Unrelease PR After PO in full release.

Dear all,
After PO in full release. but i still can unrelease PR that reference to PO. How to block it, so it can't unrelease PR after full release PO??
Best Regards
Icuk Hertanto

I think in standarad it is not possible . It can be done through BADI.
Create the validation should BADi that ones Purchase Requisition is assigned to Purchase order it cannot be changed. You find in the table - EBAN whether Purchase order is availiable or not based on that you do the check. Check the Coding at the time of saving the document so that it won't allow you to save the document.
It worked me in Purchase Order
Hope this might help to solve your issue.

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    Best Regards
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    Hi Yawar Khan,
    Its different what my question,  in that thread means that It can't be changed if in full release in PO so it can be changed with ME22N. But in my chase, if there is GR upon PO. it can be unreleased/dereleased in PO with ME29N.  I dont know how to block it.
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    Icuk Hertanto.

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    If you did all the process correct, and your plan is paid I only see one way to solve this issue.
    Follow this steps and for sure your problem will be solved.
    Choose Start > Run, type %systemroot% \system32\drivers\etc, and then press Enter.
    Right-click the hosts file and select Open. Select Notepad for the application to open the hosts file.
    Back up the hosts file: Choose File > Save As, save the file as hosts.backup, and then click OK.
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    Save and close the file.
    Mac OSLog in as an administrator to edit the hosts file in Mac OS.
    In a Finder window, choose Go > Go To Folder.
    Type /etc.
    Select the hosts file and open it.
    Back up the hosts file: Choose File > Save As, save the file as hosts.backup, and then click OK.
    Search the hosts file for entries that reference activate.adobe.com (for example, activate.adobe.com) and delete these entries.
    Save and close the file.
    After editing this Hosts file, open Adobe creative cloud and log in once again. Is important that you start once again the session so Adobe creative cloud recognizes that Hosts file was edited.
    You can do this by clicking in:
    Preferences»Log out.
    Best Regards
    Élio Freire

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    XX:+PrintClassHistogram -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -Xms2560m -Xmx2560m -XX:NewSize=896m -XX:MaxNewSize=896m
    -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:InitialSurvivorRatio=8 -XX:MinSurvivorRatio=8 -XX:CompileThreshold=8000 -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
    This is an urgent issue and help is very much appreciated

    Did you try the -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC collector?
    One possibility regarding the frequent full gc's after the first
    is the following somewhat contrived explanation. Until the first
    full gc, most objects die in the survivor spaces and very few
    get promoted (your observations). At the first full gc, the
    entire heap is collected and all survivors end up, irrespective of
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    from being collected. So now you will have artificially longer object
    lifetimes, resulting in a larger volume of survivors. If the survivor
    spaces overflow, this can become a self-perpetuating
    cycle as more young objects get tenured prematurely.
    So I suggest two independent tacks here:
    (1) enable adaptive sizing of generation (i noticed you had turned this
    off; why?). This might allow GC to resize the generations and
    survivor spaces to avoid (or mitigate) this badness. You might also
    consider experimenting with -XX:+UseParallelOldGC which might
    make the full gc's quicker.
    (2) try the concurrent collector -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
    If you happen to do any of these experiments, I'd be interested to
    know how the results turn out.
    All the best!

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    Apple has not made any announcement regarding the last day it will be available at their stores. None of us has a crystal ball. However, the used and refurbished Mac stores*:
    Often have older operating systems available even after Apple has discontinued selling it directly.
    See my upgrade FAQ* to learn if you are prepared for upgrading to Leopard:
    A few known limitations for your configuration:
    Note the Classic environment is not supported under Leopard. You'll want to either backup and partition your hard drive, to have Tiger and Leopard on your Mac, or add a Firewire external hard drive to install Tiger onto to keep Classic going.
    Leopard's Boot Camp does not support PowerPC Macs.
    Leopard's software does not support iPhoto version 2.
    If you are going to add more Dashboard widgets, Leopard takes up as much as twice the RAM as Tiger.
    - * Links to my pages may give me compensation.

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    If I understand well Apple has stopped signing ios 7.0.6 restores or lower. But is there any possible way to update my phone to 7.0.6 without upgrading it to 7.1?
    Thank You.

    Where the same question was asked and answered.
    UPDATE - ... well, almost the same question.  I cannot imagine why you would not want to update to iOS 7.1.  I don't think there's a way to do what you want without updating.
    Message was edited by: sberman

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    We have a problem that we have created a PO but we found after that release strategy is getting missed out.
    What could be the possible causes for this?
    Note: We have checked in CL20N everything seems to be in place.

    Hi Jurgen,
    Very sorry for the late reply as i was not in office.
    I have checked the following char in CL20N transaction,
    Plant,Purchasing group,order type,total net order value,Purchase organisation,Vendor account group.
    This is FYI.
    Please reply ASAP.

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    Any ideas?

    Does it matter that the old OS(circa 2008) is pre-maverick? The time capsule file is certainly maverick. Also, does it matter that I was running file vault on the profile previously?
    The old OS won't matter in terms of disk utility.. but it might affect the result for changing the admin user password.
    File Vault though is a total pain.
    I actually stay well away from using file vault because there is no way you can fix it.
    Mess up that password and you are dead dead dead.
    I recommend you have another go restore to a USB drive.. and then see if you can access it..
    If you had have asked me a few days before you installed Yosemite I would have said.. DO NOT TRUST TM.
    Create a bootable clone of your computer using CCC.
    TM is now so buggy and so difficult to use it cannot be relied on for more than an occasional deleted file.. it is great when it works.. but trusting your files to it as a backup .. no way.

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