Update Textfield between 2 jFrames

I'm new to java and struggle to get my head around the following problem:
I've got a main frame (frame 1) where the user can press a button to display a seperate data selection frame (frame 2). Once the user made his selection I need to update textfields on the frame 1 with that information.
Currently I got one class in frame one declared as public static so I can write data from the second frame into that classes properties.
How can I tell frame 1 that the user has mad his selection (frame 2 is hidden again) so I can update textfields on frame 1 with the information stored in the class?
Is that done via an event listener? Can I create an event listener in frame 1 'listening' for the hide event of frame 2? If yes how does the code for that looks like?

Hi MelGohan,
thanks for the reply! I" think I'm almost there :-))
in form 1 this is the event handler for the button showing form 2
private void jBtnSelectGPActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
//window classes
JFrame SelectGP = new SelectGPForm(this);
//show gp select window
and this the method to update the text fields:
public void upDateGPTextFields (Address GPTest) {
in form 2:
public SelectGPForm(JFrame Parent ) {
there is an eventhandler in form 2 which looks after the ok button:
private void jBtnSelectGPOKActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
//call to form 1 method to update textfields here
So the parent frame reference gets transfered into the frame 2 constructor but how do I then use this in the event handler??
I declared a private variable in Form 2 (CallingFrame) to hold the parent frame reference so I can use it in the ok button event handler. But how exactly do I then access the calling frame methods??

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        private GridBagConstraints constraints;
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        private JLabel termLabel;
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            headerLabel = new JLabel("ItemMenu TextField Test");
            termLabel = new JLabel("Field:");
            termField = new JTextField("choose MenuItem");
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            setConstraints( 1,0,6,1,1,10);
            setConstraints( 2,1,1,1,1,2);
            contentPane.add(p, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            return contentPane;
        }// end createContentPane()
        // method for simplifying grabBagConstraints
        private void setConstraints(int row, int column, int width, int height,
                                    int fill, int ipady)
             constraints.gridx = column; // set gridx
             constraints.gridy = row; // set gridy
             constraints.gridwidth = width; // set gridwidth
             constraints.gridheight = height; // set gridheight
            constraints.insets = new Insets(1,1,0,0);//set uniform vertical gap
            constraints.fill = fill;
            constraints.ipady = ipady;
        }// end method addComponent
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                menuItem = new JMenuItem("Preset Field 2");
                menuItem = new JMenuItem("Preset Field 3");
                return menuBar;
            }// end createMenuBar method
        }//end class MCalMenu
        // class for menu events
        public class MenuHandler extends JDialog implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                if ( e.getActionCommand() == "Preset Field 1")
                }//end if
                else if (e.getActionCommand() == "Preset Field 2")
                }//end else if
                else if (e.getActionCommand() == "Preset Field 3")
                }//end else if   
            }// end actionPerformed method
        }// end MenuHandler class
        public void createAndShowGUI()
            JFrame frame = new JFrame("MenuItem TextField Update Fail");
            MenuItemTest myMenuItemTest = new MenuItemTest();
            MCalMenu myMCalMenu = new MCalMenu();
            frame.setSize(200, 200);
        public static void main(  String args [] )
            MenuItemTest myMenuItemTest = new MenuItemTest();

    I think that your problem is that your createAndShowGUI method is creating two separate and distinct objects when you run this program: a MenuItemTest object and a MCalMenu object. As distinct objects, they don't share instance variables which means that this program has two termField JTextFields, one which is visible and the other which is not visible and which you are trying to change. This won't work.
    The other problem is here:
    if ( e.getActionCommand() == "Preset Field 1")don't compare strings with ==. Better to use the String method equals(...)

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    Open iTunes on the Mac. It will update again, but that should be last time.

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    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

    Good morning ranatlas,
    We were able to resolve the issues you had with your service. We did do some extensive troubleshooting to isolate the slow speed issue. Please let us know if you have any more questions or concerns here on the forums. You were a pleasure to work with and our team wishes you a great day.
    Thanks again,

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    Have a look at these documents:

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    I suspect the reason your devices are still syncing contacts is that they are syncing them with another service such as Google, Yahoo or and exchange account rather than iCloud.  Go to Settings>Mail,Contacts,Calendars and tap each of your accounts to see if you have contacts syncing turned on.  If you do, you'll have to turn that off in order to stop syncing them across your devices.
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    If you delete your iCloud account from your phone and want to keep your date, begin by saving any photo stream photos to your camera roll and emailing any notes that you are syncing with iCloud to yourself.  Then go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account, provide your password and choose Keep on My iPhone when prompted.
    If you create a new account on one of your phones you can sync the data in the new account with your other phones in the future by simply signing into the same account on your other phones in Settings>iCloud.  When you do, the iCloud data in the new account will download to them as well.

