Updating template

I want to add to or edit the default templates that come with htmldb to resemble the formatting on our existing intranet. I noticed that htmldb already comes with some standard templates. Is there a way to add to the selection of default templates without having to manually do it after the creation of each individual workspace.
Also, how do I add to the list of already available demonstration applications?
Bottom line, I want to make it as easy as possible for new workspaces/users to customize their application without having to manually import files.

you can't customize the available "burnt-in" templates and Demonstration Applications in the current release of htmldb, but an enhancement request on it already exists. as you alluded to, one way around this is to stage the export files for apps containing the templates and/or functionality you want your developers to have access to. at development time, those folks could import the apps into their respective workspaces and copy the things they need (like templates, lov's, auth schemes) into the other apps in their workspaces. we'll hopefully be able to allow you to customize the available templates and demoApps in an upcoming release.
hope this helps,

Similar Messages

  • Please help noob debug why updating template duplicates content

    Please go to
    to read the code and help me figure out how to stop my pages from
    duplicating content or a partial table whenever I update my
    template. It only does this to some of the pages that I built from
    the template. I'm not a code expert and cannot figure out why it is
    doing this. On that link the header and content on the bottom is
    the one I want, not all that top duplication, thanks, I really need

    Hmm - then it's hard to imagine what you might be doing to
    cause this
    The good news is that your template is pretty OK. The
    validator only finds
    5 errors there -
    1. Error Line 69, Column 41: there is no attribute "height".
    … <td><table width="100%" height="110"
    border="0" cellpadding="0"
    There is NO 'height' attribute in any HTML specification for
    the table
    tag. Since you cannot reliably use this attribute, you should
    just remove
    it from your code.
    2. Error Line 88, Column 320: value of attribute "align"
    cannot be
    "absmiddle"; must be one of "top", "middle", "bottom",
    "left", "right".
    …ight="37" border="0" align="absmiddle" id="home2"
    /></a><br />
    The absmiddle attribute is similar to the table height
    attribute - supported
    by some browsers, but not valid HTML. Just remove it.
    3. Error Line 92, Column 260: value of attribute "name" must
    be a single
    …jpg" alt="health_issues" name="health issues"
    width="130" height="37"
    You cannot assign a name value that contains spaces.
    4. Error Line 92, Column 314: value of attribute "id" must
    be a single
    …30" height="37" border="0" id="health issues"
    /></a><br />
    You cannot assign an ID value that contains spaces.
    5. Error Line 127, Column 61: required attribute "alt" not
    …ea shape="rect" coords="2,2,125,31" href="/index.html"
    All images on the page should have either a descriptive alt
    attribute value,
    or an empty one, e.g., <img alt=""....
    Fix those errors, please. Then we can re-examine how you
    might be stumbling
    onto this duplication in your pages.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "stephanierolfe" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > no, I don't apply to existing child page. I create new
    page each time,
    > based on
    > that template.
    > And yes, I'm starting to get that. I thought I knew
    enough HTML to pull it
    > off
    > and created one large site already,
    > and
    > it works great, no problems with corrupted templates.
    I'd like to persist
    > with
    > DW since I've invested over 6 months already using it.
    Despite the 91
    > errors,
    > it works fine except this updating template problem.

  • How do you turn off the "Update Template Files" dialog when saving a template in Dreamweaver?

    As the title states I'd like to not have to see the "Update Template Files" dialog when saving a template.  I'm not sure what its purpose is other than to annoy as it does not seem to do anything  -- selecting update, don't update, any combination of files and or hitting escape appears not to make any difference wrt wheter it updates the pages or not (it does every time).
    Any help will be appreciated.

    The "more like this" window gave me the answers.  No current ability to turn off.  I've submitted a request to add this feature. 

  • "Update Template Files" not working, Dreamweaver CS5

    "Update Template Files" does not seem to be working in Dreamweaver CS5.
    After making a change to a template and saving it, I get the "Update Template Files" dialog box. It lists all of the files based on the template. So, I click "Update". Then, the "Update Pages" dialog box appears. Any files to be updated already open in Dreamweaver are modified correctly - in memory, that is. However, closed files do not get modified. The "Update Pages" dialog box seems to just get hung up. It just sits there with a status of "Updating...".
    Is this an installation issue? ... a template issue?  ... or what?
    FYI: I am using the 32-bit version for 32-bit Windows Vista.

