When I have my USB memorystick in my MacBook, Im not able to use it.. It connects for a milisecond and then disconnects for about 10 seconds before it connects for a milisecond and then disconnects for about 10 seconds again... And its not stopping, and since its just connected for a milisecond, im not able to right click on it, not able to eject it by clicking eject and I am not able to run the disk utilities.. So, what am I supposed to do? I got lots of stuff on it that I dont wanna loose.

Die Marken (bis auf Sony) kenne ich nicht; ich wuerde sagen wenn is meist nur bei grossen Datenmengen passiert, dass es was mit der (geringen) Transferkapazitaet des USB zu tun hat. Ich wuerde mich nie auf USB verlassen wenn es sich um grosse Datenmengen dreht. USB ist langsam und der Port bekommt nur soundsoviel power; waehrend ein richtiger hard drive erstens seine eigene power hat (und sich deswegen nicht auf den computer port verlassen muss) und zweitens firewire was mindestens 2 - 4 mal so schnell ist.
Also wuerde ich sagen Sie sollten es mal mit etwas versuchen das seine eigene power (elektrischen Anschluss) hat und ausserdem firewire. USB sticks sind mehr fuer kleinere transfers gedacht.

Similar Messages

  • Making a Windows 7 Installation USB Stick

    This is a discussion of making a bootable Windows 7 Installation USB-stick Media. It might apply to making other USB connected "Disks" like Smartcards bootable too.
    I recently had to do this (a Laptop with no build-in DVD drive and no USB DVD drive around). And it turned out to be surprisingly simple, using nothing but build in Windows tools from the Disk. I only found
    this german langauge guide and nothing in english (but I might just have searched after the wrong terms, google has been wierd regarding langauge lately), so I thought I write it up (along with some problems I ran into).
    Making a USB-Stick into a bootable Windows 7 (and propably Vista) Media is a 3 step process:
    1. Create a Active, Primary, FAT32 Partition of 4+ GB on the stick
    2. use bootsect.exe from Windows Disk to create the MBR and Partition Boot Record for that Partition
    3. Copy all files from the Disk to said Partition
    4. Test if it boots
    Detail analysis:
    Step 1 is so simple I doubt it needs explanations. Create enough free space on the USB disk (at worst delete all previous Partitions). Make a Priamry Partition of 4+ GiB. Mark it as Active. Format it in FAT32. The Guide used Diskpart,
    but this step can be done with any Partition Tool under any Windows, Linux, UNIX or DOS.
    While the choice of FAT32 seems a bit outdated, theye propably did not gave the relevant bootlaoder the ability to read NTFS. Or maybe they just though FAT32 is enough for a media that is mostly read. I have not tried what happens if I format it in NTFS, but
    it might be possible.
    Step 2 was the only tricky part. You need the programm "boot\bootsect.exe" from the Installation Media. It also must be run on a non-UEFI booted OS (otherwise it cancels out).
    I had a Windows 8 on a new Laptop so I had a UEFI booted system. Luckily I also had a VMWare Windows 7 lying around. I just assigned the Windows 7 ISO image to the Windows 7 VM, then connected the USB drive to the host.
    Once you have the USB stick in a a proper Windows mount the Parttion you created under 1 under any driveletter (should happen automatically under Windows), and open a console as Administrator (asumes DVD is drivletter is D: and the USB stick's partition
    ins Driveletter E:):
    //Go into the boot directory on the Install DVD
    cd boot
    //You should see a command promt like "D:\BOOT>"
    //Run bootsect.exe
    bootsect.exe /nt60 d:
    Step 3 is to either copy the contents of the DVD media (copy and paste) or the Image (Mount into Virtual DVD Drive and copy/paste, unpack ISO images contents) into the partition.
    How does this compare to other Distribution ways?
    To DVD:
    There is no need for a DVD drive. Even if a bootable USB-DVD drive is avalible, the Stick or Card will only need only USB port (most USB drives need 2 Ports due the 1 Ampere energy need of the drives).
    Flash Media has no seek times and much better throughput (the old weakpoint of any Disk and DVD/CD in particular)
    A FAT32 partition is inherently writeable. So modifications to the "Installation media" like Implementing Service Packs and other Windwos Updates, Modifying ei.cfg/preactivation/setup answer files, implementing special Disk/RAID drivers into the Windows
    PE or adding stuff that should be installed with Windows is easy (and do not requrie reburning a 4 GiB Image file).
    Since it only needs a 4 GiB partition, on a big USB stick there would still be place for other Data Partitions
    Since it relies on old techniques (Generic Bootloader + Active Primary Partition + partition boot loader), multiple Installation media on a big enough stick might be feasible (with a more advanced bootloader like GRUB). Have to test that part.
    However, the cost/media is a lot higher then a DVD. So if you need multiple Medias it will propably be cheaper to use the old DVD approach.
    Due to the needs of bootsec.exe, first creating the media can be more difficulty then just burning an image. But once it is bootable this programm is no longer needed.
    To PXE/network Distrubution:
    If you have the nessesary setup already (DHCP/PXE Server, powerfull network), the USB stick is likely inferior. The USB stick should beat a 100 MBIT Network easily, but will propably be beaten by a 1 GBIT Network. Network isntallation uses existing infrastructure
    (that you need for other reasons anyway) so the cost per media is even lower then the DVD.
    The PXE way also has even better modifyability - sending out different answer files or even automatically booting different images based on the Compuers MAC adress are tried techniques.
    If you lack the nessesary setup, the USB stick is a lot easier to implement and a lot easier to transport.
    Advanced things:
    Need to check if the partition could be formated as NTFS. I prefer a Journalling Filesystem for my USB-sticks.
    Need to check if using a advanced boot manager techniques (like Grub or modifciations to the BCD of the Windows PE) allows me to put multiple install media on one Stick (with one primary partition per "media"). Especially combining the x32/x86 and
    x64 Windows Installation Media would be worthwhile. As would be inlcuding a Window 8 or Vista installation media.
    Current Step 3 and 2 can propably be switched. I see no reason bootsect could not run from the USB stick as it runs from the DVD (it only accesses the MBR and
    VBR of the Disk, areas not in use by Windows)
    Steps 1 through 3 might be possible from the Windows PE environment. If so, only a computer with legacy BIOS boot would be nessesary (no actuall installation).
    Windows 7 can be installed on a (U)EFI system, but I have not checked if I can use the boot from teh stick on such a Computer. Latest for Windows 8 Media UEFI compatibilty is nessesary.
    Let's talk about MVVM: Please mark post as helpfull and answers respectively.

