Update pwdChangedTime via ldapmodify causes "Constraint violation"

we're migrating an application from IBM products (WebSphere+Tivoli DS) to Sun produdcts (SJSAS 9.0+SJSDS 6.0). I need to be able to change an entry's pwdChangedTime using the ldapmodify command.
Running the following command
ldapmodify -D "cn=Directory Manager" -v -f /tmp/change_pwdChangedTime.txt
with the folloing /tmp/change_pwdChangedTime.txt file
dn: cn=abc,ou=people,o=aaa,c=bbb
changetype: modify
replace: pwdChangedTime
pwdChangedTime: 20070806082500Z
gives me the following output
ldap_init( localhost, 389 )
replace pwdChangedTime:
modifying entry cn=abc,ou=people,o=aaa,c=bbb
ldap_modify: Constraint violation
ldap_modify: additional info: Constraint violation in modifications
In Tivoli Directory Server I was able to use the command above using the "-k" option to be able to change the value of operational attributes like pwdChangedTime. Is there anywthing similar in SJSDS 6?
Is there any other way to update this attribute manually when required but still have the server updating it when the password is changed by the user?
Message was edited by:

We are trying to constrain applications from meddling with operational attributes due to the possibility of surprising behavior of the DSA as a result of an unanticipated value.
In a lab environment, I would think it would be acceptable to remove the "read-only" restriction. Edit <instance_root>/config/schema/00ds6pwp.ldif and remove the constraint.
We can consider adding a programmatic mechanism (e.g., an LDAP extended operation) in a future release to manage these operational attributes for testing and other administrative purposes. Could you let us know what other attributes you modify and to what ends?

