Upgade window on CTM server

Hi All,
We are planning to upgrade CTM server Operating system, can any body help me what should be the best strategy, without impacting the for APO system,
Can we create a virtual system during upgrade if yes how  we can  do that and then come back to our original system, Please reply back

Hi Vinod,
we are not planning for the upgarde CTM patched, but we want to upgarde our server CTM server which is currently runing on window 2000 now we want to upgade our server to window 2003,
we need a startegy to upgarde, without impacting our buisness, what we thought to make a virtul system used it and them replace it with upgaded one.
please let me know how we can achive it

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    I am not sure how you will be able to manage with a single server for both Application server and CTM Optimizer server.
    Yes, CTM optimizer server runs on Windows and SCM appl server runs on either Unix or AIX. Apart from that there are a number of other factors that drives the need for a separate CTM optimizer server.
    1) For APO, most of the application server's work processes are utilized for other batch processing that takes place and placing the CTM server might prove dampening.
    2) The CTM engine in itself requires multi core processer and huge amount of Cache memory for it to be able to chunk the master and transcation data.
    Another technical aspect is that the CTM engine runs on C++ code and it necessarily needs to have a separate instance running and cannot be part of the SCM servers which are based on different technology.
    Hope this helps.

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    Sun May 28 19:47:07 GMT+03:00 2000
    iFS NT File Server Version Production
    Sun May 28 19:47:07 GMT+03:00 2000
    ServerName(id): NtfsServer(6508)
    server: NtfsServer
    username: system
    AnonymousUsername: guest
    DriveLetter: o
    NtfsSessionCache: 40
    OptimizeStartup: true
    LogLevel: 1
    LogStackTrace: true
    net start OracleIfsd
    Return code = 0
    ifsmount o
    Return code = 1
    SR Event: ID:6757 PENDING SPECIAL SUBTYPE:13 6766L
    SR Event: ID:6757 COMMIT SPECIAL SUBTYPE:13 6766L
    (0) Unable to open IFS device
    ifsdismount o
    Return code = 2
    Cache performance for session cache
    Performance of readonly connection pool:
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    MaximumSizeTimeout=10000 ms
    AverageAllocationTime=0 ms
    Performance of writeable connection pool:
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    iFS NT File Server terminating

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    Make sure you have the SharePoint 2013 with Service Pack 1 ISO. Pre-SP1 will not install to SP 2013, and you cannot slipstream it yourself.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

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    Any expert please help?

    From your description, I know you get error when you install SharePoint 2013 in Windows Server 2012 R2.
    If you have tried all method above. In your case, you have installed the Web Server(IIS), but the
    Web Server (IIS) role installation may fail. You could try run commande: aspnet_regii -enable –i.
    Here are similar issues:
    As SharePoint 2013 does not support Windows 2012 R2 Server very well what you can find from this blog:
    Please try to refer to this article:https://iouchkov.wordpress.com/2013/10/19/how-to-install-sharepoint-2013-on-windows-server-2012-r2/.
    Best Regards
    Vincent Han
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problem installing Crystal Reports 2013 on a Windows 2012 R2 server

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    But, whenever I run the setup.exe from the downloaded ZIP file from the sap store I get:
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    (2) Then followed by the message:
    Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library -- Runtime Error!  Programs: C:\install\CrystalReports\setup.engine\SetupEngine.exe  This application has requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way.  Please contact the application's support team for more information.
    (3) Then:
    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
      Application Name: SetupEngine.exe
      Application Version:
      Application Timestamp: 543416b3
      Fault Module Name: SetupEngine.exe
      Fault Module Version:
      Fault Module Timestamp: 543416b3
      Exception Code: 40000015
      Exception Offset: 00131ee9
      OS Version: 6.3.9600.
      Locale ID: 1033
      Additional Information 1: ee59
      Additional Information 2: ee59ff165b01a7b873dafe8afa2598dc
      Additional Information 3: f1a8
      Additional Information 4: f1a876ca1cb1cf9f6541ac072dd70f88
    I can't find any information on this!  I have found a similar message that refers to a 2011 install that was fixed with a SP9?  But this machine has no current install.  I did buy the full version two days ago online from the sap store.

