We use Skype as our home phone so it's left on and turned up all the time. I get two and three calls a night from the urgent notification message that I already know is a scam. I block and report abuse every single time but I still continue to receive them. Can nothing be done about this? Is there a way to block robocalls on Skype and if theres not, can you make one?

aubreyswife wrote:
We use Skype as our home phone so it's left on and turned up all the time. I get two and three calls a night from the urgent notification message that I already know is a scam. I block and report abuse every single time but I still continue to receive them. Can nothing be done about this? Is there a way to block robocalls on Skype and if theres not, can you make one?
Change your Skype privacy settings to allow calls and IM's from....only people on my Contacts list.
Please note: I do not respond to requests for help via Private Message.

Similar Messages


    I recieved a call from "SYSTEM ALERT-URGENT NOTIFICATION" and it told me I was not protected and to go to the following site, I have just notice that the site I was directed to is not permitted.  Can you please explain to me what it is all about.  just wondering is this a safe site.
    looking forward to hearing from you

    it's s scam.  
    please visit the thread below for instructions and suggestions on how to deal with such unwanted and suspicious activities;
    How to Handle Suspicious Calls, Messages and Contact Requests (Scam/Spam)
    | skypefordummies.blogspot.com | 

  • Unsolicited/blocked messages and calls

    I keep getting calls from the following :  online.urgent.notification.z01, system.update.ZA1,
    warning.online-update.a1, and states.al.protection.alert.
    no messages when I call back...and they still call after blocking......
    Does anyone else have this problem...and what are they??
    Thx....novice on Skype

    please visit the thread below for instructions and suggestions on how to deal with such unwanted and suspicious activities;
    How to Handle Suspicious Calls, Messages and Contact Requests (Scam/Spam)

  • Authorization "not valid" under Yosemite

    My PS Elements 8 says it's not valid under Yosemite - no place to input, just says to check adobe support.

    Don't allow that person or persons to Skype you. It's a scam!
    An official announcement by adobe about the scam
    Announcement:URGENT NOTIFICATION: Beware of fraudulent support requests.
    Hide Details
    by Pete.Green (March 11, 2015) 
    We have received a number of reports where some members of this community are posing as Adobe Employees by offering to help troubleshoot issues personally using technologies such as Skype as a means to gain
    access to your computer and potentially your personal information.  All Adobe employees are required to have an orange ‘STAFF’ badge next to their user profile which can be seen if you mouse-over their profile picture.

  • Photoshop CS6-Liquify tool stopped working.

    The liquify filter suddenly stopped working normally. The interface is totally different and allows me only to move the item around, not "liquify" as usual. HELP! I use this filter extensively!

    virginiaa30553577 wrote:
    Someone from "Adobe Forums" has promised to contact me via phone and FaceTime this afternoon.
    Be careful - that may be one of the fraudulent support scams that Adobe was warning about in the Announcement on the main page.
    ANNOUNCEMENT:URGENT NOTIFICATION: Beware of fraudulent support request
    by Pete.Green (March 11, 2015) 
    We have received a number of reports where some members of this community are posing as Adobe Employees by offering to help troubleshoot issues personally using technologies such as Skype as a means to gain access to your computer and potentially your personal information.  All Adobe employees are required to have an orange ‘STAFF’ badge next to their user profile which can be seen if you mouse-over their profile picture.

  • [xmonad] xmonad.hs misconfiguration

    Ok, I am currently using dwm-6.0.1 from community repository, configured to suit my needs. But because I am using it on laptop, I need to get a system tray like on xfce4 to control my wireless connection and volume.
    For now, I patched systray, but nothing shows up, no changes. Next, I wanted statuscolors. patch -p1 < statuscolors-6.0.diff only shows that garbage is found.
    So, I want something that is similar to dwm, but a little easy to configure. And I found xmonad. I tried xmonad earlier on desktop for a very short time.
    If there is a way to use dzen2 instead of dwm bar, please let me know. I tried to execute it in .xinitrc but nothing shows up.
    What I want to achieve is to have systray icons like dropbox, nm-applet and volwheel, and conky output. Nothing more than that.
    I want to use xmobar.
    Here are my:
    .xmonad.hs: http://pastebin.com/09nbarSB
    .xmobarrc: http://pastebin.com/axKZnxpM
    .xinitrc: http://pastebin.com/3mthHf3e
    xmonad shows errors in line 153, like some brackets aren't closed properly. I checked them with vim, seems ok, maybe I am missing something. Vim points to lines with mouse and keybindings configurations.
    Thanks in advance.
    Here's desktop I want to achieve, but with terminus font:
    http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-5gmikgegCO4/T … -clean.png
    Last edited by Reznor (2013-03-03 13:03:11)

