Unknown problem with JSP, JavaScript - Pls help

Hi Friends,
I am facing a strange problem. Explained it below. Kindly help me as it is really affecting my work. Thanks in advance.
I am working on building a web application using jsp, servlet, ejb. the IDE used is WSAD 5.1.2.
I have the below :
1 JSP - Input page - for user input entry
2. Java script1 - For all client side validations
Java script2 - For handling the data submission to servlet (as selected by user)
Javascript3 - Header & Menu Bar
3 Servlet - This actually retrieves the values from the hidden parameters, sets them in session and redirects the control back to the jsp.
Logic for one small iteration : Two drop downs are there. On selecting the first drop down the second drop down should be populated and the first drop down should display the user selected value.
1. When the user selects the first drop down onchange() event gets fired which calls a method in the javascript.
2. In the javascript I set the value of a hidden form field to the selected combo index and submit the form to the servlet
3. In the servlet, I retrieve the hidden request parameter (Index),
set the index in session. Do my business logic based on the value of the index. Set the collection (to be displayed) in second drop down in session.
4. Send the response back to the JSP.
5. In the JSP, we have a method which is called during the onload() event of the body
6. This method sets the user selected values in appropriate controls(by taking from session)
Problem faced: I have a javascript which creates the menu bar for my application and this i've included it in my jsp. I dont know whats wrong with this javascript, when it is commented out the page works perfectly fine. Both the user selected value and the collection are loaded exactly as expected. But when it is included the collection is loaded in the second drop down but the selected index of the first drop down is not set - the drop down gets reset to the default value.
Also on body load of my jsp, I call a javascript method which sets the current date in one text field of my form. Even this is not working fine when I include this javascript. I don't see any script error in this javascript in my browser though. Strange but guess something basic :(
I'm sure there is nothing to do with session. I've tried printing the entire flow. The Servlet sets the values correctly in session and they are also correctly available in the JSP page. The JSP also gets loaded with the user selected values but something happens on page load which clears the values to default.
Am also confused in what way javascript is related to this, coz when I remove it things are working fine.
Am really helpless here pls do the needful. any help is appreciated.
Header.js [which includes the menu bar code]
document.write("<!-- COMMON HEADER CODE -->")
document.write("     <table id='mplPageHeader' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2' border='0'>")
document.write("          <tr> ")
document.write("               <td rowspan='2' bgcolor='#FFFFFF' width='1%'>")
document.write("                    <a href='http://www.web.com' target='_top'>")
document.write("                         <img src='./images/ford.gif' alt='BLogistics' border='0'>")
document.write("                    </a>     ")
document.write("               </td>")
document.write("               <td rowspan='2' class='appTitle' title='Mp' width='1%'>MP&L</td>")
document.write("               <td class='appTitle' title='M R'>M R</td>")
document.write("               <td class='pageIdentifier'>"+' '+"</td>");
document.write("          </tr>")
document.write("          <tr>")
document.write("               <td class='pageTitle' nowrap></td>");
document.write("               <td class='dateInfo' nowrap>Thu Jan 22 2004 12:24 PM</td>")
document.write("          </tr>")
document.write("     </table>")
document.write("<!-- Display Menu Items -->")
document.write("<div id='navigationMenu'>")
document.write("     <script type='text/javascript' src='./javascript/MRmenuItem.js'></script>")
document.write("     <script type='text/javascript' src='./javascript/menuScript.js'></script>")
Menu Bar Code
var AgntUsr=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var AppVer=navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase();
var DomYes=document.getElementById?1:0,NavYes=AgntUsr.indexOf("mozilla")!=-1&&AgntUsr.indexOf("compatible")==-1?1:0,ExpYes=AgntUsr.indexOf("msie")!=-1?1:0,Opr=AgntUsr.indexOf("opera")!=-1?1:0;
var DomNav=DomYes&&NavYes?1:0,DomExp=DomYes&&ExpYes?1:0;
var Nav4=NavYes&&!DomYes&&document.layers?1:0,Exp4=ExpYes&&!DomYes&&document.all?1:0;
var MacCom=(AppVer.indexOf("mac")!= -1)?1:0,MacExp4=(MacCom&&AppVer.indexOf("msie 4")!= -1)?1:0,Mac4=(MacCom&&(Nav4||Exp4))?1:0;
var Exp5=AppVer.indexOf("msie 5")!= -1?1:0,Fltr=(AppVer.indexOf("msie 6")!= -1||AppVer.indexOf("msie 7")!= -1)?1:0,MacExp5=(MacCom&&Exp5)?1:0,PosStrt=(NavYes||ExpYes)&&!Opr?1:0;
var RmbrNow=null,FLoc,ScLoc,DcLoc,SWinW,SWinH,FWinW,FWinH,SLdAgnWin,FColW,SColW,DColW,RLvl=0,FrstCreat=1,Ldd=0,Crtd=0,IniFlg,AcrssFrms=1,FrstCntnr=null,CurOvr=null,CloseTmr=null,CntrTxt,TxtClose,ImgStr,ShwFlg=0,M_StrtTp=StartTop,M_StrtLft=StartLeft,StaticPos=0,LftXtra=DomNav?LeftPaddng:0,TpXtra=DomNav?TopPaddng:0,FStr="",M_Hide=Nav4?"hide":"hidden",M_Show=Nav4?"show":"visible",Par=MenuUsesFrames?parent:window,Doc=Par.document,Bod=Doc.body,Trigger=NavYes?Par:Bod;
var Ztop=100,InitLdd=0,P_X=DomYes?"px":"";
var OpnTmr=null;
               else Trigger.onload=Go}}
function ChckInitLd(){
function Dummy(){return}
function CnclSlct(){return false}
function RePos(){
          var P=FrstCntnr.FrstMbr,W=Menu1[5],a=BorderBtwnMain?NoOffFirstLineMenus+1:2,i;
function NavUnLdd(){Ldd=0;Crtd=0;SetMenu="0"}
function UnLdd(){
     if(ExpYes){var M=FrstCntnr?FrstCntnr.FrstMbr:null;
function UnLddTotal(){MakeNull(FrstCntnr);FrstCntnr=RmbrNow=FLoc=ScLoc=DcLoc=SLdAgnWin=CurOvr=CloseTmr=Doc=Bod=Trigger=null}
function MakeNull(P){
     var M=P.FrstMbr,Mi;
function ChckLdd(){
     else if(ScLoc.document.readyState=="complete"){if(LdTmr)clearInterval(LdTmr);Go()}}
function NavLdd(e){if(e.target!=self)routeEvent(e);if(e.target==ScLoc)Go()}
function ReDoWhole(){if(AppVer.indexOf("4.0")==-1)Doc.location.reload();else if(SWinW!=ScLoc.innerWidth||SWinH!=ScLoc.innerHeight||FWinW!=FLoc.innerWidth||FWinH!=FLoc.innerHeight)Doc.location.reload()}
function Go(){
               else FColW.bgColor=AcrssFrms?SColW.bgColor:DColW.bgColor}
          else CreateMenuStructureAgain("Menu",NoOffFirstLineMenus);
