Upgrade from CS3 to current

i have Dreamweaver CS3 and would like to upgrade (still have unopened box purchased years ago) .  ...internet connection we have is too flaky and sometimes too slow to use web based s/w
Can't find cost on you website for upgrade. please advise cost.

Your CS3 qualifies you for a significant discount on the 1st year of your Creative Cloud membership.
Creative Cloud pricing and membership plans | Adobe Creative Cloud
But as John said, CS3 doesn't qualify you for upgrades on purchased software.
Creative Suite 6
If you decide to purchase DW CS6, keep in mind that is it already 4 versions back from the DW that is currently offered only through the Creative Cloud plan.  And CS6 will not be receiving further updates.  It is what it is.
Nancy O.

Similar Messages

  • Upgrading from CS3. Should we go straight to CS6, or go to CS5?

    I work for a government agency, and we are considering upgrading from CS3 soon. We primarily use InDesign, with occasional uses of Photoshop and very rare uses of Illustrator. We also heavily use Acrobat Pro.
    We currently have Acrobat 8.3.0 and InDesign 5.0.4.  We are running Windows 7 on machines with 4 GB RAM and a 32-BIT Operating System.
    We use InDesign to create forms. There are occasional graphics, but not many. We also use color very rarely. We use paragraph styles heavily, but not object styles.
    My question is, should we upgrade from CS3, all the way to CS6?  Our main concern is that our thousands of forms make the conversion from one version to the next with as little movement as possible.  The placement of elements on the page is very precise, and changes in the documents needs to be avoided as much as possible.  I realize that some adjustments, especially in text, are going to happen.
    We also need to be sure that whatever we upgrade to will still work well with Acrobat. We are hoping that will also get upgraded, but we aren't sure about that at this point.
    Does anyone have any recommendations? Would we be better off going to CS5 or CS5.5 now and upgrading to CS6 from there later?
    My boss has no interest in going to the Cloud concept.  Continuous updates that could possibly affect form layout is something we want to avoid.
    I understand that at this point we can't actually upgrade to CS6, we will have to pay the full price for new licenses. I'm not so clear on whether we will be able to continue to upgrade in the future without going to the cloud concept. I believe you will be able to, but if anyone knows different please let me know.

    IMO, the real question is "Why would we want to or need to change from InDesign CS3?"
    You didn't identify any possible reasons. If InDesign CS3 is a perfect fit for your current needs, the main compelling reasons are that you need to add more users, you need to exchange ID files with workers who are using later InDesign releases, and you can't purchase more CS3 licenses; or you're upgrading to new hardware and a operating system that doesn't support InDesign CS3.
    If you just need to obtain more licenses, it's likely if you have many users, your licenses were purchased under an Adobe Volume Licensing Plan (VLP.) I've read postings on this forum that VLP purchasers can buy more licenses for non-current InDesign releases. The idea is that all Adobe has to do is generate new license numbers, not retrieve and provide the older software. For details contact your VLP vendor.
    If the issue is needing to be compatible with newer releases, or being able to run on new incompatible equipment, then you need to buy new software or subscriptions at the going price. However, perhaps under VLP, there are attractive purchase options for multiple licenses.
    Perhaps someone on the forum can clarify the VLP?
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices
    Lritter2 wrote:
    Thank you.  That was my own opinion, but I've been asked to look into it.
    Is staying in CS3 indefinitely an option, though (to avoid moving the files to CS6)?  I would think the further development of software would eventually make trying to use CS3 with ever advanced verseions of Acrobat really problematic.

  • Swf previews in browser and doesn't work on server after upgrade from cs3 to cs5

         I have upgraded from CS3 to CS5. My site uses a template created in dreamweaver 8.  When I edit a page and embed a .swf file created in flash cs5, it doesn't work on my server, but works on my computer when I 'test in browser'.  I have uploaded all the files in the 'scripts' directory.  I am streaming video.  I have tried using both actionscript 2.0 and 3.0 and streaming .flv and .f4v.  None work.
    I have a big site and do not wan't to redo my template unless I absolutely have to.
    Here is the link:
    Here is the code on my page:
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    It's not 100% clear from your post, but you should be aware that CS5 plugins should not work in CS5.5. Because of a CS5.5 bug, CS5 plugins will load in InDesign 7.5.0, but that is fixed in 7.5.1 so they will not load.
    You should lean a bit harder on Virginia Systems. They should be able to tell you how to get them the stack trace from the crash which they should be able to look at and tell you which plugin (if any) is responsible for the crash. I could do it for Mac OS X but I don't know how under Windows. You could start by looking at the Event Viewer, though. That may have some helpful information about the crashes and the faulting module.

