Unstable MMR Behaviour

Symptoms -
NT 2000 Advanced Server Sp2
Two masters RW1, RW2
Add user to rw1 replicates to rw2 fine...
Add user to rw2 replicates to rw1 fine...
Add user to rw2 will not replicate to rw1...
add user to rw1 replicates to rw2 fine and non replicated items from rw2 suddenly come across to rw1.....
Trace on add to rw2 that does not replicate...
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:56 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_add_csn_inprogress: successfully inserted csn 3d0d9828000000020000 into pending list
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:56 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_update_ruv: successfully committed csn 3d0d9828000000020000
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:56 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - Running incremental protocol for consumer mldaprw1.sml.net:389; current state - wait_for_changes, next_state - wait_for_changes
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:56 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - Running incremental protocol for consumer mldaprw1.sml.net:389; current state - wait_for_changes, next_state - ready_to_acquire_replica
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:56 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - Trying non-secure slapi_ldap_init(mldaprw1.sml.net, 389)
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:56 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - binddn = uid=ReplicationManager,cn=config, passwd = {DES}o6mqKeF1WxAox/ozthi4YA==
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:56 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - No linger to cancel on connection to replica mldaprw1.sml.net:389
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:56 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - Sent extended operation 2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.3 to replica "mldaprw1.sml.net:389" and received result code 0
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:56 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - Replica "cn=update-internet-to-master-mldaprw1, cn=replica, cn="o=internet", cn=mapping tree, cn=config (host mldaprw1.sml.net, port 389)": was successfully acquired.
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:56 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - Running incremental protocol for consumer mldaprw1.sml.net:389; current state - ready_to_acquire_replica, next_state - sending_updates
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:56 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - _cl5PositionCursorForReplay: consumer RUV
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:56 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - {replicageneration} 3d0d92fa000000010000
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:56 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - {replica 1 ldap://MLDAPRW1.sml.net:389} 3d0d9466000000010000 3d0d95db000000010000
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:56 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - {replica 2 ldap://MLDAPRW2.sml.net:389} 3d0d94b0000000020000 3d0d95f9000000020000
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:56 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - _cl5PositionCursorForReplay: supplier RUV
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:56 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - {replicageneration} 3d0d92fa000000010000
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:56 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - {replica 2 ldap://MLDAPRW2.sml.net:389} 3d0d94b0000000020000 3d0d9828000000020000
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:56 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - {replica 1 ldap://MLDAPRW1.sml.net:389} 3d0d9466000000010000 3d0d95db000000010000
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:59 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - No changes to send for agreement "cn=update-internet-to-master-mldaprw1, cn=replica, cn="o=internet", cn=mapping tree, cn=config (host mldaprw1.sml.net, port 389)"
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:59 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - Sent extended operation 2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.5 to replica "mldaprw1.sml.net:389" and received result code 0
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:59 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - Successfully released consumer "cn=update-internet-to-master-mldaprw1, cn=replica, cn="o=internet", cn=mapping tree, cn=config (host mldaprw1.sml.net, port 389)"
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:59 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - Beginning linger on connection to replica mldaprw1.sml.net:389
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:59 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - Running incremental protocol for consumer mldaprw1.sml.net:389; current state - sending_updates, next_state - wait_for_changes
[17/Jun/2002:18:04:59 +1000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - Replication session for agreement "cn=update-internet-to-master-mldaprw1, cn=replica, cn="o=internet", cn=mapping tree, cn=config" waiting for changes to send

This problem has been already identified and fixed in the Directory Server 5.1 Service Pack 1 which should be publicly available by the end of this month.

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    Have you tried a PRAM reset?

