USB EA 6900 problem. Help please

Dear all,
I can't see my USB connected devices to my EA6900 router. (I can see a NAS drive WD My Cloud)
My set up:
Mac Book Pro. OSX 10.9.4.
No luck trying to connect any USB device (a WD My Book, another drive and USB sticks)
I can't see the devices neither through the Mac "Connect to Server Tool" nor through the Smart Wifi Dash Board ("external storage".
Router Firmware is up to date
It should be plug and play. 
Please provide me with any help ful tips,

@AJBCHNL, I believe EA6900 router has a limited list of tested USB/Storage devices. I contacted Linksys got this list from them:
I would suggest you inquire with Linksys if the list was updated.

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    Try creating a Aggregated device in the Audio / MIDI set up utility. Use the mic as input and built-in for output. Then choose the aggregated device in logic express.
    This should work.

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    Hi Iron Tommy,
    If you are having issues syncing your devices to iTunes via WiFi, you may find the troubleshooting steps outlined in the following article helpful:
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    - Brenden

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    I think the problem still lies in the drivers. Have you ever checked if the drivers you installed are totally compatible with your USB 3.0 or the devices? I've met several users who got the same problem with you. Now the key point is that you need to install the exact drivers for the USB 3.0. If you don't know whether the drivers are best-matched, you can have a try with DriveTheLife. It wil lhelp to automatically find the best drivers for your USB and then install the drivers. This article shows very clearly how to download and install USB drivers:​-free-download-update-install-usb-driver-for-windo​.... 


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    Fuony wrote:
    The Mac Shield malware can come through Firefox too if you allow it to and you click on it!
    Your exactly right, it is possible that if you visit a site and need the scripts to run for something that the malware that uses Javascript is on that site, then your going to be presented with it.
    The thing is with the Firefox + NoScript combination defeats alot of the web side trickery the malware authors are using to get the malware to appear in the first place.
    Also this "MacDefender" isn't the only malware making the rounds. There are some serious Flash vulnerabilities being hosted on hostile/adult websites that are running scripts for no apparent reason other than to try to infect your machine.
    By running all scripts all the time, your computer is in a state as if you tried running across a busy highway blindfolded.
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    Hello shelbyrecords,
    Oh no! That sounds really frustrating. Unfortunately, if iCloud Find my iPhone Activation Lock is enabled on the device we’ll need to gain access to your previous Apple ID account to disable it. Based on the information you have provided, it sounds like you may need a personalized support experience to recover your previous Apple ID:
    If you forgot your Apple ID password - Apple Support
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    Matt M.

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    Not sure how much help this is, but since you're having problems with the layout, did you try deleting the layout file? MacintoshHD/users/username/Library/Application Support/Soundtrack Pro/Layouts
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    There is a "ShowFinal.jsp" page, which is a list of candidates who selected from the second
    interview. The user picked some candidates from the list and conduct the 3rd interview. After
    he check suitable candidates(who are selected from the 3rd interview) from the list , enter
    basic salary for every selected candidate, enter date of interview and finally submit the form.
    These data should be save into these tables.
    In this "ShowFinal.jsp" page, it validates the following conditions using JavaScript.
    1) If the user submit the form without checking at least one checkbox, then the system should be
    display an alert message ("Please select at least one candidate").
    2) If the user submit the form without entering the basic salary of that candidate which was
    checked, then the system should be display an alert message ("Please enter basic salary").
    These are working well. But my problem is how to wrote the "AddNewFinal.jsp" page to save these
    data into the db.
    Here is my code which I have wrote. But it points an error.
    String interviewDate = request.getParameter("date");
    String[] value = request.getParameterValues("ChkNicno");
    String[] bs = request.getParameterValues("basicSal");
    String sql ="INSERT INTO finalselect (nicNo,date) VALUES(?,?)";
    String sql2 ="INSERT INTO EmpSalary (nicNo,basicSal) VALUES(?,?)";
    for(int i=0; i < value.length; i++){
         String temp = value;     
         for(int x=0; x < bs.length; x++){
              String basic = bs[x];
              pstmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(sql2);
              pstmt2.setString(1, temp);
              pstmt2.setString(2, basic);
              int RowCount1= pstmt2.executeUpdate();
         pstmt1 = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
         pstmt1.setString(1, temp);
         pstmt1.setString(2, interviewDate);
         int RowCount= pstmt1.executeUpdate();
    Here is the code for "ShowFinal.jsp".
    <form name="ShowFinal" method="POST" action="AddNewFinal.jsp" onsubmit="return checkEmpty() &&
    <%--  Loop through the list and print each item --%>
         int iCounter = 0; //counter for incremental value
         while (igroups.hasNext()) {
              Selection s = (Selection);
              iCounter+=1; //increment
         <td style="background-color:ivory" noWrap width="20">
         <input type="checkbox" name="<%= "ChkNicno" + iCounter %>"      
            <td style="background-color:ivory" noWrap width="39">
                 <%= s.getNicno() %>  </td>
         <td style="background-color:ivory" noWrap width="174">
              <input type="text" name="<%= "basicSal" + iCounter %>" size="10"> </td>
    Date of interview<input type="text" name="date" size="17"></td>
    <input type="submit" value="APPROVE CANDIDATE" name="B1" style="border: 1px solid #0000FF">
    Here is the error generated by TOMCAT.
    root cause
         at org.apache.jsp.AddNewFinal_jsp._jspService(
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
    I have goto the file "". The line 70 points to the following line.
    for(int i=0; i < value.length; i++){ [/b]
    Please can someone help me to solve this problem? Please help me to do this task.