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    Name Null? Type
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    ( :old.DEAL_NUM
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    {PROCEDURE pr_process_exer(
    p_voucher_num           tb_xop_order_manager_t.voucher_num%TYPE,
    p_status_type           tb_xop_order_manager_t.status_type%type,
    p_dest                    tb_xop_order_manager_t.dest%type,
    p_reference_key            tb_xop_order_manager_t.reference_key%type,
    p_seq_num                tb_xop_order_manager_t.seq_num%type,
    p_return_code            tb_xop_order_manager_t.return_code%type,
    p_reason_desc           tb_xop_order_manager_t.reason_desc%type,
    p_activity_qty            tb_xop_order_manager_t.activity_qty%type,
    p_leaves_qty            tb_xop_order_manager_t.leaves_qty%type,
    p_exec_price            tb_xop_order_manager_t.exec_price%type,
    p_current_status        tb_xop_order_manager_t.current_status%type,
    p_err_cur          OUT  ref_cursor)
    CURSOR get_order_dtls(v_voucher_num tb_xop_order_manager_t.voucher_num%type)
    SELECT *
    FROM   tb_xop_order_manager_t
    WHERE  voucher_num = v_voucher_num;
    CURSOR get_mail_cd(v_opt_num OPTIONEE.opt_num%TYPE) IS
          SELECT mail_cd, sp_mail_cd
          WHERE opt_num = v_opt_num;
    cursor get_opt_dtls(v_opt_num OPTIONEE.opt_num%TYPE) IS
    SUBSTR(trim(O.name_first) || ' ' || trim(O.name_mi) || ' ' ||
              trim(O.name_last), 1, 35) p_name,
            SUBSTR(O.address1, 1, 35) opt_addr1,
              SUBSTR(O.address2, 1, 35) opt_addr2,
              SUBSTR(O.address3, 1, 35) opt_addr3,
              SUBSTR(O.address4, 1, 35) opt_addr4,
              SUBSTR(O.address5, 1, 35) opt_addr5,
              SUBSTR(O.address6, 1, 35) opt_addr6,
            SUBSTR(trim(O.city) || ' ' || trim(O.state) || ' ' ||
            trim(O.zip) || ' ' || trim(O.country), 1, 35) city_state_zip_country,
            trim(O.city) city,
            trim(O.state) state,
            trim(O.zip) zip,
            trim(O.country) country
    from  optionee o
    where o.opt_num = v_opt_num;
    --CQ:PCTUP00210726- Added wire instructions audit for deleted wire info.
    CURSOR c_wire_instruction (
          in_wire_seq_no           TB_XOP_WIRE_INSTRUCTIONS.wire_seq_no%TYPE ) IS
          SELECT ml_brok_acct_num,
           WHERE wire_seq_no = in_wire_seq_no
           SELECT ml_brok_acct_num,
           WHERE wire_seq_no = in_wire_seq_no;
    CURSOR c_order_qty IS
    SELECT order_qty
    FROM tb_xop_order_manager
    WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
    v_order_qty     tb_xop_order_manager.order_qty%TYPE;
    v_wire_instruction             c_wire_instruction%ROWTYPE;
    v_order_dtls      get_order_dtls%rowtype;
    v_opt_dtls        get_opt_dtls%rowtype;
    v_settle_dt       tb_ml_exer_upload.settle_dt%type;
    v_cusip_num       corp.cusip_num%type;
    v_err_cd          number(12):=0;
    v_err_msg         varchar2(4000);
    v_compy_nme       tb_fc_Compy.compy_nme%type;
    v_ml_sec_num      tb_fc_compy.ml_sec_num%type;
    v_mail_cd         xop_optionee.mail_cd%type;
    v_count1            PLS_INTEGER := 0;
    v_sum_activity_qty  tb_xop_order_manager_t.activity_qty%TYPE;
    v_transact_no       PLS_INTEGER;
    v_ivr_plan_num      tb_fc_compy.ivr_plan_num%TYPE;
    wait_for_more       EXCEPTION;
    exceeds_order_qty   EXCEPTION;
    --Added for CQ# PCTUP00481233
    v_sub_totfee number;
    v_sub_fixedfee1 number;
    v_sub_fixedfee2 number;
    v_sub_fixedfee3 number;
    v_sub_secfee number;
    v_sub_feenum number;
    --Added for CQ# PCTUP00481233
    v_fixedfee1 tb_xop_order_manager_t.fixed_fee1%TYPE; --SPIF# 43161- variable to hold fixed fee1
        OPEN c_order_qty;
        FETCH c_order_qty INTO v_order_qty;
        CLOSE c_order_qty;
        IF v_order_qty <> p_activity_qty THEN
            IF p_status_type = 'EO' AND v_order_qty < p_activity_qty THEN
                RAISE exceeds_order_qty;
            ELSIF p_status_type = 'EO' AND v_order_qty > p_activity_qty THEN
                -- Partial Execution
                INSERT INTO tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                    ( voucher_num
                    , reference_key
                    , seq_num
                    , return_code
                    , reason_desc
                    , status_type
                    , activity_qty
                    , leaves_qty
                    , exec_price
                    , current_status
                    , waiting
                    ,activ_dt )
                    ( p_voucher_num
                    , p_reference_key
                    , p_seq_num
                    , p_return_code
                    , p_reason_desc
                    , p_status_type
                    , p_activity_qty
                    , p_leaves_qty
                    , p_exec_price
                    , p_current_status
                    , 'Y'
                    ,SYSTIMESTAMP );
                IF p_status_type = 'BE' THEN
                    SELECT COUNT(1) INTO v_count1
                    FROM tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                    WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
                    IF v_count1 > 0 THEN
                        INSERT INTO tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                            ( voucher_num
                            , reference_key
                            , seq_num
                            , return_code
                            , reason_desc
                            , status_type
                            , activity_qty
                            , leaves_qty
                            , exec_price
                            , current_status
                            , waiting
                            ( p_voucher_num
                            , p_reference_key
                            , p_seq_num
                            , p_return_code
                            , p_reason_desc
                            , p_status_type
                            , (-1) * p_activity_qty
                            , p_leaves_qty
                            , p_exec_price
                            , p_current_status
                            , 'Y'
                            ,SYSTIMESTAMP );
                        UPDATE tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                        SET waiting = 'Y'
                        WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
                    END IF;
                END IF;
            END IF;
            SELECT SUM(NVL(activity_qty,0)) INTO v_sum_activity_qty
            FROM tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
            WHERE waiting = 'Y'
            AND voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
            IF v_sum_activity_qty > 0 THEN
                IF v_sum_activity_qty <> v_order_qty THEN
                    RAISE wait_for_more;
                    -- final order in the partial execution; complete the process
                    UPDATE tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                    SET waiting = 'N'
                        , process_dt = SYSDATE
                    WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
                END IF;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        UPDATE tb_xop_order_manager_t
        SET activ_dt = TO_CHAR( SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' ) || '.000'
            , dest = p_dest
            , reference_key = p_reference_key
            , seq_num = p_seq_num
            , return_code = p_return_code
            , reason_desc = p_reason_desc
            , status_type = p_status_type
            , activity_qty = v_order_qty --p_activity_qty
            , leaves_qty = 0 --p_leaves_qty
            , exec_price = p_exec_price
        WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
         * SPIF# 43161- Update of current status to PO moved at the end, same as how PROD works.
    IF (p_status_type = 'EO') THEN
        select cusip_num
          into   v_cusip_num
          from   corp;
              SELECT cusip_num
                INTO v_cusip_num
                FROM tb_xop_espp_compy
               WHERE compy_acronym = replace(replace(user,'CMS'),'_USER');
       select compy_nme,ml_sec_num, ivr_plan_num
       into   v_compy_nme,v_ml_sec_num, v_ivr_plan_num
       from   tb_fc_compy
       where compy_acronym = replace(replace(user,'CMS'),'_USER')
       UNION ALL
       select compy_nme, je_ml_security_number, ivr_plan_num
       from tb_xop_espp_compy
       where compy_acronym = replace(replace(user,'CMS'),'_USER');
    --   where  ivr_plan_num = replace(substr(p_voucher_num,1,7),'SSO','XOP');
      open get_order_dtls(p_voucher_num);
      FETCH get_order_dtls INTO v_order_dtls;
       v_settle_dt := fn_xop_bankopen_bizday(TRUNC(v_order_dtls.exer_date + 1));
       v_settle_dt := fn_xop_bankopen_bizday(TRUNC(v_settle_dt + 1));
       v_settle_dt := fn_xop_bankopen_bizday(TRUNC(v_settle_dt + 1));
       FOR c_mail_cd IN get_mail_cd(v_order_dtls.opt_num)
         v_mail_cd := c_mail_cd.mail_cd;
         -- Do we need to get sp_mail_cd and overlay with the sp_mail_cd in order_manager_t???
       END LOOP;
