URL in applets

Im creating a client - server program with the client being an applet.
On the server the applet class files are in, say c:/webServer/applet . Now I want to access pictures in, for example c:/webServer/images . So they are on the host computer but not in the codebase directory. Ive tried a few things but Im not that used to working with URLs and especially not on applets where there are security restrictions as well.
Appriciate any help or tips.

Can someone please type the code(it shouldnt be more than one line).
Ive tried
ImageIcon(new URL(dealer.MyApplet.getCodeBase(), "../" + path), description);
but that just gives an exception.
this one works
java.net.URL imgURL = MyApplet.class.getResource(path); (then putting it in an ImageIcon constructor)
but I dont know how or if I can get to the folder I want with that one.
Would realy appreciate an answer since I need it soon and don't have time to search(got ALOT to do at the moment).

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    /*    <applet code="AppletRead" width="400" height="300"></applet>
    *    use >appletviewer AppletRead.java
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class AppletRead extends JApplet {
      static boolean isApplet = true;
      public void init() {
        String file = "AppletRead.java";
        String address;
          address = getCodeBase() + file;
          address = "file:" +
                     System.getProperty("user.dir") +
                     System.getProperty("file.separator") +
        JEditorPane editorPane = new JEditorPane();
        try {
          URL url = new URL(address);                  // either of these two
    //      URL url = getClass().getResource(file);    // methods works okay
          System.out.println("url = " + url);
        catch(MalformedURLException murle) {
        catch(IOException ioe) {
        getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(editorPane));
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        JFrame f = new JFrame();
        JApplet applet = new AppletRead();
        isApplet = false;

  • Open URL from Applet

    Hi, I have read through past posted messages to try to figure out my problem, but it has not helped. I am trying to open up a browser depending on which link is selected in the drop-down list box. Nothing happens when I click the button so I have hard-coded the link to just see if a browser will open. And, still, nothing happens.
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    public class Searcher extends Applet implements ActionListener {
      static String[] siteNames = {
      static String[] siteURLs = {
      Choice searchChooser;
      Button searchButton;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
       Button source = (Button) evt.getSource();
        if (source.getLabel().equals("Go Search!")) {
            int indx = searchChooser.getSelectedIndex();
            try {
                 URL url = new URL("http://www.lycos.com");
                AppletContext browser = getAppletContext();
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                System.err.println("Bad URL: " + siteURLs[indx]);

    See "What applets can and can't do" and follow the link.

  • Open url from applets

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    i hope u got my point
    thanks in advance

    URL yourURL = new URL ("www.YOURChoiceOfURL.COM");
    getAppletContext().showDocument(yourURL, "_self" );     
    just lookup the parameter of the showDocument method at the java api list

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    Thanks in advance

    It would depend on what the content is at the end of that URL. It could be anything.

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    URL uses http to cummunicate, this means you can send and receive data using the http
    The OS doesn't do anything with this, you need a http server to interpret these messages
    and take appropriate action (with server side script or CGI).
    So if the client has a http server installed and has server side script thad does
    something with your http request (that's what a url does) than it is possible.
    Since both having a http server , server side script and or CGI have nothing to do with
    signed applets I will not answer your question here.
    But the mail reason I won't answer it is because it makes no sence to use a URL to write
    to the local file system.

  • How to display a dynamic image file from url?

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.net.*;
    public class PlayJpg extends Applet implements Runnable {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    Frame F=new Frame("My Applet/Application Window");
    F.setSize(480, 240);
    PlayJpg A = new PlayJpg();
    A.start(); // Web browser calls start() automatically
    // A.init(); - we skip calling it this time
    // because it contains only Applet specific tasks.
    Thread count = null;
    String urlStr = null;
    int sleepTime = 0;
    Image image = null;
    // called only for an applet - unless called explicitely by an appliaction
    public void init() {
                   sleepTime = Integer.parseInt(getParameter("refreshTime"));
              urlStr = getParameter("jpgFile");
    // called only for an applet - unless called explicitely by an appliaction
    public void start() {
    count=(new Thread(this));
    // called only for applet when the browser leaves the web page
    public void stop() {
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
    URL location=new URL(urlStr);
    image = getToolkit().getImage(location);
    }catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
                   showStatus (mue.toString());
              }catch(Exception e){
              System.out.println("Sorry. System Caught Exception in paint().");
              System.out.println("e.getMessage():" + e.getMessage());
              System.out.println("e.toString():" + e.toString());
              System.out.println("e.printStackTrace():" );
    if (image!=null) g.drawImage(image,1,1,320,240,this);
    // called each time the display needs to be repainted
    public void run() {
    while (count==Thread.currentThread()) {
    try {
    } catch(Exception e) {}
    repaint(); // forces update of the screen
    // end of PlayJpg.java
    My Html file looks like here:
    <applet code="PlayJpg.class" width=320 height=240>
    <param name=jpgFile value="http://Localhost/playjpg/snapshot0.jpg">
    <param name=refreshTime value="1">
    I only get the first frame picture for ever by my html.But the jpg file is dynamic.
    Can you help me?