    Hi Casabianca ,
    It is clearly that your problem is not on the database end, more like a servlet/jsp issue.
    I will not comment on the javascript portion, but rather the 2 jsps.
    a simple way to trace what's go wrong is to check the final result (the html code) of the first jsp (showFinal.jsp), and compare against what is expected by the 2nd jsp (AddNewFinal.jsp). Most browser do provide "view source" on the page visited.
    the following code
    <input type="checkbox" name="<%= "ChkNicno" + iCounter %>" value="<%=s.getNicno() %>">
    <input type="text" name="<%= "basicSal" + iCounter %>"
    would likely to be "translated" to html code something as follow:
    <input type="checkbox" name=""ChkNicno0" value="nicNo>">
    <input type="text" name="basicSal0">
    the original code in "AddNewFinal.jsp" using
    which looking for a none exist http request parameter (sent as "ChkNicno0",etc but look for "ChkNicno"), which has explained before.
    the second attempt to use String[] value = request.getParameterValues("ChkNicno" + iCounter); give Cannot resolove symbol :iCounter. because iCounter never defined in the 2nd jsp!
    Most of the error message do give clue to cause of error... : )
    not too sure on your intension, assume you wish to update only those selected (checked) row to db.
    some suggestions:
    1) <input type="text" name="ChkNicno" size="10"> </td>...
    <input type="text" name="basicSal" size="10"> instead.
    then use javascript to based on checked element index (refer to javascript spec for more details), for those index not checked, clear off the correspond index "basicSal" field value.
    e.g. ChkNicno[1] is not checked, empty basicSal[1] value before submission.
    This will give us only selected rows values.
    2) retain the code
    String[] value = request.getParameterValues("ChkNicno");
    String[] bs = request.getParameterValues("basicSal");at 2nd jsp, as now the http request will pass parameters using "ChkNicno" and "basicSal".
    3) some change to the code for optimization
    for(int i=0; i < value.length; i++){
         String temp = value;     
         for(int x=0; x < bs.length; x++){
              String basic = bs[x];
              pstmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(sql2);
              pstmt2.setString(1, temp);
              pstmt2.setString(2, basic);
              int RowCount1= pstmt2.executeUpdate();
         pstmt1 = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
         pstmt1.setString(1, temp);
         pstmt1.setString(2, interviewDate);
         int RowCount= pstmt1.executeUpdate();
    pstmt1 = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
    pstmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(sql2);
    for(int i=0; i < value.length; i++){
         String temp = value;     
         for(int x=0; x < bs.length; x++){
              String basic = bs[x];
              pstmt2.setString(1, temp);
              pstmt2.setString(2, basic);
              int RowCount1= pstmt2.executeUpdate();
         pstmt1.setString(1, temp);
         pstmt1.setString(2, interviewDate);
         int RowCount= pstmt1.executeUpdate();
    preparestatement created once should be sufficient as we do not change the sql statement throughout the loop.
    there are better solutions out there, this just some ideas and suggestions.Do try out if you wish.
    Hope it helps. : )

  • Multiselect problem Help please!!

