Unreported Transaction timeout on commit (Oracle)

I'm expecting an Oracle error upon commit using "deferred constraints" and
          executing an INSERT that should result in a constraint violation. I am not
          seeing an error but the transaction hangs for 30seconds (JTA timeout
          setting) and then continues without an exception. The session bean client
          has no indication that the transaction has failed.
          I've tried implicit and explicit transations from the client and the session
          bean is marked as required.
          Weblogic: 8.1 sp1
          DB: Oracle 8.1.6
          Driver: Oracle Thin XA
          How is it possible that Oracle fails upon commit but the JDBC connection
          waits for a timeout, and ALSO how is it possible that I'm not seeing a
          transaction timeout exception?
          (i've changed the JTA timeout setting to verify that this is the timeout
          that is occuring and sure enough if i make it 20 seconds it returns after
          20, 60, etc...)

Settings in Domain_name-JTA and Services-JTA are essentially the same settings. At least this is what I see - my changes to Services-JTA are reflected in Domain_name-JTA.
Edited by: Valery_Cherepanov on 11.08.2012 14:32

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    작성날짜 : 2002-05-15
    Oracle이 분산 트랜잭션 수행을 위해 사용하는 2 phase commit의 자세한 개념
    및 절차를 살펴본다.
    1. 용어와 개념
    Oracle은 분산 트랜잭션을 수행하면서 여기에 포함된 모든 node에 대해서
    session tree를 구성한다. session tree는 분산 트랜잭션에 관여되는 session과
    각 session의 역할을 계층적인 tree형태로 표현한다고 볼 수 있으며,
    DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS view를 통해 확인 가능하다.
    session tree에 포함되는 각 node들이 수행하는 역할은 2 phase commit 절차의
    기본적인 개념이 되므로, 분산 트랜잭션의 이해를 위해서 정확히 파악할 필요가
    있다. 아래에 각 역할 들의 종류와 의미를 설명하며 [그림 1]을 예로 든다.
    - client
    - database server
    - global coordinator
    - local coordinator
    - commit point site
    insert into seoul_tab...;
    delete from pusan_tab@pusan...;
    Seoul.world inchoen_procedure@incheon...;
    / \ incheon_procedure source
    Pusan.world Inchoen.world ------------------------
    \ delete from incheon_tab...;
    \ update jeju_tab@jeju...;
    [그림 1] session tree의 간단한 예제
    (1) client: 다른 node의 database 정보를 이용하면 client가 된다.
    참조되어지는 node는 이때 database server가 된다. seoul.world가
    pusan.world와 incheon.world의 client이고, incheon.world는 jeju.world의
    client가 된다.
    (2) server (database server): 분산 트랜잭션에 포함된 모든 node를 server라
    한다. seoul.world, pusan.world, incheon.world, jeju.world 모두 database
    (3) global coordinator:분산 트랜잭션을 처음 수행시킨 node를 의미한다.
    여기서는 seoul.world가 global coordinator이다.
    (4) local coordinator: 분산 트랜잭션에서 이 node에 관계된 부분의 결과를
    얻으려면 다른 node를 참조해야 하는 경우 이 node를 local coordinator라고
    한다. 이것이 위에서 설명한 global coordinator와는 차이가 있는데 global
    coordinator는 항상 local coordinator이지만, 반대로 local coordinator는
    global coordinator가 아닐 수 있다.
    Incheon.world의 경우 처음 문장을 수행시킨 global coordinator는 아니지만,
    Incheon.world의 Inchoen_procedure내에 jeju.world가 reference되므로
    local coordinator가 된다. seould.world는 global coordinator이면서
    local coordinator가 된다.
    (5) commit point site
    commit point site는 분산 트랜잭션에 관여된 node중 2 phase commit단계에서
    commit이나 rollback을 항상 제일 먼저 하게 된다. 이 node의 local
    transaction부분은 prepared상태를 거치지 않아 in-doubt 상태가 되는 일이
    없고, 그러므로 distributed lock에 의해 조회나 DML시 오류가 발생하는
    없게 된다. 이러한 이유로 제일 중요한 data를 포함하는 중심이 되는 node를
    commit point site로 지정하는 것이 바람직하다.
    commit point site는 각 node의 initialization parameter중
    COMMIT_POINT_STRENGTH 값을 비교하여 제일 큰 값을 가진 node가 지정된다.
    두 node만 관여된 분산 트랜잭션의 경우 commit_point_strength가 지정되어
    있지 않으면, default로 global coordinator가 아닌 node가 commit point
    site가 된다.
    2. 2 Phase Commit (2PC)
    분산 트랜잭션을 commit하는 것은 다음 두 단계를 거치게 된다. 그래서 Oracle의
    분산 트랜잭션은 2 phase commit mechanism을 사용한다고 한다.
    prepare 단계: global coordinator (SQL문장을 처음 수행한 server) 가 commit
    point site를 제외한 나머지 node에게 prepare하도록 요청한다.
    요청을 받은 node는 각 local db에서의 작업에 대해 commit이나
    rollback할 준비를 마치고 다시 global coordinator에게 prepare
    되었음을 알려 주는 단계이다.
    node가 prepare 단계를 지나고 commit을 완료하기 전까지는
    transaction이 in-doubt상태라고 부른다.
    commit단계: 모든 node가 정상적으로 prepare가 되면, 먼저 commit point site가
    commit을 완료하고 이후 다른 node들도 commit을 완료하게 된다.
    이렇게 분산 트랜잭션에서 commit을 수행하기 위해 두 단계를 거치면서 일부
    node만 commit이 되고 일부는 rollback이 되는 불일치 상태를 막을 수 있는데,
    그러기 위한 자세한 단계별 처리 절차를 아래 [표 1]에 17단계로 기술하였다.
    각 단계별로 global coordinator와 commit point site, 그리고 둘 모두에
    해당되지 않는 일반 database server입장으로 나누어 표시하였으며, 만약 어떤
    node가 global coordinator이면서 commit point site라면, 두 part의 일을 모두
    하게 되는 것이다.
    아래 표의 (4) ~ (10)번 단계는 prepare단계의 작업이며, (11) ~ (15)번 단계는 commit단계
    이다. 부가적으로 (16), (17)을 정리 단계로 부르기도 한다.
    단계| Global coordinator | 참여한 db server | Commit point site
    (commit point site도 아니고
    global coordinator도 아닌경우)
    (1) SQL문장 발생 |     |
    (2) SQL문장이 수행되면 session tree가 구성되고 이 정보는
    DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS를 통해 조회 가능하다.
    변경이 필요한 data는 각 node별로 자기의 local data에 대해서 lock
    (TX,TM)을 걸면서 문장 수행이 진행된다.
    (3) Commit; 문장 발생 |          |
    (4) commit point site를 |          |
    commit_point_strength |          |
    initial parameter를 참조 |          |
    하여 결정하고, |          |
    참여한 모든 node의 SCN중 |          |
    제일 큰 값을 commit SCN으로|           |
    결정하고 이후에 각 node의 |          |
    commit시 이용한다. |          |
    (5) commit point site를 |          |
    제외한 모든 node들에게 |          |
    prepare하도록 요청한다 |          |
    (6) prepare 요청 message받는다 |
    (7) transaction이 이 node의 data를 변경하였는지를 |
    확인하고, 변경 사항이 있고 commit이 가능한 |
    상태이면 다음 단계를 수행하고, 그렇지 않으면 |
    (10)번 단계로 건너뛴다           |
    (8) transaction에 distributed lock을 걸어 fail이 |
    되어도 rollback이 되지 않고 변경 사항에 lock이|
    걸린 채 유지되도록 한다.           |
    distributed lock이 걸려 있는 상태에서는 변경 |
    data를 포함한 block에 포함된 어떤 data도 |
    read/write가 불가능하게 된다 (ora-1591발생) |
    [참조 1]                    |
    (9) transaction에 의해 변경된 내용과 (8)번 단계의 |
    information에 대한 redo log 내용을 각 node의 |
    redo log file에 기록한다. (해당 node의 변경 |
    사항만을 해당 node의 redo log file에 기록) |
    (10) global coordinator에게 다음 세가지 중 하나의 |
    상태를 prepare message대한 응답으로 전달한다.|
    PREPARED:변경된 data가 있고 commit이 가능한 |
    상태               |
    READ-ONLY: 자신의 node에는 data 변경사항이 |
    없고 조회만 관여한 경우 |
    ABORT: 오류 발생으로 인해 commit이 불가능한 |
    경우                     |
    (11) prepare 요청 message에 | |
    대한 응답 중 한 node라도| |
    abort가 있으면: | |
    모든 관여된 node를 | |
    rollback하도록 요청하고 | |
    distributed transaction | |
    을 끝낸다. | |
    prepare요청 message에 | |
    대한 응답이 read-only나 | |
    prepared만 있다면: | |
    commit point site에게 | |
    commit하라고 요청한다. | |
    (12) | |이 node에 관여된 local
    | |transaction 부분만을
    | |commit 한다.
    | |- data변경사항과 commit
    | |정보를 local redo log
    | |file에 기록한다.
    | |- commit SCN은 (4)번단계
                   |           |에서 얻어진, 관여된 node
                   |          |의 SCN중 제일 큰 값을
    | | 이용한다.
                   |     |- (2) 번 단계에서 잡혔던 TX,
    | | TM lock은 해제된다.
    (13) |global coordinator에게
    |commit이 완료되었음을
    |알리는 message를 보낸다.
    (14) commit point site를 제 | |
    외한 다른 node들에게 | |
    commit하라고 요청한다. | |
    (15) commit하면서 (2)번 단계에서 잡은 TX, TM lock|
    과, (8)번 단계에서 잡힌 distributed lock을 |
    release하고, 이러한 commit정보를 redo log |
    file에 기록한다.
    (16) | |DBA_2PC_PENDING,
    | |dictionary 저장된 정보를
    | |지우고 global coordinator
    | |에게 정보를 지웠음을
    | |알려준다
    dictionary 저장된 정보를 지우고 정리한다. |
    [참조 2] |
    [표 1] 2 phase commit의 단계별 절차
    [참조 1] distributed lock
    (8)번 단계에서 기술한 distributed lock은 실제 v$lock을 확인하여서는
    나타나지 않는다. v$lock에 lock type이 DX로 나타나는 것은 distributed
    transaction lock으로 이것은 2 phase commit을 위한 것이 아니라
    XA에서 단일 transaction내에서 여러 branch에 대한 control을
    tightly-coupled 형태로 하는 경우에 사용되어 지는 것이므로, 여기서
    언급하는 distributed lock과 혼동되어서는 안된다.
    여기에서 설명한 distributed lock은 실제 type을 가지고 있는 lock이
    아니고 해당 transaction에 대한 local db내의 rollback segment
    header부분에서 transaction상태를 prepared를 나타내는 bit로
         설정함으로써 lock설정을 구현한다.
    그러므로 이 lock이 걸려 있는 동안은 다른 transaction이 해당 분산
    트랜잭션이 변경한 data와 같은 block의 어떠한 data라도 읽거나
    쓰려고 하면, 그 block에 commit되지 않은 transaction이 있다는 것을
    인식하고 before image를 읽기 위해 rollback segment를 찾게 되고,
    그 rollback segment에 prepared상태로 표시되어 있어 before image
    읽는 것을 막기 때문에 오류가 발생하게 된다. 이 오류가 ORA-1591이
    되는 것이다.
    transaction이 prepared상태로 distributed lock이 걸린 상태인지는
    DBA_2PC_PENDING의 status가 PREPARED인지를 확인하는 것만이
    dictionary를 통해 가능한 정보이다.
    [참조 2] DBA_2PC_PENDING의 정보
    DBA_2PC_PENDING view의 정보는 분산 트랜잭션이 비정상 종료 되었을
    때만 정보가 저장되는 것이 아니다. 앞의 [표 1]의 2 phase commit
    단계마다, 수행되는 작업에 대해서 해당 view에 계속해서 정보를
    변경해 가고 앞의 표의 (16), (17) 단계를 완료해야 지워지게 된다.
    분산 트랜잭션이 비정상 종료시 이 view에서 해당 transaction의
    것은 마지막 정리 단계 수행 전에 transaction이 종료되었기 때문이다.
         non-commit point site의 경우, (10)번 단계에서 distributed lock을
    걸기 전까지는 DBA_2PC_PENDING의 STATE column 값이 COLLECTING으로
    나타나게 되며, (15) 단계 수행전까지는 PREPARED로 나타나고, (17)번
         수행전까지는 COMMITTED로 나타난다.
    commit point site의 경우는, (11)번 수행단계까지는 이 view에 어떠한
    정보도 포함하지 않으며, (12)번 수행 후 (16)번 단계를 수행하기
    전까지는 COMMITTED로 STATE 값을 가지게 된다.

