Unspecified error (ASP DSN connection)

I am using Dreamweaver CS3 , XP, MS Access and IIS6 and IE7 on host machine and IE6 on another.
I have a DSN connection
My problem is that the connection works fine once or maybe twice, I then get the unspecified error pointing towards the connection string, I can also get the 'file in use' error sometimes instead. To clear this I have close down and restart dreamweaver in order for localhost to display the page.
I get the same error when browsing from another machine.
IUSER has correct permissions on db folder.
I thought I had sorted the problem out by adding UID='';PWD= ''; to my connection string as it worked fine for sometime, but I created a new asp ( Classic) page and it has gone back to only displaying once before server error again..
This all worked fine on my old win 2k machine and also on the live server, the only difference I can see is that I was Administrator on my old machine but I'm only a power user on this XP PC, could this be the problem?
any help appreciated.

Please post your question to a Database forum; someone there should be able to help you.
PS - Messages in ALL CAPS are hard to read.

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    Hi San,
    What's the version of your PowerPivot? Please refer to the article to check the version of PowerPivot for Excel:
    We can download the latest PowerPivot for Excel version from:
    In addition, please help to collect windows events log information to us for further investigation. If you cann't import Excel, TEXT or Access data into PowerPivot data model, you can try to directly copy your data into it.
    Elvis Long
    TechNet Community Support