    Hi all,
    I am currently using Application Express I have developed an online questionnaire with a multiselect list for one of the questions. The problem i am having is that i need each choice to be totaled up separately on the report generated.
    My table of answers looks like this:
    Column name e.g. (Question 9)
    Answer "Dog" "Cat" "Mouse" "Snake" (underneath column name Question 9 depending on what is selected).
    The reporting page would look like below:
    *(Column Question 9)* Count
    Dog 1
    Mouse 1
    Snake 1
    and for the question you could have another respondent who chooses similar of items on the multiselect, so their answer looks like this:
    "Question 9" Dog
    "Question 9" Snake
    This would then start a new row on the reporting page like below which is not what i want:
    *(Column Question 9)* Count
    Dog 1
    Mouse 1
    Snake 1
    Dog: Snake 1
    But the report should look like this:
    *(Column Question 9)* Count
    Dog 2
    Mouse 1
    Snake 2
    The current SQLquery i am using is below:
    select "QUESTION 9",
    count(*) c
    group by "QUESTION 9"
    Thanks for your help and suggestions,

    How to make sure your forum post will never be answered:
    1) Make sure your subject line is completely meaningless (i.e. HELP PLEASE!) and describes no part of your actual problem
    2) State that you are having "a few problems" but make sure to offer no details whatsoever what those problems are or what the symptoms are.
    3) Post large volumes of code instead of distilling the problem down to a compact snippet
    4) For extra points, make the code hard to read by refusing to make use of the "code" tag.

  • K8N Neo2-fx Ram problem Help please

    I have three ram(2x512MB single sided , 1x1GB double sided). Is there any way I can put them all on the motherboard? When I place them all the computer is not starting and it`s making a "beep" every 2-3 seconds. If i connect the 1GB double sided on the Dimm1(green) and the one 512MB single sided on the Dimm3(green) it`s working properly. Is there any way I can use all my ram at the same time. I`m desperate. Help please...  thank you

    Quote from: wodahS on 09-November-06, 05:55:17
    How can I put my computer facts under any post I am posting? I should make it my signature?
    That's the rule mate which you need to gives all your component in details including your PSU and Bios revision so that others can help you! Like what BOSSKILLER say it won't works with 3 DIMMS unless you purhased another 1 GB of RAM then it can solve your problem with 4 DIMMS or else with 2*512MB RAM. Make sure that you've lowered your HT to <=800Mhz as default is 1000Mhz. GD luck.

