Unknown xml tag extraction

I have an XML document with the following structure:
     <foo id="F1">television</foo>
     <foo id="F2">car</foo>
foo id can be none or up to 99. So I want to extract the tag "F1", "F2", etc. and its content when it shows up in a document to enter them in separate fields in a database. I have tried different codes but with no luck. These two are my latest methods but they don't work as expected. The second method gives an error message at the line "matcher = pattern.matcher(xml)". If any one could help I would appreciate it very much.
_xmlFile is my parsed document. I know it works because I have other methods using getTextContent() with specific tags and work well.
private void processFoo(Document _xmlFile){
               String xPath = null;
               String value = null;
               xPath = "/*/foo";
                    NodeList nodelist = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(_xmlFile, xPath);
                    for(int i2 = 0; i2 < nodelist.getLength(); i2++){
                    Element elem =(Element)nodelist.item(i2);
                    value = elem.toString();
                    value = value.replaceAll("\t", "");
                    value = value.replaceAll("\n", "");
                    value = value.replaceAll("\r", "");
               }catch(TransformerException transformerexception){
public void addFoo(String _xml)
     String regex = null;
     String id = null;
     String content = null;
     Pattern pattern = null;
     Matcher matcher = null;
     String sql = null;
     int index = 0;
     String xml = _xml;
     regex = "\\<foo id=\"F(.+?)\">";
     pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
     matcher = pattern.matcher(xml);
     while (matcher.find())
               id = matcher.group(1);
               id = id.replaceAll("'", "");
               index = matcher.end(1)+2;
               index = xml.indexOf("</foo>", index);
               content = xml.substring(matcher.end(1)+2, index);
               content = processOfString(content);
               sql = "INSERT INTO my.Foo (Foo_Id, Foo_Content) VALUES " + "(" + id + ", '" + content + "')";
               insertQuery(sql, false);
          xml = xml.substring(index+11, xml.length());
          matcher = pattern.matcher(xml);

Although I still have a question (which is at the bottom) I finally got what I wanted with the following method.
private void addFoo(Document _xmlFile){
String foocontent = null;
String fooref = null;
Document doc = _xmlFile;
String foopath = "foo";
String sql = null;
NodeList foo = doc.getElementsByTagName(foopath);
for (int i = 0; i < foo.getLength(); i++){
Element foos = (Element) foo.item(i);
fooref = foos.getAttribute("id");
foocontent = foos.getTextContent();
foocontent = foocontent.replaceAll("\t", "");
footcontent = footcontent.replaceAll("\n", "");
foocontent = foocontent.replaceAll("\r", "");
sql = "INSERT INTO insider.footnote SET fooRef = ?, fooText = ?";
PreparedStatement addfoo = con.prepareStatement(sql);
addfoo.setString(1, fooref);
addfoo.setString(2, foocontent);
}catch(SQLException ex){
System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
my foo table has a primary key that I need as a foreign key in ABC table. So I was wondering if there is anything in java that would allow me to send the key to ABC every time the foo table is updated. Actually, it would better if I can store the key in a variable that I send later with other data that needs to be input into the ABC table.

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    When the tags are known for xml document
    a NodeList could be created and then the Tganame and TagNameValue could be found like so                NodeList nl_t  = elem.getElementsByTagName("type");
                   NodeList nl_av = elem.getElementsByTagName("roomsAvailable");
                   NodeList nl_pr = elem.getElementsByTagName("price");
                                    //  get the element <type> and print 
                                 type = (Element)nl_t.item(i);
                                  tagname = type.getTagName();
                              node = (Node)nl_t.item(i);
                              nodeName = node.getNodeName();
                                  tagnameValue = node.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue() ;
                              // insert item into the vector
                              System.out.println(  tagname.toString()+"   --->  : " 
                                                        + tagnameValue.toString() +"\n");                   
                                 ///    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX /////
                                 //  get the element <price> and print its price
                                  price = (Element)nl_pr.item(i);
                                  tagname = price.getTagName();
                              node = (Node)nl_pr.item(i);
                              nodeName = node.getNodeName();
                                  tagnameValue = node.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue() ;
                              // insert item into the vector
                              System.out.println(  tagname.toString()+"   --->  : " 
                                                        + tagnameValue.toString() +"\n");                   
      ///  Note the above isjust a  portion of the codeNow I have an xml document and I dont know any of the tags , and I need to scan it and print out all the TagNames and their valuse .
    Could someone please help

    Here's a start:
    node = document.getDocumentElement(); //get root node
    //traverse document elements beginning from current root node:
                NodeList nodeList = node.getChildNodes();
                int count = nodeList.getLength();
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { //for all children
                    Node child = nodeList.item(i);
                    if (child != null) { //just to be sure ...
                        String name = child.getNodeName();
                        int type = child.getNodeType();
                        switch (type) {
                        case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                            Element element = (Element) child;

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  • Need help in extracting value from an xml tag.