       OPEN get_opt_dtls(v_order_dtls.opt_num);
       FETCH get_opt_dtls INTO v_opt_dtls;
       CLOSE get_opt_dtls;
      v_fixedfee1 := nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee1, 0);
       * SPIF# 43161- atleast one handling fee per day of transaction
      v_fixedfee1 := pk_xop_enh_exerupdate.chrg_tranxfixed_fee(v_fixedfee1,
      --Insert into tb_ml_exer_upload
      --Added for CQ# PCTUP00481233
                                    round(v_order_dtls.exec_price, 4),v_sub_totfee,v_sub_fixedfee2,v_sub_fixedfee1,
       UPDATE tb_xop_order_manager_t
        SET sec_fee=v_sub_secfee
        WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
      --- End CQ # PCTUP00481233
      INSERT INTO tb_ml_exer_upload
                             exer_dt, written_flag, backout_flag, output_line,
                             je_flag, opts_exer,
                             mkt_prc,exer_type, soc_sec,
                             name_first, name_mi,
                             cusip_num, ml_retail_account,multi_curr_handling_fee,
                             ml_sec_num, corp_name,upd_optionee_addr,
                             outbound_flag, -- make it N
                             corp_symbol,taxwire_approve, -- make it not applicaplabe
                             mail_cd, sp_mail_cd,
    -- PG 12/12/05 Changed to populate the je_flag based on dom_chek_distr         'D',
    -- PG 12/16/05 JE should not be generated for international checks.. So 'Y' always
              'Y', --je_flag
              v_order_dtls.opts_exer,0,--total tax will be 0.
              v_order_dtls.opts_exer, --shrs_sold,
              --SPIF# 43161- replaced nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee1, 0) with v_fixedfee1
              v_fixedfee1 + nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee3,0) + nvl(v_order_dtls.sec_fee,0), --v_order_dtls.fees_amt,
              round(v_order_dtls.exec_price, 4),v_order_dtls.exer_type,
              LPAD(v_order_dtls.ssn,9,'0'), --v_order_dtls.ssn, Modified by Suresh on 02/08/07 for SPIF # 37210
                  v_opt_dtls.city_state_zip_country),1,34), -- COLUMN LENGTH MAX IS 35
    --          nvl(fn_get_sec_num(replace(substr(p_voucher_num,1,7),'SSO','XOP'),v_order_dtls.symbol),v_ml_sec_num),
              nvl(fn_get_sec_num(v_ivr_plan_num, v_order_dtls.symbol),v_ml_sec_num),
              'N', --'N' is for outbound flag.
              v_order_dtls.symbol,'D', --'D' for taxwires disabled
              'S', -- 'S' for source being subsequent sale.
              v_mail_cd,  --need to get mail_Cd??
    IF (NVL(v_order_dtls.wire_seq_no,0) > 0) THEN
       OPEN c_wire_instruction(v_order_dtls.wire_seq_no);
       FETCH c_wire_instruction INTO v_wire_instruction;
       CLOSE c_wire_instruction;
                           (user_id, exer_num, wire_seq_no, ml_brok_acct_num, ssn,
                            plan_num, instr_type, aba_routing_num,
                            swift_routing_code, bank_name, bank_acct_num,
                            name_on_account, bank_addr_1, bank_addr_2, bank_addr_3,
                            city, state, country, zip, bank_ident_num, addtl_info )
                           (USER,v_order_dtls.exer_num, v_order_dtls.wire_seq_no,
                            v_wire_instruction.ml_brok_acct_num, v_wire_instruction.ssn,
                            v_wire_instruction.plan_num, v_wire_instruction.instr_type, v_wire_instruction.aba_routing_num,
                            v_wire_instruction.swift_routing_code, v_wire_instruction.bank_name, v_wire_instruction.bank_acct_num,
                            v_wire_instruction.name_on_account, v_wire_instruction.bank_addr_1, v_wire_instruction.bank_addr_2,
                            v_wire_instruction.bank_addr_3, v_wire_instruction.city, v_wire_instruction.state, v_wire_instruction.country, v_wire_instruction.zip,
                             v_wire_instruction.bank_ident_num, v_wire_instruction.addtl_info);
    END IF;
    /* PG 01/05/06 Call the check conversion only for international checks and wires */
    IF v_order_dtls.dom_chek_distr = 'N' AND v_order_dtls.distribution_method IN ('W', 'D', 'C') THEN
        /* PG 12/20/05 To process subsequent sales with wire or foreign currency distribution */
         v_transact_no := 88;
         pk_xop_citibank_forex.pr_cashconversion_ins_request( v_order_dtls.acct_num
                                                              , LPAD(v_order_dtls.ssn,9,'0') --v_order_dtls.ssn, Modified by Suresh on 02/15/07 for SPIF # 37210
                                                              , v_order_dtls.distribution_method
                                                              , v_order_dtls.foreign_currency_code
                                                              , v_order_dtls.wire_seq_no
                                                              , ROUND((v_order_dtls.opts_exer * round(v_order_dtls.exec_price, 4)),2)
                                                                - ROUND(v_order_dtls.comm_value,2)
                                                                - ROUND(nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee1,0) + nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee3,0) + nvl(v_order_dtls.sec_fee,0),2)
                                                                - nvl(v_order_dtls.multi_curr_handling_fee,0)
                                                                - nvl(v_order_dtls.backup_withholding,0) -- net proceeds
                                                              , v_order_dtls.multi_curr_handling_fee --handling fee
                    --Modified by Bhaskar/Suresh on 03/02/2006    --, v_order_dtls.login_name
                                                              , CASE v_order_dtls.login_name WHEN 'CLIENT/' THEN v_order_dtls.login_name||'SSO' ELSE v_order_dtls.login_name||'/SSO' END
                                                              , v_transact_no -- transact_no as place holder for exer_type 88
                                                              , v_order_dtls.check_addr_1
                                                              , v_order_dtls.check_addr_2
                                                              , v_order_dtls.check_addr_3
                                                              , v_order_dtls.check_addr_4
                                                              , v_order_dtls.upd_optionee_addr
                                                              , v_order_dtls.city
                                                              , v_order_dtls.state
                                                              , v_order_dtls.zip
                                                              , v_order_dtls.country
                                                              , v_order_dtls.login_ipaddress
                                                              , v_order_dtls.fcnum
                                                              , v_order_dtls.opt_num
                                                              , v_settle_dt,
                                                              p_exer_num => v_order_dtls.exer_num
    END IF;
    close get_order_dtls;
    END IF;
      * SPIF# 43161- Update to current status into PO is moved to this part, same as PROD.
    UPDATE tb_xop_order_manager_t
    SET exec_dttime = decode(p_status_type,'EO',to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:mi:ss'),null)
         , exer_date  = TRUNC(SYSDATE)
         , cancel_dttime = decode(p_status_type,'CX',to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:mi:ss'),'UR',to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:mi:ss'),null)
         , current_status = 'PO'
         , sum_status = decode(p_status_type,'EO','X','C')
         , sum_stat_dttime = SYSDATE
    WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
          v_err_cd := sqlcode;
          v_err_msg := sqlerrm;
          open p_err_cur for select v_err_cd err_code,v_err_msg err_msg from dual;
    /* PG 02/10 handled 'partial fill order' exception */
      when wait_for_more then
          v_err_cd := 0;
          v_err_msg := 'ORA-0000: normal, successful completion';
          pr_xop_log_errors('Partially filled; Waiting for more - Activity qty:' || to_char(v_sum_activity_qty)|| ' pk_xop_subsales.pr_process_exer');
          open p_err_cur for select v_err_cd err_code,v_err_msg err_msg from dual;
      when exceeds_order_qty then
          v_err_cd := sqlcode;
          v_err_msg := sqlerrm;
          open p_err_cur for select v_err_cd err_code,v_err_msg err_msg from dual;
          pr_xop_log_errors('Activity quantity exceeded the Order_qty - Activity qty: ' || to_char(p_activity_qty) || ' pk_xop_subsales.pr_process_exer');
      when others then
          v_err_cd := sqlcode;
          v_err_msg := sqlerrm;
          open p_err_cur for select v_err_cd err_code,v_err_msg err_msg from dual;
          pr_xop_log_errors('ErrorCode '||SQLCODE||' with ErrorMessage as '||SQLERRM||' has occured for '||user||'pk_xop_subsales.pr_process_exer');
    END pr_process_exer;
    Hi friends, any1 help me out how to define the ref-cursor in declaration section, and how to find at what situation the constraint error occurred..

