Updating/Reloading Message Bundles

I'm developing a JSF application which needs its Message Bundles to be updated quite regularly. The only way I've found to reload a message bundle file is to reload the context, which is not only tedious but also potentially hazardous as, under high client loads, sessions might be destroyed and the clients might lose their ongoing transactions.
Do I have any simpler way of making JSF reload a message bundle whenever it changes? Or at least force JSF to reload a message bundle when I want it to?
Kind Regards,

Well... I've removed the Duke Dollars as I've found the reply.
As there is no standard method in ResourceBundle, the non-standard way to do it involves reflection to make the cacheList field accessible, clearing it then make it private again, all of this in the ResourceBundle instance to be reloaded.
The code to do so is:
Field field = ResourceBundle.getBundle("resources.framework").getClass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredField("cacheList");
sun.misc.SoftCache cache = (sun.misc.SoftCache)field.get(null);
field.setAccessible(false);Obviously, where "resources.framework" is your resource bundle name.
I think that the reloading of a whole set of internationalized bundles would involve getting the faces context, retrieving all the installed locales, then acquiring the bundles one by one and applying this method.
Buenos Aires - Argentina

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    Of course... but my java files would need some refactoring because there is a lot of code like that...
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              return "messageA";
         } else {
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    Ah this way. So you want that much of nasty if statements in the bean instead? ;)
    Then make use of the fact that you also can access Map values using the brace notation. E.g.
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    <f:loadBundle basename="/Help" var="help"/>
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    <f:loadBundle basename="standard" var="standard"/>

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    The Apple id that you created do you remember if you created with your region sellected as Canada or US. If so you can change Region directly on your device by clicking on App Store icon, Scroll to bottom and tap your app is, click view acct and change region

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      Thanks for the super-fast response!
    I believe I tried this once before but the check box for "Automatically check for updates" always comes back, the next day. However, this might be my best solution for now and I'll test it watching the latest "Ripper Street", in iTunes, tonight. If it lasts the length of the program, I'll have to decide if I want to select "This solved my question" or "This helped me."
    I think I expected Apple to be a little more inTune with this. I absolutely love watching programs with my Mac Mini via HDMI. If they could find a consistent way to not interrupt programs, even with "Automatically check for updates" checked, the Mac video experience would be nearly perfect.
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    Thanks again!

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    I am trying to work on this Scenario for Message Bundling in BPM. The Scenario is i try to collect Idocs in BPM and after 3 IDocs from R/3, BPM will merge all the 3 into one message and send this message to a flat file.
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    What could this be?

    Kc2232 I would recommend reviewing the installation log for the update to determine why it is failing to install. You can find details on how to locate and interpret your installation log files at Troubleshoot install issues with log files | CC - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/troubleshoot-install-logs-cc.html.  You are welcome to post any specific errors you discover to this discussion.

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    Or is there a BAPI or function module to handle this ?
    Appreciate your help

    I am not sure If I had understood you reply. But Would need your help to have a bit more insight to your answer. I am not completely into XI , but I am from ABAP side.
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    But do I have to define a new Z Expection class  or can I just add a exception in the Proxy -Interface-method.
    I have not understood this process.
    All I need to do is, if I find any incomming data error , during my validation at the R/3 side, I need to stop the METHOD processing ( by any means ) and Update the Message Status flag show in SXMB_MONI to Error . 
    What is the trigger  that i can implement in myown code that will update the Message status to Error , from R/3 perspective of using SXMB_MONI.

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    I wish to update the waveform message(s) but am running into problems. I configure the CAN Object with a write buffer size of 2 and then start transmitting 2 messages with one message going out every 500ms. These 2 messages are correctly getting placed on the bus. To update the messages, I successfully stop the CAN Object and attempt to write new data into the write buffer. This is where I am running into problems. The ncWrite VI is failing with an error of 0xBFF62008 (Write Queue Overflow).
    Upon further
    inspection, I noticed that when I stopped the Object and there was only 1 of 2 messages pending, I could successfully write one time; however, the second write would fail with the same error. If 2 messages were pending, neither write would be successful. I need to be able to update both messages. I thought maybe I could use the ncWait VI to wait for the write queue to empty and then write in 2 new messages; however, this will not work since the ncWait VI never returns before a timeout occurs in "Transmit Periodic Waveform" communication type. Either 2 or 1 messages are always pending so it never sees that the card is ready for new data.
    I looked in the Programmer's Reference Manual, and this is the procedure recommended. (A bit different, but I tried it and came up with the same results.) The Reference Manual claims ncWrite replaces the oldest data in the queue on page 3-30, but on page 2-40 it says ncWrite returns an error when called on a full queue.
    Does anyone see anyt
    hing that I'm doing wrong or have an alternate way to accomplish what I want? Thanks for your help.

