Unreliable Timing in FORTRAN Program

Could you listen to the following tale and let me know what you think might be happening?
Three weeks ago (about 2 wks after a reboot) I started an experiment on my Ultra 10 (360Mhz UltraIIi cpu). It was a continuation of an experiment I had been running on a slower machine at Drexel University (250Mhz UltraII cpu). The ratio of speeds on the two machines over the past year and a half has always been about 1.42/1. The experiment on my machine started at a point about 20,000 seconds before the end of the Drexel run. So, just to be sure about the ratio of speeds, I examined the repeated segment and compared the runtimes. (To do timing I use internal calls to the SYSTIM subprogram which provides intermediate elapsed time to write into the program output.)
Surprisingly, the ratio of speeds was 0.97/1 (really horrible). I checked my cpu occupancy and swapping/paging using 'tops' and 'vmstat' and could find nothing unusual. My program needs about 45M of RAM for scratch arrays. However, tops indicates that of the 256M of RAM in the system only 22M is free. There is no apparent paging or swapping. This left me feeling very uncomfortable, as I count on program timing to evaluate my altorithm. 98% of the time, this large experiment is the only program occupying the cpu. At most I do some editing, browse the web for a half hour once in two weeks and run occasional small program for under 20 minutes. While the program continued to run, I added a short (small <10MB) program that normally takes 35 seconds to run to completion. It took 35 seconds as expected. I made the same test on the Drexel machine and it took 50 seconds, which was as it should be.
Anyhow, the kicker came when I decided to stop the program to run a few more tests to see what might be the matter. Test 1: I stopped the program and watched the cpu utilization go down to zero. I reset the inputs to exactly the same as the run started three weeks ago. The executable was not touched. This time it ran 1.47 times as fast (really weird). This was somewhat satisfying since 1.47*0.97 is just about the expected speed ratio. The output was identical to the first time I had run it, confirming that nothing internal to the program had been changed. In neither case was there another significant program running. Then I made Test 2. I restarted the program from a point just before I had cut it off in Test 1. So, I was able to compare a small segment (3,000 seconds) of another repeated segment. Again, the new run was faster, this time by a ratio of 1.22/1.
Have you any idea what might be happening? I do need to understand so I can create a more reliable means of evaluating my runtimes.


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    This is Sun Studio 11 right? Not a preview release of SS12?
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    If you want to run an application, the same as running it from the command line, then you can use Runtime.exec(). If you need to 'link' to a library then you will need to use JNI to create a wrapper in C and that C code actually calls the library (fortran library.)

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    I'd need to see your code to give details, but the error you got says you declared an array with a certain number of elements and then you tried to talk to the array outside those elements.
    For example you say:
    integer myArray(5)
    and then try to index either myArray(0) or myArray (6).
    Does that make sense. I have never tried to get fortran working with Xcode, but I did get Pascal working, so it is probably better is someone else helps you, but I will try if no one steps up.

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    double precision tdbl
    read (tstr,*) tdbl
    print *,"before JVM creation: result=",tdbl
    call cfunc
    read (tstr,*) tdbl
    print *,"after JVM creation: result=",tdbl
    end program
    C part:
    #include <jni.h>
    JavaVM *jvm;
    JNIEnv *env;
    int cfunc()
    JavaVMInitArgs vm_args;
    JavaVMOption options[1];
    options[0].optionString = "-Djava.compiler=NONE";           /* disable JIT */
    vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_4;
    vm_args.options = options;
    vm_args.nOptions = 1;
    vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = 0;
    JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm, (void **)&env, &vm_args);
    return 0;

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    Just wrap it all in a while loop with a timer connected to the Stop function. After the loop, wire empty string arrays to your ItemNames property nodes.
    To err is human, but to really foul it up requires a computer.
    The optimist believes we are in the best of all possible worlds - the pessimist fears this is true.
    Profanity is the one language all programmers know best.
    An expert is someone who has made all the possible mistakes.
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    I would suggest building the FORTRAN code into a DLL as well as the breadboard code. You can then use the Call Library Function node to call the compiled code. This would be the easiest and fastest method. You could also compile these pieces of code and link them to some C/C++ code that you can write and then call this code from LabVIEW.
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    As soon as the program starts, get the timestamp using Get Date/Time In Seconds.  Store that value somewhere (like in a shift register).  You can then get the current time with the same fuction and subtract the timestamp value from the program start.  You now know how long the program has been running.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

