I am in an infinite loop
    Contacted KOBO
    They asked me to uninstall
    I go to Launchpad and hold down the kobo icon until ALL start to jiggle
    I try to move the KOBO icon to the trash
    It never entries the trash
    Cannot get to the steps KOBO asked me to perform after the uninstall: to reboot the computer and reinstall KOBO  from www.kobo.com/desktop

    Hi Linc
    Many thanks... I removed the app successfully from the Applications folder..,
    Andre Bergevin

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    As Cunnla says, the best way to remove an application and all auxiliary files associated with it is to use a developer supplied uninstaller or, lacking that, directions on uninstalling from the developer. Unfortunately, there are a number of applications which have no developer uninstaller nor instructions.
    Some won't recommend it, but I use AppDelete for those apps with no instructions. It gets rid of most auxiliary files and I've never had a problem with it. I just make certain that the auxiliary files that AppDelete selects are, in fact, associated with the application.
    My 2¢...
    MacBook Pro (15” Late 2011), OS X 10.??, 16GB Crucial RAM, 960GB M500 Crucial SSD, 27” Apple Thunderbolt Display

  • Uninstall CC apps after CC 2014 install?

    Is this something I should do?

    Creative Cloud brought with it the ability to install a bunch of different Adobe apps. That’s mostly a good thing, but it also means you can end up with unwanted apps installed. The CC 2014 versions are treated as new apps, and they don’t automatically import your plugins and settings. Which is why CC 2014 apps are installed alongside rather than replacing the existing versions–basically so that you don’t end up losing all your plugins. But if you’ve already migrated your plugins or don’t use any, you end up with what amounts to unnecessary duplicates.
    There are two ways to uninstall unwanted apps. Both involve a proper uninstall–just deleting the apps is the wrong way to do it. The right way is to uninstall them.
    Option 1.
    Uninstall from within the Creative Cloud application manager. Both options outlined on this page work, but this is probably the easiest way.In the Creative Cloud popup, make sure that the Apps tab is selected. When you hover the cursor over an app, you get a small settings icon and a drop down arrow.Choose Uninstall. You’ll then get the option of whether to keep or remove the preferences for that app.Choose Uninstall. You’ll then get the option of whether to keep or remove the preferences for that app.
    Option 2.
    All of the apps also include uninstallers that you can run from Finder or Windows Explorer.
    Mac OS
    Open Finder and go to /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Installers
    Double-click an Adobe product to uninstall
    Follow on-screen instructions
    On Mac, the folder contains aliases to all the uninstallers.
    Open the Windows Control Panel > Programs and Features
    Choose an app and click Uninstall/Change
    Follow on-screen instructions
    You can’t batch them–they have to be done one at a time or you end up with this message:
    "You are already running the Adobe Application manager"
    When you run each uninstaller you’ll get the option to leave or remove preferences.
    Once it’s done, you’ll get a message saying the process is complete and you can move on to the next one.
    The result is a much cleaner Creative Cloud app, less clutter taking up space on your hard drive, and less clutter when using external apps in things like Light room.

  • 5230 I want to uninstall the app Scanlife

    Hi, I want to uninstall the app Scanlife as it wont work on my phone. I can't zoom in on the barcode as the app opens the camera but not the touch screen zoom button so I can't get a clear picture. Anyway I don't know which files are associated with the app. to uninstall them. I go to Settings>Application mgr.>Installed apps. There are lots of files there and I don't want get rid of the wrong ones.  What do I do? Thanks
    Go to Solution.

    Go to the app location on the menu, then select options>organize, then select scanlife. Then select options>remove. This will uninstall the app.
    Also, when you go to settings>application manager>installed apps, you of course remove the file named scanlife...XD
    If you find my post helpful please click the green star on the left under the avatar. Thanks.

  • How do I uninstall "completer" app ?

    I keep getting a pop-up message prompting me for my password, because "Completer wants to make changes". How do I uninstall this app. And is this malware ?

    There is no need to download anything to solve this problem.
    If Safari crashes on launch and you don't have another web browser, you should be able to launch Safari by starting up in safe mode.
    You may have installed the "Genieo" or "InstallMac" ad-injection malware. Follow the instructions on this Apple Support page to remove it.
    Back up all data before making any changes.
    Besides the files listed in the linked support article, you may also need to remove this file in the same way:
    If there are other items with a name that includes "Genieo" or "genieo" alongside any of those you find, remove them as well.
    One of the steps in the article is to remove malicious Safari extensions. Do the equivalent in the Chrome and Firefox browsers, if you use either of those.
    After removing the malware, remember to reset your home page in all the web browsers affected, if it was changed.
    If you don't find any of the files or extensions listed, or if removing them doesn't stop the ad injection, then you may have one of the other kinds of adware covered by the support article. Follow the rest of the instructions in the article.
    Make sure you don't repeat the mistake that led you to install the malware. Chances are you got it from an Internet cesspit such as "Softonic" or "CNET Download." Never visit either of those sites again. You might also have downloaded it from an ad in a page on some other site. The ad would probably have included a large green button labeled "Download" or "Download Now" in white letters. The button is designed to confuse people who intend to download something else on the same page. If you ever download a file that isn't obviously what you expected, delete it immediately.
    In the Security & Privacy pane of System Preferences, select the General tab. The radio button marked Anywhere  should not be selected. If it is, click the lock icon to unlock the settings, then select one of the other buttons. After that, don't ignore a warning that you are about to run or install an application from an unknown developer.
    Still in System Preferences, open the App Store or Software Update pane and check the box marked
              Install system data files and security updates (OS X 10.10 or later)
              Download updates automatically (OS X 10.9 or earlier)
    if it's not already checked.

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