
hi all,
I am using oracle 10g.How to unload ( create command and data ) from table to file.using any command.
Is it possible to load like this:
Thanks in advance.

There is no simple way to generate this particular file format from Oracle. You could, of course, write your own script to generate the file, but that is probably not the most efficient use of your time.
Can sqlbase import CSV files? Various folks have written utilities that dump Oracle data into CSV files. Depending on the Oracle version, you can use the DBMS_METADATA package or your favorite PL/SQL IDE (I would assume that Oracle's SQL Programmer would be one of the options here) to generate the DDL. Some IDEs will also generate the CSV file for you.
If you can make an ODBC connection to sqlbase from the machine where Oracle is running, you could also move the data to sqlbase using Oracle Heterogeneous Services.
You can also use a variety of ETL tools (Oracle Warehouse Builder, Oracle Data Integrator, etc) to move the data, but learning a full-blown ETL tool for something this small is probably overkill (but a useful tool to have for later).

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    Which Dynamic Action fires when I am leaving a page.
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    Is there any other Event I have to use?

    Thanks.. VC
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  • Problem with loading and unloading external swfs

    Hello Forum,
    I'm pretty new to as3, and it's giving me a great challenge. I have a large number of captivate files that I want to play inside a simple container built in CS5.5... but switching back and forth between all the movies hogs the memory like crazy, so I need something to clean it up. All code is in a single frame on the main timeline. First, I create the loader:
    var FlashLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    var flashUrl:URLRequest = new URLRequest("placeholder.swf");
    The actual movies are located via an XML... but as I said the memory problem is huge, so I tried to build something to get rid of that. Ideally, I want the loader to clean up everything and start life anew with a single mouse click, like so:
    function _mouseClickHandler2(event:MouseEvent):void {
              FlashLoader = null;
              var flashUrl:URLRequest = new URLRequest(event.target.href);
              var FlashLoader:Loader = new Loader();
              FlashLoader.x = 120;
    //          System.gc();
    //          System.gc();
    //          try {
    //                    new LocalConnection  .connect('gc');
    //                    new LocalConnection  .connect('gc');
    //          } catch (e: * ) {
    //          trace(getMemory ());
    Upon clicking on the menu (and thus switching movies), I get the following error:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
              at Treeview_working_fla::MainTimeline/_mouseClickHandler2()
    And this doesn't make sense to me. The FlashLoader is given a placeholder swf at the beginning, so why would the FlashLoader inside the function be recognized as having a null object reference?
    Thanks in advance

    In my quest to tackle this problem, I've decided to try and isolate the problem, and have made a simple "click to load, click to unload" when I stumbled upon a curious problem. The movie loads fine, and the UNLOAD function upon mouseclick also works perfectly. However, upon clicking again to activate RELOAD, it gives the error "No active security context" and refuses to load the same exact swf with the same exact path that successfully loaded the first time!
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.net.URLRequest;
    var FlashLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    var flashUrl:URLRequest = new URLRequest("folder/subfolder/movie.swf");
    FlashLoader.x = 120;
    stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, UNLOAD);
    function UNLOAD(event:MouseEvent) {
              flashUrl = null;
              stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, UNLOAD);
              stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, RELOAD);
    function RELOAD(event:MouseEvent) {
              var FlashLoader:Loader = new Loader();
              var flashUrl:URLRequest = new URLRequest("folder/subfolder/movie.swf");
              FlashLoader.x = 120;
              stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, RELOAD);
              stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, UNLOAD);

  • How do I stop Firefox unloading background tabs?

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    Is there an about:config setting that allows me to stop this behaviour? Is there any way to stop firefox doing this?

    I have had this problem for quite some time through many versions of Firefox. It has also done this on the stock browser. Actually very irritating. I often at times will have multiple tabs open (About 3) and sometimes I will be writing something,, stop...then go to another tab to check something on Google or copy sone text...start to go to the other tab, it's still there but the entire page reloads and I lose the message/comment I was writing. I have made a habit of using the copy/paste function for fear of losing all of what I wrote..happened one too many times. And in the case of copying from another page, you just have to hope your text is still there......:/