    956684 wrote:
    Friends plz help me out ..how to debug and find the exact position of the constraint violation..thank you for the help..There isn't a way to trace it unless you have caught the exception raised.
    As a way to start the debug, you will have to monitor
    1. All DML's against the Table on which you have constraint. More specifically, the DML's that act on the column you have constraint on.
    2. Use Exception Handling, to log the Error and the data that causes the constraint to fail.
    3. Do not forget to monitor the Triggers, if they are used, that would write some data into the column you have constraint on.
    Another way to trace is:
    select *
      from user_source
    where lower(text) like '%your_table_name%';
    order by type, name, line;Look at the lines, exclude that are in Declaration or in SELECT statements and target the DML's.
    Looking at the un-formatted code you posted, this statement looks like a culprit.
    INSERT INTO tb_ml_exer_upload
    exer_dt, written_flag, backout_flag, output_line,
    je_flag, opts_exer,
    mkt_prc,exer_type, soc_sec,
    name_first, name_mi,
    cusip_num, ml_retail_account,multi_curr_handling_fee,
    ml_sec_num, corp_name,upd_optionee_addr,
    outbound_flag, -- make it N
    corp_symbol,taxwire_approve, -- make it not applicaplabe
    mail_cd, sp_mail_cd,
    -- PG 12/12/05 Changed to populate the je_flag based on dom_chek_distr 'D',
    -- PG 12/16/05 JE should not be generated for international checks.. So 'Y' always
    'Y', --je_flag
    v_order_dtls.opts_exer,0,--total tax will be 0.
    v_order_dtls.opts_exer, --shrs_sold,
    --SPIF# 43161- replaced nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee1, 0) with v_fixedfee1
    v_fixedfee1 + nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee3,0) + nvl(v_order_dtls.sec_fee,0), --v_order_dtls.fees_amt,
    round(v_order_dtls.exec_price, 4),v_order_dtls.exer_type,
    LPAD(v_order_dtls.ssn,9,'0'), --v_order_dtls.ssn, Modified by Suresh on 02/08/07 for SPIF # 37210
    v_opt_dtls.city_state_zip_country),1,34), -- COLUMN LENGTH MAX IS 35
    -- nvl(fn_get_sec_num(replace(substr(p_voucher_num,1,7),'SSO','XOP'),v_order_dtls.symbol),v_ml_sec_num),
    nvl(fn_get_sec_num(v_ivr_plan_num, v_order_dtls.symbol),v_ml_sec_num),
    'N', --'N' is for outbound flag.
    v_order_dtls.symbol,'D', --'D' for taxwires disabled
    'S', -- 'S' for source being subsequent sale.
    v_mail_cd, --need to get mail_Cd??
    user,v_order_dtls.acct_num_othr);What is the Table structure of tb_ml_exer_upload and what columns do you have constraints on?
    Which column of the table tb_ml_exer_upload is your Primary Key (because constraint name mentions pk_tb_ml_exer_upload)?
    Edited by: Purvesh K on Jan 4, 2013 12:57 PM