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    Hi kglad,
    I built a new timer with an event listener to trigger the appearance of my text box after the play button has been pushed.
    Once the first event has played I will make the next one follow. But I have a problem with the first even.
    My swf runs, but without the text box. It gives me the following error message the second time round:
              Word Timer Started
              TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
                  at BugGoopFSGame/placeMyWordBox()
                  at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
                  at flash.utils::Timer/tick()
              Word Timer Finished
    My main .as file has the timers. The one not working call a function for wordArray.placeMyWordBox();
    My WordArray .as file is for the word array in which the loop and all the logics will work. In it it has this function
    public function placeMyWordBox():void
      3.My WordBox .as class file is the one in which the text box with TLF text lives within a movie clip (embedded text)
    I checked for spelling mistakes and syntex errors - can't find anything. How do I fix this?
    Here are my files:
    1. Main .as file with three timers. Two work (game and tile timers) and the word timer give above error
        import flash.display.*;
        import flash.utils.Timer;
        import flash.events.*;
        import flash.events.MouseEvent;
        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.text.*;
        import flash.//others not relevant to this
        public class BugGoopFSGame extends MovieClip
            public var *//lots not relevant,
            public var gameTimer:Timer;
            public var wordTimer:Timer;
            public var tileTimer:Timer;
            public var myplaybtn:Play;
            public var wordBox:WordBox;
            public var wordArray:WordArray;
            public function BugGoopFSGame()
                 // lots of children not relevant
                myplaybtn = new Play();
                gameTimer = new Timer(31,5120);
                wordTimer = new Timer(1000,1); //Just once for 60 flames, because I want game timer to follow this later.
                tileTimer = new Timer(500,384);
                //Add event listener for start button
                myplaybtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startTimer);
                //Add event listener for Game timer WORKS FINE;
                gameTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, tickTock);
                gameTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, timerFinished);
                gameTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, scaleLifeBar);
                // Add event listener for tileTimer functions WORKS FINE
                tileTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, runTile);
                tileTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, tileTimerFinished);
                tileTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, gameLoop);
                //Add event listener for word Timer functions - problem here
                wordTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, wordTimerStarted);
                wordTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, wordTimerFinished);
                wordTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, placeMyWordBox);// This does not run in swf
            //Start timer function
            public function startTimer(timerEvent:MouseEvent):void
                trace("Timer started");
                myplaybtn.visible = false;
                trace("TileTimer started");
                trace("Word Timer Started");
           public function tickTock(timerEvent:TimerEvent):void
            public function timerFinished(timerEvent:TimerEvent):void
                trace("Timer is finished");
            public function runTile(timerEvent:TimerEvent):void
                trace("Run Tile, RUN!")
                public function tileTimerFinished(timerEvent:TimerEvent):void
                trace("Tile Timer is finished");
            //start wordArray
            public function wordTimerStarted(timerEvent:TimerEvent):void
                trace("Word Timer Started");
            public function wordTimerFinished(timerEvent:TimerEvent):void
                trace("Word Timer Finished");
            public function placeMyWordBox(timerEvent:TimerEvent):void //box never appears in swf
                trace("WordArray added");
            //Start gameLoop
            public function gameLoop(timerEvent:TimerEvent):void
    2.  .as file in which the loop and all the logics will work
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        public class WordArray extends MovieClip
            public var wordBox:WordBox = new WordBox();
            //private var  wordsL1:Array = ("a","has","of","off","on","not","got","in","is","it");
            // ***constructor code
            public function WordArray()
                trace("Word Array is working");
            public function placeMyWordBox():void
    3..as class file in which the text box with TLF text lives within a movie clip (embedded text)
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.text.*;
        public class WordBox extends MovieClip
            public var wordBox = new WordBox();
            // constructor code
            public function WordBox()
                x = 305;
                y = 326;

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  • File exists but program can't open it

