Wls 10.3 weblogic-webservices.xml transaction-timeout attribute not working

Hi, need some urgent need.
I have a stateless ejb webservice and I'm trying to set the transaction timeout for some of the methods. Right now my webservice transaction is timing out to the default of 30 secs. I've tried setting in the admin console the JTA transaction timeout option, didn't work (file a case with bea support #81233). And after days of researching and searching I came across that you can setup the weblogic webservice transaction-timeout thru the weblogic-webservices.xml deployment descriptor. Tried setting the transaction-timeout attribute to 120 secs. and that didn't work. Here is the snippet of the xml file.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<weblogic-webservices xmlns="http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/weblogic-webservices" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/weblogic-webservices http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/weblogic-webservices/1.0/weblogic-webservices.xsd">
Does anybody have any clue to solve my urgent need.
Thanks in advance for your help or suggestion.

Unhandled exception
Type=Segmentation error vmState=0x00040000
J9Generic_Signal_Number=00000004 Signal_Number=0000000b Error_Value=00000000 Signal_Code=00000033
Handler1=F144C588 Handler2=F1446A9C
Target=2_40_20091214_049398 (AIX 5.3)
CPU=ppc (4 logical CPUs) (0x600000000 RAM)
----------- Stack Backtrace -----------
(0xD696E748 [libj9vm24.so+0x48748])
(0xD8383EDC [libjclscar_24.so+0x10edc])
(0xD8384514 [libjclscar_24.so+0x11514])
(0xD6967718 [libj9vm24.so+0x41718])
(0xD6967158 [libj9vm24.so+0x41158])
(0xD69640D0 [libj9vm24.so+0x3e0d0])
(0xD6932C9C [libj9vm24.so+0xcc9c])
(0xD69BBA18 [libj9prt24.so+0x3a18])
(0xD6932BB8 [libj9vm24.so+0xcbb8])
(0xD69A77CC [libj9thr24.so+0x27cc])
pthreadbody+0x118 (0xD010D784 [libpthreads.a+0x3784])

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    for(a lot)
    call MethodB;
    @Transaction Type = RequiresNew
    EntityManager Persist to database
    I want the code in MethodB to be committed to the database when methodB returns. The problem is that I am running out of memory and MethodA is failing. When methodA fails after numerous calls to MethodB nothing is persisted to the database.
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    How am I misunderstanding the requiresNew transaction attribute. What can I do to make a batch insert into my database that will not run out of memory (commit when a methodB returns)?
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    The problem is that EJB invocation semantics for security, container-managed transactions, etc.
    only apply when an invocation is made through an EJB reference. In your case, you are directly
    invoking the implementation method from within the bean. The EJB container has no idea that's
    happening. It's no different than invoking a utility method.
    In order to get the behavior you'd like, you need to retrieve a reference to your own bean and invoke
    through that. You can use SessionContext.getBusinessObject() to get the EJB reference for the
    business interface through which the method in question is exposed.

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    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.oracle.com/weblogic/weblogic-webservices http://xmlns.oracle.com/weblogic/weblogic-webservices/1.1/weblogic-webservices.xsd http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd">
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    Error VALIDATION PROBLEMS WERE FOUND problem: cvc-complex-type.2.4a: Expected elements 'auth-method@http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee realm-name@http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee form-login-config@http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee' instead of 'auth-method@http://xmlns.oracle.com/weblogic/weblogic-webservices' here in element login-config@http://xmlns.oracle.com/weblogic/weblogic-webservices:<null> problem: cvc-complex-type.2.4a: Expected elements 'auth-method@http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee realm-name@http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee form-login-config@http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee' instead of 'realm-name@http://xmlns.oracle.com/weblogic/weblogic-webservices' here in element login-config@http://xmlns.oracle.com/weblogic/weblogic-webservices:<null>
    If I remove the namespace indicator 'j2ee' it complains about the same. So it would seem that weblogic ignores the 'j2ee' resulting indeed in a invalid xml.
    Can someone please help me to a weblogic-webservices.xml (example with login-config) that was accepted by weblogic?
    Thanks a lot,

