I am 2 days old in the industry.
i want code for MS Sql connection and to insert current date into Log_book table data through form submition.

I hrushi, New into the industry, I just got through ur example it very explanatory,
PLZ help me with the errors there in "problem is code is not running"
my architecture is
IDE : myeclipse
Iam now handling my first task, for "Work Flow Mgmt".
in which i need the userid n staff no n dept should be taken directly on to the form through session.
which i was able to do through mapping in Struts and database connection through hibernate
I am posting my code here for buggs plz can u debug the errors leaving the developed classes
<%@page contentType="text/html" import="java.io.*,java.sql.*,javax.sql.*,java.util.*"%>
<%@ page import="java.util.*"%>
<%@ page import=" java.math.*"%>
<%@ page import="com.mymcsb.ewms.api.*"%>
<%@ page import="com.mymcsb.wf.web.*"%>
<%@ page import="org.apache.commons.lang.*"%>
< %@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
String formType = "BOOK_BORROWER";
String viewType = (String) session.getAttribute(WfKeys.VIEW_TYPE);
System.out.println("viewType: " + viewType);
String categoryId = (String) session
RoutedData formData = (RoutedData) session
ApplicationContext applicationContext = (ApplicationContext) session
boolean isOriginator = true;
if (viewType.equals(ViewTypes.REFERENCE_VIEW)
|| viewType.equals(ViewTypes.PROCESS_VIEW)) {
isOriginator = false;
System.out.println("documentTitle: "
+ formData.get("documentTitle"));
String lStrBookTitle = request.getParameter("booktitle");
System.out.println("BT "+lStrBookTitle);
String available = "N";
String bookavailable="N";
if(lStrBookTitle != null && !lStrBookTitle.trim().equals(""))
Class.forName(" sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:book","scott","tiger");
PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement("select available from book_details where upper(document_title) like '%"+lStrBookTitle.toUpperCase()+"%'");
ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery();
available = rs.getString("AVAILABLE");
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Error "+e);
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Book Borrower</title>
function fnSearch()
alert("Enter book title...");
return false;
function ewms_action_validate(){
return ewms_validate();
function ewms_validate() {
return true;
function fnSearch(documentNo) {
document.frmReturn.action =
"/wms/retrieve_lib_log?documentNo=" + documentNo;
document.frmReturn.target = "_top";
<body bgcolor=#ffffcc text=green>
<h1><center> Library pages..</h1></center><hr>
<form align="center" name="frmReturn"><input type="hidden"
name="FormType" id="FormType" value="<%=formType%>" />
<table width="400" border="1" height="82" align="center">
<td width="150"> DOCUMENT NO</td>
<td> <input type="text" name="DocumentNo"
onchange="fnSearch( this.value)"
<td>  <%= formData.get("documentTitle")%></td>
<td>  NAME</td>
<td>  <%=formData.get("name")%></td>
<td>  STAFF NO</td>
<td>  <%=formData.get("staffNo")%></td>
<td>  SECTION</td>
<td>  <%=formData.get("staffSection")%></td>
<td>  <%=formData.get ("dateTaken")%></td>
<td>  DUE RETURN DATE</td>
<td>  <%=formData.get("dateTaken")%></td>
<td> <%=formData.get("dateReturn")%></td>
<td width="1000">  REMARK</td>
<td> <TEXTAREA wrap="virtual" name="Comments" rows=3
<form align="center" name="ChkAvailabilty">
<table width="350" border="0" height="82">
<td><input type="text" name="booktitle" value="<%=lStrBookTitle%>">
<input type="button" name="booksearch" value="Search" onclick="fnSearch()">
if( bookavailable.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("Y"))
Available = <%=available%>
Title not in library
librarylog is my classfile name it hibernate file
package com.mymcsb.tnb.logic;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionRedirect;
import org.apache.struts.actions.MappingDispatchAction ;
import org.hibernate.Criteria;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions;
import com.mymcsb.ewms.RoutedDataImpl;
import com.mymcsb.tnb.entity.LibraryLog;
import com.mymcsb.util.HibernateUtil;
import com.mymcsb.wf.web.WfKeys;
public class BookBorrower extends MappingDispatchAction {
public ActionForward search(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
HttpSession session = req.getSession(false);
RoutedDataImpl rd = null;
String documentNo = req.getParameter("DocumentNo");
rd = doCreateRoutedData(documentNo, rd);
session.setAttribute(WfKeys.FORM_DATA , rd);
ActionForward af = mapping.findForward("success");
ActionRedirect ar = new ActionRedirect(af);
ar.addParameter("view", "create");
ar.addParameter("catid", ((String)session.getAttribute( WfKeys.WORKITEM_CATEGORY_ID)));
return ar;
private static RoutedDataImpl doCreateRoutedData(String documentNo, RoutedDataImpl rd) {
Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>();
//search for documentNo
List result = doGetLibraryLogByDocNo(documentNo);
System.out.println("result size: " + result.size());
if(result.size() > 0) {
LibraryLog lg = (LibraryLog)result.get(0);
data.put("documentTitle", lg.getDocumentTitle());
data.put("name", lg.getName());
data.put("staffNo", lg.getStaffNo());
data.put("staffSection", lg.getStaffSection ());
if(rd == null) {
rd = new RoutedDataImpl(data);
} else {
for(Iterator iter = data.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
String key = (String)iter.next();
rd.set(key, data.get(key));
return rd;
public static List<LibraryLog> doGetLibraryLogByDocNo(String documentNo) {
Session session = HibernateUtil.currentSession ();
Criteria cri = session.createCriteria(LibraryLog.class);
cri.add(Restrictions.eq("documentNo", documentNo));
List<LibraryLog> result = cri.list();
return result;
package com.mymcsb.tnb.entity;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.*;
public class LibraryLog implements Serializable {
private Integer docId;
private String documentNo;
private String documentTitle;
private String name;
private String staffNo;
private String staffSection;
private Date dateTaken;
private Date dateReturn;
private String remark;
public Date getDateReturn() {
return dateReturn;
public void setDateReturn(Date dateReturn) {
this.dateReturn = dateReturn;
public Date getDateTaken() {
return dateTaken;
public void setDateTaken(Date dateTaken) {
this.dateTaken = dateTaken;
public Integer getDocId() {
return docId;
public void setDocId(Integer docId) {
this.docId = docId;
public String getDocumentNo() {
return documentNo;
public void setDocumentNo(String documentNo) {
this.documentNo = documentNo;
public String getDocumentTitle() {
return documentTitle;
public void setDocumentTitle(String documentTitle) {
this.documentTitle = documentTitle;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getRemark() {
return remark;
public void setRemark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
public String getStaffNo() {
return staffNo;
public void setStaffNo(String staffNo) {
this.staffNo = staffNo;
public String getStaffSection() {
return staffSection;
public void setStaffSection(String staffSection) {
this.staffSection = staffSection;

