Urgent!Accidently deleted files anyway to recover th

Hi all,
While trying to clean up some duplicate/errorneous files and playlists on my Zen Xtra 30gb, I accidently deleted about /3 of the files on my player. Is there any way I can recover them without having to re-rip and transfer them?
I was using Notmad and cleaned out the playlists, since I had quite a few with errors from using other tools to transfer and manage them. I noticed that the playlist index still had a lot of files in it. then I started to delete those, but soon thought about checking if it just deletes pointers or actual files. By the time I stopped it it was /3 through and I would up deleting a bunch of songs.
Help Please!!!Message Edited by Saabster on 02-6-2005 05:52 PM

If you deleted them from the player, rather than the playlist, there isn't really any way of getting them back. Once you delete them, they're gone.
Unless you saved them on your PC when you were ripping them (in the Music Library, check if they're listed there), you'll have to re-rip them.

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    Have you checked the nokia CD thats usually in the box with the phone?
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    01-Apr-2008 08:21 AM
    kwon wrote:
    I hadn't used the lifeblog on my N95 until I found it yesterday and thought it just copied messages, photo's etc so I deleted them all (there was logic there somewhere I'm sure)I thought that they were just copies but now all teh photo's and messages from my phone hass gone. Does anyone know how I can restore them? There were some very important one's I wanted to save. I have checked the lifblog on my PC but only a few photo's are on there. Any help or advice is appreciated!
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    running the newldap.sql script will delete everything in OID. Please backup your existing data before running the script!
    here is a paper on how to do it properly..
    How recreate the OiD database without re-installing
    1.Shut down oid (if running)
    2.Go to $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin directory and MODIFY a script "newldapcre.sql"
    to create the table spaces at the locations you want.(DO NOT RUN THIS SCRIPT!!)
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    sqlplus system/manager@OIDDB1 $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin/newldap.sql
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    ldapmodify -p 389 -h <hostname> -D "cn=orcladmin" -w welcome -c -a -f directory/oidbaseacl.ldif
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    after thats done, then
    ldapmodify -p 389 -h robs-pc -D "cn=orcladmin" -w welcome -c -a -f u01/app/oracle/product/817/ldap/admin/oidbase.ldif
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    sqlplus ods/ods
    do a
    select * from cat;

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    Sounds like you have a few problems going on here. First one being, the itunes/ipod preference isn't getting saved for manually managing.
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    This could be a bug from LR with Lion?

    Lion is great, but this is the one and only problem I have left with Lion, exactly the same problem you are experiencing with LR 3.
    Isopoda wrote:
    I've a library saved inside an external HD.
    Normally I work with this catalog, selecting the photos and elaborating the images.
    Last week I've made the upgrade from Snow Leopard to Lion and today I've found that if I try to delete an image, LR tell me that is impossible, because the disc does not support a trash bin (???) and so I've only the possibility to remove the photo permanently from the HD.
    but if I create a new document inside the HD, the system let me delete it and move it inside the trash bin without any problem.
    So I've taken another HD, formatted with HFS+ Journaled, I've created a new catalog, imported some photos...same problem, same story...LR doesn't let me delete the images but only definitively removing teh photos from the HD.
    This could be a bug from LR with Lion?
    I have posted this same problem in the LR forums and as yet have not found an answer other than to take the drastic step of 'Delete Files Anyway?' and then seeing that the files are indeed removed from the library and then indeed also that the files have been removed from the disk, BUT (and this is a big BUT) there are no files in the trash, even though you would expect that if you delete the files, LR allows you to delete and move them to the trash. With Lion, they simply diappear - so my question is: Are the files deleted? or are they dumped somewhere invisible that I don't know about to accumulate on the disk somewhere?
    It would be good to know...
    It' would be good if they were simply moved to the trash like they were with LR2.

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    Probably not. All I can suggest is you contact a recovery service, but it's expensive and since you've been using the machine for over two months, most likely they're overwritten.

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    Do you have a backup of your iPhone?   If so, do a restore and whatever Notes were backed up should reappear.
    You will lose any changes made since that backup though.

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    Hi t,
    First, don't create or change any files. The more you do, the less chance you have of recovering any data. Google for Mac data recovery applications. There are several. At least one allows you to use it to see if you can recover data, without paying for it. If you decide to recover it, then you have to pay for the app in order for it to do the recovery.

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    On a mac, when you save docs to icloud, a local copy is also saved.  It's saved at:
    ~/Library/Mobile Documents
    Note that Library in the user's home folder is now hidden, so you'll have to set Finder to view hidden files.
    The Mobile Documents folder has subfolder where copies of the doc/data files are stored.
    If the file(s) are no longer there, then use your Time Machine backups to get copies back to the mac.

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    My OS is OEL 5.3 with ext3 files system.
    if you know any too which recover deleted files

    One may question if any commercial unformat and unerase product for Linux really work, and the answer will probably be that it all depends.
    According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext3: There is no support of deleted file recovery in file system design. Ext3 driver actively deletes files by wiping file inodes for crash safety reasons. This is why an accidental 'rm -rf ...' command may cause permanent data loss. There are still several techniques and some commercial software like UFS Explorer Standard Recovery version 4 for recovery of deleted or lost files using file system journal analysis; however, they do not guarantee any specific file recovery.
    I have used recovery products on other filesystems like HFS+ and AdvFS which, similar to ext3, do not ship with system "unerase" utilities like the old DOS FAT. I was lucky occasionally and be able to recover lost files, but the chances are not very high, in particular for a system disk. I also depends to some degree how desperate and patient you are.

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    Have you deleted the photo files themselves or simply deleted the editing by removing the file references from the LR catalog? If the former, did you specifically make copies of the Raw photo files as backups? LR does not do this, you have to do it. When you do a backup as you are exiting LR, all that is backed up is the *.lrcat catalog file. But if you do have backup copies of the Raws, simply copy and paste them to the same location where the originals were.
    If you mean that the originals still exist on your hard drive, but have been removed from the catalog, open the backup catalog in LR ( File>Open Catalog), select the photos in question and do File>Export as Catalog, placing the exported catalog on your desktop. Relaunch LR with your working catalog and do File/Import from Catalog to import the catalog on your desktop and the catalog entries will be restored.
    Finally, if the Raw files were not actually backed up and have been deleted, they are gone. (Have you checked Recycle/Trash?) There is software available that will allow you to extract the small jpg preview LR made for its own use, but that is the best you can do.

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    I think you'll not reuse a tape in your life again, right?
    Now you can try with some kind of application to recover deleted files from your system. Hal pointed to one application in this thread:
    Hope that helps !

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