Urdu language writing support

I want to write Urdu language in web page for search its content and email. I bought blackberry curve 8520 v5.0.0.681 from Saudi as it has Arabic language. Could you please help me out how to write Urdu. It does not have in (Switch input language) Urdu option.

Yes.Try the below:
Create Table Table1 (Col1 nvarchar(MAX))
Insert into table1 Select N'ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ک
Select * From Table1
Drop table Table1
we have to insert a whole book in our database, can we do that?
Why do you want to feed the contents in SQL Server? You can better save it in you file system and save the file location in SQL Server. There are other options Filetable also in SQL 2012. whats your SQL Server Version?
server 2012

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    Is your license for Illustrator CS6 MENA (Middle East & North Africa) edition? If it is not, you will not have RTL support meaning you cannot use Urdu.
    You can try getting a MENA trial of Illustrator CS6 here: http://www.adobe.com/mena_ar/downloads.html.
    Or, like Monika suggests, you can use ScribeDoor. It's roughly about US $100 for Illustrator CS6 -http://store.winsoft-international.com/products/product/winsoft/scribedoor/scribedoor-for- illustrator.html

  • Does LabVIEW have support for entering Urdu language script?

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    My LabVIEW application requires users to enter their observations in a string control which is then stored in an excel file.
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    My experience from Hebrew, which is also right to left, is that it can be done if the operating system supports it, but it will work badly if you include anything in the text which is not an Urdu letter. This causes it to be displayed in the wrong side of the control and is only solved if you add more Urdu text after it.
    One option you can try is including an ActiveX control (such as the rich text box) for editing the text and then you can probably get the text from it using a property. I don't remember trying it (my users don't usually need to input Hebrew text themselves), but I think it should work. I wouldn't have any hopes for NI doing anything about this, because it's considered to be a relatively small market.
    Try to take over the world!

  • How to enter URDU Language data in Oracle

    im having great problems in entering Urdu Language data in Oracle 9i rel.2 database on win2000 ad. server having my client PCs on windows xp,, then front end of our application being in developing process,,in .net framework,,using vb.net,,now windows xp is supporting urdu and data in urdu language is entered properly from the front end application but oracle is not supporting it,, and not displaying right translated characters,,my country is Pakistan,,laguage is Urdu,,the character set of my database is we8mswin1252 and national character set is al16utf16,,
    plz help me wriggle out the situation.

    I am not completely certain what Oracle character sets support Urdu, but I can say that Windows-1252 certainly does not. You probably want to use UTF-8 as the database character set.
    Unfortunately, changing the database character set generally requires rebuilding the database. You cannot use the ALTER DATABASE command here, since UTF-8 is not a strict binary superset of Windows-1252.
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

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    Hi Friend,
    please refer to nokia.forum localization
    Hopefully it will meet ur req.
    [email protected]

