Unwanted Frame Shifts (1-3 Frames, up to 1.5 Seconds off Edit)

I am completing a relatively large video composition drawing from found footage (analogue source).
I captured everything at 29.97 fps, DV NTSC, outputting the same to quicktime.
Happened initially with FC 6.0, just updated to 7.0 (update didn't resolve issue in project).
I am having issues with frames slipping/shifting about 1-3 frames away from my original edit. Its noticeable mostly through audio, but there are several spots where the video shift is noticeable as well.
It was initially only through a longer capture (about 7 gigs) but I know have it happening from several other captures (roughly 3 gigs each).
While most shifts are 1-3 frames, I had one earlier on of about 1 and a half seconds. (It is rather a trial to set it all right by hand.)
It has happened to edits that have been made weeks ago and have been stable. I feel it might have something to do with the rendering, as when I found in spots where I left the sequence unrendered everything stayed put.
As I need to render to export, I'm not sure how to resolve this.
Needless to say, this is all very trying.

I don't really have an answer for you - I guess it's up to them to figure it out.
Sorry I can't help any further.

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    i would take back to store and exchange.
    if this is new behaviour then make sure you running the latest update.
    if that doesn't fix it...hold off a few months and upgrade to torch 2 but if you still within exchange time from when you got it...exchange...within warranty time? rma it.

  • Unwanted Frame Shifts

    I am completing a relatively large video composition drawing from found footage (analogue source).
    I captured everything at 29.97 fps, DV NTSC, outputting the same to quicktime.
    Happened initially with FC 6.0, just updated to 7.0 (update didn't resolve issue in project).
    I am having issues with frames slipping/shifting about 1-3 frames away from my original edit. Its noticeable mostly through audio, but there are several spots where the video shift is noticeable as well.
    It was initially only through a longer capture (about 7 gigs) but I know have it happening from several other captures (roughly 3 gigs each).
    While most shifts are 1-3 frames, I had one earlier on of about 1 and a half seconds. (It is rather a trial to set it all right by hand.)
    It has happened to edits that have been made weeks ago and have been stable. I feel it might have something to do with the rendering, as when I found in spots where I left the sequence unrendered everything stayed put.
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    Needless to say, this is all very trying.

    You can adjust the cropping under the crop feature.
    Most of the time after you place an image into your timeline automatic ken burns would be applied which you would have to change back to a certain crop that you prefer.  Now when you place a video especially when the video clip has a large image size, iMovie will apply a random crop which you would also have to change to the way you want it through the crop settings.

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    -Daniel Soderberg

    IIRC, En CS5 changed a few default settings. I do not think that those were eliminated, just the defaults from OFF to ON, or ON to OFF were added. Likely one of those settings made the difference. Do not recall if any of the Frame Blend options were in that group, but they could well have been.
    Glad that CS5 made the difference for you, and good luck,

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    Did you perform the initial update using iTunes or over the air?
    -Software problems are usually resolved by connecting to a computer with iTunes, and restoring to factory settings.  I recommend you connect to iTunes, create a fresh backup file, then restore to factory settings (Set up as new and retest).  If everything is ok, then restore your backup.  If the problem returns, there is something corrupted in your backup file.

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    Please - Use the small Camera tool - to insert photos in Your text
    looks like this on my Mac
    and that doesn't help me to understand a bit.
    Yours Bengt W

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    This occurs typically when you puts BOXs commands on top of MAIN outside of any text element.  It runs once, then is not executed any more.  If you need the boxes on other pages you should put it inside a text elemente and make a WRITE_FORM with the proper EXPORTING ELEMENT for every page.  But as you don't know when a new page is called...  I really don't know how to solve it by this way.
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    Were you shooting on the Panasonic HVX-200 onto P2 cards in 720pn mode?
    Yes, that's correct.
    you should still make a DVD and watch the movie on a TV
    I will do that; thanks for the advice.
    if you are having these problems on your computer, there's always a chance that your client will have problems showing the file on the unknown computers
    That has been a big part of my cause for concern. My friend (the one I'm working with on this project, who owns the equipment we're using) would prefer to burn it to a Blu-ray disc, but unfortunately we don't have access to a Blu-ray burner. So I'm thinking we should provide it as both a DVD and as a QuickTime file, to cover as many bases as possible.
    Thanks again for your patience with novice questions. I've looked for books on these kinds of things, but everything I've found seems to either be written at the extreme beginner level ("this is how you upload video onto your computer"), or the extreme advanced level. Perhaps I haven't been looking in the right places; if you can suggest some good reading materials on this kind of thing, that would be great.

