Unwanted style sheet

I have a style sheet that is some attached to all of the pages on the site (slideshows-the-consultant-cs5) and I can't see where the link is, it should only be attached to the Slide show pages, but there don't seem to be a link on them eather, Url: http://www.thecarpetandflooringconsultant.co.uk can some one help please. Thanks Jeff

I see the css file "consultant_cs5.css" but nothing for "slideshow-the-consultant-cs5" on any of your pages online.

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    Hello Mark,
    why do you think a feedback forum for Oracle forums is the right place to ask this question?

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    Hi Kevin. I believe that if you delete a style from the style
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    based on the "Normal" style, text reverts back to the "Normal"
    style if "Style1" is deleted. This may hopefully help with your
    tidy up although I don't know of a way to delete multiple

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    Open the style sheet in Notepad or similar. You can then copy
    and tweak any style.

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    Styles based on Basic paragraph are a nightmare because every document starts with a basic paragraph style, and there's no guarantee that it will be the same from document to document. When you import styles based on Basic Paragraph from some other document, different attributes will be overridden depending on what is the same, and what is different.
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    It sounds like your first word problem could be an applied character style, though, or less likely, a nested style.

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    Hi Murray,
    I am building a web site on which the entire content would be changed at least daily. The website would have similar design to www.Helium.com
    The page will have CCS layout boxes in which different content would  be pasted.
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    Hope my question and the reason I was able to clarify.

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    Hello msears,
    Thank you for posting on the NI Discussion Forums.  Unfortunately there are no tools available in TestStand for directly converting an Access database to a formatted .xsl report.  It is possible to have a step in a sequence that reads the information from the database, and create the .xsl report as if it had been generated at sequence run-time, by writing those values directly to Locals.ResultList.  Admittedly, this would require some knowledge of Microsoft Access, and the ability to write a program that will extract information from the database, in order to include it as a step in the sequence.
    Is there anything stopping you from creating a formatted .xsl report when the sequence is run (instead of trying to create it from previous data stored in an Access database)?
    Sr Test Engineer
    Medtronic, Inc.

  • XML page cannot be displayed cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet Please correct the error and then click the REfresh

    XML page cannot be displayed cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet Please correct the error and then click the REfresh

    Is the error message displayed in Firefox or in IE, or in a customized window that doesn't identify the browser?
    ''If it displays in Firefox:''
    It's possible that the Troubleshooter doesn't work correctly unless IE is your default browser. You could test that possibility by having IE make itself the default and testing the Troubleshooter again.
    ''If it displays in IE or embedded in another Microsoft application:''
    In a web search I found these suggestions:
    (1) Reset your Internet Explorer settings, according to http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/ie/forum/ie8-windows_7/cannot-view-xml-using-xsl-style-sheet/ccfe80c6-c0db-4594-a7e3-475f9eac0e85
    (2) Try the System File Checker, according to http://ask-leo.com/why_do_i_get_the_xml_page_cannot_be_displayed_after_running_a_microsoft_troubleshooter.html
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    The reason I ask is because I use fx:include in many of my FXML files.  For example, I'll have something like this:
    MainPane.fxml - Uses shared.css and main-pane.css.  Includes SubPane.fxml.
    SubPane.fxml - Uses shared.css and sub-pane.css.  Included in MainPane.fxml using fx:include.
    I used to add shared.css to SubPane.fxml using Scene Builder's preview option, but the way this works has been changed in Scene Builder 2.  See this thread for an explanation of the change.  I also use TestFX and I'm convinced that I should be ensuring shared.css is applied to SubPane.fxml before running GUI tests.
    The easiest way to accomplish what I want is to add shared.css to the root node of both MainPane.fxml and SubPane.fxml.  However, I don't know if that's something I'm allowed to do.  Is it?

    No. http://www.adobe.com/products/creativecloud/faq.html
    Can I buy more than one membership to an individual offering of Creative Cloud? 
    No, Adobe has moved to identity-based licensing with a technology that will not support multiple same-product licenses, so you can buy only one membership per Adobe ID. If you need two Creative Cloud memberships, you will need to purchase each with a unique Adobe ID. You can also purchase a Creative Cloud for teams membership, which allows you to purchase and manage multiple seats under one account.

  • Is there any way to create a style sheet in APEX?

    Hi experts,
    I am in I am in Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g
    Is there any way to create a style sheet in APEX any version?
    I want to create a style sheet and use APEX report column link to it.

    Well, if that is the case, then you'll need to do some PL/SQL programming to write a package to create all of that for you, then execute the package when the 'link' column is clicked.
    After your package is written, change the attributes on your link column to be a URL instead of page in your application and call it like:
    On my system, I created a new DAD and user just for this one purpose, to read an select the information in my report, generate the HTML to display the data, etc. without leaving a loophole someone could exploit to get direct data manipulation access. My report though is a form-type report of all the data from about 40 tables for that one 'master' record, with css formatting included. I'm not directly generating a css file based upon data within the database, but simply adding the css formatting into the HTML file my package generates.
    Does this help your problem?
    Bill Ferguson

  • How can I get the link not to override my style sheet formatting?