    G'day all.
    I am trying to port some fortran programs from a True64 environment into Sun v9/SunStudio 11. On the alpha it has no problems, but on the Sun it can't open a file with a name that is only 78 characters long. The Fortran User's guide states that the maximum length for a file name is 1024 characters.. The file most certainly exists and is readable to the user: stat gives:
    silo@eclipse /silo1/tech1/install/bin -> stat /silo1/tech1/install/import/rtmet/NCC/dayClim/200706/2007062720070627.dc
      File: `/silo1/tech1/install/import/rtmet/NCC/dayClim/200706/2007062720070627.dc'
      Size: 133170         Blocks: 288        IO Block: 8192   regular file
    Device: 1d8005ah/30933082d     Inode: 110852      Links: 1
    Access: (0664/-rw-rw-r--)  Uid: ( 3953/sielewiczj)   Gid: (  700/    ciss)
    Access: 2008-07-23 12:44:00.533357000 +1000
    Modify: 2008-07-04 14:21:00.107423000 +1000
    Change: 2008-07-08 09:27:39.322719000 +1000The compiled Fortran code (called from a wrapper script) however:
    [07/23/08 12:46]: silo_dc_import_wrapper starting
    Determining dates to process
    Now starting to process Silo 1998
    aah, how sweet - found file /tmp/silo/DC_filelist                              
    About to check  /silo1/tech1/install/import/rtmet/NCC/dayClim/200706/2007062720070627.dc                                              
    In file not Found  /silo1/tech1/install/import/rtmet/NCC/dayClim/200706/2007062720070627.dc                                                Bye
    ******  FORTRAN RUN-TIME SYSTEM  ******
    Error 2:  No such file or directory
    Location:  the OPEN statement at line 770 of "dc_importer.f90"
    Unit:  12
    File:   /silo1/tech1/install/import/rtmet/NCC/dayClim/200706/2007062720070627.dc
    AbortNote that it could succesfully open the file /tmp/silo/DC_filelist... The code in question is:
    ! Problematic snippet from much longer program..
             integer*4 eof, ymd
             character*120 in_file, filelist
             logical file_exists
             file_exists = .TRUE.
             filelist = params(2)
             inquire(file = filelist,  exist = file_exists)
             if ( file_exists == .FALSE. ) then
               write(*,'(3a)') 'Not Found ', filelist, ' Bye'
             print *, "aah, how sweet - found file ", filelist
             open ( unit=11, file=filelist, status='OLD' ) ! THIS succeeds (/tmp/silo/... short filename)
             read ( 11, "(i8, A120)", iostat = eof) ymd, in_file
             do while ( eof == 0 )
                write (*,'(2a)') "About to check " , in_file
               inquire(file = in_file,  exist = file_exists)
               if ( file_exists == .FALSE. ) then
                 write( *, '(3a)') 'In file not Found ', in_file, ' Bye'
    !             return (commented out to see if open also gives an error..)
             open ( unit=12, file=in_file(1:len_trim(in_file)) , status='OLD' ) ! THIS is where the program bombs out.
             end doI am stumped. Why would this bomb out? The file exists, is readable, the filename is << 1024 characters.. I've also tried to run this as the user who owns the file, to no avail. Any suggestions, please?

    First, check to be sure the program has read and execute access on every directory in the path to the file.
    If the directory permissions are all OK, run your program under truss:
    truss -f -a -vall -o /output/file/name/here your.progam.hereThere should be something like a stat() and an open() call for that file shown as failing in your truss output file. Hopefully that will give you some more information.

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    What I get:
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    What makes me wonder:
    When I take the exec-statement to the commandline and let it run there, everything is fine and the files contain all the info I need. All the 4 files are correct then.
    What I also tried:
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    Even if I wait for the process to finish does not help.
    I do not understand it any more and would really like to know what happens there, why, and what can I do to avoid it or to get my complete output files. What does Runtime.getRuntime().exec(myString) do different than when I take the myString on the commandline?
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    unfortunately this does not help. I have already about 15 Fortran programs running this way which work accurately. So a possible problem with output stream does not look reasonable to me in this case.

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    <-e extra control characters.

    That makes more sense. The problem isn't with the Fortran program, but with the Unix terminal (xterm, or whatever you're using to display the output). If you pipe the output through od like this you'll see all the characters, including the ^M:
    bash-3.00$ fortranread | od -c
    0000000       w   i   n   f   i   l   e       i   s       -   >   T   h
    0000020   i   s       i   s       a       W   i   n   d   o   w   s   
    0000040   t   e   x   t       f   i   l   e   .  \r                   
    0000100                                           <   -  \n       w   i
    0000120   n   f   i   l   e       i   s       -   >   I   t       h   a
    0000140   s       s   o   m   e       e   x   t   r   a       c   o   n
    0000160   t   r   o   l       c   h   a   r   a   c   t   e   r   s   .
    0000200  \r                                                           
    0000220                               <   -  \n       w   i   n   f   i
    0000240   l   e       i   s       -   >   U   n   i   x       d   o   e
    0000260   s       n   o   t       h   a   v   e       t   h   o   s   e
    0000300   .  \r                                                       
    0000340                   <   -  \n
    0000347When the terminal sees the ^M character, it does a carriage return. That means that the next character gets written in the first column. Since the characters after the ^M are spaces, that makes the beginning of the lines appear blank.
    If you want to see the output you expect, you need to pipe it through "tr -d '\015'", or you need to make the Fortran program itself delete the ^M characters. For example, you could write "myline(1:len_trim(myline)-1)" to always strip the last character of the line.
    We should consider making formatted reads strip the ^M by default. I don't know whether any program would actually want them.

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    You can store them where ever you want. To retrieve them you can drag and drop them to the diagram or use "Select a VI..." from the function palette. The later will open a file dialog that will allow you to navigate to where you stored the vi. Another way to do it is to store your vi in the LabVIEW\user.lib directory, then you can retrieve your vi from "User Libraries" in the function palette.
    Hope this helps

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