  • Javax.transaction.SystemException: Timeout during commit processing

              In my Workshop 8.1 SP2 project I have a Custom Java Control whose methods I call
              from my JPF. From that custom control I create a remote connection to a Weblogic
              6.1 Application server. I execute remote methods and get the expected objects
              back with no problem. The problem is that I cannot return that object from my
              custom control back to my jpf. As soon as the method's return statement is executed,
              the process hangs for a considerable period of time and then throws the following
              An error has occurred:
              Exception while commiting Tx : Name=[EJB com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.bean.SyncDispatcherBean.invoke(com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.request.Request)],Xid=BEA1-0005BF0F3E6E72419698(655489),Status=Unknown,numRepliesOwedMe=0,numRepliesOwedOthers=0,seconds
              since begin=217,seconds left=42983,XAServerResourceInfo[BMResourceManager]=(ServerResourceInfo[BMResourceManager]=(state=new,assigned=none),xar=null),SCInfo[midway+cgServer]=(state=active),SCInfo[prdsdomain+prdsserver]=(state=active),properties=({weblogic.transaction.name=[EJB
              nested exception is:
              javax.transaction.SystemException: Timeout during commit processing
              Start server side stack trace:
              javax.transaction.SystemException: Timeout during commit processing
              at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerTransactionImpl.internalCommit(ServerTransactionImpl.java:243)
              at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerTransactionImpl.commit(ServerTransactionImpl.java:189)
              at weblogic.transaction.internal.CoordinatorImpl.commit(CoordinatorImpl.java:68)
              at weblogic.transaction.internal.CoordinatorImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
              at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.invoke(BasicServerRef.java:305)
              at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.handleRequest(BasicServerRef.java:274)
              at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicExecuteRequest.execute(BasicExecuteRequest.java:22)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:139)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:120)
              End server side stack trace
              caused by: : javax.transaction.SystemException: Timeout during commit processing
              Start server side stack trace:
              javax.transaction.SystemException: Timeout during commit processing
              at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerTransactionImpl.internalCommit(ServerTransactionImpl.java:243)
              at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerTransactionImpl.commit(ServerTransactionImpl.java:189)
              at weblogic.transaction.internal.CoordinatorImpl.commit(CoordinatorImpl.java:68)
              at weblogic.transaction.internal.CoordinatorImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
              at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.invoke(BasicServerRef.java:305)
              at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.handleRequest(BasicServerRef.java:274)
              at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicExecuteRequest.execute(BasicExecuteRequest.java:22)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:139)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:120)
              End server side stack trace
              As soon as I take out RMI calls from my custom control's code, I can return any
              object I want back to my JPF. Here is the what I am thinking is happenning.
              The system that runs on Weblogic 6.1 manages its own transactions and begins a
              new transaction every time a session bean residing on that server is invoked.
              In addition, Weblogic 8.1 starts an internal transaction when the Custom Java
              Control makes a call. Could there be some kind conflict? If yes, is it possible
              to disable transactions from the Java Control?
              Thank you very much
              Alex Mayzlin

              "aa aa" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:20701457.1093414960276.JavaMail.root@jserv5...
              > we are getting the same Exception. As nobody replied to your question, it would be interesting, if you found any solution
              > Additional info:
              > We are also getting these error messages from BEA when testing connections in pool before and after the exception:
              > <20.08.2004 19.32 Uhr CEST> <Error> <JDBC> <BEA-001112> <Test "SELECT count(*) FROM invoice" set up for pool "ABCConnection Pool"
              failed with exception: "java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01591: lock held by in-doubt distributed transaction 4.47.141655".>
              Generally it's a good idea to use Oracle's system DUAL table
              for testing connections on reserve. Try to change your ABCConnection
              connection pool configuration to use DUAL as the test table
              instead of "invoice".
              Slava Imeshev

  • XA transactions timeout with essentials / eclipselink

    I'm attempting to do an XA (container managed) tranasction throught a series of remote EJB calls. Database is 11g
    When the JPA provider is toplink-essentials or EclipseLink the the end of the 2PC hangs. Eventually it times out with an "Error allocating connection". Monitoring of the connection pool shows there are lots of free
    However this work with Hibernate 3.
    How do I use XA transactions on 11g with toplink/eclipselink.