    Hi ALL,
    Good Morning to all, i have problem in fetching a value from a xml tag. I have created a xml schema based on the schema i have created a xmltype table and inserted a value to the table. When i am trying to fetch a value from a particular tag i am unable to do so.. Kindly help me to solve this. Here by i am posting all the workings i have done...
    I am using the following client:
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Jan 31 11:44:59 2011
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    ////////////////////////////////// XML Schema ///////////////////////
    '<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
    <element name="Field1">
         <element name="UTI">
              <element name = "U01" type = "string"/>
              <element name = "U02" type = "string"/>
              <element name = "U03" type = "string"/>
              <element name = "U03a" type = "string"/>
              <element name = "U03b" type = "string"/>          
              <element name = "U03c" type = "string"/>          
              <element name = "U04" type = "string"/>                    
              <element name = "U05" type = "string"/>                    
    ////////////////////////// Table which has multiple Column //////////////////////////
    CREATE TABLE chipsxmltable1 (
    id number, XMLDATA XmlType)
    XMLSCHEMA "http://www.oradev.com/chipsxml.xsd"
    ELEMENT "Field1";
    ///////////////////////////////// Insert Query in chipsxmltable //////////////////////////
    INSERT INTO chipsxmltable VALUES(
    xmltype.createxml('<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <samp:Field1 xmlns:samp="http://www.oradev.com/chipsxml.xsd" >
    To show the data as a field with structure:
    1. Query:
    Select * from chipsxmltable1;
    1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <samp:Field1 xmlns:samp="http://www.oradev.com/chipsxml.xsd">
    2. Query: (Both the query displays the same Output)
         SELECT X.xmldata.getClobVal() "XMLDATA" FROM chipsxmltable1 X;
         select extract(XMLDATA, '/Field1').getstringval() "XMLDATA" from chipsxmltable1 x;
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <samp:Field1 xmlns:samp="http://www.oradev.com/chipsxml.xsd">
    To show the data as a single string without structure using "getstringval()":
    3. Query
         select extract(XMLDATA, '//text()').getstringval() "CHIPS - XML" from chipsxmltable1 x;
    To show the data as a single string without structure using "getclobval()":
         select extract(XMLDATA, '//text()').getClobVal() "CHIPS - XML" from chipsxmltable1 x;
    To show the data in a particular tag with/Without structure (Which is not working) using "EXTRACT" function:
         select extract(XMLDATA, '/Field1/text()').getstringval() "XMLDATA" from chipsxmltable1 x;
         select extract(XMLDATA, '/Field1/UTI').getstringval() "XMLDATA" from chipsxmltable1 x;
         select extract(XMLDATA, '/Field1/UTI/U01').getstringval() "XMLDATA" from chipsxmltable1 x;
         select extract(XMLDATA, '/Field1/UTI/U01/text()').getstringval() "XMLDATA" from chipsxmltable1 x;
    The above queries are not fetching the value.
    To show the data in a particular tag with/Without structure (Which is not working) using "EXTRACTVALUE" function:
    7. Query:
         select extractValue(XMLDATA, '/Field1/UTI') "XMLDATA" from chipsxmltable1 x;
         select extractValue(XMLDATA, '/Field1/UTI/U01') "XMLDATA" from chipsxmltable1 x;
    The above queries are not fetching the value.
    My question is:
    How to fetch values from xml tag when the value are inserted through xml schema?
    Apologies if the description is not clear. Kindly let me know if further details are needed. Many thanks for your help.
    Very best regards,
    Godwin Jebakumar C.V.