    Not that it will be of any use, the template is here: http://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B4haLf-RrxgTZjVhYzEwOWYtNmMyMC00MWVmLWJiNDgtYTYzM2QzZDI5Zm Fh&hl=en
    There have been, of course, numerous updates to it since the problem disappeared.
    As for the specifics of what I was trying to change when the problem was first encountered, I was attempting to change a link URI in the navigation bar. However, any change at all would end the same way, with a locked up template synchronizer (or whatever the mechanism is called). Just before I gave up testing, I was repeating the process of simply adding a space anywhere and removing it in order to trigger the modified flag.

  • Dreamweaver asks to update template files twice

    This has bothered me forever. I change a template and save.
    Dreamweaver updates the files using that template. I goto my
    browser and check out the changes. I go back to DW and the update
    templates dialog pops up again. WTF?? Why does it do this? Please
    help it is driving me crazy and has for a few years now.

    This has bothered me forever. I change a template and save.
    Dreamweaver updates the files using that template. I goto my
    browser and check out the changes. I go back to DW and the update
    templates dialog pops up again. WTF?? Why does it do this? Please
    help it is driving me crazy and has for a few years now.

  • Updating templates in Contribute - future release?

    I know this question has been asked time and time again, but
    I wanted to take the topic a step further.
    I know in order to update templates (dwt's) in a
    Contribute-based site, you have to:
    * Download the site locally if it's a remote site
    * Update the pages with the revised template
    * Reupload the site to the remote site
    There just seems to me that there's got to be an easier way
    to do it than this. Honestly, I would have used Server Side
    Includes when I switched to using dwt's if I had fully understood
    that the site doesn't have some automated way of updating the site
    through Contribute. Unfortunately, I didn't realize this until part
    way through our redesign implementation, UGH.
    I guess my question is, are there any plans in the next
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    pages through Contribute when a template is changed? To me this is
    a REALLY NEEDED feature. It now takes me longer to make template
    updates than it did prior to using Contribute/Dreamweaver.
    Thank you - Lainie

    Before you make any changes, perform a Get (down arrow icon in the Files menu) operation to download any client-updated files first. That way, your local files will be exact duplicates of what the client has placed on the server. After verifying you have the most recent versions, make your change and upload.

  • Not getting prompt to "update template files" after editing template

    This has happened to me before and you guys helped but I can not find my past post now on this forum.  After I edit a template I would normally get the prompt to "update template files" then it would update all the files using that template...but now for some reason I am not being asked and because if it none of the pages using the template are being updated....anyone know why??  dreamweaver cs4

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  • Applying Updated Templates

    When I am applying an update templates file.dwt to the
    current page (Modify - Templates - Update Current Page), an error
    message pops up
    Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004
    There is an error at line 16, column 87 (absolute position
    664) of "N:\20-Marketing-Comms\Marketing\WEBSITE\BHRC
    website\html\Templates\BHRCcontent.dwt": Nested editable regions
    Does anyone know what this means and how do I get around it?

    > Does anyone know what this means and how do I get around
    Yes - it means you have a problem with the current page. Can
    you show me
    the page (please post a link to it, if you can)....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Advice Please" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:enmetj$sa7$[email protected]..
    > When I am applying an update templates file.dwt to the
    current page
    > (Modify -
    > Templates - Update Current Page), an error message pops
    > Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004
    > ---------------------------
    > There is an error at line 16, column 87 (absolute
    position 664) of
    > "N:\20-Marketing-Comms\Marketing\WEBSITE\BHRC
    > website\html\Templates\BHRCcontent.dwt": Nested editable
    > ---------------------------
    > Does anyone know what this means and how do I get around
    > Thanks.