    Have you had a look in the xmonad config archive?
    I use xmonad with xmobar and trayer, but I don't have any experience with conky. I just run trayer from .xinitrc as:
    # Start trayer
    trayer --edge top --align right --SetDockType true --SetPartialStrut true \
    --expand true --width 3 --transparent true --alpha 0 --tint 0x000000 \
    --height 12 &
    # Set the cursor
    xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
    # Set keyboard layout
    setxkbmap -layout us -variant altgr-intl
    # Start xmonad
    exec xmonad
    and the following .xmobarrc configuration (with terminus font).
    Config { font = "-*-terminus-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-u"
    , bgColor = "#000000"
    , fgColor = "#FFFFFF"
    , border = NoBorder
    , borderColor = "#000000"
    , position = TopW L 97
    , lowerOnStart = True
    , hideOnStart = False
    , persistent = True
    , commands = [ Run Date "%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S" "date" 10
    , Run Com "volume.sh" [] "volume" 10
    , Run Wireless "wlan0" ["-t", "wlan0: <essid> <quality>%"] 10
    , Run Memory ["-t","Mem: <usedratio>%"] 10
    , Run Cpu ["-L","3","-H","50","--normal","#429942","--high","#A36666"] 10
    , Run Battery ["BAT0"] 60
    , Run CoreTemp ["-t", "Temp: <core0>C / <core1>C"] 10
    , Run StdinReader
    , sepChar = "%"
    , alignSep = "}{"
    , template = " %StdinReader% }{ %coretemp% <fc=#429942>|</fc> %battery% <fc=#429942>|</fc> %cpu% <fc=#429942>|</fc> %memory% <fc=#429942>|</fc> %wlan0wi% <fc=#429942>|</fc> Vol: %volume% <fc=#429942>|</fc> %date%"
    This has a static tray size with may be a problem for some people, but I never have more than two icons in it so it doesn't really matter much.
    If you are interested I've posted my xmonad.hs configuration file here as well, but actually I think it is way more complicated than what I actually need. It is very much based on the configuration file of Mr.Elendig (as I remember).
    -- xmonad.hs
    -- Compiler flags --
    {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
    -- Imports --
    import XMonad
    import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
    import qualified Data.Map as M
    import System.Exit
    import XMonad.Util.Run (safeSpawn, unsafeSpawn)
    import Graphics.X11.ExtraTypes.XF86
    -- Actions
    import XMonad.Actions.GridSelect
    -- Hooks
    import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
    import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers
    import XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName -- Used to impersonate LG3D
    import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook
    import XMonad.Hooks.InsertPosition
    -- Layouts
    import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
    import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile
    import XMonad.Layout.Renamed
    import XMonad.Layout.Spacing
    import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
    import XMonad.Layout.ThreeColumns
    -- Main --
    main :: IO ()
    main = xmonad =<< statusBar cmd pp kb conf
    uhook = withUrgencyHookC NoUrgencyHook urgentConfig
    cmd = "bash -c \"tee >(xmobar -x0) | xmobar -x1\""
    pp = customPP
    kb = toggleStrutsKey
    conf = uhook myConfig
    -- Configs --
    myConfig = defaultConfig { workspaces = workspaces'
    , modMask = modMask'
    , borderWidth = borderWidth'
    , normalBorderColor = normalBorderColor'
    , focusedBorderColor = focusedBorderColor'
    , terminal = terminal'
    , keys = keys'
    , layoutHook = layoutHook'
    , manageHook = manageHook'
    -- Impersonate "LG3D" to make Maple work
    , startupHook = setWMName "LG3D"
    -- Window Management --
    manageHook' = composeAll [ isFullscreen --> doFullFloat
    , className =? "MPlayer" --> doFloat
    , className =? "mplayer2" --> doFloat
    , className =? "Gimp" --> doFloat
    , insertPosition Below Newer
    , transience'
    -- Looks --
    -- Xmobar
    customPP = defaultPP { ppCurrent = xmobarColor "#429942" "" . wrap "<" ">"
    , ppHidden = xmobarColor "#FFFFFF" ""
    , ppUrgent = xmobarColor "#FFFFAF" "" . wrap "[" "]"
    , ppLayout = xmobarColor "#FFFFFF" ""
    , ppTitle = xmobarColor "#00FF00" "" . shorten 70
    , ppSep = xmobarColor "#F0F0F0" "" " | "
    -- GridSelect
    myGSConfig = defaultGSConfig { gs_cellwidth = 160 }
    -- Urgent notification
    urgentConfig = UrgencyConfig { suppressWhen = Focused, remindWhen = Dont }
    -- Borders
    borderWidth' = 2
    normalBorderColor' = "#333333"
    focusedBorderColor' = "#FF0000"