    Thanks for looking at this. I can send a full code sample if needed. Sorry for the full stack traces.
    The Setup
    There are three parts to my application.
    +1) an ejb which writes "Nice Weather" to the database+
    +2) an ejb which calls the nice weather remotely then returns "Hello World"+
    +3) a junit test which connects to the ORB of the "HelloWorld" which in turn calls the "NiceWeather"+
    Using Toplink-essentials and ojdbc6.jar
    The database user has all grants/admin/privileges. Assigned by clicking on the Grant ALL and Admin All in the SQL developer edit user.
    In NiceWeather ejb the persistence.xml looks like
    +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>+
    +<persistence version="1.0" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_1_0.xsd">+
    +<persistence-unit name="NiceWeatherPU" transaction-type="JTA">+
    +<property name="toplink.ddl-generation" value="drop-and-create-tables"/>+
    +<property name="toplink.logging.logger" value="JavaLogger"/>+
    +<property name="toplink.logging.level" value="FINEST"/>+
    the Connection pool backing jdbc/helloRemoteEJB looks like
    Name:  Oracle-11g-XA
    Datasource Classname:  javax.sql.XADataSource
    Resource Type:    javax.sql.DataSource javax.sql.XADataSource
    User: example
    password: example
    url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl
    Passing Case
    When run with both components (HelloWorld-ejb and NiceWeather-ejb) deployed on the same Application Server instance (Glassfish v2ur2) the tests pass and everything is happy
    the log messages for the NiceWeather-ejb are:
    begin deploying Persistence Unit NiceWeatherPU; state Predeployed; factoryCount 1
    property=toplink.target-server; value=oracle.toplink.essentials.platform.server.sunas.SunAS9ServerPlatform
    property=toplink.logging.logger; value=JavaLogger; translated value=oracle.toplink.essentials.logging.JavaLog
    property=toplink.logging.level; value=FINEST; translated value=FINEST
    property=toplink.logging.level; value=FINEST; translated value=FINEST
    TopLink, version: Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.0.1 (Build b04-fcs (04/11/2008))
    Server: unknown
    DBPlatform: oracle.toplink.essentials.platform.database.InformixPlatform, RegularExpression: (?i)informix.*.
    DBPlatform: oracle.toplink.essentials.platform.database.PointBasePlatform, RegularExpression: (?i)pointbase.*.
    DBPlatform: oracle.toplink.essentials.platform.database.DB2Platform, RegularExpression: (?i).*db2.*.
    DBPlatform: oracle.toplink.essentials.platform.database.SQLServerPlatform, RegularExpression: (?i)microsoft.*.
    DBPlatform: oracle.toplink.essentials.platform.database.PostgreSQLPlatform, RegularExpression: (?i)postgresql.*.
    DBPlatform: oracle.toplink.essentials.platform.database.SybasePlatform, RegularExpression: (?i)(sybase.*)
    DBPlatform: oracle.toplink.essentials.platform.database.JavaDBPlatform, RegularExpression: (?i).*derby.
    DBPlatform: oracle.toplink.essentials.platform.database.oracle.OraclePlatform, RegularExpression: (?i)oracle.*.
    Detected Vendor platform: oracle.toplink.essentials.platform.database.oracle.OraclePlatform
    user name=> ""
    connector=>JNDIConnector datasource name=>null
    Connected: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl
    User: DD
    Database: Oracle  Version: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    Driver: Oracle JDBC driver  Version:
    user name=> ""
    connector=>JNDIConnector datasource name=>null
    Connected: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl
    User: DD
    Database: Oracle  Version: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    Driver: Oracle JDBC driver  Version:
    sequencing connected, state is Preallocation_Transaction_NoAccessor_State
    sequence SEQ_GEN: preallocation size 50
    file:/C:/Apps/1-Projects/other/RemoteEJB/NiceWeather/build/jar/-NiceWeatherPU login successful
    end deploying Persistence Unit NiceWeatherPU; state Deployed; factoryCount 1
    client acquired
    TX binding to tx mgr, status=STATUS_ACTIVE
    Execute query DoesExistQuery()
    +PERSIST operation called on: example.remoteejb.entity.Weather[id=null].+
    TX beginTransaction, status=STATUS_ACTIVE
    Execute query DataModifyQuery()
    reconnecting to external connection pool
    bind => [50, SEQ_GEN]
    Execute query ValueReadQuery()
    +bind => [SEQ_GEN]+
    local sequencing preallocation for SEQ_GEN: objects: 50 , first: 2, last: 51
    +assign sequence to the object (2 -> example.remoteejb.entity.Weather[id=null])+
    TX beforeCompletion callback, status=STATUS_ACTIVE
    begin unit of work commit
    TX beginTransaction, status=STATUS_ACTIVE
    +Execute query InsertObjectQuery(example.remoteejb.entity.Weather[id=2])+
    bind => [2, Nice Weather1228420595934]
    TX afterCompletion callback, status=COMMITTED
    local sequencing preallocation is copied to preallocation after transaction commit
    end unit of work commit
    Failed Case
    When the HelloWorld-ejb is deployed to a different Application server instance the log messages for the NiceWeather-ejb are:
    client acquired
    TX binding to tx mgr, status=STATUS_ACTIVE
    Execute query DoesExistQuery()
    +PERSIST operation called on: example.remoteejb.entity.Weather[id=null].+
    +assign sequence to the object (3 -> example.remoteejb.entity.Weather[id=null])+
    TX beforeCompletion callback, status=STATUS_ACTIVE
    begin unit of work commit
    TX beginTransaction, status=STATUS_ACTIVE
    +Execute query InsertObjectQuery(example.remoteejb.entity.Weather[id=3])+
    reconnecting to external connection pool
    A potential connection leak detected for connection pool DD-XA-ojdbc6- The stack trace of the thread is provided below :
    Monitoring Statistics :
    maxNumConnUsed = 1
    minNumConnUsed = 0
    currNumConnUsed = -5
    maxNumConnFree =  = 14
    minNumConnFree = 0
    currNumConnFree = 13
    numConnCreated = 26
    numConnDestroyed = 18
    numConnFailedValidation = 0
    numConnTimedOut = 0
    numConnAcquired = 10
    numConnReleased = 9
    currConnectionRequestWait = 0
    minConnectionRequestWait = 0
    maxConnectionRequestWait = 2172
    totalConnectionRequestWait = 2172
    numConnSuccessfullyMatched = 10
    numConnNotSuccessfullyMatched = 0
    numPotentialConnLeak = 0
    _<It hangs at this point, eventually the transaction times out>_
    IOP00410219: (COMM_FAILURE) Communications timeout waiting for response.  Exceeded 1,800,000 milliseconds"
    org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE:   vmcid: SUN  minor code: 219 completed: Maybe
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.logging.ORBUtilSystemException.communicationsTimeoutWaitingForResponse(ORBUtilSystemException.java:3180)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.logging.ORBUtilSystemException.communicationsTimeoutWaitingForResponse(ORBUtilSystemException.java:3195)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.CorbaResponseWaitingRoomImpl.waitForResponse(CorbaResponseWaitingRoomImpl.java:198)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.waitForResponse(SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.java:1196)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.handleRequest(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:806)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.dispatch(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:563)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.doWork(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:2567)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.orbutil.threadpool.ThreadPoolImpl$WorkerThread.run(ThreadPoolImpl.java:555)
    RAR5027:Unexpected exception in resource pooling
    org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE:   vmcid: SUN  minor code: 219 completed: Maybe
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.logging.ORBUtilSystemException.communicationsTimeoutWaitingForResponse(ORBUtilSystemException.java:3180)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.logging.ORBUtilSystemException.communicationsTimeoutWaitingForResponse(ORBUtilSystemException.java:3195)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.CorbaResponseWaitingRoomImpl.waitForResponse(CorbaResponseWaitingRoomImpl.java:198)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.waitForResponse(SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.java:1196)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.waitForResponse(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:291)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaClientRequestDispatcherImpl.marshalingComplete1(CorbaClientRequestDispatcherImpl.java:389)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.dispatch(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:563)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.doWork(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:2567)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.orbutil.threadpool.ThreadPoolImpl$WorkerThread.run(ThreadPoolImpl.java:555)
    +RAR5117 : Failed to obtain/create connection from connection pool [ DD-XA-ojdbc6- ]. Reason : org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor code: 219 completed: Maybe+
    +RAR5114 : Error allocating connection : [Error in allocating a connection. Cause: org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE:   vmcid: SUN  minor code: 219 completed: Maybe]+
    Local Exception Stack:
    +Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.0.1 (Build b04-fcs (04/11/2008))): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException+
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: Error in allocating a connection. Cause: org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE:   vmcid: SUN  minor code: 219 completed: Maybe
    Error Code: 0
    +Query: InsertObjectQuery(example.remoteejb.entity.Weather[id=3])+
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException.sqlException(DatabaseException.java:305)
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.jndi.JNDIConnector.connect(JNDIConnector.java:150)
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.sessions.DatasourceLogin.connectToDatasource(DatasourceLogin.java:184)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.dispatch(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:563)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.doWork(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:2567)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.orbutil.threadpool.ThreadPoolImpl$WorkerThread.run(ThreadPoolImpl.java:555)
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Error in allocating a connection. Cause: org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE:   vmcid: SUN  minor code: 219 completed: Maybe
    at com.sun.gjc.spi.base.DataSource.getConnection(DataSource.java:115)
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.jndi.JNDIConnector.connect(JNDIConnector.java:145)
    +... 54 more+
    Local Exception Stack:
    +Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.0.1 (Build b04-fcs (04/11/2008))): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException+
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: Error in allocating a connection. Cause: org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE:   vmcid: SUN  minor code: 219 completed: Maybe
    Error Code: 0
    +Query: InsertObjectQuery(example.remoteejb.entity.Weather[id=3])+
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException.sqlException(DatabaseException.java:305)
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.jndi.JNDIConnector.connect(JNDIConnector.java:150)
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.sessions.DatasourceLogin.connectToDatasource(DatasourceLogin.java:184)
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourceAccessor.connect(DatasourceAccessor.java:233)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.giopmsgheaders.RequestMessage_1_2.callback(RequestMessage_1_2.java:223)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.handleRequest(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:806)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.dispatch(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:563)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.doWork(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:2567)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.orbutil.threadpool.ThreadPoolImpl$WorkerThread.run(ThreadPoolImpl.java:555)
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Error in allocating a connection. Cause: org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE:   vmcid: SUN  minor code: 219 completed: Maybe
    at com.sun.gjc.spi.base.DataSource.getConnection(DataSource.java:115)
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.jndi.JNDIConnector.connect(JNDIConnector.java:145)
    +... 54 more+
    JTS5054: Unexpected error occurred in after completion
    Local Exception Stack:
    +Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.0.1 (Build b04-fcs (04/11/2008))): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException+
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: Error in allocating a connection. Cause: org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE:   vmcid: SUN  minor code: 219 completed: Maybe
    Error Code: 0
    +Query: InsertObjectQuery(example.remoteejb.entity.Weather[id=3])+
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException.sqlException(DatabaseException.java:305)
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.jndi.JNDIConnector.connect(JNDIConnector.java:150)
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.sessions.DatasourceLogin.connectToDatasource(DatasourceLogin.java:184)
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourceAccessor.connect(DatasourceAccessor.java:233)
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.connect(DatabaseAccessor.java:242)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.dispatch(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:563)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.doWork(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:2567)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.orbutil.threadpool.ThreadPoolImpl$WorkerThread.run(ThreadPoolImpl.java:555)
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Error in allocating a connection. Cause: org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE:   vmcid: SUN  minor code: 219 completed: Maybe
    at com.sun.gjc.spi.base.DataSource.getConnection(DataSource.java:115)
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.jndi.JNDIConnector.connect(JNDIConnector.java:145)
    +... 54 more+
    TX afterCompletion callback, status=ROLLEDBACK
    release unit of work
    initialize identitymaps
    client released
    The HelloWorld-ejb making the remote call to Niceweather-ejb has the log
    +LDR5010: All ejb(s) of [HelloEJB] loaded successfully!+
    +"IOP00410219: (COMM_FAILURE) Communications timeout waiting for response. Exceeded 1,800,000 milliseconds"+
    org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE:   vmcid: SUN  minor code: 219 completed: Maybe
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.logging.ORBUtilSystemException.communicationsTimeoutWaitingForResponse(ORBUtilSystemException.java
    +.... cut .....+
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.doWork(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:2567)
    at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.orbutil.threadpool.ThreadPoolImpl$WorkerThread.run(ThreadPoolImpl.java:555)
    +JTS5033: Exception [org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE:   vmcid: SUN  minor code: 219 completed: Maybe] on [before_completion] synchronization operation.+
    +EJB5018: An exception was thrown during an ejb invocation on [HelloBean]+
    javax.ejb.EJBException: Transaction aborted; nested exception is: javax.transaction.RollbackException
    at com.sun.jts.jta.TransactionManagerImpl.commit(TransactionManagerImpl.java:311)
    +.... cut .....+