  • Dreamweaver CS5 - Update Template Files after viewing the page in a browser

    Just a quickie I hope someone can help me with.
    My site has been created using a Template. Everytime I look at a page in a browser, I get the UPDATE TEMPLATE FILES. Clicking update or don't update has no effect so I'm wondering why this message keeps appearing and how to stop it. I usually use Firefox on Windows 7 but it seems to happen with any browser.
    Any suggestions?
    Many thanks George

    Hi Murray
    This is erratic. I don't get it all the time but enough of the time for it to be an annoyance. If I've made a change to content in DW then chosen the Preview in Browser option then exited the browser to return to DW, the alert appears. And it has happened to my delegates in training sessions when they have repeated the same process but with IE.
    As I said, it doesn't happen all of the time - we seem to get a run of it then nothing.  For example, I was plagued with it all day yesterday but it hasn't occurred once today!!!
    Anyway I have temporarily published the site and here is the link - http://www.gbft.co.uk/orchestra/index.html.
    Many thanks

  • Office 2013 simply refuses to update templates

    Hi All,
    Was wondering if you could help as i'm really getting thin on ideas now.
    I've been working with Azure RMS for a couple of weeks with no problem but all of a sudden I can't get Office 2013 to update the custom templates I've been creating on multiple devices.
    I've created custom templates before that have refreshed in Office perfectly but new ones simply will not download. As far as I'm aware everything is set as it should be  in terms of the template is published and my user account is within the scope
    of users who can use the template.
    I have installed the RMS sharing app on my Win 8.1 machine and when right clicking a file to complete an in place protect the most up to date templates are present but whilst working directly within Word or Excel etc the templates are out of date.
    I've tried all sorts of combinations of deleting the templates folder in: %AppData%\Local\Microsoft\MSIPC\Templates and deleting the LastUpdateTime dword, signing out of office and signing in again but nothing I try seems to help.
    Does anyone have any ideas of what I could try?
    Thanks in advance!

    While this feature (departmental templates) is in Preview, Office applications don't recognize these templates, by default.  From
    https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn642472.aspx#BKMK_HowToConfigureCustomTemplates, see step 8 and the behavior you're seeing:
    Not all applications can support departmental templates. To do so, the application must first authenticate with the RMS service before downloading the templates. If the authentication process does not occur, by default, none of the departmental templates
    are downloaded. 
    There is a script that you can run (see the Note) for this to work with Office applications during the Preview period. We were hoping to get the script on the Download Center, but it's currently on the Connect site.  If you have problems accessing it,
    email [email protected] 

  • Updating Template Details During the Creation of Business Partner

    Dear ABAPers,
           I am working in SAP CRM 5.0.I am creating the Business partner Using the Transaction code
    'BUP1'.My Requirement is at the time of saving the Business Partner i want  to update the
    Template Details.I tried with the BAdI  'BUPA_TEMPL_UPDATE' .But this BAdI does not contain the Template Parameters.How to do this it is very Urgent Requirement.Please help me to solve this problem.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hello Ashok,
    In CRM5.0 IC webclient, I used FM 'BUPA_TEMPLATE_SAVE_TABS' to save information regarding Business Partner Template.
    It worked for me. Check if can help you too.
    Kind regards,

  • Getting Body Tag Error When Updating Template In Dreamweaver

    I get an error message when I have tried to update the template, it says "unbalanced body tag" on line 138. Code is as follows:
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    That is exactly what I did and I am still getting the error. Here is how the code looks now:
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  • How do I update template-related files on remote server

    I've created a template as a way to keep the pages consistent across my intranet site but when I need to make changes to the template, I'm unsure how to update the remote files to follow the changes. In order to update locally, I go to Modify>Templates>Update Pages but how do I get my remote files to sync to the local file changes created by the template change? Is there a setting somewhere that allows remote files to follow local file settings that have been changed by a template?

    I don't necessarily need FTP setup since the remote server is local as well (intranet site on web server located in-house). But I've tried syncing the files within the files panel group by doing Site>Synchronize and choosing "Entire Site" and "Put Newer Files to Remote". It then analyzed the files for a while but didn't do any updating after all its analyzing. Is this what you're talking about, Thuy?

  • Captivate 6 - Updating template does not update project

    Hi ,
    I am just learning Captivate 6 and have started by creating a theme and then a template.  If I create a project file using the template and then go back and make a change to a graphic in the template should it automatically update the project file or do I have to apply the template to the project file again some how?  Currently if I make a change to the template it does not update the project file.