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    Whenever my laptop is on charging and idle for 5 minutes it starts intensive disk activity and its temperature get very high.
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    A bugcheck (BSOD) is a mechanism to protect your PC from damage.
    To see the cause I have to take a look at the dumps with the Debugging Tools for Windows.
    Please start the Windows Explorer and go to the folder C:\Windows\Minidump. Next, copy the dmp files to your desktop, zip all dmp into 1 zip file and upload the zip file to your public Skydrive [1] folder and post a link here.
    If you can't see dmp files, make sure your Windows is configured correctly [2][3] to generate dumps.
    If you want to analyze them your own, check those videos [4][5] and read this KB article [6].
    The activity may come from the Idle maintenance. Try to disable the task inthe task scheduler.
    [1] http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7itproui/thread/4fc10639-02db-4665-993a-08d865088d65
    [2] http://support.microsoft.com/kb/254649
    [3] http://blog.nirsoft.net/2010/07/27/how-to-configure-windows-to-create-minidump-files-on-bsod/
    [4] http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Defrag-Tools/Defrag-Tools-15-WinDbg-Bugchecks
    [5] http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Defrag-Tools/Defrag-Tools-16-WinDbg-Driver-Verifier, http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Defrag-Tools/Defrag-Tools-17-WinDbg-Driver-Verifier-Part-2, http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Defrag-Tools/Defrag-Tools-18-WinDbg-Driver-Verifier-Part-3
    [6] http://support.microsoft.com/kb/315263
    "A programmer is just a tool which converts caffeine into code"

  • WSRP Producer registration (unstable behaviour)

    I'm currently using JDev build 4157 and building a webcenter application which makes use of both WSRP and PDK-Java portlets. I'm getting strange errors with WSRP Producer registration: in order to simplify things this description refers to the RichTextPortlet which is a prebuilt portlet but the problem is happening with every WSRP portlet producer, not with PDK-Java producers:
    When I create the producer for the RichTextPortlet everything works perfectly, I run my app and personalize the portlet without problems. However, after several runs the portlets start to show the "Portlet unavailable" message and the server logs says something about the producer registration being wrong. When I test the producer connection in JDev it checks ok but if I try to refresh it, it fails. If I register an identical producer it works fine but the original producer doesn't.
    The exception I get when I refresh the producer registration is:
    oracle.portlet.client.container.PortletRemoteException: WSRP producer responded with an error (InvalidRegistrationException)
         at oracle.portlet.client.techimpl.wsrp.WSRPClientImpl.handleException(WSRPClientImpl.java:2462)
         at oracle.portlet.client.techimpl.wsrp.WSRPClientImpl.deleteRemotePortlet(WSRPClientImpl.java:1094)
         at oracle.portlet.client.techimpl.wsrp.WSRPClientImpl.delete(WSRPClientImpl.java:999)
         at oracle.portlet.client.techimpl.wsrp.WSRPClientImpl.refresh(WSRPClientImpl.java:1142)
         at oracle.portlet.client.containerimpl.wsrp.WSRPProducerImpl._refresh(WSRPProducerImpl.java:385)
         at oracle.portlet.client.containerimpl.wsrp.WSRPProducerImpl.refresh(WSRPProducerImpl.java:363)
         at oracle.adfinternal.model.portlet.manager.PortletProviderManager.refreshPortletProvider(PortletProviderManager.java:864)
         at oracle.adfinternal.model.portlet.manager.ProviderDT.refresh(ProviderDT.java:310)
         at oracle.adfdtinternal.model.portlet.wizards.registration.common.WizardUtils$3.doWork(WizardUtils.java:159)
         at oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressRunnable.run(ProgressRunnable.java:159)
         at oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressBar.run(ProgressBar.java:551)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
    Caused by: oracle.portlet.server.container.InvalidRegistrationException: oracle.portlet.wsrp.v1.InvalidRegistrationException: oracle.portlet.wsrp.v1.soap.InvalidRegistration
         at oracle.portlet.wsrp.v1.ServerToWSRPv1.destroyPortlets(ServerToWSRPv1.java:4835)
         at oracle.portlet.client.connection.wsrp.ActivityServerWrapper.destroyPortlets(ActivityServerWrapper.java:305)
         at oracle.portlet.client.techimpl.wsrp.WSRPClientImpl.deleteRemotePortlet(WSRPClientImpl.java:1088)
         ... 10 more
    Caused by: oracle.portlet.wsrp.v1.InvalidRegistrationException: oracle.portlet.wsrp.v1.soap.InvalidRegistration
         at oracle.portlet.wsrp.v1.WSRP_v1_PortletManagement_PortTypeJaxbToSoap.destroyPortlets(WSRP_v1_PortletManagement_PortTypeJaxbToSoap.java:220)
         at oracle.portlet.wsrp.v1.ServerToWSRPv1.destroyPortlets(ServerToWSRPv1.java:4785)
         ... 12 more
    Caused by: oracle.portlet.wsrp.v1.soap.InvalidRegistration
         at oracle.portlet.wsrp.v1.soap.runtime.WSRP_v1_PortletManagement_PortType_destroyPortlets_Fault_SOAPSerializer.deserializeDetail(WSRP_v1_PortletManagement_PortType_destroyPortlets_Fault_SOAPSerializer.java:94)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.common.encoding.SOAPFaultInfoSerializer.doDeserializeSOAP11(SOAPFaultInfoSerializer.java:132)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.common.encoding.SOAPFaultInfoSerializer.doDeserialize(SOAPFaultInfoSerializer.java:94)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.common.encoding.ObjectSerializerBase.deserialize(ObjectSerializerBase.java:180)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.common.encoding.ReferenceableSerializerImpl.deserialize(ReferenceableSerializerImpl.java:147)
         at oracle.portlet.wsrp.v1.soap.runtime.WSRP_v1_PortletManagement_Binding_SOAP_Stub._readBodyFaultElement(WSRP_v1_PortletManagement_Binding_SOAP_Stub.java:624)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.client.StreamingSender._sendImpl(StreamingSender.java:321)
         at oracle.j2ee.ws.client.StreamingSender._send(StreamingSender.java:112)
         at oracle.portlet.wsrp.v1.soap.runtime.WSRP_v1_PortletManagement_Binding_SOAP_Stub.destroyPortlets(WSRP_v1_PortletManagement_Binding_SOAP_Stub.java:76)
         at oracle.portlet.wsrp.v1.WSRP_v1_PortletManagement_PortTypeJaxbToSoap.destroyPortlets(WSRP_v1_PortletManagement_PortTypeJaxbToSoap.java:207)
         ... 13 more
    And its driving me mad...
    Hope someone can help.

