Update wiped out contacts, etc.

I recently updated my iPod touch and my contacts, pictures, and apps disappeared.  How do I get them back?

I've had the same problem, which I posted at <http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2529384> Earlier, I tried to retrieve the lost iPhone Calendar data by doing a "restore from backup" in iTunes. First, iTunes restored the data, causing a retrieved Calendar alert to show up onscreen after the phone did a restart. But then, iTunes began syncing the phone again (something I didn't want &, as far as I knew, hadn't set iTunes to do!). Sure enough, when the new sync was complete, the restored iPhone Calendar data had been wiped again.
After this, I checked the backup list in iTunes Preferences: Devices & saw 2 backups listed. Mousing over them, showed they both had the same date & time info, but I guessed the one on the bottom of the list was probably the older version I wanted to restore. So I turned off everything I could in the iTunes iPhone Info page, checked to be sure that MobileMe syncing was off on my computer, then tried the "restore from backup" again--being careful to choose the 2nd backup on the drop down menu that appeared. After the restore, I waited for the phone to restart & was surprised to see iTunes announce that it was starting to sync the phone. To prevent this, I clicked the Eject button next to the phone in iTunes, then ripped the phone out of the USB cradle. This triggered a spinning beachball in iTunes, but the phone was fine, my lost Calendar data was restored, & iTunes eventually got over its sudden ejection trauma.
I'd still like to update iCal on my computer with the restored iPhone Calendar info. But, frankly, at this point I'm afraid to try anymore syncing. I've had so much trouble with my formerly indispensable iPhone since I updated to iOS 4 that I reluctantly switched to another brand of smart phone & now simply want to transfer data from my iPhone to the new device.

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    Don't diminish yourself. for some reason, you are in a situation where you have to forget you are technophobe. We are here to help and not mock you, but you're the main character here.
    Do you agree with the following statement :
    when you open the application called Desktop Manager on your PC,
    and you click on the "Backup and restore" button,
    there are three vertical parts :
    - BACKUP
    click on ADVANCED
    you get to a two panels window.
    the left panel is what is on your computer. Click File >> Open... and select the IPD file that contains your backup.
    then re-read my first message.
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

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    Settings > General > Reset > Reset Home Screen Layout.