          if(MenuVerticalCentered=="static"&&!AcrssFrms)setInterval("KeepPos()",250)     }}
function KeepPos(){
     var TS=ExpYes?FLoc.document.body.scrollTop:FLoc.pageYOffset;
     if(TS!=StaticPos){var FCSt=Nav4?FrstCntnr:FrstCntnr.style;
function ClcRl(){
function ClcJus(){
     var a=BorderBtwnMain?NoOffFirstLineMenus+1:2,Sz=Math.round((PartOfWindow*FWinW-a*BorderWidthMain)/NoOffFirstLineMenus),i,j;
function ClcTrgt(){
     var TLoc=Nav4?FLoc.document.layers[TargetLoc]:DomYes?FLoc.document.getElementById(TargetLoc):FLoc.document.all[TargetLoc];
function ClcLft(){
          var Sz=FWinW-(!Nav4?parseInt(FrstCntnr.style.width):FrstCntnr.clip.width);
function ClcTp(){
          var Sz=FWinH-(!Nav4?parseInt(FrstCntnr.style.height):FrstCntnr.clip.height);
function PosMenu(Ct,Tp,Lt){
     var Ti,Li,Hi,Mb=Ct.FrstMbr,CStl=!Nav4?Ct.style:Ct,MStl=!Nav4?Mb.style:Mb,PadL=Mb.value.indexOf("<")==-1?LftXtra:0,PadT=Mb.value.indexOf("<")==-1?TpXtra:0,MWt=!Nav4?parseInt(MStl.width)+PadL:MStl.clip.width,MHt=!Nav4?parseInt(MStl.height)+PadT:MStl.clip.height,CWt=!Nav4?parseInt(CStl.width):CStl.clip.width,CHt=!Nav4?parseInt(CStl.height):CStl.clip.height,CCw,CCh,STp,SLt;
     var BRW=RLvl==1?BorderWidthMain:BorderWidthSub,BTWn=RLvl==1?BorderBtwnMain:BorderBtwnSub;
          if(Mb){     MStl=!Nav4?Mb.style:Mb;PadL=Mb.value.indexOf("<")==-1?LftXtra:0;
function StMnu(){
     var i,Pntr=FrstCntnr,Str=ScLoc.SetMenu?ScLoc.SetMenu:"0";
          else Pntr.OM();
     if(RememberStatus==1){if(Nav4)Pntr.CLyr.OM();else Pntr.OM()}}
function Initiate(){
function Rmbr(CntPtr){
     var Mbr=CntPtr.FrstMbr,St;
          else Mbr=Mbr.PrvMbr}}
function Init(CPt){
     var Mb=CPt.FrstMbr,MCSt=Nav4?CPt:CPt.style;
function ClrAllChlds(Pt){
     var PSt,Pc;
function SetItem(Pntr,x){while(Pntr!=null){Pntr.DoRmbr=x;Pntr=Nav4?Pntr.CLyr.Ctnr.Cllr:Pntr.Ctnr.Cllr}}
function GoTo(){
     var HP=Nav4?this.LLyr:this;
function HiliteItem(P){
     if(Nav4){     if(P.ro)P.document.images[P.rid].src=P.ri2;
                P.bgColor = HighBgColor;
                    if(P.ro){var Lc=P.Lvl==1?FLoc:ScLoc;Lc.document.images[P.rid].src=P.ri2}
function LowItem(P){
          else{var Lc=P.Lvl==1?FLoc:ScLoc;Lc.document.images[P.rid].src=P.ri1}}
function OpenMenu(){
     var P=Nav4?this.LLyr:this;
          var Ti,Li,Hi;
          var MStl=!Nav4?P.style:P;
          var PadL=P.value.indexOf("<")==-1?LftXtra:0;
          var PadT=P.value.indexOf("<")==-1?TpXtra:0;
          var MWt=!Nav4?parseInt(MStl.width)+PadL:MStl.clip.width;
          var MHt=!Nav4?parseInt(MStl.height)+PadT:MStl.clip.height;
          var CCw,CCh,STp,SLt;
          var BRW=RLvl==1?BorderWidthMain:BorderWidthSub;
     var CCnt=Nav4?this.LLyr.CCn:this.CCn,HP=Nav4?this.LLyr:this;
function Unfld(){
     var P=CurOvr;
     var TS=ExpYes?ScLoc.document.body.scrollTop:ScLoc.pageYOffset,LS=ExpYes?ScLoc.document.body.scrollLeft:ScLoc.pageXOffset,CCnt=Nav4?P.LLyr.CCn:P.CCn,THt=Nav4?P.clip.height:parseInt(P.style.height),TWt=Nav4?P.clip.width:parseInt(P.style.width),TLt=AcrssFrms&&P.Lvl==1&&!FirstLineHorizontal?0:Nav4?P.Ctnr.left:parseInt(P.Ctnr.style.left),TTp=AcrssFrms&&P.Lvl==1&&FirstLineHorizontal?0:Nav4?P.Ctnr.top:parseInt(P.Ctnr.style.top);
     // TS != 0 is only needed if the menu DIVs are positioned relative to the body.
     // We've made them positioned relative to div#navigationMenu which causes
     // a problem if TS is based on how the body is scrolled.  So set TS to zero.
     // Note: the code below will adjust the final top offset based on the height of
     // the menu bar so the dropdown appears below (and not on top of) the nav bar.
     TS = 0;
     var CCW=Nav4?P.LLyr.CCn.clip.width:parseInt(P.CCn.style.width),CCH=Nav4?P.LLyr.CCn.clip.height:parseInt(P.CCn.style.height),CCSt=Nav4?P.LLyr.CCn:P.CCn.style,SLt=AcrssFrms&&P.Lvl==1?CCnt.OrgLeft+TLt+LS:CCnt.OrgLeft+TLt,STp=AcrssFrms&&P.Lvl==1?CCnt.OrgTop+TTp+TS:CCnt.OrgTop+TTp;
function OpenMenuClick(){
     var HP=Nav4?this.LLyr:this;CurOvr=this;
function CloseMenu(){
function CntnrSetUp(W,H,NoOff,WMu,Mc){
     var x=BorderColor;
function MbrSetUp(MbC,PrMmbr,WMu,Wd,Ht,Nofs){
     var Lctn=RLvl==1?FLoc:ScLoc,Tfld=this.Arr[0],t,T,L,W,H,S,a;
          Tfld="<img src=\""+this.ri1+"\" name=\""+this.rid+"\" width=\""+Wd+"\" height=\""+Ht+"\">"}
     this.style.fontSize = FontSize + "pt";
     if (WMu.length > 6)
     { MenuTextCentered = 'left';}
     {MenuTextCentered = 'center';}     
     else this.innerHTML=Tfld;
               else{Tfld+="<div id=\""+WMu+"_im\" style=\"position:absolute; top:"+T+"; left:"+L+"; width:"+W+"; height:"+H+";visibility:inherit\"><img src=\""+S+"\"></div>";
function NavMbrSetUp(MbC,PrMmbr,WMu,Wd,Ht,Nofs){
     var a;
          this.value="<img src=\""+this.ri1+"\" name=\""+this.rid+"\">"}
     CntrTxt="<div align=\""+MenuTextCentered+"\">";
     TxtClose="</font>"+ "</div>";
     this.value=CntrTxt+"<font face=\""+FontFamily+"\" point-size=\""+FontSize+"\">"+this.value+TxtClose;
     this.Ovalue=CntrTxt+"<font face=\""+FontFamily+"\" point-size=\""+FontSize+"\">"+this.Ovalue+TxtClose;
     this.CLyr=new Layer(Wd,MbC);
          if(Arrws[a]!=""){this.CLyr.ILyr=new Layer(Arrws[a+1],this.CLyr);this.CLyr.ILyr.visibility="inherit";
               ImgStr="<img src=\""+Arrws[a]+"\" width=\""+Arrws[a+1]+"\" height=\""+Arrws[a+2]+"\">";
function CreateMenuStructure(MNm,No,Mcllr){
     status="Building menu";RLvl++;
     var i,NOs,Mbr,W=0,H=0,PMb=null,WMnu=MNm+"1",MWd=eval(WMnu+"[5]"),MHt=eval(WMnu+"[4]"),Lctn=RLvl==1?FLoc:ScLoc;
     var BRW=RLvl==1?BorderWidthMain:BorderWidthSub,BTWn=RLvl==1?BorderBtwnMain:BorderBtwnSub;
     if(DomYes){var MbC=Lctn.document.createElement("div");MbC.style.position="absolute";MbC.style.visibility="hidden";Lctn.document.getElementById("navigationMenu").appendChild(MbC)}
     else{if(Nav4)var MbC=new Layer(W,Lctn);
          else{WMnu+="c";Lctn.document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("AfterBegin","<div id=\""+WMnu+"\" style=\"visibility:hidden; position:absolute;\"><\/div>");
               var MbC=Lctn.document.all[WMnu]}}
          for(i=1;i<No+1;i++){WMnu=MNm+eval(i);MbC.InnerString+="<div id=\""+WMnu+"\" style=\"position:absolute;\"><\/div>"}
          if(DomYes){Mbr=Lctn.document.createElement("div");     Mbr.style.position="absolute";Mbr.style.visibility="inherit";MbC.appendChild(Mbr)}
          else Mbr=Nav4?new Layer(W,MbC):Lctn.document.all[WMnu];
function CreateMenuStructureAgain(MNm,No){
          var i,WMnu,NOs,PMb,Mbr=FrstCntnr.FrstMbr;RLvl++;
     else{     var Mbr=FrstCntnr.FrstMbr;

