Upgrading GRID Oracle Home

I have just finished upgrading my GRID respository and agent to However, my Oracle Home was not upgraded and still shows a version of Do I need to do a separate DB upgrade in order to upgrade my Oracle Home?

Yes, you need to do a database upgrade from to

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    As long as you choose a different path name for your new oraclehome, there is no problem. ;)
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    <Target TYPE="oracle_home" NAME="cannon-columbo_cluster_home" IDENTIFIER="TARGET_GUID=615AE33355A4D531DBFC35831C2A2952">
    <Target TYPE="oracle_home" NAME="mothpa.ucdavis.edu_mothpa1_oracle_database_home" IDENTIFIER="TARGET_GUID=DFE64CFD805C3C3F88E20EE0E74E556F">
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    Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2012 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    [cannon.ucdavis.edu:3872, oracle_emd]
    [LISTENER_cannon.ucdavis.edu, oracle_listener]
    [cannon-columbo_cluster_home, oracle_home]
    [mothpa.ucdavis.edu_mothpa1_oracle_database_home, oracle_home]
    [LISTENER_SCAN1_cannon-columbo_oracle_listener_home, oracle_home]
    [cannon.ucdavis.edu, host]
    [mothpa.ucdavis.edu, rac_database]
    [cannon-columbo, cluster]
    [has_cannon.ucdavis.edu, has]
    [ricep1_ricep11, oracle_database]
    [mothpa_mothpa1, oracle_database]
    [mothpa, rac_database]
    [ricep1, rac_database]
    [+ASM1_cannon.ucdavis.edu, osm_instance]
    [+ASM_cannon-columbo, osm_cluster]
    [LISTENER_SCAN1_cannon-columbo, oracle_listener]
    I have found some information pertaining to promoting targets but I don't understand that very well, essentially how to know if a target needs to be promoted. One note suggested running repvfy which I need to do. I will download it and run it to see if that helps but at the moment I am puzzled and seeking assistance. Any suggestions gratefully appreciated.
    Thank you.
    Bill Wagman

    I will do so, thank you.
    Bill Wagman

  • What are the Oracle Home and GRID home directory locations for Oracle 12c ( release

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    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    First off, the only EM CC release out right now is, not sure where you got (DB Plugin maybe?).   
    Second, you're confusing EM CC homes with DB/Grid homes. 
    EM CC will need it's own Oracle Home (i.e. /opt/oracle/product/em_12.1.0.2).   You will need to provide repository database connection information, but EM does not care what home the db or grid is installed in.
    I would recommend reviewing the documentation as well as the references on OTN -

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    or60w.dei(0): FILE_NOT_FOUND while deinstalling │ │
    │ │ or60w. (No such file or directory.)

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    For example, I thought about creating a new home, adding all the extra software and then upgrading the home to Then, could I clone the DB to this new home?
    Any advice would be most appreciated.....
    Many thanks

    I can confirm that Ultra search cannot be installed by dbca in database. It complains about invalid objects during installation in the created schema. Investigation showed up its some wrapped plsql package implementations that cannot be compiled.
    When installing first db, then patching to, then installing companion and patching companion again to, Ultra search installation works in dbca.
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  • How to clone 11gr2 grid and oracle homes

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    How can I clean clone all these components from /u01 to /u02? I mean the components are:
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    - Oracle Restart under grid user.
    - Oracle software and Oracle database.
    Thank you

    gjilevski1 wrote:
    You can clone everything from GI to RDBMS home.
    For GI cloning look for clone.pl at section 4
    Oracle® Clusterware
    Administration and Deployment Guide
    11g Release 2 (11.2)
    For 11gR2
    Edited by: gjilevski1 on Jun 24, 2011 3:42 PMYou meant section 3 I think http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E14072_01/rac.112/e10717/new_clonecluster.htm
    What about desinstalling everything : grid infrastructure, Oracle restart , Oracle homes, databases.
    I have seen some users of this forum complaining of the errors from the de installer.
    can I simply use the Deinstallation Tool downloaded from the OTN and then in ORDER:
    1- Remove the Oracle database home under Oracle User:
    ./deinstall -home /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
    2- Remove the grid install under the grid user:
    ./deinstall -home /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
    Any idea please?
    Thank you

  • Why the scan lister and listener configure/start from GRID home why not from Oracle Home.

       why the scan lister and listener configure/start from GRID home why not from Oracle Home.