  • BMT and transaction timeout

    Does anybody knows what the behavior should be for a Session EJB with BMT (using JTA) after a transaction timeout? Does the container performs a database rollback for you immediately after the time-out event? I’ve noticed that JBoss does not perform a rollback but Web does. What do the J2EE specs say what should happen?
    We are experiencing database locks in an Oracle database caused by ‘hanging’ JTA-transactions which aren’t removed after a timeout. An application server restart will remove them. We are trying to find the cause, there fore I’am posting this message.
    Marteyn Heijlaerts

              "Laurel Neustadter" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >The WLS 6.0 documentation states that for a CMT bean, one specifies the
              >timeout in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml, and for a BMT bean, one specifies the
              >timeout via UserTransaction.setTransactionTimeout().
              >You also set a transaction timeout attribute at the domain level. How
              >does the
              >domain level attribute work into all of this? How is it used?
              >For example, if a transaction timeout value is not specified at the bean
              >will the domain level value be used?
              Yes, the domain level timeout is the default.
              It is overridden by any setting at the EJB level. This in turn
              can be overridden by the client calling the EJB, if the client
              starts a transaction and uses

  • Transaction timeouts behaviour - explanation needed

    Hello all,
    I'm a newbie to Weblogic and would like to understand how transaction timeouts work in Weblogic. I have a EJB2 application running under Weblogic 10.3 and using Oracle 11g database via thin jdbc driver.
    I noticed that if I set trans-timeout-seconds in deployment descriptor it terminates sql queries if they overflow the limit. Say I have timeout set to 10 seconds, it will stop executing sql query after that time and immediately return exception to caller of the current EJB method. This is just perfect!
    What I want is to understand how that is done, does it proxy driver somehow? Will it work with other databases, Postgresql for example?
    Can I port same behavior to other app servers, JBoss for example.
    Thank you in advance.

    Unfortunately, it seems to work different in JBoss7. I created a very simple app and it waits until end of query execution instead of interrupting it.
    I'm porting application from weblogic to JBoss7 and it is critical for me to achieve identical behavior.

  • Transaction Timeout (BPEL v10., WebLogic 8.1 sp4)