    Please try the following: ( Looks like you are mixing the Tag contents of web.xml  as well as weblogic-webservice.xml   together.... )
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <weblogic-webservices xmlns="http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/weblogic-webservices" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/weblogic-webservices http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/weblogic-webservices/1.0/weblogic-webservices.xsd">
    </weblogic-webservices>And Now provide the <login-config> information separately inside *"web.xml"* file
    Jay SenSharma

  • read-timeout-seconds not working

    (WL 5.1, SP 11)
    Hi all,
    I'm playing around with Read-Only entity beans, and I get a problem
    with the read-timeout-seconds property. I've set my
    weblogic-ejb-jar.xml like this:
    The first call to the EJB caches the database record, and subsequent
    calls use the cache. My problem: Even if I delete the database record
    directly (I know, I shouldn't do that... but like I said, I'm playing
    around here... ;)) and wait for more than 60 seconds, the next call to
    the bean still returns the same cached entry.
    I tried with <idle-timeout-seconds> set to 60, and it doesn't work
    I've seen in previous messages that this problem (or similar) was
    fixed in SP4, but I use SP11, so it shouldn't be the problem.
    Thanks for your help!

         Have you invoked any Services before calling the Business Service.
    If Yes, then the problem with the Invoked service.In this scenario even if you set the time out period it will not work..
    If No, your request payload is high

  • XML create script is not working in Photoshop.

    Hi All
    Below i have mentioned script is not working. Kindly check and advice. Please do this needful
    #target photoshop;
    var createDefaultXML, createPresetChild, defaultXML, initDDL, presetFile, presetNamesArray, readXML, resPath, win, windowResource, writeXML, xmlData,
      __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
    windowResource = "dialog {  \
        orientation: 'column', \
        alignChildren: ['fill', 'top'],  \
        size:[410, 210], \
        text: 'DropDownList Demo - www.davidebarranca.com',  \
        margins:15, \
        controlsPanel: Panel { \
            orientation: 'column', \
            alignChildren:'right', \
            margins:15, \
            text: 'Controls', \
            controlsGroup: Group {  \
                orientation: 'row', \
                alignChildren:'center', \
                st: StaticText { text: 'Amount:' }, \
                mySlider: Slider { minvalue:0, maxvalue:500, value:300, size:[220,20] }, \
                myText: EditText { text:'300', characters:5, justify:'left'} \
        presetsPanel: Panel { \
            orientation: 'row', \
            alignChildren: 'center', \
            text: 'Presets', \
            margins: 14, \
            presetList: DropDownList {preferredSize: [163,20] }, \
            saveNewPreset: Button { text: 'New', preferredSize: [44,24]}, \
            deletePreset: Button { text: 'Remove', preferredSize: [60,24]}, \
            resetPresets: Button { text: 'Reset', preferredSize: [50,24]} \
        buttonsGroup: Group{\
            alignChildren: 'bottom',\
            cancelButton: Button { text: 'Cancel', properties:{name:'cancel'},size: [60,24], alignment:['right', 'center'] }, \
            applyButton: Button { text: 'Apply', properties:{name:'apply'}, size: [100,24], alignment:['right', 'center'] }, \
    win = new Window(windowResource);
    xmlData = null;
    presetNamesArray = [];
    resPath = File($.fileName).parent;
    presetFile = new File("" + resPath + "/presets.xml");
    defaultXML = <presets>
            <preset default="true">
            <preset default="true">
                <name>Default value</name>
            <preset default="true">
                <name>Low value</name>
            <preset default="true">
                <name>High value</name>
    writeXML = function(xml, file) {
      if (file == null) {
        file = presetFile;
      try {
      } catch (e) {
        alert("" + e.message + "\nThere are problems writing the XML file!");
      return true;
    readXML = function(file) {
      var content;
      if (file == null) {
        file = presetFile;
      try {
        content = file.read();
        return new XML(content);
      } catch (e) {
        alert("" + e.message + "\nThere are problems reading the XML file!");
      return true;
    createDefaultXML = function() {
      if (!presetFile.exists) {
        void 0;
      } else {
      return true;
    createPresetChild = function(name, value) {
      var child;
      return child = <preset default="false">
    initDDL = function() {
      var i, nameListLength;
      if (!presetFile.exists) {
      xmlData = readXML();
      if (win.presetsPanel.presetList.items.length !== 0) {
      nameListLength = xmlData.preset.name.length();
      presetNamesArray.length = 0;
      i = 0;
      while (i < nameListLength) {
        win.presetsPanel.presetList.add("item", xmlData.preset.name[i]);
      win.presetsPanel.presetList.selection = win.presetsPanel.presetList.items[0];
      return true;
    win.controlsPanel.controlsGroup.myText.onChange = function() {
      return this.parent.mySlider.value = Number(this.text);
    win.controlsPanel.controlsGroup.mySlider.onChange = function() {
      return this.parent.myText.text = Math.ceil(this.value);
    win.presetsPanel.presetList.onChange = function() {
      if (this.selection !== null && this.selection.index !== 0) {
        win.controlsPanel.controlsGroup.myText.text = xmlData.preset[this.selection.index].value;
        win.controlsPanel.controlsGroup.mySlider.value = Number(xmlData.preset[this.selection.index].value);
      return true;
    win.presetsPanel.resetPresets.onClick = function() {
      if (confirm("Warning\nAre you sure you want to reset the Preset list?", true)) {
        return initDDL();
    win.presetsPanel.saveNewPreset.onClick = function() {
      var child, presetName;
      presetName = prompt("Give your preset a name!\nYou'll find it in the preset list.", "User Preset", "Save new Preset");
      if (presetName == null) {
      if (__indexOf.call(presetNamesArray, presetName) >= 0) {
        alert("Duplicate name!\nPlease find another one.");
      child = createPresetChild(presetName, win.controlsPanel.controlsGroup.myText.text);
      return win.presetsPanel.presetList.selection = win.presetsPanel.presetList.items[win.presetsPanel.presetList.items.length - 1];
    win.presetsPanel.deletePreset.onClick = function() {
      if (xmlData.preset[win.presetsPanel.presetList.selection.index][email protected]() === "true") {
        alert("Can't delete \"" + xmlData.preset[win.presetsPanel.presetList.selection.index].name + "\"\nIt's part of the default set of Presets");
      if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete \"" + xmlData.preset[win.presetsPanel.presetList.selection.index].name + "\" preset?\nYou can't undo this.")) {
        delete xmlData.preset[win.presetsPanel.presetList.selection.index];
      return initDDL();