    > why the scan lister and listener configure/start from GRID home why not from Oracle Home.
    Because Oracle says that's the way it has to be.
    As @MohaAGOU said, starting in 11gR2, the Listeners (both SCAN and traditional) are now cluster resources. Let's start with the SCAN Listener. There are only 3 of them, even if you have 4 or more nodes in the cluster. If a node goes down and a SCAN Listener were running on it, Grid Infrastructure will relocate the SCAN Listener to a surviving node. Much easier to do this if the entire resource were in the GI home. Note that an instance cannot be relocated and it is running on a different home.
    As for the traditional listener. The Listener itself won't be relocated during a node termination, but its VIP will.

  • Recreating Oracle home for Grid Control.

    Hi Experts,
    I am facing a issue on linux server. I had oracle 10g Grid control installed on Linux server 2.6.9-42.ELsmp EDT 2006 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux.
    It was handling many agents and was running fine before i delete its oracle home permenantly by mistake.
    The problem is that i do not have its backup nor i remember its patch level.
    the command : rm -fr /emgrid/oracle/10.2.0/db10gR2/
    my question is what are the chances i can get it running and the ways?
    I apprecaite your kind help to fix it.
    Please kindly help me.
    Edited by: user10772758 on Mar 14, 2009 8:02 AM
    Edited by: user10772758 on Mar 14, 2009 8:57 AM

    Is repostory database HOME is there ?

  • 10.2 Oracle Home after 11i 12 upgrade

    We have done an upgrade of 11.5.9 to 12.0.6 on TEST. We did the DB upgrade separately (ie - not within the rapidinstall part). So, we have the original 10.2 oracle home from 11i, as well as the 10.2 oracle home that was supplied with rapidinstall. Herein lies the question:
    1) Does it matter which Oracle Home is used (presuming both are at the same patchset level? Will their be future implications if the 11i 10.2 oracle home is used?
    2) If we are using the 11i 10.2 Oracle Home, how does one move to the other Oracle Home (the one that the release 12 rapidinstall supplied) - is this part of running the appsutil.zip? Please bear with me on these questions - it's been a couple of months since we did this, and we're just reviewing everything again in further detail.
    Thanks everyone.

    Hi Hussein,
    Perhaps I used the wrong words (my apologies).
    1) We upgraded our 11.5.9CU2 DB to first, before running rapidinstall (because this is how we plan to do it in PROD - this breaks up the downtimes to our users).
    2) We did not install a 12i 10.2 oracle home per se - when we ran the rapid install, it supplied the filesystem: $ORACLE_BASE/db/tech_st/10.2.0/ - and this is what is a little confusing to me.
    3) During the 11i>12 upgrade, under the "Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to Release 12.0.4" - Page 3-8 - step 7 - we generated a new context file under the 11i 10.2 oracle home.
    4) So, we clearly are using the 11i 10.2 Oracle Home. So my questions are:
    Q1) The filesystem that rapidinstall supplied (as noted in point 2 above) - essentially that is not doing anything - ie - it is a duplication?
    Q2) Under the "Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to Release 12.0.4" - Page 3-2, Oracle says "We strongly recommend that you use the Release 12.0.4 Oracle Home supplied by Rapid Install..." - I guess this is the part that has me a bit confused, or I need a second opinion on. My assumption is that we are OK here in what we did - that being, using the Oracle Home from 11i.
    Thanks very much...Colin

  • Upgrade to Oracle

    I am pretty new to the Upgrading and Patching of Oracle Grid and Oracle Database.
    I managed to upgrade my test database and grid (stand-alone / oracle restart) from version to successfully.
    But now I want Upgrade / Patch it even further to advance the version number to (as I see there is such a version) so I have the latest version installed, but this is where the confusion comes in.
    I cannot seem to find the correct Patch that advances the version to I have tried installing CPU (April 2015) Patch # 20299013, but it only installs security updates, what about the rest of the stability fixes etc of
    Was hoping someone could explain to me the mechanics around the patches, patch sets, and also the critical patch updates?
    How do I know which is the "main" patch to install for advancing the version?

    Thank you,
    I managed to find it.
    Description: Patch 20299013 - Database Patch Set Update (Includes CPUApr2015)
    When I checked its documentation, I found the following under Patch Pre-Installation Instructions:
    3.1.2 Environments with Grid Infrastructure (GI)
    If you are installing the PSU to an environment that has a Grid Infrastructure (GI) home, note the following:
    Grid Infrastructure PSU Patch 20485808 should be applied to the Grid Infrastructure home and Database home using the readme instructions provided with the patch.
    Because I'm using a stand-alone (oracle restart) configuration, I do have Grid installed, thus I download the Grid Infrastructure Patch "20485808", and installed.
    After installing it, I tried to install "Patch 20299013 - Database Patch Set Update (Includes CPUApr2015)", and it told me the ORacle Home is already up to date.
    But, when checking v$instance, I still just see
    and sqlplus also shows its version

