Updating a multichoice column of an item

I have a multi-choice column in a sharepoint list.
The choices being: Choice 1,Choice 2,Choice 3,Choice 4.
I tried creating a visual webpart, where in i'm trying to update the column programmatically, I have used a checkbox list to select multiple options,
Here is the code:
<asp:CheckBoxList ID="chkTechonology" runat="server">
The code behind to update the item being:
List<string> objList=new List<string>();
foreach (ListItem item in chkTechonology.Items)
if (item.Selected )
listItem["Technology"] = String.Join(", ", objList.ToArray()).Trim(';','#');
It gets saved in the list, but the issue is, whenever i try to edit the item in the list, all the selections are gone.
I need to select the options again and then save the item.

you should set the value as 
assuming A B C are choices.
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    I understand that the reusable workflow doesn’t work properly now. Have you tried to remove the Update list item action to see whether the workflow can run without issue?
    If the workflow runs perfectly when the Update list item action is removed, then you need to check whether there are errors in the update action. Check whether the values have been changed.
    Entan Ming
    Entan Ming
    TechNet Community Support

  • The workflow could not update the item, possibly because one or more columns for the item require a different type of information using Update Item action

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    Thanks for the quick response Nikhil.
    Our SPF 2010 server is relatively small to many setups I am sure. The list with the issue only has 4456 items and there are a few associated lists, eg lookups, Tasks, etc see below for count.
    Site Lists
    Engagements = 4456 (Errors on this list, primary list for activity)
    Tasks = 7711  (All workflow tasks from all site lists)
    Clients = 4396  (Lookup from Engagements, Tslips, etc)
    Workflow History = 584930 (I periodically run a cleanup on this and try to keep it under 400k)
    Tslips = 3522 (Engagements list can create items here, but overall not much interaction between lists)
    A few other lists that are used by workflows to lookup associations that are fairly static and under 50 items, eg "Parters Admin" used to lookup a partners executive admin to assign a task.
    Stunpals - Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

  • Use Sharepint Approval Workflow to update column in list item

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    I am working in SP / SPD 2007.
    I have set up a standard SP Approval workflow for a new list I am working with.
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    Any thoughts?
    Steve Connelly

    Hi Steve,
    We can archive this simply in SharePoint 2010, but for SharePoint 2007, we can to create custom approval workflow.
    Here are 2 workarounds for you.
    Create a custom approval workflow with Visual Studio.
    Use an InfoPath Form instead.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Emir Liu
    TechNet Subscriber Support in forum
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    Emir Liu
    TechNet Community Support

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    There is no easy way to do this without some incredibly lengthy javascript. Tabular forms still do not give much declarative control to the developer.
    If you are looking to click a button and update one column on one row, it's easiest to change your design to two pages using report and form. Make the first page the report with an Edit button, click the button (nothing more than a link) and it goes to a basic form with only one updateable field. After submit, branch back to the first page. Easy.
    For the end user, there are no more mouse clicks involved in this than what you described originally so it's likely it'll be an acceptable application design change.

  • Updating a title column in list that is a lookup column to document library in sharepoint designer workflow 2010

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    Could anyone suggest me how to handle this ? I am
    attaching the screenshots of the list and library structure. TRuly appreciate your help.
    Below are screenshots of the list structure

    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to update a title column in list that is a lookup column to document library in sharepoint designer workflow 2010.
    I try to reproduce the issues as follows:
    Create a custom list named Contracts List, add columns: Contract Name ( title column), Contract Number(Number), Contract Start date(Data and Time) and Contract End date (Data and Time).
    Create a document library named Contracts Vendor library, add columns: Contract Name(Lookup), Contract NUmber(Lookup).
    Create a workflow associated to the Contracts Vendor library.
    Add action: Create List Item.
       5. Start the workflow automatically when an item is created.
       6. Upload a document, select the Contract Name and Contract NUmber, the workflow will be started automatically.
       7. Open the Contracts List, an item will be added with the Contract Name and Contract Number in the Contracts Vendor library.
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    Any help on it.
    Thanks & REgards
    Poomani Sankaran

    Hi TanPart,
    I have changed the code which you have give in order to get the files from SharePoint 2010 Foundation  Document Library.But i am getting below error in powershell.
    Property 'ListItemCollectionPosition' cannot be found on this object; make sure it exists and is settable.
    Could you tell me which is the issues in it?
    See the code below.
    $web = Get-SPWeb http://ntmoss2010:9090/Site
    $list = $web.Lists["DocLib"]
    $query = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery
    $query.ViewAttributes = "Scope='Recursive'";
    $query.RowLimit = 2000
    $caml = '<Where><Contains><FieldRef Name="Title" /><Value Type="Text">Process Documents/Delivery</Value></Contains></Where>' +
            '<OrderBy Override="TRUE"><FieldRef Name="ID"/></OrderBy>'
    $query.Query = $caml
        $listItems = $list.GetItems($query)
        $spQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition = $listItems.ListItemCollectionPosition
        foreach($item in $listItems)
            #Cast to SPListItem to avoid ambiguous overload error
            $spItem = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem]$item;
            Write-Host $spItem.Title       
    while ($spQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition -ne $null)
    Thanks & Regards
    Poomani Sankaran

  • How to update SharePoint list columns including choice fields programmatically?