    We are attempting to process a transform on a medium sized xml doc (~4.5 MB). For the test case we are simply reading the the doc using the FileAdapter, performing a transformation, and then writing the result to a file using the FileAdapter once again. The flow works fine for smallish files (under ~4MB), however, when dropping a file greater than that size the flow fails once finished while writing entries to the BPEL audit log with a TransactionTimedOutException (see exception below).
    I understand what is happening and why (it certainly takes longer than 2 mins to process the file). I have also done quite a bit of digging around for references to this issue and found several posts regarding bumping the transaction timeout value when running the OC4J container. My problem is that we are not running the OC4J container. I know how to manage the default transaction timeout value for WebLogic but it appears that the BPEL application doesn't seem to be honoring the default transaction timeout on the WL Server. I have come to this conclusion for two reasons: first, the default transaction timeout on the WL Server (before modification) is 30 seconds, not the 120 seconds that this transaction is timing out on. second, changing the transaction timeout value on the WebLogic server has no impact on this issue what so ever. I can set the transaction timeout to any value I like, the process ALWAYS times out after 120 seconds.
    Is there another setting on the BPEL server that I may have missed that is overriding the default timeout, i.e. is it possible that when the BPEL server process is starting the transaction it is setting the timeout on the TransactionManager in code prior to starting the transaction?
    Any pointers are greatly appreciated.
    ------------- START STACK TRACE ------------------
    <2007-03-15 13:50:24,625> <ERROR> <default.collaxa.cube> <BaseCubeSessionBean::logError> Error while invoking bean "cube delivery": Cannot insert audit trail.
    The process domain was unable to insert the current log entries for the instance "10601" to the audit trail table. The exception reported is: The transaction is no longer active - status: 'Rolled back. [Reason=weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException: Transaction timed out after 120 seconds
    Name=[EJB com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.CubeDeliveryBean.handleInvoke(java.lang.String,com.oracle.bpel.client.auth.DomainAuth)],Xid=BEA1-0021B65431A170F9CFEF(31469464),Status=Active,numRepliesOwedMe=0,numRepliesOwedOthers=0,seconds since begin=120,seconds left=60,activeThread=Thread[ExecuteThread: '9' for queue: 'default',5,Thread Group for Queue: 'default'],XAServerResourceInfo[weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTSXAResourceImpl]=(ServerResourceInfo[weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTSXAResourceImpl]=(state=ended,assigned=none),xar=weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTSXAResourceImpl@154d033,re-Registered = false),SCInfo[f58_integration+orabpelServer]=(state=active),properties=({weblogic.transaction.name=[EJB com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.CubeDeliveryBean.handleInvoke(java.lang.String,com.oracle.bpel.client.auth.DomainAuth)], weblogic.jdbc=t3://}),OwnerTransactionManager=ServerTM[ServerCoordinatorDescriptor=(CoordinatorURL=orabpelServer+, XAResources={},NonXAResources={})],CoordinatorURL=orabpelServer+]'. No further JDBC access is allowed within this transaction.
    Please check that the machine hosting the datasource is physically connected to the network. Otherwise, check that the datasource connection parameters (user/password) is currently valid.
    sql statement: INSERT INTO audit_trail( cikey, domain_ref, count_id, block, block_csize, block_usize, log ) VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )
    <2007-03-15 13:50:24,643> <ERROR> <default.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch> <BaseScheduledWorker::process> Failed to handle dispatch message ... exception ORABPEL-05002
    Message handle error.
    An exception occurred while attempting to process the message "com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.message.invoke.InvokeInstanceMessage"; the exception is: Transaction Rolledback.: weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException: Transaction timed out after 120 seconds
    Name=[EJB com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.CubeDeliveryBean.handleInvoke(java.lang.String,com.oracle.bpel.client.auth.DomainAuth)],Xid=BEA1-0021B65431A170F9CFEF(31469464),Status=Active,numRepliesOwedMe=0,numRepliesOwedOthers=0,seconds since begin=120,seconds left=60,activeThread=Thread[ExecuteThread: '9' for queue: 'default',5,Thread Group for Queue: 'default'],XAServerResourceInfo[weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTSXAResourceImpl]=(ServerResourceInfo[weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTSXAResourceImpl]=(state=ended,assigned=none),xar=weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTSXAResourceImpl@154d033,re-Registered = false),SCInfo[f58_integration+orabpelServer]=(state=active),properties=({weblogic.transaction.name=[EJB com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.CubeDeliveryBean.handleInvoke(java.lang.String,com.oracle.bpel.client.auth.DomainAuth)], weblogic.jdbc=t3://}),OwnerTransactionManager=ServerTM[ServerCoordinatorDescriptor=(CoordinatorURL=orabpelServer+, XAResources={},NonXAResources={})],CoordinatorURL=orabpelServer+
    at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerTransactionImpl.wakeUp(ServerTransactionImpl.java:1614)
    at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerTransactionManagerImpl.processTimedOutTransactions(ServerTransactionManagerImpl.java:1117)
    at weblogic.transaction.internal.TransactionManagerImpl.wakeUp(TransactionManagerImpl.java:1881)
    at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerTransactionManagerImpl.wakeUp(ServerTransactionManagerImpl.java:1034)
    at weblogic.transaction.internal.WLSTimer.trigger(WLSTimer.java:31)
    at weblogic.time.common.internal.ScheduledTrigger.run(ScheduledTrigger.java:243)
    at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
    at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:121)
    at weblogic.time.common.internal.ScheduledTrigger.executeLocally(ScheduledTrigger.java:229)
    at weblogic.time.common.internal.ScheduledTrigger.execute(ScheduledTrigger.java:223)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:219)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:178)
    ; nested exception is: weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException: Transaction timed out after 120 seconds
    Name=[EJB com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.CubeDeliveryBean.handleInvoke(java.lang.String,com.oracle.bpel.client.auth.DomainAuth)],Xid=BEA1-0021B65431A170F9CFEF(31469464),Status=Active,numRepliesOwedMe=0,numRepliesOwedOthers=0,seconds since begin=120,seconds left=60,activeThread=Thread[ExecuteThread: '9' for queue: 'default',5,Thread Group for Queue: 'default'],XAServerResourceInfo[weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTSXAResourceImpl]=(ServerResourceInfo[weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTSXAResourceImpl]=(state=ended,assigned=none),xar=weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTSXAResourceImpl@154d033,re-Registered = false),SCInfo[f58_integration+orabpelServer]=(state=active),properties=({weblogic.transaction.name=[EJB com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.CubeDeliveryBean.handleInvoke(java.lang.String,com.oracle.bpel.client.auth.DomainAuth)], weblogic.jdbc=t3://}),OwnerTransactionManager=ServerTM[ServerCoordinatorDescriptor=(CoordinatorURL=orabpelServer+, XAResources={},NonXAResources={})],CoordinatorURL=orabpelServer+
    ------------- END STACK TRACE ------------------

    i am facing a similar problem..did u find the solution for this problem?
    Please pass the solution/workaround u performed for solving this...
    Thanks & Regards