    You should use the scripting forum. I only hack at Photoshop scripting when I need to.  What I put together is usually made from code I find on the web and modify to do what I want to do. When it come down to it I really don't know javascript.  Your javascript knowledge is way beyond mine.  To tell the truth I don'e even understand the syntax of you first statment after target Photoshop.
    I have a programming background but most of mine was was in design, debugging, and developing programming development tools.  I retired back in 2002.   I never got into Object orientated programming though it was in full swing as was C programming along with java.  Microsoft had given up on its object orientate desktop OS2 system sidetracking IBM with it.
    I did not look closely at your code.  That something you should do. You know more then I do.....
    In the scripting forum you will get better help then I can give you.   Many of the better scriptwriter seem to have left there becase of  frustration with Adobe support. However there are some that still visit there regularly.
    You may want to look into Xtools there open source and the author still visits the forum from time to time. I have use some of his scripts but have never gotten into his library I'm retired I only play a little to keep some brain function. ps-scripts - Browse /xtools at SourceForge.net

  • Read Timeout is not working with business service in OSB 11.6

    HI All,
    We have set below configuration in "Http Transport Configuration" of a business service.
    Read Timeout- 8
    Connection Timeout  - 8
    Authentication  - None
    Proxy Serve
    Follow HTTP redirects - Disable
    Use Chunked Streaming Mode - Enable
    Even though backend is taking more than the configured value in Read Timeout but timeout is not happening in OSB, Connection time out also not worked, when we tested with wrong backend URL.
    Any help for this configuration would appreciated.