    I think the WebCenter forum is probably the right place for this one.
    Oh, wait, I see you already cross-posted over there. You sneaky little devil ;)

  • Pacman seems to ignore unstable

    The title says it all I think. Every time I pacman -Syu it's gives me the following output, which seems to be fine at first glance, but clearly misses the unstable repository getting synced.
    [root@Lohengrin /]# pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    current is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    local database is up to date
    My pacman.conf
    # /etc/pacman.conf
    # See the pacman manpage for option directives
    LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log
    HoldPkg = pacman glibc
    #XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
    # - can be defined here or included from another file
    # - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
    # - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
    # - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
    # have identical names, regardless of version number
    #Include = /etc/pacman.d/testing
    # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/current
    # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/extra
    # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/community
    # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/unstable
    # An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for
    # tips on creating your own repositories.
    #Server = file:///home/custompkgs
    So, what's up ? Pacman 2 never exhibited this strange behaviour (FYI).

    yes, in the actual config, it adds the unstable mirrors in the [community] section.
    Fortunately, I guess it starts using the first mirrors, so it uses the community mirrors for the community repos, and not the unstable ones
    Maybe there should be some checks for that, if it's possible.

  • Fixing unstable performance on macbook pro

    Hi team,
    I have a macbook pro bought nov 2011
    It has run fine but recently I have been using it constantly for my new job running Adobe software like Flash, premiere pro and after effects (mainly flash) cs5.5
    intel i7 2.4ghtz quad core with 8Gb ram, shipped with Lion, I have run apple hardware test (short and long) and found no problems.
    Ok so I am having strange behaviour, the audio keeps killing itself, and I have to run the terminal sudo killall coreaudiod.
    My programs are crashing constantly- mainly Flash, Ihave been working on my project for two months and all of a sudden it has become highly unstable, sometimes crashing 10 times in a row.
    I am constantly fixing disk permissions
    Permissions differ on “usr/lib/ruby”; should be lrwxr-xr-x ; they are drwxr-xr-x .
    even if I fix the disk permissions and then do it again straight after I get this same message
    I have got a bootcamp partition on this laptop and it does not show up on the mac side, it is greyed out when looking at it in disk utility.
    Now I do have an older macbook pro and I know that this is not how it should be.
    I am getting a new windows workstation (sorry mac fans!) to run 3DS max and as soon as it comes and I have transferred all data I will try to reinstall lion on this macbook and stop running bootcamp, I have found this laptop does not like it (bootcamping that is)..... but does anyone have any short term solutions for me? I am running time machine so I can get data back. 
    I have never has this kind of performance problems from a mac before (and I have worked with a lot)
    any ideas how to start enjoying to work on this machine rather than it being an extended scary and stressful experience.