  • Transaction timeout for FTP Put as an attachment

    When I am trying to get a file from E Business Suite(Oracle Apps) and place the same in to FTP Outbound as an attachment, I am getting the below exception. This did not happen in PS2 but it is happening in PS3( with the same code, can some please me on this. The file size is around 16MB. I have restriction to increase the transaction timeout value in the through admin server.
    java.sql.SQLException: Unexpected exception while enlisting XAConnection java.sql.SQLException: Transaction rolled back: Transaction timed out after 299 seconds BEA1-0672B035E0F02A163299 at weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource.enlist(DataSource.java:1616) at weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource.refreshXAConnAndEnlist(DataSource.java:1503) at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTAConnection.getXAConn(JTAConnection.java:205) at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTAConnection.checkConnection(JTAConnection.java:74) at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTAConnection.checkConnection(JTAConnection.java:65) at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.Connection.preInvocationHandler(Connection.java:94) at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.Connection.prepareStatement(Connection.java:496) at oracle.integration.platform.xml.XMLDocumentManagerImpl.insertDocument(XMLDocumentManagerImpl.java:648) at oracle.integration.platform.xml.XMLDocumentManagerImpl.insertDocument(XMLDocumentManagerImpl.java:185) at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2001.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597) at org.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils.invokeJoinpointUsingReflection(AopUtils.java:307) at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:182) at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:149) at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke(TransactionInterceptor.java:106) at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:171) at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDynamicAopProxy.java:204) at $Proxy336.insertDocument(Unknown Source) at oracle.integration.platform.instance.store.MessageStore.savePayload(MessageStore.java:248) at oracle.integration.platform.instance.store.MessageStore.savePayloads(MessageStore.java:102) at oracle.integration.platform.instance.InstanceManagerImpl.persistPayloads(InstanceManagerImpl.java:798) at oracle.integration.platform.instance.InstanceManagerImpl.persistReferenceInstanceBean(InstanceManagerImpl.java:1150) at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.AbstractAdapterBindingComponent.createAndPersistBindingInstance(AbstractAdapterBindingComponent.java:504) at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.AdapterReference.createAndPersistBindingInstance(AdapterReference.java:357) at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.AdapterReference.createBindingInstance(AdapterReference.java:331) at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.AdapterReference.post(AdapterReference.java:253) at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.mesh.AsynchronousMessageHandler.doPost(AsynchronousMessageHandler.java:142) at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.mesh.MessageRouter.post(MessageRouter.java:194) at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.mesh.MeshImpl.post(MeshImpl.java:215) at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor3279.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597) at org.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils.invokeJoinpointUsingReflection(AopUtils.java:307) at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:182) at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:149) at oracle.integration.platform.metrics.PhaseEventAspect.invoke(PhaseEventAspect.java:71) at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:171) at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDynamicAopProxy.java:204) at $Proxy333.post(Unknown Source) at oracle.fabric.CubeServiceEngine.postToMesh(CubeServiceEngine.java:806) at com.collaxa.cube.ws.WSInvocationManager.invoke(WSInvocationManager.java:258) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ext.common.InvokeHandler.__invoke(InvokeHandler.java:1056) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ext.common.InvokeHandler.handleNormalInvoke(InvokeHandler.java:583) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ext.common.InvokeHandler.handle(InvokeHandler.java:130) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ext.bpel.common.wmp.BPELInvokeWMP.__executeStatements(BPELInvokeWMP.java:74) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ext.bpel.common.wmp.BaseBPELActivityWMP.perform(BaseBPELActivityWMP.java:158) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine._performActivity(CubeEngine.java:2463) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.performActivity(CubeEngine.java:2334) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.handleWorkItem(CubeEngine.java:1115) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.message.instance.PerformMessageHandler.handleLocal(PerformMessageHandler.java:73) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.DispatchHelper.handleLocalMessage(DispatchHelper.java:220) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.DispatchHelper.sendMemory(DispatchHelper.java:328) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.endRequest(CubeEngine.java:4350) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.endRequest(CubeEngine.java:4281) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.createAndInvoke(CubeEngine.java:679) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.delivery.DeliveryService.handleInvoke(DeliveryService.java:654) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.CubeDeliveryBean.handleInvoke(CubeDeliveryBean.java:293) at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor6353.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils.invokeJoinpointUsingReflection(AopUtils.java:310) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:182) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:149) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.jee.intercept.MethodInvocationInvocationContext.proceed(MethodInvocationInvocationContext.java:104) at oracle.security.jps.ee.ejb.JpsAbsInterceptor$1.run(JpsAbsInterceptor.java:94) at oracle.security.jps.util.JpsSubject.doAsPrivileged(JpsSubject.java:313) at oracle.security.jps.ee.util.JpsPlatformUtil.runJaasMode(JpsPlatformUtil.java:413) at oracle.security.jps.ee.ejb.JpsAbsInterceptor.runJaasMode(JpsAbsInterceptor.java:81) at oracle.security.jps.ee.ejb.JpsAbsInterceptor.intercept(JpsAbsInterceptor.java:112) at oracle.security.jps.ee.ejb.JpsInterceptor.intercept(JpsInterceptor.java:105) at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1143.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils.invokeJoinpointUsingReflection(AopUtils.java:310) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.jee.intercept.JeeInterceptorInterceptor.invoke(JeeInterceptorInterceptor.java:69) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:171) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.doProceed(DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.java:131) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.invoke(DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.java:119) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:171) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.jee.spi.MethodInvocationVisitorImpl.visit(MethodInvocationVisitorImpl.java:37) at weblogic.ejb.container.injection.EnvironmentInterceptorCallbackImpl.callback(EnvironmentInterceptorCallbackImpl.java:54) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.jee.spi.EnvironmentInterceptor.invoke(EnvironmentInterceptor.java:50) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:171) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.interceptor.ExposeInvocationInterceptor.invoke(ExposeInvocationInterceptor.java:89) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:171) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.doProceed(DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.java:131) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.invoke(DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.java:119) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:171) at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDynamicAopProxy.java:204) at $Proxy316.handleInvoke(Unknown Source) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.bpel.BPELDeliveryBean_5k948i_ICubeDeliveryLocalBeanImpl.__WL_invoke(Unknown Source) at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.SessionLocalMethodInvoker.invoke(SessionLocalMethodInvoker.java:39) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.bpel.BPELDeliveryBean_5k948i_ICubeDeliveryLocalBeanImpl.handleInvoke(Unknown Source) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.message.invoke.InvokeInstanceMessageHandler.handle(InvokeInstanceMessageHandler.java:35) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.DispatchHelper.handleMessage(DispatchHelper.java:140) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.BaseDispatchTask.process(BaseDispatchTask.java:88) at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.BaseDispatchTask.run(BaseDispatchTask.java:64) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619) Caused by: weblogic.transaction.TimedOutException: Transaction timed out after 299 seconds BEA1-0672B035E0F02A163299 at weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource.enlist(DataSource.java:1614) ... 100 more

    There is another way but I think it's more complicated.
    After reading the file you can use a java code (java embedded activity) and split the file.
    For each part of the split you can PUT by FTP the file with append mode. That way your transaction will run in few cycles with less time.

  • Weblogic 7 SP5 SQL Exceptions follow a JTA transaction timeout

    I have a problem in Weblogic 7 SP5 that was not happening in SP2. I'm using the
    Weblogic jDriver (weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.Driver)
    I have a transaction that times out due to JTA transaction timeout, and then gets
    marked for rollback. For several minutes after the timeout, I get many SQL Exceptions
    with bogus messages like "invalid column name" when the column name is, in fact,
    Then the weblogic log file shows "Exception during rollback of transaction" (javax.transaction.SystemException:
    Heuristic hazard). Next, the connection is tested on reserve, this test fails,
    and the connection is refreshed. As soon as the connection is refreshed, I stop
    getting SQL exceptions and everything starts working correctly again.
    It seems like the transaction timeout is making the connection go bad, and somehow
    other requests are using this bad connection before the transaction finishes rolling
    back. What could the problem be? Some excerpts from my app log and weblogic log
    are below.
    com.workpoint.server.ejb.WorkPointEJBException: The transaction is no longer active
    - status: 'Marked rollback. [Reason=weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException:
    Transaction timed out after 901 seconds
    Name=[EJB com.storeperform.taskmgr.ejb.procrelease.ProcReleaseBean.distributeToOrgUnit(com.storeperform.taskmgr.values.DistributionUnit)],Xid=17109:68c10765ba68aaaa(12114044),Status=Active,numRepliesOwedMe=0,numRepliesOwedOthers=0,seconds
    since begin=901,seconds left=60,activeThread=Thread[WorkQueueThread[q=1, qName=ProcReleaseTaskWorkers,
    id=6],5,WorkQueueGroup[id=1, name=ProcReleaseTaskWorkers]],ServerResourceInfo[weblogic.jdbc.jts.Connection]=(state=ended,assigned=none,xar=weblogic.jdbc.jts.Connection@18cd616,re-Registered
    = false),SCInfo[DomainManager+edwards-s1]=(state=active),properties=({weblogic.transaction.name=[EJB
    No further JDBC access is allowed within this transaction.SQL Command = INSERT
    weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.TdsException: Invalid column name 'user_fname'.
    [from weblogic log]
    ####<Jun 17, 2004 8:14:16 AM MDT> <Error> <EJB> <EDWARDS> <edwards-s1> <WorkQueueThread[q=1,
    qName=ProcReleaseTaskWorkers, id=7]> <kernel identity> <> <010025> <Exception
    during rollback of transaction Name=[EJB com.storeperform.taskmgr.ejb.procrelease.ProcReleaseBean.distributeToOrgUnit(com.storeperform.taskmgr.values.DistributionUnit)],Xid=17439:68c10765ba68aaaa(31878774),Status=Rolled
    back. [Reason=weblogic.transaction.internal.AppSetRollbackOnlyException],HeuristicErrorCode=XA_HEURHAZ,numRepliesOwedMe=0,numRepliesOwedOthers=0,seconds
    since begin=3,seconds left=57,ServerResourceInfo[weblogic.jdbc.jts.Connection]=(state=rolledback,assigned=edwards-s1,xar=weblogic.jdbc.jts.Connection@15e1b7e,re-Registered
    = false),SCInfo[DomainManager+edwards-s1]=(state=rolledback),properties=({weblogic.transaction.name=[EJB
    Resources={})],CoordinatorURL=edwards-s1+ javax.transaction.SystemException:
    Heuristic hazard: (weblogic.jdbc.jts.Connection, HeuristicHazard, (javax.transaction.xa.XAException:
    I/O exception while talking to the server, java.io.EOFException))
    ####<Jun 17, 2004 8:14:17 AM MDT> <Warning> <JDBC> <EDWARDS> <edwards-s1> <ExecuteThread:
    '8' for queue: 'default'> <kernel identity> <> <001094> <A connection from pool
    "sp_connection_pool" was tested during reserve with the SQL "select 1" and failed:
    weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.TdsException: I/O exception while talking to the server,
    ...[stack trace omitted]...
    This connection will now be refreshed.>

    Brad Swanson wrote:
    According to BEA's documentation, the jDriver is deprecated (no longer supported)
    in WLS 7 SP5. Not sure when they stopped supporting it, but sometime after SP2,
    apparently. Our solution, unfortunately, was to stay with SP2. Using the newer,
    supported JDBC driver would presumably fix the problem, but we didn't have time
    to do a full regression test with a different driver.Hi, no. The jDriver is deprecated, not unsupported. For WLS releases that contain
    the jDriver it will be supported for as long as we support the WLS release!
    Deprecation just means that we may choose to not supply that driver in any future
    release, and will not support it in that or any subsequent release.
    Practically, much depends on which jDriver you're using. In decreasing order
    of practical support we have: The weblogic.jdbc.oci.Driver to Oracle: We do actively
    continue to fix bugs in it. The weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.Driver: Very unlikely that
    we will fix any new problem with it. The weblogic.jdbc.ifmx.Driver: Even less
    likely that we will do anything with it...
    I hope that makes it better for you.