  • Loading and Unloading of swf files in SWF Loader

    Hi all,
    I have a doubt reg. SWF Loader.
    I have created two mxml files A & B.
    A. local.mxml
    B. SwfSample.mxml
    i have two labels and a button in A file and i have set values to those labels and have a method to handle the click event of the button. In B file i have loaded this A file and accessed the labels and methods using SystemManager Component and changed the values of the A file's label and accessed data from A file to B file.
    Here comes the problem,
    I have two buttons named LoadAgain and Unload
    When i click the Unload button, the SWF Loader unloads its content by the method i handled for  the Unload button, after that i have clicked on the LoadAgain button to load the same content of A's mxml to the SWF Loader, it loads succesfully,but i was not able to access its Label or Method from the B mxml. Please help me to solve the issue.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mx:Application 
    xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml layout="absolute">
        public var varOne:String = "This is a public variable";
        public function setVarOne(newText:String):void
              varOne = newText;
    <mx:Label id="lblOne" text="I am here" x="28" y="88"/>
    <mx:Label text="{varOne}" x="166" y="88"/>
    <mx:Button label="Nested Button" click="setVarOne('Nested Button Pressed');" x="28" y="114"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml layout="absolute">
              import mx.controls.Alert;  
              import mx.managers.SystemManager;  
              import mx.controls.Label; 
              public var loadedSM:SystemManager;
              private function initNestedAppProps():void
                  loadedSM = SystemManager(myLoader.content);
              public function updateLabel():void
                  lbl.text = loadedSM.application[
              public function updateNestedLabels():void
    "lblOne"].text = "I was just updated" ;
    "varOne"] = "I was just updated";
              public function updateNestedVarOne():void
    "Updated varOne");
              public function unload():void
              public function loadAgain():void
    <mx:Label id="lbl" x="72" y="47"/>
    <mx:SWFLoader id="myLoader" width="438" source="../bin-debug/local.swf" creationComplete="initNestedAppProps();" y="73" height="238" x="72" alpha="1.0"/>
    <mx:Button label="Update Label Control in Outer Application" click="updateLabel();" x="72" y="319"/>
    <mx:Button label="Update Nested Controls" click="updateNestedLabels();" x="72" y="349"/>
    <mx:Button label="Update Nested varOne" click="updateNestedVarOne();" x="72" y="379"/>
    <mx:Button label="Unload" click="unload();" x="72" y="409"/>
    <mx:Button label="Load Again" click="loadAgain();" x="72" y="439"/>
    Thanks & regards,

    creationComplete only fires once when the SWFLoader is created.  Therefore you never reset your variables to point to the new sub-app.  On a slow network, creationComplete may fire before the sub-app loads.  It is best to use the COMPLETE event.
    Alex Harui
    Flex SDK Developer
    Adobe Systems Inc.
    Blog: http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui

  • Profiling the loading and unloading of modules

    Modules appear to be the ideal solution for building complex rich internet applications but first hand experience has also shown me that they can leak memory like nothing else. I've read anything and everything I could find about modules and module loading/unloading including of Alex Harui's blog post "What We Know About Unloading Modules" that reveals a number of potential leak causes that should be considered.
    I've now created a simple soak test that repeatedly loads and unloads a specified module to help identify memory leaks using the profiler. However, even with the most basic of modules, I find that memory usage will steadily grow. What I'd like to know is what memory stuff is unavoidable flex overhead associated with the loading of modules and what memory stuff am I guilty for, for not cleaning up object references? I'd like to be able to establish some baseline values to which I will be able to compare future modules against.
    I've been following the approach suggested in the Adobe Flash Builder 4 Reference page "Identifying problem areas"
    "One approach to identifying a memory leak is to first find a discrete set of steps that you can do over and over again with your application, where memory usage continues to grow. It is important to do that set of steps at least once in your application before taking the initial memory snapshot so that any cached objects or other instances are included in that snapshot."
    Obviously my set of discrete steps is the loading and unloading of a module. I load and unload the module once before taking a memory snapshot. Then I run my test that loads and unloads the module a large number of times and then take another snapshot.
    After running my test on a very basic module for 200 cycles I make the following observations in the profiler:
    Live Objects:
    Package (Filtered)
    Cumulative Instances
    Cumulative Memory
    201 (1.77%)
    201 (85.17%)
    111756 (24.35%)
    111756 (95.35%)
    What ever that _basicModule_mx_core_FlexModuleFactory class is, it's 201 instances end up accounting for over 95% of the memory in "Live Objects".
    Loitering Objects:
    600 (9.08%)
    2743074 (85.23%)
    200 (3.03%)
    111200 (3.45%)
    However this data suggests that the _basicModule_mx_core_FlexModuleFactory class is the least of my worries, only accounting for 3.45% of the total memory in "Loitering Objects". Compare that to the Class class with it's 600 instances consuming over 85% of the memory. Exploring the Class class deeper appears to show them all to be the [newclass] internal player actions.
    Allocation Trace:
    Package (Filtered)
    Cumulative Instances
    Self Instances
    Cumulative Memory
    Self Memory
    1200 (1.39%)
    1200 (14.82%)
    2762274 (13.64%)
    2762274 (62.76%)
    This appears to confirm the observations from the "Loitering Objects" table, but do I have any influence over the internal player actions?
    So this brings me back to my original question:
    What memory stuff is unavoidable flex overhead associated with the loading of modules and what memory stuff am I guilty for, for not cleaning up object references? If these are the results for such a basic module, what can I really expect for a much more complex module? How can I make better sense of the profile data?
    This is my basic module soak tester (sorry about the code dump but there's not that much code really):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Module xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
               layout="absolute" width="400" height="300"
               backgroundColor="#0096FF" backgroundAlpha="0.2">
         <s:Label x="165" y="135" text="basicModule" fontSize="20" fontWeight="bold"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                   width="400" height="300" backgroundColor="#D4D4D4"
                   import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                   import mx.events.ModuleEvent;
                   public var loadCount:int = -1;
                   public var unloadCount:int = -1;
                   public var maxCycles:int = 200;
                   public var loadTimer:Timer = new Timer(500, 1);
                   public var unloadTimer:Timer = new Timer(500, 1);
                   protected function application_initializeHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                        loadTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, loadTimer_timerCompleteHandler);
                        unloadTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, unloadTimer_timerCompleteHandler);
                   protected function loadModule():void
                        if(loadCount < maxCycles)
                             moduleLoader.url = [correctPath] + "/basicModule.swf";
                   protected function unloadModule():void
                   protected function load_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                        load.enabled = false;
                        unload.enabled = true;
                   protected function unload_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                        unload.enabled = false;
                        run.enabled = true;
                   protected function run_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                        run.enabled = false;
                        moduleLoader.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, moduleLoader_readyHandler);
                        moduleLoader.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.UNLOAD, moduleLoader_unloadHandler);
                   protected function moduleLoader_readyHandler(event:ModuleEvent):void
                   protected function moduleLoader_unloadHandler(event:ModuleEvent):void
                   protected function loadTimer_timerCompleteHandler(event:TimerEvent):void
                   protected function unloadTimer_timerCompleteHandler(event:TimerEvent):void
         <mx:ModuleLoader id="moduleLoader"/>
         <s:VGroup x="20" y="20">
                   <s:Button id="load" label="Load" click="load_clickHandler(event)" enabled="true"/>
                   <s:Button id="unload" label="Unload" click="unload_clickHandler(event)" enabled="false"/>
                   <s:Button id="run" label="Run" click="run_clickHandler(event)" enabled="false"/>
              <s:Label text="loaded: {loadCount.toString()}" fontSize="15"/>
              <s:Label text="unloaded: {unloadCount.toString()}" fontSize="15" x="484" y="472"/>

    Easiest way I've found to get your SDK version from within Builder is to add this: <mx:Label text="{mx_internal::VERSION}" />

  • How to include Freight charges and unloading charges in Material price.

    Hi All,
    Can you pls. advice how we can include freight charges & unloading charges in Material price (MAP) when receive in system.
    Current Situation :
    We buy Switchgears from vendor, which transported with special vehicle arrangement from different service provider and gets unloaded at warehouse by another service provider. Currently business create seperate PO for Material vendor, Freight Vendor and for unloading service provider. But MAP is only updated with Material cost only. How can I include delivery cost and unloading cost in MAP thro standard SAP process.
    Your solution will help business heaps.

    Create three condition types namely basic material price, freight charges & unloading charges.
    For  basic material price , you can copy PB00 and rename your basic material price condition type.Now freight charges & unloading charges condition type in M/06 , do not maintain condition category ( keep it blank ), so that it will added to inventory cost .For freight charges & unloading charges do not maintain account key & accrual key in Pricing procedure.
    Cretae PO , now you will see all cost added to NET price in PO and you can for doing GR where all cost are inventoried as materisl cost.
    Biju K

  • How to load different modules in moduleLoader - some with other without unload?