  • MB USB Problems - help please

    Hi folks - I wonder if anyone can help.  I am having real difficulty with USB on my system :O .  My modem cuts out, my scanner won't scan and genrally the whole USB thing is getting to be a drag.  It appears that the MB is the issue as I have tested the equipment on other machines and they work fine.  My MB details are (from Sisoft Sandra)
    SiSoftware Sandra
    Entire System
    Manufacturer : MSI
    Model : MS-6195
    System Mainboard
    Manufacturer : MSI
    MP Support : No
    Model : MS-6195
    Serial Number : 00000000
    BIOS ID : 62-1800-001169-00101111-071595-IRONGATE
    On-board Devices
    Creative ES1373 : Sound Device
    Memory Controller
    Error Detection Method : None
    Error Correction Capability : None
    Supported/Current Memory Interleave : 1-way / 1-way
    Number of Memory Slots : 2
    Maximum Installable Memory : 512MB
    Maximum Module Size : 256MB
    Supported Memory Types : DIMM, SDRAM
    Supported Memory Voltages : 3.3V
    Physical/BIOS Memory Banks
    DIMM1 M/B (RASL-0 RASL-1) : 128MB DIMM SDRAM double-bank
    DIMM2 M/B (RASL-2 RASL-3) : 64MB DIMM SDRAM single-bank
    System Chipset
    Model : Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) AMD-751 (Irongate) CPU to PCI Bridge
    Bus(es) : ISA AGP PCI USB FireWire/1394 SMBus/i2c
    Front Side Bus Speed : 2x 101MHz (202MHz data rate)
    Max FSB Speed / Max Memory Speed : 2x 100MHz / 1x 100MHz
    In Order Queue Depth : 8 req(s)
    Logical/Chipset Memory Banks
    Bank 0 Setting : 64MB SDRAM 8-1-1-1R 6-1-1-1W 3-2-3CL
    Bank 1 Setting : 64MB SDRAM 8-1-1-1R 6-1-1-1W 3-2-3CL
    Bank 2 Setting : 64MB SDRAM 8-1-1-1R 6-1-1-1W 3-2-3CL
    Bank 4 Setting : 64MB SDRAM 8-1-1-1R 6-1-1-1W 3-2-3CL
    Bank 5 Setting : 64MB SDRAM 8-1-1-1R 6-1-1-1W 3-2-3CL
    Speed : 1x 101MHz (101MHz data rate)
    Multiplier : 1/1x
    Power Down Mode : No
    Fixed Hole Present : No
    Memory Modules
    Memory Module 1 : 128MB 16x(8Mx8) SDRAM PC133U-333-542 (CL3 upto 133MHz) (CL2 upto 100MHz)
    Memory Module 2 : LGS GMM2649233CTG-7J 64MB 8x(8Mx8) SDRAM PC100-322-611 (CL3 upto 100MHz) (CL2 upto 67MHz)
    Memory Module 3 : 128MB 16x(8Mx8) SDRAM PC100-222-622 (CL3 upto 125MHz) (CL2 upto 100MHz)
    System Clock Generator
    Model : ICS 9248-110
    Software Programmable : Yes
    Read-Back Support : Yes
    Speed Selected By : Hardware
    Spread Spectrum Modulated : No
    No FSB Speeds : 32
    FSB Speed Range : 90 - 150MHz
    Environment Monitor 1
    Model : Winbond W83782D SMB
    Version : 3.00
    Mainboard Specific Support : No
    Temperature Sensor(s)
    Board Temperature : 42.0°C / 107.6°F
    CPU Temperature : 48.0°C / 118.4°F
    Power / Aux Temperature : 33.5°C / 92.3°F
    Cooling Device(s)
    Auto Fan Speed Control : No
    CPU Fan Speed : 5870rpm
    Voltage Sensor(s)
    CPU Core Voltage : 1.62V
    Aux Voltage : 3.34V
    +3.3V Voltage : 3.36V
    +5V Voltage : 5.13V
    +12V Voltage : 12.22V
    -12V Voltage : -12.45V
    -5V Voltage : -5.20V
    AGP Bus
    Version : 1.00
    Speed : 67MHz
    Current Data Transfer Rate : 1x 67MHz (67MHz data rate)
    Max Data Transfer Rate : 2x
    Side Band Enabled : No
    Side Band Support : Yes
    Fast-Writes Enabled : No
    Aperture Size : 64MB
    PCI Bus(es)
    Version : 2.10
    No Bridges : 1
    PCI Bus 0 : 32-bit PCI (34MHz)
    Multiplier : 1/3x
    LPC Hub Controller 1
    Model : Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) AMD-756 (Viper) PCI to ISA Bridge
    ACPI PM Enabled : Yes
    Random Number Generator Enabled : No
    Speed Multiplier : 1/4x
    Speed : 9MHz
    DMA Multiplier : 1/2x
    DMA Speed : 5MHz
    USB Controller 1
    Model : Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) AMD-756 USB Open Host Controller
    Version : 1.00
    OHCI Interface : Yes
    Legacy Emulation Enabled : No
    FireWire/1394 Controller 1
    Model : Creative Labs Audigy IEEE1394 Firewire Controller
    Version : 1.10
    OHCI Interface : Yes
    Enhanced 1394a Support : No
    Channels : 64
    Speed : 400MHz
    System SMBus Controller 1
    Model : AMD 75x/76x SMBus
    Version : 0.03
    Expansion Slot(s)
    PCI1 (1h) : PCI 32-bit 5V 3.3V PME FullLength Available (Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) AMD-751 PCI to AGP Bridge)
    PCI2 (2h) : PCI 32-bit 5V 3.3V PME FullLength InUse
    PCI3 (3h) : PCI 32-bit 5V 3.3V PME FullLength Available
    AGP : AGP-2x 32-bit 3.3V PME FullLength InUse
    Port Connector(s)
    Keyboard : Keyboard Port - None / PS/2
    Mouse : Mouse Port - None / PS/2
    Mic In : Audio Port - None / Mini-jack
    Line In : Audio Port - None / Mini-jack
    Line Out : Audio Port - None / Mini-jack
    Serial Port 1 : Serial Port 16550A Compatible - None / DB-9 pin male
    Serial Port 2 : Serial Port 16550A Compatible - None / DB-9 pin male
    Parallel : Parallel Port ECP/EPP - None / DB25 pin female
    USB 1 : USB - None / USB
    J17 M/B - USB 2 : USB - Proprietary / USB
    FDD M/B : None - Floppy / None
    IDE1 M/B : None - ATA / None
    IDE2 M/B : None - ATA / None
    CDIN M/B : Audio Port - CD-ROM Sound Input / None
    GamePort/MIDI : MIDI Port - None / DB-15 pin female
    Bios is all up to date, drivers for modem and scanner all up to date - any ideas why the USB keeps cutting out?
    The real drag is the only way to get USB back is to reboot.  Any help gratefully received.
    OS details are:
    General OS Information
    Windows System : Microsoft Windows XP Home Ver 5.01.2600
    Full Name & Version : Microsoft Windows XP Ver 5.1 (Build 2600)
    Kernel Type : Uniprocessor Free
    Max. Licensed Processors : 1
    BackOffice Components : No
    Small Business Components : No
    Terminal Services Components : No
    Windows ID : 55285-011-7653275-21956
    Registered Owner : Mark and Barbara
    Registered Organisation : At Home
    OS Properties
    Debug Version : No
    Security Present : No
    Remote Terminal Session : No
    GUI Effects Enabled : Yes
    Boot Settings
    Boot Type : Normal
    OS Folders
    Windows Folder : C:\WINDOWS
    System Folder : C:\WINDOWS\System32
    Programs Path : C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\SiSoftware\SiSoftware Sandra 2002 Professional
    Temporary Folder : C:\DOCUME~1\Mark\LOCALS~1\Temp
    Regional Settings
    Country : United Kingdom
    Language : English (United Kingdom)
    Time Zone : GMT Standard Time
    ANSI Code Page : 1252
    OEM Code Page : 850
    Rock Ape (UK) ) Thanks in advance.