  • Need help in  Receiving Transaction Processor  concurrent in Oracle Apps

    Hi every one,
    Please give me idea about Receiving Transaction Processor concurrent in oracle application.
    I am inserting values in following table like:
    for getting DELIVER/ RECEIVE in a single submit..
    but the problem is RECEIVE will happening as GOOD. but DELIVER process not happening... please help me...
    i am using following QUERIES to insert,
         -- PACKING_SLIP,
         --     INVOICE_NUM,
         --     PAYMENT_TERMS_ID,
         --     COMMENTS,
         --     ATTRIBUTE1,
         --     ATTRIBUTE3,
         --     ATTRIBUTE10,
         --     ATTRIBUTE12,
         l_headers_interface,                               -- INTERFACE_TRANSACTION_ID
         rcv_interface_groups_s.nextval, GROUP_ID  - rcv_interface_groups_s.nextval,
         'PENDING',                                                        --PROCESSING_STATUS_CODE
    'INTERNAL ORDER',                                    --RECEIPT_SOURCE_CODE
         'NEW',                                                                  --TRANSACTION_TYPE
    'DELIVER',                                                        --AUTO_TRANSACT_CODE
         SYSDATE,                                                             --LAST_UPDATE_DATE
         l_user_id,                                                        --LAST_UPDATED_BY
         l_login_id,                                                   --LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
         SYSDATE,                                                             --CREATION_DATE
         l_user_id,                                                        --CREATED_BY
         d.SHIPMENT_NUM,                                         --SHIPMENT_NUM
         d.TO_ORGANIZATION_ID,                          --TO_ORGANIZATION_ID
         SYSDATE+1,                                                        --EXPECTED_RECEIPT_DATE,
         SYSDATE,                                                             --SHIPPED_DATE
         d.employee_id,                                              --EMPLOYEE_ID
         'Y'                                                                           --VALIDATION_FLAG
         --     COMMENTS,
         --     OE_ORDER_HEADER_ID,
         --     OE_ORDER_LINE_ID,
         --     ATTRIBUTE1,
    --          ATTRIBUTE3,
         --     ATTRIBUTE10,
         --     ATTRIBUTE12,
              (l_trans_id,                                                   -- INTERFACE_TRANSACTION_ID
         rcv_interface_groups_s.currval, --GROUP_ID   rcv_interface_groups_s.curval
              SYSDATE,                                                             --LAST_UPDATE_DATE
              l_user_id,                                                        --LAST_UPDATED_BY
              SYSDATE,                                                             --CREATION_DATE
              l_user_id,                                                        --CREATED_BY
              l_login_id,                                                   --LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
         'RECEIVE',                                                        --TRANSACTION_TYPE
              SYSDATE,                                                             --TRANSACTION_DATE
              'PENDING',                                                       --PROCESSING_STATUS_CODE
         'BATCH',                                                             --PROCESSING_MODE_CODE
              'PENDING',                                                        --TRANSACTION_STATUS_CODE
              d.QTY,                                                                  --QUANTITY
              d.UNIT_OF_MEASURE,                                   --'Metric Ton', --UNIT_OF_MEASURE
              'ORDER ENTRY',--'RCV',                                                                 --INTERFACE_SOURCE_CODE
              d.item_id ,                                                   --ITEM_ID
              d.employee_id,                                              --EMPLOYEE_ID
              'DELIVER',                                                        --AUTO_TRANSACT_CODE
         d.shipment_header_id,                          --SHIPMENT_HEADER_ID
              d.SHIPMENT_LINE_ID,                               --SHIPMENT_LINE_ID
              d.SHIP_TO_LOCATION_ID,                          --SHIP_TO_LOCATION_ID
              'INTERNAL ORDER',                                    --RECEIPT_SOURCE_CODE
              d.TO_ORGANIZATION_ID,                     --TO_ORGANIZATION_ID
              'REQ',                                                             --SOURCE_DOCUMENT_CODE
              d.REQUISITION_LINE_ID,                     --REQUISITION_LINE_ID
              d.REQ_DISTRIBUTION_ID,                     --REQ_DISTRIBUTION_ID
              'INVENTORY',                                              --DESTINATION_TYPE_CODE
              d.DELIVER_TO_PERSON_ID,                --DELIVER_TO_PERSON_ID
    d.location_id,                                         --LOCATION_ID
              d.SUBINVENTORY,                                    --SUBINVENTORY
              d.SHIPMENT_NUM,                                    --SHIPMENT_NUM
         SYSDATE+1,                                                   --EXPECTED_RECEIPT_DATE,
         --     'FULLY RECEIVED',                              --SHIPMENT_LINE_STATUS_CODE
              SYSDATE,                                                        --SHIPPED_DATE
              l_headers_interface,                          --HEADER_INTERFACE_ID
              'Y'                                                                  --VALIDATION_FLAG
                                                 SYSDATE,                                                             --LAST_UPDATE_DATE
                                                 l_user_id,                                                        --LAST_UPDATED_BY
                                                 SYSDATE,                                                             --CREATION_DATE
    PRODUCT_TRANSACTION_ID) --link to rcv_transactions_interface
    l_user_id, --LAST_UPDATED_BY
    l_user_id, --CREATED_BY

    Hi helios,
    Thanks for your Immediate response.
    My Problem is When i submitting concurrent. It Updating as FULLY RECEIVED status the RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS, and RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES tables.
    But It not put one Entry as DELIVERED in RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES table ,so that not updating INVONTRY TABLES.
    Please share me some ideas...
    Edited by: user9031196 on Jul 8, 2011 1:46 AM

  • Getting error 'root transaction wanted to commit, but transaction aborted'

    We have a module in our project, which reads data from XML file and merges the data into the database. This merging at one end happens to a SQL Server 2005/SQL Server 2000 datbase. At the other end it happens to a Oracle database. We have a portal application developed in ASP.NET from where, we merge the data.
    When the data to be merged is very huge, we get this message. 'The root transaction wanted to commit, but transaction aborted'. Right now we are getting this message, when we try to merge data on to a oracle database.
    But this problem is very intermittent. It happens only when there is huge amount of data to be inserted to one table.
    As i have mentioned in my post, we use Windows server 2003 operation system with service pack 2. This error does not come when we do the same operation with service pack 1.
    So is it OS dependent?

    Please find the details of the log file.
    at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleErrorHelper(Int32 errCode, OracleConnection conn, IntPtr opsErrCtx, OpoSqlValCtx* pOpoSqlValCtx, Object src, String procedure)
    at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
    at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
    at CoreServices.DAL.DataManager.ExecuteNonQueryProc(DBConnection foConn, String fProcName, DOList foParamDOList)
    *** ORA-02291: integrity constraint (ADVTVS.FK_JCARD_JCARD_LAB) violated - parent key not found
    ORA-06512: at "ADVTVS.PKG_SYNC_MERGE_TRNS_SERVICE", line 318
    ORA-06512: at line 1 ---
    Server stack trace:
    at CoreServices.Pipeline.TransactionPipeline.Process(IPipelineable& foPipeLineDataObject, PipelineOperation fiPipelineOprn)
    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Message.Dispatch(Object target, Boolean fExecuteInContext)
    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext)
    Exception rethrown at [0]:
    at DataSync.MergeData.MergeDataManager.Merge(Int32 fiDealerId)
    at Client.DataSync.cmdMerge_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
    at System.EnterpriseServices.Thunk.Callback.DoCallback(Object otp, IMessage msg, IntPtr ctx, Boolean fIsAutoDone, MemberInfo mb, Boolean bHasGit)
    at System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponentProxy.CrossCtxInvoke(IMessage reqMsg)
    at System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponentProxy.Invoke(IMessage request)
    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
    at CoreServices.Pipeline.TransactionPipeline.Process(IPipelineable& foPipeLineDataObject, PipelineOperation fiPipelineOprn)
    at DataSync.MergeData.MergeDataManager.Merge(Int32 fiDealerId) at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
    at System.EnterpriseServices.Thunk.Callback.DoCallback(Object otp, IMessage msg, IntPtr ctx, Boolean fIsAutoDone, MemberInfo mb, Boolean bHasGit)
    at System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponentProxy.CrossCtxInvoke(IMessage reqMsg)
    at System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponentProxy.Invoke(IMessage request)
    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
    at CoreServices.Pipeline.TransactionPipeline.Process(IPipelineable& foPipeLineDataObject, PipelineOperation fiPipelineOprn)
    at DataSync.MergeData.MergeDataManager.Merge(Int32 fiDealerId)
    *** The root transaction wanted to commit, but transaction aborted ---
    The ORA codes are ORA-02291 and ORA-06512.
    We are not getting any of these errors, when we merge same data from Windows 2003 server SP1. But if we execute it from SP2, we are getting this error.
    Are there any hotfixes provided by MS to fix this problem.