Hi thanks...As you said I am performing only on onload event..only thing i am confused is if i remove the javacript MRHeader.js everything works fine...am totally confused...pls help
Here is my JSP code for my input page
<%@page import="java.util.*" %>
<%@page import="com.ford.mr.*" %>
<link href="./css/mplstyle.css" rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css">
<title>Input Frame</title>
<link type="text/css" rel="STYLESHEET" href="./css/classic.css">
    .vis1 { visibility:visible }
    .vis2 { visibility:hidden }
MRIFValidation.js contains the java script for the following requirement:
1. Setting the current date in date to compare
2. All input frame client validations.
E.g Plant id should not be empty.
<script type="text/javascript" src="./javascript/MRIFValidation.js"> </script>
MRR2HandleDropdown.js is the javascript for the input frame server side actions
It has many functions related to drop down populating and rendering the data
to user from server.
<script language="javascript" src="./javascript/MRR2HandleDropdown.js"> </script>
MRheader.js is the javascript which displays the header for our application
plus it has an internal call to MRMenuItem.js and menuscript.js which
builds the menu bar for our application
Issue is here - On commenting the below the previously entered user
inputs are displayed correctly. Else they are not displayed.
<script language="javascript" src="./javascript/MRheader.js"> </script>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<style type="text/css">
a:visited {
     color: #0000FF;
.style1 {font-weight: bold}
.style2 {color: #FF0000}
body {
     background-color: #FFFFFF;
Declaring all the JSP variables used in the page
These variables are used for holding the session parameters
and are used while setting the selected values in the screen.
     // HTTPSession object
     HttpSession sess;
     // To hold session Variables //
     // Selected plant index
     String plantIndex;
     // Selected supplier index
     String supplierIndex;
     // Selected part index
     String partIndex;
     // List of plant codes
     Vector plantCodes = new Vector();
     // List of supplier codes
     Vector supplierCodes = new Vector();
     // List of part codes
     Vector partCodes = new Vector();
     // To hold the part description for the selected part
     String partDescription;
     // List of release numbers matching the selected plant, supplier & part
     Vector releaseNumbers = new Vector();
     // Type of release - Weekly / Daily
     String releaseType;
     // Selected release1 index
     String release1Index;
     // Selected release2 index
     String release2Index;
     // Holds the issue date 1 corresponding to release 1 selected
     String issueDate1;
     // Holds the issue date 2 corresponding to release 2 selected
     String issueDate2;
     // List of matching release numbers to the entered issue date1 (Might be one or two
     // in case if amended release exist)
     Vector matchingRelease1Number = new Vector();
     // List of matching release numbers to the entered issue date2 (Might be one or two
     // in case if amended release exist)
     Vector matchingRelease2Number = new Vector();
     // Size of matchingRelease1Number collection
     int matchingRelease1Size = 0;
     // Size of matchingRelease2Number collection
     int matchingRelease2Size = 0;
     // Boolean flags to hold if amended release exists in the release numbers
     // matching the issue dates entered by user.
     boolean amendedRelease1Exist;
     boolean amendedRelease2Exist;
     String pageName = "";
The below code does the following:
1. Fetches the various values available in session
2. Stores the same in various JSP variables for access within the page
System.out.println("In input frame page");
sess = request.getSession(true);
     if(sess != null) {
          System.out.println("Session id in input frame: "+ sess.getId());
          plantIndex = (String) sess.getAttribute("selectedPlantIndex");
          supplierIndex = (String) sess.getAttribute("selectedSupplierIndex");
          partIndex = (String) sess.getAttribute("selectedPartIndex");
          //plantCodes = (Vector) sess.getAttribute("plantCodes");
          supplierCodes = (Vector) sess.getAttribute("supplierCodes");
          partCodes = (Vector) sess.getAttribute("partCodes");
          partDescription = (String) sess.getAttribute("partDescription");
          releaseNumbers = (Vector) sess.getAttribute("releaseNumbers");
          releaseType = (String) sess.getAttribute("releaseType");
          release1Index = (String) sess.getAttribute("selectedRelease1Index");
          release2Index =(String)  sess.getAttribute("selectedRelease2Index");
          issueDate1 = (String) sess.getAttribute("issueDate1");
          issueDate2 = (String) sess.getAttribute("issueDate2");
          matchingRelease1Number = (Vector) sess.getAttribute("correspondingRelease1Number");
          matchingRelease2Number = (Vector) sess.getAttribute("correspondingRelease2Number");
          System.out.println("Displaying values in session *******************");
          Enumeration enum = sess.getAttributeNames();
          while(enum.hasMoreElements()) {
               String elementName = (String) enum.nextElement();
               System.out.println("element:"+ elementName+": Value: "+ sess.getAttribute(elementName));
          System.out.println("Plant Index JSP variable:"+ plantIndex);
This code is used for getting the plant codes from
the DB. Currently it is hardcoded.
MRR2GetPlantCodes obj = new MRR2GetPlantCodes();
plantCodes = obj.getPlantCodes();
The below two blocks are used to iterate through matchingRelease1Number & matchingRelease2Number
and checks if it has amended release. If yes, sets a boolean flag.
matchingRelease1Number & matchingRelease2Number are two collections which
contains the release number(s) matching the inputted issue date
// Code to set boolean flag amendedRelease1Exist
if(matchingRelease1Number != null) {
     Iterator relIter = matchingRelease1Number.iterator();
     while(relIter.hasNext()) {
          if( ((String)relIter.next()).endsWith("A") ) {                    
               amendedRelease1Exist = true;
// Code to set boolean flag amendedRelease2Exist
if(matchingRelease2Number != null) {
     Iterator relIter = matchingRelease2Number.iterator();
     while(relIter.hasNext()) {
          if( ((String)relIter.next()).endsWith("A") ) {                    
               amendedRelease2Exist = true;
The below script has one method fillDropDown which is used for setting the
values of the various I/P controls to user selected values:
It sets the below selected values:
1. Plant Index, Supplier Index, Part Index, Part description
2. Release Type (Daily / weekly)
3. Release 1 Index, Release 2 Index
4. Issue date1 & Issue date2
<script language="javascript">
function fillDropDown(field) {
     with(field) {
          var partD = "<%=partDescription%>"
          <% System.out.println("Loading the index values in input frame......");%>
          // inputform.country.selectedIndex = inputform.hiddencountry.value
          // Loading plant Index, supplier Index, part index and part description to selected values
          <% if(plantIndex != null && !plantIndex.equals("")) {%>
               inputframe.plant.selectedIndex = "<%=Integer.parseInt(plantIndex)%>"               
          <% System.out.println("Selected Plant Index after loading:"+plantIndex);} %>
          <% if(supplierIndex != null && !supplierIndex.equals("")) { System.out.println("****Supplier Index not equals null..."+Integer.parseInt(supplierIndex)); %>
               inputframe.supplier.selectedIndex = "<%=Integer.parseInt(supplierIndex)%>"
          <% } %>
          <% if(partIndex != null && !partIndex.equals("")) { %>
               inputframe.part.selectedIndex = "<%=Integer.parseInt(partIndex)%>"
          <% } %>
          <% if(partDescription != null && !partDescription.equals("")) { %>
               document.getElementById("partDescription").innerHTML = partD
          <%     } %>
          // Making the default release type selection as done by user
          <% if(releaseType != null && !"".equals(releaseType)) {
                    if("daily".equals(releaseType)) {%>
                         inputframe.release[0].checked = "checked"
                    <%     //isDaily = true;
                    } else { %>
                         inputframe.release[1].checked = "checked"
                    <%     //isWeekly = true;
               } %>
               The below code is used to fetch the session variable issueDate1
               & issueDate2 (based on the release numbers selected)
               and sets the same in two text fields.
          <% if(issueDate1 != null && !issueDate1.equals("")) { %>
               inputframe.issueDate1.value = "<%=issueDate1%>"
          <% } %>
          <% if(issueDate2 != null && !issueDate2.equals("")) { %>
               inputframe.issueDate2.value = "<%=issueDate2%>"
          <% } %>     
          Loading release drop down with the value matching with the entered issue date.
          Scenario : User enters the issue date and the corresponding release number is
          selected in drop down.
          Logic 1:
          1. Pass the issue date entered by user and get the matching release numbers
          from EJB
