Unsmooth Edits over Photos-- Multiple Video Generated-Text FX

I apologize if there is already a thread regarding this issue but I looked and couldn't find one.
This is so basic but here's goes...
The problem is when more than two (Video Generated) Text effects are layered on top of one another and one of the layers begins or ends, the video underneath pops back in and out of focus, respectively.
To recreate my problem:
1) Place a still photo on the first track (V1)
2) Open the Effects Menu and create text by using Video Generator --> Text--> Text
3) Place text on V2, a couple of seconds into the timeline so that V1 & V2 are staggered.
4) Repeat (2)
5) This time place the new Text effect on V3 and stagger it a few seconds after the other Text effect and make it shorter.
(The sequence should have a triangular appearance.)
6) Note: a bump/unsmoothness at the beginning and the end of the top clip (on v3).
Anyone know how to fix it?

Bizarrely, not all of my photos cause this problem. Photos that I scanned myself are fine but those that I pulled off the internet (which are in the same format as the ones that I scanned -- "Photo-JPEG") do not play properly. It defies logic.
The work-around I came up with this morning is to export the photo (from the sequence) as a Quicktime file and then reimport it that seems to "fix" it. I am convinced that this has to have happened to others. The circumstance (2 text clips over a photo) seems pretty basic.
Has anyone been able to recreate this problem? Thanks.

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    Cellular data is a feature from your phone carrier.  Have you contacted them to resolve your issue.

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    Welcome to the forum!
      Okay, so... first, the relationship between LR and PS:  LR handles everything virtually; that is, instead of actually modifying the original file, it makes changes and saves the work it did as a history step.  So every time you modify it, it repeats those steps to create the image you are looking at.  PS on the other hand, does make changes to the original.  So once you write it out (unless you are using lots of layers and making huge files) you can't go back and edit it.  This is the power of LR, that everything is done on the fly to make the image you are viewing.
      So it's only one step from there to having multiple sets of steps;  that's what a "Virtual Copy" is.  It's just another entry into the database that points at the same original image;  thus,  you don't need to have 5 images taking up 5 times the space of one image when you want to try 5 different views of the same image.
    Once  you pass off your image to PS, however, it will make a NEW image when you save it.  Since it is a new image, it should be obvious that editing the original will have no effect on this image.  LR will always allow you to edit your original, but it will NOT pass along changes to any image created from that original and saved into a new image;  it treats them as completely seperate images.
    If you have import result back into LR checked, then your image edited in PS will automatically show up with your original image.  If you have stacking turned on, then your original image will be "stacked" with your new one, so if you can't see your original anymore, try expanding stacks, and see if it's "hidden" behind the other one.

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    Back up your iPhoto library, Depress and hold the option (alt) and command keys and launch iPhoto - rebuild your iPhoto library
    this should help with the crashes - it may or may not help with the missing videos

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    Your Welcome.. and on your questions I'm going to have to put a pot of coffee on and put my thinker into action see what I can come up with with sending pictures messages The Link I included explains the why and the How..
    On your second Question how to take a picture that is in the folder you mention try long pressing on the picture and see if brings up a small list of options if does see if shows your Gallery as an option if so press it see then see if any happens hopefully it move to the Gallery.. hit your home button then hit your apps button go to Gallery and see if the picture is in there and it may already be in there under a certain label but give that a try and let me know what ya came up with.. b

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    I know of no way to alphabetized the Adobe Styles that come with the program.
    If you had the time and the inclination, you could rename them all to force them to appear alphabetically, but that does not seem all that practical.
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    Which version of FCP are you using?
    it adds another layer in my timeline...
    This is supposed to happen. Could it be that you have V1 selected as the active track and already have superimposed other tracks on V2?
    Change the active track to V2 or higher so that the text goes above your other supers.
    Example. The following setting will send your super to video track 2:
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    Hi Tash B,
    Here you go:
    Create text and place it on the track above the video clip you want to show inside the text.
    Apply a Travel Matte Key effect to the video clip.
    In the Effects Control panel choose Matte > Video 2, Composite Using > Matte Alpha
    Hope that helps,

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    In very general terms, the requirements for Video will exceed those for Photoshop (PS). If you are looking at PrPro CS5, then the video card WILL make a difference, and PS CS5 now takes advantage of the video card, than before.
    For PS, the minimum HDD setup would be a 2x system with physical (not partitions) HDD's. Video has more requirements in this area, and I would say that a 3x setup is the minimum. Do read Harm's linked article, as it is the best that I have ever run across.
    For the PS setup, just locate the Scratch Disks for PS on your extra HDD's, the ones with your Project and PrPro Scratch Disks.
    Enjoy the new computer, and welcome to the forum,

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    The Apple Support Communities are an international user to user technical support forum. As a man from Mexico, Spanish is my native tongue. I do not speak English very well, however, I do write in English with the aid of the Mac OS X spelling and grammar checks. I also live in a culture perhaps very very different from your own. When offering advice in the ASC, my comments are not meant to be anything more than helpful and certainly not to be taken as insults.
    Do you know where the actual photo files are located on your laptop? If so, you can transfer them to the Mac over a LAN or by saving them to an external HDD, thumb drive or burning them to a disk. Then you can import the photos to the iPhoto app that came on your new Mac.
    It would be the same process for the videos, however, it would depend what type of video files they are, as to which Mac app might allow you to view them.
    BTW, since your Mac is new you need to Accept the iLife apps; iPhoto, GarageBand and iMovie into your Mac App Store/iTunes account. Open the MAS, sign into you account, go to the Purchased pane and accept the apps.

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    There is no dragging of anything in iOS.
    Attach as many files or emails as you'd like until it reaches the max capacity of attachements for the email provider.

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    This is the Reader forum. The Acrobat one is here: Acrobat

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    Hi newmarket,
    Photo Stream is not a respository for archiving photos. It is a cloud storage device that will store the last month or last 1000 photos taken by any device on the same Apple ID, and then will "share" those photos with all other devices that have Photo Stream turned on,and that are logged onto the same Apple ID.
    iCloud backups will contain all of the photos that were on your camera roll the last time you backed up your device.
    If you have photos outside of the Photo Stream parameters, and they are not all on your current camera roll, then you have no way to retrieve them unless you have imported them to the computer you sync with or have uploaded them to some other cloud service like DropBox.

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