  • Root transaction wanted to commit, but transaction aborted

    Our client is getting error when trying to do bulk insert into one of the tables. Oracle version is 10g. The error says Root transaction wanted to commit, but transaction aborted. Client is using Windows server 2003 service pack 2.
    This error is not appearing when the application is accessed from Windows server 2003 service pack 1. All other application settings are similar.
    We have a module in our project, which reads data from XML file and merges the data into the database. We have a portal application developed in ASP.NET from where, we merge the data into oracle database.
    When the data to be merged is very huge, we get this message. 'The root transaction wanted to commit, but transaction aborted'.
    But this problem is very intermittent. It happens only when there is huge amount of data to be inserted to one table.
    As i have mentioned in my post, we use Windows server 2003 operation system with service pack 2. This error does not come when we do the same operation with service pack 1.
    So is it OS dependent?
    Edited by: user8662578 on Jul 29, 2009 8:34 PM

    Our client is getting error when trying to do bulk insert into one of the tables. Oracle version is 10g. The error says Root transaction wanted to commit, but transaction aborted. Client is using Windows server 2003 service pack 2.
    This error is not appearing when the application is accessed from Windows server 2003 service pack 1. All other application settings are similar.
    We have a module in our project, which reads data from XML file and merges the data into the database. We have a portal application developed in ASP.NET from where, we merge the data into oracle database.
    When the data to be merged is very huge, we get this message. 'The root transaction wanted to commit, but transaction aborted'.
    But this problem is very intermittent. It happens only when there is huge amount of data to be inserted to one table.
    As i have mentioned in my post, we use Windows server 2003 operation system with service pack 2. This error does not come when we do the same operation with service pack 1.
    So is it OS dependent?
    Edited by: user8662578 on Jul 29, 2009 8:34 PM

  • Set Transaction timeout in Jdeveloper

    I am using Jdeveloper with JPA2.0. Is there an option where i can set the JTA Timeout for the integrated WLS server.
    I know how to do it using the Web Console, however Id like to be able to do it either from a Jdeveloper setting or maybe a configuration file.
    Any help is much appreciated.

    what is Transaction timeout in ATGTransaction timeout is related to application server. For more detail see below urls:
    Edited by: RMishra on Mar 14, 2013 5:53 PM
    Edited by: RMishra on Mar 14, 2013 6:10 PM

  • Transaction timeout in BPEL for webservice invocation

    [ERROR] [] [oracle.soa.bpel.engine.dispatch] [tid: orabpel.invoke.pool-4.thread-3] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: e8538d226bae7c2a:1914e8c0:148c67a5f26:-8000-00000000000031a2,1:27459] [APP: soa-infra] failed to handle message[[
    weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException: Transaction timed out after 299 seconds
                    at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerTransactionImpl.wakeUp(ServerTransactionImpl.java:1788)
                    at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerTransactionManagerImpl.processTimedOutTransactions(ServerTransactionManagerImpl.java:1676)
                    at weblogic.transaction.internal.TransactionManagerImpl.wakeUp(TransactionManagerImpl.java:1988)
                    at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerTransactionManagerImpl.wakeUp(ServerTransactionManagerImpl.java:1586)
                    at weblogic.transaction.internal.WLSTimer.timerExpired(WLSTimer.java:35)
                    at weblogic.timers.internal.TimerImpl.run(TimerImpl.java:273)
                    at weblogic.work.SelfTuningWorkManagerImpl$WorkAdapterImpl.run(SelfTuningWorkManagerImpl.java:545)
                    at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:256)
                    at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:221)
    Message handle error.
    error while attempting to process the message "com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.message.invoke.InvokeInstanceMessage"; the reported exception is: Transaction Rolledback.: weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException: Transaction timed out after 299 seconds
    This is happening when invoking a webservices from BPEL and if it takes more than 5 minutes we are getting above Error
    we have tried out SyncMaxWaitTime Property in BPEL configurations through SOA administration menu of EM. Also tried by increasing JTA timeout seconds in Service--JTA @ weblogic console.
    Any suggestion or pointers..

    Could help set the following...
    The timeouts should be configured based on the below condition
    SyncMaxWaitTime < BPEL EJB's transaction timeout < Global Transaction Timeout
    The values could be: SyncMaxWaitTime (3600) ; BPEL EJB's transaction timeout (3600); Global Transaction Timeout JTA (7200)
    Setting the SyncMaxWaitTime :
    This is the maximum time a synchronous BPEL process waits before it times out to get the response from another BPEL or a web service
    Login to EM console
    Expand SOA and right click on "soa-infra"
    From context menu, select SOA Administration –> BPEL properties
    Click on "More BPEL Configuration properties"
    Enter the appropriate value for the SyncMaxWaitTime
    Setting the global transaction timeout at Weblogic Domain Level:
    This property controls the transaction timeout seconds for active transactions. If the transaction is still in the "active" state after this time, it is automatically rolled back. 
    Log into Oracle Weblogic Administration Console.
    Click Services -> JTA.
    Change the value of Timeout Seconds to the required value (the default is 30)
    Click Save.
    Restart Oracle Weblogic Server.
    Overriding the transaction timeout setting for BPEL EJB's:
    The timeout properties for the EJB's control the particular timeout setting for the SOA application, overriding the global setting specified by the JTA timeout 
    Log into Oracle Weblogic Administration Console.
    Click Deployments.
    Expand soa-infra -> EJBs.
    Click on the configuration tab for the timeout setting for each of EJB’s listed below and the change the time out values as required.
    Following EJBs need to be updated:
    Click Save.
    Restart Oracle Weblogic Server.
    I hope you find it useful!

  • Wls 10.3 weblogic-webservices.xml transaction-timeout attribute not working

    Hi, need some urgent need.
    I have a stateless ejb webservice and I'm trying to set the transaction timeout for some of the methods. Right now my webservice transaction is timing out to the default of 30 secs. I've tried setting in the admin console the JTA transaction timeout option, didn't work (file a case with bea support #81233). And after days of researching and searching I came across that you can setup the weblogic webservice transaction-timeout thru the weblogic-webservices.xml deployment descriptor. Tried setting the transaction-timeout attribute to 120 secs. and that didn't work. Here is the snippet of the xml file.
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <weblogic-webservices xmlns="http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/weblogic-webservices" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/weblogic-webservices http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/weblogic-webservices/1.0/weblogic-webservices.xsd">
    Does anybody have any clue to solve my urgent need.
    Thanks in advance for your help or suggestion.

    Unhandled exception
    Type=Segmentation error vmState=0x00040000
    J9Generic_Signal_Number=00000004 Signal_Number=0000000b Error_Value=00000000 Signal_Code=00000033
    Handler1=F144C588 Handler2=F1446A9C
    Target=2_40_20091214_049398 (AIX 5.3)
    CPU=ppc (4 logical CPUs) (0x600000000 RAM)
    ----------- Stack Backtrace -----------
    (0xD696E748 [libj9vm24.so+0x48748])
    (0xD8383EDC [libjclscar_24.so+0x10edc])
    (0xD8384514 [libjclscar_24.so+0x11514])
    (0xD6967718 [libj9vm24.so+0x41718])
    (0xD6967158 [libj9vm24.so+0x41158])
    (0xD69640D0 [libj9vm24.so+0x3e0d0])
    (0xD6932C9C [libj9vm24.so+0xcc9c])
    (0xD69BBA18 [libj9prt24.so+0x3a18])
    (0xD6932BB8 [libj9vm24.so+0xcbb8])
    (0xD69A77CC [libj9thr24.so+0x27cc])
    pthreadbody+0x118 (0xD010D784 [libpthreads.a+0x3784])

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