    Add this line inside your run() method, right before your call to repaint():
    if (image != null) {image.flush();}Hope this helps,

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    We figured out the problem. the CLASSID was not the right one. Once we changed it...its working fine.

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    We figured out the problem. the CLASSID was not the right one. Once we changed it...its working fine.

  • No communication between applet - servlet

    my applet and my servlet is not at all communicating in the browser.
              any body knows how to solve this problem?
              in my applet code:Jus i am pasing as name string to invoke the serlvet via URL
              String location = "http://ctp-vi0275:8880/HandlePassword?"+"Name=XXX";
              URL testServlet = new URL( location );
              URLConnection servletConnection = testServlet.openConnection();
              servletConnection.setUseCaches (false);
              servletConnection.setDefaultUseCaches (false);
              servletConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
              i have changed server.xml file to listen the port number 8880.(in tomcat)
              in my servlet code:
              doGet Method in servlet
              String str = req.getParameter("Name");          
              here i am jus printing the name
              but when i run my applet is not at all invoking the serlvet - HandlePassword.I have placed the
              servlet in ROOT\web-inf\classes\HandlePassword
              in web.xml
              where i am doing wrong here?

    You do following things and let me know:
    1. Does the servlet work when you type "http://ctp-vi0275:8880/HandlePassword?Name=XXX" in your browser?
    2. Run applet using appletviewer. Does it work?
    3. If it works using appletviewer then enable java console in your browser and see error stacks if any.
    4. If there are applet security errors on java console, try creating servlet URL in applet code by calling getDocumentRoot() method and see what happens.

  • SOS, how to make hot link by text ,not button or list in applet

    Now i m making one applet, have 12 months histogram figure, there is 1,2,3,....12 month below
    the histogram, when i hit one number, i can get to one month page, example, i hit 1 month, i
    can get to i month's page there are 31 days in january.
    through jdk document, i know the showDocument(URL ur,String target) method just permit Button and List do,other not do.
    how i can hit text to link?

    hi, watertownjordan, i follow your method, do that like the following,
    but running-error,and nothing do!
    can u give me a example?
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.net.URL;
    public class Test extends Applet{
    public void init() {
    // HyperLink hy=
    HyperLink hy=new HyperLink("first",new URL(""),this);
    }catch(Exception e){}
    class HyperLink extends Label implements MouseListener {
    URL theLink;
    Applet that;
    public HyperLink(String text, URL link,Applet that)
    theLink = link;
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {}
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {}
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {}
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {}

  • URL problem with Java Plugin 1.4.1

    To whom it may concern:
    We are developers working in java and we are experiencing a problem with the new Java plug-in (version 1.4.0) that are not able to solve ourselves:
    We have an applet that needs to read URL�s. When we run the applet locally, this URL is:
    "file:/C:/proof/hunter%20media/images/classic.ski". When we try to open an stream to this URL it doesn't work. The message that we obtain is:
    access denied (java.io.FilePermission C:\proof\hunter media\images\classic.ski read)
    but all the permissions are OK. Also, if we remove the whitespace from URL the applet works OK.
    We have tested the applet in Windows XP with Netscape 7.0, Internet Explorer 6.0.2 and tha Java plugin version is 1.4.0.
    Is there any problem with the whitespaces in URL opened locally?
    Please advice,
    Kind regards,

    Doesn't a url require "file://....?

  • URL problem with Java plugin 1.4.0

    To whom it may concern:
    We are developers working in java and we are experiencing a problem with the new Java plug-in (version 1.4.0) that are not able to solve ourselves:
    We have an applet that needs to read URL�s. When we run the applet locally, this URL is:
    "file:/C:/proof/hunter%20media/images/classic.ski". When we try to open an stream to this URL it doesn't work. The message that we obtain is:
    access denied (java.io.FilePermission C:\proof\hunter media\images\classic.ski read)
    but all the permissions are OK. Also, if we remove the whitespace from URL the applet works OK.
    We have tested the applet in Windows XP with Netscape 7.0, Internet Explorer 6.0.2 and tha Java plugin version is 1.4.0.
    Is there any problem with the whitespaces in URL opened locally?
    Please advice,
    Kind regards,

    Hi Fernando,
    What do you mean u removed the whitespaces. I am actually trying to work my way around a similar problem. I am trying to access a URL from a locally loaded applet. But i get a security exception too.
    how do i strip it of whitespace?

  • Applet can't be instantiated on IE browser.

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    "Applet can't be instantiated".
    I'm working with JDeveloper
    Can somebody help me out with this? I will really appreciate it.

    In the java console of IE are you getting any class not found errors?
    Please refer to the following URL (Swing Applet Test ) to check whether your browser supports swing classes or not.
    Another way to create and run Swing applets in IE or netscape is to use Java Plug-in.

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