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    %SystemDrive%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -ir -enable
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    Microsoft (R) ASP.NET RegIIS version 4.0.30319.17929
    Administration utility to install and uninstall ASP.NET on the local machine.
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Start installing ASP.NET (4.0.30319.17929) without changing existing web applica
    tions to use this version of ASP.Net.
    This option is not supported on this version of the operating system.  Administr
    ators should instead install/uninstall ASP.NET 4.5 with IIS8 using the "Turn Win
    dows Features On/Off" dialog,  the Server Manager management tool, or the dism.e
    xe command line tool.  For more details please see
    Finished installing ASP.NET (4.0.30319.17929) without changing existing web appl
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    C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe -ir -enable
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    but it didn't work for me (I mention in my question)
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    %SystemDrive%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -ir -enable
    Microsoft (R) ASP.NET RegIIS version 4.0.30319.17929
    Administration utility to install and uninstall ASP.NET on the local machine.
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Start installing ASP.NET (4.0.30319.17929) without changing existing web applica
    tions to use this version of ASP.Net.
    This option is not supported on this version of the operating system.  Administr
    ators should instead install/uninstall ASP.NET 4.5 with IIS8 using the "Turn Win
    dows Features On/Off" dialog,  the Server Manager management tool, or the dism.e
    xe command line tool.  For more details please see
    Finished installing ASP.NET (4.0.30319.17929) without changing existing web appl
    ications to use this version of ASP.Net.
    I also run
    C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe -ir -enable
    Start installing ASP.NET (2.0.50727).
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    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
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    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchTransactions(GenerateAuditBatches.java:966)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchAudit(GenerateAuditBatches.java:464)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.run(GenerateAuditBatches.java:169)
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: General error
    java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchTransactions(GenerateAuditBatches.java:966)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchAudit(GenerateAuditBatches.java:469)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.run(GenerateAuditBatches.java:169)
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 4 : select count(*) from tblTransaction where AuditID = 10001720 and     ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     SystemPricedFare = 'F'
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 5 transactions : select tblTransaction.BatchID,          tblTransaction.TransactionNumber,          tblTransaction.PrimeDocumentNumber,          tblTransaction.AgentIATACode,          tblTransaction.NetRemitInd,          tblTransaction.ITBTFare,          tblTransaction.TourCode,          tblTransaction.FareBasis,          tblTransaction.TransactionCode,          tblTransaction.TransactionCategory,          tblTransaction.InternationalOrDomestic,          tblTransaction.NumberOfSectors,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatus,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatusUserID,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.FareCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.TaxCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.CommissionCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractRulesCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractID from tblTransaction left join tblTransactionCRSCheck on     tblTransactionCRSCheck.AuditID = tblTransaction.AuditID and     tblTransactionCRSCheck.TransactionNumber = tblTransaction.TransactionNumber where tblTransaction.AuditID = 10001720 and     tblTransaction.ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     tblTransaction.SystemPricedFare = 'F' order by tblTransaction.FareBasis
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 4 : select count(*) from tblTransaction where AuditID = 10001720 and     ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     SystemPricedFare = 'F'
    java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchTransactions(GenerateAuditBatches.java:966)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchAudit(GenerateAuditBatches.java:474)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.run(GenerateAuditBatches.java:169)
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 5 transactions : select tblTransaction.BatchID,          tblTransaction.TransactionNumber,          tblTransaction.PrimeDocumentNumber,          tblTransaction.AgentIATACode,          tblTransaction.NetRemitInd,          tblTransaction.ITBTFare,          tblTransaction.TourCode,          tblTransaction.FareBasis,          tblTransaction.TransactionCode,          tblTransaction.TransactionCategory,          tblTransaction.InternationalOrDomestic,          tblTransaction.NumberOfSectors,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatus,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatusUserID,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.FareCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.TaxCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.CommissionCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractRulesCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractID from tblTransaction left join tblTransactionCRSCheck on     tblTransactionCRSCheck.AuditID = tblTransaction.AuditID and     tblTransactionCRSCheck.TransactionNumber = tblTransaction.TransactionNumber where tblTransaction.AuditID = 10001720 and     tblTransaction.ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     tblTransaction.SystemPricedFare = 'F' order by tblTransaction.FareBasis
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 4 : select count(*) from tblTransaction where AuditID = 10001720 and     ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     SystemPricedFare = 'T'
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 5 transactions : select tblTransaction.BatchID,          tblTransaction.TransactionNumber,          tblTransaction.PrimeDocumentNumber,          tblTransaction.AgentIATACode,          tblTransaction.NetRemitInd,          tblTransaction.ITBTFare,          tblTransaction.TourCode,          tblTransaction.FareBasis,          tblTransaction.TransactionCode,          tblTransaction.TransactionCategory,          tblTransaction.InternationalOrDomestic,          tblTransaction.NumberOfSectors,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatus,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatusUserID,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.FareCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.TaxCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.CommissionCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractRulesCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractID from tblTransaction left join tblTransactionCRSCheck on     tblTransactionCRSCheck.AuditID = tblTransaction.AuditID and     tblTransactionCRSCheck.TransactionNumber = tblTransaction.TransactionNumber where tblTransaction.AuditID = 10001720 and     tblTransaction.ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     tblTransaction.SystemPricedFare = 'T' order by tblTransaction.FareBasis
    java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchTransactions(GenerateAuditBatches.java:966)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchAudit(GenerateAuditBatches.java:419)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.run(GenerateAuditBatches.java:172)
    java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchTransactions(GenerateAuditBatches.java:966)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchAudit(GenerateAuditBatches.java:424)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.run(GenerateAuditBatches.java:172)
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 4 : select count(*) from tblTransaction where AuditID = 10001720 and     ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     SystemPricedFare = 'T'
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 5 transactions : select tblTransaction.BatchID,          tblTransaction.TransactionNumber,          tblTransaction.PrimeDocumentNumber,          tblTransaction.AgentIATACode,          tblTransaction.NetRemitInd,          tblTransaction.ITBTFare,          tblTransaction.TourCode,          tblTransaction.FareBasis,          tblTransaction.TransactionCode,          tblTransaction.TransactionCategory,          tblTransaction.InternationalOrDomestic,          tblTransaction.NumberOfSectors,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatus,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatusUserID,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.FareCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.TaxCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.CommissionCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractRulesCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractID from tblTransaction left join tblTransactionCRSCheck on     tblTransactionCRSCheck.AuditID = tblTransaction.AuditID and     tblTransactionCRSCheck.TransactionNumber = tblTransaction.TransactionNumber where tblTransaction.AuditID = 10001720 and     tblTransaction.ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     tblTransaction.SystemPricedFare = 'T' order by tblTransaction.FareBasis
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 4 : select count(*) from tblTransaction where AuditID = 10001720 and     ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     SystemPricedFare = 'T'
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchTransactions(GenerateAuditBatches.java:966)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchAudit(GenerateAuditBatches.java:429)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.run(GenerateAuditBatches.java:172)
    java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchTransactions(GenerateAuditBatches.java:966)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchAudit(GenerateAuditBatches.java:434)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.run(GenerateAuditBatches.java:172)
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 5 transactions : select tblTransaction.BatchID,          tblTransaction.TransactionNumber,          tblTransaction.PrimeDocumentNumber,          tblTransaction.AgentIATACode,          tblTransaction.NetRemitInd,          tblTransaction.ITBTFare,          tblTransaction.TourCode,          tblTransaction.FareBasis,          tblTransaction.TransactionCode,          tblTransaction.TransactionCategory,          tblTransaction.InternationalOrDomestic,          tblTransaction.NumberOfSectors,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatus,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatusUserID,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.FareCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.TaxCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.CommissionCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractRulesCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractID from tblTransaction left join tblTransactionCRSCheck on     tblTransactionCRSCheck.AuditID = tblTransaction.AuditID and     tblTransactionCRSCheck.TransactionNumber = tblTransaction.TransactionNumber where tblTransaction.AuditID = 10001720 and     tblTransaction.ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     tblTransaction.SystemPricedFare = 'T' order by tblTransaction.FareBasis
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 4 : select count(*) from tblTransaction where AuditID = 10001720 and     ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     SystemPricedFare = 'F'
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 5 transactions : select tblTransaction.BatchID,          tblTransaction.TransactionNumber,          tblTransaction.PrimeDocumentNumber,          tblTransaction.AgentIATACode,          tblTransaction.NetRemitInd,          tblTransaction.ITBTFare,          tblTransaction.TourCode,          tblTransaction.FareBasis,          tblTransaction.TransactionCode,          tblTransaction.TransactionCategory,          tblTransaction.InternationalOrDomestic,          tblTransaction.NumberOfSectors,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatus,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatusUserID,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.FareCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.TaxCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.CommissionCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractRulesCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractID from tblTransaction left join tblTransactionCRSCheck on     tblTransactionCRSCheck.AuditID = tblTransaction.AuditID and     tblTransactionCRSCheck.TransactionNumber = tblTransaction.TransactionNumber where tblTransaction.AuditID = 10001720 and     tblTransaction.ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     tblTransaction.SystemPricedFare = 'F' order by tblTransaction.FareBasis
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closedjava.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchTransactions(GenerateAuditBatches.java:966)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchAudit(GenerateAuditBatches.java:439)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.run(GenerateAuditBatches.java:172)
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 4 : select count(*) from tblTransaction where AuditID = 10001720 and     ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     SystemPricedFare = 'F'
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 5 transactions : select tblTransaction.BatchID,          tblTransaction.TransactionNumber,          tblTransaction.PrimeDocumentNumber,          tblTransaction.AgentIATACode,          tblTransaction.NetRemitInd,          tblTransaction.ITBTFare,          tblTransaction.TourCode,          tblTransaction.FareBasis,          tblTransaction.TransactionCode,          tblTransaction.TransactionCategory,          tblTransaction.InternationalOrDomestic,          tblTransaction.NumberOfSectors,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatus,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatusUserID,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.FareCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.TaxCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.CommissionCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractRulesCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractID from tblTransaction left join tblTransactionCRSCheck on     tblTransactionCRSCheck.AuditID = tblTransaction.AuditID and     tblTransactionCRSCheck.TransactionNumber = tblTransaction.TransactionNumber where tblTransaction.AuditID = 10001720 and     tblTransaction.ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     tblTransaction.SystemPricedFare = 'F' order by tblTransaction.FareBasis