  • JBO-28030 possible constraints violation for PS_TXN

    Hi guys, any updates on this old thread from 2004?
    Constraints violation for PS_TXN
    Sometimes, i also receive this error Running WLS Cluster with 2 nodes:
    oracle.jbo.PCollException: JBO-29114 ADFContext is not setup to process messages for this exception. Use the exception stack trace and error code to investigate the root cause of this exception. Root cause error code is JBO-28030
         at oracle.jbo.PCollException.throwException(PCollException.java:36)
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.OraclePersistManager.insert(OraclePersistManager.java:1901)
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivateElem(PCollNode.java:564)
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivate(PCollNode.java:688)
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivateBranch(PCollNode.java:647)
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollection.passivate(PCollection.java:465)
         at oracle.jbo.server.DBSerializer.passivateRootAM(DBSerializer.java:294)
         at oracle.jbo.server.DBSerializer.passivateRootAM(DBSerializer.java:267)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.passivateStateInternal(ApplicationModuleImpl.java:5975)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.passivateState(ApplicationModuleImpl.java:5835)
         at oracle.adf.model.bc4j.DCJboDataControl.createSnapshot(DCJboDataControl.java:3143)
         at oracle.adf.model.dcframe.DataControlFrameImpl.createSnapshot(DataControlFrameImpl.java:879)
         at oracle.adf.model.BindingContext.createSnapshot(BindingContext.java:699)
         at oracle.adf.model.BindingContext.writeObject(BindingContext.java:666)
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor726.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
         at java.io.ObjectStreamClass.invokeWriteObject(ObjectStreamClass.java:945)
         at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1469)
         at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1400)
         at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1158)
         at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:330)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionChange.writeExternal(ReplicatedSessionChange.java:153)
         at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeExternalData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1429)
         at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1398)
         at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1158)
         at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:330)
         at weblogic.rjvm.MsgAbbrevOutputStream.writeObject(MsgAbbrevOutputStream.java:618)
         at weblogic.rjvm.MsgAbbrevOutputStream.writeObjectWL(MsgAbbrevOutputStream.java:609)
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.ObjectIO.writeObject(ObjectIO.java:38)
         at weblogic.rjvm.BasicOutboundRequest.marshalArgs(BasicOutboundRequest.java:88)
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicRemoteRef.invoke(BasicRemoteRef.java:221)
         at weblogic.cluster.replication.ReplicationManager_1035_WLStub.update(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor675.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
         at weblogic.cluster.replication.SecureReplicationInvocationHandler$ReplicationServicesInvocationAction.run(SecureReplicationInvocationHandler.java:194)
         at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
         at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:120)
         at weblogic.cluster.replication.SecureReplicationInvocationHandler.invoke(SecureReplicationInvocationHandler.java:164)
         at $Proxy135.update(Unknown Source)
         at weblogic.cluster.replication.ReplicationManager.sendUpdateRequestToSecondary(ReplicationManager.java:740)
         at weblogic.cluster.replication.ReplicationManager.updateSecondary(ReplicationManager.java:662)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionData.syncSession(ReplicatedSessionData.java:639)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionContext.sync(ReplicatedSessionContext.java:85)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl$SessionHelper.syncSession(ServletRequestImpl.java:2860)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl$SessionHelper.syncSession(ServletRequestImpl.java:2835)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletResponseImpl$1.run(ServletResponseImpl.java:1485)
         at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
         at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:120)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletResponseImpl.send(ServletResponseImpl.java:1479)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.run(ServletRequestImpl.java:1462)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:209)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:178)
    Caused By: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (ADF_FMWK.PS_TXPLG_PK) violated
    I'm using several passivation tables for different Application modules . PS_TXPLG acually have a PS_TXN table structure and PS_TXPLG_PK is equivalent to PS_TXN_PK .

    Hi guys, any updates on this old thread from 2004?
    Constraints violation for PS_TXN
    Sometimes, i also receive this error Running WLS Cluster with 2 nodes:
    oracle.jbo.PCollException: JBO-29114 ADFContext is not setup to process messages for this exception. Use the exception stack trace and error code to investigate the root cause of this exception. Root cause error code is JBO-28030
         at oracle.jbo.PCollException.throwException(PCollException.java:36)
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.OraclePersistManager.insert(OraclePersistManager.java:1901)
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivateElem(PCollNode.java:564)
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivate(PCollNode.java:688)
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivateBranch(PCollNode.java:647)
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollection.passivate(PCollection.java:465)
         at oracle.jbo.server.DBSerializer.passivateRootAM(DBSerializer.java:294)
         at oracle.jbo.server.DBSerializer.passivateRootAM(DBSerializer.java:267)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.passivateStateInternal(ApplicationModuleImpl.java:5975)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.passivateState(ApplicationModuleImpl.java:5835)
         at oracle.adf.model.bc4j.DCJboDataControl.createSnapshot(DCJboDataControl.java:3143)
         at oracle.adf.model.dcframe.DataControlFrameImpl.createSnapshot(DataControlFrameImpl.java:879)
         at oracle.adf.model.BindingContext.createSnapshot(BindingContext.java:699)
         at oracle.adf.model.BindingContext.writeObject(BindingContext.java:666)
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor726.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
         at java.io.ObjectStreamClass.invokeWriteObject(ObjectStreamClass.java:945)
         at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1469)
         at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1400)
         at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1158)
         at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:330)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionChange.writeExternal(ReplicatedSessionChange.java:153)
         at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeExternalData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1429)
         at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1398)
         at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1158)
         at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:330)
         at weblogic.rjvm.MsgAbbrevOutputStream.writeObject(MsgAbbrevOutputStream.java:618)
         at weblogic.rjvm.MsgAbbrevOutputStream.writeObjectWL(MsgAbbrevOutputStream.java:609)
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.ObjectIO.writeObject(ObjectIO.java:38)
         at weblogic.rjvm.BasicOutboundRequest.marshalArgs(BasicOutboundRequest.java:88)
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicRemoteRef.invoke(BasicRemoteRef.java:221)
         at weblogic.cluster.replication.ReplicationManager_1035_WLStub.update(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor675.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
         at weblogic.cluster.replication.SecureReplicationInvocationHandler$ReplicationServicesInvocationAction.run(SecureReplicationInvocationHandler.java:194)
         at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
         at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:120)
         at weblogic.cluster.replication.SecureReplicationInvocationHandler.invoke(SecureReplicationInvocationHandler.java:164)
         at $Proxy135.update(Unknown Source)
         at weblogic.cluster.replication.ReplicationManager.sendUpdateRequestToSecondary(ReplicationManager.java:740)
         at weblogic.cluster.replication.ReplicationManager.updateSecondary(ReplicationManager.java:662)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionData.syncSession(ReplicatedSessionData.java:639)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionContext.sync(ReplicatedSessionContext.java:85)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl$SessionHelper.syncSession(ServletRequestImpl.java:2860)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl$SessionHelper.syncSession(ServletRequestImpl.java:2835)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletResponseImpl$1.run(ServletResponseImpl.java:1485)
         at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
         at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:120)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletResponseImpl.send(ServletResponseImpl.java:1479)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.run(ServletRequestImpl.java:1462)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:209)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:178)
    Caused By: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (ADF_FMWK.PS_TXPLG_PK) violated
    I'm using several passivation tables for different Application modules . PS_TXPLG acually have a PS_TXN table structure and PS_TXPLG_PK is equivalent to PS_TXN_PK .