    Likely it might be that your Adobe software is not updated or works well with 10.7
    The repair permissions is always going to say that, why it's like this still in 10.7 remains a mystery.
    Check your version of Flash
    Check your Adboe software if it's current / works well with Lion
    Check with the User Tip here of mine that may assist narrowing down the cause
    Check here for any assistance

  • Unstable Link on SF100D-05

    We considered using the SF100D-05 Switches in small offices with an insufficient amount of network jacks. However, it appears that this switch-series is faulty. In the combination of new MSI-mainboards with Realtek network chipset, the link to the client is extremely unstable. I am not talking about one computer on one switch. The Problem occurs on every SF100D-switch with every new computer equipped with the aforementioned mainboard on our campus. Older computers or mainboards from other vendors are not affected. Also, any other low-price desktop-switch we use (Digitus, LevelOne, etc.) is working fine while the SF100D induces link-flaps on the mentioned machines.
    The problem in detail:
    Connecting a new, freshly installed, computer (with MSI-mainboard and Realtek network chipset) with the switch. The Link comes up and the computer has access to the network. After approx. 30-60 sec. the link gets down. (both link LEDs go off and the networkconnection is offline) After another 1-2 sec. the Link comes up again and network is working fine till the next 30-60 sec. Then the problem repeats.
    The time between two link-downs decreases with higher network traffic. While downloading large amounts of data the link-down interval is reduced to 5-10 sec.
    Setting the computers NIC to 100 Mbps full-duplex instead of Auto has no effect on the problem.
    We tested the scenario with different
    - switchports
    - wires
    - computers
    - electric circuits
    - offices
    The behaviour is not identical to
    The Problem occurs on NICs with the following MAC-OUIs
    Here are some serial-number-ranges of our switches (SF100D-05 V02):
    Has anyone observed similar problems?

    Dear Customer,
    Thank you for reaching Small Business Support Community.
    It is a very interesting and very well described and troubleshooted issue, very good and time consuming job you have done here! and since I have found no similar cases, documented software bugs and not even a firmware upgrade I can suggest, my only recommendation is to contact the Small Business Support Center to see if they have any idea in how to overcome this issue which in my opinion is a compatibility problem;
    Unfortunately I am not able to reproduce your case scenario but please do not hesitate to reach me back if there is anything I may assist you with in the meantime.
    Kind regards,
    Jeffrey Rodriguez S. .:|:.:|:.
    Cisco Customer Support Engineer
    *Please rate the Post so other will know when an answer has been found.

  • Fireworks CS6 Unstable & Behaves Erratically After Opening Many Images

    I use fireworks extensively for processing many images. However, after opening many large images or many more smaller images, Fireworks starts to get unstable and does funny behaviours such us keyboard shortcuts not working, tools buttons disabled even when the object is in focus, unable to select objects, etc.
    It clears up only when I restart Fireworks.
    Could Adobe look into an update for this stability fix? I would like to avoid restarting Fireworks as it resets the "Untitled" parameter and also forces me to open all the images again.
    OS: Win 7 64 Bit
    Version: Fireworks CS6

    anyone with a solution? It doesn't crash, just behaves weirdly, enough to cause annoyances. Some behaviours I have noticed when it happens
    - tools buttons are all disabled even when I have selected an object in the canvas
    - Ctrl+Tab does not work anymore