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    Take a look at the color profile. If the image was say from a raw image that the profile was set to prorgb and you saved it as a jpg and viewed it in a browser that does not support profiles, the color will shift. Anything thats on the web should assumed to be SRGB. Getting an image from someone else, could be using a different profile. Normally when the file loads, it will ask you what to do when they don't match your current settings. But in the preferences, I believe it is possible to disable that warning.

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    I downloaded and installed the latest iTunes 11.2.1 (1) update yesterday. It appears to have corrected this issue to a large extent: plugging in an iThing to sync no longer seems to cause explosive growth in memory footprint. leaks reports a much slower growth in dead memory:
    leaks -nocontext -nostacks iTunes | grep total
    Process 27307: 353 leaks for 726488 total leaked bytes.
    20 minutes later:
    leaks -nocontext -nostacks iTunes | grep total
    Process 27307: 364 leaks for 1256056 total leaked bytes.
    20 minutes later, after DLing updated apps and doing another sync:
    leaks -nocontext -nostacks iTunes | grep total
    Process 27307: 364 leaks for 1256056 total leaked bytes.
    Memory allocation started at 70Mb, grew to 200Mb, and appears to have stabilized there.
    I'm going to keep an eye on it overnight, but it looks as if this may not be a complete system killer as it was before, at least in my case. In any case, I can highly recommend this latest iTunes update for anyone else experiencing this specific issue. Updating bug 16772016 with this new information.

  • Deleting frames

    how to edit events and delete unwanted frames?  I have Imovie 9.0 v8.0.6  Please advise.

    Pres the V key to select the edit near the playhead you want to edit. Pres the U key to cycle through the edit functions till you have the clip you want selected in ripple mode. Use the left and right bracket keys [ and ] to trim the clip one frame at a time. Shift-bracket to trim five frames at a time.

  • CAN input buffer overflow due to RTSI frame?

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    A second (asynchronuous) task generates a RTSI trigger at specified intervals. I use this trigger to write a RTSI fram to the CAN buffer. However, I get buffer overrun errors frequently. I've set the read queue to 100 and I read 20 frames each time (on occurrence). I only seem to get these overrun errors when using RTSI!
    Does someone know what my problem might be?
    Thanks a lot!

    Hi Koektrommel
    If “…and generating a RSTI time stamp every 1 ms” means that you have a 1 kHz signal on the RTSI port and you want to timestamp this, then it could be very tight. Every RTSI pulse generates an interrupt on the CAN card that the processor needs to execute in addition to the interrupts coming from the CAN controller and the communication with the Windows OS.
    Two things I can think of, that potentially could make things a little faster:
    Do not use any CAN Objects. Due to their own queues, the CPU needs more processing time to handle to additional queues compared to just using the Network Interface Object.
    Use the CAN controllers filters to filter out as many (unwanted) frames as possible. If you have a Series 1 card, you would use the regular Mask/Comparator settings for ncConfig, for Series 2 hardware you need to use the Series 2 specific filter attributes.

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    FrameGrabbingControl allows you to grab a frame. but you cant directly write from that frame. Do i have to create a dataSink.
    Actually i tried to do one thing that is, I used the cut program. But from that i can not repeatedly take out frame as media data.

  • Frame accurate editing help required.

    Is there no iMovie 11 Help section that instructs you how to edit a movie (cut footage out you no longer require etc.), preferably to the frame.
    The Get Started section of help jumps from Lesson 3 adding video to Lesson 4 Enhancing your project.
    Is it me?

    Thanks, thumbnail slider helps but actual frame editing seems a bit hit and miss, sometimes works sometimes doesn't (sometimes cuts 2 frames rather than 1), I found it easier (and more accurate) to cut a few frames away from where i wanted and then select an individual frame and move this using the Left and Right cursor keys before deleting the unwanted frame(s) using Cmd+X to cut selected frames.
    BTW I eventually found some editing help in Browse help (there is none in the Get started section, although it is demonstrated in a video in lesson 3, 'Add video to your project') but it was well hidden!
    Browse help/Create an iMovie project/Trim video clips/Trim unwanted frames from a video clip.
    Why they hide it here i'll never know, surely everyone wants to trim their video, or is it just me,haha.

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