    Ok so I've read a lot about modules and I decided to build a site where I have a button bar menu and a single moduleLoader, where all of my pages are separate modules. Some of the modules will be preloaded with moduleManager technique so they will be in memory and should pop up instantly and others should be unloaded since they will be used rarely. Imagine you have 50 pages, 45 of them use the same 3 modules and the rest 5 use 5 other modules.
    So I need 2 things:
    1) those 3 modules preloaded (loaded into memory) and then used - this is not a problem. In the change handler of the button bar I just set the url of the moduleLoader=""; and right after that line I put moduleLoader.url = "module1.swf" for example. This way the ready event fires everytime I change the selected button of the buttonBar and since the module is loaded into memory it changes immediately, which is great.
    2) I need the rest 5 modules that are not preloaded, to be loaded by the moduleLoader and when the user clicks on another button, the module to be unloaded and the new module for the new selected button to be loaded on it's place. So here unloading of the old module and loading of the new one should happen with 1 user interaction - clicking a button. How do I do that?
    I am asking this because I found out that there is some difference when the module has been preloaded or not which changes the way it unloads. Also in certain cases if a module has been unloaded once and loaded again it stops shooting the unload event by only changing the moduleLoader.url and then you have to specifically call moduleLoader.unloadModule() function to get it called.
    And all of this brought me to the idea that maybe the only way to make this work for case 2 is having moduleLoader.unloadModule(); and on the next line after it moduleLoader.url = "newModuleUrlHere";
    But then I bumped into a problem with flickering in my buttonBar selected button transition which I describe and give online example of here:
    So is there any technique of combining preloaded modules which should not be unloaded + the ones who need to be loaded and unloaded and all of this to be working with just one moduleLoader instance?
    I really didn't expect to have so much trouble with modules... If no one can suggest me a working example I will post each case I described here to help me get resolution to this cause I can't get on with my project and it's very important.
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi thanks for the reply here too
    I agree it totally makes sense if I do not unload modules to load them in the same application domain and not as a child. This way I wouldn't have to worry about the singletons I could have forgotten to initialize in the main application If my logic is correct. But still is it wrong to leave them in a child ApplicationDomain since I will still have modules I will need to unload and I would still have to be careful about the singleton managers?
    Note: have in mind I am trying to separate the module's from the main application, so the application won't use any classes defined in the modules since it won't be aware of what's in what module.
    Yes, I do have a buttonBar buttons which map to module urls.
    Ok I will try to setup my questions in a few very simple example applications, it would be easier for you to understand what's confusing me.
    http://filip.nedyalkov.net/moduleLoaderTesting2/ - view source enabled - look at testing3.mxml
    In the button bar change handler I have:
    moduleURL = buttonBar.
    selectedItem.url;moduleLoader.url = moduleURL;
    and I listen to the moduleLoader unload event.
    On the Unload Current Module Button I have: moduleLoader.unloadModule();
    Ok what is confusing me is this: When I start switching between module1 and module2 do they automatically get unloaded because I recall reading that changing the moduleLoader.url property doesn't unload the module just releases it? Also I'm getting the unload event shoot very strange because if I am on module1 and then click on module2 it doesn't shoot that module1 was unloaded, it doesn't do anything. As soon as I click back on module1 then it shoot unloaded (you can see that in my example in the text area).
    Another strange thing is that while doing this, everytime you click on module1 or module2 they get transferred over the network I can see that in mozilla firebug. Now if I am on module1 and click the Unload Current Module button the module really gets unloaded and then the unload event is correct and shoot when it's supposed to shoot. Now if you click on module2 and then come back to module1 it will get loaded again, but now it will be put in memory, it won't shoot unload event any more and it won't get transferred over the network when I switch the modules? Why is that ? All I did was unloading the module once and it changes everything.
    So I hope you undertstand this cause I have no idea is this supposed to work this way? Would you be so kind to explain me this behaviour ?

  • How to load and unload more than one external swf files in different frames?

    I do not have much experience on Adobe Flash or Action Script 3, but I know the basics.
    I am Arabic language teacher, and I design an application to teach Arabic, I just would like to learn how to load and unload more than one external swf files in different frames.

    Look into using the Loader class to load the swf files.  If you want to have it happen in different frames then you can put the code into the different frames.