    Advanced things:
    Need to check if the partition could be formated as NTFS. I prefer a Journalling Filesystem for my USB-sticks.
    Windows 7 can be installed on a (U)EFI system, but I have not checked if I can use the boot from teh stick on such a Computer. Latest for Windows 8 Media UEFI compatibilty is nessesary.
    I converted the stick to NTFS using the convert.exe and it continued booting. So chances are high they only choose FAT32 in the example because no feature of NTFS was per nessesary in a "almost only reading" scenario like installation media.
    The second part depends on the BIOS. I have a more advanced one where I can choose legacy boot options (like USB stick) in the boot option menu even when the default setting is UEFI, as long as I don't need Secure boot (wich I do not).
    Another question arose: Windows 7 has the Kernel/BCD level ability to boot from .VHD Files. The only thing preventing version below corporate from using this feature is a license check that is run just before the login (so way after the booting has been
    Starting with 3.0 Windows PE is based on the kernel of Windows 7. So the instlaltion system might have the ability to boot from .VHD too and might have no such check in place. If so, I could put both versions of the Windows 7 installer into .VHD, reducing the
    need to have physical primary partitions for those.
    Windows bootprocess vs. Linux boot process under BIOS:
    The BIOS goes over all the boot media. If it finds one with a MBR, that one is executed and the BIOS part of the boot process is officially over.
     -> Under Windows the MBR contains the "generic boot loader". A simple piece of code as old as BIOS (25 Years) that looks for the primary partition with "Active" Flag on "it's" disk. If it finds one, the Partition Boot Record of that parition is executed.
    The MBR has done it's part
        -> NTLDR (NT too 2000), this one reads the boot.ini file and gives/executeds apropirate options
        -> BOOTMGR (Vista, 7), this one reads the BCD files
          -> Since Windows 7 BOOTMGR can also chainload the Partition Boot Record that is inside a .VHD File
        -> Wicher was used in Windows 3.X/95/98/ME
    Higher versions can chainload lower versions, but must be designed for this and (re)installed in the proper "order".
    The sometimes odd behavior that Windows 7 tries to keep 100 MiB in a seperate primary partition is there to have proper places for later additions to the BOOTMGR settings. Specifically it allows multiple BOOTMGR OS to use/edit the same BOOTMGR instace without
    running into problems with "whose partition is active?" (since it is always the System Reserved one). It's not disimilar to having an extra /boot partition in Linux or how a GRUB's stage 2 works.
    -> Under a typical Grub Legacy the MBR contains the Stage 1. It directly reads the Stage 2 from the proper partition/file system with a hardcoded path, but due to size limit of the MBR cannot do more. In some cases it starts a stage 1.5 wich has more
    space to do work (63 sectors between MBR and first partition), but I never used this Setup
        -> Stage 2 loads the Grub Configuration from the disk. From here it depends on what OS you want to boot.
            -> For Linux or Unix the kernel is started directly.
            -> Any Windows OS up to 7 can be booted using the chainloader command. For the OS this is identical to having the partition choosen by the Generic Bootloader.
    While it can be chainloaded by the Generic Bootloader from the active primary partition, GRUB and thus Linux has no
    requirement for any Primary Partitions. Stage 1 is designed to directly access the specific File System containng the Stage 2. In fact it does not even need to reside on the same disk (as the Generic Bootloader has to).
    If one does not need the Active Flag to control the Generic Bootloader (because a proper Stage 1 is installed in MBR) it is adviseable to mark wichever Windows Partition is chainloaded as active (up to Vista at least I had very odd behavior if the Windows boot
    partition was not marked active, down to randomly shredded Partition boot managers).
    After running a Windows Setup usually the Stage 1 has to be restored, as Windwos Setup will always write it's Generic Bootloader in the MBR. In order to get "rid" of a Grub all one has to do is overwrite the MBR with the Generic Bootloader and set the active
    flag properly.
    Let's talk about MVVM: Please mark post as helpfull and answers respectively.

