Updates are deleting my sound choices

Every time there's an update to the iPhone, all of my contacts go back to the default sound. I have several people that are set to something different and I have to go change them back every time I update. Why?

Have you installed any other Sound Software?
Long shot, but...
Open Audio Midi Setup in Applications>Utilities, when it grays out, see the input & output options & KHz setting there, some things will change it for their own use, then not set it back.

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    bunjamin wrote:
    There is now a new line in BBM that wasn't there before which covers the message that I am typing, so I can't actually see what I am typing.
    Hi bunjamin,
    just go to BlackBerry World, and update all your apps including BBM.
    bunjamin wrote:
    Every time I unlock my phone, my screen enlarges so I can't really see much on the hub/notification screen and it defaults to the hub which it didn't do before).
    you can turn off the magnifying glass :
    device settings >> accessibility >> magnify mode >> OFF
    you can deactivate the "reset to Hub view" :
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    bunjamin wrote:
    my ringtone is much softer than it was previously
    yes, BlackBerry has acknowledged this bug in this article from the public knowledge base:
    KB36755 After upgrading BlackBerry 10 OS to version 10.3.1 the volume for notifications is noticed to be significantly lower than in the previous version
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

  • Update and Delete option are disable

    Resp : XML Publisher Admin
    Template : search template Example : Standard Purchase Order Stylesheet
    there is option to add new template but option to delete and Update are disable. (Localized Templates Region)
    How to enable them. (Is there any setup required for this?)
    Edited by: avajain on Feb 25, 2009 4:38 AM

    Since 'Standard Purchase Order Stylesheet' is a standard Template, you will not abe able to delete or update it.
    If you need to customize it, You need to copy it to another template and upload your custom style sheet.
    Then you need to attach this custom template to standard PO using the following navigation:
    a) Purchasing SuperUser -> Setup -> Pruchasing -> Document Types ->(It will open a new OAF window)
    b) Click 'Update' Icon on 'Purchase Order Standard''
    c) Change 'Document Type Layout' and select your Custom template.
    Hope this helps!

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    Please make sure to improve this on the next update-release of Adobe Muse.

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    Unless somebody else has a micracle workaround I don't know.  Probably get the phone in for repair since it has been living on borrowed time so far and now you absolutely must have a working button.

  • If I use Sys Update 4, will I have choices for ThkVan tool install?

    I own an X61t 7764CTO tablet and recently did a clean install of [retail]Win7 64-bit Pro. I'm really happy with the speedy boot times and overall snappy performance with this 4Gig machine. It was supplied with Vista Biz 32-bit in Aug 2008 and I rarely used the ThinkVantage toolset. So going forward I plan to run System Update 4 - *IF* I will be given the opportunity to choose the ThinkVantage modules I want.
    I'd like to end up with:
    -Fingerprint reader active as log-on device
    -Power management that allows full screen brightness even if not plugged in (currently not possible)
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    -wireless connections, sound, backup images/system restore creation.
    Undecided about:
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    Wondering about:
    -return of bezel button functionality for
     =screen rotation
     =four-way rocker
     ="escape key" button
    Other modules for migration and data security are not important in my small business.
    So, are these offered as CHOICES or does SysUpdate run all the tools into the machine?
    Is the alternative going piecemeal through the driver download page for the x61t and picking off those few drivers/programs that address these issues by name? There may be deeper, more subtle, changes and routines introduced back into the machine by SysUpdate 4 that I would want to have... or perhaps slowdowns, too.
    I hope other users here can offer advice. I did a lot of reading and searching before posting -- the granularity of the SysUpdate (4) process is not described on any page I was able to find. I am really happy with the Win 7 upgrade, though!
    Thanks in advance,
    4276-37U -- W520. Still have an X61t. First laptop in my house was an Osborne! Now that was a cool computer. (...for its time!)

    When you run the ThinkVantage System Update software you will have the choice of installing, just downloading or not downloading a particular update.
    Aryeh Goretsky
    I am a volunteer and neither a Lenovo nor a Microsoft employee. • Dexter is a good dog • Dexter je dobrý pes
    S230u (3347-4HU) • X220 (4286-CTO) • W510 (4318-CTO) • W530 (2441-4R3) • X100e (3508-CTO) • X120e (0596-CTO) • T61p (6459-CTO) • T43p (2678-H7U) • T42 (2378-R4U) • T23 (2648-LU7)
      Deutsche Community   Comunidad en Español Русскоязычное Сообщество

  • Instead of trigger example - INSERT works but UPDATE and DELETE does not?

