Unshuffling albums on iOS 5

Since I updated to iOS 5 I've just noticed that I no longer have the option of having the songs on the albums shuffled or unshuffled... It's actually driving me insane. Any answers or help would be awesome!

Sorry, but no one who would know can discuss unreleased software such as iOS 5 in these forums. We'll have to wait, probably for the official release, before such details will be known.

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    That album, My Photo Stream, is no longer used.
    Instead, look in "Recently Added" within Albums, and also within Photos in the various timescale views. Both places should contain photos taken by any of your devices.

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    Open the album. Tap select. Hold your finger on the photo till it enlarges then slide it to it's new position. Tap done when you're finished.

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    iOS 7 will be available this fall: http://www.apple.com/ios/ios7/

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    After copying the pics to new album tried to delete these pictures from camera roll. But it deleted pictures from album as well.
    Actually, that is how it is supposed to work.  Albums only create new views of the photos you are storing in your camera roll. Albums do not actually hold copies of the Photos, just a reference to the photo in the camera roll. Albums are more like collections of bookmarks to what is kept in your camera roll. This way you can add a photo to many different albums without needing extra storage for these photo albums. But if you delete a photo from the camera roll, it will be removed from all albums, since the photo is no longer stored on the iPhone.
    If you have an iCloud backup or iTunes backup of your iPhone, that still has the photos that you just deleted, you could try to restore your camera roll from the backup, see: iCloud: Backup and restore overview

  • Photo albums in iOS 5

    Hi there,
    I used to sync my iPad1 with iPhoto to create a dynamic display of our multiple product lines. Everything went fine until the iOS 5 upgrade.
    For whatever reason, albums on the iPad now appear to be classified in a strange manner, unlike on iPhoto where I have ranked them by alphabetical order. I thought it would be solved if I sorted the albums manually on the iPad, to recover a convenient way of accessing each product line in no time.
    The bad news is that I had to update a couple of photos in iPhoto. Guess what? When i synced my iPad to take these changes into account ... it went back to the original "order" of albums. So I had to do the manual sorting all over again. What an awful waste of time!
    Is there any parameter or initiative that I am missing to get my iPad to suit my professional needs again?
    Otherwise, I would hope that Apple developers realise that the present iOS 5 photo album classification is IRRELEVANT for businesses who use iPads for marketing purposes.
    Thanks in advance for your advice.

    I have named all my 16,000 photos when saving into appropriately named Albums in iPhoto. The albums are arranged in iPhoto in alpha order. My 3Gs has always mirrored that alpha order. It's annoying enough that you can't search Photos on iPhone by name (as you can in iPhoto, and even in Photo Browser in Apple Mail) but NOW, after upgrading to iOS 5, my Albums on iPhone are just some seemingly random order, album names starting with a "B", say, may be mixed in with "S"s or whatever, making it extremely inconvenient to find an album.
    I cannot fathom the WHY for this. Please, Apple: I would love to see Search available for Photos on iPhone. But at the very least, PLEASE allow some way to restore Albums in alpha order on iPhone. Do this quickly, please. It is NOT sensible to have to scroll through randomly arranged Albums. 

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    agreed, I will not buy the new iPhone if this is how the photos and camera are going to be handled. You would think one of the highest grossing and most intelligent electronics company would have seen how terrible of an idea this was during their many months of development. Hopefully this will be seen along with others who feel the same and apple can give us the camera roll album back, thats seriously all I want in my pictures. I don't want to know when I took it, or where, or have pictures organized by these criterion, or several albums to hold other useless stuff and copies, we just need the camera roll.

  • Is it possible to delete entire photo albums in iOS

    iphone 5s / iOS8.1 - iMac / Yosemite
    When i transfer important pictures from iPhone to Aperture I like to keep them on my phone until I know my Mac is backed up. Once backed up I want them off my phone.  However, as far as I can see, photos in iOS camera roll can only be deleted individually and right now I have about 6 albums with 800 pictures.. I don't want to delete them individually I want to delete the whole lot - am I missing something? Surely there should be a simple way to select and delete an album?
    By the way, i am not talking about sync'd pictures here so it's not a case of deselecting sync'd albums in iTunes.
    any ideas?

    I haven't done it in a while but you may want to connect the phone to your Mac and open Image Capture on the Mac. I don't remember that it allows deleting by folder but if not it still would be faster than doing it one by one on the phone. The delete icon is at the lower left (red circle with line through it).

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    When do my photos upload to Photo Stream?
    When you enable Photo Stream on your devices, all new photos you take or import to those devices will be automatically added to your Photo Stream.
    I copied that from this website
    Notice it states all NEW photos. But like I said, I'm not that sure about it. I don't use Photo Stream, just based on what I am reading.
    I could be misinterpreting what this means.
    Message was edited by: Demo

  • Album on iOS 7 on iPad air

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    Hey kingdom_light88,
    Thanks for the question. It looks like your album does not have the same artist, which would cause this issue. You can either change the meta data to the same Album Artist, or it may be easier to make a playlist of the songs.
    For more information, see this article:
    Why aren't songs with the same album art grouped together?
    Matt M.

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    I prefer to upload from iPhoto as it doesn't compress the files as badly plus it also includes the exif info.
    I'd appreciate this functionality back because when I'm out on photo shoots I like to upload them to the ipad, do immediate selection, basic post, and upload them straight away to both these sites.

    Hi BastardSheep!
    As suggested in the article below, you may need to make sure that you are signed in to your Flickr and Facebook accounts in the settings of your iPhone:
    iPhoto for iOS: Comments and Share badge may not appear on photos shared to Facebook
    If you are still experiencing this issue, you may need to do some further troubleshooting by deleting the iPhoto app, then re-downloading it. Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

  • Save image to album in iOS

    Hi there,
    Do you know if there is a way to create an album folder and then save a picture into this album using CameraRollUI in iOS / Android?
    If it's not possible, do you know a native extention that would do the job?

    On Android I actually use a pretty complicated trick and, my bad, it's not really working
    First I convert the bitmap data using the alchemy library Jpeg encoder (the website of the developer seems down but you'll find this lib here: https://github.com/ranklau/repos/tree/master/labs/swfupload2.5-fixed/src/swfupload2.5 )
    Then I save the file (a byteArray) using FileStream on the internal storage (DCIM or Pictures Folder).
    And there I have a refresh problem. I've tried to use this extension: http://extensionsforair.com/extensions/refresh-gallery/
    (available here: http://ge.tt/97y5BKF/v/0?c )
    But it doesn't really work... At least not on Android Kitkat it's prompting a message saying it does, but the gallery is not refreshed. The only way I found to refresh the Gallery is to reboot the phone which is not acceptable.
    I don't develop ANE myself, but as it is possible in native (objective C and Java) to select an album, I guess it's possible to develop an ANE to that purpose.
    Or should we add this request in adobe bug database or adobe Idea.

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    i have uploaded 23 photos from iPAD to facebook and all stored in iOS album, which is default album name.
    now later, from my laptop i have renamed iOS album in to 'sonmething'. Now after that, when i try to upload photos from iPAD to facebook, default album shows 'something'.
    is there any options for creating new album? or is there any chance to upload a new iOS album?

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    Hi since updating to ios 6.0.1 i can no longer move pictures from camera roll to existing albums only to a new album,but before it gave the option to do either! anyone else having same issue or just me? any advice much appreciated

    Thanks Chris but unfortunately when i try to restore i keep getting error message "could not connect to update server because you are not connected to the internet" when i clearly am so i cannot perform a reset. but thanks for the reply if i sort the other problem out i will give it a go.

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