  • Can't find this info anywhere... Can I upgrade from CS3 to CS5 or CS5.5?

    After using Adobe products for years and years, it's not only my opinion but the opinion of many of my colleagues that CS upgrades are only worth it about every other upgrade. That might be a subjective opinion, but it does lead in to my question: Does anyone know if I can upgrade from CS3 to CS5 or CS5.5?? I can't find that info anywhere on Adobe's site.

    Does anyone know if I can upgrade from CS3 to CS5 or CS5.5??
    The Adobe Buying Guide clearly states that the answer for CS3 to CS5.5 is yes.
    Design Premium example (other Creative Suites are the same):
    You won't be able to buy CS5 from Adobe (not that you'd have any reason to).

  • Upgrade from CS3 to CS5 on Mac

    Our company just purchased CS5 and we were told that we should be able to upgrade from CS3 (we never got CS4). The box we received states it's an upgrade from CS4, but when we asked adobe, they said it should install. No such luck. Should we have received a different version or is there something we're supposed to do differently?

    You most certainly should have. The upgrade from CS4 is (assuming Design Premium) is $200 less than the upgrade from CS2/CS3.
    If you purchased directly from Adobe call them and get it straightend out.

  • Upgrading from CS3 to CS5 issues

    I work at a medium size College on a pretty small team, 1 editor/writer, 1 communications coordinator, and 1 designer (me). I've been using InDesign (ID) for 5 years now and we added on the InCopy (IC) workflow a few years ago with CS3 (both of us then had CS3). The editor and I just recently upgraded from CS3 to CS5 and we've hit a snag. I opened a project, the Academic Catalog in fact, in CS5 that we began in CS3 which we were almost finished with and when I tried to check out a story I got this error.
    "This story needs to be converted to "InCopy Document" format in order to edit it."
    The editor got the same message in IC. So I thought maybe files created by CS3 for IC don't work with CS5 so I decided to try to unlink the INCX files in ID and relink. Sure enough it created a new ICML file which the editor was able to open, edit, and save in IC. And I thought I had my problem solved until I opened the file in ID; when I tried to update the linked file ID crashed. I've tried unsuccessfully to get the updated stories from IC to update in ID w/o crashing. I've restarted the computer; it is Windows afterall. I've run 'Updates' in both our programs, and it says there are none. I've tried tossing the ID and ICML file; fortuanalty I was smart enough to do all this with a copy of the orginal CS3 file. I followed all my above steps a second time and it's still crashing. I'm not sure what to do at this point. Does anyone have any ideas? Is there a known issue like this?
    btw, we're both running Windows Vista and both in CS5 (7.0).

    I might just have to go back to CS3 to finish this project up—fortunatly I foresaw an issue like this and kept CS3 installed. That will most likely solve the problem with this project, provided it too does not crash. And that is my concern for future 'new' projects in CS5, are those going to crash too? I think I'll do some testing with my editor.
    What type of additional info would help?

  • HT1338 My desktop Pro won't upgrade from it's current format of 10.5.8 it just states up to date software?

    My desktop Pro won't upgrade from it's current format of 10.5.8 it just states up to date software? Please advise my course of action!

    The first step in Upgrading... is to Snow Leopard = OS X 10.6.x
    It is Not available as a download... It is a Paid Upgrade.
    Do this first...
    Check that your Mac meets the System Requirements for Snow Leopard...
    Snow Leopard Tech Specs
    If so... Purchase a Snow Leopard Install Disc...
    Other countries...
    After the Successful Install, run Software Update to get the latest updates for Snow Leopard.
    Be sure to make a Backup of your Current System Before Upgrading...

  • Would Adobe Photoshop CS5 upgrade work to upgrade from CS3?

    Would Adobe Photoshop CS5 upgrade work to upgrade from CS3?

    Please don't kill the messenger.  You are not addressing Adobe here.
    Just a clarification in general:
    BOILERPLATE TEXT extracted from the FAQ:
    Do not be abusive or aggressive in your tone
    An aggressive, demanding, accusatory or abusive sounding post will often evoke an aggressive or abusive and unhelpful reply.
    Remember, you are not addressing Adobe here in the user forums.  You are requesting help from volunteers users just like you who give their time free of charge. No one has any obligation to answer your questions.