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    I have a requirement to update multiple columns (which are choice columns) in a SharePoint list.  I'm a newbie at creating event receivers and timer jobs.  Not sure which one to do and where to start first.  There are approximately 4500
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    lists that contain the new name.  The columns I'm using are all choice fields named Assigned To, Division, Region, Job Title, Department, and Zone.
    Here's sample code for Updating list:
     using     (SPSite oSPsite = new SPSite("team url/"))   
     using     (SPWeb oSPWeb = oSPsite.OpenWeb())         
     oSPWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates =   true;          
     // get the List                
     SPList list = oSPWeb.Lists["Keywords"];        
     //Add a new item in the List                
     SPListItem itemToAdd = list.Items.Add();               
     itemToAdd["Title"] = "My Title Field";               
     itemToAdd["Assigned To"] = "Assigned To";               
     // Get the Item ID               
     listItemId = itemToAdd.ID;          
     // Update the List item by ID                
     SPListItem itemToUpdate = list.GetItemById(listItemId);               
     itemToUpdate["Assigned To"] = "Assigned To Updated";               
     // Delete List item                
     SPListItem itemToDelete = list.GetItemById(listItemId);               
     oSPWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates =   false;         
    Any help is greatly appreciated.  Please provide code sample and references.  Thanks!

    Thanks Ramakrishna -- Here's what I have so far.
    namespace MonitorChanges
            class MyTimerJob : SPJobDefinition
                public MyTimerJob()
                    : base()
                public MyTimerJob(string sJobName, SPService service, SPServer server, SPJobLockType targetType)
                    : base(sJobName, service, server, targetType)
                public MyTimerJob(string sJobName, SPWebApplication webApplication)
                    : base(sJobName, webApplication, null, SPJobLockType.ContentDatabase)
                    this.Title = "My Custom Timer Job";
                public override void Execute(Guid contentDbId)
                    // Get the current site collection's content database           
                    SPWebApplication webApplication = this.Parent as SPWebApplication;
                    SPContentDatabase contentDb = webApplication.ContentDatabases[contentDbId];
                    // Get a reference to the "ListTimerJob" list in the RootWeb of the first site collection in the content database           
                    SPList Listjob = contentDb.Sites[0].RootWeb.Lists["ListTimerJob"];
                    // Add a new list Item           
                    SPListItem newList = Listjob.Items.Add();
                    newList["Title"] = DateTime.Now.ToString();
    Talibah C

  • Correct way to handle updates of XMLtype columns in standard tables.

    Hello to whoever may read this,
    I am currently studying the XML functionality of oracle DB for a uni project.
    We have been asked to compare/contrast solutions to publishing product and price data for data stored in standard relational tables, and data stored in XML type tables. For extra marks, i am looking at a table containing an XMLType column for multiple items of data relating to the primarykey.
    I have managed to get my head around publishing the data - pretty straight forward, but we have also been asked to show how we can update data, which isn't a problem within the standard tables/columns, but when it comes to the XMLType columns/tables, i dont have a clue.
    At the moment i am working on trying to update an XMLtype column. The table itself is a "product" table, and contains product information, as well as an XMLType column containing multiple changes to the prices. In the relational tables, this "product" table has a one-to-many link to another table called price_history which contains details about past prices (which is populated by a trigger on update/insert of a new price). But in this table all the product changes are stored in XML format in the XML type column "prices".
    Table columns: id number(4), name varchar2(25), prices xmltype;
    example data: 1781, CDW 20/48/E, <product_prices><price_change>
    <details>price increased</details>
    <details>price increased</details>
    We need to give examples of an update. I have been looking around the net, and these forums for a solution now for about 4 hours. My own thoughts are that to update this with a new price change i need to, SELECT the current data INTO a variable, then concatenate that variable with the new price change info e.g.
    <details>price decreased</details>
    then insert that whole chunk of data again to overwrite the old data.
    Now im fairly certain there is some function somewhere which will allow me to do this update/insert operation without going through this process... After i am done with this update of XMLType column data, i need to tackle updating data in an XMLType Table with XQuery(? apparently), so if you have any pointers for that please let me know.
    Could one of you experts point me in the right direction for this? Any advice at this stage is a great help and will stop me losing my mind.
    p.s. im sorry about the lengthy description of the problem/solution required. How to describle something i dont understand? I ask myself.