  • VB6 and Excel loading then unloading immediately

    First off I posted this here
    http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/4c07879b-e033-4e8f-8266-95f9f606923a/vb6-and-excel-loading-then-unloading-immediately?forum=exceldev However I think this is the right forum for this.
    We have an old VB6 application that uses data from and to Excel 97-2003 XLS and
    Access MDB. This application is slated to be updated to VS2012 and VB.NET. In
    the mean time I have a glitch that I cannot seem to find the issue. When we
    load the VB6 app it opens Excel 2010 in the background for getting and setting
    data. We are set to roll out Office 2010 on everyone’s system and I am still
    unable to find why it works fine on two systems and not on others. With Office
    2007 everything seems to work just fine.
    What happens is when I look at the processes in Task Manager on my Windows 7
    Enterprise edition with Office Professional Plus 2010 system while loading
    the VB6 app I see?
    EXCEL.EXE *32 | "My user name" | 00 CPU | 10,132k | Microsoft Excel
    This is normal and stays in process the entire time I run it on my system. I also have
    this working on another end users system. However the issue and the fix I used
    on our two systems does not seem to work on other systems. I launch the VB6 app
    and it comes up.
    EXCEL.EXE *32 | "My user name" | 00 CPU | 10,132k | Microsoft Excel
    This loads in the processes and then immediately unloads without any errors. Then when I
    execute something that needs to use Excel I get.
    Run-Time error ‘91’:
    Object variable or With block variable not set.
    This only happens if Excel unloads immediately otherwise the program works great. There
    are no events in any of the event logs and our other IT guy said it is loading
    and unloading normally with out crashing.
    I have applied this to the systems http://support.microsoft.com/kb/926430/en-us . In
    all of my searching this looked like the best answer. However only two systems
    are working with Office Professional Plus 2010.
    Here are the references and components.
    Visual Basic For Applications
    Visual Basic runtime objects and procedures
    Visual Basic objects and procedures
    OLE Automation
    Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
    Microsoft Excel 5.0 Object Library
    Desaware Animated Button Control
    Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0 (SP6)
    Microsoft Data Bound Grid Control 5.0 (SP6)
    Dat Environment
    Data Report
    DHTML Page
    Public xlApp As Excel.Application
    Public WBSetup As Excel.Workbook
    Public objWbCALC As Excel.Workbook
    Public objShtLEVELS As Excel.Worksheet
    Sub Main()
    ' There is more code here that is not specific to Excel issue
    Set xlApp = Excel.Application
    ' Get the workbook.
    Set objWbCALC = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("c:\temp\Calc.xls")
    Set WBSetup = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("c:\temp\Setup.xls")
    ' Get worksheet
    Set objShtLEVELS = objWbCALC.Worksheets("Levels")
    ' There is more code here that is not specific to Excel issue
    End Sub
    This is working on one system that had Office 2007 and was upgraded to Office 2010. Working on my system with Office 2010. The EXE file is ran from the server you can install it or add the OCX files to local system and register them with regsvr32. No
    new components have been added or changed to the actual VB6 application. It seems to work on two systems and not on other systems.
    However our test system have Office 2010 loaded on it and never had office 2007 on it. Maybe there is a residual left over file on it.
    Any ideas?

    Thank you for your post.
    I am afraid that the issue is out of support range of VS General Question forum which mainly discusses
    WPF & SL designer, Visual Studio Guidance Automation Toolkit, Developer Documentation and Help System
    and Visual Studio Editor.
    I would like to know whether you can get the same issue when you create/load a Visual Basic application rather than VB6 in VS2012. If the issue only occurs when you load VB6 app, as Andrew said, there are other better forums for
    VB6 app provided in this thread:
    For example:
    VB Forums
    VB City
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Unload CLOB data to a flat file

    does anybody knows how to unload CLOB data to a flat file. Can u pl give a example. Is there any ulity in Oracle to unload data to a flat file. Whether we have to use the concatation operator for unloading the data to a flat file.

    I don't know if there's an easy way, but you might want to try using the packages UTL_FILE and DBMS_LOB.
    Hope that helps.

  • Error while unloading a tape from the drive

    I get the error - interrupted system call when I try to unload the tape from the drive. The lsvol command shows that the tape is in the drive.
    in dte1: volume FS-ONSITE-000008, barcode HL1937L3, 386481152 kb remaining, expires 2009/12/05.16:05, lastse 31
    ob> unloadvol -D tape1
    Error: can't execute command - Interrupted system call
    The sg_map command shows that the device is not being seen. We replaced the controller of the library. It is an HP MSL6060 with 2 tape drives - Fibre Channel connected.
    [root@prsabkp01m-ebsd logs]# sg_map -i -x
    Strange, could not find device /dev/nst0 mapped to sg device??
    /dev/sg0 0 0 0 0 8 HP MSL6000 Series 0520
    /dev/sg1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
    /dev/sg2 0 0 0 2 12 HP NS E1200-160 5687
    /dev/sg3 0 0 1 0 1 /dev/nst1 HP Ultrium 3-SCSI G65W
    /dev/sg4 0 0 1 1 12 HP NS E1200-160 5687
    The device /dev/sg1 represents tape1. The device /dev/sg3 is tape2 and /dev/sg0 is lib0 in OSB.
    Edited by: user12199230 on Nov 14, 2009 7:41 AM