    -- Tabs
    tabTheme1 = defaultTheme { decoHeight = 16
    , activeColor = "#a6c292"
    , activeBorderColor = "#a6c292"
    , activeTextColor = "#000000"
    , inactiveBorderColor = "#000000"
    -- Workspaces
    workspaces' = map show [1..9]
    -- Layouts --
    layoutHook' = tile ||| full
    rt = ResizableTall 1 (2/100) (1/2) []
    tile = renamed [Replace "Tile"] $ smartBorders $ rt
    full = renamed [Replace "Full"] $ noBorders $ Full
    --tab = renamed [Replace "Tab" ] $ noBorders $ tabbed shrinkText tabTheme1
    --spacedTile = spacing 30 $ ThreeColMid 1 (2/100) (1/3)
    -- Terminal --
    terminal' = "urxvt"
    -- Keys/Button bindings --
    -- Set modMask to mod4Mask (windows key)
    modMask' = mod4Mask
    -- Key bindings
    toggleStrutsKey :: XConfig Layout -> (KeyMask, KeySym)
    toggleStrutsKey XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modMask} = (modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_b)
    keys' :: XConfig Layout -> M.Map (KeyMask, KeySym) (X ())
    keys' conf@(XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modMask}) = M.fromList $
    -- Launching and killing programs
    [ ((modMask, xK_Return), safeSpawn (XMonad.terminal conf) [])
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_c ), kill)
    , ((modMask, xK_p ), safeSpawn "dmenu_run" [])
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_p ), safeSpawn "gmrun" [])
    , ((modMask, xK_b ), safeSpawn "firefox" [])
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_t ), safeSpawn "thunderbird" [])
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_m ), safeSpawn "urxvt" ["-e", "mutt"])
    , ((modMask, xK_f ), safeSpawn "urxvt" ["-e", "ranger"])
    -- Power management / screen lock
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Delete),
    unsafeSpawn "alock -bg shade:shade=20 -cursor glyph -auth pam >&/dev/null")
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_F12 ), unsafeSpawn "systemctl suspend")
    -- Multimedia
    , ((0, xF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume ), safeSpawn "amixer" ["-q", "set", "Master", "2+"])
    , ((0, xF86XK_AudioLowerVolume ), safeSpawn "amixer" ["-q", "set", "Master", "2-"])
    , ((0, xF86XK_AudioMute ), safeSpawn "amixer" ["-q", "set", "Master", "toggle"])
    , ((0, xF86XK_AudioPlay ), safeSpawn "ncmpcpp" ["play"])
    , ((0, xF86XK_AudioNext ), safeSpawn "ncmpcpp" ["next"])
    , ((0, xF86XK_AudioPrev ), safeSpawn "ncmpcpp" ["prev"])
    , ((0, xF86XK_AudioStop ), safeSpawn "ncmpcpp" ["stop"])
    -- Grid
    , ((modMask, xK_g ), goToSelected myGSConfig)
    -- Layouts
    , ((modMask, xK_space ), sendMessage NextLayout)
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_space ), setLayout $ XMonad.layoutHook conf)
    -- Floating layer stuff
    , ((modMask, xK_t ), withFocused $ windows . W.sink)
    -- Refresh
    , ((modMask, xK_n ), refresh)
    -- Focus
    , ((modMask, xK_Tab ), windows W.focusDown)
    , ((modMask, xK_j ), windows W.focusDown)
    , ((modMask, xK_k ), windows W.focusUp)
    , ((modMask, xK_m ), windows W.focusMaster)
    -- Swapping
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Return), windows W.swapMaster)
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_j ), windows W.swapDown )
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_k ), windows W.swapUp )
    -- Increase or decrease number of windows in the master area
    , ((modMask , xK_comma ), sendMessage (IncMasterN 1))
    , ((modMask , xK_period), sendMessage (IncMasterN (-1)))
    -- Resizing
    , ((modMask, xK_h ), sendMessage Shrink)
    , ((modMask, xK_l ), sendMessage Expand)
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_h ), sendMessage MirrorShrink)
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_l ), sendMessage MirrorExpand)
    -- Quit, or restart
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_q ), io (exitWith ExitSuccess))
    , ((modMask , xK_q ), spawn "xmonad --recompile; xmonad --restart")
    -- mod-[1..9] %! Switch to workspace N
    -- mod-shift-[1..9] %! Move client to workspace N
    [((m .|. modMask, k), windows $ f i)
    | (i, k) <- zip (XMonad.workspaces conf) [xK_1 .. xK_9]
    , (f, m) <- [(W.greedyView, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]]
    -- mod-[w,e] %! switch to twinview screen 1/2
    -- mod-shift-[w,e] %! move window to screen 1/2
    [((m .|. modMask, key), screenWorkspace sc >>= flip whenJust (windows . f))
    | (key, sc) <- zip [xK_w, xK_e] [0..]
    , (f, m) <- [(W.view, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]]
    Last edited by akh (2013-03-31 22:50:56)

