Upgrading to Lion yield system ununsable

Since upgrading to Lion some icons in my menubar disappeared:
macbook battery indicator
bluetooth among other,
when this occur, other things stop working correctly:
spotlight is not responding (beachball when hovering on top of spotlight in the menu bar)
system preferences hangs whenever the "network" part is clicked
no network is functioning (no wi-fi)
the login screen displays an empty wi-fi icon (like if I was not connected)
One single thing seems to be working:
reboot the computer in safe mode, then in normal mode.
However, the preceding will work until the next mac reboot only. After a regular reboot, the problem would re-occur up to the next "safe reboot".
The following have been tried with a level 2 mac support specialist over the phone.
Fixing permissions
emptying caches in home and system libraries
removing start-up items
creating a new user account (problem persist in the other account)
removing  stuff inside the input method folders
creating a new "network location" when the problem is not triggered
I don't know if this is anything related but for me, FaceTime says registration servers cannot process my request at the time being when I want to log-in and FileVault 2 refuses to encrypt the disk pretending not having permission. I also was unable to log-in into anything after my Lion install. I has to reset my root password and re-create my account with same info as describe on this forum to get Lion started..
Definitely not the smootest transition one could expect.

I'll add my name to the list of unhappy people following an 'upgrade' to Lion.
Same problem as the original poster, menu bar frozen.  CPU temp up at 80 deg C, fans at 6200rpm all the time and SystemUIServer is running at +75%, system is using 50% CPU. Battery life is half of what I used to get.
My Macbook is unuseable in it's current state for any longer than a few minutes.  Now having to use my Windows PC as can't stand the constant fan noise.  Also concerned about the long term effect on the internal components.
In my opinion Apple has released a poor quality product here. I read that Lion was not ready for shipping and I wish I had waited a few weeks for the first update.
Let's have a patch soon please or my Windows PC may be a permanent fixture.

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    I seem to never tire of saying this. It was for Apple when they first announced 10.7 to disclose this. Yes, it was widely reported -- or rather, rumored -- but not by Apple. And many people who have gotten caught by this assumed that Apple itself would have told them beforehand about the loss of this very important feature which they had come to rely on. As far as I know, not even in fine print, does this appear anywhere on the Lion announcement or any of its links.
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    Requirements for OS X 10.6 'Snow Leopard'
    Whilst Apple have withdrawn Snow Leopard from download, you can still get it from Apple by calling 1-800-MY-APPLE (if you are in the USA) and they will supply the SL DVD for $30.  You can also purchase the code to use to download Lion from the same number.
    Requirements for Mountain Lion:

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    It isn't the fw in Network you want o use or look at, that's for something completely different.
    My first suspect is the Power Adapter on the LaCie has gone.
    At the Apple Icon at top left>About this Mac, then click on More Info, then click on Hardware>Firewire, what is listed there?
    Reset the Firewire bus
    If your Firewire or USB isn't recognizing any device.  A solution which has worked for some whose hard drive became invisible in 10.4 was simply to follow these four steps to reset the Firewire/USB bus:
    1. Shut the machine down.
    2. UNPLUG the power lead to the computer and any firewire/USB drive or devices.
    3. leave it for 10 minutes.
    4. Connect back up and reboot.

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    Peter B.

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    Try a Safe Boot: Restart holding down the shift key until you (hopefully) see a grey progress bar. Once booted restart as normal from the Apple menu. Any change?
    How much RAM do you have installed?

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    harrietny wrote:
    Having trouble with my print operating system.  It will not hold presets.  If I upgrade to Lion, will Lion replace Leopard's print operating system?
    It'll likely replace the printer drivers too since some older drivers may rely on Rosetta, which Lion eliminates. Along with new drivers, you may loose printing capabilities, as I did with a legacy Epson printer. Since you're in the Mac Pro forum, if you actually have a Mac Pro, it might be wise to install an additional hard disk and run the Lion upgrade on that. Try it out and see if you actually get an improvement. If not, you've still got Leopard to retreat to and an extra disk to back up on.

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    I have just expereinced the same issue.  I have a work around for you.
    If you have a Snow Leopard Install CD you can boot from that by holding the C key upon boot up or hold down the option key and select the install CD.
    Once launched select continue and then select your language.  You will then have access to a tools/utilities menu where you can reset passwords. You select you System Disk and you will notice that you accounts are still missing however you should have access to re-set the root account / pw.  Set it to a secure password - after all this is the highest level account on your machine.
    Once done - restart into lion again and login into the  root account.  Username root with password you specified earlier.  Once logged into the system - you should still find your old user folder still intact. I would suggest re-naming this account and add suffix _original if you intend on creating a new account with the same name. The username of the folder is based on the short name you input when you create an account. 
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    This worked for me - good luck.
    I agree this is unaccaptable for Apple to release an upgrade with a bug like this.  Good luck - hope it works for you

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    This is unknown, it will be up to Apple and AFAIK they haven't announced that yet.

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    Hello.  I just upgraded to Lion OS X 10.7.3.  I was previously running 10.5.7 which included the ENTOURAGE application.  how do I retrieve needed information from this application that no longer runs on this new system?

    The file you'll be looking for that has most of what you're looking for - messages, address book, etc. is the Entourage Database.  The verison of Microsoft Office I run (on Lion) is Office 2008.  By default the Entourage Database for this verison is at user/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities/Main Identity/Database.  That folder (Main Identitty) also has your rules, signatures, and such.  You'll have to recover this file from whatever backup you have.  If you have a different version of Entourage, the file location will be a little diffferent.
    Good luck

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    This is a big thank you to Rys Sinnefeldt who posted this fix.
    Rys has made this fix very easy to do and takes literally 2 mins. It involves replacing the Atheros Lion driver 4.0 and replacing it with the snow leopard driver. Don't worry, Rys has made this so simple to do even I could do it and so far I have had no more wifi drops.
    follow this link
    Thanks again to Rys.

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    No, it won't. But you should make a backup of your files, document your settings and check application compatibility.

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    While we all have MacBooks in this forum most of us don’t run Mountain Lion. There's a Mountain Lion Support Community where everybody has Mountain Lion. You should also post this question there to increase your chances of getting an answer. https://discussions.apple.com/community/mac_os/os_x_mountain_lion

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