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    You didn't say, but are you ACTUALLY trying to enter the BlackBerryID on your device?
    Read this for instructions to reset your BlackBerryID password:
    KB26361How to reset a BlackBerry ID password
    Is that what you need... or is this for an actual BlackBerry email address, such as "[email protected]"?
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
    4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
    Join our BBM Channels (Beta)
    BlackBerry Support Forums Channel
    PIN: C0001B7B4   Display/Scan Bar Code
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    Are the other iPods that work iPod touches (or iPhones or iPads)? iOS devices like iPod touches use additional drives to those used by "dumb" iPods.
    - Try another cable. The cable for 5G iPod (lightning connector) seems to be more prone to failure than the older cable.
    - If a 5G iPod               
    Iphone 5 lightning port charging problem - SOLUTION!
    - Inspect the dock connector on the iPod for bent or missing contacts, foreign material, corroded contacts, broken, missing or cracked plastic.
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    - I would start with
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    However, after your remove the Apple software components also remove the iCloud Control Panel via Windows Programs and Features app in the Window Control Panel. Then reinstall all the Apple software components
    - Then do the other actions of:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    paying special attention to item #5
    - New cable and different USB port
    - Run this and see if the results help with determine the cause
    iTunes for Windows: Device Sync Tests
    Also see:
    iPod not recognised by windows iTunes
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    Thank you for your response.
    I haven't upgraded to Mavericks. Reading forums, it seems there are a lot of
    problems people are having and features that have changed that aren't popular
    with long time "Macs".
    I was having problems with Java after updating to Safari 6.1, and eventually,
    uninstalled and reinstalled OSX 10.8.5 to get back to Safari  6.0.5. I'm not
    positive where I got the upgrade from but if I recall correctly, Software Update
    said I needed to update.....so I did. However, I don't remember if it was before
    or after reinstalling my OS. ?? If it was before, my templates wouldn't have still
    been in the trash because I usually empty it daily. 
    My "Numbers" is v  2.3. It looks completely different than it did the last time I'd
    used it. The "Pages" in my iWorks '09  folder is v 4.3  and Keynote is v 5.3. 
    If that helps you  figure out where it came from and why things disappeared.
    I did find my templates, but not where you said they'd be.  Fortunately, after
    reinstalling OS 10.8.5, I found a lot of files in my trash. Not knowing what they
    all were, little voices were warning me, so I didn't empty it -- just in case
    something was there that shouldn't be. Too many problems lately to trust
    anything. Last night I went thru all those files. Most were things I couldn't
    understand when I attempted to open them. However, I did find a "Numbers"
    Folder. WIthin it was a  "Templates" folder and within that was another..
    "My Templates". When removed that from the trash, those opened and were
    what I'd lost -- or would have if I'd just emptied my trash.
    I also found among those files:
    A "Calendar" folder that had everything that was on my Calendar but had
    also disappeared;
    A "Safari" folder that had all my bookmarks, et el.
    A couple "Turbox Tax" folders for years past. I just pulled them out but haven't
    tried to open everything to see what's there. I didn't think any of my Turbo Tax
    should have been removed.
    A "Mail" folder with, among other things, another folder within it called "V2".
    Inside that were several other folders. One contained a lot of mail I'd downloaded
    but hadn't moved out of "Mail" in a folder called "POP-(old email address)".
    Also were Logs, Keychains, Crash reports and something called
    "Saved Application State". 
    I tried to find the same folders in my present "Library". If I was able to find them,
    they didn't have my old data.  Afraid to delete the above Folders, I saved them.
    I may not be able to get everything back to where it was, but at least I'll have it.
    When I uninstalled and reinstalled OSX 10.8.5,  it took over 12 hrs!
    I couldn't believe it was actually taking that long. I don't know if that's normal or not.
    I'd found the instructions for doing this in a blog......somewhere.  Again, having the
    problem with Java not working or being recognized as being present, and after days
    going thru Apple's Community forums, everything I could find on Java's website
    & Pogo's website, I finallyGoogled it. I found lots of other people were having the
    same, or different problems since upgrading to Safari 6.1.  Someone had posted
    instructions on how to go about getting Safari 6.0.5 back. Starting up while holding
    the "Command" and "R" keys, selecting to reinstall the OS and being taken to
    the Apple App Store to download from there. One person did say it took a long time
    but I had no idea their "long time" was going to be 12 hours!
    Unfortunately, I'd just received Time Capsule but hadn't set it up and copied my
    entire System and everything on it yet -- so it wasn't properly backed up.
    The external drive I'd used before, rewrote files every time I backed up.
    I was losing things so I quit using it.
    I'd never experienced anything like this before and don't know if this was
    suppose to happen or not after using the "Command" & "R" keys starting up.
    No one called it a "clean system install" so I wasn't expecting it. Infact, they
    only said to be sure to back-up your bookmarks, passwords & contacts. I'd
    reset Safari, trying  to solve the Java problem, so those had already been
    wiped out-- or so I thought. Judging just from the number of Bookmarks found
    in the trash, I think they may all be there.
    I guess the bottomline here is.......don't empty your "Trash" after upgrading
    anything until you know things aren't being trashed that you want.
    If this wasn't suppose to happen, it's a bug that needs to fixed.
    Thanks again.

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    We have 2 other iPods in the house and the are fine, the one that lost its identity was the first. I connected to sync.
    I have spent hours trying to work  this out.
    I am not game to delete the drivers in case it causes the other 2 to fail.
    Anyone got some non technical ideas?

    Are the other iPods that work iPod touches (or iPhones or iPads)? iOS devices like iPod touches use additional drives to those used by "dumb" iPods.
    - Try another cable. The cable for 5G iPod (lightning connector) seems to be more prone to failure than the older cable.
    - If a 5G iPod               
    Iphone 5 lightning port charging problem - SOLUTION!
    - Inspect the dock connector on the iPod for bent or missing contacts, foreign material, corroded contacts, broken, missing or cracked plastic.
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    - I would start with
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    However, after your remove the Apple software components also remove the iCloud Control Panel via Windows Programs and Features app in the Window Control Panel. Then reinstall all the Apple software components
    - Then do the other actions of:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    paying special attention to item #5
    - New cable and different USB port
    - Run this and see if the results help with determine the cause
    iTunes for Windows: Device Sync Tests
    Also see:
    iPod not recognised by windows iTunes
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    Once the update finished, I re-launched Illustrator CS6 to get some work done, and I was prompted to enter my serial number or continue with the Trial version. Odd. Same thing with any Adobe product that I had installed. Every application launch was intercepted and the Adobe Updater asked for my serial number.
    Obviously I found and entered my serial number and everything is working fine now - BUT - the Adobe Updater should not be resetting or wiping out serial number information.
    If this is a bug in the Adobe Updater, then it could cause widespread problems. Just thought Adobe should know.
    Specs: OS X 10.6.8, MacPro 2.8 Quad-Core Xeons, Using CS6 Suite

    Related thread over in Photoshop forums:

  • Latest version of iTunes update wiped out all my music

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    See Empty/corrupt iTunes library after upgrade/crash.

