Updated Safari 1.5.1: Bookmarks all gone!!

Was autonotified that 2 updates were available: Safari 1.5.1 and iTunes. After the installation, all my Safari bookmarks, bookmark menu, bookmark bar are gone and reset to what looks like a default list. I am running the latest LION release/version...
I know I can back up from my Time Machine by going to ~/Library/Safari/bookmarks.plist and restore.. however I can not locate the file???
I know that ~/Libray is hidden so I went to Finder and pressed option GO and library displayed... I then opened TIme Machine and attempted to find the bookmarks.plist under Safari on an older backed up copy and the file was not there... I am very confused.
Thanks in advance for any assistance

I finally found a backup of the bookmarks/plist in TM from 2 weeks ago and restored successfully... all the other TM backups did not have the file!!  I do not understand that at all...
So really 2 issues: why migrating to Safari 5.1.5 deleted the bookmarks inthe first place and then why the backups for the past 2 weeks did not contain the bookmarks file except for just one of the backups (the earliest one)...

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    You most likely can't get the pics back.
    But I have a good idea as to how it happened, and you can prevent it from happening again.
    I presume you updated through iTunes. During the update, your phone displays a progress bar. Once this progress bar fills up and the device comes on, you probably unplugged it. However, at this point in the update process, iTunes still needs to restore your music, apps, etc., and photos. You can check the progress in iTunes, as it should read "Restoring apps..." or "Restoring photos...," something like that, and only unplug the phone when iTunes says the update is complete.

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    M. Davis:
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    may be.
    ~Very best.

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    You may be toast.
    Do you have any backups of your system, or at least your user library file?
    Have you used Spotlight to search your system? The installer via Software Update updates the app, however leaves the Safari folder in the User Library alone. If for some reason you moved this folder, a new one would be created when you started up Safari after the update.
    Please post back.

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    See the [[Lost Bookmarks]] article for details of how to restore them.

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    Are the bookmark backups gone from the profile? I would try restoring them first before anything else. The profile for Firefox is in the Library for the user account. The easy way to find the profile is to click "Troubleshooting Information" in the Help menu and then click the button "Show in Finder". It is possible to backup bookmarks to another directory outside the profile from the Backup and Restore button in the toolbar in the bookmarks library window. That way you have a backup set of bookmarks you can restore even if the profile goes missing.

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    You get the import wizard if the profiles.ini file that registers all Firefox profiles is missing.
    You can check if there still is an older profile folder.

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    Problems with bookmarks and history not working properly can be caused by a corrupted places.sqlite database file.
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    Message was edited by: curium

    but I would like to know why this happened in the first place.
    I think you've answered your own question:
    The same problem has appeared on my other mac, I assume that this has been propagated by .Mac
    It was probably caused by a fault in the .Mac syncing, rather than .Mac propagating a bad file.

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