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchTransactions(GenerateAuditBatches.java:966)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchAudit(GenerateAuditBatches.java:444)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.run(GenerateAuditBatches.java:172)
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 4 : select count(*) from tblTransaction where AuditID = 10001720 and     ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     SystemPricedFare = 'F'
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 5 transactions : select tblTransaction.BatchID,          tblTransaction.TransactionNumber,          tblTransaction.PrimeDocumentNumber,          tblTransaction.AgentIATACode,          tblTransaction.NetRemitInd,          tblTransaction.ITBTFare,          tblTransaction.TourCode,          tblTransaction.FareBasis,          tblTransaction.TransactionCode,          tblTransaction.TransactionCategory,          tblTransaction.InternationalOrDomestic,          tblTransaction.NumberOfSectors,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatus,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatusUserID,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.FareCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.TaxCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.CommissionCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractRulesCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractID from tblTransaction left join tblTransactionCRSCheck on     tblTransactionCRSCheck.AuditID = tblTransaction.AuditID and     tblTransactionCRSCheck.TransactionNumber = tblTransaction.TransactionNumber where tblTransaction.AuditID = 10001720 and     tblTransaction.ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     tblTransaction.SystemPricedFare = 'F' order by tblTransaction.FareBasis
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 4 : select count(*) from tblTransaction where AuditID = 10001720 and     ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     SystemPricedFare = 'T'
    java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchTransactions(GenerateAuditBatches.java:966)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchAudit(GenerateAuditBatches.java:449)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.run(GenerateAuditBatches.java:172)
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 5 transactions : select tblTransaction.BatchID,          tblTransaction.TransactionNumber,          tblTransaction.PrimeDocumentNumber,          tblTransaction.AgentIATACode,          tblTransaction.NetRemitInd,          tblTransaction.ITBTFare,          tblTransaction.TourCode,          tblTransaction.FareBasis,          tblTransaction.TransactionCode,          tblTransaction.TransactionCategory,          tblTransaction.InternationalOrDomestic,          tblTransaction.NumberOfSectors,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatus,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatusUserID,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.FareCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.TaxCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.CommissionCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractRulesCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractID from tblTransaction left join tblTransactionCRSCheck on     tblTransactionCRSCheck.AuditID = tblTransaction.AuditID and     tblTransactionCRSCheck.TransactionNumber = tblTransaction.TransactionNumber where tblTransaction.AuditID = 10001720 and     tblTransaction.ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     tblTransaction.SystemPricedFare = 'T' order by tblTransaction.FareBasis
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 4 : select count(*) from tblTransaction where AuditID = 10001720 and     ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     SystemPricedFare = 'T'
    java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchTransactions(GenerateAuditBatches.java:966)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchAudit(GenerateAuditBatches.java:454)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.run(GenerateAuditBatches.java:172)
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 5 transactions : select tblTransaction.BatchID,          tblTransaction.TransactionNumber,          tblTransaction.PrimeDocumentNumber,          tblTransaction.AgentIATACode,          tblTransaction.NetRemitInd,          tblTransaction.ITBTFare,          tblTransaction.TourCode,          tblTransaction.FareBasis,          tblTransaction.TransactionCode,          tblTransaction.TransactionCategory,          tblTransaction.InternationalOrDomestic,          tblTransaction.NumberOfSectors,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatus,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatusUserID,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.FareCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.TaxCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.CommissionCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractRulesCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractID from tblTransaction left join tblTransactionCRSCheck on     tblTransactionCRSCheck.AuditID = tblTransaction.AuditID and     tblTransactionCRSCheck.TransactionNumber = tblTransaction.TransactionNumber where tblTransaction.AuditID = 10001720 and     tblTransaction.ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     tblTransaction.SystemPricedFare = 'T' order by tblTransaction.FareBasis
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 4 : select count(*) from tblTransaction where AuditID = 10001720 and     ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     SystemPricedFare = 'T'
    java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchTransactions(GenerateAuditBatches.java:966)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchAudit(GenerateAuditBatches.java:459)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.run(GenerateAuditBatches.java:172)
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 5 transactions : select tblTransaction.BatchID,          tblTransaction.TransactionNumber,          tblTransaction.PrimeDocumentNumber,          tblTransaction.AgentIATACode,          tblTransaction.NetRemitInd,          tblTransaction.ITBTFare,          tblTransaction.TourCode,          tblTransaction.FareBasis,          tblTransaction.TransactionCode,          tblTransaction.TransactionCategory,          tblTransaction.InternationalOrDomestic,          tblTransaction.NumberOfSectors,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatus,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatusUserID,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.FareCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.TaxCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.CommissionCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractRulesCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractID from tblTransaction left join tblTransactionCRSCheck on     tblTransactionCRSCheck.AuditID = tblTransaction.AuditID and     tblTransactionCRSCheck.TransactionNumber = tblTransaction.TransactionNumber where tblTransaction.AuditID = 10001720 and     tblTransaction.ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     tblTransaction.SystemPricedFare = 'T' order by tblTransaction.FareBasis
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 4 : select count(*) from tblTransaction where AuditID = 10001720 and     ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     SystemPricedFare = 'F'
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
    java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchTransactions(GenerateAuditBatches.java:966)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchAudit(GenerateAuditBatches.java:464)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.run(GenerateAuditBatches.java:172)
    java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchTransactions(GenerateAuditBatches.java:966)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchAudit(GenerateAuditBatches.java:469)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.run(GenerateAuditBatches.java:172)
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 5 transactions : select tblTransaction.BatchID,          tblTransaction.TransactionNumber,          tblTransaction.PrimeDocumentNumber,          tblTransaction.AgentIATACode,          tblTransaction.NetRemitInd,          tblTransaction.ITBTFare,          tblTransaction.TourCode,          tblTransaction.FareBasis,          tblTransaction.TransactionCode,          tblTransaction.TransactionCategory,          tblTransaction.InternationalOrDomestic,          tblTransaction.NumberOfSectors,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatus,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatusUserID,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.FareCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.TaxCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.CommissionCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractRulesCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractID from tblTransaction left join tblTransactionCRSCheck on     tblTransactionCRSCheck.AuditID = tblTransaction.AuditID and     tblTransactionCRSCheck.TransactionNumber = tblTransaction.TransactionNumber where tblTransaction.AuditID = 10001720 and     tblTransaction.ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     tblTransaction.SystemPricedFare = 'F' order by tblTransaction.FareBasis
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 4 : select count(*) from tblTransaction where AuditID = 10001720 and     ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     SystemPricedFare = 'F'
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 5 transactions : select tblTransaction.BatchID,          tblTransaction.TransactionNumber,          tblTransaction.PrimeDocumentNumber,          tblTransaction.AgentIATACode,          tblTransaction.NetRemitInd,          tblTransaction.ITBTFare,          tblTransaction.TourCode,          tblTransaction.FareBasis,          tblTransaction.TransactionCode,          tblTransaction.TransactionCategory,          tblTransaction.InternationalOrDomestic,          tblTransaction.NumberOfSectors,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatus,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatusUserID,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.FareCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.TaxCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.CommissionCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractRulesCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractID from tblTransaction left join tblTransactionCRSCheck on     tblTransactionCRSCheck.AuditID = tblTransaction.AuditID and     tblTransactionCRSCheck.TransactionNumber = tblTransaction.TransactionNumber where tblTransaction.AuditID = 10001720 and     tblTransaction.ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     tblTransaction.SystemPricedFare = 'F' order by tblTransaction.FareBasis
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 4 : select count(*) from tblTransaction where AuditID = 10001720 and     ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     SystemPricedFare = 'F'
    java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchTransactions(GenerateAuditBatches.java:966)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.batchAudit(GenerateAuditBatches.java:474)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.run(GenerateAuditBatches.java:172)
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 5 transactions : select tblTransaction.BatchID,          tblTransaction.TransactionNumber,          tblTransaction.PrimeDocumentNumber,          tblTransaction.AgentIATACode,          tblTransaction.NetRemitInd,          tblTransaction.ITBTFare,          tblTransaction.TourCode,          tblTransaction.FareBasis,          tblTransaction.TransactionCode,          tblTransaction.TransactionCategory,          tblTransaction.InternationalOrDomestic,          tblTransaction.NumberOfSectors,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatus,          tblTransaction.TransactionStatusUserID,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.FareCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.TaxCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.CommissionCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractRulesCorrect,          tblTransactionCRSCheck.ContractID from tblTransaction left join tblTransactionCRSCheck on     tblTransactionCRSCheck.AuditID = tblTransaction.AuditID and     tblTransactionCRSCheck.TransactionNumber = tblTransaction.TransactionNumber where tblTransaction.AuditID = 10001720 and     tblTransaction.ExcludedFromAudit = 'F' and     tblTransaction.SystemPricedFare = 'F' order by tblTransaction.FareBasis
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 1 : update tblAudit set     NumberOfBatches = 1078 where AuditID = 10001720
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 12 query2 : select BatchID from     tblAuditBatch where AuditID = 10001720
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
    java.lang.Exception: Invalid handle [null] Database error code:0
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.updateAuditBatches(GenerateAuditBatches.java:1427)
         at com.select.auditlink.GenerateAuditBatches.run(GenerateAuditBatches.java:217)
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 2 : update tblAudit set     NumberOfAuditedBatches = (     select     count(*)     from     tblAuditBatch     where     AuditID = 10001720     and          NumberOfAuditedTransactions = NumberOfTransactions) where     AuditID = 10001720
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
    GenerateAuditBatches.java sql 3 : update tblAudit set     NumberOfAuditedTransactions = (     select     count(*)     from     tblTransaction     where     AuditID = 10001720     and          Audited = 'T') where     AuditID = 10001720
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
    Exception :java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
    Please give me suitable solution of this issue.
    Message was edited by:

    java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]File must be opened exclusively.
    In the Visual Foxpro table, I saw no READ ONLY settings.And also, there are
    no delete permission grants and there is no user database sesssion concept.
    The ODBC DSN for MYTABLE is setup as:
    - Free Tables (not database)
    - Null (checked)
    - Deleted (checked)If you're using Visual Foxpro database(.DBC), you should see "Exclusive" option too. You can try check it, but I don't know whether your issue will disappear.

  • Unspecified error while installing sql server management studio 2012.

    I am trying to install microsoft sql server 2012 service pack 1 management studio express. Its throwing "unspecified error".
    I am using "sqlmanagementstudio_x64_ENU.exe". Iam using .net framework 3.5.1.
    Repies will be appreciated.

    I have seen in the past that error and is generally related to remnants
    from previous installations of SQL Server. Manually uninstalling the remnants may help as explained on the following resources:
    Hope this helps.
    Alberto Morillo

  • Unspecified error while opening Hfm application

    Hi Guys,
    I am working on HFM Classic Consolidation application ver 9.3.1 with oracle 10g as database and Web Logic as Web Server.
    When I logon to my application I get the following error
    Unspecified error
    *<BR> An unknown error has occured in the HsxSQLHelper*
    object. <BR> Error occured while initializing
    HsvSystemInfo Object
    What could be the reason of such an error.
    Any early response on this would be highly appreciated as this matter is urgent

    The UDL file containing connection details to HFM repository database has been renamed or moved.
    HFM is unable to communicate to the database as it cannot find the UDL file referenced in the Windows registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\
    Hyperion Solutions\Hyperion Financial Management\Server\SystemDataLinkFile