  • Regarding ORA-00001: unique constraint violation error

    Hi ,
    This is Venkat. I am new to OWB.
    When I run the mapping I am getting the ORA-00001: unique constraint violation error.
    My loading type is Update/Insert.
    My target table Primarykey is combination of 3 keys.
    Please give me the suggestions. It is very urgent.

    1) If you can disable/drop the indexes on the table, you can load the data and then do a SQL query grouping by the PK/UI to show which rows have a count > 1 i.e. the duplicates.
    2) If you can't alter the target table, perhaps create a dummy copy of the table without pk/indexes and load to that and then do above query.
    3) Run the mapping via the debugger and set a breakpoint just before your target table and examine the data to see if you can spot the duplicates.
    4) Put a deduplicator into the mapping (just before target table), this may allow you to load data but doesn't solve the real problem as to why you have duplicates.

  • IMAP error:  failed: Constraint violation

    Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 6.3-1.04 (built May 9 2007; 32bit)
    Has anyone seen these errors in their IMAP log?
    I have seen several periods where these crop up combined with an inability for user to login via imap or http.
    Logically something is happening at the DS end of things to cause this though I have yet to pinpoint it and b/c the directory logs do not show any clear
    evidence of bind failures that correspond to the imap log entries it has me puzzled.
    [25/Aug/2007:04:02:11 -0700] mina imapd[8231]: Account Warning: [] ldap bind (uid=help,ou=People,o=education.ucsb.edu) failed: Constraint violation

    Thanks Shane
    When do these periods occur (busy times etc.) and for
    how long? Oddly, I saw this happen for an hour starting at 3AM (not a busy time with my users) Logs show another single user occasion happening in the PM at 16:00, but only for a few minutes.
    Do you have to change anything (e.g. restart IMAP/DS
    server, reset passwords) to get things to work
    again?In the case of the hr long event I first restarted the DS which did not appear to fix the problem. I then restarted the msg-instance. The problem did not immediately clear up but did so shortly after.
    Are all users affected for a period of time or just
    some users. Any pattern?In the case of the long event I tested a variety of logins, which failed, and the logs showed that a variety of users could not login. There did not seem to be a pattern and as far as ican see all users were failing to login.
    Do the LDAP logs show any bind attempt or any
    communication at all related to the user(s) in
    question. Are there any errors in the LDAP error
    log(s)?I have not been able to definetevely correlate any errors in the LDAP logs at the time. However as far as I could see (with my account) I was binding OK at the time ( eg err=0) though I was not authing per the msg serv.
    What version of DS are you running and do you use SSL
    between the MS server and DS server?5.2 sp2, No SSL is used between the DS and msg-serv
    Are you running any kind of load-balancer/directory
    proxy etc. between messaging server and the directory
    Are you using account lockout/password expiry?YES, a lockout after 6 failed tries.
    Do you see any err=49 or err=19 log lines around the
    trouble periods?Yes, I see err=19 for the whole hr period in question as well as some err=49, though I do also see err=49 for other times but no err=19 at other times.
    There haven't been any reported cases of this
    particular error in the IMAP logs but most constraint
    violation problems revolve around either SSL issues
    or account lockout problems. So more investigation
    needed at your end.Ok I will log all this info and am logically thinking that if this IS an account lockout issue it seems to point to an automated DS attack of some sort ?

  • The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service was unable to process a request due to an unexpected error. : Error: An Active Directory Constraint Violation error occurred

    We have a multi domain parent child AD domain infrastructure and now we upgraded our exchange from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2013. Since last few days, we see the below error on the mailbox server event viewer.
    EVENT ID : 1121
    The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service was unable to process a request due to an unexpected error. 
    Request GUID: '93a7d1ca-68a1-4cd9-9edb-a4ce2f7bb4cd' 
    Database GUID: '83d028ec-439d-4904-a0e4-1d3bc0f58809' 
    Error: An Active Directory Constraint Violation error occurred on <domain controller FQDN>. Additional information: The name reference is invalid. 
    This may be caused by replication latency between Active Directory domain controllers. 
    Active directory response: 000020B5: AtrErr: DSID-0315286E, #1:
    Our Exchange setup is in parent domain, but we keep on getting this error for various domain controllers in each child domain in the same site. We then configured one of the parent domain domain controller on Exchange. Still we are getting this error for
    the configured parent domain DC.
    Verified the AD replication and there is no latency or pending stuffs.
    Any support  to resolve this issue will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
    Jnana R Dash

