Updating Libary from Ipod

I updated songs onto my Ipod on another computer. Now I can't put those songs on my Ipod into my library. How can you do that?
Dell   Windows XP  

For windows only
1) If Itunes is already installed disk use may need to enabled so you can see the Ipod in my computer. Itunes hides your ipod from windows otherwise.
2) Make sure you can view hidden files. In MY computer go to tools>folder options>view>show hidden files and folders.
3) Windows should see the ipod and your music should be on your ipod in several hidden folders. To be safe I would copy it all to say your desktop.
4) Install Itunes http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/ and the Ipod updater http://www.apple.com/ipod/download/ (if you don't already have it installed)
After that drag the copied folder to Itunes (drag and drop or in Itunes (File>add folder to library)
You may need to authorise your new computer by playing it in the library first.
There are third party software that will let you take the music of for windows and mac.

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    These links will give you several methods of recovering whatever songs remain on your iPod; some free, some third-party software, some more comprehensive for restoring playlists, ratings, playcounts, etc. Read them and their associated links before deciding on a strategy that works for you. There are many various third-party software programs that will offer a more robust process, or an easier GUI. Do a Google search for them if the links below leave you wanting…
    Don King Resurrected: Deleted files from hard drive (free user steps – music recovery only)
    MacMuse: Computer Crashed (free user steps – music recovery only)
    Copying music from iPod to computer (a primer on various methods and software)
    Copying Songs from Your iPod to a Mac or PC (resource for 3rd party software)
    iPodRip Software
    PodUtil Software
    XPlay (Software For Cross-Platform Functionality & Music Recovery)
    XPlay Photo Browser (For recovering Photos)
    After recovering your song files, strongly consider developing a thorough backup strategy for just this type of situation.
    You need at least three sets of your music:
    -- One full set on the PC within iTunes
    -- One full set on an external backup medium (CD/DVD/ExHD/other)
    -- One (full or partial) set on the iPod
    Music files on just the iPod and the computer is not considered having any backup. If you cannot store your complete music files on the computer, then create and maintain two external sets.
    Backup both the music files and the Library database file (iTunes Library.itl).
    Here is a post on developing a backup strategy: http://discussions.apple.com/click.jspa?searchID=210939&messageID=1215125

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    To all devices on which you have iCloud activated via your Apple ID.

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    I agree, no stupid questions...
    when you connect your iPod to your iTunes library at work, it should ask you if you're sure you want to do this because it will erase what you've got on there now and mirror your iTunes library at your work. So just make sure you've got all your tunes in your work computer too or you'll be SOL! hope this helps...my iPod gets me through my day at work!

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    Hello there dilip77707,
    It sounds like you are getting this error message that your iPod cannot be read from or written to when you are trying to update your iPod Nano. I recommend the troubleshooting from the following article to help you get that resolved. Its pretty straight forward, just start at the top and work your way down as needed:
     'Disk cannot be read from or written to' when syncing iPod or 'Firmware update failure' error when updating or restoring iPod
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

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    See this older post from another forum member Zevoneer on different ways to copy content from your iPod to your computer.

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    Apple the best

    The iPad 1 can't run the newer operating systems. It'd be like trying to play a bluray disc in your 6 year old dvd player....it simply lacks the hardware to make the software run.
    No suggestion about the camera, but given that Apple's attitude seems to be to focus more on the more mobile devices for photography (the iPhone and Touch cameras got features, the iPad and mini didn't), that is highly unlikely. You can tell Apple what you want, but you'd probably be money ahead to get a digital camera.
    as to the photos, anything put on via iTunes has to come off via iTunes.Your main alternative would be to look for photo apps that offer file exchange that may give you more functionality.

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    Try this
    Hope it helps.

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    and at the first, sorry for my bad english.
    I have a strange problem with my iPod Touch 2G 32GB.
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    I hope someone can help me.
    Best regards,

    Yes, i have do all the things, but with the same result.
    I have update a second ipod touch 2g 32GB (from my girlfriend) from
    2.2.1 to 4.2.1 without problems.
    Only my device have this problem.
    I have the newest itunes installed on two different pc systems also with
    the same bad results.
    I found the following. Before the update is started, the device is
    in by example DFU mode. I can see it with usbview on the port.
    When an update is running normal, this descriptor is canceld and the
    device coms up with an other one (by example iBoot Device)
    Then the update start. The first USB connection is ok, and then, this
    one is canceld but the second on, don't come up.
    itunes wait a long time for it and the ist pop up error 160x message.
    For my bad device it work's, when i use an firmware file with version
    2.x.x but for all others (3.x and 4.x) the update do not work
    (while the second usb descriptor don't comes up).
    But this is not an hardware Problem of the device and not from the
    pc side. 2.x Versions are running .....
    I hope someone has an other idea for me :-(
    Best regards and thank you for your reply !

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      Windows XP  
    pc   Windows XP  

    Hi zen-an
    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    Does this link help?
    -36 or "Disk cannot be read from or written to" error syncing iPod in iTunes
    Colin R.

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    All you have to do is connect your new iPod to the computer that has the library for your old iPod.
    When iTunes comes up, click on your new iPod under Devices.
    At the top of the Summary Page click Music.
    Click Synch Music.
    Do the same thing for Photos, Apps, Movies and so on...
    Now just synch the iPod.

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    Per Rysz' suggestion, configure accordingly:

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    Hi Jen.  My daughter just compleated her nursing program and is now working as a full time nurse.  Focus and study hard and soon you will be there too.  Now to the problem at hand.  I have the same problem.  I gave up on it and satisfied myself with my iPod without the upgrade.  Reason being I've read so many posts of people having problems after the upgrade.  But I'm sure other factors are involved.  Nevertheless here is the fix most say works to solve the problem:  What ever virus protection you have installed on your computer, disable it.  Then try to install the update. After that enable the protection. I had Kaspersky, and it does it's job well. The thinking is, the virus protection is blocking the upgrade.  Hope this works.   Charlie

  • Difference between updating my ipod from ipod or computer

    Difference between updating my ipod from ipod or computer

    As in over the air vs through iTunes?
    When you do it over the air you download a smaller package and it's just the updated parts. When you do it via iTunes you download and install the whole operating system.
    Many update OTA and have no issue, I perfer to always do it through iTUnes.
    The most important thing is to always do a full sync and backup before you update the OS. Then you have something to restore it from just in case something goes wrong.

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    There is no way you can activate Facetime on an iPod touch purchased in the UAE. The government there required Apple to lock off Facetime at the hardware level and there's no way to unlock it. Reinstalling iOS, regardless of country, will not help. If you want Facetime, you will need to sell your UAE-version iPod and buy one there in India.

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