Uninstalling software/programs

I recently installed mozilla onto my macbook because safari doesnt open certain pages and was wondering how to uninstall/remove safari from the hard drive. Also, how can you make sure that it is fully removed? I tried to remove another program off my hard drive but am not certain if dragging it into the trash really did remove it.

Uninstalling Software: The Basics
Most OS X applications are completely self-contained "packages" that can be uninstalled by simply dragging the application to the Trash. Most applications create preference files which are stored in the /Home/Library/Preferences/ folder. Although they do nothing once you delete the associated application, they do take up some disk space. If you want you can located them in the above location and delete them, too.
Some applications may install an uninstaller program that can be used to remove the application. In some cases the uninstaller may be part of the application's installer, and is invoked by clicking on a Customize button that will appear during the install process.
Some applications may install components in the /Home/Library/Applications Support/ folder. You can also check there to see if the application has created a folder. You can also delete the folder that's in the Applications Support folder. Again, they don't do anything but take up disk space once the application is trashed.
Some applications may install a startupitem or a Log In item. Startupitems are usually installed in the /Library/StartupItems/ folder and less often in the /Home/Library/StartupItems/ folder. Log In Items are set in the Accounts preferences. Open System Preferences, click on the Accounts icon, then click on the LogIn Items tab. Locate the item in the list for the application you want to remove and click on the "-" button to delete it from the list.
If an application installs any other files the best way to track them down is to do a Finder search using the application name or the developer name as the search term.
There are also several shareware utilities that can uninstall applications:
Spring Cleaning
Look for them at www.versiontracker.com or www.mackupdate.com.
For more information visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on removing software.
Safari is integrated into OS X. The next OS X update that arrives with an update for Safari will just reinstall it for you.

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    You can't just drag them to the trash?
    There are third party software uninstallers if you want to make sure you clean up the stray preference files that get installed with certain apps.
    I generally recommend AppZapper, but there are others, CleanMyMac for example. I like AppZapper because it is a straight up uninstaller and not anything else.
    Give it a Google search, I'm sure there are more than that.

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    Hi @julynsh,
    Welcome to the HP Forums!
    I noticed that you are unable to uninstall the software for your HP Officejet 7130xi. I am happy to help!
    I would recommend this guide, Uninstalling the Printer Software. If you do not know the Operating System you are using, please visit this website. Whatsmyos.
    Please see this post, Want Good Answers? Ask Good Questions, by @Bob_Headrick, so you can get the most out of these forums.  
    Hope this helps, and have a great day!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    You used the software's built in uninstaller correct?
    Because if you didn't you need to install it again, then use their uninstaller first.
    Next, download OnyX here
    Run ALL the maintenance and cleaning aspects, you can cancel the reboot in between, but you need to reboot at the end of using OnyX.
    This page especially should be of extra interest, it will rebuild your font caches.
    Going to take a little time, but hopefully that will fix your issue.
    None of your programs, files or fonts will be deleted, it's just cleaning out the system so it can rebuild itself.
    If it doesn't work, then what likely has happened is the trial software didn't completely remove itself or altered something and didn't place things back the way it should be.
    You should contact the support people for that program. They might have instructions.
    But since you can't always count on them, it's always best to have a "hold option bootable clone" of your boot drive on a external drive which you can reverse clone from or use if your boot drive dies, and/or a TimeMachine drive where you can restore back to a previous state before the software install occurred.

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    If it has an installer, use that. If you just dragged it into the Applications folder or some other place, drag to the Trash, and delete. Also, open /Users/username/Library/Preferences/ and delete any .plist file or folder associated with the app or developer. There might also be stuff in /Library/Application Support/ and ~/Library/Application Support/, where the tilde indicates your home folder.
    Since you're new to Macs, take some time and peruse these:
    Switching from Windows to Mac OS X,
    Basic Tutorials on using a Mac,
    MacFixIt Tutorials,
    MacTips, and
    Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Leopard Edition.
    Additionally, *Texas Mac Man* recommends:
    Quick Assist.
    Welcome to the Switch To A Mac Guides,
    Take Control E-books, and
    A guide for switching to a Mac.