    Below is a demostration script of what I am trying to troubleshoot. Tests are done on 10gR2;
    conn system/system
    drop table tt purge ;
    create table tt nologging as select * from all_users ;
    alter table tt add constraint pk_tt_user_id primary key (user_id) nologging ;
    analyze table tt compute statistics for table for all indexed columns ;
    conn hr/hr
    drop database link dblink ;
    create database link dblink
    connect to system identified by system
    using 'xe.turkcell' ;
    select * from global_name@dblink ;
    drop view v_tt ;
    create view v_tt as select username, user_id, created from tt@dblink order by 2 ;
    select count(*) from v_tt ;
    drop sequence seq_pk_tt_user_id ;
    create sequence seq_pk_tt_user_id
    minvalue 1000 maxvalue 99999
    increment by 1;
    create synonym tt for tt@dblink ;
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE prc_update_tt(old_tt v_tt%ROWTYPE, new_tt v_tt%ROWTYPE) IS
    IF old_tt.user_id != new_tt.user_id THEN
    RETURN; -- primary key
    END IF;
    IF old_tt.user_id IS NOT NULL AND new_tt.user_id IS NULL THEN
    WHERE user_id = nvl(old_tt.user_id,
    END IF;
    IF (old_tt.username IS NULL AND new_tt.username IS NOT NULL) OR
    (old_tt.username IS NOT NULL AND new_tt.username != old_tt.username) THEN
    UPDATE tt
    SET username = new_tt.username
    WHERE user_id = nvl(old_tt.user_id,
    END IF;
    IF (old_tt.created IS NULL AND new_tt.created IS NOT NULL) OR
    (old_tt.created IS NOT NULL AND new_tt.created != old_tt.created) THEN
    UPDATE tt
    SET created = new_tt.created
    WHERE user_id = nvl(old_tt.user_id,
    END IF;
    END prc_update_tt;
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE prc_insert_tt(old_tt v_tt%ROWTYPE, new_tt v_tt%ROWTYPE) IS
    new_tt_user_id NUMBER;
    SELECT seq_pk_tt_user_id.NEXTVAL INTO new_tt_user_id FROM dual;
    (username, user_id, created)
    (new_tt.username, new_tt_user_id, new_tt.created);
    END prc_insert_tt;
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE prc_delete_tt(old_tt v_tt%ROWTYPE, new_tt v_tt%ROWTYPE) IS
    WHERE user_id = nvl(old_tt.user_id,
    END prc_delete_tt;
    new_tt v_tt%ROWTYPE;
    old_tt v_tt%ROWTYPE;
    dbms_output.put_line('INSTEAD OF TRIGGER fired');
    dbms_output.put_line(':NEW.user_id ' || :NEW.user_id);
    dbms_output.put_line(':OLD.user_id ' || :OLD.user_id);
    dbms_output.put_line(':NEW.username ' || :NEW.username);
    dbms_output.put_line(':OLD.username ' || :OLD.username);
    dbms_output.put_line(':NEW.created ' || :NEW.created);
    dbms_output.put_line(':OLD.created ' || :OLD.created);
    new_tt.user_id := :NEW.user_id;
    new_tt.username := :NEW.username;
    new_tt.created := :NEW.created;
    old_tt.user_id := :OLD.user_id;
    old_tt.username := :OLD.username;
    old_tt.created := :OLD.created;
    IF inserting THEN
    ELSIF updating THEN
    ELSIF deleting THEN
    END IF;
    END trg_iof_v_tt;
    set serveroutput on
    set null ^
    insert into v_tt values ('XXX', -1, sysdate) ;
    :NEW.user_id -1
    :NEW.username XXX
    :NEW.created 30/01/2007
    1 row created.
    commit ;
    select * from v_tt where username = 'XXX' ;
    XXX 1000 31/01/2007          <- seems to be no problem with insert part but
    update v_tt set username = 'YYY' where user_id = 1000 ;
    :NEW.username YYY
    1 row updated.
    commit ;
    select count(*) from v_tt where username = 'YYY' ;
    0               <- here is my first problem with update part, Oracle said "1 row updated."
    delete from v_tt where user_id = 1000 ;
    1 row deleted.
    commit ;
    select count(*) from v_tt ;
    14               <- here is my second problem with delete part, Oracle said "1 row deleted."
    Any comments will be welcomed, thank you.
    Message was edited by:
    changed "-1" values to "1000" in the where clause of delete and update statements.
    it was a copy/paste mistake, sorry for that.