    ob> lsvol -L lib0
    Inventory of library lib0:
    in 1: volume DB-ONSITE-000007, barcode HL1920L3, full, expires 2009/12/04.09:40
    in 2: volume FS-ONSITE-000009, barcode HL1926L3, 400570368 kb remaining, expires 2009/12/06.00:19
    in 4: barcode HL1955L3
    in 5: barcode HL1940L3
    in 15: volume OSB-CATALOG-MF-000010, barcode HL1923L3, 409670656 kb remaining, expires 2009/11/25.08:00
    in 30: barcode HL1958L3
    in 31: volume FS-ONSITE-000008, barcode HL1937L3, 386481152 kb remaining, expires 2009/12/05.16:05
    in 32: volume DB-ONSITE-000011, barcode HL1932L3, 32879616 kb remaining, expires 2009/12/04.09:40
    in 34: volume DB-ONSITE-000010, barcode HL1931L3, full, expires 2009/12/04.09:41
    in 36: volume DB-ONSITE-000008, barcode HL1927L3, full, expires 2009/12/04.09:41
    in 38: barcode HL1952L3
    in 39: volume FS-ONSITE-000001, barcode HL1928L3, 351962112 kb remaining, expires 2010/01/11.14:28
    in 40: volume RMAN-DEFAULT-000016, barcode HL1934L3, 409699328 kb remaining, content manages reuse
    in 41: barcode HL1956L3
    in 42: volume RMAN-DEFAULT-000015, barcode HL1935L3, 409670656 kb remaining, content manages reuse
    in 44: barcode HL1925L3
    in 45: barcode HL1938L3
    in 46: barcode HL1953L3
    in 47: volume OSB-CATALOG-MF-000008, barcode HL1924L3, 409886720 kb remaining, expired
    in 48: barcode HL1959L3
    in 49: volume FS-ONSITE-000002, barcode HL1930L3, 385258496 kb remaining, expires 2010/01/18.14:58
    in 50: barcode HL1951L3
    in 51: barcode HL1957L3
    in 52: barcode HL1950L3
    in 53: volume DB-ONSITE-000012, barcode HL1933L3, expires 2009/12/04.09:41
    in 54: volume OSB-CATALOG-MF-000011, barcode HL1936L3, 409843712 kb remaining, expires 2009/12/02.08:01
    in 55: barcode HL1939L3
    in 56: volume DB-ONSITE-000009, barcode HL1929L3, full, expires 2009/12/04.09:40
    in 57: volume FS-ONSITE-000006, barcode HL1922L3, 364110848 kb remaining, expires 2009/12/04.00:09
    in 58: barcode CLN000L1
    in dte1: barcode HL1921L3, 409915392 kb remaining, lastse 33
    ob> unloadvol -D tape1 33
    Error: can't execute command - Interrupted system call
    I keep getting this error. What logs should I submit?
    [root@prsabkp01m-ebsd ~]# service observiced stop
    Stopping Oracle Secure Backup services: [  OK  ]
    [root@prsabkp01m-ebsd ~]# ps -ef | grep ob
    root 15119 3942 0 18:17 pts/0 00:00:00 grep ob
    This is the output of sg_map command.
    [root@prsabkp01m-ebsd ~]# sg_map -i -x
    /dev/sg0 0 0 0 0 8 HP MSL6000 Series 0520
    /dev/sg1 0 0 0 1 1 /dev/nst0 HP Ultrium 3-SCSI G65W
    /dev/sg2 0 0 0 2 1 /dev/nst1 HP Ultrium 3-SCSI G65W
    /dev/sg3 0 0 0 3 12 HP NS E1200-160 5687
    /dev/sg4 0 0 1 0 12 HP NS E1200-160 5687
    Edited by: user12199230 on Nov 17, 2009 12:38 PM
    Edited by: user12199230 on Nov 17, 2009 3:14 PM
    Edited by: user12199230 on Nov 17, 2009 3:18 PM