    The "Transmit Periodic Waveform" section (pg 3-30) of the NI-CAN Programmer's Reference states, "Use this configuration to transmit a fixed sequence of CAN data frames over and over, one CAN data frame every period."
    The words "fixed sequence" denote that it was not intended to change as the program runs. I appolgize if this was not clear. Any suggestions for improvement to the documentation can be emailed to [email protected]
    If those two data sets do not change at run-time, they could be merged together. For example, make the buffer the size of both data sets added together. Start by Writing the first element of set one, then the first element of set two, then the second element of set one, then the second element of set two, etc.
    Randy Solomonson
    Application Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Message bundles accessed from JSF and JSP pages

    Hello, everybody!
    I'm developing a localized JSF application. It is working pretty well until now.
    These are my message files:
    mensagens_en_US.propertiesThis is how they're configured in faces-config.xml:
    </application>And this is how I access the messages in a page:
    <h:outputText value="#{msg.titulo}" />Nothing new until now. But now there was a need for me to have a raw jsp page in
    my web application. This page is displaying ok but I also need to access the
    message bundles as I'm able to access in the normal jsp with the JSF components.
    As you should know I can't use something like the above code with an +<h:outputText>+
    to access the messages because this is a JSF component and I'll not be able to use
    JSF components with this raw jsp page.
    So, my question is: how do I access my localized messages from a raw jsp page? I
    suppose there should be a way to do this, but unfortunately I started programming
    to the web world in Java with JSF, not JSP, so I don't know how to do this with
    Thank you very much.

    BalusC wrote:
    Just include [jstl-1.2.jar|https://maven-repository.dev.java.net/repository/jstl/jars/] in your classpath and define the fmt taglib in your JSP. Nothing more is needed.
    Hello, BalusC. Thank you for your help. We're almost there. After I have included the jstl-1.2.jar you provided me I can use the fmt tag and access message bundles from my raw jsp page (even though I had to provide other message bundles instead of the ones that I use in the other jsf pages, but it's better than nothing).
    Now there just on problem to be fixed. The jsp page is not aware when I change the locale of my application. I change this locale in a jsf page.
    I have this component:
    <h:selectOneMenu value="#{pesquisaAcervo.idiomaAplicacao}"
        valueChangeListener="# {pesquisaAcervo.idiomaAplicacaoMudado}" onchange="submit();">
        <f:selectItems value="#{pesquisaAcervo.idiomasAplicacao}" />
    </h:selectOneMenu>that calls this event in my backing bean class:
    public void idiomaAplicacaoMudado(ValueChangeEvent e)
        Idioma idioma = Idioma.deString(e.getNewValue().toString());
        // This line is for JSF
        // This line is for Tiles
            put(org.apache.tiles.locale.impl.DefaultLocaleResolver.LOCALE_KEY, idioma.localidade());
    }So, do I have to include another line in the idiomaAplicacaoMudado event above in order for the jsp page load the correct resource bundle? Or what else do I have to do?
    Thank you.

  • Argh! Message bundle file names are not allowed to have dots???

    It took me several hours to find the reason for this exception:
    java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name properties\com.domain.prj.huj.MainApp.Messages, locale de_DE
         at java.util.ResourceBundle.throwMissingResourceException(ResourceBundle.java:804)
         at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(ResourceBundle.java:773)
         at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(ResourceBundle.java:538)If the message bundle name contains dots (package separators), this exception is thrown! When I remove the dots, it works. But even the javadoc for ResourceBundle.getBundle() says that the baseName parameter is " the base name of the resource bundle, a fully qualified class name ".
    Is it not possible to have the message bundle file names containing dots (i.e. package declarations with class names)?

    Nope. Periods are used to delimit packages in the basename. So given:
    ResourceBundle will look for "com/domain/prj/hui/MainApp/Message[_local][.class|.properties]" on the class path (ie, in jars etc).
    I've just had to implement an alternate RB factory to deal with legacy property files which contain periods. If you are starting from scratch, don't put in periods.

  • Message Bundle class not found

    i'm using JDev, and creating ADF BC application. When i've created the jspx page, went to it's Page Definition, and in Structure editor tried to add the Message Bundle file to this page - selected the "Generate Resource Bundle" from the context menu - i'm getting error "Class ...app_XXXPageDefMsgBundle not found" .
    Other pages in application got the same error.
    How can i solve this problem?

    And in the same time, Message Bundle classes for Entity Objects (XXXRowImplMsgBundle.java) are generating well, without any errors.

Maybe you are looking for