    I have an html page with text that has a style sheet applied
    to it. When I insert a link into parts of the formatted text, the
    style sheet formatting is lost in the linked text (the text for
    mylars, shapes and number shapes becomes smaller: see code below).
    How can I get the link not to override my style sheet
    Here is the html code I am referring to:
    <span class="bodyheader20pt">Fall into winter's biggest
    celebration with our New Year's Day <a href="
    http://www.usballoon.net/web/default.asp?pagename=mg_cls&mg=A9&mg2=&cl=A4&sc=184&PageNumbe r=1"
    style="text-decoration:none">mylars</a>, <a href="
    http://www.usballoon.net/web/default.asp?pagename=mg_cls&mg=A9&mg2=&cl=L2&sc=184&PageNumbe r=1"
    style="text-decoration:none">shapes</a>, and 2-0-0-9 <a
    http://www.usballoon.net/web/default.asp?pagename=mg_cls&mg=A9&mg2=&cl=L2&sc=166&PageNumbe r=1"
    I am using Dreaweaver CS3 on a Mac running OSX

    Show us this rule --> bodyheader20pt?
    Also, having this in your three anchor tags -
    style="text-decoration:none" -
    will prevent your anchors from displaying any stylesheet
    style for
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "ellfwar" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:geqiph$foq$[email protected]..
    >I have an html page with text that has a style sheet
    applied to it. When I
    > insert a link into parts of the formatted text, the
    style sheet formatting
    > is
    > lost in the linked text (the text for mylars, shapes and
    number shapes
    > becomes
    > smaller: see code below).
    > How can I get the link not to override my style sheet
    > Here is the html code I am referring to:
    > <span class="bodyheader20pt">Fall into winter's
    biggest celebration with
    > our
    > New Year's Day <a
    > href="
    > sc=184&PageNumber=1"
    style="text-decoration:none">mylars</a>, <a
    > href="
    > sc=184&PageNumber=1"
    style="text-decoration:none">shapes</a>, and 2-0-0-9
    > <a
    > href="
    > sc=166&PageNumber=1"
    > shapes</a>.</span>
    > I am using Dreaweaver CS3 on a Mac running OSX 10.4.11.

  • Style Sheets: Retrofitting previously-numbered lists

    Hello wonderful INDD community!
    I have learned so much since my last visit here, and I want to say Thank you! You've helped me "up my game" with nested style sheets and grep!
    Working on the same catalog project as I was discussing before, and I've run into this quandary:
    This catalog has quite a lot of numbered lists, most of which were already numbered when I got them. I'm wanting to differentiate the numbers from the titles (which I've further differentiated from the descriptions using Nested Styles), but am having trouble deciding the best way to do it.
    The reason I bring my woes here is because this group, I know, members here will help me find the BEST way to do it! Not just any ole way.
    I sort of see two ways of approaching it:
    Using GREP Styles to identify the item numbers and also to insert a second tab to allow me to right-align the numbers. The 1st part, I think I can do, the 2nd part kind of makes my head spin.
    Converting these hand-typed numbered lists to INDD auto-numbered lists. The hurdle here, to me, is how to get rid of the debris of the hand-typed numbers in some easy automated way? This concept is kind of the reverse of INDD's "Convert Bullets and Numbering to Text" feature. A "Convert Text to Numbering" command.
    Now, it's easy for me to believe that somebody here in this forum has a better idea. I just wanted to prove to you that I've done my homework. Hours of it, in fact.
    Can peoples take a look at the attached image which attempts to illustrate what I'm after?
    Thanks SO MUCH,

    Howdy all--
    Ok with some begrudgement, I have to say that technically this works.
    It's kind of slow-going though..and it's not without anguish, which isn't an indictment of Jongware's implementation; probably more an indication of my ignorance.
    What I'm doing is:
    Highlighting a list
    Styling it to a paragraph style that uses INDD's built in auto-numbering feature
    Running Jongware's GREP pattern (thank you!) to get rid of the old hand-typed numbers
    Placing the cursor in the middle of the first entry and right-clicking and selecting "Restart Numbering."
    I know this isn't exactly what the Doctor ordered, Jongware, but I prefer this modified workflow because it kept me from needing to change the "find/change" box back and forth between two states (even if those two states were only the one format change). I was afraid that would start boggling my brain after doing it many dozens of times..
    SO-- The thing that bugs me is step #4. I don't really understand the INDD behavior when it comes to auto-numbering. In the paragraph style I created  (see screen cap), if I set it to "start at 1" with a series of items highlighted, it numbers them all "1". If I say "continue from previous number," it refers to some bit of previous numbering in the story and picks up from there. Hence step #4.
    Anybody care to shed some light on INDD's kind of odd auto-numbering tendencies (or my ignorance?) :-)
    thanks again,

  • Safari 5.0.3 not loading CSS style sheets 1st time through

    When I go to my ecommerce site's https payment screen, the page HTML loads OK but the formatting is missing (so the screen is really messed up). If I hit the page re-load function the page re-loads with all the formatting corrected. It behaves the same with both the Mac and Widows versions of Safari 5.0.3. The problem did not occur on earlier versions of Safari (i.e., the Mac I use for testing the site worked perfectly on the now problematic page until I upgraded to the latest version of Safari).
    The problematic page works fine with all the other browsers that I have tried (IE7, IE8, Firefox, Chrome)
    My guess is that it has something to do with some @import url("css style sheet") directives that are imbedded at the beginning of the master style sheet for the page.
    This problem will stop all Safari 5.0.3 users from navigating our site so it is quite serious.
    Any help on this issues would be greatly appreciated.

    Further investigation has revealed that the following error message is being generated within Safari during the first time the that the page is loading,
    "Refused to load from document base URL. URL found within request."
    The <base> directive in the HTML, in this instance, is referring to a different URL than the one that the page is running from. The page with the problem is running on a remote server and back referencing to the home server for the <base> reference. This fails when the page first loads but seems to be accepted if a page-reload is done. It also works on all other browsers that have been tested.
    Is this related to a security setting in the browser?

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