  • BUG:  Expression Language not supported (JDeveloper

    I have the following code in a jspx page:
    <c:if test="${!empty bean.genericErrorMessages}">
    <h:outputText styleClass="texto_red"
    id="applicationErrorMessages" escape="false"/>
    All code compile well, but when i run the jspx page the following exception occur.
    The problem is that in JDeveloper Early Access 3 the problem doesn't occur.
    But in the Jdeveloper version the exception occur.
    I'm running JDeveloper in a Windows XP SP2, JSF 1.1_01 and JSTL 1.0
    Does anyone know a solution to this problem? Tanks.
    The Exception:
    Error: Expression Language not supported in compile time attribute test
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspUtils.hasELWithCreation(JspUtils.java:1248)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspUtils.processELAttribute(JspUtils.java:1274)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.OpenJspTagHandler.processAttributeValue(OpenJspTagHandler.java:331)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrc(JspParseTag.java:1368)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parse(JspParseTag.java:1413)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.OpenJspTagHandler.parse(OpenJspTagHandler.java:802)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.genXMLSrcTag(JspParseTag.java:867)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcNextTag(JspParseTag.java:745)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcBody(JspParseTag.java:1121)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.OpenJspTagHandler.parseXMLSrcBody(OpenJspTagHandler.java:739)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrc(JspParseTag.java:1375)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parse(JspParseTag.java:1413)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.OpenJspTagHandler.parse(OpenJspTagHandler.java:802)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.genXMLSrcTag(JspParseTag.java:867)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcNextTag(JspParseTag.java:745)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcBody(JspParseTag.java:1121)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.OpenJspTagHandler.parseXMLSrcBody(OpenJspTagHandler.java:739)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrc(JspParseTag.java:1375)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parse(JspParseTag.java:1413)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.OpenJspTagHandler.parse(OpenJspTagHandler.java:802)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.genXMLSrcTag(JspParseTag.java:867)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcNextTag(JspParseTag.java:745)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcBody(JspParseTag.java:1121)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.OpenJspTagHandler.parseXMLSrcBody(OpenJspTagHandler.java:739)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrc(JspParseTag.java:1375)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parse(JspParseTag.java:1413)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.OpenJspTagHandler.parse(OpenJspTagHandler.java:802)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.genXMLSrcTag(JspParseTag.java:867)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcNextTag(JspParseTag.java:745)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcBody(JspParseTag.java:1121)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.OpenJspTagHandler.parseXMLSrcBody(OpenJspTagHandler.java:739)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrc(JspParseTag.java:1375)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parse(JspParseTag.java:1413)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.OpenJspTagHandler.parse(OpenJspTagHandler.java:802)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.genXMLSrcTag(JspParseTag.java:867)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcNextTag(JspParseTag.java:745)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcBody(JspParseTag.java:1121)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.OpenJspTagHandler.parseXMLSrcBody(OpenJspTagHandler.java:739)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrc(JspParseTag.java:1375)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parse(JspParseTag.java:1413)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.OpenJspTagHandler.parse(OpenJspTagHandler.java:802)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.genXMLSrcTag(JspParseTag.java:867)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcNextTag(JspParseTag.java:745)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrcBody(JspParseTag.java:1121)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseXMLSrc(JspParseTag.java:1375)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTagFile.parseXMLSrc(JspParseTagFile.java:296)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTagFile.parse(JspParseTagFile.java:211)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.OracleJsp2Java.transform(OracleJsp2Java.java:403)
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageCompiler.attemptCompilePage(JspPageCompiler.java:558)
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageCompiler.compilePage(JspPageCompiler.java:348)
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageInfo.compileAndLoad(JspPageInfo.java:610)
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.compileAndServe(JspPageTable.java:634)
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(JspPageTable.java:370)
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(JspServlet.java:478)
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:401)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:856)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:719)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:376)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.unprivileged_forward(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:298)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.access$100(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:42)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher$2.oc4jRun(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:205)
         at oracle.oc4j.security.OC4JSecurity.doPrivileged(OC4JSecurity.java:283)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forward(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:209)
         at com.sun.faces.context.ExternalContextImpl.dispatch(ExternalContextImpl.java:322)
         at com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl.renderView(ViewHandlerImpl.java:130)
         at org.apache.shale.faces.ShaleViewHandler.renderView(ShaleViewHandler.java:143)
         at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhase.execute(RenderResponsePhase.java:87)
         at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.phase(LifecycleImpl.java:200)
         at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.render(LifecycleImpl.java:117)
         at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(FacesServlet.java:198)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(ResourceFilterChain.java:64)
         at org.apache.myfaces.component.html.util.ExtensionsFilter.doFilter(ExtensionsFilter.java:122)
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(EvermindFilterChain.java:15)
         at pt.ivv.commonbusiness.presentation.servlets.filter.HibernateFilter.doFilter(HibernateFilter.java:68)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:627)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:376)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:870)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:451)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:218)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(HttpRequestHandler.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(HttpRequestHandler.java:112)
         at oracle.oc4j.network.ServerSocketReadHandler$SafeRunnable.run(ServerSocketReadHandler.java:260)
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$MyWorker.run(ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor.java:303)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)

    You should not try to mix JSP and JSF EL prior to JSF 1.2 and JSP 2.1, the result is inconsistent most of the time.
    To fix your current issue though, I suggest you use the rendered attribute instead of a <c:if>, so would be:
    <h:outputText styleClass="texto_red"
    id="applicationErrorMessages" escape="false" rendered="#{!empty bean.genericErrorMessages}"/>Regards,
    Simon Lessard

  • Run report in oracle 9i and report 9i in  urdu language

    hello all ,
    me have a database in english me want to print some my reports my report in urdu languade
    how it ll possible

    Dear Maher Haider,
    Did you success to change report in URDU language if yes then kindly forward the great information to me also.
    Dear becasue one of the module we are working on we convert the form and reports both into URDU langauge.
    My database is 8.0 and form developer is 6i
    Waiting for your great response.

  • Acrobat 6.0.6: Foreign language not supported?

    I am running on Window Vista (but the same problem applies to Win 2K+SP4 and XP+SP2).
    I try to insert text in a Text Box Tool. I select the desired language (a Middle Eastern language) through the OS. But when I type, I see primarily small vertical rectangles and other garbage.
    The Acrobat's help document explicitly says that those languages are supported.
    Also, I have no problem applying those languages when using other editing applications such as Word, etc.
    So are they or aren't those languages supported by Acrobat? And if it is supported, how exactly can it be accomplished?
    Thanks in advance,

    you may have to make sure you choose a font for the box which includes
    those characters.
    Aandi Inston