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    Sorry, I should have mentioned that. On my MBP in normal working, the fans will tick over at about 2,200 rpm.. If I am pushing things, or if an application gets out of control (the Firefox beta did this last week), I can expect them to run about 5,500 rpm or a bit more, although they soon begin to reduce speed, particularly once that application has finished what it was doing (or in the case of FF when I forced it to quit).
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    cmExit = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);
    tbViewer = new TextBox("Viewer", "", 250, TextField.ANY);
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    private void viewFile() throws IOException
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    InputStream iStrm = null;
    // Create the connection
    http = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(url);
    // Client Request
    // 1) Send request method
    // 2) Send header information (this header is optional)
    http.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0");
    // 3) Send body/data - No data for this request
    // Server Response
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    System.out.println("Code: " + http.getResponseCode());
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    byte serverData[] = new byte[length];
    tbViewer.setString(new String(serverData));
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    // Clean up
    if (iStrm != null)
    if (http != null)
    public void pauseApp()
    public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)
    public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s)
    if (c == cmView)
    catch (Exception e)
    else if (c == cmExit)
    If some body has knowledge why this error is coming plz share wiht me Its urgent .
    Thanks in advance.

    No, the "-g" version just means it has the debug flag turned on when they compile it.
    Your problem is CLASSPATH and how to set it properly.
    Use the -classpath option on java.exe when you run. Read the javadocs on the tools to find out how.