         Have you invoked any Services before calling the Business Service.
    If Yes, then the problem with the Invoked service.In this scenario even if you set the time out period it will not work..
    If No, your request payload is high

  • CALL Transaction in background not working pls help URGENT

    hi i have writtin a bdc program which uses CALL TRSANCTION everything is working in foreground.
    if i schedule the program in background the call transaction does not work. any idea why?????????
    pls help its urgent

    have you checked in the debug mode, if you have checked in the debug mode check wheather it is giving any error before data is displaying in the screen, if any error is displaying as a message than check that error why it is coming there.
    If no error is coming than check your flow of the bdc screen in the debug mode , there must be some prob, so that it is not working in the background.

  • Flash xml slideshow in iWeb not working

    I am really struggling to get a Flash xml slideshow to work.  I have used Flash Slideshow Maker app, which creates a slide.xml, .swf and .html file and everything is published in one folder "slideshow" on a local disk.
    I am using the following code and it works perfectly when viewed in iWeb:
    <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0, 40,0"
    WIDTH="920" HEIGHT="400" id="Phambili">
    <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="/Users/elsjevanzyl/Documents/Websites/Published Websites/Phambili/Slideshow/Phambili.swf?xml_path=slides.xml">
    <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
    <PARAM NAME="wmode" value="transparent">
    <PARAM NAME=base VALUE=".">
    <EMBED src="/Users/elsjevanzyl/Documents/Websites/Published Websites/Phambili/Slideshow/Phambili.swf?xml_path=slides.xml" quality=high  wmode="transparent" WIDTH="920" HEIGHT="400"
    NAME="Phambili" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"
    PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" base=".">
    But as soon as I publish it to FTP with following code, it displays the slideshow but NOT the photos or thumbs:
    <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0, 40,0"
    WIDTH="920" HEIGHT="400" id="Phambili">
    <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="http://harmonieproteas.co.za/Slideshow/Phambili.swf?xml_path=slides.xml">
    <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
    <PARAM NAME="wmode" value="transparent">
    <PARAM NAME=base VALUE=".">
    <EMBED src="http://harmonieproteas.co.za/Slideshow/Phambili.swf?xml_path=slides.xml" quality=high  wmode="transparent" WIDTH="920" HEIGHT="400"
    NAME="Phambili" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"
    PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" base=".">
    I have also tried iFrame code, but this is not working at all.
    Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong when publishing the above code to FTP?
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Flash isn't my thing but, it appears that you are missing the images:
    <flash_parameters copyright="socusoftFSMTheme">
    <basic_property movieWidth="920" movieHeight="400" decoration="" html_title="Title" loadStyle="Pie" startAutoPlay="true" continuum="true" backgroundColor="0x00000000" hideAdobeMenu="true" photoDynamicShow="true" enableURL="true"transitionArray="" socusoftMenu="false"/> 
    <title_property showTitle="true" photoTitleColor="0x00000000" backgroundColor="0x00c0c0c0" alpha="30" autoHide="true"/>
    <music_property path="" stream="true" loop="true"/>
    <photo_property topPadding="2" bottomPadding="64" leftPadding="2" rightPadding="2"/>
    <properties enable="true" backgroundColor="0x00c0c0c0" backgroundAlpha="30" cssText="a:link{text-decoration: underline;} a:hover{color:#ff0000; text-decoration: none;} a:active{color:#0000ff;text-decoration: none;} .blue {color:#0000ff; font-size:15px; font-style:italic; text-decoration: underline;} .body{color:#ff5500;font-size:20px;}" align="top"/>
    <basic_property width="40" height="40" thumBackColor="0x002c2c2c" borderColor="0x002c2c2c" thumborder="2" thumSpacing="4" shapeAlpha="60" buttonColor="0x00000000" currentbuttonColor="0x00ffffff"/> 
    <slide jpegURL="thumbs/mozzie tour 2.jpg" d_URL="slides/mozzie tour 2.jpg" transition="0" panzoom="1" URLTarget="0" phototime="2" url="" title="Mozzie Tour 2" width="916" height="334"/> 
    <slide jpegURL="thumbs/mozzie10.jpg" d_URL="slides/mozzie10.jpg" transition="0" panzoom="1" URLTarget="0" phototime="2" url="" title="Mozzie10" width="916" height="334"/>
    <slide jpegURL="thumbs/snow on hogsback.jpg" d_URL="slides/snow on hogsback.jpg" transition="0" panzoom="1" URLTarget="0" phototime="2" url="" title="Snow on Hogsback" width="916" height="334"/>
    <slide jpegURL="thumbs/tea time@santa maria.jpg" d_URL="slides/tea time@santa maria.jpg" transition="0" panzoom="1" URLTarget="0" phototime="2" url="" title="Tea Time@Santa Maria" width="916" height="334"/>
    <slide jpegURL="thumbs/western cape tour knersvlakte.jpg" d_URL="slides/western cape tour knersvlakte.jpg" transition="0" panzoom="1" URLTarget="0" phototime="2" url="" title="Western Cape Tour Knersvlakte" width="916" height="334"/>
    <slide jpegURL="thumbs/western cape tour[2].jpg" d_URL="slides/western cape tour[2].jpg" transition="0" panzoom="1" URLTarget="0" phototime="2" url="" title="Western Cape Tour[2]" width="916" height="334"/>
    <slide jpegURL="thumbs/bush camp in botswana[2].jpg" d_URL="slides/bush camp in botswana[2].jpg" transition="0" panzoom="1" URLTarget="0" phototime="2" url="" title="Bush Camp in Botswana[2]" width="916" height="334"/>
    <slide jpegURL="thumbs/eastern cape tour 2.jpg" d_URL="slides/eastern cape tour 2.jpg" transition="0" panzoom="1" URLTarget="0" phototime="2" url="" title="Eastern Cape tour 2" width="916" height="334"/>
    <slide jpegURL="thumbs/hogsback 2.jpg" d_URL="slides/hogsback 2.jpg" transition="0" panzoom="1" URLTarget="0" phototime="2" url="" title="Hogsback 2" width="916" height="334"/>
    <slide jpegURL="thumbs/mozzie tour.jpg" d_URL="slides/mozzie tour.jpg" transition="0" panzoom="1" URLTarget="0" phototime="2" url="" title="Mozzie Tour" width="916" height="334"/>
    <slide jpegURL="thumbs/western cape tour.jpg" d_URL="slides/western cape tour.jpg" transition="0" panzoom="1" URLTarget="0" phototime="2" url="" title="Western Cape Tour" width="916" height="334"/>