  • Unable to get data (DSN connection)

    I've got a report file, created using ODBC connexion with DSN File
    These report work fine in design mode using crystal report full (not Visual studio)
    When I try to open this report in a .net application I've got the following error :
    Crystal Reports Windows Forms Viewer
    Impossible d'extraire des données de la base de données.
    Détails : 
    Impossible d'extraire des données de la base de données.
    Erreur dans le fichier Postes {A47B5908-2F0A-4A3D-A2A5-A708FEB329EB}.rpt:
    Impossible d'extraire les données de la base de données.
    Détails : 
    Which can be translate by :
    Unable to extract datas from database
    My database is Oracle, error code 942 means table or view does not exist
    In my .net code I use DSN connection (the same as in design mode) like this :
    Dim myConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo = New ConnectionInfo()
    myConnectionInfo.ServerName = "my_dsn_file"
    For your information this report has been made with CR 9 and converted to CR 2008
    In CR 9 everything worked fine.
    Any idea ?

    This Forum edito  is buggy ? I had to split my answer otherwise the format is broken
    Also you wrote: "User used to create connection (throught DSN) is a generic user, not the user associated with the schema containing the view accessed by the report"
    It's odd that this works in CR, CR repsects DB security so if it's not in a schema that user should not have access to anything in Oracle, I'm surprised it works at all. Possibly this is a bug in CR 8.5 and 9 that finally got fixed.
    Work arounds, what is the reason you can't add that user account to a schema? Or use an account that has access?
    I problably don't use the correct words (I'me not Oracle DBA + translation approximation).
    Of course our user "application_user" has right on all the schema of the database, what I want to say it's when you connect to Oracle with a user "application_user" you're connected in the schema corresponding to these user (so "application_user" schema).
    And if you want to make request on a table / view from another schema you need to prefix table/view with the corresponding schema (Sale in my previous fictive example)
    So in my case CR try to access "CommercialDocument" view in "application_user" schema but this view is not in  this schema, it is in "Sales" schema.
    The correct way to access it is Sales.CommercialDocument, that what CR throught .net don't do, but do when run directly in CR developers.
    Here is real example (fench name inside), those SQL request have been monitoring througt SQL monitor tools of TOAD :
    Execution of postes.rpt report directly in CR :
    Timestamp: 10:30:03.881
    Successful logon attempt (session tag: 0x6464CB8)
    username: 'APPLI_HUET'; database: 'DEV'
    Timestamp: 10:30:03.881
    Timestamp: 10:30:03.896
    Timestamp: 10:30:03.975
    Timestamp: 10:50:29.178
    Logoff (session tag: 0x6464CB8).

  • SSIS 2012: SSIS Error Code "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

    This is kind of weird issue that I am experiencing with excel connection manager in SSIS 2012. This issue occurs sometimes but when I close and re-open SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools - newer BIDS) then this issues goes off temporarily.
    Just FYI, through SSDT environment I executed the package successfully with both settings Run64bit runtime setting to Yes and No when error does not occur.
    So far I have installed
    http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13255 (Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable).
    I still remember for older versions of SQL Server (2005 & 2008) that I have executed Excel connection SSIS packages with Run64bit runtime = false i.e. in 32-bit mode. As far as I know I think Excel 64-bit issue has been resolved with SQL Server
    2012 release.
    Here is the detail of error message:
    TITLE: Package Validation Error
    Package Validation Error
    Error at Data Flow Task [Excel Source [2]]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER.  The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection
    Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
    Error at Data Flow Task [SSIS.Pipeline]: Excel Source failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.
    Error at Data Flow Task [SSIS.Pipeline]: One or more component failed validation.
    Error at Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation.
    Error at Package [Connection manager "Excel Connection Manager"]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
    An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft Access Database Engine"  Hresult: 0x80004005  Description: "Unspecified error".
    Here are my environment details:
    SQL Server 2012 {Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3368.0 (X64) } , Excel 2010 (32-bit). I am developing SSIS code on Virtual desktops with Windows 7 32-bit OS.
    Also it occurred to me that since Virtual Desktops are on Shared Infrastructure, the source files and SSIS packages (code) can be on Shared drives for e.g. \\<Corpnet>\userdata\<Corp_Users_Grp>\<Username>\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Integration
    Services Project2\Integration Services Project2\Package.dtsx.
    Does this kind of Shared drives have any impact to give this issue?
    Thanks in advance!
    P.S.: I had look at this forum question -->

    Hi Arthur,
    Thanks for your response.
    Yes, it looks like SSIS still has bunch of issues with Excel files like as follows:
    1) Some times excel source files cannot be parsed by excel source connection manager.
    2) For derive column conversion, we can't replace the existing column. rather, we have to add the derived column as " add as new column" which is tough to manage  while destination mapping.
    3) If an column in excel contains a data which is not of the data type assigned for the column in excel, the excel source reads that data as "null". For the same, we can't validate the data and redirect the erroneous data in reject file.  <-- For
    this we tried IMEX setting also
    4) In multi-tab/sheet excel file, excel source is unable to detect a tab and identify the metadata of the excel.
    I am also checking Microsoft connect for Excel issues with SSIS 2012(https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/SearchResults.aspx?SearchQuery=excel#&&PageIndex=22
    As worst case scenario, I am thinking of converting Excel to CSV file or Flat text file. (http://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/2772/importing-data-from-excel-using-ssis--part-2/).
    Do you think it is advisable to convert Excel into CSV or Flat file.