    There is an older C++ library that you need that is not available by default on Win 2012.  You can get the install for this here:
    Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update from Official Microsoft Do…
    Also, be sure you're logged in with Administrator rights, the right-click and "Run as Administrator" when you run setup.  You might also have to turn off the Windows Firewall when you run the install (you can turn it back on again after the install is complete.)
    Message was edited by: Dell Stinnett-Christy

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    If you update your CR Server to SP 5, then yest, it is supported on WIN 2012.
    See the PAM.
    To get SP5 you will have to loin to the SAP Market Service Place.
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada

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    "Some files could not be created.
    Please close all applications, reboot Windows and restart this installation."
    1.we do have enough space as well as we are installing it through administrator account.
    2.I increase the virtual memory size from 2 GB to 4 GB, still same error.
    3.we downloaded the software in two diffrent machines. We tried extracting the "exe" file in two machine but still getting the same error.
    4.We dont have any firewall connected and windows firewall is off.
    Is there BO 3.1 Sp2 is available for windows 2008 ent server 32-Bit?
    Because In the download site there is Windows Server on IA32 32-bit.
    is it the correct version?
    Please help us to solve this problem

    We have opened a ticket for this. After subsequent discussion with the forum support person we have installed BO Enterprise 3.1 SP2 fixed pack 2.5 on the server (Windows Server 2008 SP2). On the client side, we have also installed BO Enterprise 3.1 SP2 fixed pack 2.5 and Live Office SP2 fixed pack 2.5.
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  • OSX 10.9 compatibility with Windows Small Business Server 2011?

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    Most worryingly though, is that now on two occasions caused the iMac to crash and shutdown immediately, which is not good at all. Once was moving a file to overwrite another in the Finder, the second (today) was saving from Illustrator.
    I'd noticed weird things with our old 2003 server before the switch and when I was still on 10.6 - mainly that my iMac was slow when connected (Adobe apps etc opened in a flash when unconnected, but took minutes when plugged in), but now I'm on 10.9 and the new server installed, these saving issues have arisen. (I ended up wiping the Mac and completely reinstalling everything to cure that slowness issue - never did find out what it was!).
    The server guys are adamant that this has nothing to do with the server, and is all linked to my iMac - personally I'm not so sure, but I'm asking here to see if anyone else has had issues? It seems like some kind of permission problem? Do I need any special network settings for it to play nicely with the Windows server? My internet, email all goes through it, and I use it to store my work, but I'm not linked to any other server software in any way.
    If anyone may have any clues to help I'd be really grateful!
    Many thanks!

    Thanks for the response - this is why I'm asking though- I can't see anything on the iMac which would be causing this, and saving files to a folder on a server is a pretty basic fuction, and I can't risk the crashes. I don't see how the iMac connection would be causing this, or for the files to 'vanish' but if it is the iMac settings I'll need to find a fix. Every one else is okay, but I'm the only one using this software and filetypes. Surely the Windows software would have some kind of instructions for connecting Macs?
    I was hoping someone may have experience and if any additional network settings might be needed. I will check with Apple support also to see if they have any info, but thought I may get a good response here.
    What I meant by the "server guys" is that's it's an external company we pay to look after it - so I'd hoped they might have at least looked into it for me, but it's a brick wall "We don't support Macs" response... which is why I think it's unhelpful - even though they supplied the software knowing it needs to have multiplatform support...
    It's really frustrating.
    And I hope nobody does insist I use Windows... please... I'd have to leave....
    EDIT - "We"?? - Do you work for them!?

  • Unable to login to Report Service on Windows 2008 R2 server

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    password. it fails 3 times and the shows a blank page.
    When I see the Event Viewer in the server (Windows Logs --> Security, I can see an Audit Failure:
    Log Name:      Security
    Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing
    Date:          9/4/2014 11:46:25 AM
    Event ID:      4625
    Task Category: Logon
    Level:         Information
    Keywords:      Audit Failure
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      MI-SWACO-DB.houston.livequest.net
    An account failed to log on.
        Security ID:        NULL SID
        Account Name:        -
        Account Domain:        -
        Logon ID:        0x0
    Logon Type:            3
    Account For Which Logon Failed:
        Security ID:        NULL SID
        Account Name:        Administrator
        Account Domain:        HOUSTONLQ
    Failure Information:
        Failure Reason:        An Error occured during Logon.
        Status:            0xc000035b
        Sub Status:        0x0
    Process Information:
        Caller Process ID:    0x0
        Caller Process Name:    -
    Network Information:
        Workstation Name:    MI-SWACO3
        Source Network Address:    -
        Source Port:        -
    Detailed Authentication Information:
        Logon Process:        
        Authentication Package:    NTLM
        Transited Services:    -
        Package Name (NTLM only):    -
        Key Length:        0
    This event is generated when a logon request fails. It is generated on the computer where access was attempted.
    The Subject fields indicate the account on the local system which requested the logon. This is most commonly a service such as the Server service, or a local process such as Winlogon.exe or Services.exe.
    The Logon Type field indicates the kind of logon that was requested. The most common types are 2 (interactive) and 3 (network).
    The Process Information fields indicate which account and process on the system requested the logon.
    The Network Information fields indicate where a remote logon request originated. Workstation name is not always available and may be left blank in some cases.
    The authentication information fields provide detailed information about this specific logon request.
        - Transited services indicate which intermediate services have participated in this logon request.
        - Package name indicates which sub-protocol was used among the NTLM protocols.
        - Key length indicates the length of the generated session key. This will be 0 if no session key was requested.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
        <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing" Guid="{54849625-5478-4994-A5BA-3E3B0328C30D}" />
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-09-04T16:46:25.247229500Z" />
        <Correlation />
        <Execution ProcessID="504" ThreadID="1344" />
        <Security />
        <Data Name="SubjectUserSid">S-1-0-0</Data>
        <Data Name="SubjectUserName">-</Data>
        <Data Name="SubjectDomainName">-</Data>
        <Data Name="SubjectLogonId">0x0</Data>
        <Data Name="TargetUserSid">S-1-0-0</Data>
        <Data Name="TargetUserName">Administrator</Data>
        <Data Name="TargetDomainName">HOUSTONLQ</Data>
        <Data Name="Status">0xc000035b</Data>
        <Data Name="FailureReason">%%2304</Data>
        <Data Name="SubStatus">0x0</Data>
        <Data Name="LogonType">3</Data>
        <Data Name="LogonProcessName">
        <Data Name="AuthenticationPackageName">NTLM</Data>
        <Data Name="WorkstationName">MI-SWACO3</Data>
        <Data Name="TransmittedServices">-</Data>
        <Data Name="LmPackageName">-</Data>
        <Data Name="KeyLength">0</Data>
        <Data Name="ProcessId">0x0</Data>
        <Data Name="ProcessName">-</Data>
        <Data Name="IpAddress">-</Data>
        <Data Name="IpPort">-</Data>
    The firewall is OFF in both client and server.
    I saw a similar question and the answer is related to firewall which is not may case.