  • USB Stick Won't Appear on Desktop or Disk Utilities

    Hi there,
    One of my USB sticks doesn't seem to appear on my iMac. I have looked in disk utility and it doesn't appear there so I can't format it, and I have plugged it into another Mac and have had the same issue.
    My external hard drive still appears and continues to back up using time machine, and I have tried the other USB ports in case one was faulty.
    Has anyone come across this? Any tips?
    Thanks a lot.

    I have plugged it into another Mac and have had the same issue.
    It is possible the stick has failed since you are having problems on 2 computers and not getting the correct response from what arthur suggested.

  • 1,1 running Lion with XP Boot (re-install and what should i use for recovery disk or usb stick)?

    i am trying to give my 1,1 mac pro a little love and would like to keep this machine running lion. i also have a boot camp installation of XP on it.
    1. can anyone give me instructions on how/whether i can basically do a fresh install of Lion on this machine and minimize the system so it is not cluttered up with all my previous software etc, etc while still maintaining the original XP boot camp partition which i really need to have?
    2. can anyone clarify for me what i should have on hand /if/ i need to boot into recovery mode or some other safe boot mode? i recently ran into an issue where i may have had to use the old Disk Utility format function and there was a reference to booting using the DVD install disks. however i am really confused as to what i should have on hand. ALSO the last time i had to do something on this machine i was told to boot into the Recovery Partition and it appears for some reason (perhaps because i had a "non-standard" windows 7 boot camp installation on the drive at the time??) that there was no recovery partition created when i upgraded to Lion.
    - /anyway/ i am finding that i have the two ORIGINAL install disks for the mac pro on hand, a Max OS X Leopard and a mac OS X Snow Leopard DVD on hand but i am thinking that i should be creating some kind of USB stick similar to the one i created with yosemite? actually, i am not even sure what this USB stick for yosemite is for but i guess i can use it to boot into safe mode or something?
    THANKS for any help as i'd like to get this business under control a little better in case i have an issue.
    i'd also like to install Lion so that there is a Recovery Partition if possible and i think this may be possible if i don't have the windows 7 partition in the machine when i do a fresh install. any help would be great. thanks.