          2. Compare this with the combo collection and get the perfect match.
          3. If more than one match is found take the one with amendment by default
          4. Else get the matching one
          5. Update the selected index of dropdown to this value
          if(inputframe.release1.options.length > 0) {
               var matchingCombo1Index = 0
               var comboValue               
               var matchFound = "false"
               var size
               var amended = false;
               var amendedReleaseExist = "<%=amendedRelease1Exist%>";
               var firstValue = ""
               var secondValue = ""
               var amendedValue = ""
               var j = 0
                 if(matchingRelease1Number != null && matchingRelease1Number.size() != 0) {
                      Iterator iter = matchingRelease1Number.iterator();                          
                    matchingRelease1Size = matchingRelease1Number.size(); %>
                    size = "<%=     matchingRelease1Size %>"
                    //alert("Size of collection to be matched:"+size)
               <%     while(iter.hasNext()) {                         
                         //String matchFound1 = "false";
                         String relValue = (String)iter.next();%>
                         //alert("Collection value under iteration:"+ "<%=relValue%>")                         
                         amended = "<%=relValue.endsWith("A")%>"
                         if(amended) {
                              amendedValue = "<%=relValue%>"
                         //alert("Collection value under iteration ends with A:"+amended)
                         var comb = "<%=relValue%>"
                         j = j + 1
                         for(var i = 0; i < inputframe.release1.options.length; i++) {
                              //      breaking the for loop when matchingCombo1Index is set greater than 0
                              /*if(matchFound == true) {
                              comboValue = inputframe.release1.options.value                              
                              //alert("Combo value:->"+comboValue)
                              //alert("rel value in comparison:"+ comb);
                              if(comboValue == comb) {
                                   if(size == 1) {
                                        matchFound = "true";
                                   if(size == 2) {
                                        if(j == 1)
                                             firstValue = comb
                                        if(j == 2)
                                             secondValue = comb
                                        // The below if block shall be also kept as if((amended||(!amendedReleaseExist)==true)
                                        // The below one perfectly works fine
                                        if(amended || !amendedReleaseExist) {
                                             matchFound = "true";
                              if(matchFound == "true") {
                                   matchingCombo1Index = i
                                   // alert("Matching combo index set to:"+ matchingCombo1Index)                                   
                                   inputframe.release1.selectedIndex = matchingCombo1Index
                                   if(size == 2)
                                        document.getElementById('errorArea').innerHTML = "There are"
                                             + " two release numbers for the particular Issue date."
                                             +" Please select either one of the release numbers ("+firstValue+ " or "+secondValue+" )."
                                             +" Default selection in the Release drop down is "+ amendedValue+ "."
                                   matchingCombo1Index = 0;
                                   matchFound = "false";
                                   // Breaking the for loop
                    sess.removeAttribute("correspondingRelease1Number") ;
               // Setting the selected release 1 index based on the logic done above.
               if(matchingCombo1Index == 0) {
                    <% if(release1Index != null && !release1Index.equals("")) { matchingRelease1Number = null;%>
                              inputframe.release1.selectedIndex = "<%=Integer.parseInt(release1Index)%>"
                    <% } %>
               Performing the above logic to select Release2 value
               when the user enters issue date2
          if(inputframe.release2.options.length > 0) {
               var matchingCombo2Index = 0
               var comboValue
               var matchFound = "false"
               var size
               var amended = false;
               var amendedReleaseExist = "<%=amendedRelease2Exist%>";
               var firstValue = ""
               var secondValue = ""
               var amendedValue = ""
               var j = 0
               if(matchingRelease2Number != null && matchingRelease2Number.size() != 0) {
                    Iterator iter = matchingRelease2Number.iterator();                         
                    matchingRelease2Size = matchingRelease2Number.size(); %>
                    size = "<%=     matchingRelease2Size %>"
                    //alert("Size of collection to be matched:"+size)
               <%     while(iter.hasNext()) {
                         String matchFound1 = "false";
                         String relValue = (String)iter.next();%>
                         //alert("Collection value under iteration:"+ "<%=relValue%>")                         
                         amended = "<%=relValue.endsWith("A")%>"                         
                         if(amended) {
                              amendedValue = "<%=relValue%>"
                         //alert("Collection value under iteration ends with A:"+amended)
                         var comb = "<%=relValue%>"
                         j = j + 1
                         for(var i = 0; i < inputframe.release2.options.length; i++) {
                              //      breaking the for loop when matchingCombo2Index is set greater than 0
                              /*if(matchFound == true) {
                              comboValue = inputframe.release2.options[i].value                              
                              //alert("Combo value:->"+comboValue)
                              //alert("rel value in comparison:"+ comb);
                              if(comboValue == comb) {
                                   if(size == 1) {
                                        matchFound = "true";
                                   if(size == 2) {
                                        if(j == 1)
                                             firstValue = comb
                                        if(j == 2)
                                             secondValue = comb
                                        // The below if block shall be also kept as if((amended||(!amendedReleaseExist)==true)
                                        // The below one perfectly works fine
                                        if(amended || !amendedRelease2Exist) {
                                             matchFound = "true";
                              if(matchFound == "true") {
                                   matchingCombo2Index = i
                                   // alert("Matching combo index set to:"+ matchingCombo2Index)                                   
                                   inputframe.release2.selectedIndex = matchingCombo2Index
                                   if(size == 2)
                                        document.getElementById('errorArea').innerHTML = "There are"
                                             + " two release numbers for the particular Issue date."
                                             +" Please select either one of the release numbers ("+firstValue+ " or "+secondValue+" )."
                                             +" Default selection in the Release drop down is "+ amendedValue+ "."
                                   matchingCombo2Index = 0;
                                   matchFound = "false";
                                   // Breaking the for loop
                    sess.removeAttribute("correspondingRelease2Number") ;
               // Loading the selected release2 value in drop down
               if(matchingCombo2Index == 0) {
                    <% if(release2Index != null && !release2Index.equals("")) { matchingRelease2Number = null;%>
                              inputframe.release2.selectedIndex = "<%=Integer.parseInt(release2Index)%>"
                    <% } %>
     } // end of WITH
          Logic 2: Not used
          1. Pass the issue date entered by user and get the matching release numbers
          2. Get the release numbers from session.
          3. if release type is daily get the daily release numbers else get weekly release numbers
          4. Compare the matching release numbers with daily / weekly release numbers collection
          5. Find the match and update the selected index of drop down to this value
}// end of function
<%-- Calling the two methods onload event of body --%>
<BODY onload="setCurrentDate(this);fillDropDown(this)">