    Hi Mario,
    According to your description, when you try to access the Report Manager in another client, a login dialog prompt. After typing a valid username and password 3 times, a blank page displays.
    Generally, the issue is always caused by the Report Server is configured to use Kerberos authentication, while the Service Principal Name(SPN) is not configured correctly. To fix this issue, please refer to the following methods:
    Register an SPN for the Report Server service under the domain user account.
    Change the service account to run under a built-in account such as Network Service.
    Remove RSWindowsNegotiate and ensure RSWindowsNTLM is specified in the rsreportserver.config file.
    Besides, the issue can also be caused by the Internet Explorer (IE) didn't pass the user's credential to the Report Server automatically or the IE is not Windows Integrated enabled. For more detail steps about how to address this issue, please refer to the
    following steps:
    Resolving Kerberos Authentication Errors When Connecting to a Report Server
    Solving the Reporting Services Login issue in the February CTP of SQL Server 2008
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Running a .cmd file at startup using Task Scheduler on Windows 2012 R2 server

    I've recently tried to get a simple .cmd file running at server startup on my Windows 2012 R2 server.
    The .cmd (test.cmd) file contains the following:
    cd C:\SomeFolder\
    call Some.exe file "Argument1" "Argument2"
    I've ensured that the local administrator user [someuser01] has full control of the C:\SomeFolder
    I've also ensured that someuser01 is part of Log on as Batch Job
    in Local Security Policy
    To try running it as startup, I tried using Task Scheduler.
    General Tab: I set the user (local administrator account [someuser01] ) and ticked the options
    Run whether logged on or not, Do not Store Password, Run with Highest Privileges
    Triggers: At System Startup, Ticked Enabled
    Actions: Start a Program. Program/Script: test.cmd, Add arguments: [Blank], Start in: C:\SomeFolder
    Conditions: Unticked all conditions
    Settings: Ticked only the following --> Allow task to be run on demand, If the running task does not end...force to stop
    Then I clicked OK and was prompted for someuser01's credentials.
    I then restarted the server.
    Upon logging in as administrator, I checked the task scheduler, and I found that the task did not run (Last Run Time: Never)
    I've been able to run it manually (click Run on the task in Task scheduler) without any problems.
    I just cannot get it to run at startup as I've instructed Task Scheduler to do.
    Any ideas on what might be causing this problem?

    Hello Dave Patrick,
    I've also tried this approach and I came across this error after I try to enter someuser01's credentials:
    An error has occured for the task sometask01. Error message: The following error was reported: A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated..
    After doing some research, this new error is caused by a setting in Local Security:
    Local Security Policy --> Security Options --> Network Access: Do not allow storage of passwords and credentials for network authentication --> Enabled
    Unfortunately, I cannot disable this Security Policy due to our company's internal restrictions.
    Just to clarify, the reason that the task does not run at startup is because of a logon failure because the password was not stored for
    someuser01 ?
    However, I cannot allow storage of the password because of our our company's internal restrictions.
    Is there a possible workaround for this..?