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    *Uninstalling Applications*
    First, I suggest backing up your drive in case you uninstall something you shouldn't have uninstalled.
    Most small programs can have all their components contained within an app package. After running, the program will likely install a file in Preferences (either in your user area, or the main preferences, or both). Dragging a program and its preferences to the trash is often all that is needed, or you can use a program like AppDelete to delete these programs. However, most application deleting programs will not have an inventory of what is installed -- they just look for files that are clearly associated with the application you are deleting.
    Try to find files associated with the application you want to delete by using Spotlight, Finder, or [Easyfind|http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/11076/easyfind] (free and generally highly recommended) to search for the application's name. Favorite folders for files to be installed are:
    /Users/YourName/Library/Application Support/
    where YourName refers to the user name when you login and the / indicates the series of folders down from your main drive. Note that there are folders with identical names but in very different locations.
    A few programs may set login items to start automatically when your computer starts or a specific user logs in. These items are located in: /Library/StartupItems/ or /Users/YourName/Library/StartupItems/ To edit these, go to your account set up in System Preferences, login items tab, select the item(s) and a "-" to remove.
    More involved programs (e.g., Office) may install bits and pieces all over the place, like fonts, libraries, etc. The software installer may have an uninstall option, or there may be a separate uninstaller for these. In bad situations you have to hunt around yourself.
    Some programs install invisible files. You can use a utility such as Onyx to toggle visibility on your computer and check for invisible files.
    Sometimes programs install files (often hidden) not readily associated with the program and if you're worried about those the only thing to do is a scan before and after installing a program and see what has changed.
    Check out the utility [AppDelete|www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/systemdiskutilities/appdelete.html]. It will remove simple applications and most of their associated files.
    [X Lab FAQ: Uninstalling applications|http://www.thexlab.com/faqs/uninstallingapps.html]
    [Apple Discussion with useful tips|http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1963113&tstart=0]

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    Best regards

    Do you have Logitech gaming software installed on the PC? If so, perhaps try the suggestion from the following post:
    Re: Everytime I close Itunes it loads back up

  • Uninstalling/removing programs from iMac

    I'm planning on getting an iMac in the coming months. I've been a windows user for 10 years and know the procedure for uninstalling unwanted programs on Windows.
    I appologise if I've named something incorrectly, this is due to me been a Windows user
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    I was wondering if someone could tell me how you determine which programs can be dragged to the Trash can and are/will be completley removed. And which programs cannot be dragged to the Trash (because doing this would leave program leftovers) and in this case, how do you ensure that all of the program and the program's leftovers are completely removed from the Mac.
    Thanks in advance

    MartinR wrote:
    Most Mac applications can be deleted just by dragging them to the Trash.  When there are 'leftovers' they are usually just preference files (plist files) or application support files that are usually located in /Library/Application Support.  Leaving these files in place rarely ever causes any problems.  (Unlike in Windows where leaving program artifacts in place can cause problems.)
    If you have applications that came with an Uninstaller, by all means use the Uninstall program.   This is especially important with certain well-known applications including everything from Adobe.  The Adobe uninstaller not only removes all the application components but also deauthorizes the software (releases the license) so you can install it on another computer, or sell or gift it to someone else.
    That said, you should basically never delete programs that are preinstalled by Apple.  This is especially important regarding QuickTime, Safari and all apps that are in the Applications/Utilities folder.  It would also be inadvisable to remove Dashboard, Expose, Spaces, System Preferences, Text Edit.
    Also, be aware that certain programs are intimately related to others ... Mail depends on Address Book and iCal ... iTunes utilizes Image Capture.
    Thanks very much for the help and information its greatly appreciated.
    When you mention:
    'applications that came with an Uninstaller'
    For example. If I downloaded an application from the internet. Usually there is a file that has the .dmg extension. If the application that I had downloaded came with an uninstaller, would there be another file with the download application called uninstaller.dmg  ?
    I assume that any application that I had downloaded that did not come with an addition file/unistaller, then these could simply be dragged to the trash?

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    I am a new mac user and I am trying to figure out how to remove programs that i have installed on my mac that I do not want anymore.
    I can't seem to find such a simple answer anywhere. any help?