    You really need to take a look at the XMLDB Developers guide.
    For updating XML with SQL/XML see UPDATEXML and for XQuery see [Using XQuery with Oracle XMLDB|http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14259/xdb_xquery.htm#sthref1673]

  • SPD workflow not updating a Lookup Column

    I have a 2 lists (Computers & Lending Library) that both have a look-up column (Item Status) pointing to a 3rd list (Item Status - Category).
    Both lists are properly looking up when manually edited via the web interface. When I try to use a SPD workflow to "Update or Create List Item" and I set the column in the Lending Library (Item Status) = Current Item (Items Status) the column is not populated.
    I took the same value and updated a Text column and the value is "0".
    The strange thing is when setting the (Item Status) it only gives me the options:
    As Integer
    Lookup ID (as Integer)
    Lookup Value (as Integer)
    What am I missing?
    Stunpals - Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

    Its been a long time since I looked at this but yes we did figure it out.
    Here is my Comment to myself on the lookup: "Must extract the [Item type] as a string and then lookup the corresponding List Item [ID] in the "Item Type - Category" list, use that value to update the "LendLib"[Item
    As suggested you need to reference the ID of the lookup, and I am caching that. Then when setting the [Item Type] column, by referencing the [ID] column in the Lookup list, then set your value to the Title of that lookup.
    If I recall the issue was the lookup, if you don't use the [ID] then you don't actually retrieve the value from the [Title] column correctly.
    My screenshots below are a bit confusing at first because my Lookup List is called "Item Type - Category" and the column in the 2nd list that is the
    Lookup Column,  is called "Item Type".
    Stunpals - Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

  • How to get column values on item added event receiver

    I have two columns in a document library and one is people or group column and the other one is choice column with check boxes.
    I want to know how to read column values on Item Added event receiver, so that I can create if statements based on those values.
    Thank you,

    Hi AOK2013, 
    Have you had a look at this Microsoft tutorial: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/gg981880(v=office.14).aspx
    Essentially, you want to use the AfterProperties property to access the changed field value. 
    var personvalue = properties.AfterProperties["YourPersonFieldName"]
    Regards, Matthew
    My Blog
    Matthew Yarlett's profile
    See my webpart on the TechNet Gallery that allows administrative users to upload, crop and format user profile photos. Check it out here:
    Upload and Crop User Profile Photos

  • HT4972 when I try to update it says I have purchased items not backed up on itunes but I believe they're all there.  any suggestions how to find these items or just upgrade anyways?

    I have tried to update my ipad 2 several times.  I have connected it to my computer in itunes had it download or backup my info.  But when I go to update it states you have purchased items not backed up are you sure you want to update now?  So I go back and check it for all my apps and they are all there on the computer in itunes.  I still have the original iso 4.3.3  please help as all

    Even though you think that all of your apps and purchased content is in iTunes, transfer your purchases using these instructions and then try and update again.
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device ...

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    I have tried to update my ipad 2 several times.  I have connected it to my computer in itunes had it download or backup my info.  But when I go to update it states you have purchased items not backed up are you sure you want to update now?  So I go back and check it for all my apps and they are all there on the computer in itunes.  I still have the original iso 4.3.3  please help as all the apps are requiring newer iso versions.

    Hi Oceanbreeze,
    If you are receiving an alert about purchased items that have not been transferred from your iPad, you may want to try initiating the transfer from iTunes to see if that may correct it. You may find the following article helpful:
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer
    - Brenden

  • Access for update only one column in table?

    Hi all,
    My need is to grant access for update only one column c1 in table t1.
    I guess I should use view, could you please give me some example? Maybe other ideas?

    You can grant privileges on individual columns.
    GRANT   UPDATE (c1)
    ON      t1
    TO      grantee_name;Look up GRANT in the SQL language manual. Annoyingly, in recent editions of the manual, GRANT is not indexed, but it's in alphabetic order with all the other statements:

  • Update a single column of a table

    Hi Champs,
    I want to update a single column of table PA0000.
    Following is ABAp code I am using:
    UPDATE pa0000 SET massn = wa_upd_actn71-massn
                       WHERE pernr = wa_upd_actn71-pernr AND
                              massn = c_crct_entry.
    where in current scenario wa_upd_actn71-massn = 54,
                                         wa_upd_actn71-pernr = 10005092,
                                         c_crct_entry = 71.
    But this code is not working and note updating the DB table PA0000.
    Can you help me out?
    Edited by: Nishant Khimesra on Apr 7, 2009 2:00 PM
    Edited by: Nishant Khimesra on Apr 7, 2009 2:00 PM

    If u want to update it thr program then write the query as update <dbtablename> set fld = value where <condn>. make sure that the values u pass are converted as per the values in database.
    2nd way is goto se16n
    specify table name and then enter &sap_edit on command line. sap editing function will be edited. specify the filter parameters on the field and then execute the transaction. u can change thd data instantly as the data appears in editable alv.
    Anil N.

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