  • Firefox update wiped out all my preferances!

    I'm getting rather fed up with Mozilla Firefox. First of all the UPDATE nag cannot be disabled despite the fact that I chose the setting "Never check for updates." Firefox ignores that preference and reverts to either automatic, or "Check and let me choose." THAT started the whole mess. Listen please FIREFOX developers: I DO NOT want you to control my updates. Too many times in the past, you have more or less forced an update on me only to result in my having to reset EVERY preference and add-on I had previously installed. When I complained about this inability of Firefox to remember my update preferences, I was informed that I absolutely had to update to 20.0.1 because 19.0.1 had "security holes". You know what, at this point I DON'T CARE, especially if I have to go through all this crap simply to have a decent browser. Nonetheless I bit the bullet and updated. Right out of the gate, the WELCOME page hijacked Google as my homepage and didn't go away. I reset everything back to Google and then the browser opened Google alright, but was immediately re-directed to the damned WELCOME page...every time I started the browser. I tried everything I could but nothing worked. The next step was to RESET Firefox. Well, it reset. Boy did it reset. I am now faced with reinstalling EVERYTHING including ALL my add-ons, extensions...EVERYTHING. I am really annoyed at the arrogance of Mozilla, assuming that THEY know what's best for my machine and my preferences. I really hope you fix this Mozilla. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is getting weary of having to re-do everything each time an update comes along...which, BTW is altogether too frequent.

    This problem has persisted for me for several months. My recollection is that there once were actually one or two additional unique posts on this update wipe out effect. This is my first time using the new Firefox update stub. Maybe this has something to do with it? In any case, despite configuring Firefox to NOT update me automatically AND not in the background, the update occurred oddly. As contributor tdp2101 has said, the effects can be inconsistent. In my case, a manual update over the last several months has occasionally been successful, that is, without the wipe out, complete or partial. Somewhere in my current process I a) told Firefox to not update, b) was presented with a page that my version was out of date. I do not remember the exact sequence. There finally came a moment, however, when the stub for v22 seemed to not execute two times in a row. Specifically, clicking on the downloaded stub icon resulted in nothing happening on screen, twice. System did not freeze. Just nothing seemed to happen. I immediately, cold booted my machine, opened my extant Firefox to download the stub yet again but never got the chance. Firefox autoupdated, wiped out ALL preferences, presented the Google home screen. I reset all my preferences including Never Update, Never Check, and, this time, Require me to okay cookies. Then I sought whatever updated solutions Mozilla might have offered. Finding none, I wrote this post. In the past, I have implemented all the Profile changes, duplications, substitutions, and edit solutions that I guess have disappeared or aged out of this support archive. Yet the problem continues. I am Win7 x64. Thanks for any help.

  • ITunes update wiped out my music and apps.  When I got everything back, now it won't sync.  It says I don't have enough space on iPod.  I have more than enough.

    I Updated itunes and it wiped out all of my music and apps.  I had over 4500 songs and had to reload.  Some from backup, some from cd's.  Now when I try to sync my IPods and IPad, it says I don't have enough space to sync.  I know I do because I have less now than when I would sync before all of the nice update.
    LIl W

    Depending on how you recovered the library iTunes may see the restored files as "new" content and not match them properly with what is already on the device. See Empty/corrupt library after upgrade/crash for the way I would normally approach the issue. You may need to manually backup and then restore the device in order to fix things.

  • New update wiped out my Ipad 2

    I just connected my Ipad 2 to my Macbook for the first time in a while, and it said there was a new Ipad update, so I agreed to install.
    It appears to have wiped out everything on my Ipad, and won't recognize Itunes on the Macbook for restoring things.
    Anyone know what happened and how to get my Ipad back?

    If all of the content is in your iTunes library on the Mac - you should be able to sync and put all of that content back onto the device. First you have to solve the recognition problem.
    Quit iTunes, restart your Mac and then restart the iPad and see if the iPad is recognized after that. If not, you can look through these articles.
    iOS Device not Recognized in Mac OS X
    If you are running Snow Leopard 10.6 ....
    Device not recognized after a restart
    If either site gives you a "We're Sorry" error message - just reload the web page. The sites do work.

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