Upgrade to Logic Pro 7

A friend of mine has an old license of Logic Pro 5 that he's willing to give me because he doesn't use it anymore. All of the original software would be included along with the dongle, however, the original software was purchased for use on a PC. Can I upgrade this software or do I need to purchase an entirely new copy of Logic in order to make this work?

There was no Pro 5. I assume you meant Platinum. Logic Platinum/Gold 5 and higher are upgradable to Pro 7. However, you may want to call Apple to see about having the XSKey registration transferred to you first. I transferred a Logic 6 registration to another user easily with a phone call to Emagic. Since it's Apple now, it may be different, but your friend should still be able to transfer it to you.
It doesn't matter that it was originally for Windows.

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    If I remember correctly, the 7.2 update was a "Paid for" update, with a new dvd.... so you are most likely out of luck.
    The good news is that Logic Pro is pretty cheap on the Appstore

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    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store - http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2519 - enabled with iTunes 10.3 and newer; not available in all countries; apps, books (not audiobooks), music, t.v. shows, and movies (some - not all studios have permitted this). Movies currently available in the USA only. Downloading previously purchased movies and TV shows requires iTunes 10.6 or later.  Discontinued items not available. For items not included in the iCloud list, or locations or computer systems where iCloud is not (yet?) available, you only get one download per fee paid.  Apple notes it is your responsibility to back up your purchases.
    Select the store on the left side of iTunes.
    Click on Purchased on the right side under Quick Links.
    You can re-download your available previous purchases.

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    If you still have the receipt or other proof of purchase, you can ask Apple to send you the serial. Otherwise, bad luck mate.. Good news is, you can now buy Logic Pro 9 from App Store for just 199 USD

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    Hola, entra en BIOS y mirate como tienes las opciones de boot, es posible que tengas en primer lugar la opcion de arranque desde tarjeta de red, algo similar a "Boot to Network".
    Repasa igualmente por si acaso la opcion "Wake on Lan" en el caso la traiga la BIOS, si la tienes debe estar desactivada (disable), aunque no es relevante en este caso, no esta de mas que lo compruebes.
    Saludos Cordiales,
    Alez Curquejo
    Comunidad en Español English Community Deutsche Community РусскоязычноеСообщество
    Es importante indicar que los foros complementan los recursos de los usuarios pero no reemplazan al Servicio Técnico Oficial de Lenovo, para ello puedes contactar en Página de Soporte Oficial de Lenovo

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    Best wishes

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