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    Thu Nov 24 10:50:36 IST 2011
    ksvcreate: Process(q003) creation failed
    Thu Nov 24 10:56:21 IST 2011
    ksvcreate: Process(m000) creation failed
    Thu Nov 24 11:03:30 IST 2011
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    Thu Nov 24 11:03:30 IST 2011
    Errors in file /appl2/oracle2/proddb/10.2.0/admin/PROD_winsome/bdump/prod_cjq0_13539.trc:
    Thu Nov 24 11:04:21 IST 2011
    Beginning log switch checkpoint up to RBA [0x25b4.2.10], SCN: 14824976075
    Thu Nov 24 11:04:21 IST 2011
    Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 9652 (LGWR switch)
    Current log# 8 seq# 9652 mem# 0: /log1/PROD/log08a.dbf
    Current log# 8 seq# 9652 mem# 1: /log1/PROD/log08b.dbf
    Thu Nov 24 11:06:40 IST 2011
    ksvcreate: Process(m000) creation failed
    Thu Nov 24 11:10:00 IST 2011
    Completed checkpoint up to RBA [0x25b4.2.10], SCN: 14824976075
    Thu Nov 24 11:10:34 IST 2011
    kkjcre1p: unable to spawn jobq slave process
    Thu Nov 24 11:10:34 IST 2011
    Errors in file /appl2/oracle2/proddb/10.2.0/admin/PROD_winsome/bdump/prod_cjq0_13539.trc:
    Thu Nov 24 11:12:55 IST 2011
    ksvcreate: Process(q000) creation failed
    Thu Nov 24 11:15:12 IST 2011
    kkjcre1p: unable to spawn jobq slave process
    Thu Nov 24 11:15:12 IST 2011
    Errors in file /appl2/oracle2/proddb/10.2.0/admin/PROD_winsome/bdump/prod_cjq0_13539.trc:
    Thu Nov 24 11:17:14 IST 2011
    ksvcreate: Process(m000) creation failed
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    in trc file
    $ cat prod_cjq0_13539.trc
    Dump file /appl2/oracle2/proddb/10.2.0/admin/PROD_winsome/bdump/prod_cjq0_13539.
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    ORACLE_HOME = /appl2/oracle2/proddb/10.2.0
    System name: SunOS
    Node name: devserver
    Release: 5.9
    Version: Generic_118558-06
    Machine: sun4u
    Instance name: PROD
    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
    Oracle process number: 10
    Unix process pid: 13539, image: oracle@devserver (CJQ0)
    *** 2011-11-24 10:57:22.769
    *** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$BACKGROUND) 2011-11-24 10:57:22.430
    *** SESSION ID:(392.1) 2011-11-24 10:57:22.430
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 60 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 10:57:32.840
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 70 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 10:57:42.940
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 80 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 10:57:53.030
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 90 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 10:58:03.120
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 100 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 10:58:13.200
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 110 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:03:30.801
    *** 2011-11-24 11:07:41.160
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 60 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:07:51.240
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 70 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:08:01.320
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 80 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:08:11.390
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 90 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:08:21.480
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 100 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:08:31.580
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 110 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:10:34.930
    *** 2011-11-24 11:13:56.060
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 60 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:14:06.150
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 70 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:14:16.250
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 80 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:14:26.330
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 90 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:14:36.410
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 100 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:14:46.480
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 110 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:15:12.996
    *** 2011-11-24 11:18:15.140
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 60 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:18:25.240
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 70 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:18:35.340
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 80 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:18:53.340
    Waited for process J000 to initialize for 90 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:18:53.340
    Process diagnostic dump for J000, OS id=3356
    *** 2011-11-24 11:19:29.960
    loadavg : 0.08 0.25 0.78
    swap info: free_mem = 91.27M rsv = 10468.67M
    alloc = 9840.79M avail = 291.52 swap_free = 919.41M
    skgpgcmdout: read() for cmd /bin/ps -elf | /bin/egrep 'PID | 3356' | /bin/grep -
    v grep timed out after 15.000 seconds
    Skipping stack dump because max dump time exceeded.
    Process diagnostic dump actual duration=36.292000 sec
    (max dump time=30.000000 sec)
    *** 2011-11-24 11:19:29.960
    *** 2011-11-24 11:19:40.060
    Waited for process J000 to initialize for 100 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:19:40.060
    Process diagnostic dump for J000, OS id=3356
    *** 2011-11-24 11:20:08.770
    loadavg : 0.27 0.28 0.77
    swap info: free_mem = 92.57M rsv = 10465.16M
    alloc = 9837.60M avail = 297.86 swap_free = 925.42M
    skgpgcmdout: read() for cmd /bin/ps -elf | /bin/egrep 'PID | 3356' | /bin/grep -