    In addition to Ed's suggestion, I would like to clarify the following things for troubleshooting:
    1. Please restart IIS at first.
    2. If the issue persists, please ping your DC on your Exchange server to check if Exchange can communicate with DC.
    Hope it helps.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to update ordered list having a constraint

    hi friends,
    I have to update a column for all the records in the table with a unique contraint
    ex-- select rec_no from tablename;
    now i have to update this like
    select rec_no from tablename;
    but when i am doing update tablename set rec_no=rec_no-1
    i am getting unique constraint error
    plz help me

    dj wrote:
    but when i am doing update tablename set rec_no=rec_no-1
    i am getting unique constraint error
    No you don't. Show us.
    Oracle ensures "statement level constraint" consistency. If you do this in one update statement (which is what you state above), then Oracle will not give you a constraint error.
    For if it did, then we all would have a serious problem: whether or not the update succeeds would then depend on the order in which Oracle (ie. the execution plan) happens to update the rows. And we can't have such 'undeterministic' behavior (similar to what we would have when Oracle did not provide us with the mutating table error...).
    So just try it, or show us:
    create table uk_test
    (i number not null unique)
    insert into uk_test values(4);
    insert into uk_test values(3);
    insert into uk_test values(2);
    commit;Now try both of these:
    update (select * from uk_Test order by i desc) set i=i-1;
    update (select * from uk_Test order by i) set i=i-1;They both succeed. Oracle allows temporary constraint violations during/inside the execution of one statement. There is no need to set this constraint to deferred here.
    I talk about statement level constraint consistency here too:

  • Unique Constraint Violation on Merge

    I'm getting a unique constraint violation on the following but I don't understand why. I know there are duplicates on remote.customer_id but I'm doing a distinct on that column but still the error. In my local table, customer_id is the primary key so it must be unique. If I remove the primary key constraint altogether, the error goes away.
    Can anyone tell me why both DISTINCT and UNIQUE fail to eliminate duplicates in this merge statement? I have confirmed that remote.customer_id is the source of the duplicates.
    merge into CUSTOMER c
    using (
    select DISTINCT remote.customer_id,
    from D_CUSTOMER@BW_LINK remote
    on p.customer_id = remote.customer_id
    where p.partner_function_id = 'ZS'
    ) remote
    on (c.customer_id = remote.customer_id)
    when matched then
    update set c.name_1 = remote.name_1,
              c.name_2 = remote.name_2,
              c.name_3 = remote.name_3,
              c.name_4 = remote.name_4,
              c.house_number_and_street = remote.house_number_and_street,
              c.city = remote.city,
              c.region = remote.region,
              c.country_code = remote.country_code,
              c.postal_code = remote.postal_code
    when not matched then
    insert (c.customer_id,
    values (remote.customer_id,
    Edited by: bjiggs on Mar 25, 2010 10:56 AM

    When you mentioned the following in previous post...
    +unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables+
    ...I suspected this :-)
    This is EQUIVALENT to "Mutating Table trigger/function" error...
    ...in the sense that the the "target rows" which are
    supposed to be changed (by this statement)
    are FOUND/MATCHED in the "source result set" MULTIPLE TIMESThe main reason this error comes up is...
    In the SOURCE result set, there are MORE than one ROW that MATCHED the TARGET result set.
    In this scenario the row with PK=3 matches more than one SOURCE rows, which one is supposed to be used for updating?
    Yes indeed, oracle is unable to get a stable set of rows in source tables.
    However the PK=4 is not matched in the target result set, so the statement will attenpt to insert both rows resulting in UNIQUE contraint error.
    This was the case with OP in this posts.
    This can be seen in your example by commenting one of the rows in table S with PK=3.
    sudhakar@ORCL>drop table D;
    Table dropped.
    sudhakar@ORCL>drop table S;
    Table dropped.
    sudhakar@ORCL>create table D ( pk number, a varchar2(10),
      2  constraint d_pk primary key (pk));
    Table created.
    sudhakar@ORCL>insert into D values( 1, 'a');
    1 row created.
    sudhakar@ORCL>insert into D values( 2, 'a');
    1 row created.
    sudhakar@ORCL>insert into D values( 3, 'a');
    1 row created.
    Commit complete.
    sudhakar@ORCL>create table S ( pk number, a varchar2(10));
    Table created.
    sudhakar@ORCL>insert into S values( 1, 'b');
    1 row created.
    sudhakar@ORCL>insert into S values( 2, 'b');
    1 row created.
    sudhakar@ORCL>insert into S values( 3, 'b');
    1 row created.
    sudhakar@ORCL>--insert into S values( 3, 'b');
    sudhakar@ORCL>insert into S values( 4, 's');
    1 row created.
    sudhakar@ORCL>insert into S values( 4, 't');
    1 row created.
    Commit complete.
    sudhakar@ORCL>merge into d
      2  using s
      3  on (d.pk = s.pk)
      4  when matched then update
      5  set d.a = s.a
      6  when not matched then insert
      7  (d.pk, d.a)
      8  values (s.pk, s.a);
    merge into d
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00001: unique constraint (SUDHAKAR.D_PK) violated
    Sudhakar B.

  • Unique constraint violation on version enabled table

    we're facing a strange problem with a version enabled table that has an unique constraint on one column. if we rename an object stored in the table (the name-attribute of the object is the one that has a unique constraint on the respective column) and rename it back to the old name again, we get an ORA-00001 unique constraint violation on the execution of an update trigger.
    if the constraint is simply applied as before to the now version enabled table, I understand that this happens, but shouldn't workspace manager take care of something like that when a table with unique constraints is version enabled? (the documentation also says that) because taking versioning into account it's not that we try to insert another object with the same name, it's the same object at another point in time now getting back it's old name.
    we somewhat assume that to be a pretty standard scenario when using versioned data.
    is this some kind of bug or do we just miss something important here?
    more information:
    - versioning is enabled on all tables with VIEW_WO_OVERWRITE and no valid time support
    - database version is
    - wm installation output:
    - all operations are done on LIVE workspace
    any help is appreciated.
    EDIT: we found out the following: the table we are talking about is the only table where the unique constraint is left. so there must have been a problem during version enabling. on another oracle installation we did everything the same way and the unique constraint wasn't left there, so everything works fine.
    Andreas Schilling
    Message was edited by:

    we're facing a strange problem with a version enabled table that has an unique constraint on one column. if we rename an object stored in the table (the name-attribute of the object is the one that has a unique constraint on the respective column) and rename it back to the old name again, we get an ORA-00001 unique constraint violation on the execution of an update trigger.
    if the constraint is simply applied as before to the now version enabled table, I understand that this happens, but shouldn't workspace manager take care of something like that when a table with unique constraints is version enabled? (the documentation also says that) because taking versioning into account it's not that we try to insert another object with the same name, it's the same object at another point in time now getting back it's old name.
    we somewhat assume that to be a pretty standard scenario when using versioned data.
    is this some kind of bug or do we just miss something important here?
    more information:
    - versioning is enabled on all tables with VIEW_WO_OVERWRITE and no valid time support
    - database version is
    - wm installation output:
    - all operations are done on LIVE workspace
    any help is appreciated.
    EDIT: we found out the following: the table we are talking about is the only table where the unique constraint is left. so there must have been a problem during version enabling. on another oracle installation we did everything the same way and the unique constraint wasn't left there, so everything works fine.
    Andreas Schilling
    Message was edited by:

  • Java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation

    I am using ToplinkEssentials as a persistence provider in a J2SE desktop application. I've encountered the following error.
    java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: loader (instance of sun/misc/Launcher$AppClassLoader) previously initiated loading for a different type with name "expendituretracking/Employee"
    I have unsuccessfully searched for a clue as to what is causing this problem. Any help is appreciated.

    Could this be related to the bug described at:
    If you have an interface involved, try adding them to the persistence.xml's list of classes.
    Best Regards,

  • Programatically detecting uniqueness constraint violations when using Direct Path API

    I'm developing an application that bulk loads data into the
    database using the DirectPath API.
    According to the DirectPath API documentation uniqueness
    constraints must be disabled prior to importing data using the
    DirectPath API, then the constraints must be re-enabled.
    If duplicate data is inserted when the constraints are disabled,
    enabling the constraints results in the constraint's underlying
    index being left in an "unusable" state.
    The SQL*Loader tool (which also uses the DirectPath API) somehow
    manages to deal with this.
    It can successfully detect which data causes the constraint
    violation, and politely writes the offending data to a bad rows
    If SQL*Loader also uses the DirectPath API - how does it detect
    which data causes a constraint violation.
    The mere fact that SQL*Loader can do this in DirectPath mode,
    shows that it is possible.
    Any ideas how to detect which data causes a constraint violation
    when using the DirectPath API ?
    - Andy

    I'm developing an application that bulk loads data into the
    database using the DirectPath API.
    According to the DirectPath API documentation uniqueness
    constraints must be disabled prior to importing data using the
    DirectPath API, then the constraints must be re-enabled.
    If duplicate data is inserted when the constraints are disabled,
    enabling the constraints results in the constraint's underlying
    index being left in an "unusable" state.
    The SQL*Loader tool (which also uses the DirectPath API) somehow
    manages to deal with this.
    It can successfully detect which data causes the constraint
    violation, and politely writes the offending data to a bad rows
    If SQL*Loader also uses the DirectPath API - how does it detect
    which data causes a constraint violation.
    The mere fact that SQL*Loader can do this in DirectPath mode,
    shows that it is possible.
    Any ideas how to detect which data causes a constraint violation
    when using the DirectPath API ?
    - Andy

  • Update PB00 via MEK1 and MEK2

    When I update PB00 via MEk1 and MEK2, these fields do not populate:
    NumeratorForConvers.          KUMZA
    Denom.for conversion          KUMNE
    Base Unit of Measure                          MEINS
    Does this cause issues?
    Is there a way to populate the fields

    For your condition type check in M/06 in control data-1, calculation type should be C and in scales tab scale basis should be c.
    Then it works fine

  • OSX update 10.10.2 causes mouse to jump around and text to be highlighted randomly in Dreamweaver CC 2014

    OSX update 10.10.2 causes mouse to jump around and text to be highlighted randomly in Dreamweaver CC. When trying to click on a specific line of code in a js file the cursor ends up in a different place in the script and several lines of code highlighted. Clicking again jumps the mouse to a different position and even more lines of code highlighted and some characters rearranged, breaking the lines of code. Very frustrating.

    I am having the same issue. I have a MBP connected to 2 x Dell 27" monitors over Mini DisplayPort to HDMI cables. Once I updated to OS X 10.10.2 this cursor highlight/jumping around issue only occurs on the connected monitors. If I move the program to the main laptop display the issue goes away. It does not require me to restart the program or the machine to make it work correctly. One way I am able to identify the issue is if I go to the line numbers in code like I wanted to select multiple lines - in the one that works correctly, the cursor turns into a white version where the tip of the cursor points to the right. When it is wrong, the cursor stays black and will only have the tip point to the left. Its just another way I identified if it was working cause I tried uninstalling DW and reinstalling - didn't work. Reset preferences as you discussed - no go. And I used other editors like IntelliJ and Adobe Edge Code - all of which work fine and don't display this issue.
    I tried the preferences reset you suggest and it doesn't work. I have another machine with OS X 10.10.1 on it and this issue is not there on any monitor. Any help with this ASAP as it pretty much stops you from being able to do any editing especially with longer pages as it consistently wants to page up when you select anything and if you then click again in another area it tries to move the highlighted code to that new spot.
    Update: I have a USB Microsoft Arch touch mouse connected (always worked just fine). When I go to place my cursor at some point in the code it causes the highlight flicker. If I switch over and use the built in trackpad, then I can place the cursor without the highlight issue. When trying to select multiple lines or sections of code, that still see's the highlight, page up and move of code issues regardless of input type.

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