    You have to go out of your way to build the Installer Disk yourself. But this tool makes it easy, and this site contains instructions:
    the bootable installer is basically to re-install the OS if i have to
    the recovery partition is somehow for fixing a problem
    Recovery can go and get you the software and re-download it and start the Install, and allows the use of Disk Utility and can reset passwords.
    or is there some overlap?
    Yes. Both give you access to the Utilities that used to be on the Installer DVD. Disk Utility to Repair or initialize and a few other tools that can allow you to set up to install on an otherwise-bare disk or change your password.
    is "Safe Mode" something completely different
    Safe Mode is a way to start the fully-Installed Operating System in a special way. It first does one pass of Disk Utility (Repair Disk) against the Boot Drive. [Normally this would require booting from a different drive to make repairs.] Then it loads a minimal set of Apple-only kernel extensions, and uses a one-size-fits-all screen resolution. Then it demands your Username and password to proceed.
    From there you can fix settings, use the Finder to add or delete things, and check operation with minimal extensions versus all your daily-use extensions. Very helpful for debugging extension conflicts and graphics settings problems, and fixing damaged settings. The next Restart builds a new extensions cache.

  • Can I install Windows 8.1 as Bootcamp partition from OSX Mountain Lion using a USB stick?

    I have the following:
    Bootable USB stick with Windows 8.1 - 64 bit
    MacBook Pro with Mountain Lion 10.8.5 - it's probably 3-4 years old.
    The Bootcamp partition currently has Windows 7 installed.
    I want to know whether I can install Windows 8.1 from a USB stick into a Bootcamp partition. Apple's article on the topic refers to Bootcamp 5.1, but my OSX install has Bootcamp 5.0 - I am assuming 5.1 comes with the Mavericks version.  I don't want to upgrade to Mavericks because I am running out of space as it is on the OSX partition.
    Thus my question. So can I?

    Your laptop has a DVD drive, right? If so you need to burn your ISO to a disc, will not work off USB

  • 10.9.2 install Bootcamp win7 64bit iMac mid 2010 no bootable device - external superdrive, USB Stick

    Hey all,
    big problem here.
    Trying to install Bootcamp on my iMac 27" mid 2010.
    The thing is, during the installation, i get the "no bootable device" black screen, and i think i know why... but i need help.
    System, a mid 2010 imac, 2TB HD ( Original) and an SSD Samsung 1TB at the Optical Drive SATA connection.
    2TB HD is empty atm. OSX Installed on the SSD.
    Bootcamp Assistant. Problem nr. 1.
    He first did not want to let me create an USB drive. after hacking the assistat, deleting the "Pre" thing in the info.plist, that worked so far. and several other postings got me so far.
    Then when using the assistant, after choosing partition and so, when the iMac restarts, i get the "no bootable device" notice.
    Read a lot, and it seems, that older iMacs, that originaly came with an internal superdrive only can install win 7 from that internal superdrive.
    I have the problem, that i had it removed to put the SSD there.
    So, when doing an EFI Boot, choosing the win USB Stick or the Win in my External Superdrive, - "no bootable...."
    So i searched more. rEFIt should help. Installed, and all, doesnt work, same thing. As soon as i want to boot Win from the CD or Thumpdrive, doesnt work. :-(
    In one of the many posts, someone wrote something about starting Shell in rEFIt first, etc... didnt work as well.
    then i found this post:
    sounded promissing. Somehow getting win installation files onto the Created Bootcamp partion with Virtual Mashine. But it didnt work for me.
    The VW Fusion ware is different, and non of the steps he discribes works.
    So how can i get it working.. it seems like it is somehow blocked to access something from the USB Ports.
    Logicaly i would have to get the installation files onto a Internal drive. i Tried to create a partition and copy the Win 7 USB Thump using Disk Util Progeam onto a seperate, internal partition.. but he just does not what to do that... errormessages when trying to copy it, recreate the drive, etc.
    So, i do have a 2TB internal HD, which i can use, an external superdrive, USB.Sticks. any gameplan?
    And for Error-excluding: i have an original Win 7 64 bit CD, a burnd one and controled the Hash of the loaded ISO, which i downloaded for the USB-Stick.
    Any help? pls!!!

    Hi Sam, the Mini Optical may draw too much USB power.
    Can you restore that .iso to the Flash Drive as a CD/DVD instead of an image file?

  • Cannot create your bootable usb stick

    Hi all,
    I'm new to bootcamp and I have the following problem:
    When I'm creating a Windows 7 usb drive, it gives me an error "Cannot create your bootable usb stick there was a problem copying files".
    I've tried searching google for the problem, but the only possible solutions I've got was to unmount the iso image and try again, but when I do that I still get the same error and when I check the disk utility I find the iso image is mounted again.
    Does anyone haven an idea about what to do.
    OS X Yosemite 10.10.2
    MacBook Pro Retina 13-inch Mid 2014
    2,6Ghz Core i%
    8 GB 1600 MHz ddr3
    Thanks in advance!