    What table do you process in your procedures ? You don't use DBLINK to
    reference remote table in your procedures.
    Seems, you have table "TT" in "HR" schema too.
    SQL> create table tt nologging as select * from all_users where rownum <=3;
    Table created.
    SQL> select * from tt;
    USERNAME                          USER_ID CREATED
    SYS                                     0 25-APR-06
    SYSTEM                                  5 25-APR-06
    OUTLN                                  11 25-APR-06
    SQL> conn scott/tiger
    SQL> create database link lk65 connect to ... identified by ... using 'nc65';
    Database link created.
    SQL> select * from tt@lk65;
    USERNAME                          USER_ID CREATED
    SYS                                     0 25-APR-06
    SYSTEM                                  5 25-APR-06
    OUTLN                                  11 25-APR-06
    SQL> create view v_tt as select username, user_id, created from tt@lk65 order by 2;
    View created.
    SQL> select * from v_tt;
    USERNAME                          USER_ID CREATED
    SYS                                     0 25-APR-06
    SYSTEM                                  5 25-APR-06
    OUTLN                                  11 25-APR-06
    SQL> create sequence seq_pk_tt_user_id
      2  minvalue 1000 maxvalue 99999
      3  increment by 1;
    Sequence created.
    SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE prc_insert_tt(old_tt v_tt%ROWTYPE, new_tt v_tt%ROWTYPE) IS
      2  new_tt_user_id NUMBER;
      3  BEGIN
      4  SELECT seq_pk_tt_user_id.NEXTVAL INTO new_tt_user_id FROM dual;
      5  INSERT INTO tt
      6  (username, user_id, created)
      7  VALUES
      8  (new_tt.username, new_tt_user_id, new_tt.created);
      9  END prc_insert_tt;
    10  /
    Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show error
    5/1      PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    5/13     PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    SQL> edit
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE prc_insert_tt(old_tt v_tt%ROWTYPE, new_tt v_tt%ROWTYPE) IS
      2  new_tt_user_id NUMBER;
      3  BEGIN
      4  SELECT seq_pk_tt_user_id.NEXTVAL INTO new_tt_user_id FROM dual;
      5  INSERT INTO tt@lk65
      6  (username, user_id, created)
      7  VALUES
      8  (new_tt.username, new_tt_user_id, new_tt.created);
      9* END prc_insert_tt;
    SQL> /
    Procedure created.Rgds.

  • Using Java, How can I Update, Add, Delete nodes in XML Files.

    I want to store the student record (like Name, Age, school name, total mark etc.,) as nodes in the XMLfile. Also I should able to Update, Add, Delete any nodes (student record) in the XML file. How can I achieve this...using Java
    I am able to read the content of the xml file using xml-parser. But my problem is
    updating the xml file.
    pls suggest some solutions or links with " example source code"
    Thanks :-)

    There are 2 kinds of XML parsers : SAX and DOM. DOM seems to suit your need. You can use JAXP APIs to add, delete or change nodes or attributes.
    http://java.sun.com/webservices/jaxp/dist/1.1/docs/tutorial/TOC.html provides contents that would satisfy most of the needs.
    To save a DOM modified XML file use java IO APIs to write to the same file from which it was read using a Document object ( doc.getNodeValue() ).

  • After Update, cannot delete files from nss volumes

    Not sure if this is the same problem caused by the SLES11 upgrade, but after running all the upgrades on an OES11 system, I can see all the nss volumes of the upgraded servers from workstations using the Novell client, and I can copy or create files on these volumes. However, I cannot delete any files, they disappear from the workstation windows explorer when they are "deleted", but an f5 promptly shows the files are still there. I can go into the server as root, and delete the files under Linux with no problems, so this part is working OK.
    I am running Novell 11.1 patch 1, and this problem has only been noticeable after the update installation.
    I have supervisor rights to the volumes and files, and if I additionally set all the other file rights, I am still unable to delete the files.
    Anyone got any ideas?