  • SCCM Agent install failed - CcmUnloadWmiProviders. Unloading WMI providers

    Hi I have a SCCM 2007 SP2 setup in native mode. I have sccm client problem on Exchange server with os 2008 sp2.
    SCCM agent was working on this server few months back but it is not working now.
    SCCM agent stops at "CcmUnloadWmiProviders. Unloading WMI providers" steps.
    I tried below steps to resolve this but no luck.
    1. Uninstall sccm setup using command "ccmsetup.exe /uninstall"
    2. Run "Cccmclean.exe /all"
    3. Run delcert.exe
    4. Rename SMSCFG.ini file
    5. Run ccmsetup.exe again with source folder path too
    6. As agent installation failed i rebuild WMI repository
    7. Re run setup but it failed at same step.
    8. I rebooted server and rebuild Repository but same error.
    Any Idea about problem
    If needed i can provide Log files too
    ccmsetup.log (Last few lines)
    Action 20:07:08: CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:08.980+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:08:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:08.980+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:08:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:08.995+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:08:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:08.995+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:08:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:08.995+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.011+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.011+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.011+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.026+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.026+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.026+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.026+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.042+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.042+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.042+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.058+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.058+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.058+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.058+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.073+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.073+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.073+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.089+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.089+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.089+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.104+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.104+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.104+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.104+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.120+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.120+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.120+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.136+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.136+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.136+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.151+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.151+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.151+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.151+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.167+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.167+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.167+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.182+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.182+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.182+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.198+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.198+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.198+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.198+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.214+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.214+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.214+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.229+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.229+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.229+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.245+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.245+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.245+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.260+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.260+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.260+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.276+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.276+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.276+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.276+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.292+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.292+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.292+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.307+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.307+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.307+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.323+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.323+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.323+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.338+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.338+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.338+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.338+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.354+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.354+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.354+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.370+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.370+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Removing System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.370+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registering System
    Tasks]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.370+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmCreateIISApplicationPoolsInit. ]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.385+000"
    date="04-11-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    ]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.479+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    RegisterUser. Registering user]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.572+000"
    date="04-11-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmFixupServiceConfigInit. ]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.572+000"
    date="04-11-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:09:
    CcmSetObjectSecurityInit. Applying security
    permissions]LOG]!><time="20:07:09.650+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:11:
    CcmSetObjectSecurity. Applying security
    permissions]LOG]!><time="20:07:11.429+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:11:
    CcmSetupLoggingInit. ]LOG]!><time="20:07:11.429+000"
    date="04-11-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:13:
    CcmSetupLogging. Initializing
    logging...]LOG]!><time="20:07:13.176+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:13:
    SmsSwDistCacheConfigInit. ]LOG]!><time="20:07:13.176+000"
    date="04-11-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:13:
    SmsSwDistSetCacheConfig. Configuring Software Distribution
    Cache]LOG]!><time="20:07:13.270+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:13:
    CcmRegisterPerfCountersInit. Registering performance
    counters]LOG]!><time="20:07:13.270+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:13:
    CcmRegisterPerfCountersRollback. ]LOG]!><time="20:07:13.613+000"
    date="04-11-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:13:
    CcmRegisterPerfCounters. Registering performance
    counters]LOG]!><time="20:07:13.613+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:13:
    CcmRegisterComponentsInit. ]LOG]!><time="20:07:13.613+000"
    date="04-11-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    CcmRegisterComponentsRollback. ]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.159+000"
    date="04-11-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    CcmRegisterComponents. Registering CCM
    Components]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.174+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    SmsSetLUAAccessPermissionsInit. Setting Access
    Permissions]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.174+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    SmsSetLUAAccessPermissions. Setting Access
    Permissions]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.252+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    InstallServices. Installing new
    services]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.252+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    WriteEnvironmentStrings. Updating environment
    strings]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.315+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    CcmSetServiceConfigInit. Configuring
    service]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.315+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    CcmSetServiceConfig. Configuring
    service]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.393+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    SmsMigrateInventoryInit. Migrating SMS Legacy Client inventory
    settings]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.393+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    SmsMigrateInventory. Migrating SMS Legacy Client inventory
    settings]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.471+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    CcmConfigDCOMInit. Configuring
    service]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.486+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    CcmConfigDCOM. Configuring service]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.564+000"
    date="04-11-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    SmsShellNotify. Setting SMS
    configuration]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.580+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    SmsSetClientLookupConfigInit. ]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.580+000"
    date="04-11-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    CcmInitializePolicyInit. Initializing
    policy]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.642+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    CcmInitializePolicy. Initializing
    policy]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.736+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    SmsSetClientConfigInit. Setting SMS
    configuration]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.736+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    SmsSetClientConfig. Setting SMS
    configuration]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.970+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:14:
    CcmMigrateDownloadSchemaInit. ]LOG]!><time="20:07:14.970+000"
    date="04-11-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:15:
    CcmMigrateDownloadSchema. ]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.110+000"
    date="04-11-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:15:
    CcmRegisterProduct. Registering
    product]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.126+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:15:
    CcmRegisterProductRollback. Registering
    product]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.126+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:15:
    SmsInstallPrepDrvrInitAMD64. ]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.126+000"
    date="04-11-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:15:
    SmsInstallPrepDrvr. Installing Software Metering PREP
    Driver]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.204+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:15:
    StartServices. Starting services]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.204+000"
    date="04-11-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:15:
    CcmStartService. ]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.204+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:15:
    SmsCleanupDesktopMigrationInfo. Deinstalling the SMS Legacy Client or
    SMS 2.0 Client]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.220+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:15:
    SmsClientInstallSucceeded. Sending status
    message]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.220+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:15:
    InstallFinalize. ]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.220+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:15:
    CcmStopServiceRollback. ]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.251+000"
    date="04-11-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:15:
    ProcessComponents. Updating component
    registration]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.266+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:15:
    CcmStopService. ]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.391+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:15:
    StopServices. Stopping services]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.563+000"
    date="04-11-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:15:
    SmsUninstallPrepDrvrAMD64. Uninstalling Software Metering PREP
    Driver]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.563+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Warning 25702. Failed to
    uninstall PrepDrvr.Sys for Software Metering
    Agent.]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.641+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="2" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:15:
    SmsStopUIComponents. Stopping UI
    Components]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.641+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:15:
    DeleteServices. Deleting services]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.734+000"
    date="04-11-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"
    <![LOG[MSI: Action 20:07:15:
    CcmUnloadWmiProviders. Unloading WMI
    providers]LOG]!><time="20:07:15.734+000" date="04-11-2014"
    component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="9048"