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    Hi and Welcome to the Community!!
    I suggest the following steps, in order, even if they seem redundant to what you have already tried (steps 1 and 2 each should result in a message coming to your BB...please wait for that before proceeding to the next step):
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    KB00510 How to register a BlackBerry smartphone with the wireless network
    2) Resend Service Books
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    3) Batt Pull Reboot
    Anytime random strange behavior or sluggishness creeps in, the first thing to do is a battery pop reboot. With power ON, remove the back cover and pull out the battery. Wait about a minute then replace the battery and cover. Power up and wait patiently through the long reboot -- ~5 minutes. See if things have returned to good operation. Like all computing devices, BB's suffer from memory leaks and such...with a hard reboot being the best cure.
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    Good luck!
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    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
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    pk varchar2(50);
    c1 varchar2(50);
    c2 varchar2(50);
    c9 varchar2(50);
    v := to_number(APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01(i));
    pk := APEX_APPLICATION.G_F02(v);
    c1 := APEX_APPLICATION.G_F03(v);
    c9 := APEX_APPLICATION.G_F04(v);
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    insert into test_1 values ( c1 );
    insert into test_1 values ( c2 );
    insert into test_1 values ( c9 );
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    name varchar(10),
    address varchar(10),
    sdate date,
    edate date
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    id int,
    name varchar(10),
    address varchar(10),
    sdate date,
    edate date
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    (id, name, address, sdate, edate)
    (1,'a','add1',sysdate, null);
    INSERT INTO temp
    (id, name, address, sdate, edate)
    (2,'b','add2',sysdate, null);
    INSERT INTO main
    (id, name, address, sdate, edate)
    (1,'a','add1',sysdate, null);
    INSERT INTO temp
    (id, name, address, sdate, edate)
    (2,'b','address change',sysdate, null);
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    Your Windows PC doesn't recognize iPod.
    iPod appears in Windows Explorer but does not appear in iTunes.
    iPod does not appear in iTunes.
    Fast user switching in Windows XP is not supported.
    Strange iPod behavior.
    When restoring the iPod, put it into disk mode first.
    Putting iPod into disk mode.
    And it's always helpful if you state what computer you have as advice is often specific to that.
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    (Mod notes: Removed non-technical content. Please keep the forums clean and productive. Thanks!)
    Message Edited by Maximus on 09-12-2006 07:28 PM