    You need to declare the namespace of each element used in the XPath expression, like this :
    SQL> select extractvalue( XMLDATA
      2                     , '/samp:Field1/UTI/U01'
      3                     , 'xmlns:samp="http://www.oradev.com/chipsxml.xsd"' ) "XMLDATA"
      4  from chipsxmltable1 x
      5  ;
    SQL> select extract( XMLDATA
      2                , '/samp:Field1/UTI'
      3                , 'xmlns:samp="http://www.oradev.com/chipsxml.xsd"'
      4                ).getstringval() "XMLDATA"
      5  from chipsxmltable1 x
      6  ;
    Please see EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUE documentation :
    BTW, "XMLDATA" is a pseudo-column used by Oracle. I don't know if it'll ever cause any conflict but maybe you should rename your column.

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    I need to extract the value from a string (XML Format). Eg. <Name>Ray</Name> and displaying Name: Ray
    The string value is like any other String class object except that it is format with XML tags. I have quite a few examples that shows how a value can be read from a .xml file but none that describe how to get a value from a String object.
    Thanks in advance.

                         DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
         DocumentBuilder parser = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
         Document document = parser.parse("Your XML Goes here ");

  • Unknown PT XML tag 'gatewaylink

    I'm trying to use the gatewayLink tag within my code but it keeps returning 'unknown PT XML tag 'gatewaylink'. I have used the pt:URL tag before so i know that works on the current plumtree portal build we are using (5.04 and edk 2.2) and i have also tested pt:currenttime which also returns a correct value.
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    <pt:currentTime xmlns:pt='http://www.plumtree.com/xmlschemas/ptui/'/>
    <pt:gatewaylink xmlns:pt='http://www.plumtree.com/xmlschemas/ptui/' pt:fixurl="On" pt:objectID='10' pt:href="portlet.aspx">Click here</pt:gatewaylink>
    but receive this is in the source of the page:
    Apr 11, 2007 9:47:26 AM
    unknown PT XML tag 'gatewaylink Click here unknown PT XML tag 'gatewaylink
    (removed < - - - - > from arround each block of text either side of the click here as they do not show on the forum)
    i am trying to create a link to a specific portlet which will be accessible outside the standard portal interface but still gatewayed.
    can anyone help with this at all?
    Edited by cannedfool at 04/11/2007 3:08 AM

    :-( let me just say,

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    Thanks for the help. By the way this is in our production environment and I would like to get it resolved before Christmas. :)

    :-( let me just say,

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    05/11/18 10:01:39 Error instantiating application at ..... Unknown assembly tag in file:..... <library>
    This happens when I start up the oc4j application server...
    I am positive that it happens because of the following line in my application.xml file:
    <library path="../bvp-web/WEB-INF/lib"/>
    When I take that line out, the applicaiton starts up fine.
    Does anyone have any thoughts as to why I am getting that error? Isn't <library> a tag that is expected to be in the application.xml file?
    I need that line in there since my jsps refer to classes that are in that directory.
    Thanks for your help.

    <library> tag only applies to the orion-application.xml in META-INF/ of a j2ee application or the j2ee/home/config/application.xml, which is actually the orion-application.xml of the default application of oc4j.

  • Document contains too many nodes error when extracting xml tag name

    I Have a large xml file in which the tag contains ~: as the value.
    Now I am trying to extract all the tags which have ~: as the value and store that column using the following query and insert into a table.
    insert into space_md select distinct xmltype(extract(value(x), '/').getstringval()).getrootelement() COLUMN_NAME
    from gt_xmltype_tab gt, TABLE(XMLSequence(extract(gt.xmlfile1, '/ROWSET/ROW/*'))) x
    where instr(extract(value(x),'/').getstringval(),'~:') > 1;
    The xml file was generated using dbms_xmlgen.getxml. Table has 48 columns and around 4000 rows.
    My above insert query gave me an error of 31186 too many nodes error.
    I am using oracle version
    Following are the set of commands I ran....
    SQL> insert into gt_xmltype_tab(xmlfile1)
    values(XMLType(bfilename('BKUP_RES','QC.xml'),nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8'))); 2
    1 row created.
    SQL> SQL>
    SQL> insert into restore_space_metadata select distinct 'QC', xmltype(extract(value(x), '/').getstringval()).getrootelement() COLUMN_NAME
    2 from gt_xmltype_tab gt, TABLE(XMLSequence(extract(gt.xmlfile1, '/ROWSET/ROW/*'))) x
    3 where instr(extract(value(x),'/').getstringval(),'~:') > 1;
    insert into restore_space_metadata select distinct 'QC', xmltype(extract(value(x), '/').getstringval()).getrootelement() COLUMN_NAME
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-31186: Document contains too many nodes
    Is there a better way of extracting the xml tag element name based on the xmltag content?
    There is one other table which has 172 columns but only 100 rows so it doesnt create any problem on that table.
    But this QC table has less columns but many many rows...
    Any suggestions