    v grep timed out after 15.000 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:20:51.830
    skgpgcmdout: read() for cmd /bin/sh -c '/usr/proc/bin/pstack 3356 2>&1' timed ou
    t after 1.290 seconds
    Process diagnostic dump actual duration=1 min 11 sec
    (max dump time=30.000000 sec)
    *** 2011-11-24 11:20:51.830
    *** 2011-11-24 11:21:01.930
    Waited for process J000 to initialize for 110 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:21:01.930
    Process diagnostic dump for J000, OS id=3356
    loadavg : 0.12 0.24 0.71
    swap info: free_mem = 91.25M rsv = 10487.99M
    alloc = 9844.82M avail = 272.81 swap_free = 915.98M
    8 Z oracle2 3356 1 0 0 0
    :00 <defunct>
    *** 2011-11-24 11:22:36.567
    Skipping stack dump because max dump time exceeded.
    Process diagnostic dump actual duration=1 min 34 sec
    (max dump time=30.000000 sec)
    *** 2011-11-24 11:22:36.567
    Killing process (ospid 3356): (reason=x4 error=0)
    ... and the process is still alive after kill!
    *** 2011-11-24 11:28:16.400
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 60 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:28:26.470
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 70 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:28:36.560
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 80 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:28:46.640
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 90 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:28:56.730
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 100 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:29:06.810
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 110 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:29:48.503
    *** 2011-11-24 11:35:26.030
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 60 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:35:36.130
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 70 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:35:46.210
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 80 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:35:56.310
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 90 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:36:06.390
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 100 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:36:16.490
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 110 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:38:51.157
    *** 2011-11-24 11:47:42.830
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 60 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:47:52.910
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 70 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:48:03.000
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 80 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:48:13.060
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 90 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:48:23.140
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 100 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:48:33.230
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 110 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:49:12.586
    *** 2011-11-24 11:52:35.420
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 60 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:52:45.520
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 70 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:52:55.610
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 80 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:53:05.700
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 90 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:53:15.790
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 100 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:53:25.890
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 110 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:53:59.129
    *** 2011-11-24 11:57:08.260
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 60 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:57:18.350
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 70 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:57:28.450
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 80 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:57:38.540
    Waited for process J000 to be spawned for 90 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:57:48.640
    Waited for process J000 to initialize for 100 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:57:48.640
    Process diagnostic dump for J000, OS id=4205
    loadavg : 0.22 0.33 0.67
    swap info: free_mem = 91.70M rsv = 10505.02M
    alloc = 9858.01M avail = 251.46 swap_free = 898.47M
    8 S oracle2 4205 1 0 39 20 ? 410092 ? 11:57:12 ? 0
    :00 ora_j000_PROD
    *** 2011-11-24 11:58:28.337
    Skipping stack dump because max dump time exceeded.
    Process diagnostic dump actual duration=39.697000 sec
    (max dump time=30.000000 sec)
    *** 2011-11-24 11:58:28.337
    *** 2011-11-24 11:58:38.430
    Waited for process J000 to initialize for 110 seconds
    *** 2011-11-24 11:58:38.430
    Process diagnostic dump for J000, OS id=4205
    *** 2011-11-24 11:59:10.850
    loadavg : 0.59 0.40 0.68
    swap info: free_mem = 91.31M rsv = 10505.02M
    alloc = 9858.01M avail = 251.19 swap_free = 898.20M
    skgpgcmdout: read() for cmd /bin/ps -elf | /bin/egrep 'PID | 4205' | /bin/grep -
    v grep timed out after 15.000 seconds
    Skipping stack dump because max dump time exceeded.
    Process diagnostic dump actual duration=32.420000 sec
    (max dump time=30.000000 sec)
    *** 2011-11-24 11:59:10.850
    Killing process (ospid 4205): (reason=x4 error=0)
    ... and the process is still alive after kill!
    now i am not able to connect database

