Updation of OBTW through DTW Tool

How to update Location field in OBTW table thru DTW Tools...

Hi Ambesh....
You have to enter it while doing Transactions for batches in marketing documents. Because it is possible either manually or during the transactions only..........
If you check this path here you can find the template for Batch No. and can fill the Location.....
C:\Program Files\SAP\Data Transfer Workbench\Templates\Templates\Purchasing\AP Invoice
But you can not update this Location in OBTW table through DTW........
Edited by: RAHUL MOUNDEKAR on Aug 17, 2011 11:51 AM

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    A similar situation related to Bank files was resolved with one of my clients on the following way...
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    This may even not be required in your case.....
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    What Neetu suggests is great.  However, you will run into problems if your users have deleted a price list.  Perform the following query as suggested:
    SELECT T0.[ListNum], T0.[ListName] FROM OPLN T0
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    Hope this helps.  Reply if you need more guidance.

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    Hi Joe........
    Location field for Serial or Batch No. details is editable and you can edit it anyhow but only by going through Inventory> Inventiory Management> Serial/Batch Details and which you can not update through DTW.
    But SAP allows you to enter the correct location while uploading data through DTW of Marketing docs.
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    Please check the following thread:

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    Apologies ... I misunderstood what you were asking.  If you look at the sample temple for Contacts that are related to Business Partners at ...
    ..\Program Files\SAP\Data Transfer Workbench\Templates\Data preparation examples\20. TestCase2_Test Data for Update function\oBusinessPartners\ContactEmployees.csv
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    Check below note.
    Note 878906 - How to import User Defined Tables via the DTW
    You need to import data into a User Defined Table(UDT) with the Data transfer Workbench(DTW)
    Other terms
    UDT, User Defined Table, import, data, DTW
    Reason and Prerequisites
    Need for information
    You create, for example, a User Defined Table(UDT) called "UDT" with the following fields
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    To fill a UDT with information you would need a template something like this (It is also attached)
    0,0,12345,Street 1
    1,1,12346,Street 2
    With the DTW you can then select the @UDT table from the Object Type list in step 2 of the DTW wizard.
    Header Data
    Release Status: Released for Customer
    Released on: 18.10.2005  11:03:30
    Master Language: English
    Priority: Recommendations/additional info
    Category: Consulting
    Primary Component: SBO-DTW Data Transfer Workbench
    Affected Releases

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    Sales UOM
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    Hi Hari,
    I suppose u did not do the following..
    1. Open DTW, in the menu click on advanced and clik on maintain interface...
    2. Now here select the UDT which u want to impot the data.
    3. right click on the UDT and click on Create template for structure
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    Please inform of the outcome  so that i can think of another soluton.
    Hope it helps,
    Vasu Natari.

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    Best Regards

    Hello Nirmal,
    Thanks for Update,
    I tried again by changing the password through configtool "secure store" and then I restarted j2ee_engine also .Even though i am getting the same error while applying through SDM tool & JSPM tool also.
    This is error log it shows in SDM tool screen at the time of deployment.
    Deployment started Thu Sep 13 13:15:22 BST 2007
    Starting Deployment of DocumentServicesLicenseManager
    Aborted: development component 'DocumentServicesLicenseManager'/'com.adobe'/'Adobe Systems'/'710.20060929113452.336248'/'2', grouped by software component 'ADSSAP'/'sap.com'/'SAP AG'/'1000.''/'2':Cannot login to the SAP J2EE Engine using user and password as provided in the Filesystem Secure Store. Enter valid login information in the Filesystem Secure Store using the SAP J2EE Engine Config Tool. For more information, see SAP note 701654.com.sap.sdm.serverext.servertype.inqmy.extern.DeployManagerAuthExceptionWrapper: Wrong security credentials detected while trying to obtain connection to the J2EE Engine. (message ID: com.sap.sdm.serverext.servertype.inqmy.extern.EngineApplOnlineDeployerImpl.checkLoginCredentials.DMAUTHEXC)
    Deployment of DocumentServicesLicenseManager finished with Error (Duration 4108 ms)
    Starting Deployment of ADSSAP
    Aborted: software component 'ADSSAP'/'sap.com'/'SAP AG'/'1000.''/'2':Failed deployment of SDAs:development component 'DocumentServicesLicenseManager'/'com.adobe'/'Adobe Systems'/'710.20060929113452.336248'/'2' : abortedPlease, look at error logs above for more information!
    Deployment of ADSSAP finished with Error (Duration 1549 ms)
    Can you kindly update me  ASAP, to fix this problem..
    Thanks one and all for helping me.
    Best Regards

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    How to update BP code in DTW Template. I already add BP code through DTW and i want change BP code.

    Hi Sridharan.....
    Apart from BP code you can update anything. Because code is unique. System won't recognize that the BP code is to be updated. You have to do it by Manual only if Transaction not happened of such BP Code.....
    But Unfortunately you can not update. if you try to update it will create other BP Account.......

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    It is Better to Upload Pricelist through Data Import Function in Administration Module
    Select Item Code
    Select the Pricelist code you want to upload in next coloum and select the excel file.
    It is easy and fastest way

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    Hello experts,
                        My client  requires around 20 warehouses to be locked ,I tried to lock  the warehouse through DTW through the  "ItemwarehouseInfo" template.When I run the simulation process it gives me an error saying
    "This Entry already exists in the following tables (ODBC-2035)Application defined or Object defined error 65171"
    Kindly let me know what could be the reason  for this issue at the earliest.
    template prepared:
    Tried methods : I have tried changing the "tYES" to only "Yes ", "Y" but still the same error.
                            Changed the LineNum to "1" and "2" still the same .
    SAP used :SAP 8.82 PL 4
    Kindly find the attachment as a reference.

    Hello ...
    To add storage to an article is used ItemWarehouseInfo template. This template is loaded next to the item-it is an update of Master Items.
    Just enough to consider items in the template, and ItemCode RecordKey columns, while the ItemWarehouseInfo template, fill the columns RecordKey (both associated templates), LineNum (correlative from scratch, if there are several stores to article) WarehouseCode (Code Warehouse)
    I hope it will help
    Best Regards,

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    When i try import Je through DTW it gives me the error as "You are not allowed to edit posting date".
    I am trying to import around 1000 transactions of which it gives me this error for one transaction, when i remove the transaction and try to import, it imports the balance records.
    Please help me out to resolve this issue.

    Hi Gordon,
    Sorry for delay in replying.
    This solution we had already found, the actual reason is when we are uploading 7000 transactions, it gives the around 2000 and once we resolve or remove that transaction again at 4300 give the error.
    The reason is first SAP reads all the transactions which is takes around 15 Min(since we have 1 GB RAM on Server) and throws error if any, and by that time we resolve all the transactions, take lot of time in uploading the data.
    Once again sorry for the delay in replying.

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