    Access the setup page of the router and go to the "Applications & Gaming" tab. Scroll down below and look for the "Wireless QoS" option, enable the WMM Support and disable the No Acknowledgement.

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    Please continue here: [/questions/835757]</blockquote>
    I have a problem with xajax javascript in Mozilla just how to fix it

    No. The broken glass technically voids the AppleCare Coverage. The Apple Genius will listen to your story and evaluate the problems with your iPhone. The Genius can decide how to handle this in many ways, including accepting this with AppleCare, but I doubt it. Again the broken glass voids the Coverage. If the Genius decides that the AppleCare is now Void, out of Warranty replacement is $149.

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    For CS4 you must update the Roxio component, especially with Win8
    http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1309029 http://docs.roxio.com/patches/pxengine4_18_16a.zip
    http://corel.force.com/roxio/articles/en_US/Master_Article/000012592-PX-Engine-Description -and-Download

  • Having Problem with JSP In Netscape!HELP!!!

    HI to all! I�m having problem with the jsp that i have :( If i use the Internet explorer it works but at Netscape... it doesn�t work :( The value of "PTE" is null... I need help !!!Please! I think the HTML IS NOT HELPING ...
    the code is :
    <title>BBVA - Transfer&ecirc;ncias - Transfer&ecirc;ncias OIC</title>
    <LINK rel=STYLESHEET type='text/css' href="estilos/tablas.css">
    <!--script language="javascript" src "js/dynlayer.js"></script-->
    <script language="Javascript" src="js/banner.js"></script>
    <script language="Javascript" src="js/tp_oic.js"></script>
    <script language="Javascript" src="js/utilidades.js"></script>
    <script language="javascript" src="js/limpar.js"></script>
    <script language="javascript" src="js/tiempo.js"></script>
    <body marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" class="pag-contenido" onLoad="controlSesion();">
    <%@ include file ="includecbtf.jsp" %>
    <% String s = (String)datos.get("dt");
    java.util.StringTokenizer str = new java.util.StringTokenizer(s, "-");
    String anoServer = str.nextToken() ;
    String mesServer = str.nextToken() ;
    String diaServer = str.nextToken() ;
    <form method="post" name="captura" action="<%=urls.get("action")%>">
    <center> <!--1�center-->
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500"> <!--table das transf e nome-->
    <td colspan="3"><img src="images/linea.gif" border="0"></td>
    <td width="250"><img src="images/traspasos.gif" border="0"></td>
    <td width="82"><img src="images/titular.gif" border="0"></td>
    <td width="169" class="fondotitular"><font class="texttitular"><%=datos.get("usuario")%></font></td>
    <td colspan="3"><img src="images/linea.gif" border="0"></td>
    </table> <!--Fim do 1� table-->
    </center> <!--Fim do 1� Center-->
    <center> <!--2� Center-->
    <!--Conteudo do table 2-->
    <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" border="0" align="center" width="500"> <!--table referente a mensagem-->
    <td class="cabeceratitulo" colspan="2"><p class="titulotabla">Nota : As Transfer&ecirc;ncias para outras Institui&ccedil;&otilde;es de Cr&eacute;dito decorrem de acordo com os hor&aacute;rios da Compensa&ccedil;&atilde;o Interbanc&aacute;ria, n&atilde;o se responsabilizando o BBVA pela sua realiza&ccedil;&atilde;o fora das regras em uso.</p></td>
    </table> <!--fim do table2-->
    </center> <!--Fim do 2� Center-->
    <center> <!-- Inicio 3� Center-->
    <!--Conteudo da table Combo-->
    <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" border="0" align="center" width="500">
    <td class="cabeceratitulo" colspan="2"><p class="titulotabla">Transfer&ecirc;ncia Conta a Conta para outras Institui&ccedil;&ocirc;es de Cr&eacute;dito</p></td>
    <td class="formgrisosc" width="100">
    <p class="dato">Conta Ordenante:  </p></td>
    <td class="formgrisosc" width="300">
    java.util.Vector v = (java.util.Vector)(datos.get("ListaCuentas"));
    java.util.Hashtable elem;
    java.util.Enumeration e = v.elements();
    <!--1� Select-->
    <select name="conta" size="1" class="formgrisosc">
    while (e.hasMoreElements()){
    elem = (com.ibm.dse.base.Hashtable)(e.nextElement());
    String cuenta = ((String)elem.get("s_banco")).trim() + "-"+((String)elem.get("s_oficina")).trim()+((String)elem.get("s_dcontrol")).trim()+((String)elem.get("s_num_cuenta")).trim();
    out.println("<option value=\"" + ((String)elem.get("s_tipo")) + "$" + ((String)elem.get("s_clave_asunto")) + "\">" + cuenta + "</option>");
    </select> <!--Fim do 1� Select-->
    <td class="formgriscla" width="100"><p class="dato">Data de Processamento:</p></td>
    <td class="formgriscla">
    <input type="text" name="dia" size="2"class="formgriscla" value="<%=diaServer %>" maxlength="2" class="formgriscla"> / 
    <input type="text" name="mes" size="2"class="formgriscla" value="<%=mesServer %>" maxlength="2" class="formgriscla"> / 
    <input type="text" name="ano" size="4"class="formgriscla" value="<%=anoServer %>" maxlength="4" class="formgriscla"></td>
    <input type="hidden" name="dact" size="2"class="formgriscla" value="<%=diaServer %>" maxlength="2" class="formgriscla">
    <input type="hidden" name="mact" size="2"class="formgriscla" value="<%=mesServer %>" maxlength="2" class="formgriscla">
    <input type="hidden" name="aact" size="4"class="formgriscla" value="<%=anoServer %>" maxlength="4" class="formgriscla"></td>
    <td class="formgrisosc" width="100"><p class="dato">Moeda: </p></td>
    <td class="formgrisosc"><p class="dato">
    <!--Select 2�Ver este bem-->
    <select name="Moeda" size="1" class="formgrisosc">
    <option value="PTE" selected>Escudos</option>      
    <option value="EUR">Euros</option>
    </select> </p>
    <td class="formgriscla" width="100"><p class="dato">Import&acirc;ncia:</p></td>
    <td class="formgriscla"><input type="text" name="importancia" size="20" maxlength="15" class="formgriscla"></td>
    <td class="formgrisosc" width="100"><p class="dato">Ref&ecirc;rencia:</p></td>
    <td class="formgrisosc"><input type="text" name="ref" size="15" maxlength="10" class="formgrisosc"></td>
    <td class="formgriscla" width="100"><p class="dato">NIB Benefici&aacute;rio:</p></td>
    <td class="formgriscla"><input type="text" name="nibBeneficiario" size="30" maxlength="21" class="formgriscla"></td>
    <td class="formgrisosc" width="100"><p class="dato">Descri&ccedil;&atilde;o p/ Conta D&eacute;bito:</p></td>
    <td class="formgrisosc"><input type="text" name="debito" size="45" maxlength="45" class="formgrisosc"></td>
    <td class="formgriscla" width="100"><p class="dato">Descri&ccedil;&atilde;o p/ Conta Cr&eacute;dito:</p></td>
    <td class="formgriscla"><input type="text" name="credito" size="45" maxlength="45" class="formgriscla"></td>
    <td class="cabecera" colspan="2"><img src="images/1x1.gif" width=1 height=3 border="0"></td>
    </table> <!--Fim do table 3-->
    </center> <!--Fim do 3�center-->
    <center> <!--Inicio do 4� Center-->
    <!--Inicio da table 4�-->
    <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
    <td valign="top"><img src="images/limpar.gif" border="0" alt="Apagar"></td>
    <td valign="top"><img src="images/continuar.gif" border="0" alt="Continuar"></td>
    </table> <!--Fim do 4� Table-->
    </form> <!--Fim do FORM-->
    </center> <!--Fim do 4� Center-->
    </body> <!--Fim do BODY-->
    </html> <!--Fim do Html-->
    Thanks pepole!