  • Two transaction variant do not working for a user

    Hi Gurus
    I have created two Z t code and made transaction variant through T Code SHD0 and assigned these two ZTcode to a user. now when a user is running the Ztcode screen variant is active on only one. when i assign second one to  the user again than screen variant of first ZT code do not work.
    can any one tell me why system is doing so.

    Hi, I have the same situation. Can you please help how your case got solved ?
    Basically I have created two transaction variants- one for XD02, the other for XD03. When I am trying to assign a user to both these transaction variants ( using SET PROPOSAL), only one is getting assigned, other is getting deactivated. Please help.

  • In Web.xml  welcome file tag not works

    Hi All ,
    I am developing simple web application using spring framework
    when i am try to add welcome file tag in web.xml with respective welcome page path but it not works.
    but when use jsp page without to having any property it works.
    what the problem with me

    Hi Frank
    Thank you for your reply.
    This is how I registered the session filter in web.xml
    I'll try to use phaselisenter as you suggested.
    Also, one more thing please, in the session filter, I have something like this.
    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
    FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
    System.out.println("JF--- Calling the Filter");
    if (request instanceof HttpServletRequest) {
    HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest)request;
    HttpServletResponse httpResponse = (HttpServletResponse)response;
    HttpSession session = httpRequest.getSession();
    String url = httpRequest.getPathTranslated();
    String path = httpRequest.getContextPath() + httpRequest.getServletPath();
    if (httpRequest.getRequestURI().equals(path+"/Login")) {
    System.out.println(" the request path is" + httpRequest.getRequestURI().toString());
    session.setAttribute("WELCOME", Boolean.TRUE);
    chain.doFilter(request, response);
    else if (session.getAttribute("WELCOME") == null){
    else {
    chain.doFilter(request, response);
    else {
    chain.doFilter(request, response);
    Do you think it looks right ?
    Edited by: Lang on Apr 13, 2012 1:41 AM