  • Solaris nis client can't connect to Windows 2008 NIS Server across subnets

    I have been using Microsoft Windows Server for NIS for years to centralize some accounts accessing Solaris and Linux OS.
    Windows 2003 R2 Indentity Management for UNIX version of Server for NIS was last working version with Solairs.
    After upgrading Domain to Windows 2008 all Solaris clients that are on different subnets fail to bind and connect to NIS servers now.
    These servers already were setup using ypinit -c to manually add the NIS servers to connect to and prior to Windows 2008 this worked.
    Now no Solaris nis clients on different subnets (no firewall between) can connect , but other Unix/Linux OS connect fine.
    Is this a known issue and can we get a resolution as it seems only Solaris is affected?

    Hi Mid.Hudson-IT,
    Before we begin ,we should ensure we have configured the printer server correctly .
    Here is a link for reference of configuring the printer server .
    Print server role: Configuring a print server
    "I can map all of the printers on the network to the print server as-well as install the drivers correctly and I can resolve the IP and server name via DNS"
    From this sentence ,I can`t figure out whether you have tried to ping the server both with the IP adress and name adress from the client ?
    If we can ping the print server from the client,we can ensure the connection to the printer server is good .
    Then we can try to install the printer driver directly to have a check .In the adress bar of Windows Explorer ,input "\\server name \the printer name"
    If we cannot ping the print server ,we should troubleshoot the network issue firstly.
    We also can check the event viewer for more information to troubleshoot this issue .
    Best regards

  • Windows 7 Desktop synchronisation - Windows cannot access \\server\users\name\desktop

    Hi there
    My client has a laptop which won’t load the desktop when disconnected from the network. When you log on (while disconnected) you get the error
    “Windows cannot access \\server\users\name\desktop”
    Works as expected while connected to the network.
    The server is a Windows Small Business Server 2003 with active directory etc. and roaming profiles turned on. This issue does not occur on other workstations/laptops.
    When I check the Users folder on the local system drive there is not a desktop folder. I assume this is the issue although I’m not sure how you would force windows to create one or why one hasn’t been created?
    This is a brand new laptop so my initial reaction was to reset the laptop to factory state and then add the laptop back in to the domain. After this process the issue was still present!
    I guess the only thing I should mention is that this was shipped as a Home Premium laptop and was then upgraded to Professional using an upgrade key.
    I have checked Control Panel, System & Security, System, Advanced, User Profiles and the account shows as Local with Roaming Profiles greyed out.
    Any ideas?
    Martyn Fewtrell
    [email protected]
    Martyn Fewtrell TNC (IT Solutions) Ltd Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.tncit.co.uk

    I am just writing to check the status of this thread. Was the information provided in previous
    reply helpful to you? Do you have any further questions or concerns? Please feel free to let us know.
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Subscriber Support
    If you are
    TechNet Subscription user and have any feedback on our support quality, please send your feedback
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Windows 2000 Advanced Server Service Pack 2 and Oracle 8.1

    I've got Oracle 8.1.6 instaled over an Windows 2000 Advanced Server user as a web server. Yesterday I updated it with the service pack 2 for windows 2000.
    When I restarted the server after the install, the Oracle database services didn't start. They stay "Starting" but didn't finish to start. I tried to start them again but they were locked. I couldn't stop/restart them.
    I had to uninstall the SP2. Then it works OK.
    Is there any known problem with Oracle 8.1.6 and the SP2?

    When Oracle installs itself, it usually replaces one or more Windows system files with its own versions. Your SP2 installation probably replaced those files with originals and Oracle got confused.
    The only solution I can think of is to install all the necessary SPs first and then Oracle (when possible).

  • Sending XML file from SAP to Windows Based file server with FTP function

    Hi Gurus,
    We are using SAP BW 3.0B version.
    I need to convert data in ODS to XML format and send this XML file to remote server which  is not a SAP application server, it is just a Window Based file server with FTP function..
    By writing some ABAP code I have converted ODS data into XML format (which gets saved in my local system)
    (Is that I need to put this file in Application Server to send it to the other servers? )
    Now the thing is how I can send this file to that Windows Based file server.
    plz suggest me.... what can be done......
    Thanks in Advance
    Edited by: Madhusudhan Raju on Dec 3, 2009 4:25 AM

    I dont think the above code support windows OS. Because I always execute this script via UNIX.
    I think you can try this option, go to command prompt, goto the destination path where you have an XML file using cd....
    ftp (destination servername), specify the username and password.
    afterthat, use the command put and filename.
    check whether the file had reached destination successfully or not.
    For automation purpose, you can use the following script like
    ftp: -s: test.txt  (servername)
    In test.txt,
    cd /files
    put file.xml
    Also, you can check in SM69, there will be some SAP external commands to automate the file transfer.

Maybe you are looking for