    Please see the Microsoft reference and the second link has an example.
    Bootcamp Windows 8.1 "No Images Are Available"

  • Problem with T60 and USB Sticks

    All -
    I can't understand it but I have a huge problem with USB devices and my T60.
    EVERY USB device works 100% fine - despite of USB memory/HDD/other memory devices.
    Neither USB HDD or USB Sticks nor a SD drive via USB - no media is accecpted.
    I always get back: "Media not formatted".
    If I do format everthing works - but only with this notebook.
    So I am not able to share data with other computer - or not able to get my pics from my cam... 
    Please can you help?
    Thank you very much in advance,
    Message Edited by ibigfoot2008 on 09-05-2008 10:04 AM
    Message Edited by ibigfoot2008 on 09-05-2008 10:05 AM
    Message Edited by ibigfoot2008 on 09-05-2008 10:05 AM

    I hate to say it, but I agree with carbon_unit, this sounds like a Windows problem.
    As a long shot you could try uninstalling all USB hubs in Device Manager, re-install the Chipset Drivers and restart the sytem to allow the USB hubs automatically installed again. I doubt this will help, but it's all I could think of.
    Andy  ______________________________________
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  • How to format my macbook pro and I dont have my lion cd or usb stick?

    How to format my macbook pro and I dont have my lion cd or usb stick?

    try this
    If you don't have the original PSWD, your beat, so tough if your a kid trying to be a kid

  • Can i use a connection cable to watch movies saved on my usb stick on my ipad mini as i have run out of storage space

    Hi all, i am going on holiday soon and want to watch all the movie from itunes however my ipad is only 16gb and cannot hold all the videos, any advice on how i could watch the films on my ipad my connecting it too my ipod touch (32GB) or iphone (32gb) or a usb stick so i can hold the extra movies on another device.
    thanks for any advice.

    There are some wireless external hard drives that can be used with the iPad.
    Best iPad External Hard Drive Storage Options age-options/
    iPad Storage Solutions
    SanDisk Connect Wireless Media Drive
    Another option:
    Expand your iPad's storage capacity with HyperDrive
    On the road with a camera, an iPad, and a Hyperdrive
     Cheers, Tom

  • Please explain me, how to remove an usb stick or memory chip? With experiences only in pc:s, I do not find on my first apple e.g. MacBook Air a solution. Until now I have succeeded to destroy one chip full of photos and - there's no life more in the port.

    Please explain me, how to remove an usb stick or memory chip? With experiences only in pc:s, I do not find on my first apple e.g. MacBook Air a solution. Until now I have succeeded to destroy one chip full of photos and - there's no life more in the port...
    Someone told me just to remove the chip in clicking it to the trash can and voilá - it would be done. But as I did so, on the screen appeared a text which let me know, that that way had been the wrong one...
    I should have clicked Finder plus something.... which I do not now remember but which was then not found behind the Finder.
    So please would someone be so kind and tell me, where I can find explanations for the most simple functions. The manual I got does not include a clue.
    Thank you!

    First make sure that no application is using or has open any files on the disk. Then:
    Click and drag the disk icon on the desktop to the trash. Wait for the system to recognize the action, and the icon should disappear from the desktop. It is then safe to remove the device.
    Alternatively, you can secondary click on the disk icon, and then primary click "Eject (name of disk)". Wait for the icon to disappear off the desktop, and then it is safe to remove the drive.
    Here is a detailed help document on the subject.

  • Time machine backup from USB stick doesn't work

    Hi all,
    I've got an MacBook Air (1st gen) with Lion, with a 80GB internal HD. This HD is quite full now, so I decided to move my rather large iPhoto library (c. 30GB) to an external 64GB USB stick. Up to that point, everything worked well.
    I'd like to include the USB stick to my Time Machine Backup. The USB Stick is formatted as HFS+. It appears in the list of excluded drives in the Time Machine setup. If I click the 'minus' button to remove it from that list, it goes away, but comes back as soon as I leave the TM setup and reopen it. Accordingly, Time Machine does not generate any backups of the USB stick. The external Backup has enough free space to make a backup, so this should not be the problem.
    Any ideas how I could fix that problem?
    A workaround could be to use a 3rd party tool to backup the library. I tried Carbon Copy Cloner, but CC can not do incremental backups of bundles. Any recommendations?