  • Migrating V9 to V10: Update XML Fragment CLOB does not work anymore

    I have an XML Schema that contains an element, named Operazione, mapped to a CLOB.
    I just migrate to Oracle from version and the code I developed does not work anymore.
    To get a CLOB on v I issued the following statement:
    select extractValue(value(p),'/operazione.log/Operazione') from XMT_OPERAZIONE_LOG p
    where existsNode(value(p),'/operazione.log/Journal[NumeroElettronico=1234567890]') = 1
    To make it working on V10 I have to change it as follow:
    select extract(value(p),'/operazione.log/Operazione').getClobVal() from XMT_OPERAZIONE_LOG p
    where existsNode(value(p),'/operazione.log/Journal[NumeroElettronico=1234567890]') = 1
    So using extract intead of extractValue and adding getClobVal() I was able to read the CLOB.
    The problem that I was not able to solve is related to CLOB update. In V9 just adding the “for update” clause I was able to change the CLOB value on DB.
    In V10 if I run the V9 statement I get the error:
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    If I use the statement modified for V10, adding the “for update” clause, I get the CLOB and I can change the CLOB value but nothing goes on the DB. Probably I am working on a copy of the DB CLOB.
    If I remove the getClobVal() I get an OPAQUE type that I can use on a XMLType but, still, nothing is stored on DB.
    Any suggestion ?
    I tried with both OCI and Thin Client

    Can anybody help me ?
    Is it better to use different strategies ( eg. Stored Procedure, DBMS_XMLSTORE etc, etc. ) ?
    Any experience updatating XML Fragment CLOB on Oracle V10 ?

  • BATCH-INPUT On transaction VT02 does not work.

    Greetings, colleagues!!!
    I have written BATCH-INPUT on transaction VT02. I try to remove delivery from transportation. But for me does not work BATCH-INPUT because function of "Positioning" does not work in BATCH-INPUT. Prompt please. How I can remove delivery from transportation in my program using functionality of transaction VT02?
    Thanks for the help.
    Sergey Kozymaev.

    I used this in a program a while ago, worked like a charm.
    s_header-shipment_num = <shipment #>.
      i_item-delivery = <delivery #>.
      APPEND i_item.
      i_itemaction-delivery = 'D'.
      i_itemaction-itenerary = 'D'.
      APPEND i_itemaction.
          headerdata       = s_header
          headerdataaction = s_headeraction
          itemdata         = i_item
          itemdataaction   = i_itemaction
          return           = i_return.

  • Weblogic 6.0 sp2: War deployment not working !!

    I'm using weblogic 6.0 sp2, and it seems as though the war deployment is not
    working. My war consists of jsps, images, and under the WEB-INF/classes
    directory, Struts classes (i.e. Form and Action classes). When I try to run
    a jsp, i get the following error :
    <Jul 30, 2001 11:48:10 AM PDT> <Error> <HTTP>
    nera)] Root cause of ServletException
    javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Exception creating bean of class
    in.web.LoginForm: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
    But if you look in the war, that class is in there.
    What gives ?

    That's right - ActionServlet does Class.forName(actionClass) to load action
    class, and this uses ClassLoader which loaded the current class (ActionServlet)
    ClassLoaders always delegate to their parent before attempting to load
    the class themselves, so it wasn't working until you moved struts.jar to your
    BTW, Struts doc mentions this problem:
    lib/struts.jar - This JAR file contains all of the Java classes included
    in Struts. It should be copied into the WEB-INF/lib directory of your web
    application. WARNING - If you are going to be hosting multiple Struts based
    applications on the same servlet container, you will be tempted to place the
    struts.jar file into the shared repository supported by your container. Be
    advised that this will like cause you to encounter ClassNotFoundException
    problems unless all of your application classes are stored in the shared
    Jamie Tsao <[email protected]> wrote:
    So I found the solution to this problem, but it doesn't really make sense to
    I originally had struts.jar outside of the WAR file, but in my CLASSPATH.
    Weblogic was able to load Strut's ActionServlet (controller), but when the
    ActionServlet was looking for the LoginForm (which was inside the WAR), it
    couldn't find it.
    I solved the problem by putting struts.jar inside the WAR (under
    WEB-INF/lib) instead that other directory. Now it works cause apparently
    ActionServlet is now in the same classloader as LoginForm, the classloader
    which loaded the WAR.
    I'm confused because original way should have worked since the classloader
    that loaded struts.jar from outside the war is the parent classloader for
    the classloader that loaded the WAR. did that make any sense ?
    anyone know why ?
    "Jamie Tsao" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    I'm using weblogic 6.0 sp2, and it seems as though the war deployment isnot
    working. My war consists of jsps, images, and under the WEB-INF/classes
    directory, Struts classes (i.e. Form and Action classes). When I try torun
    a jsp, i get the following error :
    <Jul 30, 2001 11:48:10 AM PDT> <Error> <HTTP>
    nera)] Root cause of ServletException
    javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Exception creating bean of class
    in.web.LoginForm: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
    But if you look in the war, that class is in there.
    What gives ?