    Hi there
    Have you ever inserted a document into a copier and made a copy?
    If so, this is really the way Captivate templates work. They are designed so you have a consistent look and feel to projects you create from them. So returning back to the copier analogy, once a copy has been made, any changes to the original are NOT reflected in the copy created from the original. But future copies WILL have the changes as the copies were made from the altered original.
    Likewise, any changes to the Captivate template are only reflected in the Template as well as Future projects you create using the template. Once created, there is no longer any association with the template.
    Cheers... Rick

  • ASP getting removed when updating Template

    I have a strange problem I can seem to find an answer for.
    I'm using Dreamweaver Templates, and on some of my individual pages I am also using ASP code for contact forms.
    In theory this code is outside the template and shouldn't be removed when I do a template update because codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked is set to false.
    The bolded line of code is the ASP code on my child pages, and everytime I update the template this line of code gets removed. It seems that if I remove the @ symblo the code doesn't get removed. But I don't think it's valid ASP anymore.
    <%@ Page Language="C#" CodeFile="default.aspx.cs" Inherits="contactform" ResponseEncoding="utf-8" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="../Templates/Main.dwt.aspx" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
    Now when I run an update on my main template, and check my child page, the ASP code will be removed.
    The strange thing is that if I use placeholder text instead, it won't be stripped/removed out of the template.
    The pain is I have about 10 pages (for now) to add this line to everytime I update the template, which is actually happening more and more now.
    Does anyone know why this particular ASP code gets removed any time I update my Main template?
    /edit: It seems that if I remove the @ from this line, I can the code to "stick" and not be removed.

    If I understand correctly, Dreamweaver will treat the area outside the HTML as an editable region when codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked is set to false?
    If my maintemplate has this code: /Templates/mainTemplate.dwt
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
    And my child page has this code: /products/index.php
    <%@ Page Language="C#" ContentType="text/html"  CodeFile="default.aspx.cs" inherits="contactform" ResponseEncoding="utf-8" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="../Templates/B2B.dwt.aspx" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
    Theoretically now when I update the mainTemplate.dwt Dreamweaver shouldn't strip this code out. Correct?
    If this being correct, when I use Dreamweaver and update the mainTemplate.dwt it strips this editable region out of the child pages. This is not excepted result, I was excepting that Dreamweaver to leave this code alone in its editable region.
    Thanks in advance David,

  • Updating Templates in Dreamweaver & Keeping Client Side Updates

    I have a situation with a website where the client requests a
    change to be made within the main menu system of the website, so
    all of the templates & the entire site must be updated. I
    download the latest version of the site, to ensure the content
    added is up to date & included, make the necessary changes
    & update all pages, everything is fine, until we check the site
    & find out the content that has recently been added by the
    client is missing.
    So, when the template is edited, the documents created using
    those templates are updated partially - the recent additions made
    through Contribute by the client are lost.
    This is highly problematic, as it would require the client
    keeping track of changes made to ensure they are still available
    after updating the site.
    Has anyone experienced this type of issue with Contribute who
    can offer any ways to reduce the impact of this happening? Or at
    least ensure the client this is manageable - as in theory, the
    templates should update the html files as they are.
    Thanks in advance.
    Is there any way to stop this happening in the future? It
    seems quite strange that

    This is not nic, but I had the same problem. I have two
    answers for you:
    Answer 1:
    Maybe something went wrong with the communication between
    Dreamweaver and Contribute (mistakes in the checking out of files).
    I've experienced problems myself with very large websites (never
    with the smaller ones).
    I think the beste solution to try out is:
    1. to download the whole site from the server using an ftp
    program )(and make a working version and a back up)
    2. disable contribute compatibility in Dreamweaver (so no
    checking in or out is happening)
    3. adjust the templates (put menu's and other stuf that needs
    to be updated more often in include files, see answer 2)
    4. update all the pages on saving the template
    5. check the result and if everything is OK now, upload the
    updated files using the ftp program.
    6. enable dreamweaver compatibility with contribute
    Answer 2:
    For the future I would make sure that your menu's and other
    parts of the templates that need to be updated more often then the
    design, are included using a script language like PHP ( <?php
    include("file-to-be-included.php"); ?> ).
    This way you never have to take so much trouble updating
    these parts of the website, since there are all in seperate files.
    http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/messageview.cfm?forumid=55&catid=290&threadid =1311869&highlight_key=y&keyword1=menu)

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