Upgrading one machine from 10.7.1 to 10.7.3 w/Airport 7.6

I'm considering upgrading one machine from 10.7.1 to 10.7.3, but currently only have Airport firmware 7.6. Other machines in the mix include two Rev 1 iPads running iOS 5.0.1 & 4.3, AppleTV 2, ethernet networked XBR9 Sony TVs, A 10.6.8 Mac Mini with a Magicjack connected via USB, and a 10.6.8 MacBook Pro.    Will Airport 7.6 handle all that without issue once I upgrade one machine to 10.7.3?   Or is Airport 7.6.1 any better or worse?

Will Airport 7.6 handle all that without issue once I upgrade one machine to 10.7.3?
It should, but if you are considering upgrading to 10.7.3, then it would also make sense to upgrade to 7.6.1. Your AirPort device will pester you until you do.
Each upgrade provides enhances and fixes from previous versions.
Millions of users update with no issues, but no matter whether you have an operating system update or a firmware update for an AirPort device, a tiny fraction of users will have issues...and it is impossible to know in advance who they might be.
You see them here and in the Mac OS X v10.7 Lion support area.

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    You have to buy iPhoto from the Mac App Store.

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