  • Workshop for weblogic and spring 2.0.6 not working on weblogic 92

    I try to use workshop for weblogic 10.1 to create a web project using spring mvc framework and deploy it to a weblogic 9.2 server, and it gives me the error.
    Here's what I have done:
    Create a 9.2 server.
    Create a web project with spring facet, I downloaded spring 2.0.6.
    I created a test jsp page along with applicationContext.xml and springServlet.xml spring support.
    When I start the server and publish the ear to the server,
    I got the following error:
    Aug 28, 2007 9:18:03 AM EDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000360> <Server started in RUNNING mode>
    <Aug 28, 2007 9:18:27 AM EDT> <Error> <HTTP> <BEA-101216> <Servlet: "SpringContextServlet" failed to preload on startup in Web application: "springmvcWar".
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: weblogic/i18n/logging/MessageLoggerRegistryListener
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:620)
         at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:124)
         at weblogic.utils.classloaders.GenericClassLoader.defineClass(GenericClassLoader.java:338)
         at weblogic.utils.classloaders.GenericClassLoader.findLocalClass(GenericClassLoader.java:291)
         Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    I couldn't find the class weblogic/i18n/logging/MessageLoggerRegistryListener anywhere.
    Does anybody have seen this error before.

    I tried the scenario against 9.2mp1 server and 9.2mp2 server and the publish worked fine.
    The only difference is the jsp file you created
    Can you remove your jsp file and see if the publish still fails?
    Which version of 9.2 server are you using? Also, what all facets are you using other than spring?
    Can you also try something and see if it helps?
    1. Open a new workspace
    2. In Window -> Preferences -> WebLogic -> J2EE Libraries, removed the logging bridge libraries (the 10.0 version) and re-added these libraries from a 9.2 installation.
    Basically they are
    wls-commonslogging-bridge 1.0/1.0
    wls-commonslogging-bridge-war 1.0/1.0
    wls-commonslogging-bridge 1.0/1.1
    wls-commonslogging-bridge-war 1.0/1.1
    and add 2 jars from 9.2_BEA_HOME/weblogic92\common\deployable-libraries
    3. Create web project and follow the other steps

  • Create transaction with variant not working

    Here's my issue -- I have a program that, right now, is more of a shell than anything else.  It is to access the HR Logical Database PNPCE, and to help filter the data I pull back, I created a Selection View with a couple of additional fields.  I put the necessary values in these fields and saved it as a Variant.
    All I want to do is create a transaction to run my program and start it using my Variant to fill in these additional fields.  Using SE93, I can create a plain transaction with no problem.  However, if I click the "Start with variant" drop-down field, I get a response that says screen 1000 (my default Selection Screen) has no variants.
    At first we thought there was some client-side things needing configuration, but if I go create a quick-and-dirty program with a single Selection Screen value (no Selection View) and a Variant, SE93 sees the variant with no problems.  So I'm wondering if maybe it has something to do with the fact that I'm using a Selection View.  Unfortunately, I'm so new to ABAP, I'm completely stuck on how to proceed.
    Any suggestions?  Thank you so much!

    Saquib, thank you SO much!  You're right -- that worked.
    As a relative newbie to SAP R/3 and ABAP, I'm new to little quirks like this.  In other examples, the list (F4) does show the variants.  For some reason, this one didn't.  I entered it anyway, saved, and ran the transaction, and it popped up with the fields populated from the variant.
    Again, kudos and thank you so much.  Points duly awarded.

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