URL Writer Question

Hi everyone,
how can i retrieve information that are only between <body> </body>tags using urlwriter.Thanks!Currently what i know of is as below...
String addine = request.getParameter("id");//get url from previous page
URL search1 = new URL(addine);
     BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
                    new InputStreamReader(
String inputLine;
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)

Use nekoHTML parser[1] on the data received from website. It creates the
DOM tree. From the DOM tree you can get the tag value of body.
[1] nekoHTML parser: http://www.apache.org/~andyc/neko/doc/html/

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    Strike notice
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    In your doGet (or a method performed from the doGet) do the following
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    good luck!

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    You can search the net for my Visual Font Designer (without the spaces) class, which will allow you to preview the font and generate the code needed to reproduce it elsewhere.

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    Message was edited by: Steven Janssens

    Is it neccessary to map both filters to the /* or is it okay to map them to the Faces Servlet?
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    No doubt it would be cheaper to add an External like a Lacie or one from any number of manufactures
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    Use this
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    with regards

    First you need to extract all the question from database..
    Then put all of those questions in any of collection object...
    Then set this collection object in request as attribute..
    Keep this object in request till all question are not shown(you can eliminate questions after the have been asked)..
    Code might be like this.
    HashMap result = new HashMap();
    connection = .......;
    Statement stmt=connection.createStatement();
    rs = stmt.executeQuery("Your query");
    int count=0;
    String question = rs.getString("colName");
    result.put(""+count,question); //( ""+count)>>>>>means converting int to String
    now in every JSP which is intended to display a question will have to get this result object..
    Lets assume we are about to display first question()....
    //////// First get result map from request
    HashMap questions = (HashMap)request.getAttribute("questions");
    String count;
    count = request.getAttribute("count");
    String question = questions.get(count);
    count = new String(""+(Integer.parseInt(count).intValue()+1));
    ///Now do what you have to do with this questionresult
    request.setAttribute("count",count);////setting question no in request
    request.setAttribute("questions",questions);////setting rest of questions in request
    hope this might be helpful........
    if there is any problem you can consult me anytime

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    If I'd like more than one URL address inside this servlet, what do I need to do? I'd like to have an URL that only supports POST method. This is something I have now as my doGet method looks like this:
        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
        out.println("<p>GET method is not supported. Please use POST method for XML messages.</p>");
        out.close();Now I'd like another URL that supports only GET method and has a parameter. This address will be used for downloading some PDF documents. Do I need another HTTP server? Do I have to create a jspx file (how do I 'tell' it that is in this servlet)? Are there other options?
    Thank you in advance for any suggestions.

    you can create another servlet mapping in web.xml for the same Servlet. However, note that the access path doesn't determine the access method. Your servlet still need to check if it was called from a GET or POST request

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    System Info
    Xbench Version 1.3
    System Version 10.5.2 (9C31)
    Physical RAM 2048 MB
    Model MacPro3,1
    Drive Type ST3320820AS_P
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    Uncached Write 73.50 23.53 MB/sec [256K blocks]
    Uncached Read 88.77 0.63 MB/sec [4K blocks]
    Uncached Read 134.04 24.87 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    750GB WD SE16 $168 is hard to beat.
    I saw some systems came with WD 320GB. Guess Apple is using both for now.

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