  • DSN connection not available in connection manager

    Hi -- I am having problems connecting to an ODBC data source with SSIS.
    I am trying to connect to a mysql database.  The connection is set up in "Administrative Tools" as a System DSN, and I can sucessfully connect using "Test" from there.
    But the connection is not shown as available in SSIS.
    In Connection Manager, I create a new ADO.NET connection, choose New, ODBC data provider, but my system DSN connection is not in the dropdown (no ODBC connections are), and if I try to specify it with a connection string
    I get:
    Test connection failed because of an error initalizing provider.  Error [IM002] [Microsoft] [ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified.
    I have tried recreating it, creating a new data source with a new name, but none of the Dsn's come are seen by SSIS.
    To make it more frustrating, it was working just days ago and I don't know what changed...
    Any help appreciated,

    The BIDS development environment is 32 bit. So it looks for the 32 bit providers at design time. However, when the package is run in BIDS, it will use the 64-bit providers, as long as the Use64BitRuntime property of the project is set to TRUE.
    Outside of BIDS, which set of providers is used depends on which version of DTEXEC you run. There is a 32-bit version and 64-bit version - each will load the matching provider. Something else to be aware of - not all providers have 32- and 64-bit versions. The Jet providers (used for Excel and Access) only have 32-bit versions, for example.

  • Windows 2008 r2 SP1 installation failed with unspecified error 0x80004005 - E_FAIL

    Hi Team,
    We have SQL data base server with Win 2008 r2 OS.When trying install Sp1 it fails after reboot with unspecified error -0x80004005 - E_FAIL.
    Server having snap drive connected with 6 SQL data bases. Sp1 installation running 7 hrs and falling after couple of reboot.
    Any help appreciated.CBS log attached.
    ================================ 2015-01-24 18:48:22, Info CBS Starting TrustedInstaller initialization. 2015-01-24 18:48:22, Info CBS Loaded Servicing Stack v6.1.7601.17514 with Core: C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17514_none_678566b7ddea04a5\cbscore.dll
    2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CSI 00000001@2015/1/24:18:48:23.137 WcpInitialize (wcp.dll version called (stack @0x7fee8d4e94d @0x7fee9079839 @0x7fee90434d3 @0xff03e94c @0xff03d769 @0xff03daff) 2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CBS Could not load SrClient DLL
    from path: SrClient.dll. Continuing without system restore points. 2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CSI 00000002@2015/1/24:18:48:23.139 WcpInitialize (wcp.dll version called (stack @0x7fee8d4e94d @0x7fee90c6806 @0x7fee9092a9c @0x7fee90435a9 @0xff03e94c @0xff03d769)
    2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CSI 00000003@2015/1/24:18:48:23.139 WcpInitialize (wcp.dll version called (stack @0x7fee8d4e94d @0x7fee9988728 @0x7fee9988856 @0xff03e444 @0xff03d7ae @0xff03daff) 2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CBS Ending TrustedInstaller initialization.
    2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CBS Starting the TrustedInstaller main loop. 2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CBS TrustedInstaller service starts successfully. 2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CBS SQM: Initializing online with Windows opt-in: False 2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CBS
    SQM: Cleaning up report files older than 10 days. 2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CBS SQM: Requesting upload of all unsent reports. 2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CBS SQM: Failed to start upload with file pattern: C:\Windows\servicing\sqm\*_std.sqm, flags: 0x2 [HRESULT
    = 0x80004005 - E_FAIL] 2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CBS SQM: Failed to start standard sample upload. [HRESULT = 0x80004005 - E_FAIL] 2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CBS SQM: Queued 0 file(s) for upload with pattern: C:\Windows\servicing\sqm\*_all.sqm, flags: 0x6 2015-01-24
    18:48:23, Info CBS SQM: Warning: Failed to upload all unsent reports. [HRESULT = 0x80004005 - E_FAIL] 2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CBS No startup processing required, TrustedInstaller service was not set as autostart, or else a reboot is still pending. 2015-01-24
    18:48:23, Info CBS NonStart: Checking to ensure startup processing was not required. 2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CSI 00000004 IAdvancedInstallerAwareStore_ResolvePendingTransactions (call 1) (flags = 00000004, progress = NULL, phase = 0, pdwDisposition = @0x136f6c0
    2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CSI 00000005 Creating NT transaction (seq 1), objectname [6]"(null)" 2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CSI 00000006 Created NT transaction (seq 1) result 0x00000000, handle @0x23c 2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CSI 00000007@2015/1/24:18:48:23.144
    CSI perf trace: CSIPERF:TXCOMMIT;1211 2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CBS NonStart: Success, startup processing not required as expected. 2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CBS Startup processing thread terminated normally 2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CSI 00000008 CSI Store
    3877440 (0x00000000003b2a40) initialized 2015-01-24 18:48:23, Info CBS Session: 30423046_1416810351 initialized by client RMT. 2015-01-24 18:48:24, Info CSI 00000009@2015/1/24:18:48:24.057 CSI Transaction @0x1761b90 initialized for deployment engine {d16d444c-56d8-11d5-882d-0080c847b195}
    with flags 00000002 and client id [26]"TI5.30423046_1416810351:1/" 2015-01-24 18:48:24, Info CSI 0000000a@2015/1/24:18:48:24.059 CSI Transaction @0x1761b90 destroyed 2015-01-24 18:48:24, Info CBS Appl: DetectUpdate, Package: Microsoft-Windows-SecureStartup-OC-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7600.16385,
    Remote Parent: DirectoryServices-DomainController-Tools, Intended State: Staged 2015-01-24 18:48:24, Info CBS Appl: DetectUpdate, Package: Microsoft-Windows-SecureStartup-OC-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7600.16385, Remote Parent: DirectoryServices-DomainController-Tools,
    Intended State: Staged 2015-01-24 18:48:24, Info CBS Appl: Evaluating applicability block(detectUpdate part), disposition is: Staged, applicability: NotApplicable, result applicability state: Staged 2015-01-24 18:48:24, Info CBS Appl: Package: Microsoft-Windows-SecureStartup-OC-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7600.16385,
    Update: BdeAducExtTool, Applicable: NeedsParent, Dis 2015-01-24 18:48:24, Info CBS Appl: DetectUpdate, Package: Microsoft-Windows-WMI-SNMP-Provider-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7600.16385, Remote Parent: SNMP, Intended State: Installed 2015-01-24 18:48:24,
    Info CBS Appl: Evaluating applicability block(detectUpdate part), disposition is: Staged, applicability: Applicable, result applicability state: Installed 2015-01-24 18:48:24, Info CBS Appl: Package: Microsoft-Windows-WMI-SNMP-Provider-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7600.16385,
    Update: WMISnmpProvider, Applicable: Applicable, Dis 2015-01-24 18:48:24, Info CBS Appl: DetectUpdate, Package: Microsoft-Windows-IIS-WebServer-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7600.16385, Local Parent: IIS-WebServerRole, Intended State: Staged 2015-01-24
    18:48:24, Info CBS Appl: Evaluating applicability block(detectUpdate part), disposition is: Staged, applicability: NotApplicable, result applicability state: Staged 2015-01-24 18:48:24, Info CBS Appl: Package: Microsoft-Windows-IIS-W