  • Xmonad and pidgin conversation windows

    Not sure if this is a Pidgin related problem, but I'm trying to get urgencyhook to work with new conversation windows in Pidgin - it doesn't trigger an urgent before I focus the conversation window and send a new message (from another workspace.. text based MSN client).
    So basicly this is what's happening..
    I write "Open new window please.." and a new conversation window is opened on workspace "im" - if I go to the "im" workspace and focus the conversation window, then go back to workspace 3 "code", and type another message.. I receive the urgent notification.
    Anyone had this problem? I would love it to notify when opening a new conversation window. Using the "Message Notification" plugin for Pidgin.

    Incredibly fast.. this post is already on Google hehe.
    Ok, so.. I edited the notify plugin (Message Notification), in src/src/pidgin-2.7.0/pidgin/plugins/ to print a debug message whenever a conersation window was opened, and it does:
    (17:47:30) gtkspell: Failed to setup GtkSpell: enchant error for language: en_US.UTF-8
    (17:47:30) gtkconv: setting active conversation on toolbar 0x983b110
    (17:47:30) gtkconv: setting active conversation on toolbar 0x983b110
    (17:47:30) prefs: /pidgin/conversations/toolbar/wide changed, scheduling save.
    (17:47:31) notify: ***** CONVERSATION CREATED *****
    (17:47:31) prefs: /pidgin/conversations/im/y changed, scheduling save.
    static void
    conv_created(PurpleConversation *conv)
    purple_conversation_set_data(conv, "notify-message-count",
    purple_debug_misc("notify", "***** CONVERSATION CREATED *****\n");
    /* always attach the signals, notify() will take care of conversation
    * type checking */
    Uhm, so.. it should notify, and it's being triggered. The problem must lie somewhere else.

  • Beware of Scammer!!!

    I have been getting persistent Skype calls from a Notification Urgent Alert thing. It tells me to go to a website, and when I do, it's an obvious malware site. It tells me that my computer isn't protected from viruses, and shows me a list of supposedly fatal viruses that my computer has. I know for a fact that my computer is clean because I have Norton Antivirus and Antispyware installed and running constantly. I have blocked this person several times and they persist in calling.
    I hadn't set my privacy settings earlier because I was trying to rebuild my contacts list. (I had been offline for a year and seemed to have lost my original Skype account, so I started a new one.)  I wanted to warn everyone to this scammer. The name on the account is Teresa Gracia (maytegracia) and in the titlebar of the call it always says "URGENT NOTIFICATION ALERT." I am warning everyone because I know there are older folks here and something like that would make them think that Skype is trying to contact them for something. Is anyone else receiving calls from this person?

    One suggestion for Nokia, which they should have done it from day 1 for all smart phones.
    Please implement ONE SWITCH to disable 3G DATA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Your customers do not want to go over each application settings to turn off 3G data. You already know some apps support default destination, some dont (ie must specify the access pt).
    Current workaround is to go offline and allow WiFi, but it cut's off SMS and voice!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Notification to Manager on creation of an Urgent Change Control

    Trying to set up a notification subscription so that when someone creates an Urgent Change Control, the Manager of that person gets notified. Looking in the subscription, under Recipients not sure what to put there. Since it could be anyone that creates
    the CC, how do you direct the notification to just that persons Manager?
    I am sure it has something to do with the Template that is used and the Activity tab but not sure what. Can someone get me started in the right direction or is this even possible?