    thanks people! when i try to validate the action "PTE" he gaves me (if i put a ALERT...) null.
    the js code is : (Moeda is coin )
    //testa amount
    // var ent = (f.amount.value);
    var tamanho = f.amount.value.length;
    var valor = f.amount.value;
    decimals = 2; // Apenas pode ter duas casas decimais?
    if (((tamanho == 0) || (valor == 0)) && ok)
    alert ("A import�ncia tem de ser maior que zero.");
    ok = false;
    if((f.Moeda.value=="PTE") && ok)
    for (j = 0; j < tamanho; j++)
    xx = valor.charAt(j);     
         if ((!(xx.match(numeroER)) && ok))
    alert ("O Campo Import�ncia deve ser num�rico inteiro.");     
         ok = false;
              //if para limitar valor dos Escudos      
         if (ok)
         if (eval(valor) > 1000000)
         alert ("The field amount must be maxium 1 000 000 Pte.");     
         ok = false;
         if (ok)
              //function checkDecimals(f.amount, f.importancia.value) {
              if (isNaN(valor)) {
                   alert("O Campo Import�ncia deve ser num�rico e como separador decimal, o ponto.");
                   ok = false;
              else {
                   timeshundred = parseFloat(valor * Math.pow(10, decimals));
                   integervalue = parseInt(parseFloat(valor) * Math.pow(10, decimals));
                   if (timeshundred != integervalue)
                   alert ("Apenas pode ter " + decimals + " casas decimais. Por favor tente outra vez.");
                   ok = false;
              if (ok)
              {  //if to limit the value of the  Euros
         if(eval(valor) > 4988)
    alert ("The field amount must be maxium 4988 Eur.");     
         ok = false;
    }//end of amount

  • Ajx problem with jsp .not able to show  ajax response data in table rows

    hi evryone
    i m new to ajax .i m not able solve this problem .pls help if anyone understood my problem
    probelm scenario is like this:
    take a example of shopping page where a field amount changes every time (time interval) ,the amount data is coming from database .ok...
    this i m trying to do with ajax and want to display the value in table rows one by one ..but response whihc i m getting is different .....same value is diaplying in evry rows .which i dont want
    the output it coming now is:like this
    item amount
    item 1 20
    item2 20
    item 3 20
    i want like thi s
    item amount
    item 1 20
    item2 30
    item 3 40
    even in database the value is 20,30,40
    here is the code of two jsp page
    one is ajaxitem_amount.jsp
    stmt3 = con.createStatement();
    String itemQ="select item_ref_id,quantity from item_master where shop_ref_id="+shopid+" and (status is null or status<>'w') order by item_ref_id";
    item2 = rs_details.getInt("ITEM_REF_ID");
    v.add(new Integer(item2));
    String aString = Integer.toString(item2);
    Enumeration enum = v.elements();
    for (j=0; j<v.size(); j++)
    //out.println("v[" + j + "] = " + v.elementAt(j));
    sql3="select max(shop_amount) from shop_floor_temp where item_ref_id="+v.elementAt(j);
    if(last_price != 0)
    lprice= last_price;
    catch(Exception ex)
    // out.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
    _another is main shopping
    <td bgcolor="#C5B9AB" width="10%" align="center">
    <strong><font face="Verdana" size="2">Last price</font></strong>
    int tabrowcounter=0;
    while(rs_details.next())//some query
    //*some more data is displayed here one by one all are working instead of this which i am calling from another page ajaxitem_amount.jsp page*
    <td bgcolor='<%=colorjava%>' width="50%" align="center">
    <div id="responseimage<%=tabrowcounter%>"></div>
    <div id="responseOutput<%=tabrowcounter%>"></div>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    function createXHR<%=tabrowcounter%>()
    try { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) {}
    try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0"); } catch (e) {}
    try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0"); } catch (e) {}
    try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {}
    try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {}
    alert("XMLHttpRequest not supported");
    return null;
    function sendRequest<%=tabrowcounter%>()
    document.getElementById('responseimage<%=tabrowcounter%>').innerHTML ="<IMG SRC='load.gif'> ";
    document.getElementById('responseimage<%=tabrowcounter%>').style.display = 'block';
    document.getElementById('responseOutput<%=tabrowcounter%>').style.display = 'none'
    var url="ajaxauct_floor.jsp";
    var xhr = createXHR<%=tabrowcounter%>();
    if (xhr)
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function()
    function handleResponse<%=tabrowcounter%>(xhr)
    if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200)
    var data = xhr.responseText.split("|");
    for(var x=0;x<data.length-1;x++)
    document.getElementById('responseOutput<%=tabrowcounter%>').innerHTML = data[x];
    document.getElementById('responseimage<%=tabrowcounter%>').style.display = 'none'; // HIDE
    document.getElementById('responseOutput<%=tabrowcounter%>').style.display = 'block'
    //document.getElementById('responseOutput<%=tabrowcounter%>').innerHTML = data[0];
    //document.getElementById('responseOutput<%=tabrowcounter%>').innerHTML = data[0];
    alert('1 '+e)
    if anyone have understood my problem pls help me .i have tried lot but not working .anyone genius here ?thnak you