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    Updates from 10.x.0 to 10.x.last are traditionally free, and are available via Software Update.
    The version upgrades from 10.x to 10.y will traditionally cost you some money.
    Make sure your Mac meets the requirements for 10.6 — if you're on PPC, you cannot upgrade to 10.6.  (For reference, here are the Lion 10.7 system requirements.  The 10.7 upgrade requires 10.6.6 or later, and can be purchased by calling Apple directly and acquiring a download code, if it doesn't show up in the Mac App Store for you automatically.  I don't think your hardware would be supported with 10.8, if you're presently running 10.5.)
    In any case, you can purchase an official Apple Snow Leopard 10.6 DVD disk for US$20.
    Back up your system before installing the new software.
    Once you install 10.6, you'll run software update and the 10.6.8 combo update will be downloaded and installed for you.  That's free.  10.6.8 allows you to use your trackpad, as well as access the Mac App Store and some other tools; it's the most recent version of 10.6.

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    after modifying the value in the field and pressing an OK button...the new value is reflected in a table...
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    but the same works with "backspace" key...
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    Also i am not able to put the code here as it is a huge applicationI did not ask for your entire application. I asked for
    demo code means code that we can compile and execute, but it only contains the code relevant to your problem
    Here is an example:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class DemoCode extends JFrame
         JTextField textField;
         public DemoCode()
              textField = new JTextField();
              getContentPane().add(textField, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              JButton button = new JButton("Update Database");
              button.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              getContentPane().add(button, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
         public static void main(String[] args)
              JFrame frame = new DemoCode();
              frame.setLocationRelativeTo( null );
    }If you can't create a simple demo then you don't understand your problem and if you don't understand your problem then how are we supposed to?
    custom field So you probably have a coding problem and we have no idea what your code looks like
    that accepts only decimal values and why are you not using JFormattedTextField?
    And this problem is not seen if i modify the custom field using any other key say like "Backspace".Again this problem doesn't make sense since the character should be removed from the text field before the OK button is pressed.

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    Do you have any example?much better for you to post the code you are working with

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    Thanks in advance,

    Will trigger help you ... ie. for every update/insert on user1 will do on user2-- it is heavy to do for all table...

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    I have a 6 month old Mac Mini, the latest iPhone  5 and one month old iPad 4 with the current software updates.....
    Please help
    Regards Gareth

    I believe you are misunderstanding.  You don't sync apps between iPad and iPhone, and iCloud has nothing to do with any of this.  There is a setting in Settings -> Store where you can set each device to automatically download NEW apps, meaning that when you buy a new app on one device, the other automatically downloads it.  However, this is for new downloads only.
    For your existing apps, you can simply connect each device to your computer and move the desired apps to it in iTunes.  Or you can go to the App Store and re-download those apps.

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    I have a WCS in 4.1.83 and 3 WLC 4404-2 12AP in (ans ER).
    I'm think that the update of information between WLC to WCS are too slow. The update is about inforamtion, like client associated, ....
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    Under WCS, Administration, Background Tasks,
    you can change the data collection settings

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    hi everybody.
    I have a prop and dont know what the best way is to fix it. There are two JFrames (named F1 and F2) wich are created by a main class (lets say F3). Does anybody know what the best way is to get the reference between those two objects (f1 and f2) so that i can call methodes between those objects (f1,f2). For example i want to perform a methode of f2 from the first JFrame f1 without using a static context.
    in f1 something like this:

    I suspect Kangal is another alias for CoWork? Spelling and syntax are very similar to posts under that ID. If not, please see this thread:

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    Okay, I'm new to this so humor me.

    JFrames are typically used with applications.
    From the API:
    An extended version of java.awt.Frame that adds support for the JFC/Swing component architecture. You can find task-oriented documentation about using JFrame in The Java Tutorial, in the section How to Make Frames.
    A JSP page is a web page interperted by a http server and sent to a client browser.

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