    Please see these docs.
    Ksvcreate: Process(M001) Creation Failed , Database hang [ID 1233079.1]
    ORA-00610 And/Or "unable to spawn jobq slave process " And/Or "Process(<>) creation failed" In The Alert Log And/Or TNS-12518/ TNS-12500 In Listener Log [ID 416244.1]
    ORA-27300 ORA-27301 ORA-27302 ORA-27303 skgpspawn5 [ID 1125188.1]
    Database Crashes With Ora-00449 and Ora-00601 [ID 730287.1]
    If this is your production database, please log a severity 1 SR!

  • Hi how can i implement the scenario.......plz reply asap.........

    HI folks,
    i have a typical problem in bex .
    my scenario is:i am having 2 values say 'x','y'.
    i want to implement a formula like x-y.
    if the x value is negative then i have to get the result as negative after the 'y' value get subtracted.if 'x' is positive, i have to get positive value after subtracting 'y' value.
    please let me know how can i implement this scenario in bex.
    by using a formaula or condition or anything else. please let me know clearly including the expression asap.
    Best reagards,


  • URGENT need reply asap, PLEASE

    I need to know if and where if it does that MS shows or has any posting that says that after a critical update you are forced to within 24hours reboot.. I have yet to find squat on this however it is being pushed in an issue. I would appreciate any information.
    I know it says it requires a reboot however I need to know where it says after 24 hours it will reboot them. Can I get someone to answer this as soon as possible..
    Daryl Craft

    You probably have the "Delay Restart for scheduled installations" configured as a group policy or registry settings on the clients. There is no mandatory 24 hour restart as far as I am aware so it will be something local to your setup.
    Certainly a review of your Windows Updates options would be the best place to start.

  • Email / Print Option in E-Recruiting (Urgent -- Plz reply Immediately)

    Dear SDN Members..
    With the support of sdn team members.. we are able to finish 80%of e-rec job...
    Now the only problem we are facing, is with email / Print option...which  we are unable to see in the recruiter page...
    In the Corresponce Page we are able to see all the Planned activities..... but we are unable to send those documents.. as a result we are unable to complete those  activies...
    Kindly let meknow if we are missing any settings...
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Raghu,
    could you please check the table entries in T77RCF_CS_CHAN and its text table T77RCF_CS_CHAN_T? It seems, that the table entries are missing there. You should have the table entries for the channels 'E_MAIL' and 'PRINTER' in T77RCF_CS_CHAN. In table T77RCF_CS_CHAN_T you should have the descriptions for both channels in your logon language.
    In addition you could check with transaction slg1, if there is any entry in application log. Error messages can be found in application log. The protocol ofthen helps resolving problems.
    Best Regards, Michael

  • "**Urgent**" Please reply asap! Where can I find the 64 bit installer for latest Firefox (8.0) for MAC OS X ?