    Hi, ddubseattle. Welcome to the Discussions.
    See my "Uninstalling applications" FAQ for important advice on uninstalling software.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X
    Note: The information provided in the link(s) above is freely available. However, because I own The X Lab™, a commercial Web site to which some of these links point, the Apple Discussions Terms of Use require I include the following disclosure statement with this post:
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

  • Hp probook 430 g2 uninstalling hp programs

    How do i uninstall programs like hp client security or some another hp programs?? answer fast please

    Welcome to the HP Forum.
    Fast Answer:
    Programs like Client Security are programs like any other -- Uninstall from Programs and Features:
    Uninstall, change or repair a program
    The CATCH:  If you ever want to use your fingerprint passwords again, you should Export your webcards -- that is, the websites and passwords database that is used with the Client Security database.  You will have to see your help file / manual on how to do that for your version of the Client Security software.
    You must have a reliable means of logging into the computer in place of the fingerprint scanner -- for example, if you have managed to switch off your typed in password login and you now remove the fingerprint software, you might manage to lock yourself out of the computer.  Not good unless you know how to get yourself back in.  Make sure you have a password login that works with a password that you know.  Unsure??  Create a an additional account that has admin privileges BEFORE you start deleting stuff.
    Windows 8.1 has a Native fingerprint scanner logon -- not associated with third party security software.  This is tied into the Biometrics.  Get to it / remove it through PC Settings.
    Be careful with all this stuff.
    BEFORE you make any changes, do this:
    Create a Restore Point:   Create a Restore Point – Win7  OR  Create a restore point Win8
    Click the Kudos Thumbs-Up to show you appreciate the help and time from our Experts.
    Although I strive to reflect HP's best practices, I do not work for HP. 
    Click Accept as Solution when the Answer is a good Fix or Workaround!
    Kind Regards,

  • How do you uninstall a program


    Uninstalling Software: The Basics
    Most OS X applications are completely self-contained "packages" that can be uninstalled by simply dragging the application to the Trash.  Applications may create preference files that are stored in the /Home/Library/Preferences/ folder.  Although they do nothing once you delete the associated application, they do take up some disk space.  If you want you can look for them in the above location and delete them, too.
    Some applications may install an uninstaller program that can be used to remove the application.  In some cases the uninstaller may be part of the application's installer, and is invoked by clicking on a Customize button that will appear during the install process.
    Some applications may install components in the /Home/Library/Applications Support/ folder.  You can also check there to see if the application has created a folder.  You can also delete the folder that's in the Applications Support folder.  Again, they don't do anything but take up disk space once the application is trashed.
    Some applications may install a startupitem or a Log In item.  Startupitems are usually installed in the /Library/StartupItems/ folder and less often in the /Home/Library/StartupItems/ folder.  Log In Items are set in the Accounts preferences.  Open System Preferences, click on the Accounts icon, then click on the LogIn Items tab.  Locate the item in the list for the application you want to remove and click on the "-" button to delete it from the list.
    Some software use startup daemons or agents that are a new feature of the OS.  Look for them in /Library/LaunchAgents/ and /Library/LaunchDaemons/ or in /Home/Library/LaunchAgents/.
    If an application installs any other files the best way to track them down is to do a Finder search using the application name or the developer name as the search term.  Unfortunately Spotlight will not look in certain folders by default.  You can modify Spotlight's behavior or use a third-party search utility, EasyFind, instead.
    Some applications install a receipt in the /Library/Receipts/ folder.  Usually with the same name as the program or the developer.  The item generally has a ".pkg" extension.  Be sure you also delete this item as some programs use it to determine if it's already installed.
    There are many utilities that can uninstall applications.  Here is a selection:
        1. AppZapper
        2. AppDelete
        3. Automaton
        4. Hazel
        5. AppCleaner
        6. CleanApp
        7. iTrash
        8. Amnesia
        9. Uninstaller
      10. Spring Cleaning
    For more information visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on removing software.



    to uninstall apple software (what came on the mac) and most other 3rd party applications you can do as mentioned above. however some third party apps require you to use their uninstaller to remove all components of the application from your computer.
    can usually do google search to see if an uninstaller is required to remove something or not!

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    to uninstall apple software (what came on the mac) and most other 3rd party applications you can do as mentioned above. however some third party apps require you to use their uninstaller to remove all components of the application from your computer.
    can usually do google search to see if an uninstaller is required to remove something or not!

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