    There is a requiremnent of taking centain type of data backup and restore it.
    It was implemented on flat file approach which was giving errors.
    So it was implemented using XML approach.
    Read data, store in xml file and read from xml file and load it into table.
    Further, found that dbms_xmlstore is not able to handle tag only with whitespace
    and tried to use the loading xml file into xmltype table column and extract data.
    XMLTYPE column also has same problem of ignoring whitespace when used with extractvalue functions.
    So for the workaround I update xmlfile having only one more more whitespace in the tag to have ~: character once.
    After restoring data from xml to table I would run update qeury to update ~: to " ".
    Now instead of running blind update for all the tables and all the columns from ~: to " " I thouhgt whyy not create a xml file of tag having ~:
    along with its tablename.
    and thats where I found the problem of too many nodes...
    THe insert query you saw is populating table for table_name and column_name with tag having only ~: in it.
    I hope this gives you the fair idea of stuff I am doing.

  • XMLTable - Extract single row among 2 XML tags

    Aim to extract the BRAND and its COST and I am able to extract with without any problem using XMLTable.
    CREATE TABLE xml_tab (seqno number default 1, xml_data XMLType);
    INSERT INTO xml_tab
    (1, XMLType('<PRODUCTS>
    SELECT t.seqno, tx.* FROM xml_tab t,
    COLUMNS brandname CHAR(20) PATH '@BRAND',
    cost CHAR(20) PATH '.') tx
    WHERE brandname in ('HP', 'LENOVA') AND seqno = 1;
    1 HP 1000
    1 LENOVA 2000
    Below query will demonstrate the problem I am facing and need your kind help to resovle it.
    INSERT INTO xml_tab
    (2, XMLType('<PRODUCTS>
    (Below query is not working)
    SELECT t.seqno, tx.* FROM xml_tab t,
    COLUMNS brandname CHAR(20) PATH '@BRAND',
    cost CHAR(20) PATH '.') tx
    WHERE brandname in ('HP', 'LENOVA') AND seqno = 2;
    My requirement is to display only single row of HP and LENOVA brand even if there are multiple XML tags of one brand. Therefore, desired output is*
    2 HP 3000
    2 LENOVA 5000
    Kindly suggest.
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: Sandeep98191 on Sep 22, 2012 9:24 PM

    WITH t as (
               SELECT  t.seqno,
                       row_number() over(partition by brandname order by rownum) rn
                 FROM  xml_tab t,
                                PASSING t.xml_data
                                  brandname CHAR(20) PATH '@BRAND',
                                  cost CHAR(20) PATH '.'
                               ) tx
                 WHERE brandname in ('HP', 'LENOVA')
                   AND seqno = 2
    select  seqno,
      from  t
      where rn = 1
         SEQNO BRANDNAME            COST
             2 HP                   3000
             2 LENOVA               5000
    SQL> SY.

  • Extracting XML tags and its values using ORACLE PL/SQL

    I need help to create a procedure that receive a XML string and insert it into the table after parsing it.
    If the XML has 10 tags then it should insert into the table 10 rows. Table will be having tag name and value. This will be plain XML tags without attributes in tags.

    I am able to retreive the values of the tags using extract function (example: lv_xml.EXTRACT ('/ROWSET/EMPLOYEE/EMPNO/text()').getstringval() ). But could you help me to find some way to extract the tags also since we have no idea what the tags are and how many tags are there, in advance.
    Anybody's help will be a releif!
    Thanks in advance,
    Message was edited by:

  • Extract xml tags in java

    ho can I extract the xml tags and its value in a java programs

    Check out the API docs for javax.xml and javax.xml.parser. If you want to parse via DOM (IMHO, the easiest way to learn), then download Xerces from xml.apache.org. There are numerous FAQ's and HOW-TO's on that site.
    - Saish