    gilgaron is correct. power the hub and place the devices that require over 500ma on it-if the hub supports high power-which it should.  look at your periphs you will notice that they have the power requirement listed on the sticker.
    each individual root hubs only powers 500ma for all the ports not 500ma for each individual port.  so the best bet usually is get a self powered hub and place the 500ma+ devices on it.  also you may have the option of self powered device instead of usb power.  that is also suggested if they need 500ma or more.

  • Can't Upgrade to USB 2.0. Help Please!

    I have an K7T266 Pro Version 1.0 motherboard. Have been trying for hours to upgrade the USB port to 2.0. Have followed all instructions from the MSI website.
    Even upgrqaded my BIOS to 1.9 and still can't get it to work. When I try to install the USB 2.0 driver, I get a message that says "Driver Can't Start". I have up-to-date windows XP Professional Version with Service Pack 1. According to MSI, I should be able to upgrade but it just doesn't happen.
    I remember being able to upgrade to USB 2.0 when the same system was under Win 98 Second Edition but just has not worked with Win XP. This is very important as I bought an external hard drive to use for making backups under Norton Ghost.
    Can anyone please help me with this? I am sure some other users out there have had the same problem.
    Thank You in advance...

    I have the same problems with this.   THE KT6-Delta cd that came with my motherboard does not have the USB 2.0 drivers.  It directs you to microsoft's website to install service pack one for XP or Win 2000.  Then you can download an update from Microsoft for the USB 2.0.  Is there any way to get around installing SP1?  I currently only have access to dial up and that would take forever.  Can someone give a link to some place that would have the drivers for USB 2.0?

  • Clean install mavericks failed. No bootable USB drive either. Help please.

    HI guys I really would appreciate some help here.
    i Saw on apples site how to do a clean install of mavericks. In disk utilities I erased my osx drive and began The download of a fresh copy. I didn't back up my files as I was going to manually install my applications etc. When the download finished and it tried installing mavericks it failed, I restarted as it was the only option and it failed again. I ran disk repair and it said everything was ok. I only have Internet access at the cafe near where I live so only have it during the day. I checked online with my iphone for similar troubles and found everyone mentioning making a bootable USB version but... As it did not say that on the mac website where it showed how to erase and install a clean copy I never made a USB copy. I'm left with my macbook not able to install my os. Please can anyone advise, I have no way of getting to a Genius Bar and there is no mac service repairs in my area.
    I'm now using Internet recovery. I rebooted with option-command-r. A globe came up, I am now downloading mountain lion. Is this the right procedure now or am I wasting time as I only have a few hours left in the cafe with my macbook on? Thank you in advance.
    ps- I had mavericks up and running on my previously but wanted to  basically clean my system of preference files, unwanted folders etc etc. Lesson learnt. I just need advice on the steps I must take to have my system  working again .

    What you are doing now is the correct procedure, install the Mac OS X that came on the machine.  From that you can have a working machine and then install Mavericks again.
    Building a bootable/installable Mac OS X on a USB drive is time consuming and not necessary for most is not difficult but it takes time and precision to get it right.  Perhaps something to do in the future when you have the time.
    Using a coffee shop internet connection is not a good idea for installing Mac OS need a good, solid internet connection to do that, one that is reliable and offers sufficient bandwidth.  But you don't have much option at this point since you say an Apple store and the genius bar is not available to you.
    Finish the Mountain Lion install, reinstall your applications, get the Mac up and running well, then do the Mavericks install on top of the Mac OS X you have.
    You would do well to get an external hard drive, great ones are available from OWC and make a good backup of your entire system as soon as you are finished installing Mac OS X.  If you make the external a bootable copy, such as by cloning with Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper, you can always have a working will be much easier with that.
    Good luck building Mountain Lion, and get the system running again before upgrading Mac OS X

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