    I am having the same issue on my macbook air (end 2010)
    I bought a 32gb usb stick and Time Machine always excludes it.
    I assume that Time Machine should be able to backup it.
    Could it be because it is a USB stick and not a USB hard drive ?
    Also as a workaround could be make that a usb stick is reconnized as a hard drive ?
    Any recommendations?

  • How to synchronize multiple computers via usb stick?

    I have three computers on which I work most of the time and I have some files, that I have to access/change on all three and thus I have to sync these files.  I would like to do this using an usb stick.  To do so, I formatted a partition on my usb stick as ext4 (without journaling) and then use unison to synchronize the files from one computer to the usb stick when I'm done working on one computer and before I start, I do the same.
    Unfortunately, I have different uid and gid on the different computers (and I cannot change that as I'm not admin on every one).  Unison can still take readable files from the usb stick and store them with my `correct' local uid, but unfortunately it cannot create new files/folders on the usb stick, as the folders are often with rwxr-xr-x permission.
    There are some suggestions, such as here to simply change the ownership of all files recursively, but since I'm not root, I cannot do that.  (Additionally this solution does not feel optimal, as I would have to change the permission bits with every mount -- and this is probably not the best to do to an usb stick(?).)
    So after the whole lament my actual questions:
      o Is there a file system, that can store permissions (such as redable/writable with user and group support), but that I can mount with changed permissions (e.g. translate uid=1023 to uid=17011 while mounting but leavin the actual bits set) and that is suitable for use with an usb stick?
      o Is there a tool to mount/remount the usb stick with `translated' permissions?
      o Is there any other solution you could think of to accomplish my syncing?  (Keep in mind, that sky/cloud drives are no possibilities, as not all of my computers have internet access.)
    Note:  The permissions (which file is rwx and which is only r--) is actually something I want to preserve during this sync-process -- that's why I used ext4 in the first place.
    Last edited by skunk_junior (2013-05-31 12:40:12)

    Trilby wrote:I'm confused, you say you want to preserve the permissions, but you also say you want to change them all to readble.
    I don't want to change the permissions stored on the usb stick.  I just want identical files on all my three systems (also with the permissions set correctly), but I want to use my local uid instead of the uid stored on the stick.  So that the mounting system does not see ``uid=1023 has rwx for file /mnt/foo'', as it's stored on the usb stick, but I want it to see ``uid=17011 has rwx for file /mnt/foo''.
    I Imagine some tool like a table that links the actual, stored, uid on the stick (1023) to the one, I want my system to perceive (17011).
    If I make a file executable, I want to keep that information.  If I store that file on a fat, it's lost.
    Last edited by skunk_junior (2013-05-31 13:08:40)

  • How do I use a USB stick (SafeStick) with my MacBook Pro

    I have an encrypted USB stick for use with Windows and SNow Leopard.  When I upgraded to Lion is stopped working on my Mac.  Any ideas please?

    Did you ever find out what to do, this has happened to me too.  Apple support could not help as the machine was not recognising the safestick.
    Also I am concerned that even if I fix it then the person I want to give it to will also have the same problem.
    regards Ro

  • How to use iPad (4th gen) to edit with iMovie - but using an external source such as a USB stick or external USB hard drive

    Want to use my iPad (4th gen) to edit a movie using iMovie - easy enough if the movie file is on the iPad - but what if it's too large - can I keep the source file on a USB stick or external USB hard drive and edit from there?  How can you do this?

    You can't export any type of file using the camera connection kit, so a USB flash drive or SD card won't work.
    There are some wireless external hard drives that can be used with the iPad.
    The Kingston Wi-Drive, which costs $50 for the 16 Gigabyte, and then $30 more for every 16 gigs more. It works by you turning it on and then accessing the files on it from an app that you download on your iDevice. You can access music, movies, and other stuff. No connections or anything, it works like a WiFi connection, you connect to it from the setting on the iPad under wireless networks.
    Then there is the Seagate GoFlex, which some would recommend over the Wi-Drive. But this one costs $199 and had 500 Gigabytes of storage. It works the sameway as the Kingston: no wires, runs over its wireless connection. You can actually fit up to 300 HD movies on it.
    Another option:
    Expand your iPad's storage capacity with HyperDrive
    On the road with a camera, an iPad, and a Hyperdrive
     Cheers, Tom

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