  • Error during installation phase when upgrading  from oracle 10 to 11g

    We have going to upgrade oracle to in SAP ECC 6.4(DB:oracle, OS:AIX6.1). By mistake I run RUNINSTALLER from wrong path oracle/stage/11203 <dump folder>/database instead of SAP folder.it gives some error message during installation but i continue to installation and installation is completed.
    now i worried about error and and wrong path selection, i removed manually new oracle home folder 112_64 and continue to new installation from proper path but now i am getting below error when running RUNINSTALLER from SAP folder
    "[INS-10008] Session Initialization failed".and log are  as
    ERROR)   -  Oracle Database software installation finished with errors.
    . The Oracle executable <OH>/bin/oracle is empty or does not exist.
    . Possible cause(s): link error, installation was cancelled or interrupted, or fatal error.
    . (INFO)    -  Fatal error occurred during installation

    Hi Pawan
    Could you refer the SAP Note for Oracle Installation error
    1431796 - Oracle 11.2.0: Troubleshooting the Software Installation

  • How can we clone the Oracle database in new Oracle Home

    I would like to clone oracle database into new oracle home. How can we set it using OEM.
    I am using 10g grid control. Target db is on solaris

    after logging into target database, under maintenance tab, data movement header; ther is "clone database" option. When you click on it; you'll see :
    Clone Database uses RMAN to duplicate a database from:
    -- An open database in ARCHIVELOG mode, or
    -- An open database in NOARCHIVELOG mode (restart required), or
    -- A saved working directory from previous cloning
    Clone Database performs the following operations:
    -- Backup each database file and store it in a working directory
    -- Transfer each backup file from source to destination host
    -- Restore each backup file to existing destination Oracle Home
    -- Recover the cloned database with saved archived log files
    -- Open the cloned database with resetlogs
    It seems to be for cloning to a different host, but i guess you can chose the same host for source and destination. (I've never used cloning on em by the way :))
    But firstly, you should create a new oracle home, you can simply copy your oracle home with a new name (cp -R /oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0 /oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0.new) or make a new installation.
    I suggest you to do this cloning with CLI. You should take a full backup with RMAN, copy the oracle home, create a new initNEWSID.ora file and nomount the database, restore (or simply copy) controlfiles, restore database (with set newname commands), recover database, open resetlogs.

  • URGENT HELP!!. Applying patch in different Oracle Homes.

    Hi all,
    We are using on SunSolaris OS(5). We've 4 oracle instances running on 817 and one on 8174. They are all in different oracle homes.
    Oraclehome1 - 8170
    Oraclehome2 - 8174
    When I tried to put 8174 patch on Oraclehome1 the installation terminates without installing the software and its not giving any errors. In oracInventory logs it displays the following version numbers. >
    I also tried to reinstall full software on Oraclehome1. It is also failing with link errors.
    How can I install 8174 patch in oraclehome1? OR how can upgrade the oracle instance under oraclehome1 to 8174?
    Thanks for any inputs.

    Yes I did shutdown the database and stopped all other services running on the machine.

  • Upgrade ASM Oracle to ASM Oracle 11G R2 on Windows 2008 SP2

    Please advice on procedure or where I can find information on upgrading ASM from Oracle 10G to Oracle 11G R2 (Winwdows 2008 SP2 64bit environment) for mutiple Oracle instances (not a RAC environrment).
    The current scenario is as follow:
    - Two oracle homes; one for ASM instance and another for the Oracle Databases (in current case only two oracle instances possiblly more at a later time). Both (ASM and Oracle databases) have the same version of Oracle
    The Oracle database home can't be upgraded due to application restricition (Vendor Application not tested on Oracle 11G) but will like to upgrade the ASM instance to Oracle 11G (Oraclle 11G R2).
    - Is is a feasable solution? Can I upgrade ASM instance to Oracle 11G R2 to take advantage of new features? Will the ASM upgrade scenario is compatible with the Oracle Database Instance running Oracle 10G? Any possible issues that I should be aware or concerns?
    Is it possible to have ASM running in Oracle 11G R2 and service the need of Oracle database instance running in 10G?
    Please advice or where I can obtained information on the matter. Also possibly if someone has done it on Windows 2008 SP2 (not Windows 2008R2).
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks so I can upgrade the ASM Home instance and leave the Oracle Databases home on Oracle
    I agree with you not just 100%, actually 120%. Fortunately, the vendor is finally understanding by pressure provided by DBAs and Application Teams that they are very behind the curve. It is working and by summer we should have an oracle 11G compatible product.
    The same thought went when I was told of their compatability database level.

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