  • Unstable Pen Pressure only on Photoshop Windows 8

    Photoshop CS4 CS5 or CS6 is the only program that is unstable with pen pressure sensitivity, all the other programs work flawlessly (zbrush, art rage, sketchbook, painter, mypaint, etc).
    In Photoshop if the stroke is fast enough it will draw the line normally and with pressure, but if the line is drawn slowly it will make 100% pressure just like a mouse behaves.
    Here's an example of brush strokes, the black ones are the slow strokes that don't register pressure sensitivity.
    This topic has been covered in these 3 posts "Wacom Intuos4 + PS CS4 Pressure problem", ""Pressure Sensitivity Problem with Wacom Bamboo Pen Tablet in Windows 7" and "CS4 32bit & Wacom Intuos 3 - Intermittent Pressure Sensitivity"
    The evident solution for Windows 7 is disabling the "Press and Hold" feature on "Pen and Touch" settings, But in Windows 8 disabling this check only makes Photoshop unresponsive to pressure to the extreme that not even a single stroke can be drawn. Only random dots with no direction or pressure sensitivity. This is a big no no.
    My computer is a Motion LE 1700 tablet that works with Wacom Tablet PC Drivers, there's only a single driver released for Windows 8 which is ISD_DualTouch_710-8.
    Older Windows 7 drivers for Wacom Tablet PC don't recognize the pen. And default drivers from the Motion Computing website don't work with Photoshop.
    An in all, the 8 ISD_DualTouch_710-8 driver works flawlessly with all my apps with the exception of Photoshop, causing the weird intermitent sensitivity behaviour.

    I wanted to point out that this will work great on a Motion LE1700 with the keyboard workaround, because it also lacks capacitive touch input.
    On newer tablets i.e. Samsung Series 7 slate, ASUS Ep121 Slate, etc. that have dual digitizers with capacitive touch, with the 7.0.9-5 driver, It disables palm rejection. Which forces you to either disable Touch input, or not rest your hand on the screen.  So yes, it is still quite broken.  But as Anon_A mentioned, it is a problem between Adobe, MS and Wacom.  But i did get a reply from Wacom:
    Hello Jordan,
    Thank you for entering a bug. We are aware of the issue with Photoshop and are working with Microsoft and Adobe for a resolution. We appreciate your patience while we try to come to a resolution.
    Thank you,
    Sherry Egli-Doster
    Wacom Sr SQA Test Tech
    So i will keep posting to this thread as i hear more on the issue.  I have gone back to Windows 7 for the time being due to the need of capacitive touch for my work flow, untill this issue is resolved.
    I did want to leave one more thing, for people on Windows 8, that want to use 7.0.9-5 with a dual digitizer input slate. Someone has wrote a program to manually turn on and off capacitive input, you can find the download here
    https://dl.dropbox.com/u/17137175/TGuard.zip Credit goes to http://butimaru.blogspot.com/ . 

  • Px4-300d unstable/unreliable

    i'm having all sorts of issues with px4-300d units that essentially render them not usable for any kind of business data.
    first unit, after bveing powered on for a month or so wouldn't open the web management anymore, after trying to shut it down, it hangs on the shutdown, after forcing it off it lost ALL DATA (had to recover the data with a file recovery tool out of the raw drives).
    The unit got RMAed as the dfiag logs where showing errors on the internal flash drive.
    now i got a replacement, but it's also unstable, after some days of being powered up, if you try to shut it down, it simply HANGS with the powerdown icon on the LCD.
    i can't delete volumes either, it says "Unable to update the requested settings."!!, and it was only filled with TEST DATA with some snapshots, i cant even delete the storage pool as it tries to delete the volume and it fails with same message!.
    all with LATEST firmware installed, i even did a factory reset on arrival of the RMA unit
    so far these units have proven to be horribly unreliable and i cant trust customer data in them if they self destruct like this

    You did not mention, what lenovo / iomega support replied to your case when raising a telephon / mail support request. This behaviour definitely needs a support ticket and should not be run by the forum. Assuming your new box is still under warranty it should be easy to receive a replacement..........
    OOps .. overseen that you already received a new unit. Suggest you rerun the case with the replacement unit. Sometimes it needs two tries.
    Various PCs / Laptops ( sorry I still really love Dell and Fujitsu ;-))
    Supporting Customers ix2s and ix4s -- Love Networking ( not only technically ).
    I am not a Lenovo Employee.
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"!