    Dear brother
    I want to do some inputs in URDU, ENGLISH mix in my Form.
    For example:
    I put the name in Item Name : Pepsi Cola 200 ml..............The same item name input need in URDU but the (200 ml) is in Number & English. Its mean that I want to do inputs in URDU, NUMBERS, ENLISH.
    After the inputs we required to print in URDU also.
    I also want to understand step by step solution
    I am using Database 10g on Windows SERVER 2003 (32 BIT) NLS_LANGUAGE = AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252.
    I am using Forms6i & Report6i on Windows 7 (32 BIT).
    If any one having a solution please forward to me

    For English-Urdu bi-lingual support you need to have your database created to use the appropriate character set for Urdu. WE8 in WE8MSWIN1252 stands for Western Europe 8bit. You need to find the right character set for Urdu and use it when creating your database.
    If you db is already created and populated with another char set then the conversion may be a little complex.
    Once your DB has the right char set, you also need to change your Dev 6i Forms Char set in the Windows registry. Look for AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252 and change it to the same value as what you used in the DB.

  • Printing from Access VBA in Urdu Language

    I have some data in table in Urdu language, I want to print it by putting on LPT1 but when I get data in VBA it converts it into ???????. Urdu language pack is already installed and it's working in all other applications. How can I prevent my data to change
    into ?????? while getting it in Access VBA.

    I assume that "to get the data from the table into VBA" means that you assign a value from a recordset or from a form field that is bount to a recordset to a variable, e.g.,
    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
    Dim UrduString As String
    Set rs = CurrentDB.OpenRecordset("UrduTable")
    UrduString = rs!SomeField
    In this assignment, the data in UrduString is not modified in any way, it is completely identical to the data in the table.
    However, if you look at it in the VBA Editor, e.g. with
       Debug.Print UrduString
    it displays as ???????. This is because of a limitation in the VBA Editor: It cannot properly *display* the contents of the Urdu string, allthough VBA correctly *stores* this content.
    What do you mean by "putting the data on LPT1"? Something like
    Open "LPT1:" For Binary Access Write As #1
    Put #1, , UrduText
    You will need to output the text in binary format. If you try to write in text format, it will indeed get transformed from Unicode to ANSI, thus producing the ????.
    Matthias Kläy, Kläy Computing AG

  • I do input in urdu Language but get English Character Why??

    i take input in JtextField in URDU language(Pakistan National Language) by the help of
    this.jTextField1.setFont(new java.awt.Font("URDU", 1, 13));user do input in text filed its display correctly.
    but WHEN i get in programme it return  English Character..
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, this.jTextField1.getText());give me some clue....

    i changed it by the help of under code , but my problem is sitll...
           Locale locale = new Locale("UR", "PK");
            String l = locale.getISO3Language();
            UIDefaults d = new UIDefaults();
            d.setDefaultLocale(locale);any other idea???????????

  • Insert/retrieve Urdu language in the Oracle.

    Hi All,
    I am working on PHP with Oracle 9i.
    I want to insert/retrieve Urdu language in the table's field.
    I have experienced in MYSQL, it is working fine but not oracle.
    In oracle I have been setting the CharaterSet = UTF8 and field datatype
    nVarchar & nChar.
    But fail to get result
    Anyone have experience about it please share with me.

    Take some time to read chapter 13, Globalisation in the Underground PHP and Oracle Manual.
    That should give you some help in setting it up.

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    Dear Faisal Iman,
    I have seen your post, Can't open a document in IRM enabled document library(http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sharepointgenerallegacy/thread/b2a65477-aab8-426f-8f33-444e5ba900dd)
    I am also facing same problem ... please find following links
    Sorry post here about this post.. i need to contact you thats why posted here..please help me to solve this problem

  • How to use urdu language in skype?

    hi every one,
    i want to add the urdu language in skype. how can i do this?
    any help will highly be appreciated.

    We now have a partial community-translated language file for Urdu here, if that's what you mean.
    Do, or do not. There is no try.
    ★ Skype in your language, from Adyghe to Uyghur ★ iGàidhlig, bathar-bog 'nad chànan ★

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    i have AE CS3 English edition. but i want to use URDU Language in it as text.
    i dont know the way how to use urdu language in AE CS3.
    Cas any body help in out this problem. i will be thank full to u.
    very thanks in advance.

    Whenever I have trouble with fonts from a different language I set the type in Illustrator, convert the type to outlines, then import the AI file into AE as a composition.
    Sometimes setting the type in Photoshop has also helped.
    If you must have the fonts so you can use text animators try looking for OT fonts that fill the bill. Open OpenType fonts are a lot less problematic than Post Script or True Type fonts. Take a look HERE for some sources. I haven't checked out any of the fonts listed but it looks promising.
    dear the main problem is keyboard in INPAGE2004 we use standard Phonetic keyboard and link which you gave it download the fonts and i copied it brings the urdu but not correct urdu suppose if we make a sentance (my name is chimi) in english it is ok and when i type it for urdu it brings different urdu wording not the correct wording, it type different type of urdu characters which makes no sense. It is possbile if i found a font which give me the correct wording as Phonetic keyboard give me in AE,

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