    Thanks Mike and theinfraguys for your suggestions. My problem is resolved.
    The solution which worked for me has no logic but it solved my issue.
    When my installation stopps at “CcmUnloadWmiProviders. Unloading WMI providers” step client.msi.log file have incomplete entry as “C:\Windows\SysWOW64\C”
    At this time I have to restart WMI service and service will not stop correctly so I have to forcefully kill Winmgmt process and setup will continue.
    I have to follow same process for upgrading SCCM client.  During client upgrade some time I have to kill ccmexec process too.

  • Can we load and unload the files in the run time?

    Can we load and unload the files in the run time?
    For example there are four files named "test1.h & test1.c" and another set "test2.h & test2.c" (I attached them as attachment to this post).
    test1.h contains code:
    int variable; //variable declared as integer
    test1.c contains code:
    variable = 1; //variable assigned a value
    test1.h contains code:
    char *variable; //variable declared as string
    test1.c contains code:
    variable = "EXAMPLE"; //variable assigned a string
    So here, in this case can I dynamically load / unload the first & second group of files so that the same variable name "variable" can be used both as integer and string? And if yes, how is that to be done?
    Go to Solution.
    test.zip ‏1 KB

    What do you mean by "dynamically"?
    If you want to have a variable that either is an int or a char in the same program run, I'm afraid your only option is to define it as a variant and assign from time to time the proper data type in the variant according to some condition. Next, every time you access the variable you must firstly check which data type is stored in it, next access it in the proper way.
    If on the other hand your option or to have a run in which the variable is an int, next you stop the program and in a following run it is a char, you may have it by using some appropriade preprocessor clause:
    #ifdef  CHAR_TYPE
    #include "test1.h";        // variable defined as a char
    #include "test2.h";        // variable defined as int
    Next, every time you want to access the variable you must proceed in the same vay:
    #ifdef  CHAR_TYPE
      variable = "string";
      variable = 1;
    Does it worth the effort?
    Additionally, keep in mind that this "dynamical" approach can work only in the IDE, where you can properly #define your CHAR_TYPE or not depending on your wishes: when you compile the program, it will have only one #include depending on the definition of the macro.
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
    My contributions to the Developer Zone Community
    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?

  • Creation of unloading points for STO's

    Dear Gurus,
    I have been requested to create unloading points (ABLAD) to be used in STO's.
    Can someone of you tell me what they are and where to create them?
    Thanks in advance!

    Unloading point are comming under logistices execution -->shipping area.
    This in Material master -->sales general data view.  you can find the unloading point.
    This function using when you make shipping against the STO  through VL10B.

  • USER EXIT/BADI for blocking pop up in VA01/VA02 for unloading point

    Please see details below with an example
    Following the below steps will execute the popup.
    1. VA01 (Sales Doc Create)
    Document type can be anything.This pop-up should be blocked for 'CRQ' and 'CR' types.
    2. Input “CRQ” or “CR” in the Order Type field and execute.
    3. Within the document:
    Input customer “194” as the Sold-to and Ship-to parties
    Input the PO Date field with today’s date
    Input material “475410m” and a Target Quantity of “1”
    Press Enter
    If the ship-to party has more than one unloading point  a pop up would show both values to choose one(these values come from KNVA-ABLAD).
    The code details are as follows:
    3) IN FM 'SD_PARTNER_SINGLE_MODIFY'  the following sub-routine is called:
    *-- proceed inserting a partner -
    create a new xvbpa-segment
    4)This subroutine uses FM 'SD_PARTNER_ABLAD_SELECTION'  to determine unloading points for ship-to and also  brings up the pop-up using 'REUSE_ALV_POPUP_TO_SELECT'.
    partner is ship-to, so determinate unloading point
    OTHERS = 3.
    Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.
    Sincere Regards,

    Have a look at below link which gives the details abt the user exits related to VA01/VA02.
    Best Regards,
    *Please mark all the helpful answers

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