    Alternatively, If you need the line manager to approve, you might try adding a review activity to the process and setting the "Line Manager must approve" checkbox on that activity. if you have set up standard review activity notifications,
    then the manager of whoever created the request will get a notice.
    if the user only needs to be notified, then you might set the approval method on that activity to "automatic" so the notification is sent, then the RA is automatically approved and the process can continue.

  • Urgent: Attachments in Requisition Workflow Notification

    Hi All,
    I am displaying attachments in the header level of a requisition notification. When I tried to open the attachment link from the email notification,it is asking for the apps login. Is there anyway to supress the login page as these attachments are stored in the same server.Please help me its bit urgent.
    Thanks in Advance!

    When you open the attachment from e-mail it will look for a valid application context. Enable Guest access to notifications as follows
    1- Set the WF: GUEST Access to Notification profile option to "Enabled" at the site level.
    (The default value for this profile option is "Disabled", which disables guest access.)
    2- Create a function grant assigning the WF_GUEST_GRANTS function set to the Guest user.
    a. Navigate to the Functional Administrator responsibility
    b. Choose the Security tab
    c. Click the Create Function Grant button to create a grant
    d. Enter the name of the grant. I(WF Guest Access)
    e. Enter today's date as the Effective Date
    f. Select "Specific User" in the Grantee type field
    g. Enter Guest as the Grantee
    h. Click Next
    i. Look for the "Workflow Guest User permission set" in the list of values.
    The other criteria to find it is Search by Code = WF_GUEST_GRANTS
    j. Click Next
    k. Click Finish
    l. Stop and restart Oracle HTTP Server
    j.In Oracle Applications Manager, stop and restart the service

  • Urgent: Regarding Sending Email Notifications

    Hi all,
    We have scenario in which we have to search those users who has not accessed their accounts from last 2 years and then send them an email notification and after one month of notificatio we have to search those users who have been notified but yet not accessed their account and delete those accounts from LDAP.
    For this we are using JNDI to search users. Now we are facing two problems:
    1. The users email ids are in the form of List. When we refer this list in To address of Email Template then it gives us an exception: Saying that service not responding, No recepient addresses while in case of hard coded values it runs successfully. I think this is due to that it requires a semicolon(;) seperated list to send email notification. Thats why we thought that we have to use some looping to send the notifications to one user at a time. But if there is any other solution, please suggest.
    2. For the scenario of the users to be deleted, how will we come to know whether after two years the users have been notified successfully??
    This is really urgent. Please suggest any idea regarding the above issues.
    Thanks & Regards
    Gaurav Jain

    The way to do it would be to put your human task inside a while loop. This while loop would set a variable to the approver's userid and would continue till all the four approve it. In your human task you need just one approver and that would be the variable which the while loop sets.
    If you do it this way, then you can use the OOTB notification tab in the .task and select the 'Assignee' as the email notification receiver and you won't have to worry about getting the email ids as well.
    As for the current approach which you have, that is of using the sequential approvers in the human task, I haven't tried it, but just try setting the notification tab in the .task to 'Assignee' and event 'On Assignment'. That should do it as well.

  • URGENT: Item apporvals / notifications in 9.0.2

    Hi all,
    are ther any known issues with portal 9.0.2 regarding setting up the approval/notification feature for items?
    I tried to get it up and running without success. I read all the available help pages and compared the guidlines there with my implementation and found no mistakes on my installation.
    My environment:
    Fresh Oracle9iAS v2 installation. I'm using the seeded portal repository coming with the infrastructure database.
    email: [email protected]

    There are no know inssues with approval/notofications of items.
    Could you please give some more detail regarding the nature of problem.