    I tried looking for the same at :
    and http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox//all.html
    but these locations only show single build for MAC which I am assuming is 32-bit.

    No, on Mac the installer is an i386/x86_64 universal binary. So both versions are in the same file.

  • I dont want in some sites auto fill the password but rather i want if i put atleast three correct entry then the password box be auto filled...plz reply asap...

    dont auto fill d password in some sites but auto fill after atleast three correct entry..as gmail other member r also used this...

    You can disable auto-fill (I'm using this as well), but you can't delay this by having to enter the same name more than once.
    You can set the Boolean pref <b>signon.autofillForms</b> to <i>false</i> on the <b>about:config</b> page.
    *You can open the <b>about:config</b> page via the location bar and accept the warning

  • Reports of WBS Elements plz reply

    we have one SAP standard reports for WBS elements ( plan/actual/variance) and one whichis customized project management report in Projects systems but both the reports are showing different balance.
    is there any particular reason for showing different balance for both actual and budget colum?
    plz reply asap

    please try to use Co Object Name field with sub total

  • Very urgent urgent plz somebody help me to this question..

    hai plz somebody reply me?
    I have created materialized view for my report.
    but i cant seem them used in sql inspector tab.its directly querried from tables..
    but i want to use materialized view in my report to enhance theperformance..plz help me..
    i checked my privlleges...but i am struggling for this 1week..i could not find where it goes wrong..
    grant CREATE TABLE to <user>;
    SQL> grant CREATE VIEW to <user>;
    SQL> grant CREATE PROCEDURE to <user>;
    SQL> grant DROP ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW to <user>;
    SQL> grant GLOBAL QUERY REWRITE to <user> with admin option;
    SQL> grant ANALYZE ANY to <user>;
    SQL> grant SELECT ON V_$PARAMETER to <user>;
    the above privellegs have been given to the owner of the EUL.
    But i cant see the usage of materialized view..i have sent plus option,query governor tab-always when summary table visible option..but still not solved?
    plz reply me urgently its very urgent...

    If Swahili is not on the list and you would like to recommend it to Apple, please tell them at http://apple.com/feedback
    This is the User support forums operated by users just like yourself.  Apple rarely appears here.

  • How to install adapters in pi 7.0 ex(tibco adapter) its urgent plz help

    hi  friends
                   can any one help me how  to insatlll  the tibco adapter in pi 7.0 its urgent plz help
    thanks in advance

    Hi Raj,
    Is  your Sender System  Tibco If  so  Use  JMS Adapter  to get  the Data from tibco  and Use  IDOC  Adapter  to Post  in R3. For this you no need to Install any Adapter in XI System.
    Similar discussions ,
    XI integration with Tibco
    XI Integration with Tibco EMS (Using JMS Adapter)
    Agasthuri Doss

  • Blackberry app world team plz reply

    hi blackberry app world team,
    merry Christmas!
    plz reply of this thread, we are suffering with that....
    Thanks & Regards

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  • HT1725 Downloading problems! Reply ASAP please!!

    I was downloading a movie but i paused the downloading before i shut down the computer. So now when i turned on my itunes again, it says i purchased a movie and that a download is on hold but when i clicked the Download Now button, nothing happens. I need help. I dont' know what's wrong with it. Please reply ASAP!

    Videora is not made by, supported by or distribiuted by Apple.
    This is an Apple support site-not videora.
    Go get support from them for their bug ridden software.

  • How to put continuos (desired format) of dates in numbers spreadsheet and how to do it? please reply asap i need it..

    how to put continuos (desired format) of dates in numbers spreadsheet and how to do it? please reply asap i need it..

    This is the definition for "continuo" from Apple's dictionary:
    continuo |kənˈtinyəˌwō | (also basso continuo) noun (pl. continuos) (in baroque music) an accompanying part that includes a bass line and harmonies, typically played on a keyboard instrument and with other instruments such as cello or bass viol.
    Presumably you mean something else. Your chances of getting replies that can help you will improve with a clearly stated question.

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