  • Focus behaviour on E17

    Hi, is there any way to change the focus behaviour in E17?, I would like to use "click to focus" 

    Cam wrote:Be careful, I used E17 for a while and then went back to fluxbox, I had to click the windows to focus them again it felt weird
    Yep, but i've been using E17 for a couple of months and it's unstable but usable.
    Thanxs for the replay by the way

  • 10.5.6 - weird Safari and fan behaviour

    I've had it a few days now and I have found some strange behaviour....
    ⌲ Fan management seems a bit off - the fans are running a lot more often but I think this is because the core temp seems to be a lot higher a lot more often
    ⌲ This might be because Safari has started to act strange - it's cpu usage often takes up 100% or better usage (hence the high temps which kick off the fans) for no apparent reason - admittedly I open up 52 tabs at a time but I never had this problem with 10.5.5. Also - trying to copy text in sites is really fiddly.
    ⌲ A lot of the tabs I normally open in Safari stop half way. Sites with video often play with a lot of stutters. This is not my internet connection as Firefox opens all tabs quickly and the same videos play fine.
    ⌲ If I leave Safari alone for awhile and go back and do a refresh of all the tabs everything often goes back to normal - which is strange
    I guess you'd have to say that it boils down to intermittent unstable Safari, apps hogging massive cpu usage which then kick drives the fans.
    (FTR - 17" mbp, 2.4, 4 gig ram)

    Any thoughts? Any internet based program besides email cannot connect.

  • Satellite Pro C50-A-1E4 runs unstable using new RAM modules

    I have the above machine and have upgraded the RAM (to 8GB) a long while ago. I normally upgrade BIOS if there is a new release.
    However, for some while my machine has been unstable and this is due to machine running RAM at XMP1866 (933MHz) instead of CPU rated 1600 (800MHz). I have attached screengrab from Piriform Speccy to report this.
    There is no setting within UEFI BIOS 1.40 to adjust RAM timing and therefore BIOS takes SPD data incorrectly for CPU ID.
    I am unable to locate earlier BIOS to check if this pattern was repeated but it took over a year to display fault hence the machine is out of warranty. If I put smaller sticks of 1600 RAM the system seems stable.
    However, I purchased the RAM to make use of it. I am now unable to test if the RAM is faulty as it will not pass Memtest (either lockup or crash out) but I am unsure as to whether system instability is cause of system being OC due to BIOS or faulty RAM.
    The question being it ran perfectly for about a year before displaying errors. BIOS should correctly detect speed setting from JEDEC standard data in EEPROM. It does not do this. I have often ran 'overspec' memory in other PCs without encountering this behaviour. It is only troubleshooting that has made me aware of this discrepancy.
    RAM is Crucial Ballistix 8GB-1866 BLS8G3N18AES4CEU.16FE

    Originally Posted by TomDexter
    I doubt its a BIOS issue
    First of all you can not use any RAM module you have to use an fully compatible modules and as you probably know, not all RAM modules available on the market are fully compatible.
    As far as I know in case of RAM upgrade Toshiba recommends the usage of these modules.
    4GB DDR3-1600 PA5037U-1M4G
    8GB DDR3-1600 PA5037U-1M8G
    The specifications are:
    Memory Speed: 1600Mhz PC3-12800
    Capacity: 8GB
    Pins: 204 SODIMM
    Rank: Dual Rank
    CAS Latency (CL): CL11
    Voltage: 1.5v
    I would recommend you to use modules which meet exactly the same specifications.
    That's sidestepping the point nicely. I still believe the BIOS to not be reading the EEPROMs correctly, but hey if you can swerve that one then I'll swerve Toshiba in future.
    Thanks for editing the post title.

  • What are the views/fields that we can't change by Mass maintenance of MMR(material master record)?

    Hello friends,
              I would like to know the fields/views that we can not change by using mass maintenance of MMR if there are open PO for that particular material in concern. Likewise there was a question in SAP certification exam having options: "base unit of measure", "material type" and so on....

    in general you can change any field that can be changed in MM02. if the field is grayed then you cannot. e.g. if you make use a MRP profile. and in this profile the maintenance of those fields is disabled then you cannot do it MM17 either.

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    CS3 has not been sold for several years... you may now buy a perpetual license for Creative Suite 6 or you may buy a Cloud subscription
    http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/install-apps.html to install or uninstall
    What it is http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-desktop.html
    Cloud Getting Started https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud.html

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