    ++I received this message on my computer this am, when I opened it:__
    __*For the link to become active, please click on 'Add to contacts' skype button or type it in manually into your web browser !*__
    __*ATTENTION ! Security Center has detected*__
    __*malware on your computer !*__
    __*Affected Software:*__
    __*Microsoft Windows Vista*__
    __*Microsoft Windows XP*__
    __*Microsoft Windows 2000*__
    __*Microsoft Windows Server 2003*__
    __*Impact of Vulnerability: Remote Code Execution / Virus Infection /*__
    __*Unexpected shutdowns*__
    __*Recommendation: Users running vulnerable version should install a repair utility immediately*__
    __*Your system IS affected, download the patch from the address below !*__
    __*Failure to do so may result in severe computer malfunction.*__
    __*For the link to become active, please click on 'Add to contacts' skype button or t_ype it in manually into your web browser!*_
    So should I respond, I don't use Windows and how did it get posted to my computer.


  • Creating notification (Its urgent Plz help)

    Hi All,
    I am asked to do a development for create notification such that if a person enter the measuring point greater than a specified limit say 60 which according to them is a dangerous point then a notification should be created and it should be triggered to the concerned person that the measuring point is at danger level. How could i achieve this functionality, how should i proceed, the transaction in which they needed this functionality  is IK11.
    What  should i do , how to proceed please help me out as its urgent issue.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Rachit Khanna

    <u>check the following fun modules based on it</u>
    <b>2078 BAPIs for quality notifications</b>
    BAPI_QNOTIFICAT_CREATE Create quality notification
    BAPI_QNOTIFICAT_GETCATALPROFIL Determine Catalog Profile for Quality Notification
    BAPI_QNOTIFICAT_GETKEYFIGURES Determines Existing Quality Notifications
    BAPI_QNOTIFICAT_GETLISTFORCUST Select quality notifications for a customer
    BAPI_QNOTIFICAT_GETMATLISTFCUS Select a Customer Material List for Quality Notifications
    <b>EEWM_SV_NTF IS-U-WM: Service Notifications</b>
    BAPI_ISUSMNOTIF_CREATEMULTIPLE Create service notifications
    BAPI_ISUSMNOTIF_SETCOMPLETED Set Service Notification to Completed
    BAPI_ISUSMNOTIF_USERSTATUSSET Set User Status for Notification
    <b>IWOPM BAPI Functions for PM/CS Notifications</b>
    BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_CHANGEUSRSTAT Change User Status of a PM/CS Notification
    BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_CLOSE Complete PM/CS Notification
    BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_CREATE Create PM/CS Notification
    BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_DATA_ADD PM/CS Notification: Add Data
    BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_DATA_DELETE PM/CS Notification: Delete Data
    BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_DATA_MODIFY PM/CS Notification: Change Data
    BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_GET_DETAIL PM/CS Notification: Read Detail Data
    BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_LIST_EQUI Select PM/CS Notifications by Equipment
    BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_LIST_FUNCLOC Select PM/CS Notifications by Functional Locations
    BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_LIST_PARTNER Select PM/CS Notifications by Partners
    BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_LIST_PLANGROUP Select PM/CS Notifications by Maintenance Planner Group
    BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_LIST_SORTFIELD Select PM/CS Notifications by Sort Field
    BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_POSTPONE Reset PM/CS Notification
    BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_SAVE Save PM/CS Notification
    BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_TASK_COMPLETE PM/CS Notification: Complete Task
    BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_TASK_RELEASE PM/CS Notification: Release Task
    BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_TASK_SUCCESS PM/CS Notification: Set Task to Successful
    <b>IWWW BAPIs for Eqpt. + Service Notifications</b>
    BAPI_SERVICENOTIFICAT_CREATE Create service notification
    BAPI_SERVICENOTIFICAT_GETLIST Select service notifications according to customer or contact person
    Reward points for useful Answers

  • HT1338 How to get rid of Apple Support Community notices, my box is full I receive thousand a day and I really cannot handle it.  Please help, I cannot find the notification tad in my "preferences"  I have Mac OS X 10.7.5.  Please help it is urgent

    How to get rid of Apple Support Community notices?  my box is full as I receive thousand of messages a day.  I cannot handle it anymore, please it is urgent.  Help!  I have Mac OS X 10.7.5 and unable to find the "notification tab" in my "preferences"  I need a image if possible to better understand.  Thanks a lot.

    Thank you, but I just  tried everything you said, my apple id account (icloud) continues and still is receiving the email from ASC each second.  My i phone and macpro (i cloud account) is full of messages that I have difficult to erase at once.  I have to do it one by one which can take me the whole day.  How can i unsucribe from ASC, just get ride of my account, I mean cancel the ASC account, so I will not get any messages.  Please help.  Thanks.

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