    Originally Posted by chas
    Not sure if this is the same problem caused by the SLES11 upgrade, but after running all the upgrades on an OES11 system, I can see all the nss volumes of the upgraded servers from workstations using the Novell client, and I can copy or create files on these volumes. However, I cannot delete any files, they disappear from the workstation windows explorer when they are "deleted", but an f5 promptly shows the files are still there. I can go into the server as root, and delete the files under Linux with no problems, so this part is working OK.
    I am running Novell 11.1 patch 1, and this problem has only been noticeable after the update installation.
    I have supervisor rights to the volumes and files, and if I additionally set all the other file rights, I am still unable to delete the files.
    Anyone got any ideas?
    I had a similar problem at updating with SP3 on SP4. It was similar, that permission ERASE is not applied to all trustees working through ncp in spite of the fact that it was available.
    Has solved a problem that has redefined this permission for trustees on all catalogues.

  • How can I resolve error code -54 in iTunes? I am using the latest iTunes. No new updates are available.

    How can I resolve error code -54 in iTunes? I am using the latest iTunes. No new updates are available. I'm using iTunes 11.3 on a MacBook Pro, OS X 10.6.8. I can't save my library in iTunes, the message just keeps popping up.

    From an OS9 reference, error -54 is a software lock on a file or a permissions error. (Although there is no formal list of OSX error code some of the old codes still apply to OSX .)
    First, try simply restarting your computer.
    Try quitting iTunes, then deleting the .xml (not .itl !) version of the library file in the iTunes folder (iTunes will generate a new one).
    iTunes Library cannot be saved (Error -54) - https://discussions.apple.com/thread/1912814 - various things to try.
    Unknown error (-54) while syncing ipod - https://discussions.apple.com/thread/1082953 - problem was locked files
    Why does iTunes keep showing a -54 error when I sync my iPad? - https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3727114
    Error -54 possibly related to Touch Copy - https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3727114 - cleared by deleting preferences on iPad.
    iTunes: Missing folder or incorrect permissions may prevent authorization - http://support.apple.com/kb/ts1277
    Troubleshooting permissions issues in Mac OS X - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2963

  • I have an older Ipod touch with 4.2.1 and cannot be updated any further, how do I install apps on it now?  so far every app I have tried says I need an updated IOS.  This sounds like I now have an apple product paper weight.

    I have an older Ipod touch with 4.2.1 and cannot be updated any further, how do I install apps on it now?  so far every app I have tried says I need an updated IOS.  This sounds like I now have an apple product paper weight unless I want to run out and buy the latest and greatest overpriced apple product. 

    Are you willing to buy a newer iPod? How about the 4g @ 16gb for $199* usd or the 5g @ 32gb for $299*.
    * tax not included.

  • Airplay is not working after the latest update, whats wrong? Sound will not go to Apple TV or my Surround receiver

    Airplay is not working after the latest update, whats wrong? Sound will not go to Apple TV or my Surround receiver

    Hi Tokha,
    If you are having an issue with using AirPlay from your MacBook Air, I would suggest that you troubleshoot using the steps in this article - 
    iTunes: Troubleshooting AirPlay and AirPlay Mirroring - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L 

  • How to update and delete records in a text file?

    I had a text file in which contains records line by line with ',' as delimiter as I use stringtokenizer and vector to read the data.
    The format in the text file likes: Name, Sex, Age.
    I want to add 2 functions:
    (1) update the record by name, sex or age;
    (2) delete the whole line of record;
    Do I need to open a temp text file to do it?
    And, what is the algorithm can be suggested?
    For both of them, I want to firstly read the total line numbers. Then, the line number + Name, Sex, Age will be displayed on the console window. User can choose which line of record to update or delete.
    Or, user can search name in order to do that.
    But, what is the backend algorithm to handle it? If I have 10 lines of record, I want to delete 7th line, the 7th line of the text file will be blanked. How can I move 8th, 9th and 10th lines of records up by one line in order to fill the blank line?
    Do I need to copy the first 6 lines to a temp text file and copy the last 3 lines of records to the same temp file first? and then copy all the content of that temp file back to the original text file? If so, how can I copy the same format of the original file (with '\n') to the temp file? I need the same data structure likes Name, Sex, Age.
    However, when I add records, I need to append the text in the original text file, not override it's current content.
    Any advice?

    If your file is not designed to be amazingly large, then you don't need to use a temporary file -- you can just read the data into memory and manipulate it there. (Like, into a Document object or something.)
    But if you are dealing with really large files, you might want to consider using a database back end instead of a text file, which is a completely different approach I know but... well, that's why databases were invented.

Maybe you are looking for

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