  • Upgrading from CS3 to CS5.5 Design Premium??

    Hi there, I work for a small print company and we are in the process of upgrading from CS3 to CS5.5 Design premium, the company has purchased a new Mac (runs Lion 10.7), our old Mac is on 10.4 and it has run CS2 upgrade, and a few years back we installed the CS3 upgrade. We have not installed any of the creative suite onto the new Mac and I am wondering can I just buy the CS5.5 upgrade and use the CS3 upgrade serial number when installing? Will this be enough?
    Or do I need to go back to the initial Creative Suite that the company brought from scratch and enter that serial number?
    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

    Just have the serial number from CS3 handy when you install.
    More good news for you. Starting today if you buy CS5.5 you get a free upgrade to CS6 when it ships.

  • Photoshop CS4 Extended upgrade from CS3 Student Version

    I was looking for the Student upgrade from CS3 to CS4 for Photoshop, but could not find it.
    I only saw the regular upgrade edition, not the student one.
    Could anybody please help me?
    Thanks in advance

    There is no such thing as a student upgrade. Your educational version of Photoshop entitles you to upgrade to the commercial version of Photoshop but you'll pay the same price as everybody else.
    I'm assuming that ($199.99) is still cheaper than buying a new, full educational version.

  • Upgrade from CS3 to CS6 font compatibility issues...

    i recently upgraded from cs3 to cs6. my old true type font library does not show up in the new software. question: what type format must i buy to be compatible with the cs6 master collection?

    Okay...it's a brand new computer (Dell XPS 8500) and I just bought one of the products before I realized that the CS3 wasn't compatible with Windows 7.  Do I delete the CS3 and reinstall the after-market product?  Or do I delete the after-market product and reinstall and it automatically finds CS6? 
    I've been trying to get this running for three days!  LOL  I'm ready to throw it out the window....
    Thanks for your speedy reply and thanks in advance for any more light you can shed on my situation! 

  • Upgrade from CS3 Win to CS5 Mac is possible?

    Quite a simple question:
    Is it possible to make upgrade from CS3 Win to CS5 Mac?
    If "yes", which are the steps I'll have to follow?
    I would like to mention that I'll buy the upgrade software
    in Romania, so I'll have to deal with a Romanian Adobe
    software distributor.
    Thank you!

    All right. Thank you!
    Which of the following numbers should I call?
    Software activation
    Available 24/7
    Licensing, registration, web subscription services
    7 days a week, 5am–7pm PST

  • Upgrade from CS3 to CS5

    Hi, this is my first post here. I just successfully installed CS5. It was an upgrade from CS3 Extended. I notice that CS3 is still on my drive and would like to remove it to free up hard drive space. Should I insert the CS3 disc and look for a uninstaller or just drag all the CS3 items to the trash? I am a little hesitant to use the uninstaller route because I am afraid that it may remove something that CS5 needs. Any ideas?

    I assume you already have the upgrade license working and are not seeing prompts for CS3 serial numbers. If so, it is safer to use the CS3 uninstaller, if any. Keeping a restore image before doing that is safer still

  • Upgrade from cs3 to 6 do we need a full install?

    do we need a full install or can we use an upgrade

    can you point me in the right direction for pricing / upgrade options?
    Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 08:33:14 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: upgrade from cs3 to 6 do we need a full install?
    Re: upgrade from cs3 to 6 do we need a full install? created by Mylenium in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up - View the full discussion
    No, you only need the upgrade package. It will ask for the previous serial and then install the full version.
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    Start a new discussion in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up by email or at Adobe Forums
    For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to http://forums.adobe.com/message/2936746#2936746.

  • Upgrade from CS3 to CS4 Extended

    I have just purchased an upgrade from Photoshop CS3 Standard to Photoshop CS4 Extended, and have problems activating. In the dropdown it only offers an upgrade from CS3 Extended and will not accept a serial number from CS3. I've spent about 2 FRUSTRATING hours on the phone today and all they can offer is that I give them the challenge code and they activate this installation, and each time I have to re install I would have to do the same. Needless to say I wasn't impressed at all, and have got an RMA number. Has anyone else suffered from this problem?

    call customer service.

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