USB External Device and Tiger

I just upgraded to Tiger from Panther. When booting I had to have my Plextor drive turned on to be recognized. (USB 1.1) With Tiger, same procedure is followed, sometimes computer boots fine, sometimes I get the dread multi-language black box prompting a restart. Eventually computer does come up, but either way, it crashes when a CD burn is complete.
There are no issues when computer is booted with burner off, other than the fact I can't burn a disk because the device is not recognized.

As far as I know Plextors are not directly
by OS X. you may want to download
0>patch burn which will help apple oriented
applications "see" it. BTW, how do you connect the
drive to your mac?
Thanks for your response!
The URL you provided for the patch gets "The page you
tried was not found"
The drive is connected via USB at the back of the
Excuse the Sunday morning stupidity - burner is connected via SCSI

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    Remove that in safe mode using >>Driver Fusion<< and install latest MSI driver:

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    Welcome to the Discussions.
    If you need it formatted FAT32, reformat it on your Mac. Use MS-DOS (FAT32) as the file system. If you don't need it for both PC and Mac, format it HFS+ and you'll be able to use the Retrospect Express software that came with it on your Mac.

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    Or, get the proper drivers from wherever you got the device.

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    Well I'm about out of ideas. Going off what you described, these devices work fine elsewhere and gradually failed on your computer.
    Unless someone else can post other ideas, I only can suggest a reinstall of Lion from scratch. I would make sure I had a good backup from TM and an additional backup of your important files just in case.
    Probably the easiest way would be to make a bootable USB stick or drive to work from. Procedure here: -a-usb-flash-drive/
    If you can accomplish that, see if you can boot from it. If so, use Disk Utility to erase the main drive and reformat it. Verify the drive is OK. Then quit Disk Utility abd procede to install Lion.
    When the installation is finished, reboot and use Setup Assistant imediately to migrate your user data and applications back from the TM drive. Don't use migration assistant later.
    I doubt it will help since the Comb-Update didn't fix it, but who knows.

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    This example shows how to get the interrupt from your USB device.
    Let me know if this helps!
    Shawn B.
    National Instruments
    Use NI products on Linux? Come join the NI Linux Users Community

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    Really appriciate help/ Calle

    CCT says that there shoud be a file called "" after going into "/private/var/folders/", but I cant find "". I can find similar files though, if i for example click
    0b => xv5_4cyd10s5lpcpvBlabla many crazy letters => T => then I can find a file called "", wich obviously is wrong but proves im close. So I cant find the file CCT is talking about, but if you help me find it, and I finally arrive to the last file he mationed;"lp9_ms2_content_2011
    The downloaded packages are temporarily stored here."
    am I supposed to deleate that or what? Can I know for sure that there are files from that installation?
    Best wishes, Calle

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    Has anyone else experienced this problem and if so were you able to fix it?
    Message was edited by: What2be1

    I found Gigabyte has links to latest updates which work fine.
    Treat Mac Pro as just a dual Xeon PC. nfo-benchmarking-stability-tools.html
    Realtek High Definition Audio for Vista\Win 7 2.54
    Realtek HD Audio Windows 7
    Or from Realtek which is
    Guru3D is also a popular site for drivers.
    You can ignore USB audio, you want RealTek HD Audio. There are or can be some of those yellow alerts that are safe to ignore. Buried somewhere in Apple Support BootCamp technotes.
    You can use installer from Realtek or zip file in which case just uncompress and update the driver from inside Device Manager. Nice thing, you can rollback a driver if you want to, or totally uninstall and then reinstall.

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