    Appreciate your suggestion Dave,
    Any idea what could be cause of this failure.?Do you see anything from the CBS logs.
    This server attached with SNAP drive luns,is there something or SQL application preventing this installation ?
    After reboot it revert the installation...it shows "Failure config service pack..reverting changes,do not not turn off your computer".
    Surprisingly it happens both of our SQL data base server.
    Do you think Increasing MaxNumFilters to
    14 shall work ?
    Checking System Update Readiness.
    Binary Version 6.1.7601.22471
    Package Version 26.0
    2015-02-01 09:37
    Checking Windows Servicing Packages
    Checking Package Manifests and Catalogs
    Checking Package Watchlist
    Checking Component Watchlist
    Checking Packages
    Checking Component Store
    Seconds executed: 555
     No errors detected

  • Automatically create ODBC DSN connection with special port and password. Add-OdbcDsn cmdlet

    I first posted a question in the SQL forum but I'm posting it here instead because its a Powershell question.
    In a non-persitent VDI enviroment we are trying to automatically create a ODBC DSN connection to a SQL server.
    We are using Windows 8.1 so we also have Powershell 4 together with the add-odbcdsn cmdlet. 
    But when trying to add set -SetPropertyValue for network port different than default and a password we get an error.
    here is the command:
    Add-OdbcDsn -Name test -DriverName "SQL Server" -DsnType User -SetPropertyValue @("PWD=test", "SERVER=")
    and here is the error message:
    Add-OdbcDsn : Attempt to set the {UID or PWD} key of a DSN. These keys should not be stored in the registry for securit
    y reason. Provide the credential information at runtime via SQLDriverConnect, SQLConnect or SQLBrowseConnect.
    At line:1 char:1
    + Add-OdbcDsn -Name test -DriverName "SQL Server" -DsnType User -SetPropertyValue @ ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (MSFT_OdbcDsnTask:Root/Microsoft/...SFT_OdbcDsnTask) [Add-OdbcDsn], Cim
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MI RESULT 4,Add-OdbcDsn
    NB!:  this command does not contain a port number, but when adding it without a password(PWD string) we just the default port.

    Hi Primeid,
    Agree with Jrv, we cannot store  UID and PWD in an ODBC datasource, For example, you can create a DSN using the user interface but if you look at the DSN stored in the registry the UID and PWD are not stored.
    ODBC it is always required when you connect using a DSN that the caller supply UID and PWD if they want to use standard login during connection time. 
    These similar discussion are for your reference:
    Creating ODBC DSN for SQL Native
    Client fails for not-integrated authentication
    is user name and password required in ODBC admin / User DSN?
    In addition, to read data from a SQL Server database using an ODBC DSN with SQL Authentication via powershell, please refer to this script:
    Open SQL database with ODBC DSN and SQL AuthenticationIf
    there is anything else regarding this issue, please feel free to post back.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here.
    Best Regards,
    Anna Wang
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Unspecified error (MS Visual Database Tools) in SSMSEE

    Hi all,
    I got some issue.
    Last few days ago, I downloaded Visual Studio 2010 Express Beta2 from Microsoft site and install it and tested the software. After that I found that my SQL Server Express 2005 is not working correctly. So, I remove/uninstall the VS 2010 and I need to install VS2005 SP1. You can read my previous error at here http://tinyurl.com/yzr3jhu (Sorry I made it tinyurl!)
    After that solved, now I got another issue. Here is the steps:
    1. I open SSMSEE (For SQL Server 2005 Express)
    2. I right click on one of my Database's Table and select "Design"
    3. The error prompt.  > Unspecified error (MS Visual Database Tools)
    Because its in Urgent, I uninstall my SQL Server 2005 Express + Management studio and restart and install this "SQLEXPR_ADV.EXE" file. its SQL Server 2005 Express Advance.
    After installation, I restart my laptop and do the above step again, the same error occurs.
    So, have no way. And I search on Net and this SQL Server forum. I found that they're talking about Server 2005 to 2008 for the above error message!!
    I then go check my current SQL Server Express Version from Management Studio by using
    Select @@Version. So surprising I got the below error!!
    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP1) - 10.0.2531.0 (Intel X86)   Mar 29 2009 10:27:29   Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Microsoft Corporation  Express Edition on Windows NT 5.1 <X86> (Build 2600: Service Pack 3) 
    It said SQL Server 2008!!!!
    How comes???
    Somebody please help me!! I'm out of idea.
    FYI here is the SQL Info list in my Add/Remove program.
    Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft 8.00.194
    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Microsoft Corporation
    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward compatibility Microsoft Corporation 8.05.2312
    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Books Online (English) (September 2007) Microsoft Corporation 9.00.3104
    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition [ENU] Microsoft Corporation 3.1.0000
    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile [ENU] Developer Tools Microsoft Corporation
    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation
    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Browser Microsoft Corporation 10.1.2531.0
    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Client Microsoft Corporation 10.1.2531.0
    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Setup Support Files Microsoft Corporation 10.1.2731.0
    Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Design Tools ENU Microsoft Corporation 3.5.5386.0
    Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 for Devices ENU Microsoft Corporation 3.5.5386.0
    Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 Beta English Microsoft Corporation 3.5.8044.0
    Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard 1.2 Microsoft Corporation
    Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express Microsoft Corporation 9.00.4035.00
    Microsoft SQL Server Native Client Microsoft Corporation 9.00.4035.00
    Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English) Microsoft Corporation 9.00.4035.00
    Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer Microsoft Corporation 10.1.2531.0
    MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation 4.20.9848.0
    MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation 4.20.9870.0
    MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation 4.20.9876.0
    MSXML 6.0 Parser (KB933579) Microsoft Corporation 6.10.1200.0