  • How to filter particular xml tag value using -DBMS_XMLGEN / DBMS_XMLSTORE

    I am using dbms_xmlgen and dbms_xmlstore package to extract xml datafile tag value from file server to oracle database table.
    I have used the below pl/sql program to extract the xml tag values to oracle relational table.Its working fine for me.
    But I would like to extract the values based on particular filter condition.
    The following xml program I have 3 rows I would like extract the xml data based on the following condition .
    Filter condition
    the tag <STATE_ABBREVIATION> value shuold be 'CA' and the <CITY> tag value should be Palo_Alto then I will store the ZIPCODE
    ZIP_CODE_EXTN,STATE_ABBREVIATION tag values in the Oracle Relational table.
    The below pl/sql program storing all the three rows but I required the values based on the filter condition that I mentioned earlier.
    Kindly assist me what are the steps that I need to change in this program.?
    XML Program file content.
    PL/SQL Program for XML extract.
    charString varchar2(80);
    finalStr varchar2(4000) := null;
    rowsp number;
    insCtx DBMS_XMLStore.ctxType;
    ctx dbms_xmlgen.ctxHandle;
    v_FileHandle UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    v_FileHandle := utl_file.fopen('XMLTEST','XML_NEW_CITIES.XML','r') ;
    utl_file.get_line(v_FileHandle, charString);
    when no_data_found then
    if finalStr is not null then
    finalStr := finalStr || charString;
    finalStr := charString;
    end if;
    end loop;
    insCtx := DBMS_XMLStore.newContext('SYS.ZIPCODES');
    DBMS_XMLStore.setUpdateColumn(insCtx,'ZIP_CODE_EXT N');
    DBMS_XMLStore.setUpdateColumn(insCtx,'STATE_ABBREV IATION');
    rowsp := dbms_xmlstore.insertXML(insCtx,finalstr);

    Thanks for your reply. :)
    Its working fine in the DBMS_XMLSTORE package. Here I have given the code
    ( "@ENO"   NUMBER,
      "@ENAME" VARCHAR2(100),
      eno      NUMBER,
      ename    VARCHAR2(100));
      empno    VARCHAR2(25),
      sal      NUMBER,
      hiredate DATE,
      typ      TYP_DUMMY
      insCtx DBMS_XMLStore.ctxType;
      rows NUMBER;
      xmldoc CLOB :=
           <ROW num="1">
               <TYP ENO="739" ENAME="Nazurullah">
               <ENO> 1 </ENO>
               <ENAME> ALDRIN </ENAME>
             <TYP ENO="7369" ENAME="PEPPIN" />
               <ENO> 20701 </ENO>
      insCtx := DBMS_XMLStore.newContext('emp'); -- get saved context
      -- Now insert the doc.
      -- This will only insert into EMPNO, SAL and HIREDATE columns
      rows := DBMS_XMLStore.insertXML(insCtx, xmlDoc);
      -- Close the context
    SELECT * FROM emp;
    739         1800 27-AUG-96     TYP_DUMMY(739, 'Nazurullah', 1, ' ALDRIN ')
    7369       18000 27-AUG-96     TYP_DUMMY(7369, 'PEPPIN', NULL, NULL)
    20701      37000 27-AUG-96     TYP_DUMMY(NULL, NULL, 20701, ' VENKATACHALAM ')

  • Unknown deployment tag - web-app-class-loader

    I can create the ear file with jdeveloper, but when deploy in 9iAs with the ear file, the next error apaers:
    Deployment failed:
    Unknown deployment tag in
    nested exception is:
    when deploy the system show the web module.
    I have a CMP entity bean and too show in deploy.
    I don't know wath can I do.
    Please Help Me
    Miguel Angel Caro
    [email protected]

    I manually hacked the EAR file generated by JDeveloper 10g and removed the offending tag from the orion-web.xml
    After removing the tag I was able to deploy the EAR to 9iAS ( but now I am getting runtime errors...
    Anyone who has gone through this please let me know!

  • Are XML Tags starting with '_' underscore valid with XML DB?

    Dear Experts,
    I am importing an XML data file into an XMLType field in a table, then extracting data within a tag. I am using Oracle Database version
    The data file I am using looks like:
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    If I then extract it using the command:
    I get the error:
    SQL Error: ORA-31011: XML parsing failed
    ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
    LPX-00601: Invalid token in: '/_PARENT/_EXAMPLES/_ITEM_NO'
    31011. 00000 - "XML parsing failed"
    *Cause:    XML parser returned an error while trying to parse the document.
    *Action:   Check if the document to be parsed is valid.
    If I take out the '_' underscores prefixing the XML tab names e.g:
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    and run:
    This query works, which leads me to my origional question - is it invalid to have XML tags that are named starting with an underscore, when manipulating it in an XMLType object?
    Many thanks for your time,

    Ants - thanks very much for that, has been useful.

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