    thanks baluc
    thanks for correcting me and giving me a good advice .anyway i m trying make you understand once again ...
    if you have understood this time please do reply .else i m sorry for placing wrong question ....
    hi everyone
    I m new to Ajax .I m not able solve this problem .pals help if anyone understood my problem
    problem scenario is like this:
    take a example of shopping page where a field amount changes every time (time interval) ,the amount field* (this data is coming from database )
    this I m trying to do with Ajax and want to display the value in table rows one by one ..But response which I m getting is different.....same value is displaying in every rows .which I don't want
    The output it coming now is: like this
    item amount
    item 1 20
    item2 20
    item 3 20
    I want like this s
    item amount
    item 1 20
    item2 30
    item 3 40
    even in database the value is 20,30,40
    here is the code of jsp page
    one page is ajaxitemamount.jsp_*
    stmt3 = con.createStatement();
    String itemQ="select item_ref_id,quantity from item_master where shop_ref_id="+shopid+" and (status is null or status<>'w') order by item_ref_id";
    item2 = rs_details.getInt("ITEM_REF_ID");
    v.add(new Integer(item2));
    String aString = Integer.toString(item2);
    Enumeration enum = v.elements();
    for (j=0; j<v.size(); j++)
    //out.println("v[" + j + "] = " + v.elementAt(j));
    sql3="select max(shop_amount) from shop_floor_temp where item_ref_id="+v.elementAt(j);
    if(last_price != 0)
    lprice= last_price;
    catch(Exception ex)
    // out.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
    another is main shopping page page 2*
    <td bgcolor="#C5B9AB" width="10%" align="center">
    <strong><font face="Verdana" size="2">Last price</font></strong>
    int tabrowcounter=0;
    while(rs_details.next())//some query
    <td bgcolor='<%=colorjava%>' width="50%" align="center">
    <div id="responseimage<%=tabrowcounter%>"></div>
    <div id="responseOutput<%=tabrowcounter%>"></div>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    function createXHR<%=tabrowcounter%>()
    try { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) {}
    try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0"); } catch (e) {}
    try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0"); } catch (e) {}
    try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {}
    try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {}
    alert("XMLHttpRequest not supported");
    return null;
    function sendRequest<%=tabrowcounter%>()
    document.getElementById('responseimage<%=tabrowcounter%>').innerHTML ="<IMG SRC='load.gif'> ";
    document.getElementById('responseimage<%=tabrowcounter%>').style.display = 'block';
    document.getElementById('responseOutput<%=tabrowcounter%>').style.display = 'none'
    var url="ajaxauct_floor.jsp";
    var xhr = createXHR<%=tabrowcounter%>();
    if (xhr)
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function()
    function handleResponse<%=tabrowcounter%>(xhr)
    if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200)
    var data = xhr.responseText.split("|");
    for(var x=0;x<data.length-1;x++)
    document.getElementById('responseOutput<%=tabrowcounter%>').innerHTML = data[x];
    document.getElementById('responseimage<%=tabrowcounter%>').style.display = 'none'; // HIDE
    document.getElementById('responseOutput<%=tabrowcounter%>').style.display = 'block'
    //document.getElementById('responseOutput<%=tabrowcounter%>').innerHTML = data[0];
    //document.getElementById('responseOutput<%=tabrowcounter%>').innerHTML = data[0];
    alert('1 '+e)
    if anyone have understood my problem please help me .i have tried lot but not working .anyone genius here ?thank you

  • Problems with JSP in Firefox

    I have seen several references to this problem on this forum but no real solution on any of the pages I have found. My jsp, which right now is no more than a static HTML page with jsp as the extension so that I can add the java code later, will not display in firefox it only shows the source code when I go to my website. Some example code is below.
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
         <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="theme/NewMaster.css" type="text/css">
              <div class="spacer"> </div>
              <div id="banner" align="left">
                    <img src="images/logocropped.png">
                        <br class="clearboth">
                        <div class="spacer"> </div>
                        <div id="row1col1" align="left">
                   <img src="images/home.png"><br>
                   <img src="images/mission.png"><br>
                   <img src="images/about.png"><br>
                   <img src="images/services.png"><br>
                   <img src="images/contactus.png">
              <div id="row1col2" align="left">
                   <img src="images/worldwide.png"><br><br>
                        <b>Stand alone application development:</b><br><br>
                        We provide stand-alone application development for businesses of any size.
                        Our applications are developed in Java using best standards and practices.
                        <b>Web Development:</b><br><br>
                        We provide custom web development for businesses of any size. We use J2EE
                        technologies to develope all web applications. These technologies consist
                        of Java, Javascript, Java Beans, HTML, JSP, XML, and other technologies as
                        For a quote on a custom stand-alone or web application to meet your business
                        needs please contact us through the contact us page.
              <br class="clearboth">
              <div class="spacer"> </div>
              <div id="footer">
                   About Us
                   Contact Us
                   Copyright &copy; Sichutech 2008 All Rights Reserved
              <br class="clearboth">
    The website is up and running and displays fine in IE but not firefox. The site address is www.sichutech.com
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Here is what I see at the response headers:
    Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2008 02:37:52 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.2.9 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.9 OpenSSL/0.9.8b DAV/2 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 mod_jk/1.2.25 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.8.8
    Last-Modified: Mon, 04 Aug 2008 22:42:24 GMT
    Etag: "aa0088-602-453aa0d911400"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 1538
    Content-Type: text/plain
    X-Antivirus: avast! 4
    X-Antivirus-Status: Clean
    200 OKNote the content type: it is text/plain instead of text/html. And FireFox interpreted it correctly as text/plain.

  • Who can understand this problem..im confused pls help me!!!

    first i have to say i dont no much about troubleshooting or software side of computers.so pls help me to find me an answer for my problem. i cant get any search results ,when i typed something and cliked search it comes with an error message.but when i click on any news or any thing on yahoo page ,it comes up with out any errors(my home page is yahoo )and also i can acssess to my email also.this problem began 4 , 5 months back.funny thing some times i can search any thing without errors.but in next time it goes totaly wrong with error masseges. i cant understand this problem.it makes me sick.pls anyone can help me?another thing im using IE and FIRE FOX .today i found another thing.when i type something on ask search bar it came up with search results but when i typed same thing on google search bar it came up with error message..i'm really confused with this problem.pls pls help me :(

    Do a malware check with some malware scanning programs.<br />
    You need to scan with all programs because each program detects different malware.<br />
    Make sure that you update each program to get the latest version of their databases before doing a scan.<br />
    * http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php - Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
    * http://www.superantispyware.com/ - SuperAntispyware
    * http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/defender/default.mspx - Windows Defender: Home Page
    * http://www.safer-networking.org/en/index.html - Spybot Search & Destroy
    * http://www.lavasoft.com/products/ad_aware_free.php - Ad-Aware Free
    See also:
    * "Spyware on Windows": http://kb.mozillazine.org/Popups_not_blocked
    * [[Searches are redirected to another site]]

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