    As we know that Visual Studio 2010 ships with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Edition which will be install if you select it when installing Visual Studio 2010. But in fact, uninstalling Visual Studio 2010 will not uninstall SQL Server 2008 Express. I think that’s why it displays as the version of SQL Server 2008 SP1.
    So in this scenario, you have 2 instances of SQL Server Express (2005 and 2008) and SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) 2005. But if you use SSMSE 2005 to connect and instance of SQL Server 2008, you may get the above error when using Table Design functionality or others.
    To solve this problem, please use SSMSE 2005 to connect to your SQL Server 2005 Express instance or you can download SSMSE 2008 if you want to use SQL Server 2008 Express. To ensure you connect to the correct instance, you can find the instance name in the properties of SQL Server using SQL Server Configuration Manager.
    If you have more questions, please feel free to let me know.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • Issue with creating oracle ODBC DSN connection

    Hi all,
    We have BO X! 3.1. We have created some webi reports. Our universe connection is created using following method.
    = Created a DSN connection for oracle 10g database
    = created Bo connection object by selecting Generic ODBC connection
    = in the service name we have given DSN name and tested successfully.
    we have created reports universe under Windows environment.
    = Now we deployed Biar file of the same on SOLARIS server.
    We have created odbc connection in odbc.ini  on solaris.
    we have used path "/../boxir3/bobje/odbc.ini"
    We have used "/BOXIR3/bobje/enterprise120/solaris_sparc/odbc/lib/libsqora.so.10.1" driver
    But when we test connection after deployment connection fails. giving error
    " A database error occured. The database error text is:. (WIS 10901)"
    Can anybody suggest me right method to create ODBC connection for oracle 10g on SOLARIS.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Saurabh,
    You said your odb.ini is at the location "/../boxir3/bobje/odbc.ini". Verify if environment variable ODBCINI is pointing to this location. For this do a echo $ODBCINI. This should return the path of your odbc.ini file. If this command returns empty, that means this variable is not set. In this case you will have to set your ODBCINI using the below command.
    If you are using bash shell
    export ODBCINI=/../boxir3/bobje/odbc.ini.
    if this does not work try
    set ODBCINI=/../boxir3/bobje/odbc.ini

  • Tns error could not connect to database but can tnsping and sqlplus

    The new install OBIEE, with two Linux RH/64 Bit servers set up and running, but can't get to 11g database when running reports.
    Error: nqsError 17001 Oracle Error Code 12154, message ORA-12154: TNS could not resolve the connect identifier specified at OCI call OCIServerAttach. nQSError 17014 could not connect to Oracle database
    Server 1 BI Server
    BI server is running.
    oc4j is running.
    jdk is installed
    /setup/user.sh variables and libs set
    .bash_profile variables and libs set
    oracle client installed with lib32
    can tnsping the database from here using SID
    can sqplus login to the database from here
    changed connection pool offiline and uploaded new .rpd
    this script does not work /setup . sa-cli.sh to test client, nothing happens, also unable to connect to BI Server in online mode from Windows client 32bit.
    Server 2 Presentation Server
    saw server is running
    set odbc AnalyticsWeb DSN to point to BI Server 1
    Since I can ping and connect with tns, why is presentation server throwing errors?
    Thanks for the help

    Copy the tnsname.ora file from Oracle Database serve onto the client PC.
    Path: %Oracle_home%\net80\admin\
    Send me a mail if there is any other issues
    Oluseyi Funmi Oduberu
    Oracle Consultant
    Email:[email protected]
    I am a tech at a failing company. Unfortuneatly some users still need ADI installed and working with very limited resources to troubleshoot oracle. I am getting the error - ( Could not connect to the database - ora-12545: tns:name lookup failure )when the user tries to log on to ADI. Any suggestions? I would really appreciate it. We are on Windows NT on an NT network. Oracle 8.05 client installed and ADI 6.0.
    Thanks, Mary

  • Unspecified error using odt in Visual Studio 2003

    Hello all
    We have Windows XP SP2.
    We have installed ODT version on our workstation. We have MS Visual Studio 2003. We have the Oracle client
    We also have Oracle data access product
    When I try to access Tools - connect to oracle database, I get the error : "unspecified error". I get the same error back if I try to exit Visual studio. I have to kill the process to exit. I have the same thing using View - Oracle Explorer.
    What could be wrong ?
    Best regards
    Gaetan Labrecque

    Post Author: MJ@BOBJ
    CA Forum: .NET
    Typically that error is referring to a COM dll that is not being loaded because it is not registered on the system.  Usually, that error message will give you a dll name, or a PROGID, or something.....was anything else provided in the error?
    In order for a file to be unregistered, something might have been uninstalled (or a failed install) that could have caused this issue.  I did a search in kbase and found a article that may help, at least it refers to a dll that you can try to register.
    Perhaps doing a reinstall may resolve the error.

Maybe you are looking for

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