Use a skin from dreamweaver

I would like to use for a webvideo the skin Halo_skin_3.swf that is giving with dreamweaver.
I realised that I need the fla file, otherwise it will not work. I'm new with flash and I don't know if it is possible to do recreate the fla or just to find it somewhere.
Can someone give me some ideas

If i understoold your req correctly you have a report A with a column say X and once you click on a particular value from the Column X you should be navigated to report B which should be filtered on the value that is being clicked to achieve this first you have to set the navigation path on column X to report B . This can be done on the column properties and then Column Format tab. In that in Column heading interaction select navigate and then set the path to report B. Now in Report A and Report B set "Is Prompted" on Column X. This will pass the value on which column X is being clicked.

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    OK.  Did you really mean to ask this question on a ColdFusion forum, if it's DreamWeaver you're having problems with?  You're probably better off raising this on a DreamWeaver forum.  "Using the correct tool for the job" 'n'all.

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    > but selecting any link from that or subsequent pages
    You are being confused by a) not understanding root relative
    vs document
    relative links, and b) not understanding how DW previews
    If I have a document with a link to an image that looks like
    this -
    <img src="/images/foo.gif"...
    That's what's called a root relative link.
    If I preview that document in DW, then the browser gets the
    document, sees
    the leading "/" and reads that as the root of the hard drive,
    since the
    browser has no idea where the root of the site is. Thus, the
    image is
    broken in the preview.
    If I have temp files enabled, then DW will secretly convert
    the file being
    previewed into a temporary file, and hand that to the
    browser. This temp
    file has had all root relative links converted to document
    relative links
    (as you will see by looking at the code in the browser), and
    has had all
    include files actually embedded in the page, and has had all
    external CSS
    and js markup embedded in the page. In other words, DW has
    made the
    document into a stand-alone page.
    If you do not have temp files enabled, all of these links
    would be broken on
    Now - if you are using root relative links, AND you have temp
    files enabled,
    AND you click away from the previewed document, then all of
    your links will
    be broken, since DW has not made that linked file into a temp
    file. This is
    what you are seeing.
    So - if you want to click away on preview, then you must use
    relative links for the site -
    <img src="../images/foo.gif"... (for example)
    These will still work on preview since the browser knows how
    to determine
    the current file's location and how to follow that path.
    Make sense?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "gbiras" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > The problem seems to relate to files opening as ?
    > ....
    > when sent from Dreamweaver 8.0 to Firefox
    > The first html/php page loads correctly from dreamweaver
    as processed
    > HTML, a
    > second page linked from either an HTML or php page also
    loads correctly,
    > but
    > selecting any link from that or subsequent pages
    displays the full php
    > code
    > instead of processed html layout - so this appears to be
    a third level or
    > greater problem.
    > If I manually substitute -
    http://localhost/ ? the problem does
    not arise.
    > This is a problem with version 3 of firefox, all
    previous versions I used
    > worked fine with both ? file:///C:/localweb/ and
    > Both prefixes also appear with pure HTML sites, but they
    load and function
    > correctly.
    > Not every php site I have loads with
    file:///C:/localweb/, so I am
    > wondering
    > if this relates to something in the php code or
    Dreamweaver - I have
    > conn.php
    > set to:
    > mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or
    > I use winxp and have xampp installed - everything worked
    fine until I
    > installed Firefox 3

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    Thank you Jon, that fixed it perfectly. You have saved me from going crazy. The only difference I see now is in "Server Name" it changed what I had entered (my ftp address) to "Remote Server"; which seems odd -- but it works!   Although I know there maybe also some other dialog box I have never seen
    Of course I saw that menu item "Import"  and but I thought thats obviously not for me: "Why would I want to import an entire website?". I did not however see "Export the selected site" for thats only a tiny icon in the footer. However I would have thought the same:  "Why would I want to export my entire website?".
    An observation: I've seen this problem in a lot of Adobe software, the menu-names of items are  obscure, non descriptive. What would be better would be for the menu names or popups to say "Export Site Setup settings" and "Import Site Setup settings"

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    Kinda forget :(
    Or shall i use FTP software, which one is good?

    Which part of the F1 Help files are you not following?
    Really. It's all
    right there under FTP.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "owaisrauf" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ek1npn$pbc$[email protected]..
    > Can you explain me how to do it..
    > I have gone to SITE and then Manage Sites, and then
    clicked New.
    > And put FTP information of the Server.
    > But how shall i transfer files.
    > PLease explain in detail i will appreciate it

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    DW CC = ver 13. DW CS6 = ver 12.  You need to download & install CS6 alongside CC.
    CS6 Direct Downloads.  Be sure to follow the VERY IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS or it won't work.
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    Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401)
    Expected end of statement
    /MyBlog/Connections/connBlog.asp, line 9, column 38
    MM_connBlog_STRING = Provider=SQLOLEDB;workstation
    id="FAZ-F6EE655890B";integrated security=SSPI;data
    source="FAZ-F6EE655890B\SQLEXPRESS";persist security
    info=False;initial catalog=MyBlog;
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    conn isnot right but when I define a conn using the built in
    dreamweaver's dialogue and test it, it says that the test
    succeeded.Also in the dialogue for the "login page" it shows the
    values of fields from the database, so it is definitely connecting
    to the database.So I don't know why am i getting this error.Please
    someone help!

    See if this TechNote helps:
    ASP error "VBScript compilation error '800a0401' "
    Are you using the ASP VBScript server model?
    Try creating a simple recordset that displays all records
    from a table and
    see if you can get that to work. It's less complex code than
    the user
    authentication server behavior and might help to isolate the
    David Alcala
    Adobe Product Support

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    Nancy-O posted this recently.  You might find it helpful.
    Achieving consistent results across email clients is not as straightforward as it should be!

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    server folder, web url fields,...when define a LOCAL HOST SERVER what must insert? I have XAMPP...htdocs/ win7...?

    It is best to download scripts from Github and save them in your local site folder.
    To set-up a local testing server in DW see screenshots below.  Replace C:\wamp\www\ with xampp\htdocs
    Make sure Xampp is running.
    Nancy O.

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Maybe you are looking for

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